Bemerton Outreach St Andrew’s St John’s St Michael’s St Andrew’s from St John’s Tower March 2017 25p

Bemerton Outreach Get your Hair Cut - Claire Shipp will lose her long locks in a public hair ... and making the tax declaration that

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Page 1: Bemerton Outreach Get your Hair Cut - Claire Shipp will lose her long locks in a public hair ... and making the tax declaration that


Bemerton Outreach St Andrew’s St John’s St Michael’s

St Andrew’s from St John’s Tower

March 2017 25p

Page 2: Bemerton Outreach Get your Hair Cut - Claire Shipp will lose her long locks in a public hair ... and making the tax declaration that




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Issue No: 1606


March 2017

As I write, winter is almost over, with its freezing fog and icy windscreen on my car to scrape clear of a morning; and all the excitement of Christmas and then the church “weekend away at home”, which so many people managed to join in. Yes, we all worked hard, focussing and sharing our thoughts on who we are as a church, our values, our dreams for the future, our vision of where God might be leading us next.

But now, spring is on the way as the days lengthen and the snowdrops and crocuses start to appear. And we begin the season of Lent with our Shrove Tuesday pancakes and Ash Wednesday communion. In the past I’ve used Lent to develop new habits - giving up sugar and the milk in my coffee - and to my surprise discovering at the end of the six weeks that I preferred it without – that I’d been missing out on the real taste by adulterating it! Other years I’ve let myself enjoy more time with God; or deliberately cultivated the habit of inner thankfulness for all the little joys and pleasures of each day – the morning sky, warmth, the pleasure of walking, of laughter, of tasks accomplished, of food and rest and so much more.

This old tradition of using Lent to stop and think about our spiritual life and refresh it, is one that still has much to offer. To help us, Simon is leading a series of Tuesday evenings from now until Easter - 7.30 pm in St Andrew’s, looking at the Psalms and using them to draw close to God. And Bishop Nicholas has provided a framework for all in the diocese to share in daily prayer throughout Lent using the little leaflet “Praying Together Lent 2017” (print copies available from church, or via the PrayerMate app on your phone or online at www.salisbury.anglican.org/worship/prayer/prating-together-2017). It is a format that everyone can use whether you have just five minutes in the midst of a busy day or half an hour to pray in a less hurried way. God knows the lives he has called each of us to and the demands and pressures they involve. But “seven days without prayer makes one weak” is as true now as when whoever it was first coined it. And Lent is a good time to establish (or re-establish) a life where quiet time with God has its essential, priority place in our daily living. Gillian

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Monday to Friday 11am to 2pm St Michael’s Community Centre

Meeting for Prayers 10.30 to 10.45 each day

Featuring - Tea & Coffee, Cakes & Biscuits, Soup & a Roll and of course space to relax, chat and meet your friends. Home to The Listening Place every Tuesday

‘Haven' Every Thursday from 11 - 12.30, at St Michaels Lower Chapel We will aim to provide a space where people can safely explore issues around faith, spirituality and mental well-being, a space where any story can be told and any question asked without fear of judgement or rejection. A place we will call our “‘Haven’ on the Heath”. For more information: Ruth Main 01722 334995 or mobile 077513 54669 Rev Ali Bridewell 0784 7952868 or parish office 01722 328031


On 19th March parents from St John’s School and others from the

village are walking from Stonehenge to Salisbury Cathedral to raise

funds for a defibrillator for the Lower Bemerton area. Support it at:


Get your Hair Cut - Claire Shipp will lose her long locks in a public hair

cut on April 2nd after Fun Church—to raise money for Church Funds.

There is a sponsor form in St Michael’s. Her hair will be used to make

wigs for children with cancer.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be part of the St Michael’s service on Sunday 30th April. This is when we elect Churchwardens, PCC members and review accounts and activities and plan for the future. You need to be on the church electoral roll vote - there are forms in the churches.

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What’s On in St Michael’s Community Centre

Coffee & Craft - In the Coffee & Chat Café every Thursday

evening 7.30 –9.00 for anyone to drop in for a coffee and relaxed

fellowship – or to join in with making greetings cards.

St Michael’s Senior Lunch Club

Every second Tuesday of the month

11.45am—1.30pm Lunch served at 12.15 noon.

Freshly cooked on the premises £3.70 per person

(Community Centre Hall behind St Michael’s Church)

Tuesday 14th March Fish Pie, with peas and sweet corn followed by crumble and custard

NOTE: From April 11th the price will increase to £4 per person

Learning to Draw

Alan Winstanley will guide you through some basic techniques at the

Community Centre Poppy Room on Thursdays from 2.30pm-5pm

KNIT and SEW and NATTER On the 1st Friday of each month 10.30am - 12.30 in the Coffee &

Chat Café.

Men's Tuesday Coffee Mornings

Second & Last Tuesdays of the month - 14th & 28th March

Join us in Coffee & Chat St Michael’s Community Centre from 10.30 am

More details from Alan Winstanley 333847

Jumble Sale Saturday 11th March

1pm at St Michael’s Community Centre Setting up from 10am

Don’t forget the Shrove Tuesday Pancakes St Michael’s Community Centre.

Tuesday 28th February 6pm to full up

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Church Flower Rotas

St Andrew’s Mrs June Hatcher 501723

St Michael’s Mrs Jenny Thomas 320294

Let June or Jenny know if you want to take a turn at decorating the church.


Before the APCM on April 30th the full, detailed church accounts for 2016 will be available. The figures opposite are just a brief summary, which I

hope you will look at and reflect on. Because it is important that everyone in the church understands where we stand moneywise and shares the responsibility for making mature and prayerful decisions about our income and our spending. Most of our income, after all, comes from our church members through regular giving, money we choose to leave in our wills, support we give to fundraising, time we give to doing tasks that would otherwise have to be paid for - and making the tax declaration that enables us already paid tax to be reclaimed through Gift Aid. And unless everyone understands where our church money comes from and goes to, we will not discern when we should personally put more into our church

household budget, or how much we can afford to spend on anything.

Our biggest outgoing is our parish share of the costs of training, paying

and housing vicars, paying pensions of past vicars and looking after church schools. Our parish does well from it – but with the diocese seeking to have 5 extra future vicars being trained each year, the costs will go up by about £4000 a year for the next few years. We give a tenth of what is given to us, to our charities and insurance, gas, electricity, water and the admin costs of running the parish all have to be paid, which would have left us over £10,000 short last year without the grant and the legacy that we received.

There was no way we could afford from normal revenue income the work needed to deal with leaks and make St Michael’s damp proof; to resolve the heating problems with new copper pipes throughout the building; and

to install working lighting. To do all this essential work we withdrew

money from capital investments made on our behalf in the past - which has reduced our dividend income and left us with only £8000 of accessible reserves for future emergencies or annual shortfalls. Our decisions about using the recent large legacy we have received need to be made wisely and prayerfully, listening to God and seeking His vision for us as we go forward , ready to take the risks of trusting His leading of us. We exist as a church to carry out the mission Jesus gave and fulfil his purposes – to do our Father’s will and further His kingdom - using all the gifts of mind and sense and experience He has given us. Gillian

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St Michael's Angels

Meetings First Friday of the Month 7.30 pm

March 3rd Lenten Meditation 41 Australian Avenue

April 7th Easter Reflections 7 Queen Mary Rd

Contact Linda Carley for more details 326747

St John’s Place - Alpha Course Plus

Following on from the Alpha Course a small group will be continuing to

meet on Thursday evenings at St John’s Place from 7-9pm. It is a

chance to share a simple meal, talk about God, the Bible, and pray.

All are welcome. It is helpful but not essential to let Andrew & Susie

(01722 326518) or Nick & Elspeth (01722 324880) know if you are


Women's World Day of Prayer

Friday 3rd March 2.30pm

at Salisbury Methodist church, St Edmund's Church St

This year, the service has been prepared by the women of the

Philippines entitled 'Am I Being Unfair to You?.

All are welcome, not just women! We support this moving service and

it would be wonderful to see representatives from our parish



Giving - donations/in services £ 41,900 Giving to charities £ 5,400

Tax reclaimed by Gift Aid £ 9,600 Parish share £ 44,100

Legacy £ 5,000 Staff wages/expenses £ 10,400

Grant (toward damp proofing) £ 6,000 Parish training & mission £ 1,900

Fund raising £ 3,200 Parish office/admin/magazine £ 2,100

Dividends £ 4,900 Insurance £ 2,800

Fees (weddings & funerals) £ 5,100 Electric, gas, water £ 2,200

Magazine, photocopying, etc £ 1,300 Upkeep of church services £ 1,000

Insurance claim £ 1,800 Cleaning & maintenance £ 1,900

Major buildings maintenance £ 47,200


DEFICIT 2016 £ 40,200


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St Andrew’s


St Michael’s

Sunday by Sunday

Sunday 5th March 1st of Lent 8 am St Andrew’s Communion (BCP)

10.30 am St Michael’s Fun Church !!

4 pm St Andrew’s Evensong with Hymns

Sunday 12th March 2nd of Lent

8 am St Andrew’s Communion (BCP)

10.30 am St Michael’s Family Communion

Sunday 19th March 3rd of Lent

8 am St Andrew’s Communion (BCP)

10.30 am St Michael’s Informal Service

Sunday 26th March Mothering Sunday

8 am St Andrew’s Communion (BCP)

10.30 am St Michael’s Family Communion

Sunday 2nd April 5th of Lent

8 am St Andrew’s Communion (BCP)

10.30 am St Michael’s Fun Church !!

4 pm St Andrew’s Evensong with Hymns

Lent Group - St Andrews, 7:30 - 8:45pm - Psalms

Every Tuesday in Lent, from 7th March to 11th April.

A short trip through some favourite psalms. A chance to sing, pray and re-flect on a hymnbook that is 2,500 years old, and still popular today.

Ending with Compline around 8:30pm.

If you need transport Contact Ruth Main on 07751 354667 or (01722) 334995

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From the Registers

Funerals 9th February Wilfred James (Jim) Goddard 15th February Colin Stephen Curtis

Weekday Services

Weekdays 9.00 - 9.15 am Morning Prayer St Michael’s

10.30 - 10.45 am Coffee & Chat Prayers

Every Friday 10 am St Andrew’s Communion (BCP)

Tuesday 7th March

10.45am Jo Benson Day Centre Communion

11.40am Bemerton Lodge Care Home Communion

1.30pm Hedley Davis Court Communion

Visitors are Welcome at the Hedley Davis Court Communion

Wednesday 1st March Ash Wednesday 7.30 pm St Andrew’s Service with Ashing

Prayer & Praise - with the Music group

Every Thursday from 7.30 - 9pm in St Michaels

Half an hour to practice ready for Sunday followed by an hour of

prophetic prayer and praise.

All are welcome to prepare for Sunday and join the worship.

House Groups

Shirley’s - every Monday in term time at 7.30pm. No meetings during Lent. Contact Shirley 320355.

Laurence’s - alternate Tuesdays at 2 Woodside Rd at 7.30 pm. No meetings during Lent. Contact Laurence 556530.

Susan’s - Alternate Wednesdays 2.30 - 4.30pm at 96 Heath Rd. Meeting on 15th & 29th March Contact Susan 01980 652751

Maureen’s - Meets monthly on a Thursday 7.30pm. No meetings during Lent. Contact Maureen 333847

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Thought for the Month

The church as God’s Temple 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

It is usual for us as Christians to talk about ‘the family of God’ which can mean that we think of the Church as something separate, a building made of stone or brick. In this passage

Paul says that the family or the community is not just any building but in fact, the Temple of God, the place where God’s Spirit dwells. We have to be careful of interpreting correctly and in verse 16 the verb and the second person pronoun are plural. “Do you not know that you (plural) are the Temple of God and

that God’s Spirit dwells in you (plural). So here in this passage the Spirit of God dwells in the gathered community.

How can Paul possibly say that the church has replaced the Temple? He is, in fact, saying that the Spirit of God is present in

the community and the community is now the place where praise and worship are rightly offered up to God. It can no longer said to be found just in a building but is found in God’s family, especially as they gather together.

Alongside this it is a mistake to think of ‘ministry’ as a

profession for this distorts our role within the church. Do we use our church buildings as if they belong to everyone or a place where we guard our own particular likes and dislikes?

To my thinking, we have to keep in mind that the living church

with its aims and objective, are God’s project and not our own. Jesus has already set out our agenda. We might think that this is a difficult thing to grasp and build on but if God is in charge, the church will grow and change in ways that are impossible for

us to determine now and in the future. Whatever that is, we need to pray that we keep to his blueprint as best we can and this is where we need to have faith and really trust him. Susan

Other Dates March 8th LPA’s meeting Jenny’s 7.30pm Saturday 1st July Neil’s Ordination Cathedral 4.30pm followed by a party at the Community Centre

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Herbert Castle 1879 – 1917 Able Seaman Royal Navy Herbert Castle joined the navy in 1895 and was in the reserves in August 1914 so he was called up immediately. In May 1916 he was discharged with TB and died in Bemerton on 1 March 1917, aged 37.

Family History Herbert’s father, John Castle, was from a family of farm labourers in Ebbesbourne Wake, in the remotest part of the Chalke Valley. Many people were moving away from that life for alternative employment but John was the only one of his siblings to do it successfully. One of his sisters was a servant in London before returning to marry a shepherd, and his brother also tried his luck there but ended up in the workhouse. In 1851 John Castle was eighteen and still a farm labourer in Ebbesbourne Wake but before 1863, when he married Caroline Abbott, he had made the break with farm work. They married in St Paul’s, Fisherton, and both were described as ‘attendants at the asylum’. This is particularly remarkable because in 1861 John was an inmate there. Caroline’s family were farm labourers from Berwick St John. One of her siblings became a postmaster and another a publican, both on the Isle of Wight. Two years after their marriage John and Caroline were in Hampshire where John was a gamekeeper but they had returned to Salisbury by 1871 when he was again an attendant at Fisherton Lunatic Asylum. They lived in West End Cottages, Wilton Road, the future home of another of our men, Thomas Trubridge, whose father also worked at the asylum, and whose mother was Caroline Castle’s sister. In 1881 John became the licensee of the Wilton Arms and was publican there until his death in 1904, aged 72.

Herbert’s siblings John and Caroline had ten children, two who died in infancy. Herbert, the second youngest, was only eleven in 1890 when his mother died. As soon as they were old enough all six of the surviving daughters - Rosina, Maud, Kate, Mabel, Georgina, and Winifred - started work as servants in private houses or hotels, some locally, others in Wardour and Rochester. Mabel was a nurse in Bethnal Green Lunatic Asylum, London, and in 1903 married another of our servicemen, Frank Goodyear, of the 10th Royal Hussars. After her mother’s death Rosina returned to help run the Wilton Arms

Life in the navy Herbert Castle joined the navy when he was sixteen, and in 1897, when he was eighteen, signed on for twelve years. He served on a variety of ships and shore establishments at Portland and Portsmouth and spent three years each on two pre-dreadnaught battleships: HMS Prince George, part of the Channel Fleet, and HMS Ramillies, the flagship of the Mediterranean fleet where he was promoted to able seaman. In 1903 Ramillies returned for a refit Herbert was assigned to shore establishments. In April 1905 he transferred to the Royal Fleet Reserve for the rest of his engagement at the end of which he re-enrolled as a reservist until 31 August 1915.

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The reason why Herbert transferred to the reserves cannot now be known. He returned to Salisbury and probably lodged at 14 St Andrews Road with his sister Mabel and her husband, Frank, now a clerk. His other sisters had left Salisbury: Rosina was on the Isle of Wight working at her aunt and uncle’s pub, Maud had died of TB leaving a husband and two young children, Kate was housekeeper to a surgeon in Broadchalke, and Georgina and her husband Harry Alford were housekeeper and butler at Swallowcliffe Mill. Winifred, who married immediately after the death of their father, was in Shrewton with her husband Arthur Brown, army pensioner and labourer. By 1911 Mabel and Frank Goodyear had moved to Aylesbury where Frank was an RSPCA inspector. Herbert, aged 32, was a wood sawyer boarding at 57 Windsor Street, Fisherton, a household with strong military connections. His landlord had served in the Dragoon Guards and two soldiers from Greenwich were also boarding there. Herbert was called up on 2 August 1914 and served for nearly two years in the inhospitable North Sea. For over a year he was on HMS Patuca patrolling the Shetlands. On 4 May 1916 he was ‘invalided’ with TB and returned to Salisbury knowing he would probably die within months. He moved into 3 Bright’s Villas, Skew Bridge Road, two doors away from where his sister Georgina was then living, and died there on 1 March 1917. Herbert is buried in Devizes Road cemetery, his unusual gravestone (pictured) reflecting his love of the sea. There is no acknowledgement of any cause or aggravation of his TB by his war service so his name is not on the Commonwealth War Graves roll of honour. Herbert Castle is remembered as a victim of the First World War only at St John’s.

Further Family History Georgina was not the only one of Herbert’s sisters to return to the Salisbury area. By 1918 Mabel and Frank Goodyear were living at 2 Bright’s Villas. Later the widowed Mabel moved to Shrewton with her daughter Dorothy, a teacher. Dorothy married George Ferdinando the uncle of Glenna Ferdinando who lived Bemerton until last year. After the death of her aunt and uncle on the Isle of Wight, Rosina also moved to Shrewton, as did Kate. Georgina and her husband, Harry Alford, lived in Skew Bridge Road until their deaths in the 1930s. Winifred and Arthur Brown, who had no surviving children, settled on the Clarendon estate. Only Mabel and Maud had grandchildren. Maud’s husband, Samuel Jennings, became a successful builder who re-married and lived briefly in Bemerton where their children were baptised, but settled in Harnham.

Writing and research by Bea Tilbrook and Wendy Lawrence

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Useful Numbers

Emergency Gas number 0800 111999

Fire & Rescue (non emergency) 01380 732601

Police (non emergency) 101 NHS Health Enquiries 111

Samaritans 01722 323555 Citizens Advice Bureau 08443752775

Neighbourhood Policing team [email protected]

Salisbury Medical Practice would like to take this opportunity to keep the parish residents informed. Keep your mind active and come Volunteer at

Bishopdown, Bemerton Heath, Wilton Health Centre or Salisbury Medical Practice this includes Salisbury Medical Practice’s Fountain Cafe – Please Contact [email protected] for more info.

If you or your organisation would like to hold a support café or drop in at Salisbury Medical Practice, please email [email protected] or call 01722 333034.

Diabetic Education Session, as our last one was successful we are doing another at Bemerton Heath on Wednesday 8th March 2-4pm – Diet and Lifestyle Advice for Type 2 Diabetics. Please call the Practice and inform us if you would like to attend.

Bemerton Townswomen’s Guild

2nd Thursday of the month 7.15 pm Roman Rd Methodist Church Hall

9th February Riding for the Disabled Jo Pay & Alex Thomas

further details from the Secretary Mrs Chris Walley 331275

Bemerton Flower Arrangers Chairman Doreen Till 501538

Meetings 7.30 pm 2nd Wednesday of every month.

St Gregory’s Church Hall, St Gregory’s Ave

Salisbury Medical Practice holds a monthly Memory Café on the 4th Wednesday of each month between 1:30pm – 3pm for people living with dementia and their carers to share. You do not have to be registered as a patient to attend. Free tea, coffee and cake are provided. An advisor from the Alzheimer’s Society attends to answer any questions as well as guests such as Wiltshire Sight and Swan Advocacy! Please call the practice for more information on 01722 333034 or check our website.

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Rector Revd Simon Woodley (Day off Saturday)

[email protected] 333750

Associate Priest

Revd Susan Drewett (Day off Monday)

[email protected] 01980 652751

Assistant Curates

Revd Ali Bridewell (Day off Saturday)

[email protected] 07847952868

Revd Neil Robinson (split role also Chaplain to Deaf & Hard of Hearing People)

[email protected] 07717 055219 (text only)

Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)

Mrs Gillian Newton

[email protected] 505692

Parish Administrator

Keren Mercer [email protected] 328031

Lay Pastoral Assistants

Revd Susan Drewett (Team Leader) 01980 652751

Geoffrey Herbert 324466 Jenny Thomas 320294

Denise Wells 322783 Helen Pessell 333604

Debbie Ford 332457

Church Wardens

St Michael’s

Terri Seaton 501214 Laurence Newton 07969816999

St Andrew’s & St John’s

Hilary Bird 333839


Gillian Newton 505692

St Michael’s Community Centre Manager Caitey Poolman 0778 346 7393

[email protected]

To arrange Baptisms, weddings etc contact the Rector.

Answerphone messages will get a reply.

St. Michael's Rectory, St. Michael's Rd, Salisbury, SP2 9LE

We Love Bemerton www.bemertonparish.org.uk

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Salisbury Medical Practice Bemerton Heath branch surgery Pembroke Road, Bemerton Heath 01722 334402

A friendly surgery in the heart of the community it serves

New patients welcome Drop in for your new patient pack and to find out more about us


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Carer friendly – if you are a carer let us know when you register

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You’re Welcome award

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