UNIT 2 Before It Was Georgia

Before It Was Georgia. Primary sources Secondary sources Archaeologists Artifact Atlatl Nomad Effigy Chiefdom Line of Demarcation

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Page 1: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

UNIT 2Before It Was Georgia

Page 2: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation


Primary sources Secondary sources Archaeologists Artifact Atlatl Nomad Effigy Chiefdom Line of Demarcation La Florida Guale Mocama Charter Mercantilism Pilgrims

Page 3: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation


Page 4: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

I. Understanding Our Ancient Past


First Hand Accounts of an event. This includes

interviews, newspapers, photographs, diaries and journals

These are considered more accurate.

Second hand accounts of events. This includes

textbooks, school teachers, and most internet sites.

These are usually not as accurate.

Page 5: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

I. Understanding Our Ancient Past

In order to understand our past, archaeologists look at primary sources such as artifacts. These include pottery shards and projectile points.

They study pre-history (time before writing)


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Page 7: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

II. Four Native Culture Periods

PALEO Period 10,000 BC – 8,000 BC Paleo means “very old” People were nomads and

moved around in small family groups to hunt large animals (Bison, mastodon, giant sloth). Foraged for berries and vegetables.

Used the large spear with a a clovis point as well as the Atlatl.

Life expectancy was very low.

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II. Four Native Culture Periods

ARCHAIC 8,000 BC - 1,000 BC Used the atlatl to hunt

smaller animals. Started to use pottery to

preserve food (deer, bear, small game, vegetables, and various fish.

Burial of the dead using tools, body ornaments.

Semi permanent shelters.

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II. Four Native Culture Periods

WOODLAND 1,000 BC – 1,000AD Used the bow and

arrow to hunt deer and small game

Developed agriculture Lived in sturdy

houses Created effigies (Rock

Eagle) and burial mounds, ceremonial objects

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II. Four Native Culture Periods

MISSISSIPPIAN 1,000 AD – 1600 AD Used Bow and arrow to hunt

deer and small game. Also ate corn, beans and other veggies they planted

Lived near water and used advanced farming techniques

Used advanced religious ceremonies, burial mounds (Etowah Mounds!) with food and ceremonial objects

Lived in Chiefdoms Video

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Page 12: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

Mr. Yelton sacrificed to the sun god

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Macchu Pichu

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Page 15: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

III. European Exploration

Why explore? Europeans were

looking for a shorter and safer trade route to East Asia

They wanted Asian goods such as silk, tea, and spices

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III. European Exploration

The Portuguese: Bartholomew Dias

– explored the coast of Africa and made it around the Cape of Good Hope.

Vasco de Gama – sailed around the coast of Africa and made it to Asia.

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III. European Exploration

SPANISH Christopher

Columbus – thought he could find a trade route to the East and accidentally discovered America.

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III. European Exploration

ENGLAND John Cabot –

explored the coast of North America including Canada and the location of the original 13 colonies.

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III. European Exploration

FRANCE Robert de la Salle –

explored the Mississippi River and helped established Louisiana.

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Page 21: Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation

IV. European Colonization

Mercantilism – the belief that countries should export more than they import.

Countries wanted to take over as many of the world’s resources as possible

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IV. European Colonization

Line of Demarcation – Spain and Portugal

signed the Treaty of Tordesillas which divided the world in two halves, giving Spain control of the New World.

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IV. European Exploration

SPAIN Juan Ponce de Leon – first

European in the main land of the United States. Called the entire South Eastern United States “La Florida.”

Hernando de Soto – explored Georgia looking for gold. Video

Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon- established the first settlement in Georgia. It failed.

Divided Georgia into Guale (North) and Mocama (South).

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IV. European Colonization

ENGLAND First settlement was

Roanoke. It disappeared.

Established Jamestown. Eventually became Virginia.

Had the Pilgrims. Established the 13

colonies (including Georgia)

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IV. European Colonization

FRANCE Tried to settle

around Georgia unsuccessfully.

Established the Louisiana Territory.