BENCHMARK RATE REFORM - Scotiabank...3 Introduction Benchmark Rate Reform refers to the global, ongoing initiative to analyse, review, enhance and in some cases, replace, major financial

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Page 1: BENCHMARK RATE REFORM - Scotiabank...3 Introduction Benchmark Rate Reform refers to the global, ongoing initiative to analyse, review, enhance and in some cases, replace, major financial


JUNE 2019

Page 2: BENCHMARK RATE REFORM - Scotiabank...3 Introduction Benchmark Rate Reform refers to the global, ongoing initiative to analyse, review, enhance and in some cases, replace, major financial



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Q1 What is Benchmark Rate Reform? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Q2 What are the drivers of Benchmark Rate Reform? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Q3 Which benchmarks are involved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Q4 How will the transition to new benchmarks work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Q5 How will legacy contracts be affected? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Q6 What is fallback language or trigger language in relation to financial contracts? . . . 7

Q7 Is there a standard approach to fallback language or trigger language? . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Cash Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Q8 What can firms do now to prepare for the potential cessation of certain benchmark rates? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Q9 When will market infrastructure develop to incorporate the new rates? . . . . . . . . . . 10

Q10 What have been identified as the key risks to firms associated with a transition to alternative reference rates? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Q11 What measures are the regulators taking in each jurisdiction? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Fig . 1 - Summary of Alternative Reference Rates by jurisdiction in each major currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Summary of External References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Page 3: BENCHMARK RATE REFORM - Scotiabank...3 Introduction Benchmark Rate Reform refers to the global, ongoing initiative to analyse, review, enhance and in some cases, replace, major financial



Benchmark Rate Reform refers to the global, ongoing initiative to analyse,

review, enhance and in some cases, replace, major financial benchmarks over

time, in addition to the increased regulation of the administrators,

contributors and users of those benchmarks .

The financial benchmarks at the centre of the global discussion are Interbank

Offered Rates (IBORs), which play a central role in financial markets, and act as

reference rates to hundreds of trillions of dollars in notional amount of

derivatives and trillions of dollars in bonds, loans, securitisations and

deposits1 .

The purpose of these Frequently Asked Questions is to raise awareness with

respect to the nature of the transformation underway and expected timelines,

with a focus on the transition away from IBORs to alternative reference rates,

and to help answer any questions you may have about that process . The

document also provides references to key resources, information and

websites designed to address this topic in detail .

1 https://www .isda .org/a/OqrEE/IBOR-Transition-Report .pdf

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Q1 What is Benchmark Rate Reform?

There are two main components to Benchmark Rate Reform:

1 . The analysis, review and enhancement, or possible replacement of, major

benchmarks over time;

2 . Regulation and codes of conduct aimed at ensuring the integrity and

accuracy of existing benchmarks and ongoing supervision of benchmarks by

national competent authorities

This document focuses on (1) but question Q11 provides an overview of (2) .

Q2 What are the drivers of Benchmark Rate Reform?

In 2014, the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a group composed of global

regulators, undertook a review of major interest rate benchmarks such as

EURIBOR, LIBOR and TIBOR2 . In a paper entitled Reforming Major Interest Rate

Benchmarks, the FSB made recommendations relating to measures to

strengthen existing benchmarks and other potential reference rates based on

interbank markets, as well as developing alternative, nearly risk-free reference

rates .

Based on the recommendations of the 2014 FSB Report, measures were

implemented to strengthen and reform IBORs . One of the objectives of the

reform efforts was to ensure LIBOR rates were adequately reflective of, and

anchored in, actual transactions in the market . Despite these efforts, however,

the sustainability of the rates was called into question due to the significant

decline in the underlying transactions in the market underpinning those

benchmarks .

Working groups established in each of the jurisdictions related to the major

currencies of IBOR (US, UK, EU, Switzerland and Japan) sought to find

alternative reference rates . A speech by Andrew Bailey in July 20173 set

a timeline for transition away from LIBOR, explaining that an agreement had

been made with panel banks to voluntarily sustain LIBOR for a four to five year

period (until end-2021), and that at the end of that period, the FCA would no

longer compel or oblige banks to make submissions to support LIBOR .

2 Reforming major interest rate benchmarks http://www .fsb .org/2014/07/r_140722/

3 https://www .fca .org .uk/news/speeches/the-future-of-libor

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Q3 Which benchmarks are involved?

Benchmark Rate Reform discussions are largely centred around the London

Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), a short-term interest rate that provides an

indication of the average rates at which banks could obtain wholesale,

unsecured funding for set periods in particular currencies .

LIBOR is produced for five currencies (CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY and USD) and in

seven tenors (Overnight/Spot Next, 1 Week, 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months,

6 Months and 12 Months) based on submissions from a reference panel of

between 11 and 16 banks for each currency, resulting in the publication of

35 rates every applicable London business day .

In Canada, the Canadian Alternative Reference Rate (CARR) working group

was created by the Bank of Canada to identify a Canadian dollar term risk-free

rate benchmark that is robust, reliable, and resilient to any market stress, that

is consistent with the IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks, and that is

compliant with any applicable regulations .

In July, 2018, CARR selected an existing Canadian overnight risk-free rate, the

Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA), as the risk free alternative

to CDOR4 . More recently, a consultation paper was published by the group on

proposed enhancements to CORRA⁵ . The Bank of Canada held a series of

roundtables, open to all market participants, to discuss the proposed, revised

methodology for CORRA . The Bank of Canada would like a broad response to

this consultation from a broad array of current and potential users of

Canadian interest rate benchmarks, such as banks, broker-dealers,

non-financial corporations, pension funds, and asset managers .

Q4 How will the transition to new benchmarks work?

RFRs have now been established in each of the jurisdictions where currencies

of LIBOR exist (see appendix for summary of RFRs in each major jurisdiction) .

RFRs have been developed and introduced, reformed and reintroduced, or are

in the process of being developed and will be introduced in the coming

months or years . For example, the alternative RFR for USD LIBOR was created

in 2017 and introduced to the market in 2018 . In the UK, SONIA, the RFR for

GBP LIBOR was reformed and reintroduced to the market in 2018 .

4 https://www .bankofcanada .ca/markets/canadian-alternative-reference-rate-working-group/

5 https://www .bankofcanada .ca/2019/02/bank-canada-publishes-canadian-alternative-reference-rate-working-groups-consultation-paper/

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In addition, not all markets will abandon their IBOR rates . For the moment, we

expect CDOR to continue being available in the market concurrently with the

alternative overnight rate, CORRA .

In LIBOR jurisdictions, however, where it is expected the rate will be

discontinued, a wholesale transition to the RFR is contemplated, and

regulators are encouraging firms to use RFRs in place of LIBOR as a means

of effectively transitioning away from LIBOR .

There are a number of factors which contribute to the success of this


• Growing liquidity in products referencing RFRs, and the ability of firms to

adapt systems, models and processes to facilitate a move to the new rates

• The ability of the industry to come to consensus on transition

methodology, fallback language and trigger language for legacy


• The ability of market infrastructure (trading venues, CCPs etc .) to

incorporate the RFRs into existing systems and processes

The process for transition may vary according to the RFR, product type or

market, and risk could be introduced if transition happens at different times

for different rates, product types or market .

Q5 How will legacy contracts be affected?

If some benchmarks cease to exist at a point in the future, any contracts

referencing that benchmark that have a maturity beyond the point of

discontinuation will need to be given on how to transition to a new

benchmark and when that transition occurs . RFRs are unlikely to exactly

replicate the economics of IBOR rates, because IBORs incorporate two key

elements that the RFRs do not: a) a term structure, and b) a credit spread .

The overnight rates that have been chosen as RFRs in each jurisdiction reflect

a rate at a point in time, and are based on actual transactions in the

underlying market .

The way in which legacy contracts are handled will depend on the nature of

the product and mechanisms available in each case to ensure the contract

“falls back” to the RFR selected by the parties . In the case of the derivatives

market, the International Securities and Derivatives association (ISDA) has

been working with the industry to formulate a transition methodology to

RFRs that is streamlined, and minimizes the economic impact of falling back

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from an IBOR rate to an RFR . ISDA is in the process of publishing a series of

consultations on the topic and seeking industry feedback on the best way to

approach this methodology . The consultations set out options for

adjustments that would apply to the fallback rate in the event an IBOR is

permanently discontinued⁶ . Additionally Bloomberg provided some

data analysis to illustrate the effects of different approaches to the transition

methodology⁷ . This is discussed in more detail below .

Q6 What is fallback language or trigger language in relation to financial contracts?

As discussed above, where benchmarks such as LIBOR are discontinued,

contracts that have a maturity beyond the point of discontinuation need to

be assessed for the impact on payment obligations that are based on LIBOR .

Where a rate can no longer be used, there will be a “triggering” event that

will cause the discontinuation . For the derivatives market, those triggers

have been proposed as follows (see excerpt from ISDA website on

possible triggers):

1 . A public statement by the supervisor of the relevant IBOR administrator

of the insolvency of such IBOR administrator (and there is no successor

administrator that will continue publication of the relevant IBOR);

2 . A public statement by the relevant IBOR administrator that it will cease

publishing the relevant IBOR permanently or indefinitely (and there is no

successor administrator that will continue publication of the relevant


3 . A public statement by the supervisor for the relevant IBOR administrator

that the relevant IBOR has been permanently or indefinitely

discontinued; or

4 . A public statement by the supervisor for the relevant IBOR administrator

that the relevant IBOR may no longer be used .

Once the triggering event has occurred, fallback provisions would be invoked .

The trigger for implementing the fallback provision may be either the

cessation of the original benchmark or some event indicating that the

benchmark will either become unavailable at some point in the future,

6 https://www .isda .org/2018/12/20/benchmark-fallbacks-consultation/

7 http://assets .isda .org/media/8d902403/99707168-pdf/

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or an event indicating that the rate has become unrepresentative of market

conditions (pre-cessation) . Pre-cessation triggers have been discussed more

broadly in discussions referencing cash market contracts .

Q7 Is there a standard approach to fallback language or trigger language?

Historically, many financial contracts have contemplated the possibility that

a benchmark may be unavailable, but more in the context of an outage

of benchmark rate data for a temporary period of time, rather than

a permanent cessation .

Consultations have been published by various industry bodies in relation to

specific products types to gather industry feedback aimed at converging on

standardized language both for the rate to which the contract will fallback,

and the trigger for when the fallback language will take effect . There are

differences in the approach to fallback language dependent upon the

product type and nature of the contract .


It is expected that counterparties to ISDA-based derivatives contracts based

on LIBOR and other IBOR rates will be able to sign an ISDA protocol (once

released later in 2019) that will allow for all relevant terms pertaining to the

fallback rates and methodologies applicable to those rates to be incorporated

into the existing IBOR-based contracts . By virtue of the protocol, if adopted by

the parties, all relevant adjustments will be made to the contract to

accommodate the differences between IBORs and the fallback RFRs .

Cash Products

The US working group, the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC)

has taken the lead gathering industry feedback on the preferred approach

to fallback language for cash products . Consultations have been published

related to several cash products (floating rate loans, syndicated loans, bilateral

loans, and securitisations)⁸ . Based on those consultations, the ARRC published

its recommendations for More Robust Contract Language for New Issuances

of USD LIBOR based Syndicated Loans and Floating Rate Notes⁹ on

April 25, 2019 .

8 https://www .newyorkfed .org/arrc/fallbacks-contract-language

9 https://www .newyorkfed .org/medialibrary/Microsites/arrc/files/2019/FRN_Fallback_Language .pdf, https://www .newyorkfed .org/medialibrary/Microsites/arrc/files/2019/Syndicated_Loan_Fallback_Language .pdf

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These recommendations outline draft language parties may consider putting

into new contracts that reference USD LIBOR to ensure these contracts will

continue to be effective in the event that LIBOR is no longer usable . In some

cases, the use of the ARRC’s recommended language will still require

amendments to those the agreements, according to the terms, as a means

of settling on the applicable RFR along with any adjustments thereto .

Additionally, regional trade associations such as the Loan Syndicated and

Trade Association and the Loan Market Association have been working with

the industry to raise awareness of changes required in the cash markets and

to gather industry feedback on the preferred approach10 .

Q8 What can firms do now to prepare for the potential cessation of certain benchmark rates?

Global trade associations joined together in 2017 to produce some guidance

to complement the effort led by the global regulators and the RFR working

groups . They produced a Global Benchmark Transition Roadmap11 published

in Feb 2018 (the Roadmap), commissioned a Global IBOR Market Survey, and

published the results of the survey in the IBOR Global Benchmark Transition

Report12 in July 2018 (the Report) .

The Roadmap provides an overview of the background and drivers behind

benchmark rate reform, aggregates information published across regulatory

bodies and the working groups, and aimed to raise market awareness of the

transition challenges identified at the time .

The Report provides feedback from over 150 firms across 24 countries as to

general awareness of the topic of transition away from IBORs, the challenges

identified and also aggregates other publicly available information which may

be helpful to market participants as they address their exposure to IBORs .

It provides a checklist of tasks which firms may want to consider in preparing

for transition .

10 https://www .lsta .org/news-and-resources/news/libor-fallbacks-syncing-loans-and-clos ; https://www .lma .eu .com/libor

11 https://www .isda .org/a/g2hEE/IBOR-Global-Transition-Roadmap-2018 .pdf

12 https://www .isda .org/a/OqrEE/IBOR-Transition-Report .pdf

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Q9 When will market infrastructure develop to incorporate the new rates?

The level of maturity of market infrastructure to develop new processes and

systems in response to progress of benchmark rate reform differs across

markets and relating to the maturity of the reference rate in each jurisdiction .

London Clearing House (LCH) published a statement in support of ISDA’s

recommended benchmark fallback approaches13 and it has been reported

that LCH intends to move towards SOFR discounting in 202014 .

Q10 What have been identified as the key risks to firms associated with a transition to alternative reference rates?

The ISDA IBOR Global Benchmark Transition Report referenced above

highlights the major challenges associated with transitioning to RFRs, such as

financial impacts, contractual challenges with respect to fallback and trigger

language, and general awareness, both internally and in relation to clients .

Furthermore the report outlines challenges with regards to tax and

accounting, regulatory risks, and the management of internal risk .

Q11 What measures are the regulators taking in each jurisdiction?

In addition to the working groups (summarised in Fig . 1 in the appendix),

regulators have also put in place measures to ensure the integrity and

accuracy of existing benchmarks and ongoing supervision of benchmarks by

national competent authorities . Regulators have also voiced their support for

the transition to RFR:


The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published for comment

a proposed rule, National Instrument 25-102 Designated Benchmarks and

Benchmark Administrators (Proposed NI 25-102) on March 14, 201915 .

13 https://www .lch .com/membership/ltd-membership/ltd-member-updates/lchs-position-respect-isdas-recommended-benchmark

14 https://www .risk .net/derivatives/6385026/lch-plans-2020-switch-to-sofr-discounting

15 https://www .securities-administrators .ca/aboutcsa .aspx?id=1777

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Proposed NI 25-102, if passed, would require benchmark administrators,

contributors and users of certain benchmarks to have procedures and plans

in place to deal with the cessation of critical benchmarks such as IBORs .


The European Securities and Markets Association (ESMA) enacted the EU

Benchmark Regulation on June 29, 2016 to regulate the administration and

use of critical benchmarks in the EU16 .

United States of America

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve have introduced weekly open

office hours to provide market participants with regular opportunities to ask

questions on key IBOR transition issues17 .

16 https://www .esma .europa .eu/policy-rules/benchmarks

17 https://www .newyorkfed .org/medialibrary/Microsites/arrc/files/2019/ARRC-Feb-12-2019-announcement .pdf

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Fig. 1 Summary of Alternative Reference Rates by jurisdiction in each major currency

Data as of March 31, 2019 .

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Summary of External References

1 . The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) - LIBOR administrator page on Transforming Global Benchmarks: https://www .theice .com/iba

2 . The US Working Group, the Alternative Reference Rates Committee: https://www .newyorkfed .org/arrc

3 . The Canadian Securities Administrators webpage about the proposed Canadian Benchmark Regulation: https://www .securities-administrators .ca/aboutcsa .aspx?id=1777

4 . The European Securities and Markets Association webpage about the EU Benchmark Regulation: https://www .esma .europa .eu/policy-rules/benchmarks

5 . Federal Reserve Open Office Hours Announcement: https://www .newyorkfed .org/medialibrary/Microsites/arrc/files/2019/ARRC-Feb-12-2019-announcement .pdf

6 . FCA Dear CEO letter details: https://www .fca .org .uk/publication/correspondence/dear-ceo-letter-firms-transition-from-libor-insurers .pdf

7 . The LCH position with respect to ISDA’s recommended Benchmark Fallback Approaches: https://www .lch .com/membership/ltd-membership/ltd-member-updates/lchs-position-respect-isdas-recommended-benchmark

8 . ARRC fallback language page: https://www .newyorkfed .org/arrc/fallbacks-contract-language

9 . The LSTA page on LIBOR fallbacks: https://www .lsta .org/news-and-resources/news/libor-fallbacks-syncing-loans-and-clos

10 . The LMA page on LIBOR: https://www .lma .eu .com/libor

11 . The ISDA Global Benchmark Transition Roadmap: https://www .isda .org/a/g2hEE/IBOR-Global-Transition-Roadmap-2018 .pdf

12 . The ISDA Global Benchmark Transition Report: https://www .isda .org/a/OqrEE/IBOR-Transition-Report .pdf

13 . The ISDA Benchmark Fallbacks Consultation: https://www .isda .org/2018/12/20/benchmark-fallbacks-consultation/

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14 . Bloomberg Illustration of the four approaches to adjusted RFRs and three spread adjustment methodologies: http://assets .isda .org/media/8d902403/99707168-pdf/

15 . FSB progress report ‘Reforming Major Interest Rate Benchmarks’ http://www .fsb .org/wp-content/uploads/P141118-1 .pdf

16 . The Canadian Working Group, The Canadian Alternative Reference Rates Committee: https://www .bankofcanada .ca/markets/canadian-alternative-reference-rate-working-group/

17 . The CARR Working Group Consultation paper: https://www .bankofcanada .ca/2019/02/bank-canada-publishes-canadian-alternative-reference-rate-working-groups-consultation-paper/

18 . The initial FSB report, ‘Reforming major interest rate benchmarks’ 2014: http://www .fsb .org/2014/07/r_140722/

19 . The transcript from the Andrew Bailey speech in July 2017: https://www .fca .org .uk/news/speeches/the-future-of-libor

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