The Age of The Trusted Advisor Over the next few issues of BENCHMARK, we will be featuring the key Awards competitions that are an annual feature of our publishing and events calendar. It is a time of year to reflect on what has happened in our industry and out in the big wide world. Having the chance to celebrate the good things and to highlight outstanding performance is one of the most satisfying aspects of our work at WealthAsia Media. We are gratified that so many of you are able to share these moments with us. This month our focus has been on the BENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards for 2014, the celebration dinner for which was held on November 12th at the Conrad Hotel. It was a great industry gathering and a lot of fun was had. See for yourself - In this edition we celebrate the individual Advisors who were successful in this years competition. See them taking part in the competition and then, the best bit, celebrating at the Wealth Management Awards dinner. In the next edition of BENCHMARK we will focus on the companies who were voted THE BEST IN CLASS for 2014. Thank you again to our sponsors, all the participants and of course the winners in the Advisors to Trust Competition. Turn to page 40 for full details. As we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Wealth Management Awards and Advisor of the Year Awards, and the 11th year of our Fund of the Year Awards, we are humbled by the trust that you have placed in our hands. Our Awards are not easy to win, or easy to judge for that matter. So we are extremely thankful for the time and commitment given by our judging panel, and for the effort made behind the scenes at the companies who participate. While we at WealthAsia Media cannot hope to change the world, and what we do is only a drop in the ocean, I wish to thank you for your support of us in choosing a tougher path. Elsa Pau Publisher and Editor-in-Chief XXXXxxxxxxxxxx 在接下來的幾期,《指標》將會刊載主要獎項的年度頒獎典禮資訊,這些比賽都是我們所關 注的。一年很快又過去了,現在是時候回想今年在我們的行業,以至環球社會所發生的事 情。我們在 WealthAsia Media 工作,感到最自豪、最滿足的地方就是能夠有機會去慶祝美好 的事物,表揚出色的表現。我們很高興能夠與你分享這些動人時刻。 我們本月的焦點落在指標 2014 財富管理大獎。頒獎典禮及晚宴在 11 12 日於香港港麗酒 店(Conrad Hotel)舉行。這是一場盛大的行業聚會,繽紛節目精彩不斷。在本期,我們將介 紹在今年比賽中成功取得殊榮的獨立理財顧問。你可以細閱他們的參賽過程,並分享他們 在財富管理大獎晚宴中慶祝的喜悅。 我們在下一期的《指標》將聚焦於獲得 BEST IN CLASS 獎項的機構。我們再一次感謝我們的贊 助商、所有參賽團體,當然還有 Advisors to Trust 比賽的得獎者。請翻到 40 頁細閱詳情。 今年是我們第 5 年慶祝財富管理大獎及理財顧問年獎,也是第 11 年慶祝年度基金獎項。我 們十分榮幸能夠得到衆多行內人士的信任。我們的獎項並不容易贏取,決定比賽中的勝出 者也不是一件容易的事,因此我們非常感激我們評審團付出的時間和努力,以及參賽機構 在幕後的付出。雖然我們在 WealthAsia Media 的工作並不能改變世界,而我們所做的也只是 滄海一粟,我還是衷心感謝你們的支持,讓我們在這條難走的道路上勇往直前。 www.FundAsia.net 1 Publisher's NOTE

Benchmark Nov 2014

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The Age of The Trusted Advisorover the next few issues of BEnCHMARK, we will be featuring the key Awards competitions that are an annual feature of our publishing and events calendar. It is a time of year to reflect on what has happened in our industry and out in the big wide world. Having the chance to celebrate the good things and to highlight outstanding performance is one of the most satisfying aspects of our work at WealthAsia Media. We are gratified that so many of you are able to share these moments with us.

this month our focus has been on the BEnCHMARK Wealth Management Awards for 2014, the celebration dinner for which was held on november 12th at the Conrad Hotel. It was a great industry gathering and a lot of fun was had. see for yourself - In this edition we celebrate the individual Advisors who were successful in this year’s competition. see them taking part in the competition and then, the best bit, celebrating at the Wealth Management Awards dinner.

In the next edition of BEnCHMARK we will focus on the companies who were voted tHE BEst In CLAss for 2014. thank you again to our sponsors, all the participants and of course the winners in the Advisors to trust Competition. turn to page 40 for full details.

As we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Wealth Management Awards and Advisor of the Year Awards, and the 11th year of our Fund of the Year Awards, we are humbled by the trust that you have placed in our hands. our Awards are not easy to win, or easy to judge for that matter. so we are extremely thankful for the time and commitment given by our judging panel, and for the effort made behind the scenes at the companies who participate. While we at WealthAsia Media cannot hope to change the world, and what we do is only a drop in the ocean, I wish to thank you for your support of us in choosing a tougher path.

Elsa PauPublisher and Editor-in-Chief



情。我們在WealthAsia Media工作,感到最自豪、最滿足的地方就是能夠有機會去慶祝美好的事物,表揚出色的表現。我們很高興能夠與你分享這些動人時刻。

我們本月的焦點落在指標2014財富管理大獎。頒獎典禮及晚宴在11月12日於香港港麗酒店(Conrad Hotel)舉行。這是一場盛大的行業聚會,繽紛節目精彩不斷。在本期,我們將介紹在今年比賽中成功取得殊榮的獨立理財顧問。你可以細閱他們的參賽過程,並分享他們


我們在下一期的《指標》將聚焦於獲得BEst In CLAss獎項的機構。我們再一次感謝我們的贊助商、所有參賽團體,當然還有Advisors to trust比賽的得獎者。請翻到40頁細閱詳情。



在幕後的付出。雖然我們在WealthAsia Media的工作並不能改變世界,而我們所做的也只是滄海一粟,我還是衷心感謝你們的支持,讓我們在這條難走的道路上勇往直前。


1Publisher's Note

Page 2: Benchmark Nov 2014

ContEnts錄目NOVEMBER 2014 Vol.12 No.6

Advisors To Trust xxxxxxx40 special Report – Advisors to trust 特別報告—理財顧問年獎

the annual BEnCHMARK Advisor of the Year Awards has become an industry standard for financial practitioners who strive for best practice. We present profiles of the winners, who were presented with their trophies at this month’s BEnCHMARK Wealth Management Awards dinner.《指標》的理財顧問年獎已成為金融從業員追求最佳實踐的行業指標。比賽採用以客為本的準


Financial Planning 財務計劃23 Managing Income When Rates Are Low 構建投資組合 — 設定您的投資目標

the need to generate regular income on your investments is of particular concern to those at or near retirement. But every investor should understand how bonds and interest-paying capital notes can work for them within a diversified portfolio, writes Richard newell將近或已經退休的人一般會特別關注能否從投資中賺取定期收入。所有投資者均需要理解

債券和付息資本票據如何從多元化投資組合中為這類人士達成目標。編者:Richard newell。

Legal Briefing xxxxxx25 the theft of Art 藝術品盜竊

While art trafficking is not a new phenomenon in western jurisdictions, there has been a lot more interest surrounding the theft of Chinese art from European museums in recent years. Yet not much has been said about how art is being sought out and focussed on in China by criminals and forgers. Richard norridge provides the background.藝術品走私販賣在西方國家早已屢見不鮮,而近年來歐洲博物館的中國藝術品盜竊事件


藝術品的相關資料。Richard norridge在此為你提供背景資料。

Family Offices 家族辦工室28 setting Up A Family Education Program 發展家族教育計劃

Christian stewart explains how family offices that have as their mission the preservation of family wealth, in all of its forms, must also address the topic of family member education. 所有的家族辦公室都有同樣的任務,那就是保存家族財產。所以Christian stewart認為不論採用任何方式,它們都要面對家庭成員的教育問題。

BENCHMARK Conversation 《指標》對話

31 Meet the Manager 與基金經理對話Attendees at WealthAsia’s event ‘the sustainable Family office Forum’ were given a rare opportunity to listen to the personal observations of local fund manager Martin Lau. He is the subject of this month’s Meet the Manager interview.WealthAsia活動「可持續發展家族辦公室論壇」的出席者得到千載難逢的機會,聽取本地基金經理Martin Lau的個人見解。他是本月「與基金經理對話」訪問的受訪者。





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BENCHMARK Conversation 《指標》對話

38 Investing in Hong Kong’s Vibrant Restaurant scene 高級餐飲業的風險和回報

Addressing environmental, social and governance concerns in the context of emerging countries, is a big problem for investors. Martina MacPherson explains the background.兩位香港高級餐飲文化的行業領導者,親身經營自己的餐廳及個人品牌。他們與本刊分享如


Personal Investing 個人投資06 the Global Portfolio 環球投資組合

As uncertainty increases in regional and world markets, it is important for investors to keep abreast of the implications for their portfolios. this regular feature in BEnCHMARK provides a snapshot of recent market developments and highlights areas of threat and opportunity for investors. 本期《指標》的環球投資組合將會向投資者展示最近的市場發展概況,並重點指出當中的危


12 the Editors’ Choice – Global Fixed Income Funds 編者之選 — xxxxxxx

We have another new section which uses our own methodology to assess those funds likely to produce consistent long term returns. Each month we will focus on a different sector. this month it is Global Fixed Income我們在這個新章節採用獨有方法,分析有潛力產生長期穩定回報的基金。我們在每一個


20 Maximising Your MPF Benefits 把強積金的得益最大化How can my MPF be a benefit when it seems like a tax on earnings?” stewart Aldcroft explains how, over time, the benefits will show themselves clearly.「強積金 (MPF)就像從我的收入徵稅一樣,怎會令我有所得益呢?」stewart Aldcroft為你明確解釋這些利益會如何隨著時間過去展現眼前。

Responsible Investment xxxxx38 EsG challenges in Emerging Markets 新興市場在環境、社會和管理上遇到的挑戰

Addressing environmental, social and governance concerns in the context of emerging countries, is a big problem for investors. Martina MacPherson explains the background.對投資者來說,在新興市場探討有關環境、社會和管理上的問題,絕對是一個難題。Martina


Top Performing Funds 最佳表現基金90 Check the performance of your HK funds using the latest data from Morningstar






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ContributorsChristian Stewart

Christian stewart founded Family Legacy Asia in July 2008 to help Asian families preserve their family wealth for generations, by providing them with independent and objective advice on effective family governance. An Australian solicitor by background, and a former tax partner at PWC in Hong Kong, he also spent 6 years as head of the Wealth Advisory team in Asia for JPMorgan Private Bank.

Martina MacPherson

Martina is Managing Partner at sustainable Investment Partners, a UK-based consultancy specialising in business strategy, intermediary business development and multi-lingual content marketing services within the areas of sustainable investments, CsR, technology, lifestyle and education. Martina was formerly Vice President, Head of EsG Commercial Relationships and Marketing with MsCI and Associate Director, strategic Marketing and Business Development with Lloyds Banking Group.

Peter Guy

Peter brings global experience to his financial writing through his international career in investment banking, private equity and developmental banking. He is a weekly business columnist in the south China Morning Post. Peter’s investment and developmental banking experience includes being a director of CLsA Capital, an investment officer at the World Bank. His technology experience includes being a founding investor and member of the board of Flextronics, Inc., one of the world’s largest, offshore subcontract electronic manufacturers and a nAsDAQ index constituent stock.

Richard Norridge

Richard heads up Herbert smith Freehills’ Asia private wealth practice. He acts for high net worth individuals, their families, private banks and other advisers across Asia on a range of contentious and non-contentious trust and probate issues together with charitable and family company matters; this includes advising mental health committees and estate administrators. Richard also has extensive experience in acting for international banks and individuals in cases involving fraud.

Stewart Aldcroft

stewart Aldcroft is Chief Executive officer of Cititrust Limited (Cititrust) in Hong Kong. He is also managing director and Asia Pacific senior advisor for Citi’s Investor services business within Citi’s securities and Fund services (sFs), a business unit of Citi’s Institutional Clients Group. He has been in Hong Kong since 1985, and previously worked at schroders, HsBC, Franklin templeton, Investec and EIP.

NOVEMBER 2014 Vol.12 No.6

EditorialPublisher & Editor-in-Chief Elsa PauManaging Editor Richard Newell

Translators David Wilck Leung Tony Yip

Design Winnie Li Jason Leong

BusinessAssociate Publisher Joanna Tang& Managing DirectorBusiness Development Manager Daniel LauWeb Master Vanson Chan

InquiriesEditorial +852 3488 1416 [email protected]

Advertising & sponsorship +852 2297 3032 [email protected] www.fundasia.net

Published by WealthAsia Media 10/F Cheung’s Building 1 Wing Lok street sheung Wan, Hong Kong tel: +852 3488 1421 Fax: +852 3488 1420

Printed by QBMA PRoDUCtIons suite 1005,10/F Hong Man Industrial Centre 2 Hong Man street Chai Wan, Hong Kong

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The increased market turbulence in October and early November is driving investors to question if they should be repositioning their investment portfolios, whether the current volatility is a new normal, and what will happen to different asset classes as interest rates start to rise and inflation moves further up the agenda.

David Shairp, Global Strategist in J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Multi Asset Group, says, “It has been six years since the end of the great recession and we are certainly on the road to normalisation. In general, due to continued headwinds, we believe that diversification across geographies and asset classes will be rewarded in the longer term.”

After a period of strong returns in US equities, investors may also want to find out what opportunities may exist in other markets. And according to Axa’s Mark Tinker, “Asia is the place for equities.” Equity markets in Asia Pacific continue to offer attractive valuations compared to other markets and looking ahead, economic reform is expected to be the key driver of returns.

Old Mutual’s Head of Asian Equities, Joshua Crabb says although the world is still unstable geopolitically, he isn’t unduly concerned about the effect on world markets. Furthermore he believes Asia is the region where growth is strongest and most sustainable. He points to the superior growth being produced in Thailand, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand and risk premiums between developed and emerging Asia converging.

The Global




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As Crabb identifies, Asia is no longer a homogenous bloc, but intra-region and in the case of China, intra-country, there are different dynamics at play. In China, the downturn in the housing market remains the major risk. The market awaits news of a sustained upswing in the traditionally strong third and fourth quarters. In Japan, the market has been gyrating heavily on news of the sales tax increase and then the postponement of the increase. A rise in real wages remains the key to a recovery in private consumption.

Meanwhile, although several firms have stated their intention to wait on the sidelines as Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect gets under way on November 17th, the potential for a boost to both markets is substantial. Mainland investors will have easier access to many of the blue chip H shares while global asset managers who have already researched second tier industrials on the Shanghai bourse will be keen to find the value in these companies. India’s new government is expected to be successful in pushing through new reforms. And Thailand has responded well to its new military-led government, while Korea is implementing pro-growth measures. So there are plenty of bright spots in the region for investors to take advantage of and new markets, particularly in Greater China and Indochina, providing prospects for the longer term.



摩根資產管理多元資產部的環球策略師David shairp說:「現在是經濟蕭條結束後的第六年,一切將會逐漸回



自美股反彈一段時間後,投資者都渴望尋找其他市場的機會。Axa的Mark tinker提出:「亞洲是投資的最佳地


先機環球投資亞洲股票團隊主管 Joshua Crabb表示,儘管世界上多個地區地緣政治不穩,他不太擔心這些不








大的。 地投資者將會更容易買賣大藍籌H股,而那些對上海股市二綫工業股有深入認識的環球資產經理也


也不錯。同時,韓國正推行一系列促進增長的措施。由此可見,亞太區 可供投資者把握機會的地方其實有



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Real estate


Real estateAccording to real estate specialist Jones Lang Lasalle, the economic recovery in the Us will continue to benefit real estate markets in Asia Pacific, as the Quantitative Easing programme orchestrated by the Fed comes to an end. the Us central bank has announced an end to its six-year QE programme, which sought to inject money into the Us economy through large-scale asset purchases in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Analysing the impact on Asia Pacific’s real estate markets, Dr Megan Walters, Head of Research at JLL, said: “the implementation of QE programmes in advanced economies produced a significant spill-over effect on to developing markets, with strong capital flows from advanced economies. Global interest rates have been driven lower and investors have been deploying additional capital into real estate in the search for yield. In Asia Pacific, these two factors created a wave of investment in real estate that led governments in China, Hong Kong and singapore to implement regulations to cool real estate markets, primarily focused on residential property. the ending of Us QE will be another step towards these governments deciding to lift or ease their cooling measures. the impact of potential interest rate rises from the end of Us QE and any effect on commercial real estate yields should be off-set by the expectation of rising rents in most major office markets in the region. In the first nine months of 2014, the global and inter-regional capital flows into Asia Pacific commercial real estate (from global, Us and Europe investors) exceeded last year’s total by 35 percent. Continuing economic recovery in the Us appears to be providing Us and global investors with the funds to deploy in Asia Pacific and we expect that picture to continue in the medium term. Investors will continue to see core real estate as a highly attractive asset class and Asia Pacific will remain attractive as international investors continue to diversify their portfolios.”

CurrenciesAs we look into 2015, AXA’s Mark tinker says investors need to consider some new tail risks from a stronger dollar – currency wars, the need to buy inflation not deflation hedges, further falls in gold and a reversal of many of the anti-dollar trades of the last five years. “the Us may become a source of investment rather than a source of funding,” he says. “one immediate impact has been on other Asia, where exporters to the Us (e.g. Korean autos) have been hit by the prospects of an increasingly competitive yen, now back to levels not seen since just before the crisis. For Fibonacci fans (who seem to be all over these currencies at the moment) the return to pre-GFC levels represents a 76.4% retracement of the full rally from the lows of 2007. that break suggests a target of below eight on yen/won from here, which would make a lot of Korean corporates very nervous. obviously it is not just Korea, other Asian export oriented countries like taiwan will be concerned by the move in the yen, although as ever from an equity point of view it is important to focus on other competitive aspects. It is those companies competing on price that are most affected. nevertheless, this raises the first risk to think about for next year, currency wars.” this is not just yen weakness, there is a broader issue of dollar strength. Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global strategist, Michael Hartnett, points out there is now a prospect of genuine rate differentials starting to emerge to drive currencies. the caveat Michael Hartnett had to this story was that even his eight year old son is bullish of the Us dollar. threadneedle’s Mark Burgess adds that the major plus for risk assets is the boost to consumption and industry in the developed world that should arise from a weaker oil price. the flipside is greater fiscal pressure and currency volatility for oil-producing nations. time will tell if the decline in oil is sustainable or just a phase, but falling energy prices (and hence weak inflation prints) should mean there will be little or no pressure for developed world central banks to contemplate raising interest rates until at least the second half of next year.

educationEducation is one of the most pressing socio-economic challenges today. It is a major component of well-being and a key measure of economic development and quality of life. It contributes to poverty alleviation, gender equality, health, and environmental sustainability. However, barriers to school enrolment and completion mean that, globally, there an estimated 793 million illiterate adults (two-thirds of which are women) and close to 100 million children who are not in school.

Education spending is already very large (accounting for around 5% of global GDP). According to the United nations, every dollar invested in education is estimated to generate Us$10-15 in economic returns, and expenditure is expected to continue to grow by at least 7-8% to 2017. Factors driving this growth include higher enrolment targets, demographic opportunities (booming population of 5-17 year olds in emerging markets), more women in education, the increase in the middle-income bracket in emerging markets (disposable spending on education in China, India and Brazil is just 10-13%), increasing global mobility, and a growing realisation of employment, earnings and economic development needs and opportunities. It is estimated that, over their lifetime, developed market graduates earn more than Us$1 million compared to early school leavers. Growth in the private sector is expected to be at least double the overall 7-8% spend as governments increasingly seek public-private partnerships to tackle the education challenge. For example, e-learning expenditure is expected to continue growing at 20-25% compound annual growth rate over the next decade. In Australia, according to oxford Economics, by 2020, an additional 50,000 international students per annum will study higher education – the highest absolute growth of any country in the world.




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Cash Judging by recent fund investment flow figures, As investors confront both a shifting interest rate environment and far-reaching regulatory reforms, JP Morgan Asset Management has released the findings of its Global Liquidity survey, taking responses from over 300 CIos, treasurers and other senior decision makers. the key finding is that liquidity is still a central concern, as reflected in the choice of investments: half of global cash assets are placed in bank deposits. Usage is most prevalent in Asia, where 68% of assets are held in bank deposits, compared to 48% in Europe and 38% in the Americas. Money market funds account for over one-third of cash assets in the Americas. In an effort to control risk, investment policy for the majority of respondents’ focuses on defining portfolio duration and credit standards for long and shorter-term securities. Larger investors tend to be less conservative in their definition of permissible credit rating, which allows them to take on additional interest rate and credit risk. A majority of respondents plan to stay the course with their current cash allocation through 2015, even in the face of low interest rates and regulatory concerns. Firms with larger cash balances have a broader set of investment guidelines. A third or more of larger firms permit investment in asset-backed securities or mortgage-backed securities. Investors with relatively smaller cash balances typically have fewer investment options at their disposal. separately managed accounts, customised portfolios that allow investors to define their own risk, security and liquidity parameters, account for a significant share of cash allocations. In the Americas, 11% of cash assets are invested with sMAs specialist managers. Investor demand for sMAs can be seen as a clear demonstration of the need for yield.

Climate AgreementAs the new York times wrote, “the historic announcement by President obama and President Xi Jinping that they will commit to targets for cuts in their nations’ carbon emissions has fundamentally shifted the global politics of climate change.” the agreement, which saw China set targets for a scaling down of its pollution by 2030, has given a fresh jolt of optimism to negotiations aimed at reaching a new international climate treaty next year in Paris, where the American and Chinese targets are expected to be the heart of the deal. Former Us vice president Al Gore commented, “to reduce their nations’ carbon emissions is a major step forward in the global effort to solve the climate crisis. Much more will be required - including a global agreement from all nations - but these actions demonstrate a serious commitment by the top two global polluters” the investment implications of this could be substantial, given that America and China are the world’s biggest polluters, and that other countries that have dismissed climate targets, such as Australia, may be forced to backtrack on their reluctance to fall into line. An acceleration in climate change investment vehicles, as well as an increase in research and development in this area, will produce new opportunities for early stage investors as a well as portfolio managers. By 2030, China has pledged that 20% of its energy will be renewable. this is ambitious given the country’s addiction to coal and requires a greatly increased commitment to energy sources that do not depend on fossil fuels. some experts have said that China should try to halt the growth of its emissions by 2025.

InfrastructureFrom an Asia perspective, the prospect for fast tracking the trans-Pacific Partnership (tPP) trade agreement is a real potential positive, although clearly China is pushing for a full Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) agreement at the conference this week in Beijing. It is also talking about large scale, long term infrastructure investment and a new silk Road and maritime silk Road, a massive investment programme over the next 20 years that is being referred to in some quarters as a Chinese ‘Marshall Plan’. one part of the package is a $16 billion plan to boost rail infrastructure inside China along the planned route, while the second part of the plan involves the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank lending $50 billion to $100 billion for infrastructure projects to other countries on the route. Focussing heavily on rail infrastructure and ports it is a hugely ambitious plan to link China with the rest of the world, even as far as tunnelling under the Bering strait to Canada. the authorities refer to it as a silk Road economic belt with the slogan ‘one belt one road’. As with everything in China the numbers can be stratospheric, with one long term estimate from Want China times (here) suggesting the total scale of the project could be $21 trillion. Whatever the number, the real point is that China’s savings will increasingly be channelled into productive infrastructure – rather than ghost cities and housing projects – meaning that Chinese growth will remain skewed towards investment. Consumption will grow, but will not have to do all the heavy lifting as some fear.


11Personal INveStING



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貨幣展望2015年,AXA的Mark tinker表示,投資者需要因美元走高而考慮一些新的尾隨風險——貨幣戰爭、購買通脹對沖基金而非通縮對沖基金的需求、黃金價格的進一步下跌以及近五年來大量反美元交易情況的逆轉。「美國有可能成為投資來源,而非資金來源,」他說:「一個直接的影響可見於日本以外的其他亞洲國家,出口到美國的商家(如韓國汽車)面對來自日圓日益激烈的競爭而受創,現在日圓匯價已回到金融危機前的水平。對於斐波納奇(Fibonacci)理論的支持者來說(他們似乎都在熱烈追捧這些貨幣),返回全球金融危機前的水平代表了日圓從2007年的低點全面反彈後,回調率已達到了76.4%。此差距代表日圓兌韓圜低於『8算』的目標,這使得許多韓國公司非常緊張。顯然,不僅僅是韓國遇到了此類情況,亞洲其他出口導向國家(如台灣)也因日圓的動向而憂心忡忡,儘管從股票角度來看,投資者應該注重其他更有競爭力的方面。當然,以價格進行競爭的企業受創最大。無論如何,這趨勢明年帶來首要考慮的風險就是貨幣戰爭。」然而,不僅僅是日圓疲軟,美元強勢也會產生一系列問題。美國銀行/美林證券環球策略師Michael Hartnett指出,目前真正的息差開始出現,並將影響貨幣匯價走勢。他告訴我們,即使是他八歲的兒子也對美元充滿信心。threadneedle的Mark Burgess補充說,風險資產的主要優勢是由於油價疲軟而受刺激帶動的發達國家消費和工業,不利的一面則是石油生產國將會面對更大的財政壓力和匯率波動。石油價格的下跌會否長期繼續下去?還是只會維持一段短暫時間?時間將會告訴我們答案。但能源價格下跌(以及由此產生的疲弱通脹跡象)對於各個發達國家的中央銀行而言,至少直至明年下半年,其應對調高



根據房地產專家仲量聯行(Jones Lang Lasalle)估計,隨着美國聯儲局的量化寬鬆政策即將結束,美國經濟復甦將繼續刺激亞太地區房地產市場的發展。聯儲局宣布結束其為期六年的量化寬鬆政策,該政策透過大規模的資產購買來為環球金融危機後的美國經濟注入活力。

在分析該政策對亞太地區房地產市場的影響時,仲量聯行研究部主管Megan Walters博士表示:「量化寬鬆計劃在發達經濟體的實施對於發展中國家市場產生了顯著的『溢出效應』(spill-over effect),產生了從發達經濟體中流出的雄厚資金流。環球利率持續走低,投資者已開始尋求額外的資本進入房地產市場來尋求收益。在亞太地區,這兩個因素造就了房地產投資潮流,導致中國大陸、香港、新加坡等地政府實施政策來冷卻房地產市場,有關措施主要針對住宅物業。」




儘管如此,市場的基本因素依然穩固,而房地產業主仍在談判中佔上風。區域董事總經理兼經紀業務部主管Manish Kashyap表示:「寫字樓市場將繼續見證適度擴張的需求,需求主要由於本地企業或亞洲企業正在核心地段取替跨國企業成為租戶而有所推動。此情況在香港隨處可見,中國大陸企業正佔用外國租戶騰出的空間。雖然外國企業仍然將亞太地區視為業務長期增長的核心地區,但這些跨國公司一般都實施成本效益的解決方案,將辦公室遷離市中心黃金地段或改用外判服務。我們預期在傳統銀行業會看到穩定的動向,而科技、電訊和媒體行業(tMt)的走勢亦將保持強勁。


全球花在教育的支出十分龐大(佔全球GDP約 5%)。根據聯合國數據顯示,在教育投資的每一美元,就能夠產生10-15美元的經濟回報,而教育方面的支出預計於2017年增加至少7-8%。推動增長的因素包括招生數字的提高、人口機會(發展中市場擁有大量5-17歲人口)、更多女性獲得學習機會、發展中市場的中等收入階層擴大(中國、印度和巴西在教育方面的可支配支出為 10-13%)、全球流動性上升,以及就業、收入、經濟發展需求和機會的增長。據估計,已發展市場的高校畢業生一生能夠比離校生多賺超過 100萬美元。政府越來越傾向組織公私夥伴合作關係來解決教育方面的挑戰,私營市場的增長預計至少會是教育整體7-8%支出的一倍。舉例來說,電子學習的支出預計在未來十年以20-25%的年複合增長率上升。在澳洲,根據oxford Economics指出,到 2020年,每年會多 5萬名國際學生在當地接受高等教育,是全球絕對增長最高的國家。

基礎設施建設從亞洲角度來看,加快推進《跨太平洋夥伴關係》(tPP)貿易協定擁有真正的潛在利好前景,儘管中國顯然想藉本週在北京舉行的亞太經合組織(APEC )會議之機會推動一項完整的亞太經合組織協議。這同樣也關係到大規模、長期的基礎設施投資以及新絲綢之路和海上絲綢之路計劃。這個被稱為中國「馬歇爾計劃」的項目,將是一項未來二十年針對某些特定地區進行的龐大投資計劃。該投資計劃的一部分預計涉及160億美元,以刺激除既定線路之外的中國國內鐵路基礎設施建設;而該計劃的第二部分涉及新開設的「亞洲基礎設施投資銀行」,該銀行為其他在該線路中的國家發放500億至1, 000億美元的貸款,以便開發基礎設施項目。該計劃雄心勃勃,重點集中在鐵路和港口基礎設施建設,務求將中國與世界其他部分連接起來,該計劃甚至包括建立白令海峽海底隧道來連接加拿大。有關當局將其看作是現代經濟絲綢之路,口號是「一路一帶」。凡涉及到中國,數字都會變得異常巨大。根據《旺旺中國時報》(按這裡)的長期估計,該計劃的整體規模將達到21兆美元。無論投資額是多少,真正焦點在於將有越來越多的中國儲蓄存款轉化為具生產力的基礎設施建設,而非「空城」或房地產項目,這意味著中國的經濟增長將越來越向投資傾斜。消費將繼續增長,但不會像有些人擔心的那樣成為經濟發展的重擔。

現金為王投資者同時面臨正在轉變的利率環境以及影響深遠的監管改革。因應超過 300名企業投資總監(CIo)、財務主管及其他高級決策者的要求,摩根資產管理發佈了《環球流動資金調查報告》。

報告中最關鍵的發現是現金流動性仍是投資者的重點考慮問題,這反映在投資的選擇上:全球一半現金資產都儲蓄在銀行。這種投資方法在亞洲最為普遍,投資者平均68%的資產都儲蓄在銀行,而歐洲的數字僅為 48%,在美洲則只有38%。



12 Personal INveStING

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13Personal INveStING

Page 14: Benchmark Nov 2014

Global Fixed Income Funds


14 Editors' ChoICe

Page 15: Benchmark Nov 2014

Global Fixed Income Funds

schroders’ global bond team says that despite a flow of potentially disruptive news, fixed income markets have broadly progressed. But in mid-october, investors were

startled by a ‘flash-crash’ in the 10-year treasury yield, which dipped below 2% for a very short time. the move did not appear to be precipitated by any clear negative factor, and largely recovered by the end of the month. through october, the 10-year treasury yield fell from 2.49% to 2.34%, and the 10-year gilt yield fell from 2.43% to 2.25%. the German 10-year bund yield fell from 0.95% to 0.84%, and peripheral yields remained at historic lows. the Italian 10-year yield rose slightly from 2.33% to 2.35% while the spanish equivalent fell from 2.14% to 2.08%.

Michael Hasenstab, Global Bonds CIo at Franklin templeton says it is time for fixed income investors to think outside traditional boxes. He believes that with today’s market environment and the prospect of rising Us interest rates on the horizon, investors need to rethink their core fixed income portfolio. He says the strategy needs active management “to be able to adeptly invest in the relative strength of select countries and currencies while avoiding the weakness of others - something an index cannot do. second, it should be well-poised to deliver a negative correlation to Us treasuries, given the seemingly inevitable eventual rise in interest rates. notably, while some strategies claim to have a negative duration, that is not synonymous with the more important goal of having an overall negative correlation to Us treasuries. ”

PIMCo’s CIo for Us Core strategies, scott Mather says, “With easier monetary policy in the eurozone, Japan, China and many emerging markets, we expect plenty of liquidity in the marketplace. Broad market liquidity facilitates portfolio liquidity, allowing investors to allocate a portion of their holdings to cash or cash-like instruments that they can deploy when markets correct, such as we saw last month.

In this section of Benchmark, the team have created a methodology for assessing one specific fund sector every month. Funds are designed to be held for the medium to long term, so it is important for investors to pick the right fund/manager to ride through the upcoming volatility. Over the following pages, we have whittled down the locally registered Global Fixed Income funds to a Top 10 that we believe have the qualities of consistency and reliability. 在本欄,我們《指標》團隊以獨特創建的評選方式,每個月為一組基金類別進行評估。基金是屬於






十月底亦大致靠穩。在十月,10年期國債收益率從2.49%下跌至2.34%。10年期金邊債券孳息率從2.43%下跌至 2.25%。德國 10年期國債孳息率也從 0.95%跌至0.84%。外圍國債孳息率亦徘徊在歷史低位。意大利 10年期國債孳息率從 2.33%稍微上升至2.35%,而西班牙10年期國債孳息率則從2.14%下跌至2.08%。

富蘭克林鄧普頓的全球債券投資總監Michael Hasenstab說,固定收益投資者現在是時候在思想上打破傳統框框。他認為,按照今日的市場環境以及










太平洋投資管理的美國核心策略(Us Core strategies)投資總監 scott Mather說:「隨著歐元區、日本、中國和其他發展中市場的貨幣政策變得寬鬆,我們預






15Editors' ChoICe

Page 16: Benchmark Nov 2014

12 Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank








2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

25.26 3.43 -9.85 18.09 3.19 3.36- - - - - -

16.02 -2.16 -12.63 10.53 5.26 2.595 78 98 8 10 13

Amundi Fds Bd Global AU-C 東方匯理系列—環球債券基金 - AU C

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Cbt Us 2yr Note Dec14 Future (Exp... 3.70Jpmorgan Chase FRN2049-12-31 1.28Ford Motor Credit Co 5.75%2021-02-01 1.16Granvia A.S. 4.781%2039-09-30 1.12Hsbc Fin 6.676%2021-01-15 1.11

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Italy(Rep Of) 4.5%2019-03-01 12.06United Kingdom (Government Of)... 7.70US Treasury Bond... 5.94United Kingdom (Government Of)... 5.04Portugal(Rep Of) 3.85%2021-04-15 5.02

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank







2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

5.83 3.27 -6.27 21.37 2.47 2.47-24.97 -0.78 -10.45 5.20 0.33 -0.70

- - - - - 0.22100 73 100 1 22 30

Aberdeen Glb Sel Glb Crdt Bd D1 安本環球—世界債券基金 - D1

Source: Morningstar / Benchmark

How we came up with the Editor’s Choice:

• We’ve screened all HK authorized – Global Fixed Income funds• only funds with minimum initial investments equal or less than UsD 50,000 to eliminate institutional classes being included into the

assessment process• We’ve considered quantitative data such as the funds’ risk-adjusted returns for 1, 3 and 5 years, fees, manager’s stability and

experience, accessibility and other risk ratios to measure upside and downside volatility• While the past performance cannot always be an indicator of future performance, it is possible to make some educated judgments

based on the available data. our aim is to help investors make wiser decisions by analysing relevant information on performance, volatility, portfolio diversification, fees and operations.

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 3.111 YR Return 一年 6.373 YR Return 三年 7.675 YR Return 五年 4.65Sortino Ratio 3 YR 2.54Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.17Manager Name 基金經理 Management TeamAve Mgr 基金經理平均年資 5.33Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -10.65Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 10.17Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 69.23# of Holdings 持有股票項目 205Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 650.38

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 3.361 YR Return 一年 2.613 YR Return 三年 5.895 YR Return 五年 2.92Sortino Ratio 3 YR 1.10Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.34Manager Name 基金經理 Cédric

Morisseau;Laurent Crosnier;

Ave Mgr 基金經理平均年資 5.79Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -12.65Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 7.56Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 279.94# of Holdings 持有股票項目 157Turnover %十大投資項目比重% -34.43

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Cnpc General Cap 2.75%2019-05-14 1.02Wells Fargo Co Mtn Be 4.1%2026-06-03 0.99Adcb Fin (Ky) 2.75%2019-09-16 0.98 0.98Teachers Ins & Annuity Assn 144A... 0.98

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Portugal(Rep Of) 4.75%2019-06-14 3.90Italy(Rep Of) 3.75%2016-04-15 3.87Italy(Rep Of) 5.75%2016-07-25 3.24Amundi Fds Bd Global Corporate... 2.89

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Pgh Cap 5.75%2021-07-07 0.96Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 173Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 13.31

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Bulgaria(Nat Rep)... 2.79Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 77Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 52.44


16 Editors' ChoICe

Page 17: Benchmark Nov 2014


BGF Global Government Bond A2 USD 貝萊德全球基金—環球政府債券基金A2 - USD

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

4.49 5.32 6.09 1.82 0.24 2.16-2.44 -0.23 0.44 -2.50 2.84 0.51-4.74 -0.27 3.32 -5.74 2.31 1.4066 52 18 83 28 27

BEA Union Investment Global Bond A 東亞聯豐環球債券基金 A Acc


• 我們篩選出所有香港認可的全球固定收益基金• 在評審過程中,為了剔除所有機構類別基金,我們不包括所有初始投資額超過5萬美元的基金• 我們審核的定量數據包括基金在1、3及5年後的風險調整後回報率、費用、基金經理的穩定性和經驗、開放性以及其他量度上行及下行波幅的風險比率

• 過去表現固然不能夠作為未來走勢的指標,但我們可以根據過往數據,作出理性的決定。我們的目的是幫助投資者分析相關資訊,包括表現、波幅、組合多樣化、費用和運作,以做出更精明的投資決定。

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 2.161 YR Return 一年 2.263 YR Return 三年 1.245 YR Return 五年 2.91Sortino Ratio 3 YR 0.69Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 0.05Manager Name 基金經理 Management TeamAve Mgr 基金經理平均年資 10.67Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -7.55Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 2.59Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 512.36# of Holdings 持有股票項目 69Turnover %十大投資項目比重%

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.75%2024-02-15 12.96Bundesobligation 1.00%2018-10-123 8.13Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro... 5.35Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.00%2023-08-15 5.32Spain Government Bond 3.80%2024-04-30 4.77

Top 10 Holdings % Port.United Kingdom (Government Of)... 4.04Germany (Federal Republic Of)... 3.03Tencent Hldgs 144A 4.625%2016-12-12 2.85United Kingdom (Government Of)... 2.82

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Cnpc General Cap 2.75%2017-04-19 2.21Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 65Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 51.47

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

3.56 4.12 3.08 6.19 1.08 6.04-1.53 -0.49 -2.32 0.47 1.22 0.01-5.17 -1.47 -0.23 -0.45 1.53 2.2166 73 50 52 18 26

Top 10 Holdings % Port.US Treasury Note 0.5%2016-07-31 8.49Japan(Govt Of) 1%2021-09-20 6.32Japan(Govt Of) 1.1%2020-06-20 5.205 Year US Treasury Note Future... 5.06Euro-Bobl Dec 14 12/08/2014 3.88

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 6.041 YR Return 一年 5.713 YR Return 三年 4.845 YR Return 五年 4.14Sortino Ratio 3 YR 3.63Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 0.97Manager Name 基金經理 Scott ThielAve Mgr 基金經理平均年資 3.08Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -3.56Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 2.52Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 584.31# of Holdings 持有股票項目 219Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 115.72

Top 10 Holdings % Port.France(Govt Of) 1.75%2023-05-25 2.73Japan(Govt Of) 1.8%2031-09-20 2.53Us Ultra T-Bond Dec 14... 2.43Japan(Govt Of) 2.1%2027-12-20 2.42

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Japan(Govt Of) 1.5%2034-06-20 2.39Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 220Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 41.45


17Editors' ChoICe

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Source: Morningstar / Benchmark



BGF World Bond A1 USD 貝萊德全球基金—世界債券基金A1

Legg Mason WA Global Credit Inc A Inc (S) $ 美盛西方資產環球信貸基金 A Inc (D) $

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 5.821 YR Return 一年 5.413 YR Return 三年 4.605 YR Return 五年 4.28Sortino Ratio 3 YR 3.02Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.05Manager Name 基金經理 Scott ThielAve Mgr 基金經理平均年資 8.08Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -5.71Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 2.66Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 1,211.60# of Holdings 持有股票項目 342Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 107.84

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 5.181 YR Return 一年 4.313 YR Return 三年 4.865 YR Return 五年

Sortino Ratio 3 YR 1.95Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.36Manager Name 基金經理 Management TeamAve Mgr 基金經理平均年資 4.00Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -3.59Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 4.06Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 98.49# of Holdings 持有股票項目 239Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 50.82

Top 10 Holdings % Port.US Treasury Note 0.5%2016-07-31 5.892 Year US Treasury Note Future... 5.82Japan(Govt Of) 1%2021-09-20 3.76US Treasury Bill2015-04-02 3.1410 Year US Treasury Note Future... 2.71

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Us Ultra T-Bond Dec 14... 2.67Euro-Bobl Dec 14 12/08/2014 2.205 Year US Treasury Note Future... 1.99Fnma 30yr 4% Llb 85k 20142044-01-04 1.85

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Japan(Govt Of) 1.5%2034-06-20 1.76Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 289Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 31.79

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Us 5yr Note (Cbt) Dec142014-12-31 13.15US Treasury Note 1.625%2019-06-30 3.93United Kingdom (Government Of)... 3.56Bk Ned Gemeenten 1.875%2018-12-07 1.99EURO INV BANK2024-04-15 1.65

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Goldman Sachs Grp 5.125%2019-10-23 1.39US Treasury Bond 3.375%2044-05-15 1.04General Elec Cap Corp Mtn Be... 0.97At&T 4.25%2043-06-01 0.92

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Gdf Suez 2.875%2022-10-10 0.86Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 225Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 29.46

6Top 10 Holdings % Port.US Treasury Note2016-07-31 11.29US Treasury Note2016-01-31 7.16Italy(Rep Of) 5%2039-08-01 6.93United Kingdom (Government Of)... 5.54Kommunalbanken As 0.3931%2017-05-02 4.48

Legg Mason BW Glb Fxd Inc A Inc (S) $ 美盛布蘭迪環球固定收益基金 A USD INCTotal Ret YTD 本年至今 4.941 YR Return 一年 4.093 YR Return 三年 2.595 YR Return 五年 4.95Sortino Ratio 3 YR 0.73Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.39Manager Name 基金經理 David F. Hoffman;Stephen

S. Smith;Ave Mgr 基金經理平均年資 11.17Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -14.35Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 5.27Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 1,468.39# of Holdings 持有股票項目 3,575Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 164.09

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Hungary(Rep Of) 5.5%2025-06-24 4.25Secretaria Tesouro Nacl 10%2023-01-01 3.93Vereinigte Mexikanische 7.75%2042-11-13 3.92Mexico(Utd Mex St) 8.5%2038-11-18 3.89

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Queensland Tsy Cp 6.25%2020-02-21 3.58Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 27Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 54.96

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

5.50 4.30 3.63 6.85 0.32 5.820.41 -0.32 -1.77 1.13 0.46 -0.21-3.22 -1.30 0.32 0.21 0.77 2.0059 69 38 44 32 32

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank







2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

17.55 7.92 7.43 7.62 -4.32 4.5710.62 2.38 1.79 3.30 -1.72 2.928.31 2.33 4.66 0.06 -2.25 3.8113 14 4 39 66 6

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank







2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

- - 3.41 10.79 -1.13 5.18- - -1.37 -0.13 -1.20 -1.38- - - - - -0.32- - 46 59 89 72


18 Editors' ChoICe

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Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank








2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

17.73 10.95 -3.72 15.76 0.77 3.4110.79 5.41 -9.37 11.44 3.37 1.758.49 5.36 -6.50 8.20 2.84 2.6412 9 92 11 22 10



Schroder ISF Glbl Corp Bond A Acc 施羅德環球基金系列—環球企業債券 - A-ACC

Templeton Global Bond A Mdis USD 鄧普頓環球債券基金 A-MDIS-$

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Italy(Rep Of) 3.75%2021-05-01 6.32US Treasury Note2019-04-15 5.02Japan(Govt Of) 0.6%2023-03-20 3.40Japan(Govt Of) 0.8%2022-09-20 2.55

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Ireland(Rep Of) 5%2020-10-18 3.78Ireland(Rep Of) 5.4%2025-03-13 2.28Poland(Rep Of)2016-01-25 2.27Mexico(Utd Mex St) 8%2015-12-17 2.25Bk Of Korea 2.76%2015-06-02 2.14

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 5.481 YR Return 一年 5.483 YR Return 三年 5.245 YR Return 五年 5.10Sortino Ratio 3 YR 2.12Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.04Manager Name 基金經理 Wesley A. SparksAve Mgr 基金經理平均年資 3.67Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -5.54Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 3.94Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 2,651.30# of Holdings 持有股票項目 237Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 237.38

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 3.821 YR Return 一年 4.423 YR Return 三年 5.545 YR Return 五年 6.23Sortino Ratio 3 YR 1.14Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.40Manager Name 基金經理 Michael J. Hasenstab;

Sonal Desai;Ave Mgr 基金經理平均年資 8.12Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -7.99Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 7.68Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 38,502.18# of Holdings 持有股票項目 209Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 50.05

Top 10 Holdings % Port.France(Govt Of) 2.25%2024-05-25 2.14Italy(Rep Of) 3.5%2018-12-01 1.85Italy(Rep Of) 2.75%2015-12-01 1.82Vereinigte Mexikanische 8%2020-06-11 1.61

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Sweden(Kingdom Of) 4.5%2015-08-12 2.10Hungary Rep 6.375%2021-03-29 2.05Bk Of Korea 2.78% 1.75Canada Govt2015-02-01 1.71

Top 10 Holdings % Port.US Treasury Bond 3.75%2041-08-15 1.51Japan(Govt Of) 1.2%2020-12-20 1.49Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 340Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 27.72

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Malaysia 4.72%2015-09-30 1.54Total Stock Holdings 0Total Bond Holdings 135Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 21.88

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

9.87 6.42 5.19 6.44 -2.49 2.382.94 0.87 -0.45 2.12 0.11 0.720.63 0.83 2.42 -1.12 -0.42 1.6137 36 34 47 47 25

9Templeton Glbl Total Return A Acc $ 鄧普頓環球總收益基金—A-ACC-$

Total Ret YTD 本年至今 2.521 YR Return 一年 3.973 YR Return 三年 7.045 YR Return 五年 8.46Sortino Ratio 3 YR 1.32Total Expense Ratio 總開支比率 1.41Manager Name 基金經理 Michael J. Hasenstab;

Sonal Desai;Ave Mgr 基金經理平均年資 7.54Worst 3 Mo Ret % 最差3個月回報 -10.04Std Dev 3 Yr %標準差 8.26Morningstar Rating 3 Yr 星號評級 ÙÙÙÙÙFund Size (USD Mil) 基金規模 (百萬美金) 34,730.37# of Holdings 持有股票項目 490Turnover %十大投資項目比重% 17.58

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Korea(Republic Of) 2.75%2015-12-10 2.66Portugal(Rep Of) 5.125%2024-10-15 2.48Uruguay Rep 4.375%2028-12-15 2.32Bk Of Korea 2.47%2015-04-02 2.21Mexico(Utd Mex St) 8%2015-12-17 2.19

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Ireland(Rep Of) 5.4%2025-03-13 2.11Vereinigte Mexikanische2015-04-01 2.05Bk Of Korea 2.74%2015-02-02 2.03Sweden(Kingdom Of) 4.5%2015-08-12 1.82

Top 10 Holdings % Port.Bk Of Korea 2.76%2015-06-02 1.78Total Stock Holdings 1Total Bond Holdings 387Assets in Top 10 Holdings % 21.65

Growth Of 10000






Fund+/- Index+/- CategoryPercentile Rank







2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 10/14

32.53 14.62 -1.76 18.93 2.82 1.9425.60 9.07 -7.40 14.62 5.42 0.2923.30 9.03 -4.53 11.38 4.89 1.17

3 4 85 7 11 30


19Editors' ChoICe

Page 20: Benchmark Nov 2014

“How can my MPF be a benefit when it seems like a tax on earnings?” Stewart Aldcroft explains how, over time, the benefits will show themselves clearly.

For many people, the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund seems like an additional tax on their earnings, albeit, quite small. Every month a little is taken away

and put into an account that can’t be touched for many years to come.

With the absence of active advice on how to get the best out of your MPF, most Members of MPF schemes have tended to ignore it, not so much in the hope that it will go away, but because they can’t be bothered to spend time on something they think is worth so little.

slowly, but surely, this is no longer the case. For those that have been Members for the whole of the 14 years since it started, they will by now have begun to see a reasonable balance grow up in their MPF account, and one that deserves a lot more attention in the future.

For the purposes of this article, I plan to cover a few key issues all MPF Members should take into account, in order to fully utilize the benefits MPF offers.

1. Additional voluntary Contributions (AvC)While it is a mandatory requirement that there are minimum contributions made monthly to an MPF of 5% of salary up to HK$30,000 per month (since 1 June 2014) or up to HK$1,500 by both the employer and employee, this should not be treated as the maximum as well. there is no reason why an employee shouldn’t put a lot more into the MPF, especially for higher earning employees, who would otherwise not know what best to use for their savings. Any contributions made in this way to the MPF get the benefit of buying units in the various available funds at the lowest possible costs. there are no loads and management fees are generally lower than apply for regular mutual funds.

there is also a wide choice of funds available in most MPF schemes these days. Whether investing in the Us equity market, Asian region equities, or just into the Hong Kong market, most MPF providers offer the choice. And if you don’t want to make these choices, then there are funds that will do it all for you.

Maximising your benefits from the MPF把強積金的得益最大化


20 MPF UPdAte20

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Although it might be the case that the accumulated value of an MPF is not available to use for day-to-day spending, for medical or school fees, or to repay mortgages, for many people this form of “enforced savings” can be their only way to ensure they have some money with which to retire. It won’t be the whole of their retirement income, but the more that is put to work via an MPF, especially in the early days of a working life, the more that can become available on retirement.

2. Fund choices As contributions are made on a monthly basis, selecting a fund that provides a volatile return actually can provide a far better return over the longer term, that a fund that in more constant. Volatility is good, it enables purchases to be made when markets are down as well as up, and this takes out of the investment equation, the emotional aspect of trying to choose which market is best. For younger MPF Members, it is far better to choose equity funds that can provide the opportunity to benefit from longer term investment trends. As you get older, then a variation can occur, such as moving some money into managed or balanced funds. only when in the last year or two before retirement actually occurs is it really necessary to proactively ensure the accumulated gains

made are preserved. this can be achieved through use of lower risk fund choices, which will also depend on what your MPF provider can offer.

Choosing and then changing fund choices during the course of an MPF lifetime should be strongly encouraged. All providers have arrangements in place to enable this to be done easily and with the minimum of documentation.

3. taking Retirement Benefitsthe way the MPF is set up, (in most circumstances) only when you retire can you have access to the accumulated assets built up. But if you don’t have any immediate need for them, there can be good reasons not to draw down from the MPF pot straight away. If markets are at an unfavourable stage, then maybe it is best to wait awhile before taking money out. this can lead to greatly improved returns if the timing is handled well.

Despite the many reports to the contrary, the MPF is quite a flexible vehicle with which to accumulate savings. You can keep control on where your contributions are invested, when you draw them out and of course on how much you have put in to create a savings pot.

Guidance on MPF accounts from the MPFA website-mpfa.org.hk



21MPF UPdAte

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「強積金 (MPF)就像從我的收入徵稅一樣,怎會令我有所得益呢?」stewart Aldcroft為你明確解釋這些利益會如何隨著時間過去展現眼前。


22 MPF UPdAte

Page 23: Benchmark Nov 2014

The need to generate regular income on your investments is of particular concern to those at or near retirement. But every investor should understand how bonds and interest-paying capital notes can work for them within a diversified portfolio, writes Richard Newell

In simple terms, your equity investments are expected to appreciate over the longer term, to provide a nest egg. Meanwhile the bond and deposit element of your savings

is generating income for day-to-day living. Retirees typically want a regular income to supplement their retirement savings and they also want a sizeable emergency fund to pay for unexpected costs like medical bills. Retirees who can realistically expect to live at least another 15 to 20 years, must keep some of their investments in higher return assets. this is the money they’ll be drawing on in 10 years’ time. the majority of the money should be held in a variety of fixed interest issues, with some set aside in an emergency fund like a savings account.

the current environment of low inflation and low growth in many parts of the world translates into uncertain share markets and rates of interest that are historically low. People are getting lower returns than they expected on their investments, but of greatest concern possibly is the decline in their income levels.

At a time when the dividend yield on some shares is outstripping the interest on fixed term deposits and government bonds, financial planners need to be vigilant in making sure their clients are appropriately positioned to benefit from this.

Managing the income elements of a client’s portfolio is a key part of the service for clients. And since these people are

naturally risk-averse, it’s best to keep things simple. Look at the range of maturities and try to ensure that these are evenly spread over say a five year term. so clients are not making any big macro decisions about the course of interest rates. You are taking away the worry about whether interest rates are going down further in the short term, by averaging out their interest return over a reasonable time period. they won’t be getting the lowest rate and they won’t always be getting the top rates either, but over time they will get more of a steady income stream.

As we know, each client has a slightly different objective, but most have one thing in common; they overestimate their own risk-tolerance. Even within the confines of a bond portfolio, it’s important to establish the right level of exposure for their needs from the start and for the client to be careful not to overestimate potential returns.

the greatest risk when rates are declining is for the client to move too far up the risk scale in search of a higher income. Investors do need to be aware of the risks involved in moving into some of higher yield capital note issues. Do you consider that your clients are equipped to grasp the concept of sub-ordinated debt? some will understand, but to be safe, the adviser should limit the amount held in any one investment to between 5% and 10% of the fixed interest portfolio. there isn’t enough understanding of the differences between an investment paying 7% and one paying upwards of 9%.

It is wrong to assume that issues that carry a higher headline interest rate are dramatically more high risk. some are, and it is not uncommon that investors in mis-priced un-rated debt securities do not get a return commensurate with the risk they are taking. the good adviser will have a clear understanding of fixed interest schedules and structured products available, and their suitability for different types of client.

In managing credit risk, an adviser needs to consider how much debt relative to equity an issuer carries in its balance

Managing income when rates are low



23Financial PLANNING

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組合中為這類人士達成目標。編者:Richard newell。



















sheet, how much senior debt may rank above its paper, its cash flows and its interest cover (how many times its earnings will cover its interest costs). the do-it-yourself portfolio builder needs to consider interest rate risk, the direction or trend for rates and credit risk, the likelihood that the issuer will default. the last factor is largely determined by reference to the credit rating of the bond issue or, more accurately, the issuer.

You can get capital gains from both bond markets (from falling yields) and equity markets at the same time. one of the most effective ways of managing your portfolio to boost the income element is to skew your share portfolio towards the high dividend shares. It pays to look at overseas markets, for a broader range of high-yielding share opportunities.





















額限制於定息投資組合的 5%至10%。對於兩個分別能賺取7%及9%以上的投資項目,一般人仍





















The Theft of Art 藝術品盜竊


24 Financial PLANNING

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In China, rather than museums and cultural institutions being the victims of theft, as it tends to be in

the West, it is often the homes and offices of high net worth individuals or public figures that are targeted by art thieves. China also struggles with a huge counterfeit art market. A 2012 Artron study estimated that about a quarter of a million people in China are involved in producing and selling fake art, which has been said to often jeopardise the successful sale of authentic pieces.

Yet in a country where the number wealthy individuals is rising rapidly and such individuals tend also to have an increasing appetite for fine art , there are no specific criminal laws that

While art trafficking is not a new phenomenon in western jurisdictions, there has been a lot more interest surrounding the theft of Chinese art from European museums in recent years. Yet not much has been said about how art is being sought out and focussed on in China by criminals and forgers. Richard Norridge provides the background.

focus on either the theft of or counterfeiting of art works or heritage items. In fact, applicable laws absolve auctioneers or consignors of any responsibility as to fakes. Further, China does not yet have a domestic database of stolen art of cultural property, unlike many European and north American countries which makes it extremely difficult to monitor let alone police thefts and forgeries.

Will things change? In 2012, the Chinese government acknowledged that the art industry and market have issues and it might therefore introduce new legislation to target those problems. It has been reported that the government is aiming to crack down on the “three fakes”—fake works, fake

sales and fake auctions. there has yet to be any progress in that aspect.

Here is a list of pointers on the background and recent developments in art theft and forgeries.

The Art of Theft Cost, Development and Impact• Art theft is not just limited to

Europe and the Americas - over the last 5 years China has become one of the leading art markets in terms of revenue. In 2011, China was cited as the leading art market in the world.

• the cost of the theft of art and antiques in the UK alone every year is estimated to exceed £300 million. the media frequently cites

The Theft of Art 藝術品盜竊


25 Legal BRIeFING

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the statistic that trafficking in cultural property is the third most common form of trafficking, after drug trafficking and arms trafficking.

targets• In Europe, the targets of art theft

tend to be museums, galleries and institutions. By way of comparison, targets in China tend to be wealthy individuals, even goliaths such as the Forbidden City have been the victim of theft.

• Europe appears to be the victim of a growing trend of “thefts to order” often suspected to be sourced for and requested by Asian buyers.

Faking it• China’s historical approach to art

presents its own problems. In China, artists are frequently trained to imitate the old Chinese masters.

• the number of artists who create copies of Chinese works of art is growing. Fake art works have caused concern within the Chinese art market and doubts over the authenticity of a number of works of art sold via auction houses.

• Doubts over authenticity have led to a number of high net worth sales in China not being completed.

• China’s existing legislation prevents any substantive reform or clean-up of the art market. the applicable laws currently absolve auctioneers or consignors of any responsibility as to fakes.

• the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China does not contain any specific provisions which refer to the theft of art works or heritage items means that it is difficult to police thefts of art and to enforce any specific penalty in the event that a fake work of art or a stolen work of art is sold at auction or otherwise.

Chinese art thefts• A Chinese farmer shi Baikui was

sentenced to 13 years imprisonment, deprived of his political rights for three years and fined 13,000RMB for stealing nine pieces of art made of gold and jewels from the Forbidden City.

Chinese forgeries• the late Qi Baishi, a modern

master of traditional Chinese Painting, has been the victim of a huge number of forgeries and is so extensively “faked” that no one can be sure if Baishi’s painting are authentic unless the painting has either been recorded in his lifetime or his family can verify that the painting is an original.

Major Asian art acquisitions• It was reported that in november

2013, a series of art auctions in Hong Kong held by Christie’s Auction House raised HK$3.82 billion (£300 million), almost twice as much as estimated, as affluent collectors from China and elsewhere in Asia paid record prices for several items, including a Qing dynasty porcelain jar which sold for HK$64.52 million (£5 million).

Why is this type of crime on the increase?Lack of Centralised Resources and Records• the lack of any centralised record

in China means not only that there is an ineffective approach to the registration of thefts of artworks in China but that policing the theft of artis increasingly difficult.

Increase in Prices and Profile of Artworks• In December 2013, sotheby’s sold

on behalf of the Art Institute of Chicago a large swirling abstract from 1958 by Zao Wou-Ki for which a record 89.7 million RMB (£9 million) was paid by Zhang Xiaojun, a collector from shanxi province.

• the huge expansion of the art market in China has created a frenzy of purchasing which the regulators cannot keep up with.

What is being done?• the Chinese government has

acknowledged that the art industry and market has issues and in 2012 it indicated the possibility of introducing new legislation to target these problems.

The main target for art thieves



26 Legal BRIeFING

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27 Legal BRIeFING







品的相關資料。Richard norridge在此為你提供背景資料。





















情況將會有所改善嗎?在 2012年,中國政府確認藝術品業界和










• 藝術品盜竊並不只在歐洲和美國發生 - 過去5年,中國就收益方面來說已成為領先的

藝術品市場之一。在 2011年,中國獲譽為世界上領先


• 在英國,藝術品和古董盜竊帶來的成本估計每年超過 3億英磅 1。傳媒經常引用數




• 在歐洲,藝術品盜竊的目標通常是藝術館、畫廊和公共機



亦曾是盜竊案中的受害者。 • 歐洲似乎已成為「盜竊訂單」趨勢中的受害者,當中的罪




• 中國一貫對待藝術品的態度造成了這些問題。在中國,




• 創製中國藝術仿製品的美術家人數正在上升。藝術贗品




• 這些對藝術品真實性的懷疑已導致在中國多個高價的買


• 中國現有的法例妨礙對藝術品市場作出任何大規模改革



贋品的責任。 • 中華人民共和國的刑事法並無載有關於藝術品或文化遺產盜




售)執行特定處罰非常困難 2。


• 一名中國農民石柏魁因從故宮盜取 9件用黃金和珠寶製成的藝術品,被判處監禁 13年,剝奪政治權利 3年,以及罰款人民幣13,000元。


• 已故國畫大師齊白石是偽造風氣下的受害者,針對他作


非他生平 3中有某項畫作的記錄,或他的家人確認某畫





• 根據報道,在2013年11月佳士得拍賣行在香港舉行的一系列








• 中國缺乏中央記錄,不但令藝術品盜竊個案的登記非常





• 2013年12月,蘇富比代表芝加 哥 藝 術 博 物 館(the Art Institute of Chicago)出售趙無極在1958年創作的《抽象》,由來自山西省 5的收藏家張小軍


• 中國藝術品市場的大規模擴展造成了購買熱潮,監管機



• 中國政府確認藝術品業界和市場出現了問題,並在 2012年指出可能會推出新法例以


• 根據報道,政府的目標是打擊「三假」現象——造假、售



台的聲譽 6。

Page 28: Benchmark Nov 2014

Christian Stewart explains how family offices that have as their mission the preservation of family wealth, in all of its forms, must also address the topic of family member education.

In practice family offices in Asia tend to start off with a focus on preserving family financial capital. they may be organized with an investment committee. the natural next step is for the Fo to start to assist the family members with the family’s social

capital, i.e. with the family charity and philanthropy. there might be a family philanthropy committee.

Families set up Fos to help preserve family wealth. It is common to refer to “family wealth” as going beyond the financial and the social capital of the family to also include family human capital and intellectual capital. What role can the Fo play in relation to human and intellectual capital?

Just as there will be an investment committee and a philanthropy committee, there should be an education committee. And the first task for the education committee will be the development of a family education curriculum.

the Family Governance Systemthe well-known “three circle model” allows us to look at a wealthy family and its financial assets as a complex system comprising of the overlap between the family circle with its dynamics, the ownership circle (the perspective of the owner/investor) and the management circle (looking at how the financial wealth is being managed).

the key to managing this complex system is having an effective system of family governance. this includes having appropriate forums for each “circle” and well defined

Developing a Family Education Program發展家族教育計劃


28 Family oFFICeS

Page 29: Benchmark Nov 2014

boundaries between them. the education curriculum has to include making sure that the family members are properly educated on their family governance system and the different roles that it entails.

the three circle model also helps us to see that that family members need to be educated on the ownership role; they do not need to be educated on the management role (though they can be educated on how to select and use advisors). over the long run ownership is more important than management. As owners the family members need to be competent to make any key decisions that have to be made at the ownership level. the curriculum has to deal with the topic of how to be an effective owner.

the trust Relationship Another key topic is that of trusts, or more specifically the trustee beneficiary relationship. the sFo does not own the family financial wealth. the most common ownership vehicle will be one or more family trusts. A trust is fundamentally a relationship between the trustee and the beneficiaries. If you look at the Us experience, the trust relationship can often be one that is harmful to the beneficiaries. We have all heard of the term “trust fund babies”. to avoid creating such a negative scenario, it is critical that the parties to the trustee beneficiary relationship are properly educated as to the roles that the relationship involves. How can you possibly have a good relationship if the parties involved do not know the roles the relationship is based on?

A simple starting point in this area is to include discussion of the terms of the family trust structures as an agenda item at family meetings. this can be done in age appropriate ways.

Authors Hartley Goldstone and Kathy Wiseman in their book ‘trustworthy’, believe that one of the best ways to encourage positive trustee and beneficiary relationships is to show

families stories of times when these kinds of relationships have been at their best.

For a family to be successful for at least five generations, they have to develop a system for making slightly more good decisions together over the long term, than bad ones. If the mission of the Fo is to help the family to preserve its wealth for generations, then the question is how can the Fo assist the family members to make the best decisions that they can? Another critical element of the education curriculum is ensuring that family members are developing the skills to be effective joint decision makers.

Joint decision MakingFamily wealth expert James E. Hughes Jr. in his book, ‘Family;

the Compact among Generations’, recommends that four specific issues should be addressed for each family member in order to help them fully participate in their family’s joint decision making system. First, they need to know how as individuals they learn and take in information. second, they need to know what is own unique calling in life. third, they need to know their individual work style; i.e. how they prefer to work in a group. Fourth, they need to know their own personality type. Hughes’ book, which is another essential addition to the family office library, can be referred to for more detailed information on how to approach each of these four steps. Finally, as a fifth task, Hughes recommends that

each family member must be taught the skills of having difficult conversations.

Family education is a topic that many Fos in Asia know is a critical issue but perhaps they are not sure where to start. A recent survey of over 35 family offices in the Asia Pacific showed that none of the Fos surveyed had an education committee; but that 28% of them were thinking of having one. By addressing each of the above areas in a family education curriculum, a family education committee will be ready to go to work.

Ownershipliquidity, capital allocation

assurng succession strategic direction performance, etc

BusinessOperations, finance,

employees, supplier and customer relationships,


FamilyHealth, prosperity,

continuity, participation, community role,

communication, education, values, goals, etc

the three-Circle Model

Source: Christian Stewart; Gary E. Aronoff and John L. Ward


29Family oFFICeS

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家族財產。所以Christian stewart認為不論採用任何方式,它們都要面對家庭成員的教育問題。





















權(從擁有人 /投資者角度出發)及管理(研究如





























由Hartley Goldstone and Kathy Wiseman 所著的「至可信賴 (trustworthy)」一書中,他們認為其中一個促進受託人與受益人建立良好關係的途徑就是讓受託人知
















家族財產專家 James E. Hughes Jr.在他的著作「家族 – 世代之 間 的 契 約 (Family; the Compact among Generations)」中建議每個家族都應該正視















Ownershipliquidity, capital allocation

assurng succession strategic direction performance, etc

BusinessOperations, finance,

employees, supplier and customer relationships,


FamilyHealth, prosperity,

continuity, participation, community role,

communication, education, values, goals, etc

the three-Circle Model

Source: Christian Stewart; Gary E. Aronoff and John L. Ward


30 Family oFFICeS

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Coping With Change 應對轉變帶來的影響

Attendees at WealthAsia’s event ‘The Sustainable Family Office Forum’ were given a rare opportunity to listen to the personal observations of local fund manager Martin Lau. He is the subject of this month’s Meet The Manager interview.

integrating environmental, social and governance (EsG) factors into all of our investment and ownership practices.”

EsG issues are considered in the same manner as traditional financial issues in terms of their capacity to affect long-term investment performance. Lau adds, “We are active stewards of our clients’ capital, and an important part of all our teams’ investment process is active engagement with companies on their EsG performance, practices, risks and opportunities. Each of our investment teams also has access to value-adding EsG data, research and resources to help them make the best possible investment decisions.”

Lau defines their investment approach as absolute return, by which he means that risk is assessed as losing money for the investing client, rather than in terms of deviation from any benchmark index. “We focus as much on the potential

Martin is an award-winning fund manager with First state stewart and an advocate for stronger stewardship of investors’ assets. He spoke about his

team’s distinctive investment culture and the emphasis placed on the alignment of investors’ interests.

In total, First state manages $35.7 billion of Asia Pacific equity strategies. the Asia Pacific/China equity team that Martin leads consists of 18 investment professionals, based in Edinburgh, Hong Kong and singapore. since the launch of the team’s first strategy in 1988, sustainable investment has always been an integral part of the team’s investment philosophy and stock-picking process. At the heart of this philosophy is the principle of stewardship.

Lau explains, “We are committed to being a global leader in responsible investment. to achieve this, we focus on


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downside of our investment decisions as on the anticipated upside.”

Being a portfolio management veteran, Martin has lived through several market cycles in Asia and understands very well just how far the local markets have come from the heady days of the emerging markets boom (and bust) in the 1990s. He says, “the Emerging Markets ride has not always been the smoothest one. the post-tiananmen square crash, the Asian Financial, Mexican tequila and Russian Rouble crises come to mind, but there have been many other ups and downs.”

so what has he learnt from these significant events? “First, on the investment front, a rapidly growing economy does not always make for a good stock market.” this point is easy to prove by comparing the staggering economic performance of China over the last 20 years with that of the country’s A-share market. “But, if you bought good quality companies you could still have made reasonable returns,” says Lau. second, that markets are extremely inefficient over the short term, and if you stick to your guns on valuation as well as quality, you should not find it difficult to beat any relevant benchmark as well as producing decent absolute returns over the longer term; “seven years is a reasonable period over which to judge a fund manager!” says Lau. Finally, that the best long-term investment opportunities are most likely to be found with family-controlled companies prepared to empower professional management and cognisant of the need to look after all stakeholders, not only their own personal interests.

First state stewart aims to recruit and develop people who are passionate about investing but hate losing clients’ money. All team members have to sign a Financial Hippocratic oath for Asset Managers, which focusses not only on ethical considerations but also on the importance and intrinsic value of the work itself.

“We engage on a wide range of issues including strategy, governance, alignment of interests and reputation. Engagement issues are identified through the research process and through alerts received from RepRisk. ” say Lau.

Martin has a number of investment themes he is following in China:

Living Standards – “the government’s stated GDP growth target is largely irrelevant to our investment process; quality and sustainability of growth are more important. China is by no means a rich country and much remains to be done to raise living standards. Investment in education, healthcare and infrastructure, especially in rural areas, still has a long way to go. With the right mind-set and political will, China’s progress towards higher living standards should

drive better quality, more sustainable GDP growth. there are signs that the current leadership is committed to carrying out the necessary reforms.”

Pollution – “Air pollution remains a big challenge for China. tourists are offered protective face masks by their hotels and ‘smog insurance’ is available from some travel agencies. there are signs emerging that it could start to have a detrimental impact on economic development – on a recent trip we heard stories of companies moving offices out of Beijing, where pollution is especially bad. Hence there is a danger it could hinder China’s efforts to attract and retain the best talent. Among the most recent measures announced by the government to address the issue was a change in the law to give greater powers to the country’s environmental protection agencies.”

Market liberalisation – “the slowdown in China is likely to continue, although the economy may stabilise in the short term. the fact that the government has not launched a major stimulus package so far shows that they are determined to push ahead with necessary adjustments to the economic structure and dealing with industry overcapacity. there are likely to be more selective measures to help promote sustainable development in the areas of environment, product upgrading and the livelihood of the general public. there should also be new growth opportunities arising from the opening of sectors controlled by state companies.

“We believe that there are good-quality companies in the China A-share market that are trading at attractive valuations especially with a longer-term view. the reform efforts relating to the China A-share market, more market-based competition and new incentives for state-owned-enterprise employees should be beneficial for long-term investing. We continue to focus on identifying companies with sustainable competences, proven management and healthy financials.”

Corporate landscape – “the corporate landscape has plenty of scope for improvement in terms of efficiency, accountability and product quality – certain sectors are dominated by large and monopolistic state-owned enterprises, while others are fragmented and lacking pricing power.

“As growth slows there will be an opportunity for more solid business foundations to be laid. Management prudence, cash flows and balance sheet strength will be extremely important in the coming years. those companies which can achieve innovation and ‘product premiumisation’ should be highly successful. While we remain broadly conservatively positioned, we will look to find the best companies in the fast-growing sectors.


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經理Martin Lau的個人見解。他是本月「與基金經理對話」訪問的受訪者。

Martin是首域投資 (First state stewart)獲獎無數的基金經理。他提倡對投資者的資產作出



首域合共管理 $35,700,000,000亞太區股票投資。Martin領導的首域亞太/大中華投資團隊由18名投資專家組成,運作地點為愛丁堡、香港和新加坡。

自從在 1988年推出首項投資策略,可持續投資一直是該團隊投資理念和選股過程的一部份,而這理



股做法中納入環境、社會和管治 (EsG) 元素。」



有一個重要元素:就一眾公司的 EsG表現、做事慣例、風險和機會積極進行分析。每個投資團隊均可

以取得 EsG資料、研究報告和資源,協助他們作出最好的投資決定。」





















人金融倫理誓言》(Financial Hippocratic oath for Asset Managers),當中強調道德考慮因素以及工作本身的重要性和內在價值。





生活質素 –「政府提出的GDP目標增長與我們的投資過程只有少許關係;增長的質素和可持續性是更為







污染 –「空氣污染依然是中國面臨的巨大挑戰。酒店向居住的旅客派發口罩,有些旅行社提供「霧霾


利影響 – 在最近一次公幹期間,我們聽到有些公司將辦事處撤離北京,因為北京的空氣污染尤其嚴




市場自由化 –「雖然中國的經濟可能在短期內漸趨穩定,然而放緩很有可能會持續。政府尚未推出主










企業界架構 – 「企業界架構在效率、責任承擔以及產品質素方面,仍有很大的改進空間 – 若干界別由大型的壟斷性國有企業控制,而其他界別則頗為零


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“A sustainable business means offering the very best service, ambience and attention to detail and cuisine.”

Two of Hong Kong’s local leaders in fine dining culture - both of whom are owner-operators of their own restaurants and personal brands, share their thoughts about what it takes to succeed as an investor and operator in one of the world’s most competitive markets.

Fiine dining has never been so luxurious and glamorous in Hong Kong. that is why it has become one of the hottest investments for high net worth individuals. the

amount of investment, passion and skill needed to create a luxury dining experience has made it an adventurous business.

Being an owner of a classy eatery is a prestigious and visible status symbol, but those are the wrong investment reasons. “Everybody wants to own a fine dining restaurant, especially if it is not their main business,” says Harlan Goldstein, the owner of Gold, Comfort, sushi to and Penthouse. “All over the world it represents a

form of bragging right. today, a luxury restaurant requires an investment of about HK$14 million.”

Harlan believes that Hong Kong diners like to interact with their chefs. “there aren’t many true celebrity chefs in Hong

Kong. Unlike other franchised names who occasionally visit, I have made a commitment to cultivate and care for a loyal, local clientele over the last 10 years.”

But while Hong Kong’s luxury dining sector is booming,

Goldstein has words of warning for casual investors. “not everyone can survive and prosper. over-expansion and mediocre quality are the main causes of failure. A casual management style will leave you wondering why you don’t have a well-trained kitchen or staff. A successful operation requires plenty of talent in the kitchen, customer relations and retention, design and brand development. Without this you will surely fail.”

Associating your name and personality with a restaurant distinguishes it from everyone else. However, it brings its own set of risks. Bonnae Gokson, the owner behind sEVVA, is a veteran of the fine dining scene. “Having my name associated with sEVVA as a brand requires serious commitment. the challenges are immense. Everything from staff attitude, attire and cleanliness- down to the tiniest details, reflect upon our image. Constant training and pep talks are needed to remind the staff. It’s like running a large estate.” Harlen Goldstein

The Risks & Rewards

in Fine Dining 高級餐飲業的風險和回報



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“Rents are not always high, they are too high for the wrong tenants.”

Creating and sustaining successowner-operators also bring a passion to the business model that can’t be found elsewhere. “I work very differently from other dining groups, which are based on concepts or celebrity chefs,” says Bonnae. “I treat sEVVA as my second home constantly innovating and designing new pop-up interiors to refresh the decor.”

Harlan emphasises, “there are many hidden elements behind this business. You need to be good at many things or else you end up closing a restaurant in six to eight months and wondering what happened. I run four venues and each of them requires passion, energy, love and encouragement. this is what I was born to do, a way of life for me.”

High rents and ridiculous rent increases are a hazard facing every retail outlet in Hong Kong. so how do you protect your investment? Harlan takes a dispassionate, businesslike view. “Rents are not always high, they are too high for the wrong tenants. But after many years in the business landlords approach and work with me to achieve a reasonable setup. I have no problems rejecting an unreasonable rent proposal. And I don’t need prime locations anymore because customers seek me out now.”

Bonnae doesn’t deny that sEVVA’s six year old, high profile location presents particular challenges. “sEVVA occupies a prime site on the penthouse floor of an iconic building. A sustainable business means offering the very best service, ambience and attention to detail and cuisine. so we regularly scrutinize each component of our costs.”

Fine dining trends have changed so much over the years that it has actually become more democratized and accessible. A wider, younger crowd seeks a warm kind of luxury rather than a stiff atmosphere. social media platforms have also become an important medium for engaging these customers.

“Do not over-expand and compromise on quality,” warns Harlan. Customers need to be kept happy. they directly Facebook me or use Weibo or Whatsapp to make bookings or directly communicate with me. I adapted to social media in order to maintain a regular dialogue with customers. the medium allows you to be transparent and back up your reputation. today, social media is a necessary tool for chefs to promote themselves and their dining brands.”

Bonnae is careful to distinguish between dining fads versus genuine trends. “social media is everywhere and sometimes, it’s a lot of hype. Many so-called food bloggers don’t even

know ‘real food’. Many diners are just followers of what is trendy and hip for the moment.”  

Harlan points out, “today’s customers want a formal, but hip and cool dining experience that is at the same time relaxed- casual dining that blends easily into luxury. today’s dining experience needs to cross boundaries.”

Finding Investors and Chasing Profits no industry wide data exists to verify profitability, but one manager said he saw luxury restaurants achieving as much as 18% profit margins seven years ago. today, 10% seems to be the normal level. Harlan reveals that, “Margins are down and you can only charge so much.”

“sEVVA hasn’t increased prices for most dishes for years, says Bonnae. “so after running for six years we can attract new guests and retain regular customers from all walks of life.”

Harlan reflects upon his Michelin award: “Winning a Michelin star isn’t as prestigious as it used to be. It creates incredible stress in order to stay in the rankings and its value for creating future business is questionable.”

the entire idea of what constitutes wealthy clientele has changed. “today, my clientele comprises more middle class Hong Kong diners, which reflects economic changes. that means keeping the average cost of a meal to about HKD700 per person.” Harlan boldly asserts, “I actually don’t want a clientele comprised of too many rich people who are too demanding. I want real fans and foodies. You can’t survive by only serving tycoons although I am always ready to please them.”

Finding the right financial backers is crucial for success. the term ‘silent’ partners is often used, but the relationship is better described as placing absolute trust in the operator’s expertise. Harlan says, “My partners are invaluable because they give me the freedom to run the business. If you team up with unqualified partners the venture can become a disaster. I don’t like a multitude of partners. It creates too much interference. silent investors are easier to work with.”

But ultimately, long term success is determined by how customers feel about their dining experience. Great food and a warm atmosphere ensures return customers. Word of mouth is the most powerful business generator. the starting point is a desire to take care of customers, not to exploit them.

Bonnae Gokson


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業。」Harlan Goldstein說。他是 Gold、Comfort、sushi to和 Penthouse的擁有人。「世界上很多人都喜歡拿這種事來吹牛。今天,一間高級餐廳需要約 1,400萬港元的投資。」











但這做法也有其風險。sEVVA的東主 Bonnae Gokson 是高級餐飲行業中的老手。他說:「我的名氣與










Harlan 強調:「這行業的秘訣有很多。你要在多方面都在行,要不是你的餐廳在6-8個月後關門,你也許還不知道發生什麽事。我經營四間餐廳,每一間





失呢? Harlan 平心靜氣的從商業角度回答這個問題。「租金並不永遠高企,而租客往往選擇了租金














變化。這表示,餐廳的人均消費將保持約 700港元。」Harlan大膽斷言:「我其實不希望我的顧客中有太多挑剔的有錢人。我想要的是真正喜歡美食的















36 World tRAveLLeR

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Addressing environmental, social and governance concerns in the context of emerging countries, is a big problem for investors. Martina MacPherson explains the background.

one of the most compelling economic stories of the 21st century has been the increase

in size and influence of the so-called ‘emerging markets’, many of which are located here in Asia. Emerging markets have overtaken developed markets in terms of gross domestic product, measured as purchasing power, making up more than 50% of global GDP. this is forecast to grow to nearly 60% by 2020, by which time the emerging economies will account for over 85% of the world’s population.

this new-found economic power is rapidly being converted into wealth. Emerging market nations now own 70% of the world’s currency reserves. As a consequence of this shift, developed-world investors are increasingly keen to allocate more funds to emerging markets. According to an investor survey by the research house EIRIs, these funds are seeking to minimise risks and drive performance by looking at the EsG (environmental, social and governance) standards of potential investments.

sustainable investing, understood as the incorporation of EsG analysis into investment decision-making, is a growing discipline that offers opportunities for long-term value creation both for investors and society as a whole. In recent years, an increasing number of industry experts and academics across the globe have come to believe that key EsG developments can have a significant role to play in long-term performance.

the Global sustainable Investment Alliance (GsIA) reports that more than one-fifth of the World’s assets today are managed in line with EsG criteria while the Un-backed Principles of Responsible Investments (PRI) currently have 1290 signatory corporations and investment companies who commit to abide by its EsG investment criteria (see the sept edition of Benchmark for more on the PRI).

Emerging market asset managers, keen to utilise EsG analysis and integrated sustainability-led investment strategies, often face significant information problems as well as historical and cultural differences. Corporate corruption in emerging markets is less frequently reported in the public domain than in developed markets, due to less scrutiny from government, nGos and the media. this information gap leaves investors unaware of, and exposed to, the risks associated with bribery and corruption.

Direct engagement with companies can be very useful in overcoming

information gaps. Alliances with local investors, the use of local language, and awareness of cultural differences are important factors in making such engagement successful. Combining company-specific information with an analysis of EsG risks at country and industry levels can provide investors with meaningful insight.

the EsG risks faced by companies within emerging markets vary greatly from country to country. A study by sustainalytics looked at Brazil, Russia, India, China and south Africa (the BRICs countries) and noted differences in the development of regulations and the level of EsG integration into business operations. Although issues such as labour conditions, pollution and corruption are prevalent in all BRICs countries, each one is faced with unique challenges of which investors should be aware. In Brazil, for example, deforestation and relations with indigenous people are key concerns. In Russia, complicated governance structures that discourage influence from foreign investors pose the greatest risk. In China, product quality and

ESG challengesin Emerging Markets新興市場在環境、社會和管理上遇到的挑戰


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safety is of primary concern, and in India and south Africa depleting water resources are a key risk to many industries.

Meanwhile, certain EsG macro themes such as climate change, globalisation and transforming societal expectations for corporations have become mainstream across markets. Climate change has been widely recognised as a key systemic risk. Recent events including the 2014 Un Climate summit in new York hosted by Ban Ki-Moon and the “PRI in Person - Montréal Carbon Pledge” conference, have outlined the climate change related threats posed to the global economy, as well as the financial costs of not addressing it.

Investors with exposure to emerging markets should demand greater EsG research, analysis and ratings of emerging market companies and countries by sustainability experts such as oekom research - either to adopt their investment strategy or to comply with their governance policy – instead of waiting for appropriate regulation to appear in the years ahead.

對投資者來 ,在新興市場探



Martina MacPherson將會跟我們解釋一下其背景。


影響力,而其中有不少是位於亞洲。單從購買力方面計算,新興市場在本地生產總值方面已經超越了已發展國家,佔了全球生 總值的一半以上,預測 2020年的時候,比例將接近60%,那時候新興經濟體系將佔世界人口的85%。

新興經濟體系迅速轉化為財富,新興市場國家現擁有70%的世界貨幣儲備,此轉變令越來越多的已發展國家的投資者傾向將更多投資轉移到新興市場。根據調查公司 EIRIs的一項投資者問卷調查,這些基金會留意具有潛力的投資的環境、社會和管理標準,從而希望將風險降低,並提升基金表現。

可持續投資可算是融合環境、社會和管理分析的一項投資決定,是一項對投資者和社會雙方提供長遠投資機遇的一個重要範疇。近年,世界上越來越多的業界專家和學者認為環境、社會和管理方面的發展將在長遠發展方面擔當重要的角色。全球可持續投資聯盟 (GsIA)發表了一項報告,指出現今世界上超過五分之一的資產都是根據環境、社會和管理標準處理,而聯合國環境規劃署原理融資方案則獲得 1,290家聯署企業和投資企業承諾遵從環境、社會和管理標準。(詳細資料請查閱9月號)





與此同時,某些有關環境、社會和管理的較大的議題,例如氣候變化、全球化和社會對企業期望的轉變,均成為各市場的主流。氣候變化是公認的一個主要系統性風險。最近的一些活動,包括在紐約舉行、由潘基文主持的2014聯合國氣候變化大會及「聯合國環境規劃署原理融資方案 – 蒙特利爾減碳公約」會議,都概述了氣候變化有關的威脅對全球經濟的影響,及其金融成本。

接觸新興市場的投資者應該要求如 oekom調查公司的可持續投資專家進行更仔細的環境、社會和管理研究和分析,並按等次排列新興市場的企業和國家,從而選擇採用他們的投資策略,或是遵守其管理政策,而不是等待將來有合適的條例出現。


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