Benevolent & Protective Order Of Elks - Rapid City, South Dakota Volume 35, No. 3 R APID C ITY E LK H EARD THE 605-393-1187 • www.rcelks.org September 2017 Like us on Facebook Boy Scout Troop 1187’s celebration of 50 continuous years of sponsorship by our Rapid City Elks Lodge 1187 was a very nice event at our lodge Sunday, Aug. 20. Presentation of the colors, Pledge of Allegiance, the Boy Scout oath and the Boy Scout Law were presented. It was very refreshing to see a group of young men so focused and so committed to their goals. Present Elk members, past members and Scoutmasters of Troop 1187 through the years who attended the cere- mony were Ron Sandstrom, Guy Smith, Bob Boyer, Vic Burckhard and Arlo Heine. Congratulations to all the Boy Scouts, Scout lead- ers and parents of Scouts on an excellent program. Thanks to our State Elks President Tom LaFramboise for speaking at the ceremony. Thanks also to his wife, Roberta, who joined members of Does Drove 33, Lodge officers, Elks and friends at the festivities. Our State Elks Convention will be Oct. 6 and 7 at the Ramkota Convention Center in Rapid City. Registration is from 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, with sessions from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Watch for Bingo starting in October. Sign up now for the Sept. 2 Labor Day Golf Scramble. Each team in the scramble will have an A, B, B, C and D player, very similar to Friday Scramble play. Come out, sign up, meet some new people and enjoy your- self. Speaking of golf and Holes n 1 Galore, congratulations to Laurie M, RVP, John C, Jason R, Dave K, Teresa W, Darrell A and our most romantic and fun-loving couple Cara B and Russ B. Welcome to the Hole n 1 Club. My Elk of the Month is Robert Scull of RCS Construction for delivering 10 tons of ground millings to the Golf Course. William ‘Skeet’ Hamiel, Exalted Ruler 2017-2018 Elks and Scouts celebrate 50 years Thank you former 1187 Scoutmasters (from left) Vic Burckhard, Guy Smith, Arlo Heine and Ron Sandstrom. Thanks to Est. Loyal Knight Rex Goon for the Scout pictures.

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Benevolent & Protective Order Of Elks - Rapid City, South Dakota

Volume 35, No. 3



605-393-1187 • www.rcelks.org September 2017

Like us on Facebook

Boy Scout Troop 1187’s celebration of 50 continuousyears of sponsorship by our Rapid City Elks Lodge 1187was a very nice event at our lodge Sunday, Aug. 20.

Presentation of the colors, Pledge of Allegiance, theBoy Scout oath and the Boy Scout Law were presented.It was very refreshing to see a group of young men sofocused and so committed to their goals.

Present Elk members, past members and Scoutmastersof Troop 1187 through the years who attended the cere-mony were Ron Sandstrom, Guy Smith, Bob Boyer, VicBurckhard and Arlo Heine.

Congratulations to all the Boy Scouts, Scout lead-ers and parents of Scouts on an excellent program.Thanks to our State Elks President TomLaFramboise for speaking at the ceremony. Thanksalso to his wife, Roberta, who joined members ofDoes Drove 33, Lodge officers, Elks and friends atthe festivities.

Our State Elks Convention will be Oct. 6 and 7 atthe Ramkota Convention Center in Rapid City.Registration is from 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, withsessions from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Saturday.

Watch for Bingo starting in October.Sign up now for the Sept. 2 Labor Day Golf

Scramble. Each team in the scramble will have an A, B,

B, C and D player, very similar to Friday Scramble play.Come out, sign up, meet some new people and enjoy your-self.

Speaking of golf and Holes n 1 Galore, congratulations toLaurie M, RVP, John C, Jason R, Dave K, Teresa W, DarrellA and our most romantic and fun-loving couple Cara B and RussB. Welcome to the Hole n 1 Club.

My Elk of the Month is Robert Scull of RCS Construction fordelivering 10 tons of ground millings to the Golf Course.

William ‘Skeet’ Hamiel, Exalted Ruler 2017-2018

Elks and Scouts celebrate 50 years

Thank you former 1187 Scoutmasters (from left) Vic Burckhard,Guy Smith, Arlo Heine and Ron Sandstrom. Thanks to Est. LoyalKnight Rex Goon for the Scout pictures.

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Rapid City, SD 57701

USPS – 679-310 ISSN – 074-49933

Published Monthly

Membership includes subscription to the Heard


PUBLICATIONSubscription rate for non- members is $25 per year.

Postmaster – Send change of address to

R.C. Elks Heard

3333 Jolly Lane, Rapid City, SD 57703-6085

Phone 605-393-1187




3333 Jolly Lane

Rapid City, South Dakota 57703

LODGE STAFF 605-393-1187

Secretary’s Office......................................................393-1187

Pro Shop...................................................................393-0522

General Manager ..............................................Aaron Roeber


Exalted Ruler....................................William ‘Skeeter’ Hamiel

Est. Leading Knight..........................................Bobby Malone

Est. Loyal Knight ...................................................Rex Goon

Est. Lecturing Knight..........................................Paul Gillings

Lodge Secretary................................................Dennis Riske

Lodge Treasurer........................................................................


Andy Gay..................................................................... 1 Year

Weston Chapman.........................................................2 Years

Ted English...................................................................3 Years

Shawn Bolton...............................................................4 Years

Al Sarver......................................................................5 Years


Esquire....................................................Gerald Cummings Jr.

Inner Guard...................................................Paul Christensen


Chaplain.................................................................Bill Trankle



Accident Prevention...........................................Aaron Roeber

Activities Committee.................................................................

Americanism............................................................Neil Harris

Auditing...............................................................Dennis Riske

Christmas Baskets...................................................................

Drug Awareness.....................................Gerald Cummings Jr.

Elks National Foundation....................................Dennis Riske

Flag Day..................................................................Neil Harris

Golf Committee...................................................Howard Rice

Head Golf Professional......................................Aaron Roeber

Heard Editor...........................................................Sally Farrar

Hoop Shoot.............................................................Todd Miller


Investigation..........................................................Kurt Werner


Memorial..............................................................Bob Windjue

Memorial Sunday......................................................................

National Service/Vets..............................................Neil Harris

PER Association.......................................................Andy Gay

Presiding Justice....................................................Brian Hagg

Protocol.............................................................Dean Reichert

Pull Tabs...................................................................................

Public Relations Coordinator....................................................


Scholarships............................................................Ron Reed

Social Activities.................................................Lodge Officers

Social & Community Welfare...................................................

Youth Activities..................................................Lodge Officers


Lots of time for golf, don’t be left out

ELGA end-of-year meeting Sept. 15

An impressive array of Golden Boot awards lined a table of memorabilia at the50th year of Elks 1187 sponsorship ceremony Aug. 20.

Hello Golfers, September, Whoa? What happened

to August? No idea here. Hope youcan get out and enjoy the course whilethe weather is still nice. Time is fadingaway fast!

No looking back now. We have toomuch going on at the course thismonth.

Sept. 2, Labor day weekend scrambleSept. 9, Black Hills HomebuildersSept. 16, One-Person ScrambleWe will again offer our Fall Special

Rates beginning in late September andrunning throughout the winter.

Hope to see you golfing soon!

Aaron and the entire golf staff

Hi LadiesThe end of the year meeting and

party will be Sept. 19, beginning at5:30 at the Elks with a Taco Bar.

Be thinking of new officers for theupcoming year and what we will dowith the excess money in our treasury.

Congratulations to all of the winners

of the Club Championship great jobLadies. Thank you again to Shirley fordoing the tournament.

Congratulations to the Derby win-ners. Big thank you to Sue Mulz forrunning the Derby.

Sandy McDonald, ELGA President


DecorationsSale Oct. 7

Does of Drove 33 are starting the fall season with prepa-rations for the district meeting in Winner Sept. 22 and 23.

They also are getting ready for the HOLIDAY DECO-RATION SALE at the Lodge Oct. 7 featuring items forevery season.

A huge shout out to Romy Thomas for her efforts for avery successful golf tournament. Her hard work showed.

Karlene Schmidt, reporter

Welcome new Elks (from left) Jamin Tremmel, Jeffrey Burke and Sam Hermanson

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Brunch every Sunday from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Kids, 6.99: Seniors 10.99; Adults 11.99

Grill will be open from 1 to 6 p.m.Stop in for a burger and some wings!

$.50 off wells, domestic drafts

Windsor Wednesday $2.50

Thirsty Thursday Lord Calvert or Seagrams 7-


Crown Royal $4

Tanqueray Tuesday - $3

Lodge MeetingSept. 6 & 20 , 7 p.m.

PERs meetingSept. 6, 6:15 p.m.

Jack Daniels-Jim Beam$3


Morgan Monday $2.75


Board meetingSept. 19, 7 p.m.

HOURS: The lodge is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. until closing.Kitchen hours 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday Breakfast Buffet, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 1to 6 p.m. Grill will be open. Stop in for a burger or some wings.

Please follow us on Facebook or on our website

Access a color versionof Heard on web: www.rcelks.org

Save postage, take yourself off mailing list. CallDennis 393-1187

Thanks for all your support. We look forward to seeing you soon!Makayon and the entire lodge staff

Remember we’re back to two meetings a monthPlease come and support your lodge!


OCT. 6 and 7Ramkota Convention Center

There is still plenty of timeto enjoy golf but fall is a great time

to come out, walk aroundenjoy, and why not introduce

family, friends and neighbors to yourElks Lodge and its many activities!

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Please make note of the fact that as of Sept. 6 ElksLodge 1187 will return to its regular schedule of meet-ings on the first and third Wednesdays of each monththrough June 2018. Meetings begin at 7 p.m.

The board will meet Sept. 19, beginning at 7 p.m. AllElks are welcome.

During the Aug. 2 meeting, Trustee Alan Sarverexplained that the pump house, vandalized by fireworks inearly July, has been returned to service. He said the soft-


PAIDRapid City, SD

Name Born Init Died

Vince Seaman05/03/34 01/27/68 07/10/17

An Elk is never forgotten!

Around the Lodge in Bits and Pieces,


Sept. 2 -- Labor Day weekend scrambleSept. 6-- PERs meeting, 6:15 p.m.

Lodge meeting, 7 p.m.Sept. 16 -- One-Person ScrambleSept. 19 -- ELGA party, 5:30 p.m.

Board meeting, 7 p.m.Sept. 20 -- Lodge meeting, 7 p.m.Sept. 22-23 -- Does District Meeting

in WinnerOct. 6-7 -- State Elks Convention

Ramkota Convention CenterOct. 7 -- Does decorations sale

For all the holidays, at the lodge

ware was up and operating properly and the repairs were“helped” by Lodge insurance.

At the same meeting, National Veterans ServiceCommittee Chairman Neil Harris gave his July report, not-ing that Est. Leading Knight Bobby Malone and the ProShop staff were hosts to 18 veterans and one staff memberfrom the Hot Springs VA Medical Center for a golf outing,reportedly “another huge success and the veterans “had ablast.”

July 27, Tim and Paula Werlinger, Dale Clelland andLinda Harris were hosts for another of the very popularcookouts at the Fort Meade VA Medical Center. Mak pro-vided hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, potato salad and bakedbeans. And, the veterans were already looking forward to arepeat in August.

That same evening 10 veterans, one family member andone staff member were treated to the monthly bingo night.Donuts and sodas were distributed along with $70 in cashprizes.

Harris also reported that he had deposited $390 the lodgereceived from Joe Peterson, treasurer of the South DakotaElks Association, to support programs and activities forveterans at Fort Meade. A continuing effort of the stateassociation.

Please make a special effort to welcome Elks attendingthe State Elks Convention Oct. 6 and 7. The official meet-ings will be at the Ramkota Convention Center. Any Elkis welcome to the general sessions. Please see SecretaryDennis Riske or any officer or trustee for more informa-tion.

Sally Farrar, Heard EditorBrother Glenn Kjerstad was names August Elk of the Monthby ER William ‘Skeet’ Hamiel.