1 Your Health in your hands Anything can be healed if you believe it can Healing Kidney Failure Naturally (Before & After Dialysis) “When one door of happiness closes, another one opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us”. Dietary Guidance Color Therapy Hydro Therapy Mudra Therapy Acupressure Therapy Breathing Exercises “YOUR CHOICE: CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE OR DIE MISERABLY” “CHOOSE TO LIVE LIFE AWAKE” Compiled By: Nadeem Divekar - 9769928390 [email protected] No Copy Right This booklet may be freely reproduced in any form without prior permission --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOME FACTS Did you know that there are currently more than 300,000 people receiving dialysis in the India? Did you know that the average wait for a donor kidney is 7 years? Did you know that the 2 major causes of kidney failure and kidney disease are hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes? Did you know that most people who experience late stage renal (kidney) failure have NO symptoms until it is too late?

(Before & After Dialysis) - Karmayog Healing...1 Your Health in your hands Anything can be healed if you believe it can Healing Kidney Failure Naturally (Before & After Dialysis) “When

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Your Health in your hands                                              Anything can be healed if you believe it can

Healing Kidney Failure Naturally (Before & After Dialysis)  

“When one door of happiness closes, another one opens, but often we look so long at the closed door

that we do not see the one that has been opened for us”.

Dietary Guidance Color Therapy Hydro Therapy Mudra Therapy

Acupressure Therapy Breathing Exercises



Compiled By: Nadeem Divekar - 9769928390

[email protected]

No Copy Right

This booklet may be freely reproduced in any form without prior permission ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Did you know that there are currently more than 300,000 people receiving dialysis in the India?

• Did you know that the average wait for a donor kidney is 7 years? • Did you know that the 2 major causes of kidney failure and kidney disease are

hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes? • Did you know that most people who experience late stage renal (kidney) failure have

NO symptoms until it is too late?


Turn to Nature and be free from kidney Failure The function & problems of kidneys can easily understand with an example of tea filter. When the dust of tea & milk cream stuck in the holes of filter and stop further filtering, down throw away it? No, we remove the substance that stuck into holes of filter and used for a long period. Then why not clean the tiny holes in the kidney and allow it to function normally for life? So the root causes that damage kidneys are the toxins (fried, spicy, salty, fatty, adultered food, contaminated water, polluted air, consumption of Analgesic drugs (painkiller & anti inflammatory drug) & immune suppressive drugs for chronic renal failure tobacco, alcohol, soft drinks, allopathic drugs and stress & strain get stuck in the tiny holes (nephron) of kidneys and slowly and steadily kidneys are not able to remove all the toxins from blood. And another root causes are severe diseases such as venereal disease, gynecological problem, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, HIV/AIDS etc. produce toxins in large quantities & increasing level of creatinine in the blood. Dialysis and transplantation is not the treatment as the allopathic medical practitioner propagated. In fact it is the life saving producer benefited in emergency circumstances only. Where patient remain patient throughout the life. Each hemodialysis cost around Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1200/-. So monthly expenses only a hemodialysis around Rs. 5000 to Rs. 12000 plus traveling, medicine, wood transfusion, hepatitis vaccine etc. In case of dialysis the facts of operation for Artery vein, Fistula (AVF) before hemodialysis, in hide from patient that operated hand will become totally useless for the rest of life & further complication occur during the process of dialysis although they very well knew about if and also it in patients right to knew about the detail of the treatment & surgery. The expenses for kidney transplantation operation varies from 2 lac to 3 lac plus pre & post operative medications about 1.5 lac thereby patient should have at least 5 lac or more. The cost of transplantation is so high that very few can afford it. It also has risk factor of rejection of donor kidney infection and side effect of immune suppressment drugs. However dialysis & even transplantation of kidney is not a guaranteed cure. As the root cause is not found out & treated, toxin go on deposited and accumulated in body and damage kidney. Kidney failure is the consequence of artificial sedentary life style, the unnatural therapeutic maxims and made of treatment ruined them or rendered them in curable. Thereby answer is the nature that was potential to alone transform into health. Disease in the outcome of nature’s disobedience and thus natural disease can heal & cure through only natural laws.


1. Drugs are NEVER eliminate as in the waste from body, but are stored up in long for decades. 2. Wrong eating is the cause & right eating might be cure. 3. When you feed the sick, you feed the disease. 4. Cooked food increases the work load of the kidneys by more than 10 times than natural food. 5. The more you feed the sick, the more you harm him. 6. Plenty of vital forces are spent to digest food where as in fasting vital organ gets rest & the vital

force get the chance to do their task. 7. Fasting eliminates toxin & foreign elements produce in the body. 8. Fasting purify not only body but also mind. 9. A person who has lived wrongly for years can not become well in a few day 10. You are what you eat and you are what you think 11. Food shall be your remedies & your remedies shall be your food 12. Eat naturally way into paradise physically. 13. Diet is Health; Diet is Medicine and Diet Heals Diseases.


Toxic waste in the body is the principal cause of disease. And Diseases are self initiated efforts to remove waste from body. Cure can not be obtained without cleansing i.e. detoxification. 90% of your health problems can be safely and effectively treated without medicines.

The Answer Is Holistic Healing Science: Holistic approach i.e. body & mind should be treated as “whole”. We treat the cause, while modern medicine treats the symptoms. Healing is from within i.e. power to cure lies within body itself, and not in the hand of doctor.

3  What Is Nature Cures?

The science of curing diseases according to the laws of nature is the nature - cure. It is the science of diseases elimination without drugs. Nature cure is not only system of healing but also a way of life. The science of natural therapeutic is based on a use of the same five elements in the treatment of diseases, which constitute to human body. Theses are earth, water, ether, sunlight and air. It is the only system that considers the vital power to be the curative power, and all healing the prerogative of nature. Of course, all the ‘pathies’ do believe in the vital power, but not to the extent that Nature Cure does. No surgeon would dare cut open any body if he were not sure that Nature would finally heal the incision that he has made. Nature Cure, however, believes that the vital power is the only curative power, and that it can be assisted in its healing work by removing obstacles from and its path. If food is the obstacle, fasting is called for. If suppressive drugs are in the way, they have to be discontinued. If negative emotions are in the way, they have to be checked. In short, all those conditions which contribute to disease have to alter so that state of health is gradually restored. Nature cure deal with root causes of diseases. It does not provide any short cut to health, for there is none. It is logical and scientific. It demands much from suffer by way of sacrifice, sacrifice of time & harmful habits. Ignorance and condemnation before investigation, is major hurdle in the path of acceptance.

Principles of Nature Cure:

1) Toxemia (i.e. the accumulation of waste products in our body by wrong eating, over eating, or poor digestion and stress and sedentary life style.) is the principal cause of diseases.

2) Healing is from with in. 3) Body and mind should be treated as a whole. 4) Cure can not be obtained without cleansing of the inner body. 5) Heal your self because you are the only responsible for your health. And recovery rests on you not

on drugs and doctors. Remember life demand efforts. Let Your Food Be Your Medicine:

“Your food shall be your medicine” said Hippoorates, father of medicines, several hundred years ago. This maximum is a relevant today. Diet plays a vital role in the maintenance of good health & in the prevention & cure of diseases. We continuously assault our hard working and silently suffering organs not only by drugs , but also by wrong foods, foodless foods, counterfeit foods, which include soft drinks, the cokes, glucose candies, and all that junk. ‘Proper eating habit’ is an important rule of health. More people the world over die of over eating and wrong easting, than of starvation; this is an apt saying because in a sense, even those who over eat, starve. As a wit has remarked about gluttons, ‘one third of what they eat nourishes them; the remaining two thirds nourishes their doctors. Many people do dig their graves with their teeth; instead of eating to live, they live to eat.

Wastage of charity & National wealth:

The realm of the incurable has expanded alarmingly so also has the ability of the medical profession to prolong life artificially , but it is not the creator’s intention that man should live by the aid of crutches or turn the planet into one vast hospital for the sick.

The system which neglects the mental, moral and physical aspects of a person must necessarily be a failure. Thus allopathic drug and surgery have proved failure in treating and preventing the diseases. And thereby the most of the money spend on medical –aid is merely a ‘dead investment’ serve no real purpose and put the question before us that what should be the barometer of our charity distribution among deserve people ?


A word from Compiler

Peace, mercy and blessing with you,

“There is no substitute for a balanced diet, exercise & good mental health”

The purpose of this booklet is not only to increase awareness about the harmful aspect of modern allopathic treatment for chronic kidney failure disease but also make aware and awake that diet plays a very important role in maintaining health of kidney particularly when the kidney is mal functioning.

“An apple a day keeps disease away” is a practical guidance for all of them who want to get rid off from kidney disorder. If the kidney failure patient takes nothing but only an apple as a meal throughout the day for a7 days, then this fruit fasting will certainly gives pleasant result.

Prevention is extremely simple, but simplicity does not hold attraction. Another reason is patience and discipline which are 2 vital things needed to maintain good health. Prevention and cure are not confined to the few who give treatment for illness. Each and every one of us has a physician inside us who requires to be awakened. This will happen only when we return to nature and follow the rules of nature.

This booklet is written in lucid, easy to understand language. The aim is to impart accessible and useful knowledge and experience to the patients and their caring relatives.

If this booklet helps in any way to relieve the pain of suffering humanity, then it will have been well worth the effort involved.

Here I would like to request the patients who get benefits from this booklet, please send me your prior investigation report’s true copies that diagnose you disease with the all laboratory reports after completing the natural therapies treatment course.

I am waiting for your favorable response with your brief case history of illness and cure by this natural remedies. Your testimonial and feedback will surely contribute to the well being of society.

With best wishes for the readers.

Nadeem Divekar 190/8 , Sanober Manzil , New Hall Rd, Kurla (w) Mumbai-400 070 . Cell No: 97699 28390 [email protected]


Part - I “A rupee of prevention is better than a cure with lakhs of rupees with life threatening side effects.”


“Prevention is not only better & cheaper than a cure but is the only option for a healthy life.”


There is an apocryphal story of a village which nested on top of a cliff .From the cliff was a precipitous drop of a hundred meters in a valley. At times people fell down from the promontory of the cliff; some escaped with broken bones, where as others died. The Gram panchayat decided to do some thing about calamities. What do you think they did? They had a nice little hospital built down in the valley, staffed with nice doctors & nurses, and a nice little operation theatre was for them to work in; and a nice ambulance was kept ready round the clock, for all eventualities .Nobody thought of putting up a railing or wall around the cliff. The story of that village is the story of the world. We all are as foolish as the old men of that Gram panchayat. We forget that “prevention is better & cheaper than cure”. In fact we are breeding diseases these days that can not be cured. Why not prevent their onset by right living habits, & creating & contributing to a clean environment? It is very pity that Million are spent on research in combating and conquering diseases, but no money is spent in finding ways to maintain health & prevent sickness.


Beware no true cure and no restoration of health can be obtained with western medicines. The bombardment of antibiotics and heavy drugs creates more toxicity which not only suppressed the symptoms for time being, but also damaged the vital organs and weakens the immune system. Then how could be it effective in chronic ailments? And could mankind survive without the defensive mechanism of the body? Thereby it is better to safe than sorry. By choosing the better treatment options which are safe, effective, cheap and easy to understand and practice. The answer is only holistic approach to healing. Holistic means “addressing the whole”, are extremely beneficial is addressing and eliminating root causes of the diseases. Even when there is toxicity benefits can over weigh adverse reaction.

Contributing factors of kidney failure:

Degenerative diseases; congestive heart failure; anemia;-rheumatoid arthritis; fibrinogen formation; fibrosis; diabetes; asthma; lupus; psoriasis; kidney stone etc.



In severe cases it will be advisable to put the patient on a vegetable juice therapy for about a week. Green juice extracted from any green leafy vegetable mixed with carrot & beet juice. Repeat juice fast at interval of every two months.

II. Raw Potato Juice Therapy:

Eat the potato into thin slices without peeling the skin & place over night in a large glass filled with cold water. This water should be drunk in the morning on empty stomach. Fresh Juice can also be extract from Potatoes & drunk diluted with water 50:50, first thing in the morning.

III. Diet Cure Chart:

A. Upon Arising: A glass of luke warm water with a half a freshly squeezed lime and add honey. B. Breakfast: Orange, apple or any fruit (except Banana) and cup a cup of hot milk. C. Lunch: First take salad with tomato, carrot, radish, cucumber, wheat bread green vegetable. D. Afternoon: Fresh fruit, salted biscuit. E. Dinner: Same as lunch


Tobacco, Alcohol, Refined & Fried Food, Meat, Tea, Coffee, Cold Drink, Ice cream, Rice, Sugar, Processed & Canned foods, Cauliflower, Lady Finger, Arbi, Red Pumpkin, Brinjal, Urad Dal, Rajma, Sour food, Curd, Pulses, Milk & Milk Products.


Pineapple, Apple, Cucumber, Garlic, Alfalfa, Aloe, Amla, Pepper, Nut mag, Ashvagandha, Lime.

IV. Selective Home Remedies:

1. Alfalfa: Alfalfa tea from its seeds is effective. 2. Amla: Tablespoon of powder with two tablespoon of jaggery twice a day for four months. 3. Cucumber: I juice with carrot and beet found effective. 4. Garlic: Garlic, Cloves found effective.

Note: Do not use any home remedies continuously at least keep a gap of 10 days & then restart it

Hydro Therapy: A. Steam Bath B. Hot Foot & Arm Bath C. Cold Pack to inflamed join D. Ice Treatment.

V. Auto-Suggestion:

1. Every day in every way, I am getting better and better. 2. I am love. I how choose to love & approve of myself. I see other with love.

Repeat this affirmation as much time as you can. Especially early in the morning when you get up and when you are going to bed.



I. Fasting Therapy for Asthma: Essentially a disease of over-nourishment that in intake of food much in excess of one’s ability to digest & metabolize. Therefore, patients of asthma should generally be serve periodic fasts. Asthma patient should fast for three to five days on lemon juice with honey. During this period the bowels should be cleaned daily with warm water enema. After the fast the patient may resort to an all fruit diet for a further 5 to 7 days to nourish the system and eliminate the toxins. Therefore, other foods may be gradually added to diet. Further short fasts and period on all fruit diet may be required in certain cases at intervals of 2 or months depending upon the progress being made.

II. Diet-Cure Chart for Asthma: Adopt a well balanced diet as given below after fasting Therapy. A

vegetarian diet is best for asthma.

A) UPON ARISING (6am): Juice of one lemon with 2 teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon ginger

juice in a glass of warm water.

B) BREAKFAST (8am): Carrot juice or any seasonal fruit juice. In carrot juice of ginger, mint,

tomatoes, and beets can be added to make a delicious & nutritious drink. A handful of germinated

gram & wheat bread & dried fruit.

C) LUNCH (10-11 am): Being with salad (raw vegetable such as cucumber, lettuce, tomato, carrot,

and beet) mixed with pepper & lemon juice. After eating salad, eat vegetable soup or a bowl of

boiled vegetables, 2 table spoons sprouted grain with whole wheat bread or chapattis.

D) MID AFTERNOON (4 pm): Fresh fruits, or salted biscuits.

E) DINNER (7 pm): Any seasonal fruits and sprouted grains one bowl.

F) BED TIME (9-10 pm): 1 teaspoon powder of haritaki or har given bed times along with one fourth

quantity of rock salt every month. This will enable the body to build up its resistance & strengthen

the vital organs to carry out its function in the normal way.

Avoid: Rice, Sugar, Curd, Yoghurt, Ripe banana, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream & Sour fruit & its juice, meat

of any type for a period of 3 months, fried food, strong tea, coffee, alcoholic, beverages, condiments,

pickle sauces & all refined and processed foods. Initially milk & milk products should be totally

avoided. Avoid taking water with meals. He should not eat very hot very cold, very spicy, very bland,

very pungent, very sweet, very scar & very bitter. Avoid food which is known to be allergic. Avoid

Elephant foot (Suran) potatoes.

Highly Beneficial Foods: Baked food, Honey, Vitamin B6, Aniseed (Saunf), Wing, Ajwan, Laun

Garlic, Ginger, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Black Pepper, Turmeric, Amla, Jung Elyaz, Anjeer (Fig), Grape,

Orange, Chauli Ka Saag, Karela, Pudina (Min Spinach (Palak), Almond, Til (Sesame), Jawar & Bajre

cow & goat milk.

IV. Selective Home Remedies:

1. Turmeric: 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with 2 tsp. of honey twice daily on an empty

stomach or 1 tsp. with a cup of warm milk twice a day.


2. Amaranth: Drink fresh juice of chaulai Ka saag with honey.

3. Bitter Gourd (Karela): A teaspoon of root paste mixed with small amount of honey or tulsi leaf

juice, given on every night for month.

4. Garlic: 3 cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night.

5. Ginger: Teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with a cup full fenugreets (Methi) decoction & honey.

6. Spinach (Palak): Infusion of fresh leave of spinach prepared with 2 tsp. of methi seeds mixed with

honey. It should be taken in doses of 30ml 3 times daily.

7. Tomato: A glassful of fresh tomato juice mixed with honey, a pinch of powdered cardamon (Chhoti

Elaichi) seeds, taken after swallowing 3 peeled cloves of garlic every night before going to bed.

8. Sesame (Til): An infusion of sesame seed, mixed with a teaspoon of linseed (Alsi), a pinch of

common salt & teaspoon honey, should be given once at night.

9. Clove (Laung): Chewing a burnt clove or 3 to 5 drops of clove oil mixed with honey & clove of

garlic before going to bed.

10. Tulsi: A decoction of leaves with honey and ginger.

11. Linseed (Alsi): Linseed emulsion or tea can be made by heating a teaspoon of the powdered seeds in

about 360ml of water. The liquid is reduced to half its quantity by boiling & sweetened with sugar.

Note: Do not use any home remedies continuously. At least keep a gap of 10 days then again restart same.

V. Hydro-Therapy for Asthma: Following Hydro therapy are found effective in Asthma. A. Enema, B.

Hot Fermentation to back C. Chest Pack D. Steam Inhalation E. Sponge Bath for fever F. Hot Food &

Arm Bath G. Hot & Cold lung compress.

VI. Mudra Therapy for Asthma:

This mudra can be made by entangling the finger among themselves & keeping either of the thumbs

erect. Practice of this mudra increase heat in our body. So it is benefit to practice in winter & any time of

the day but as only as when required. It should not practice for a longer time as this generates heat in the

body. It destroys cough and chronic cold.

VII. Auto suggestion for Asthma:

1. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.

2. It is safe now for me to take charge of my own life. Choose to be free.

Repeat these affirmations as many times as you can. Especially early morning when you get up and

while going to bed.


Home Remedies for Constipation 1. Take a big glass of orange juice at breakfast time. Do not take anything else along with it.

2. Grind an awala (Indian Gooseberry) to past. Add one teaspoon of past in warm milk & consume during breakfast, don’t add sugar. Repeat at bed time but in glass of warm water.

3. If it is geava seasons eat atleast two weighing 300 gms for breakfast exclusively.

4. At bed time consume one glass of warm water after eating 3-4 date (Khajur).

5. Eat about 100 gms green tomatoes every day for a few days. They must be chewed thoroughly.

6. Soak the skin & seeds of two lemons ever night in half a glass of warm water, filter it and take the same in the morning.

7. One glass of carrot-spinach & tomato juice with equal quantity daily with lemon squeezed for a few days.

8. Take some garlic in any forms, or trifale powder or 2-4 soaked figs or soaked manukha at night.

9. In case of obstinate constipation, take 4-8 tea spoon full of custor oil in a cup of skimmed milk at night intermittently.

10. Half a cup of grape juice sweetened with a teaspoon of honey & mixed with half a cup of boiling water taken immediately after a meal will bring good results.

11. Drinking water kept over night in a copper vessel, drink upon rising on empty stomach.

12. A teaspoon of linseed swallowed with water before each meal provides both bulk & lubrication.

13. 10gm of senna leaves & 5 gm of aniseed should be boiled in a cup of water with sugar, then strained & drunk before retiring for night.

14. Eat 40gm of gulkand with milk every day.

15. Take a bathu Ka saag during the season for getting rid of obstinate constipation.

Prevention of Constipation:

Most important factor in preventing constipation i.e. taking laxative foods & avoiding constipation goods. The intake of an adequate amount of fluid between meals is also necessary. Those who need more fat in their diet should take more butter, ghee, cream & oil.

Food should be properly being chewed, hurried, untimely meals, should be avoided and the calls of nature should be attended to promptly. Daily exercise and walking are very important for every one. Regular bowel habit should be formed for this an effort must be made at a fixed time to evacuate the bowel without straining, whether the impulse to do so is present or not. As far as possible drinking water with meal should be avoided as it dilutes gastric juices essential to good digestion. Drink one glass of warm water one hour before every meal and two glass of warm water 2 hours after every meal. Be active and avoid tension and stress.

How to Seat for Nature Call

Sit with your both feet flat on floor with both knees in bending position, then slowly push up your right heel resting the toes of right feet on the ground, while left feet is flat on the floor with left hand elbow pressing at left side of stomach below the navel. It creates pressure on the lower left side of the colon which makes easy to pass the stool.


Treatment Chart & Prevention Plan for Diabetes

Diet Cure Chart for Diabetes:

A) Upon Arising: A glass of luke warm water with freshly squeezed lime juice. B) After ½ Hour: ¼ glass of bitter gourd (Karela) juice, juice extracted from tomatoes, bottle gourd (

Louki) & spinach (Palak). C) Breakfast :( After ½ hour) any fresh fruit except banana and mango, fresh milk without sugar. 1 cup

corn flakes or 1 veg. sandwich of tomato, cucumber and 1 cup milk without sugar. D) Mid Morning: 1 glass of butter milk with 1 teaspoon of powder of jamun seed. E) Lunch: Steamed or lightly cooked green veg. such as cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach,

turnip, 2 or 3 wheat chappati and a glass butter milk or curd. F) Mid After Noon: 1 glass milk without sugar. G) Early Evening: 1 fruit (preferably apple, orange or any seasonal fruit especially citrus fruits) or a

glass of fresh fruit juice or veg juice. H) Dinner: A large bowl of salad made up of all raw veg. Fresh home made cottage or 2 wheat chapatti

, 1 cup sprouted pulses and curd or butter milk. I) Bed Time: 1 apple or glass of milk with out sugar.

Avoid: Tea, coffee, sugar, potato, rice, salt, white flour, refined & fried food, fleshy food, pickles, Tobacco, alcohol, fruits only banana and mango.

Especially Beneficial: Grape fruit, amla, jamun , karela, lauki, methi ,tomato, mong phali, garlic, onion, turmeric, coriander (dhanya), raddish , channa, curry patta.

Selective Home Remedies for Diabetes:

1. Indian Gooseberry (Amla): A table spoon full of its juice, mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd ( karela) juice , taken daily for 2 months that reduce blood sugar and also prevent eye complication.

2. Jambul (Jamun): Dried powder in doses of 3 gram 3 times a day mixed in water or mixed equal quantity of amla , jamun and karela powder and take 1 tablespoon twice a day.

3. Mango (AAM): mango leaves can be dried in shade, powdered and preserved, half a teaspoon of this powder twice a day.

4. Bitter Gourd (Karela): Karela juice on empty stomach in the morning. 5. Bottle Gourd (Doodhi): a glass ful of doodhi juice is effective in excessive thirst. 6. Methi( Fenugreek): Soak 2 teaspoonfgul of methi in big glass of water over night ( preferably in

copper vessels ) , drink that water in the morning , and chew the seed or two tablespoon powder swallow daily.

7. Curry Leaves (curry Patta): Eating 10 fresh curry leaves every morning for 3 months. 8. Garlic (Lahsoon): Take 2 or 3 clove of garlic a day in any form. 9. Onion(Piyaz): Dose of 25 to 200 grams reduce blood sugar 10. Turmeric(Haldi): Drink turmeric milk (1 Tsp turmeric powder boiled in milk ) 2 times a day for a

month 11. Coriander (Dhanya): Drink half cup of green coriander leaves for a month on empty stomach in the



Treatment Chart and Prevention Plan for Gout

I. Fasting Therapy: No better remedy then a FAST. The patient should under take a fast for 5 to 7 days on orange juice

and water. Some times the condition may worsen in early stages of fasting when uric acid, dissolved by

juices, is thrown into blood stream for elimination. This usual clears up if fasting is continued. In severe

cases it is advisable to undertake a series of short fasts for 3 days. A warm water enema should be

usually daily during period of fasting cleanse the bowels. After the acute symptoms of gout sub sides

patient may adopt all fruit diet for further 3 to 4 days. In this regime, he should have 3 meals a day of

juicy fruit such as grapes, apples, peaches, orange and pineapples.

II. Diet – Cure Chart:

A. Breakfast: Fruits of any kind such as orange, apples, figs, mangoes etc.

and milk with wheat bread.

B. Lunch: Steamed vegetables such as beet, carrot, tomatoes, cabbage,

potatoes, chappatis and butter milk.

C. Dinner: Sprouts such as alfalfa, mung, salad and whole wheat bread.

Avoid: Meat, egg & fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, White Flour and their products, canned and processed

foods, spices and salt should be little cauliflower, spinach.

Highly Beneficial Foods:

Potatoes, banana, leafy green vegetables, raw vegetables, carrot, beet, lemon, cucumber, apple,


III. Hydro Therapy:

A. Epson Salt foot bath B. Cold pack at night applies to affected joint.

IV. Auto Suggestion:

1. Every day in every way, I am getting better & better.

2. God is Almighty, God is merciful, HE is healing me of gout, with thanks,

and in full faith so be it.

Repeat this affirmation as many times as you can. Especially early in the morning when you get up and

when you go to the bed.


Healing HIV/ AIDS Naturally REMEMBER:

Anything can be healed if you can

Dissolve Mental Pattern – Dissolve Diseases The notion that AIDS is an incurable disease, although it can be preventable, treatable and ultimately curable illness. Nature cures treatment come under category of immune modulator treatments that increase immune response often increasing T4 - Cell counts.

Early Detection of HIV with Acupressure: Pressing on point of spleen and thyroid / para thyroid gland pint. Uneasy pain indicates HIV infection. The pain on lymph gland indicates the advance stage of infection. Patient with sex abuse get pain on adrenal gland.

Treatment for HIV/ AIDS: 1. Fasting: on gold /silver/copper/iron charged water for a week.

2. Pineapple juice fast for a week.

3. Green raw juice fasting: Leafy veg.,sprouted moon , alfalfa etc. salad ( raddish, carrot, tomato , beet)

4. Soak ajwan seed for 12 hrs and take before sunset.

5. For removing excess heat take 1 tablespoon hartika powder at early morning on empty stomach for 10 days. Or soak black pepper with 2 teaspoon crystal sugar and drink on empty stomach for a5 days.

6. To increase heat half tablespoon turmeric with warm water daily for 10 days.

7. 1 tablespoon triphala powder with glass of luke warm water at bedtime.

8. Drink 1 tablespoon of amla powder daily for 15 days.

9. Drink lime (Limbo) juice with luke warm water for 15 days.

10. 1 tablespoon of methi powder with luke warm water after half an hour of meal

11. Lin seed (Alsi ) soak in a glass of a water in night and take on empty stomach in the morning

Bio Chem Mixture: Cal phos, Kali Phos , kali mur , Fer Phos , kali Iod, All in 30 potency dose 1gm powder or 6 pills three times a day.

Colour Therapy: Blue Light on whole body for 10 minutes daily

Sun Bathing: After sunrise and before half an hour of sunset

Acupressure Treatment: Apply pressure on all organ endocrine gland for 5 minutes on both palms and 2 minutes on point finding pains.

Abdominal Breathing: Exhale air by slowly pressing stomach inward and shut mouth and inhale air from nose by releasing stomach upward.

Sun Pranayam: Inhale and Exhale only with right nostril for 5 minutes three times a day.

Mudra Thearpy: Ling mudra increase heat and Pran mudra strength prayana i.e. breathe

Hydro Therapy: Drink 12 glasses through out a day.

Auto Suggestion Affirmation: I am healthy, I am safe, My T4 Cell are constantly increasing, I am strong and healthy

Meditation: 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life.

“I can over come with power of will, faith and pray”


Treatment Chart for Prevention Plan for Hypertension I. Fasting Therapy for Hypertension:

Begin with exclusive fresh fruits diet for about a weak. In this regime, he should take 3 meals a day of

fresh juicy fruits such as apple, orange, mango, guava, pineapple, grape, watermelon are the best fruit at

five hourly intervals. Bananas & Jack fruit should be avoided. There after he may adopt fruit & milk

diet, for about 15 days. It is important to note that milk should be boiled only once. After fruit & milk

diet, patient should gradually adopt a well balanced diet.

II. Diet Cure Chart for Hypertension: The following diet should be taken:-

A) Upon Arising: Juice of one lemon & two teaspoons honey, added to a glass of water extracted

from wheat soaked previous morning.

B) After ½ Hour: Juice extracted from 2 big Onions and 2 – 3 cloves of garlic.

C) Breakfast (After ½ Hour): One cup milk with required sugar, 2 toast (no butter) if home made

butter (without salt) then ½ tsp. Of butter per slice is allowed.

D) Mid Morning: One fruit or juice of seasonal veg. Such as cucumber, carrot, tomato, & louki, in

which juice of six tablespoon Amla & ginger should be added (Juice can be extracted from any

one or all above said veg.)

E) Lunch: Two wheat chappati, one bowl boiled veg. Without salt, one bowl sprouted pulses, one

bowl salads made out of veg. And one bowl curd or glass of butter milk without salt.

F) Mid Afternoon: Seasonal fruit, orange, watermelon & other juicy fruits like Chikoo, Jamun,

apple, guava, pineapple.

G) Early Evening: One glass of vegetable juice made of seasonable veg. H) Dinner: One cup tomato soup or other vegetable without adding salt & spices, add only little

pepper powder and milk, 2 toasted veg. Sandwich, one bowl rice with curd.

I) Bed Time: Hot milk without sugar. Avoid: Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, Tobacco, Flesh Food, Salt, Sugar, White Flour, Fried & Refined

Food, Tinned & Frozen Foods & Soft Drinks.

Beneficial Foods: Apple, Cucumber, Garlic, Amla, , Watermelon, Milk, Potato, Lemon, Alfalfa.

III. Selective Home Remedies for Hypertension:

1. Cucumber: A glass of juice twice a day mixed with honey & tsp. of lime juice. 2. Amla: Tsp. of amla juice with honey should be taken every morning. 3. Carrot Juice: Mixed equal quantity of carrot & spinach juice once a day. 4. Lemon: One Tsp. is recommended every 3 hours or after or before meals. 5. Water Melon: Juice of water melon twice a day.

IV. Auto Suggestion for Hypertension:

1. Every day in every way I am getting better & better.

2. I joyously release the past. I am at peace.


Treatment Chart & Prevention Plan for Insomnia

I. Fasting Therapy: Adopt an all fruit diet for 3 or 4 days at beginning of treatment. In this regimen he should

have 3 meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as orange, grapes, apples, peaches, pineapple. The

bowel should be cleansed daily with warm water enema during the period.

II. Diet Cure Chart: After all fruit diet, patient may follows a modified eating pattern in which breakfast should

consist of fresh & dried fruits, seed and yogurt. Of the two main meals, one should consist of a large

mixed salad & other protein food. A cup of luke warm milk with honey at bed time as this milk

induces sleep. The last meal at least 3 hours before going to bed.

Avoid: White flour products, sugar, tea, coffee, chocolate, cold drink, alcohol, fatty foods, fried

foods, preservatives, colouring & flavouring excessive use of salt and strong condiments.

Highly Beneficially foods: Aniseed (saunf), cumin seed (Jeera), Nutmeg (Jaiphal), Lettuo (Salad

patta), Honey, milk.

III. Hydro Therapy:

A. Cold spinal bath B. Hot & cold foot bath C. Hot water Bath immediately before going to bed.

IV. Massage Therapy:

A. Head Massage B. Foot Massage.

V. Mudra Therapy:

Formation of Gyan Mudra:

Simply touch the top of thumb with index finger. Pressing is not necessary. It removes the ill effect

caused due to tension. Sleeplessness can be cured by regular practice of gyan mudra.

Formation of Pran Mudra:

Bend the little finger and bring the finger so that their tips touch the tip (front edge) of thumb.

Remaining two fingers remain straight at ease. If only gyan mudra does not help to cure sleep senses

completely then combination of gyan and pran mudra is advised.

VI. Auto Suggestion:

1. Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.

2. God is almighty, God is merciful, HE is healing me of sleeplessness with thanks & in full

faith so be it.

Repeat this affirmation as many times as you can. Especially early morning when you get up

and while you are going to sleep.


Treatment Chart and Prevention Plan for Jaundice

I. Fasting Therapy: The patient should be put on a juice fast for a week. The juices of oranges, lemons, grapes,

pears, carrots, beets and sugar cane can be taken. After juice fast, the patient and may adopt an all

fruit diet for further 3 to 5 days. In this regimen, he should have 3 meals a day of fresh juicy fruit

such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges and pineapples but no bananas.

II. Diet Cure Chart for Jaundice: A. Upon Arising: A glass of warm water with juice of half a lemon.

B. Breakfast: One fresh juicy fruit such as apple, pear, mango, papaya or grapes, one cup wheat

dalia or once slice of whole meat bread.

C. Mid Morning: orange Juice, or Sugar Cane juice.

D. Lunch: Raw vegetable salad, two small chappatis of whole wheat flour, a steamed leafy

vegetable such as spinach, methi, carrot an a glass of butter-milk.

E. Mid-Afternoon: Coconut water or apple juice.

F. Dinner: One cup strained vegetable soup, two chapptis backed potato and other leafy


G. Bed Time: A glass of hot skimmed milk with honey.

Avoid: Tea, coffee, sugar, salt, refined & fried foods, flesh food, pickles, tobacco, alcohol. All fats like

ghee, butter, cream and oils. Pluses and legumes.

Highly Beneficial Foods: Kasni, Aloe, Unripe, mango, beet, methi, ginger, radish leaves

III. Selective Home Remedies:

3. Chicory (Kasni): 30 to 60ml of decoction of flower, seed or root used 3 times daily.

4. Alove (Ghee Kanvar): The pulp of one leaf administered with black salt & ginger every

morning for 10 days.

5. Mango: Unripe mango (Green) excellent for bilious disorder.

6. Beet: A decoction of beet root.

7. Ginger: Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with one teaspoonful of each of

fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice and teaspoonful of honey 3 times daily.

8. Tomato: A glassful of fresh tomato juice, mixed with pinch of salt & pepper early in


9. Mixed Cane: Mixed with lime juice twice a day.

Note: Don’t use any home remedies, continuous at least keep a gap of 10 days then restart again.


Treatment Chart & Prevention Plan for Kidney Stones

Fasting Therapy for Kidney Stones:

A fast on carrot or orange juice and water should be adopted for 3 to 5 days. The juice should be diluted with water on 50: 50 basis should be taken every 2 hours from 7 am to 7 pm. The bowels should be clean with warm water enema during the period of fasting. An all fruit diet for further 3 to 5 days, 3 meals a day. Juice fruits such as apple, papaya, grapes, orange, and pineapple should be taken at 5 hourly intervals. Fruit and milk diet for further 5 days. In this regimen, fresh milk, preferably goat’s milk may be added to fruit diet as mentioned above. After an exclusive fresh fruit and milk diet, gradually adopt a well balanced low protein diet on the following lines, with emphasis on alkaline raw foods, fruits, vegetables and sprouted seeds. Short juice fast followed by all fruit diet and fruit and milk diet should be repeated at intervals of 2 months.

Wheat Grass Juice Therapy:

Wheat grass juice therapy has produced encouraging result in the treatment of renal diseases, like stone inflammation of kidney and bladder, should be taken early in the morning or on empty stomach or 3 times a day according to degree of diseases density. For further detail please refer page no.

Diet Chart for Kidney Stone:

A. Upon Arising : 25 black raising soaked overnight in water along with water in which they are soaked as well as water kept over night in a copper vessel.

B. Breakfast: Milk sweetened with honey and fresh fruits such as papaya, banana, grapes, pear, peaches and pineapple.

C. Lunch: A bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetables such as carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, 2 or 3 whole wheat chapattis, unsalted fresh butter and a glass of butter milk.

D Mid Afternoon: A glass of carrot juice or coconut water

E Dinner: A large bowl of fresh green vegetable salad , use all available vegetables such as carrot , cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes , radish , red beets, and onion with lemon juice dressing and moong sprouts.

F Bed Time: A glass of milk sweetened with honey.

Types of Stones Avoid Used More Calcium Phosphate or Carbonate stone

Milk, cocoa, chocolate , coffee, tea ,egg, meat , jaifal, almond, beet , spinach

Bajra, barely, wheat, karela, green chilly, mango, orange.

Oxalates stone Cheswnut, spinach, beet, tomato, fig, strawberry, coco, chicken, sitafal, coffee,

cauliflower, ladyfinger.

Banana, karela, egg, carrot, guava

Uric acid stone Meat, tea coffee, egg, pulse. Milk ,curd ,sabodana , ghee potato

Avoid: Tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, flesh foods, salt , all condiments , highly flavored dishes, sugar , white flour products, denatured cereals and tinned bottled and frozen foods as well as foods containing oxalic acid such as spinach , beet , beans, brinjial , ladyfinger , cholai, strawberries , lime ,alma, almond , peanut.

17  Food Especially Beneficial:

Garlic, cucumber, French beans, carrot, banana, papaya, watermelon, pineapple, barely, radish, mango, sugar cane, pomegranate.

Selective Home Remedies for Kidney Stones :( Grind Your Stone)

1. Basil (Tulsi): Basil has the strengthening effect on the kidney. In case of kidney stones, basil juice and honey should be taken daily for 6 months. It has been found that stones can be expelled from the urinary tract by this treatment.

2. Apple for renal & gall stones: Drink 1 liter apple juice a day for 7 days. On the 7 th day at night a cup of olive oil, before going to bed. Sleep on your left side and by next morning all the stones will pass into stools. If needed a purgative does could be taken.

3. Grape for renal & gall stones: Same effect can be obtained by taking grape dose (olive oil + Epsom salt) in the night. The stone will pass it through the stool by next morning.

4. Pomegranate (Anar): The seeds of our and sweet pomegranate are a useful medicine for kidney stones. The seeds of both sour and sweet pomegranates are useful medicine for kidney stones. A tablespoon of the seeds, ground into a fine paste, can be given along with a cup of horse gram (kulthi) soup to dissolve gravel in kidneys. Two tablespoons of horse gram should be used for preparing the cup of soup.

5. Bottles Gourd (Lauki/ Dodhi): A glass of fresh juice prepared by grating the whole fruit should be mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice. It should be given once daily in the treatment of burning sensation in urinary passage due to high acidity of urine. It serves as an alkaline mixture.

6. Sugar Cane (Gana): useful in scanty urination. It keeps urinary flow clear and helps the kidney to perform their function properly. It is also valuable in burning due to acidity; enlarge prostate, cystitis and nephritis. For better result it should be mixed with lime juice and coconut water and ginger.

7. Beet: Beet root juice in combination with juice of carrot and cucumber is one of the finest cleansing materials for kidney and bladder. It is highly beneficial in all disorder relating to these two organs.

8. Alove (Ghiguvara): Juice paste or powder in dose of 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. Useful in dissolving kidney stone and urinary problems.

9. Kidney Beans: Kidney beans, also known as dried French beans or Rajmah, are regarded as a very effective home remedy for kidney problems, including kidney stones. The method prescribed to prepare the medicine is to remove the beans from inside the pods, then slice the pods and put about sixty grams in four litre of hot water, boiling them slowly for six hours. This liquid should be strained through fine muslin and then allowed to cool for about eight hours. Thereafter the fluid should be poured through another piece of muslin without stirring. A glass of this decoction should be given to the patient every two hours throughout the day for one day and, thereafter, it may be taken several times a week. This decoction would not work if it was more than twenty-four hours old. The pods could be kept for longer periods but once they were boiled, the therapeutic factor would disappear after one day.

10. Coconut water: take 1 glass on empty stomach in morning and 1 glass in afternoon daily for a month.

11. Watermelon: Watermelon contains the highest concentration of water amongst all fruits. It is also rich in potassium salts. It is one of the safest and best diuretics which can be used with beneficial result in kidney stones.


Healing Malaria Naturally

Malaria diet: Fast on orange juice and water for a few days. Diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of malaria. To begin with, the patient should fast on orange juice and water for a few days, depending on the severity of the fever. Other fruits that are beneficial for patient suffering from malaria are apple, orange, etc. If patient cannot eat these fruits, freshly prepared fruit juice should be given.- Give liquid foods to the person suffering from malaria. Boiled rice, with boiled vegetables, rice cooked with pulse (khichdi) should be given. These are easily digestible. After the fever has subsided, the patient should be placed on an exclusive fresh-fruit diet for the first few days. Milk may then be added to the diet. Thereafter, the patient may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits, and raw vegetables. A warm-water enema should be administered daily during the juice and water fast to cleanse the bowels. Cold pack application to the whole body: The best way to reduce temperature naturally during the course of the fever is by means of a cold pack, which can be applied to the whole body. This pack is made by wringing out a sheet or any other large square piece of linen material in cold water, wrapping it right round the body and legs of the patient (twice round would be best), and then covering it completely with a small blanket or similar warm material. This pack should be applied every three hours during the day while the temperature is high and kept on for an hour or so. Hot-water bottles may be kept on the feet and against the sides of the body.

Effective Home Remedies for Malaria:

1. In a glass of water, add a tsp of cinnamon powder, a tsp of honey and a dash of pepper powder. Boil this concoction and have it after it cools down a bit. This is beneficial in treating malaria.

2. Dhatura, an Indian herb, is beneficial in treating malaria. Take two and a half freshly sprouted leaves of Dhatura and rub them with jiggery. Convert this mixture into a pill and have it on a daily basis.

3. In 60ml of water, dissolve 3 gram of lime and the juice of 1 lemon. Start consuming this, once in a day, right from the time of the onset of fever.

4. Roast alum over a hot plate and then powder it. Take a tsp of it when you still have fever. It is a useful remedy for curing malaria.

5. Holy basil leaves proves beneficial in treating malaria. You can consume the leaves raw or make a decoction of them and then drink it.

6. If the malaria is in the initial stages, an orange juice and water diet can help treat it. 7. For the fever in malaria, applying a cold pack on the forehead proves to be beneficial. 8. In 250 ml of water, add 15 gm Chirayita herb, along with some cloves or cinnamon. Have 15-30 ml

of this solution once in a day, for 15-25 days. 9. In a glass of water, put a small piece of ginger and 2-3 teaspoon raisins. Boil this decoction until it

gets reduced to half its quantity. Cool down the decoction and consume. 10. Avoid junk food, packed food as well as spicy and oily food. It would work to your detriment. 11. Lemon juice is very useful in the treatment of malaria. Take 2-3 tablespoon of lemon juice and mix

in half cup of water. Take this mixture during the initial stage of fever. 12. The herb chirayata, botanically known as Swertia andrographis paniculata, is also beneficial in the

treatment of intermittent malarial fevers. It helps in lowering the temperature. An infusion of the herb, prepared by steeping 15 gm of chirayata in 250 ml of hot water with aromatics like cloves and cinnamon, should be given in doses of 15 to 30 ml.

13. Alum is also useful in malaria. It should be roasted over a hot plate and powdered. Half a teaspoon should be taken about four hours before the expected attack and half a teaspoon every two hours after it. This will give relief.

Healing Nephritis Naturally


Nephritis refers to an inflammation of the kidney. The main symptoms of acute nephritis are pain in kidneys, extending down to the uterus, fever, dull pain in the back and scanty and dark colour urine. Often the urine may contain blood, albumin and casts consisting of clumps of red and white cell which come from damaged kidneys. The patient suffers from puffiness in the face and swelling of the feet and ankles. Dietary Treatmeasting therapy: Removes toxins and systemic impurities nt of Nephritis:

F 1. Vegetable Juice Fasting: The patient should resort to juice fasting for 7 to 10 days till the acute symptoms subside. Mostly veg. juices such as carrot and cucumber 2. Fruit diet Fasting: After veg. juice fasting follows fruit diet fasting for 4 to 5 days. Juicy fruits like as apple, grapes, orange, pear, peaches and pineapple should be taken during this period at 5 hours intervals. 3. Fruit & Milk Diet Fasting: Prefer4baly raw goat’s milk, may be added above mentioned fruit diet fro further 7 days. D iet Cure Chart for Chronic Nephritis: Short juice fast for 3 days thereafter a week or 10 days follow this diet chart. 1. Breakfast: Orange or orange juice 2. Lunch: Salad of raw vegetables with olive oil and lemon juice dressing. 3. Dinner: Steamed vegetables and few nuts. Thereafter patient may gradually adopt a well balance low vegetarian diet. Further short juice fasts followed by a week on the restricted diet should be taken at intervals of 2 or 3 months until kidney conditions has normalized. Avoid: Vegetables containing large quantity of oxalic acid such as spinach and rhubarb, chocolate and cocoa, white bread, sugar, cakes, refined foods, cereals, fried food, tea, coffee, flesh foods, condiments, pickles and sauces, spicy and salty foods. Best Foods: Garlic, asparagus, parsley, watercress, cucumber, celery are excellent vegetables. And banana and papaya are best fruit. Hot Epsom Salt Bath: Patient should be taken every day to induce elimination through the skin as much as possible Walking Exercise: Patient should walk for 3 kilometers once or twice daily.

Warm Water Enema: Patient should be taken daily while fasting to clean the bowel of toxic matter.

Decoction of Seam Vegetable: If albumin contain is very high then drink the decoction of seam vegetable (Waal Papdy) one should taken only the skin of vegetable not its seeds.

Healing Pneumonia Naturally

20  Fasting Therapy for Pneumonia: At the beginning of the treatment the patient should be kept on a diet of raw juices for five to ten days, depending on the severity of the disease. He should take a glass of fruit or vegetable juice diluted with warm water, every two or three hours. After a diet of raw juices, when the fever subsides, the patient should spend three or four days on an exclusive fresh fruit diet, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits. Thereafter, he may gradually adopt a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables. The patient should be given a warn-water enema daily to cleanse the bowels during the period of raw juice therapy and the all-fruit diet and thereafter when necessary.

Home Remedy for Pneumonia

• In the early stages of pneumonia, the best treatment would be to have tea prepared from fenugreek seeds. Have four cups of this tea everyday. Along with this, no other nourishment or food should be taken. You can reduce the quantity of intake once the condition improves.

• Garlic acts favorably in curing pneumonia. It can be added to the food prepared for the patient. Alternatively, garlic paste can also be applied over the chest. Apart from bringing down the body temperature, it tones down respiration and pulse.

• Steep 15 gm sesame seeds in 250 ml water. Mix this infusion with 1 tablespoon each of honey and linseed. Also add a pinch of table salt and consume. This is very effective in treating pneumonia.

• Carrot juice, when combined with beet and cucumber juices or spinach juice is also beneficial in curing pneumonia. In 300 ml carrot juice, mix in either 200 ml of spinach juice or 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juice.

• Another effective home remedy would be to rub some turpentine oil over the patient's rib cage. After this, cover the area with a warm cloth.

• Extract juice of 5 to 6 Holy Basil leaves. To this, add some black pepper. Consume after every 6 hrs. • Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made by steeping 15 gm of

seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion, mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a dessertspoon of honey, should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.

• If you are a victim to pneumonia then you should increase your vitamin C intakes. One-Three grams of vitamin C will be enough for your body. Otherwise also you should take a foods containing high amounts of vitamins C, such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and all citrus fruits. This will help you prevent pneumonia from occurring.

• Zinc is also very good for pneumonia. A daily intake of at least 15 milligrams of zinc is necessary, otherwise people develop deficiencies. Zinc rich foods are meats, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and oysters.

• Pure tulsi oil is very good for curing pneumonia, which you will get from any good ayurvedic medicine shop. Now apply small amount of this oil on the chest of affected person.

• Take about 5-6 tulsi leaves and extract its juice. Now mix this juice with a few grind grains of black pepper at every six hours interval. This will help you cure pneumonia fast. If the above two treatments are combined and used on a person, then it could work wonders. It will produce enough heat in the body to make the person sweat. With this sweat all the effect of cold inside the body shall vanish and the patient will be cured within days.

• Fenugreek is also a good curative for pneumonia. It works the most in the initial stages of pneumonia. A tea made from fenugreek seeds will help the suffering person to produce sweat, which would help him to lower down his fever. The person can take up to four cups of the tea daily (not more than that). And this quantity can be gradually reduced as the condition starts improving. During this treatment, you must be taking no other food, as fasting and fenugreek will allow the body to correct these respiratory problems in just a few days, otherwise it would take time. Avoid: food that create much acidity when digested. Also foods such as rice, sugars, lentils and curds should be limited as they help the build-up of phlegm in the lungs. Good digestion also helps relieve the pressure on the major organs and as such food and drinks like strong tea, coffee, pickles and sauces which are harder to ingest should be minimized or cut out altogether.

Healing Rheumatism Naturally


What Is Rheumatism?

The rheumatism means a swelling. It refers to all acute or chronic illness which is characterized by

pain & swelling of muscles, ligament and tendons of the joint.


The onset of acute types of rheumatism is characterized by fever rapid pulse with intense soreness

and pain.


The chief cause of rheumatism is the poisoning of blood with acid wastes. The disease is aggravated

by exposure to cold water.

Dietary Treatment:

Patient should be put on short fast of orange juice and water for 3 to 5 days. Juice of orange diluted

in warm water, taken every 2 hours from 8am to 8 pm. Nothing else should be taken while fasting. Bowels

should be cleansed through warm water enema.

After the juice fast, patient placed on restricted diet for 14 days. In this regimen, orange or grape

taken for breakfast, lunch may consist of raw salad of any vegetable and for dinner, steamed vegetable such

as spinach , cabbage , carrots and cauliflower and some sweet fruit may be taken . No bread or potatoes or

starchy food should be taken.

In case of chronic rheumatism, patient may be placed on all fruit diet for 4 to 5 days. In this regimen,

he /she should have 3 meals a day of fresh juicy fruit such as apple, grapes, oranges, pineapple.

Rheumatism is particularly responsive to raw vegetable juice .The carrot juice combined with beet

and cucumber is especially valuable.

The hot Epsom salt bath should be taken twice a week for 3 months use of chronic rheumatism and

once weekly thereafter. The affected part should be bathed twice daily in hot water containing Epsom salt.

Dampness and cold should be avoided.

The foods which should be avoided are meat, fish, white bread, sugar, refined food, tea, coffee,

alcohol and condiments.


22  The Best Time of Drink Water:

Your body needs an absolute minimum of 6 to 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Alcohol, coffee, tea & caffeine containing beverages don’t count as water. The very first time of drinking water is in the morning, is highly beneficial as it cleanses the body toxins, improves skin relieves constipation.

A. The Process of Six Glass Wonder: (kidney Failure patients kindly not used this method ) Done once a week (the kidney) diseases patient never try without consult a doctor). Go to sleep 3 hours

after a fairly early dinner around 7 pm. Strictly do not eat on drink anything after that. Rise early from bed the next morning do not wash your face & mouth as you do normally. Sit comfortably and drink six glasses of pure water at a stretch. If you find difficulty in doing so, pause a while after two or 3 glass and continue. For the next 20 minutes walks briskly or do some exercise. Within 20 minutes and half & hour, urge to pass urine will be great and your will pass urine a large quantities quite frequently. Some may bring out morbid water through vomiting & passing of stools will be easy & complete. It will facilitate the expulsion of the accumulated waste matter very effectively & leave you fresh.

B. Daily Upon Rising: In the morning after mouth wash take 3 glass of warm water at interval of 10 minute. Within a half

an hour, to get rid from constipation.

C. Second Time: To drink water are, one glass one half hour before taking food – breakfast, lunch & dinner, this is the

very minimum a amount of water your body needs.

D. The Third Time: To drink water are two or more glasses after hours of meals – lunch & dinner, because it get

absorbed in intestine walls & helps to dilute the digestive juice & removes toxin from the system.

E. The Fourth Time: To drink water take one luke warm water glass before going to bed, sip very slowly.

Adding Oxygen to Water While Drinking:

Before drinking water take 2 glasses. One filled with water & the other an empty one. Transfer the water from one glass to another. Repeat this process for 5 to 10 times while doing so the oxygen (O2) from the air gets mixed with that water. This oxygenized water fulfills the lacking of oxygen in your blood.

Preparation of Charges Water:

Take a copper vessel otherwise stainless steel, don’t use aluminum or Brass. All these metals can be put together in water, in the proportion of gold 15 to 20 gm (Chain or bangles not enameled of 22 carat gold not used) silver 30 gm. (do not use silver ornaments) Copper 60 gm (Copper plate or coin), Iron 60 gm) un-rusted piece of Iron, nails). All metal should be thoroughly cleaned and do not contain any dust or rust. Boil it till is reduce to half. Avoid sour things.

Copper: For all diseases of nervous system example, H.B.P., arthiritis, polio, etc.

Silver: For all diseases of digestive & urinary system.

Gold: Useful for disorders of the breathing system, lungs, heart, brain and are a general tonic.

Iron: Proper quantity of iron in blood is utmost necessary because they carry oxygen & supply it all over the body and thus increases stamina.


23  Remember While Extracting Juice:

Only fresh fruit and vegetables should be purchased. It should be washed and cut before extracting their juice and immediately put into juicer for extracting juice. After extracting juice, the juicer should be thoroughly washed and cleaned with warm water otherwise bacteria are produced and mix with juice when extracted next time.

Special Method for Drinking Water & Juice:

It should not pulp. It should be drunk very slowly with a spoon or with small draughts. Take atleast 5 minutes for one glass of water or Juice. The Juice should be only extract as and when required and immediately drunk after extracting.

Alkalizing Green Soup:

Clean finely chop & boil all leafy vegetables that you can think of for eg. Spinach, Radish, leaves, Beet, carrots, doodhi, and green leaves of spring onions, sarsoo, methi leaves and chawli leaves etc. in one litre of water. After that smash into mixture with same water and kept it to boil down to reduce to half litre. And added only juice of lemon, one teaspoon, crushed garlic and ginger juice. Drink it hot.

How to Prepare Green Juice:

Take any leafy vegetables like Methi, spinach, cabbage, green coriander & mint leaves etc. leaves of any non-poisonous plant clean them thoroughly in salt water. Grind them and extract juice. Daily drink 1 to 3 cups adding therein each cup 1 teaspoon of health drink + 1 table spoon of honey. Do not worry if you get green loose motions. Drink sip by sip very slowly with spoon. 1 cup in the morning, in after noon and in evening. Do not add salt & spices for taste.

How to prepare Black Tea:

Put one cup of water to boil. Add one teaspoon of any TEA (Mumri or any tea will do, but not dust tea) in it & boil till it reduce to half a cup. Filter it & add half cup of warm water, drink one cup of black tea, the first thing in the morning. In case of nausea keep 2 cloves or little sugar in the mouth. After 30 minutes, regular breakfast can be taken. Drink this black tea for 12 to 15 days till you URINE become clear & odorless. Make it a habit of drinking such black tea without adding salt or sugar for taste every year for 12 days in cold seasons and PREVENT any problems of kidney.

Health Drink:

Prepare mixture of Amla powder 300gm & ginger (saunth) powder 100 gms. Take one teaspoon with luke warm water daily in the morning & evening.

For Instant Energy:

Drink glucose powder whenever you feel tired.

For Increasing Immunity Power:

(i) Drink lemon juice adding pinch of pepper powder and preferably jiggery (gur) or 1 teaspoon sugar once every day. Prepare in luke warm water.

(ii) Soaking some handful wheat in stainless steel utensil for 8 hr. after drink that water. The remaining soaked wheat also can be used by grinding in mixture jar cup and strain in clean cloth. Boil this extract with some milk and drink it.

(iii) Soaking green moong for 8 hrs in night. In the morning drink this soak water on empty stomach and chew that moong.





De-Toxifying Affirmations:

With every out breath I rid my body of toxins. Every breath I take cleanses my body totally.

Affirmations for Energy:

Every breath I take increases my aliveness. Every day that passes I feel stronger and more alive.

Affirmations for Negative Mental Pattern:

1. I have let go of any mental pattern which is creating ill effects in my life. 2. I am willing to forgive any one who has ever hurt me and wish them well. 3. I have let go of the past and now live totally in the present. Affirmations – Upon Awakening:

Every day, in every way, I am getting better & better.

Affirmations – Before Sleeping:

When I wake up I shall feel totally refreshed, energized and well.

Affirmations – Before Taking Treatment:

This treatment is totally successful and feels totally comfortable.

Affirmations for Cancer & Other Diseases:

My body is healing itself totally.

Affirmations for Heart & Other Ailment:

My (Heart or take the name of the affected organ) is a strong again and functioning normally.

White Light Visualization:

Imagine you are surrounded by white light. As you focus on it more and more, the light becomes brighter and brighter. Know that this light is purifying and healing. Allow it to enter your body throughout the top of your head. Feel it permitting throughout your body, as it does so cleaning out all the dark corners, washing away any dirt that has been stored there. Feel the light flowing out through you feet, taking any old, stale & unhealthy energy with it. Continue until you feel totally “Cleaned out, refreshed & revitalized”.

Auto – Suggestion: 

1. Every day in every way I am getting better and better. 2. God is Almighty. God is merciful. He is healing me of kidney disorder. With thanks and in full 

faith so be it 3. I release the pattern in my consciousness that created this condition .I am willing to change. I 

love and approve of myself.       (One should say after awaking in morning and while go to bed.)  

Experience each moment with gratitude and purpose


Foods that are killing you slowly but steadily

1. White sugar: affects pancreas and causes diabetes, increase acidity of blood and uric acid that lead

to gout and high blood pressure

Substitutes: sugar cane juice, grapes, honey, jaggery and fruits like banana, carrots, beets, papaya,

apple, orange, watermelon etc.

2. Salt: cause water retention in the body and increase the blood volume and cardiac output resulting

high blood pressure. Making bones weak. Put a heavy burden on kidney to remove excess salt.

Kidney can’t remove more than 4-5gm of salt per day. Increase oedema and uric acid.

Substitutes: rock salt, black salt ( kala namak). Salt already present in natural foods such as tomato ,

pumpkin , potato, onion, lemon, wheat ,carrot, spinach, cabbage , guava, grape cucumber, apple etc.

3. Coffee and Tea: increase urine output and acidity, causes calcium loss, raised cholesterol, effect on

kidney and liver. and aggravates diabetes

Substitutes: used herbal tea & green tea

4. Smoking & Tobacco: peptic ulcer, respiratory illness, Osteoporosis ( weakening ofbones ) , cancer

,heart ailments, stroke and paralysis,

5. Alcohol: Damage kidney and liver, Cancer and other deadly disease

6. Refined Cereals ( white flour, polished rice):vitamin B deficiency , fatigue, weakening of bones,

increased inblood sugar.

7. Fatty foods & Cholesterol: Heart disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Osteoarthritis etc.

Reduce 6 ‘S’ for healthy living




Saturated fats


Stress & Strain


Part II

Healing Kidney Failure Naturally SAVE YOUR KIDNEYS AND ENJOY THE LIFE

There is no need to go for dialysis to the patients who have not yet started the dialysis, and the ones who have started their dialysis recently, is possible to stop the dialysis in coming months. And keep the thought of Kidney Transplantation away from your mind.

The diet of the kidney patient should be decided on the basis of the level of the waste products like urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, phosphorous in the blood as per the blood test. Remember! Kidney disease is managed not only with the medicines but also with diet restriction .Depending only on the medicines without diet restriction will be fatal. Death may occur if they won’t follow strict diet restrictions. Test for Kidney has started functioning: Purchase urine measurement pot from medical store. On the first day before you start the treatment take your first urine in a white bottle. It will be observed to be hazy & having bad odour after 12 day or 14 day takes the first urine and checks it. When the urine is found clear and without bad odour, it denotes that kidneys have started functioning normally.

NOTE: Begin with fruit fasting for 7 days before 14 days detox program mentioned at page no.31

2 bananas; 1 papaya; 1 pomegranate; 1 apple; 1 glass beet juice in combination with carrot juice. Only give one cup barely soup and one cup Ragi kheer. Remember! Kidney patients must put on liquid diet. Initially no solid or cooked food is given. The total fluid intake should be limited to an amount equal to urine volume plus 500ml.

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease:

• Changes in urination - making more or less urine than usual, feeling pressure when urinating changes in the color of urine, foamy or bubbly urine, or having to get up at night to urinate.

• Swelling of the feet, ankles, hands or face - fluid the kidneys can’t remove may stay in the tissues. • Fatigue or Weakness - a build up of wastes or a shortage of red blood cells (anemia) can cause

these problems when the kidneys begin to fails. • Shortness of breath - kidney failure is some times confused with asthma or heart failure, because

fluid cans build up in the lungs. • Ammonia Breath or an ammonia or metal taste in the mouth – waste build up in the body can

cause bad breath, changes in taste, or an aversion to protein foods like meat. • Back or Flank pain – the kidneys are located on either side of the spine in the back. • Itching - waste up build in the body can cause severe itching, especially of the legs. • Loss of appetite & Nausea and Vomiting

Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):

Stages Description G FR Level Normal kidney Function Healthy Kidneys 90mL/min or more

Stage 1 Damage – normal or high GFR

90mL/min or more

Stage 2 Damage – mild decrease in GFR

60 to 89 mL/min

Stage 3 Moderate decrease in GFR 30 to 59 mL/min Stage 4 Severe decrease in GFR 15 to 29 mL/min Stage 5 Kidney Failure Less than 15 mL /min or on



“GFR Level “– Glomerular Filtration Rate, is a measure of how well your kidneys are cleaning your blood. Based on Creatinine Measurement GFR is a calculation of how efficiently the kidneys are filtering wastes from the blood. Your GFR is the best indicator of how well your kidneys are working.

In stage 1 and stage 2 CKD, there are often few symptoms. Early CKD is usually diagnosed when there is: High Blood Pressure ; Higher than normal levels of creatinine or urea in the blood ; Blood or protein in the urine ;Evidence of kidney damage in an MRI, CT scan, Ultra sound , or contrast X- ray ; A family history of polycystic kidney disease. In stage 3 CKD, anemia (a shortage of red blood cells) and /or early bone disease may appear and should be treated to help you feel your best and reduce problems down the road.

Blood Urea Nitrogen: (BUN) Blood carries protein to cells throughout the body. After the cells use the protein, the remaining waste product is returned to the blood as urea compound that contains nitrogen. Healthy kidneys take urea out of the blood and put it in the urine. If your kidneys are not working well, the urea will stay in the blood. A deciliter of normal blood contains 7 to 20 milligrams of urea. If your BUN is more than 20 mg/dL, your kidneys may not be working at full strength. Other possible causes of an elevated BUN include dehydration and heart failure.

Periodical Medical Check – up: Routine blood and urine tests. Three simple tests to screen of kidney disease: a blood pressure measurement, a spot check for protein or albumin in the urine (proteinuria), and a calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) based on a serum creatinine measurement. Measurement urea nitrogen in the blood provides additional information. (Maintain your medical records in reverse chronological order i.e. oldest ones last and newest ones first.)

Things to avoid: Aspirin-used other than recommended or long term. Ibuprofen-used other than recommended or long term. Acetaminophen-used long term, or other than recommended. Naproxen-used other than recommended or long term. Any analgesic (pain killer)-used in combination with another can cause kidney failure harm. Any analgesic combination which also contains caffeine or codeine-can cause kidney failure. Out-dated tetracyclines-are poisons. Toluene inhalation (industrial exposure or glue sniffing). Combining over the counter drugs or prescription drugs with alcohol.

Normal aging usually takes its toll on the kidneys naturally. That is the common belief. I don't know if I completely agree. Sure they will wear out sooner or later, but some people do live full, healthy lives well into their 100's. I think it is because of their lifestyle and eating habits. As well as their outlook on life. We do have 2 kidneys so even if one wore out at 50 we should have another 50 years on the other one! So for goodness sake take every precaution to keep from getting to the point of having your kidneys fail.

Contributing factors of kidney failure : Degenerative diseases; congestive heart failure; anemia;-rheumatoid arthritis; fibrinogen formation; fibrosis; diabetes; asthma; lupus; psoriasis; kidney stone etc.

Kidney Function Tests: Any disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys can be judged from a series of tests conducted on the blood and urine of the patient. The extent of damage to the kidney, if may, can be easily detected on the basis of the following biochemical tests.

Sr. no.

determination Normal values Increased in Decreased in

1 SGPT 5-35IU at 37˚C - Renal insufficiency 2 Albumin 3.3-4.8gm/dl - Renal disease 3 Calcium 9.0-11.0mg/dl

4.5-5.5mEq/L - Chronic Renal disease

4 Chloride 95-106mEq/L Renal tubular disease Salt-losing Renal disease 5 Cholesterol 150-250mg/dl Nephrotic syndrome - 6 Creatinine 0.7-1.5mg/dl Impaired renal function -

28  7 Glucose 70-110mg/dl Chronic Renal Failure - 8 Magnesium 1.2-2.4mEq/L Renal disease - 9 Inorganic

Phosphorus 2.5-4.5mg/dl(adult) 4.0-6.0mg/dl(child)

Renal insufficiency -

10 Potassium 3.8-5.6mEq/l Renal glomerular disease Renal tubular disease 11 Sodium 133-146mEq/L - Salt-losing nephritis 12 Total Protein 6-8gm/dl - Renal disease

(protein-losing) 13 Triglycerides 10-190mg/dl Nephrotic syndrome - 14 Uric acid 2.0-7.0mg/dl Renal failure Renal tubular defect 15 Urea nitrogen 7.0-23mg/dl Impaired renal function

post-renal conditions

In urine (24 hrs collection): Clearance test are designed to measure the efficiency with which the kidneys remove certain substances from the blood. Urea and creatinine are commonly measured for clinical purpose. The normal value of adults for creatinine clearance ranges between 100- 180ml/minute. While normal urea clearance are 50-100ml/minute. These values multiplied by 1.4 give liters per day. Ideally, clearance should be corrected for body size. In early cases of kidney diseases, a fall in the clearance rate may occur before the serum creatinine and urea level rise above normal.


Dialysis can not replace the healthy and normal function of kidneys but it allows patients to avoid the life threatening features of uremia. Dialysis does not help to relieve all the symptoms of chronic renal failure and the patient must continue to observe dietary and fluid restrictions. The main function of kidneys is to excrete the waste products of the body. When the kidneys are damaged waste products like creatinine, urea etc. are accumulated in the body and becomes toxic condition. Nausea, Vomiting, dyspnoea, weakness are some of the symptoms of such condition. The patient is put on a dialysis machine to duplicate the kidney’s function to clean the blood and body from the toxic elements accumulated. In order to achieve maximum benefit of the treatment it is important to adhere to your diet.

Clinical and Metabolic Disorders in Dialysis:

a. A type of hyperlipidemia and other disorder of lipid metabolism b. A high incidence of CV disease particularly IHD c. Osteodystrophy with disorder bone architecture, osteoporosis or osteomalacia d. Itching: due to high phosphorous levels, as Phosphorous is not effectively removed by dialysis.

That’s why foods with phosphorus are restricted on the renal diet. e. Infection & clotting: Proper care for the access (either a fistula or a graft) is important in

hemodialysis. The access can become infected or inflamed. f. Anaemia g. Impaired immune function and decreased resistance to infection h. Mildly impaired peripheral and CNS function i. Muscle weakness and atrophy j. Frequent occurrence of viral hepatitis k. Sexual impotence and infertility l. Generalized wasting and malnutrition m. Emotional depression n. Poor rehabilitation


Renal Transplantation:

Renal Transplantation is the optimum treatment for end-stage renal failure. The kidney may be obtained from a dead body or a living relative (donor). After the transplant operation is carried out successfully, the patient is given immunosuppressive drugs like prednisolone, azathioprine and cyclosporine. These drugs produce a number of undesirable side effects like leucopeia, susceptibility to infection, weight gain, renal dysfunction, hypertension, osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia. A renal transplant patient requires regular follow-ups. There may be episodes of transplant rejection, which require treatment with high doses of steroids or monoclonal antibodies. Sometimes there may be irreversible rejection which may lead to the patient requiring dialysis again. Hence, the patient who has undergone renal transplant is a unique medical and nutritional challenge to the nutritionist.

What is healing crisis? Generally, large amounts of toxins and morbid matter get accumulated in the body following toxic

foods/drinks, medicines and drugs taken for a prolonged period while the patient is undergoing treatment. Sometimes it is not so easy to drain them out during the normal cleansing process and the symptoms of the disease get aggravated. Hence, the patient experiences a healing crisis (acute manifest of the symptoms of disease). Frightened by crisis some patients lose heart, get frustrated, abandon the treatment and go back to previous physicians of other medical systems. This is in fact a blunder. If patients show the perseverance and the will power, their disease could be treated with fantastic results. An example may make it clear. Suppose, a sewer is passing through your street and if it is not cleaned for long, it will stink, even if it is covered with slabs. But when it is opened for cleaning and the cleansing process starts, it will surely give rise to such an offensive smell that you feel like running away from the place lest you catch an infectious disease. However when the drain is thoroughly cleaned with lots of fresh water , and disinfected , the smell will disappear and the cleanliness will so transform the place that you will not possibly hesitate to sit on the slab of the drain. So, you can easily understand which part of the whole process is the healing crisis. In view of the above, healing crisis should not be viewed as a dreadful consequence but as the Nature’s effort to overcome the disease. During cleansing process women may increased bleeding during menstruation, so don’t afraid .This may happen to a few ladies. Continue it as a good sign, caused due to cleansing. You must have felt better in your premenstrual syndrome and have experience much less abdominal pain. As soon toxins that have accumulated in your body are expelled, your condition will improve and you will feel better in a day or two.

Basic Guideline for diet of the kidney patient:

Dialysis can not replace the healthy and normal function of kidneys but it allows patients to avoid the life threatening features of uremia. Dialysis does not help to relieve all the symptoms of chronic renal failure and the patient must continue to observe dietary and fluid restrictions. The main function of kidneys is to excrete the waste products of the body. When the kidneys are damaged waste products like creatinine, urea etc. are accumulated in the body and becomes toxic condition. Nausea, Vomiting, dyspnoea, weakness are some of the symptoms of such condition. The patient is put on a dialysis machine to duplicate the kidney’s function to clean the blood and body from the toxic elements accumulated. In order to achieve maximum benefit of the treatment it is important to adhere to your diet. The diet for the kidney patient is arranged in such a way to maintain adequate calories intake and maximum intake of other nutrients, to minimize the accumulation of waste products to prevent edema and to control the blood pressure. The basic diet should be adequate in calories mainly from carbohydrate and fat sources. The intake of protein should be restricted to 1 gm /kg body weight. The intake of sodium (salt and salt food) potassium, phosphorus rich food should be limited. The fluid intake should be limited to an amount equal to urine volume plus 500ml.

The diet of the kidney patient should be decided on the basis of the level of the waste products like urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, phosphorous in the blood as per the blood test.


If the urea and creatinine is above normal level (urea within 75 mg and creatinine within 5mg) an average of 4 gm salt can be consumed.

If the urea is between 75mg to 100 mg and creatinine is up to 7 mg only 2 gm salt should be consumed. If the level of both urea and creatinine are above these, the use of salt should be stopped completely.

The normal sodium level in the blood should be from 135 mg to 145 mg. If sodium level is below this use more salted food. If the level is above this salt consumption should be restricted.

The normal potassium level is from 3.5 mg to 5 mg. If the level is below this use green vegetables in food. If the level is higher, the vegetables should be boiled in plenty of water to reduce the potassium content of the vegetables. Further the level of minerals, hemoglobin, fat, protein etc should be analyzed and the diet should be controlled accordingly as per the dietitian & nutritionist advice.


1. To control potassium content in diet:Coconut water, Fruit & fruit juice, Coffee, Jam, Cocoa, Tea, Bhindi, Methi, Baingan, Mitha aloo, Suran, Phanas, Ratalu, Coriander, tomato, lahsan, ,phoolgobi, palak , cabbage, Banana, papaya,Chikoo, Peach, cherry, limbu,Kairi. 2. To control sodium & Phosphate content in diet:Rice, Wheat, salty food, food with soda, Pickle,

chutney, papad, Farsan, cake, biscuit, Bhajia, Dhokla, (any food item with soda) Wafers, Jam, Namkeen, peanuts, Tomato Ketchup, chana

3. To control Fats & Proteins in diet :Mutton, Fish, Chicken, Eggs, pulses, Dry fruit, Ghee, Oil, Salted Butter,

4. To control Phosphorous content in diet:Cold drink like coco- cola, Maza, Fanta, Soda etc.

Other Things to Avoid: Canned or bottle juice because of benzoic acid and sulphuric acid content. Tobacco, Smoking, alcohol, stress and tension etc.

Beneficial Foods: Fresh juice of white gourd, Pineapple juice should not be taken on empty stomach, but after an hour of meal. Bathua ka saag, parval veg. Take Grapes daily 250 grams in morning & evening.

Vegetables: All vegetables contain potassium. They are grouped according to their potassium content. You should consume vegetable having lower potassium content. Group I (0 - 100 mg potassium): Radish - pink (mooli), Cucumber (kakadi), Snake gourd (parval), Bottle gourd (lauki), Green Mango, and Beet root.

Group II (110 – 200 mg Potassium): Cabbage (band Gobi) , Onion , bitter gourd (karela) ,Cauliflower ( Phul Gobi), Pumpkin (kaddu) , Carrots(gajar) ,radish – white (mooli), brinjal (baigan ) , ladies finger (bhindi) ,and green tomatoes.

Group III (200 plus mg Potassium): Coriander ( dhaniya), sweet potato, spinach (palak ) and green papaya.

Group II and group III vegetables after “leaching” then off with potassium.

This can be done by:

• Socking cut vegetable in luke warm water for 2-3 hours. Discarding the water. Adding large volume of fresh water and cooking vegetables. Discarding water.

OR • Bring the peeled and cut vegetables to boil in a large quantity of water. Discarding water and coking

in a large volume of fresh water. Discarding excess water.

Note: After kidney start functioning normally. Take tender coconut water, coriander leave, mint leave, fruit like orange.


Remember No One Can Help You If You Won’t Help Yourself

14 Days Kidney Detoxification Program

(Detox – A Body & Mind Auto Inner Cleansing)

Fasting Is Nature’s Drugless Way of Healing

Cooked food increases the work load of the kidneys by more than 10 times than natural food. Plenty of vital forces are spent to digest food where as in fasting vital organ gets rest & the vital force get the chance to do their task.

[If patient follow this program, the damage kidneys will recover function normally.]

A) Liquid Fasting: ( No Solid Food) 1. Day 1: Drink only luke warm water whole the day. a. Total intake should be 1 small cup plus urine out put taken drop by drop .As per the condition of the

patient. b. Neem leave juice half teaspoon on every 2 hours interval i.e. 7am – 9am – 11am - 1 pm – 3 pm –

5pm – 7pm. c. Onion raw juice 1 teaspoon on every 2 hours interval i.e. 8am – 10am – 12noon – 2 pm – 4 pm –

6pm – 8 pm 2. Day 2 & 3 : Liquid & Fruit Diet Fasting a. Soak over night 7 dry figs (Anjeer) in Total intake water i.e. 1 small cup plus urine out put. Take this

soaked water through out the day in very little quantity drop by drop. Take 1 soaked fig at every 2 hour interval i.e. 7am – 9am – 11am - 1 pm – 3 pm – 5pm – 7pm.

b. Tulsi raw juice 1 table spoon on every 2 hours interval i.e. 8am – 10am – 12noon – 2 pm – 4 pm – 6pm – 8 pm

B) Vegetable Raw Juice Fasting (Day 4 to 7): Resort to juice fasting for 4 days or till the acute symptom subside. (Total juice intake should be equal to 2 small cup plus urine out put. As vegetable contains water itself thereby no need to give extra water to the patient.) Follow the below schedule in the period of vegetable juice fasting.

7am: Soaked over night 2 dry figs in 1 cup water .chew the soaked figs and drink that water.

9am : ¼ cup beet raw juice plus ¼ cup luke warm water

10am: 1 teaspoon pure neem honey

11am: Half cup cucumber ( kakdi) juice

12noon: 1 teaspoon pure neem honey.

1 pm: Half cup radish (moli) juice

3pm : Half cup bottle gourd (luki) juice.

4pm: 1 teaspoon pure neem honey

5pm: ¼ cup tulsi leave juice

6pm: Half cup carrot juice

7pm: Half cup bottle gourd (luki) juice.

8pm: 1 teaspoon pure neem honey

32  C) Fruit Diet Fasting (Day 8 to 10): Grape (red or purple) or raisins (munaqqa- dry grape) should be soaked in the total intake (should be 1 small cup plus urine out put) for 12 to 18 hours. This would swell them to original size of grape, eating after discarding the seeds of the grapes. The water in which the grapes soaked should be drink through out the day in very small quantity. The grape meal or raisins diet take every 2 hours from 7am to 7 pm followed for 3 days. i.e. 7am – 9am – 11am - 1 pm – 3 pm – 5pm – 7pm.The patient should begin the grape cure with a small quantity. In course of time, about 100 grams may safely take at a meal.

D) Fruit & Milk Diet Fasting (Day 11 to 14): Begin with 50 ml to 100 ml of milk every 2 hours as per the condition of patient. Preferably goat’s milk or cow milk. The milk should be fresh and un-boiled without adding sugar, but may be slightly warm if desired. The milk should be slowly chewed instead of drinking or gulped it by sipping slowly in draughts saliva secreted in the mouth mix it. This may be taken 6 or 7 times between sunrise & sunset. Continue this regimen for 3 days. During this period don’t drink water because water contain is already present in milk. In case of constipation take enema and if suffer from diarrhea; reduce the dose for a day or two. Remove fat and dilute by adding some boiled water. If one suffers from nausea or vomiting one should sucking piece of lemon juice after each dose of milk. In case of any discomfort or fever one should stop the milk and observe the fast for day or two day. When fever is gone continue milk cure diet for the said period.

Warm Water Enema: One should be taken daily while fasting to clean the bowel of toxic matter.


Post – Fasting Treatment

(Right food after fast is an important & must.)

Day 15 to 21: Liver Detox – Diet Treatment [Detox Begins in liver (power House) & End in gall bladder]

7 – Days Diet Plan

a. Upon Arising (6am): Soak over night 2 dry figs (Anjeer) in 1 small cup water. Take this soaked water and soaked figs the very first thing in the morning.

b. Break fast (7am): An apple, grape or orange and 2 almond or barley kheer. c. Mid – Morning (9:00 am): Drink Alkalizing Green Raw Juice. Take leafy vegetable

cucumber,bottle gourd (lauki), mint( pudina) Clean them thoroughly in salt water. Grind them and extract juice nearly one and half cup or one glass. Add 1 teaspoon amla powder and pinch of ginger (saunth) and1 tablespoon honey. Do not add salt and spices for taste. (Drink as early as extract the juice. Drink slowly sip by sip. Don’t frighten if you get loose motions. )

d. Mid – Morning (11:00 am): White gourd (petha) juice found effective for acidity and uric acid e. Before ½ hr of lunch (11:30 am) : Chew piece of ginger before an hr of meal , helpful in digestion. f. Lunch (12 :00 pm)

1. Salads (12:00): Cucumber, beet, sprout seeds of moong, onion with lemon juice dressing. Do not add salt and spices for taste.(Vitamin factory, body building enzymes.)

2. Soup or boiled veg( 12: 15pm): 1 bowl of decoction of seam vegetable (wal papdy ) beneficial where albumin contain is very high. One should take only the skin of vegetable not there seeds. Or chauli (amaranth ) leave soup or barely soup or carrot soup or mix. Veg. soup or lauki soup .

3. Grain Food ( 12:30 ): 1 or 2 jawari chappati without ghee . 4. Sit quietly for 5 minutes after eating. 5. Walk to aid digestion ( 5 – 15 mins.) 6. Pineaaple juice(1:45Pm ):stimulate the activity of kidneys and help to remove the toxic elements

and waste produce from the body. 7. After ½ hr (3:00pm): soaked few methi seeds early morning and take this soaked seeds with

luke warm water after half an hour of meal. g. Early Evening (4pm): A glass of beet and carrot juice mixed 50: 50 basis. Add half glass of boiled

water, shake well and drink slowly sip by sip .Do not add salt and spices. Drink as early as you extract the juice.

h. Before ½ hr of Dinner (05: 30 pm): Chew a piece of ginger before an hour of meal, found helpful in digestion.

i. Dinner ( 6:00 pm): 1. Salads (6:00pm): same as lunch.

Soup or boiled veg( 6:15pm): Amaranth (Chauli leave) juice can eliminate ill effects of poisonous drugs. And purify the blood.

2. Grain Food (6:30): same as lunch. 3. After Dinner (6:40): chew ajwan & ginger after meal. 4. Sit quietly for 5 minutes after eating. 5. Walk to aid digestion ( 5 – 15 mins.)

6. Bed Time (9:30pm): (minimum 3 hours after dinner-No reading, eating, watching TV in bed.)Take 1 tsp triphala powder (hirda, baheda ,amla) with luke warm water or 1 tsp of haritaki powder or 1 apple at bed time. Thereafter patient may gradually adopt a well balance low protein vegetarian diet. Further short juice fasts followed by a week on the restricted diet should be taken at intervals of 2 or 3 months until kidney conditions has normalized.


Home remedies for kidney failure treatment Lord Almighty has provided us with not only many helpful exotic herbs,

but also with a number of common cures that we can find in our kitchen cupboards.

“Food is medicine, medicine is food" 

The Physician who has made study of the physiological and therapeutically action of poisonous drugs will conclude that these drugs are not beneficial to the patients. Admitting that they do benefit in few cases but they injure the whole human system in a large number of cases. In every case simple herbs used as food materials may be quite sufficient.

Bananas: Regular and moderate intake of bananas reduces the risk of kidney cancer. Bananas are rich in antioxidant phenolic compounds, which neutralize and remove free radicals that cause cancer. It is suggested to eat four to six bananas per week to cut your risk of kidney cancer in half.

Cucumber: Cucumber is a natural kidney cleanser. Eating raw cucumber cleanses kidneys of acids and toxins. Drinking cucumber juice alone or adding cucumber juice to carrot juice is a great home remedy for kidney problems.

Radish: Radish juice is one of the most potent home remedies to get rid of kidney diseases caused by kidney stones. Drinking half a cup of fresh radish juice on an empty stomach dissolves kidney stones and passes them out of the body in the urine. Radishes are consumed raw on an empty stomach for maximum therapeutic effect. Radishes are also used as natural kidney cleansers to improve elimination.

Beet Juice: Beets are natural cleansers for kidneys. Beet juice improves blood circulation and formation of red blood cells, which maintains kidney functions. It is also a natural cure for high blood pressure and heart problems. Consumption of pure beet juice is not advisable. Beet juice should be mixed with carrot juice with a concentration of 1:4. Drink 1 to 1 ½ cups of juice two times a day for maximum effects.

Asparagus Juice: Asparagus juice is a natural diuretic. Asparagus juice is mixed with carrot juice because the pure and concentrated form may cause strong kidney reactions. It also controls diabetes, the leading cause of kidney disease.

Bathua : It is beneficial in kidney problems. It relieves hesitancy and strangury micturition and restores the flow.

Arbi : Eating the arbi is beneficial in kidney diseases. It makes the kidneys strong.

Water-melon: Eating water-melon is beneficial in Nephrites.

Long cucumber: Taking mixed juice of carrots and long cucumber or carrots and turnips cures kidney diseases.

Potato: A patient suffering from kidney problem should eat potatoes. It contains lots of sodium and very little of potassium. Too much of potassium causes excessive secretion of salt from the kidneys.

Mango: Mango is shaped like a kidney. Eating mangoes regularly strengthens kidneys.

Orange: Taking one or two oranges before breakfast in the morning followed by a glass of hot water or taking orange juice cures kidney problems or protects one from kidney ailments. Oranges keep the kidneys clean. Apples and grapes are also equally beneficial. Fruit juices keep the kidneys healthy if taken in the morning before breakfast.

35  Honey: The use of honey is beneficial in kidney problems.

Carrots: Boil 2 tsp. of carrot seeds in a glass of water and drink it. It will increase the flow of urine.

Methi: For Swelling of legs & arms. Apply methi leave paste on swelling part or kalonji seed paste reduces the swelling.

kharboza :For Reducing swelling over kidney. Eating of Ilaichi with kharboza seed can reduce the swelling, relief in pain and increase the urine out put.

Barley: This proves that after illness, the preparation made from barley and beet roots is very good tonic for weak persons. The barley gruel was especially prepared after boiling barley with milk and sweetened with honey. Drink barley water twice daily to increase blood .However it is effective during summers

Bottle Gourd-The use of bottle gourd is considered an effective remedy for kidney ailments. Bottle gourd is one of the best vegetables for kidney disorder patients. Regular use of cooked bottle gourd helps in developing immunity. Gourd, cool, and alkaline. It helps dissolve uric acid levels and aids in dissolving kidney stones. Its high silicon content is believed to encourage healthy skin, nails and hair growth.

Cinnamon: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks.

Pomegranate: Mohammed is said to have proclaimed, "Eat of the pomegranate. It will cleanse your soul of hatred and envy." a yin tonic that builds the kidneys, liver, blood and bladder. It is a rich source of vitamin C and potassium.

Tulsi Leaves: Basil found beneficial for kidney ailments. Chew 10 to 12 fresh leaves on empty stomach.

Turmeric: Main use of turmeric juice taken regularly is as a blood purifier. Turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory effects, so it may be used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Inflammation is a body response to irritation, injury, or infection. Turmeric is known to be a strong antioxidant, a substance thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. In addition to their anticancer effects, antioxidants in turmeric may protect the kidneys and liver from damage by radiation or chemicals such as dry cleaning fluid the properties of this herb are cholagogue, hepatic, stomachic, carminative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial.

Built up resistance with natural Antibiotics: 1-2 tsp of tincture daily – Mullein /. 1-2 tsp of tincture daily – Chlorophyll /. 1-2 tsp of tincture daily – Comfrey /1-2 tsp of tincture daily – Echinacea

How to prepare Black Tea: Put one cup of water to boil. Add one teaspoon of any Tea (Mumri or any tea will do, but not dust tea) in it & boil till it reduce to half a cup. Filter it and add half cup of warm water, drink one cup of black tea, the first thing in the morning. In case of nausea keep 2 cloves or little sugar in the mouth. After 30 minutes, regular breakfast can be taken. Drink this black tea for 12 to 15 days till your URINE becomes clear & odour less. Make it a habit of drinking such black tea without adding salt or sugar for taste every year for 12 days in cold season & PREVENT any problems of kidney.


HYDRO THERAPY & KIDNEY FAILURE Cold: Expanding of blood vessel, decreased BP, for inflammatory condition.

Hot: Contraction, increased blood flow, relieving deep congestion.

1. Kidney Pack: Place hot water bag (42 – 45 deg C) to cover middle to lower back. Apply ice bag to

cover lower part of chest bone n stomach. Wrap a dry cotton cloth over this for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

2. Wet Girdle Pack: Dip thin cotton under wear in cold water. Wear it after wringing out. Wear dry

thick woolen under wear over this for one hour.

3. Hot Sitz Bath: The level of water in tub should be enough to immerse the pelvic region. Begin by

sitting for 2 minutes in hot water, and then sit for 1 minute in cold water. Do this thrice. End up

sitting for 2 minutes in cold water. Now dry the body thoroughly.

4. Whole Body Pack: Spread blanket on bed or floor. Now spread wet wring bed sheet on it. And

spread wet and wring towel over the bed sheet. Now un -dress patient and lies on his back on this

bed. Wrap towel around his chest, then bed sheet around his body. Leave his head and face free and

finally wrap blanket. Before the treatment patient should drink little water. In about an hour patient

sweats profusely. After 5 minutes un -wrap and dry the body with another towel.

5. Steam Bath: Take a bucket big enough to immerse the leg up to the knee. Fill it with hot water that

can be tolerated to patient. Remove all clothes and sit on stool. Immersing both legs in water. Place a

cold wet towel on the head. Cover the whole body up to neck with thick blanket. Sip some hot water

slowly .After sitting for 15 to 20 minutes removes blanket, come out of water and take quick cold

shower . Dry with thick towel briskly.

6. Ablution (Wazu) Therapy: Wash both hands, first right then left up to wrists thrice times. Gargle

the mouth to throat thrice times, brushing your teeth perfectly with miswak (datoon) is mean of

purify mouth. Sniff water thrice into nostrils first right then left with your right hand and blow out

nose using of left hand. Wash your face thrice times .Wash both hands first right then left hand thrice

times up to elbow. Ensure washing of space between fingers. Wipe the head with wet hands once.

Clean the inside of ears by inserting the wet index finger into ears and folds of ears, then clean back

of ear by pressing wet thumb from bottom upwards. Wash both feet. First right then left thrice times

up to ankles. Ensure cleaning of spaces between toes using little finger of your left hand.

7. TREATMENT OF FEVER: Fever is a natural means of toxin elimination during sickness. The heat

triggers chemical reactions that enhance the immune system, and destroy bacteria and viruses. By

routinely reducing fevers, we remove the body’s self healing mechanisms. Only when a fever

becomes dangerously high should we attempt to lower it. Death occurs if the temperature of the body

exceeds 106 degrees irrespective of the cause. Medically speaking the first line of treatment is to

lower the temperature by cold water, ice sponging or even immersing the patient in cold water.




Special Sun Gazing Method:

1. Walk barefoot on bare earth for 45 minutes, every day, for the rest of your life. This connection with nature is necessary to enjoy the full benefits of sun gazing. Do it whenever you can.

2. Find out the times of sunrise and sunset. They change every day a few minutes. 3. Calculate the safe hours for sun gazing: from sunrise until one hour later is safe and also the last hour

before sunset. Beginners should never watch outside of these times. Others can consider the fact that sun gazing is safe whenever the UV-index is below 2.

4. If possible, stand on the naked earth with bare feet. This protects the eyes. Warm earth is better than cold. If you cannot find any naked earth, then try mud, stone or concrete. The further in the list, the less protection the surface offers. Avoid standing on grass or in water. If you cannot stand, then sit. Standing straight with a straight back is the best. Sand is better than heavy earth. Dry, sandy beaches are perfect.

5. It is important to look relaxed at the sun. Blink your eyes as you normally do. Don’t pay much attention to this. Watch sun as you would watch TV. Don’t use any glasses. Lenses are fine because they are part of the eye.

6. Start with 10 seconds at the most. Heighten this amount every day with maximum 10 seconds. On a partly clouded day, you can repeat the time of the last sunny day. For example: yesterday was a Sunny day and you’ve watched for 2 minutes. Today there are some clouds, so you go for 2 minutes again. Tomorrow is sunny so you add 10 seconds and watch 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

7. It is easy to have a timer with a memory. Most digital kitchen alarms serve this purpose. Also on some digital watches you can find this function.

8. If you have practiced this method for 3 months without interruption (or 90 days), then you are sun gazing 15 minutes. This solves all mental problems. If you continue to 30 minutes (180 days), then your physical complaints will disappear. And if you continue to 45 minutes (270 days), you will solve all spiritual questions and then you will become completely healthy. After this, you need to stabilize the results by walking barefoot or further sun gazing.

Sun Charged water:

Water, charged by the sun has an enormous healing effect on the body. This is how you prepare it:

1. Fill a glass pot (no colored glass) with water: use tap water or source water. When necessary, you can boil or filter it to remove impurities. Do not use plastic bottles. The water will become poisonous.

2. Close the pot with a glass lid and put it in the morning outside on the naked earth, in the sun. If possible on a spot where the sun shines all day.

3. Leave the water outside for five to eight hours. More time isn’t necessary and less has less effect. The more clouds, the longer it should be outside.

4. Drink this water during the day. It keeps his energy about 24 hours. Do not store it in plastic or fridge. When kept in a clay pot, it keeps his energy longer. Don’t put water near any sources of radiation.

5. Don’t leave the water outside at night in the moonlight. Moon energy can be detrimental to your health. Only In rare cases this can be beneficial.

SUNBATHING 1. Wear light colored and light clothes.

2. Sunbath for about thirty minutes. Do this no longer than two hours after sunrise or not before two hours before sunset. On other times, it is ok when the UV-index is less than three. Sun bathing is beneficial, but sun baking is not. Longer than half an hour does not give you more benefits.


COLOUR THERAPY & KIDNEY FAILURE Colour is an electromagnetic light energy rippling through space in a specific wave length .Each

colours has its own specific wave length and vibrations. In naturopathy, chromo therapy has great

importance. It is a drugless method of healing .The principle of chromo therapy is that human body is

composed of many colours and lack of any of the colour gives rise to different disorders. Colour therapy is

drugless and painless method of treating diseases by using different colours

Methods of Colour Therapy:

1. Colour treatment can be given by using different colored lamps. Here, patients are given treatment locally.

2. Colour glasses are fixed in the windows and sun rays coming from them are used for the treatment as per

the patient requirement

3. In this method, a clean bottle of required colour is taken, if it is not possible to get different colored

bottles, than plain bottle wrapped with colored gelatin paper are used and are filled with clean water .Leave

¼ empty and keep in sun light between 11 am to 4 pm, until the bubbles appears on empty space that

indicates water is charged and ready for used. Keep the bottle apart from the shadow don’t fall upon each

other and place on wooden surface like as stool or on a piece of wood. Similarly oil can be used for

massage by keeping them in bottle as mentioned above instead of water. Above 12 years of age ½ cup of

solarised water should be given ,while an infant give 1 tsp ,and for 5 to 12 years ¼ cup .

Color Therapy for Kidney Failure: 

1. Treat with blue for 10 minutes over kidney area, alternate with orange.  

2. Rub your kidney area. Think friendly thoughts about your kidney as you rub in circular motion 

over kidney area. Send healing blue light energy into these vital organs. 



Preparation of copper/silver/gold/iron charged water:

Take stainless steel, coated copper vessel or earthen pot. (Do not use aluminum, brass and uncoated

copper vessels) All these metal can be put together in four glass of water, in proportion of gold 15 to 20

gms of pure gold coin or ornaments (but not used chain or bangles enameled of 22 carats. , silver 30 gms of

pure silver coin (.999 purity)do not use silver ornaments , copper 60 gms pure copper plate or wire or

coins. Iron 60 gms of un rusted iron (nails etc.)It should be born in mind that all metal put in water are

thoroughly clean and do not contain any dust or rust. Boil it till it reduces to half. During treatment avoid

sore things like lemon, sour butter milk etc.; the above quantity is for all above 12 years. For children over 2

years 50% of the quantities to be taken for children below 2 years given only 1/4 quantity.

How to Prepare Silver Charged Water:

Put 30 to 60 grams of silver pure coins in a 8 glasses of water and boil it till reduced to 2 glasses. Do not

use silver ornaments. When the charged water cool down remove the silver coin and keep in a clean glass

bottle and drink a cup 3 times every day.

Copper: For all diseases of nervous system example, H.B.P., arthritis, polio, etc.

Silver: For all diseases of digestive & urinary system.

Gold: Useful for disorders of the breathing system, a lung, heart, brain and is a general tonic.

Iron: Proper quantity of iron in blood is utmost necessary because they carry oxygen & supplies it all over

the body and thus increases stamina.

Metal Mixture:

Is good for almost all chronic diseases. Given in “Septenate mixtures in homeopathy”, By Dr A.K.



MET; ARGENTUM MET (Potency: 30; Dose: one dose daily.)

Bio – Chem Salt Remedies for Kidney Disorder: 

1. Kali Mur : for inflammation  

2. Calcarea  Sulph. : Acts as blood purifier and antiseptic. For Adults – 4 grains 3 times a day and 

for children 2 grains 3 times a day. 



ACUPRESSURE THERAPY & KIDNEY FAILURE (An Aid to Healthier Living – Boon to Ill – Mankind)

How does acupressure affect the body? Acupressure helps the body to achieve equilibrium in its functioning by:

Increasing the blood supply and regulating the blood flow to the ailing part. Clearing the blocked energy flow along meridians. Restoring the disrupted nerve impulse to normal .Improving muscle tone. Restoring chemical or hormonal balance in the body. Relieving mental & physical stresses in the body, thereby increasing energy levels. Diagnosis starts with solar plexus & barometer of body: First set solar plexus if not found in order. Then check point 8 of thyroid/parathyroid gland (barometer of body). Also check point No. 16 of Lymph gland (remove toxin from body) and also point 11 to 15 of sex gland).

Duration of Treatment: Pressure is applied for one minutes on each points which is paining when pressed, there will be a flicker in eyes of patients. This has to be repeated 3 times a day (avoided 1 hour before & after meal) continued this treatment till pain on these points subsides. Precaution: Don’t go on pressing points for longer & many times, may damage switch board & lead to weakness further load of more toxins come to kidney may cause over work & damage it you need not to worry even if the pressure is applied around points & and not exactly on it. Aggravate symptoms of disease: Good sign shows treatment is working properly. Don’t frighten because this is an effort of nature to remove toxin from your body. Method of Applying Pressure:

1. Pumping: This should be done by pressing thumb pad on reflex points pressure must be applied & released alternatively. The pressure to be applied should be just enough for you to be able to feel it by keeping thumb in horizontal position. Normal pressure between 3 to 5 lbs on all points, except the points of endocrine gland (pituitary gland pt 3, pineal gland pt 4, thyroid & parathyroid pt 8, uterus pt 14, testes & ovaries pt 15, lymph gland pt 16, Adrenal pt 28 and Thymus pt 38) which are situated in middle of body thereby deeper pressure is to be applied by keeping thumb in vertical position. Here little pressure of about 12 to 15 lbs is applied.

2. Rotating: Thumb rotated with steady pressure either clockwise or anticlockwise on each reflex point. The pressure points on meridian are stimulated by anti-clockwise movement & sedated by clockwise movement.

Acupressure Treatment for Kidney Disorder: 

The following points should be press with thumb like pumping on each palm 3 times daily for 2 minutes. But remember that   do not press the hand, where fistula is put inside the hand. On thumb  in the mid area there are 2 gland ( Pituitary gland & Pineal gland); and  at the end of the  thumb  in a curve shape area Thyroid & Parathyroid gland is situated .Beside  this kidney area is located . And above the kidney area in right hand the Adrenal gland is located at right side. And on the left hand the Adrenal gland is located at left side. Along with these points also press the liver point on the right hand palm situated below the half inch from the end of little finger. And heart point on the left hand located below the half inch from the end of little finger. Also rub the wrist area where the hands are end, in circular motion and press the centre area (Lymph gland) with thumb. 

Few Things to Remember:1. Pressure for long period over a single area should be avoided.2. Women should not be given treatment during menses and pregnancy.3. Degree of pressure is pleasant and bearable to patient.4. At least one hour before and after treatment no food or drink to be consumed



Seed Therapy & Kidney Failure Seeds are the most frequently used natural stimulators of the correspondence points.

Intact seeds of suitable size and density and capable of sprouting are selected for treatment. These are usually seeds of buckwheat, apples, millet, radish, beet, peas, beans, pepper, grapes, etc. Fresh seeds covered by natural shell are the best. Seeds are fixed in points of correspondence with an adhesive plaster. Seeds are used not only as agents of mechanical stimulation. They carry information about the whole plant and have particular energy properties that are partially manifest in their colour and shape. During stimulation exchange of energy between the seed and the point of correspondence occurs. Seeds can be similarly applied for action on the energy points.

To make seed more active they should be exposed to orange or red light or simply

bright solar light for an hour. Aeration can be carried out by putting the seeds in a glass of water and by passing air through the water for two hours with the help of an aquarium compressor. For the same purpose, seeds can be soaked in warm water (25-30°) and the water should be changed daily till foam appears on the seeds. Seeds covered by hard shells (stone fruits), can be dipped in boiled water for 15 minutes.

Applied red kidney beans ( Rajma – dark brown color) to the painful corresponding to

the kidney in in the standard corresponding system for 12 hours as shown in the figure.

Seed therapy in disease of kidney


PRANAYAM & KIDNEY FAILURE Breathing: Foundation for Good Health

How to perform Shavasana:

After awaking & at bed time lie down on your back, relax all part of the body and left to gravity. Release the tension from tips of toes to the forehead. Now concentrate on your breath then after 10 minutes slowly turn to your right side and open your eye slowly.

Lie down on your back, relax all the limbs and let the body be left to the gravity. Keep your attention on the different part of the body and check if these are relaxed. Attention is withdrawn gradually from the tips of the toes to the forehead. This is done slowly from below upwards as shown in the figure.

1. Lie on your back. Keep your feet 12” to 18” apart. Let each foot lie on its side in a comfortable position. Keep your arms 6” away from the body with your palms facing the sky and fingers half bend. 2. Bring your awareness to the feet and bend the toes towards the ground and then relax. Now forget the toes. 3. Stretch the muscles of the right leg from toes to hips lifting the leg a little off the ground. Feel the stretching of the muscles. Then relax. The leg will automatically fall to the ground. Now forget the right leg and repeat the same with the left leg. 4. Contract the muscles of the lower back and pelvic region (around the hip joints). Body will rise slightly off the ground. Relax and the body will come down automatically. 5. Contract the muscles of the chest while inhaling the air and raising the chest a little off the ground. Then relax. Chest will come down automatically. 6. Close the fist of the left arm. Contract the muscles of the whole arm up to the shoulder lifting the arm an little above the ground. Then relax. The arm will come down automatically to the ground. Repeat the same with right arm. 7. Rotate the neck from side to side gently as if somebody is holding the neck and moving it. Then relax keeping the neck in a comfortable position. 8. Open the lower jaw towards the chest and experience the stretching of the muscles of the jaws and the cheeks. Then relax, bringing the jaw back to the normal position. 9. Open the eyes gentle and fully, stretching the muscles of the eyes, brows and the forehead. Then relax these muscles letting the eyes close effortlessly. Benefits of Deep Breathing & Pranayam:

1. Improvement in the quality of the blood due to its increased oxygenation in the lungs. This aids in the elimination of toxins from the system.

2. Increase in the digestion and assimilation of food. The digestive organs such as the stomach receive more oxygen, and hence operate more efficiently. The digestion is further enhanced by the fact that the food is oxygenated more.

3. Improvement in the health of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, nerve centers and nerves. This is due again to the increased oxygenation and hence nourishment of the nervous system. This improves the health of the whole body, since the nervous system communicates to all parts of the body.

4. Rejuvenation of the glands, especially the pituitary and pineal glands. The brain has a special affinity for oxygen, requiring three times more oxygen than does the rest of the body. This has far-reaching effects on our well being.

5. The movements of the diaphragm during the deep breathing exercise massage the abdominal organs - the stomach, small intestine, liver and pancreas. The upper movement of the diaphragm also massages the heart. This stimulates the blood circulation in these organs.

6. The lungs become healthy and powerful, a good insurance against respiratory problems. 7. Deep, slow, yoga breathing reduces the work load for the heart. The result is a more efficient,

stronger heart that operates better and lasts longer. It also mean reduced blood pressure and less heart disease. 

45  Abdominal Breathing: 

Exhale air by slowly pressing stomach inward. Shut mouth and inhale air from nose by releasing stomach upward. Sit erect in a chair with spine, neck and head erect. Keep your eyes closed and rest your hands on the knees. Then exhale slowly, pulling your stomach inwards simultaneously. After full exhalation hold for a second and then start to inhale slowly and deeply stretching the muscles of the abdomen .Without any force or tension, breathing should be slow , deep, continuous and rhythmical. Again after inhaling hold for a second and exhale contracting the abdominal muscles. Repeat the process 10 to15 times. Do not immediately get up on finishing this pranayam. Benefits activate all the organs of the digestive system. It cures acidity, indigestion, constipation. It makes one cool and clam and free of tension. In short exhale air by slowly pressing stomaching inward .Shut your mouth and inhale air from nose by releasing stomach upward.

Pranayama –The Easy Way:

1st step: Inhale the air counting 1‐ 2 – 3 – 4. 2nd step: Then Hold air in the lung counting 1- 2 – 3 – 4. 3rd step: Exhale the air counting 1- 2 – 3 – 4.4th step: Pause do not inhale counting 1- 2 – 3 – 4

Please repeat this at least 10 to 15 times. Do such pranayama 4 to 10 times a day and with practice go on increasing the counting to about 10. During the pause only, the lung gets rest and are revitalized. This type of controlled breathing, called “Pranayama”, was tried on TB patients in a hospital in Chicago and the results were astounding. Once you reach counting 10 you may develop pranayama as under:

Inhale Counting (Up to) 10; Retain Counting (Up to) 20; Exhale Counting (Up to) 10; Pause Counting (Up to) 10 i.e. in the ratio of 1:2:1:1.

The healing Sound for kidney:

The technique for keeping, the kidney healthy and working efficiently. In five element theory, the kidneys control the water element. Water is pure Yin energy. It is cold energy as compared to its opposite the fire element which is pure Yang - hot energy. So the kidney controls the water element in our body. If we have too much heat in our kidneys, the obviously can’t work. Efficiently to regulate the water element and cool off the body. Each of the five elements is associated with certain negative emotions. The negative emotion associated with water and kidney is fear .The kidney sound will also release excessive cold from the kidneys and neutralize the fear.

1. Place your awareness on your 2 kidneys, fist - size organs located on either side of spine at the bottom of the rib cage on the back Try to visualize them or feel them or just image that they are there.

2. Sit up in a chair with your legs together , ankles and knees touching 3. Take a deep breath ( you can do Abdominal Breath) 4. As you inhale, bend the trunk of your body forward and hook your hands around your knees,

clasping one hand with the other. 5. With hands clasped, pull back on your arms so that you feel a pull on your back where your kidneys

are located. 6. Look upward with your eyes and slightly lean the head back without straining. 7. Exhale slowly and as silently as you can and make the healing sound CH – U – W – A – A – A – Y. 8. As you make the CH – U – W – A – A – A – Y sound, pull in on your stomach area between the

bottom of your sternum (breast bone) and your navel. Pull toward the spine and imagine or feel the excess heat or the cold being squeezed out from the fascia surrounding the two kidneys.

9. Visualize both kidneys bathed in a sapphire blue colour and imagine any fear being expelled the kidneys as you exhale.

10. After exhale, sit up straight, close your eyes take a few easy breaths and concentrate on the exchange of energy in the kidney region, before doing another kidney healing sound.

11. Do the CH – U – W – A – A – A – Y sound at least 3 times.




Mudra is a hand gesture or seal which is a symbol of energy. More deeply, "closed electrical circuits" of the subtle channels in physical and etheric bodies are also known as 'Mudras'. When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body. Mudra can be practiced at all the times while sitting, lying, standing, walking or even talking. For good results should be practiced for 24 minutes continuously and extend up to 45 minutes is desirable. Some of the Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes; some react within a few seconds on the human body. Can be practiced for 5 minutes also at one time. If a mudra can not be made in both hands, you may do it in one hand only.

How & When to Practice: Mudras are generally practiced empty stomach. They could be practiced in many different ways by joining the finger tips with the thumb tip or by folding the finger at the base of the thumb etc. depending upon whether the practitioner wishes to increase, decrease or balance a particular element in the body. They can be practiced with one or both hands. Mudras can be practiced any time of the day at any place. Most of the mudras should preferably be practiced in sitting position with spine straight but they could also be done in standing, lying down or walking if instructed by the therapist or teacher to do so.

THE FIVE ELEMENT THEORY: Human body is made up of five elements and 5 (Five) fingers represent either of the five elements:

Finger Thumb Index finger Middle Ring Little Element Fire Air Ether/sky Earth Water

Practice Apan Mudra to Keep Your Kidney and Liver Healthy:

Helps in purification of the body, urinary problems, and easy secretion of excreta, regulating menstruation and painless discharge, easy child delivery, Piles, Diabetes and kidney disorders. Caution: This Mudra should not be done by pregnant ladies before completing 8 months. After that a 10 minutes practice 3 to 4 times a day will ensure normal delivery.

Jal-shaamak mudra: brings about a reduction of the jal(water) element with in the body. Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the little finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger, this amounts to suppression of element water(residing in the little finger) by element fire( residing in the thumb). Effects: Jal-shaamak mudra reduces the water-content of the body by suitable affecting the water-metabolism. It can, therefore , be used to overcome water-loggging with in the body. Benefits: Jal-shaamk mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders: 1.Oedema(water-retention), Ascitis, dropsy, Watery eyes Hyperacidity, Diarrhoea (loose motions),

48  Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes , 3 times day).Ideal time: None Precautions: Experienced doctors say that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.


Set of four mudras for balancing energy that are used in a sequence alternately touch the tips of each finger with the tip of your thumb. Keep each connected for a few seconds or longer and do for a few minutes total. Do this with both hands simultaneously. This is a simple way of balancing your energy that you can do almost anywhere, while sitting, standing, walking, lying down. The overall effect is that you get calmer, more relaxed and concentrated. The separate mudras (hand positions) have the following effects: Thumb touches tip of index finger Opens the Root chakra, and moves more energy to the legs and lower body. Makes one calmer and more concentrate. Thumb touches tip of middle finger Fosters patience. Thumb touches tip of ring finger Energy, stability and self-confidence. Thumb touches tip of pinky finger Intuition and feeling.


Open the Root Chakra Open the Sacral Chakra

Open the Navel Chakra Open the Heart Chakra

Open the Throat Chakra Open the Third Eye Chakra


Open the Crown Chakra

Open the Root Chakra: These chakra meditations use mudras, which are special hand positions, to open chakras. The mudras have the power to send more energy to particular chakras. To enhance the effect, sounds are chanted. These sounds are from Sanskrit letters. When chanted, they cause a resonation in your body that you can feel at the chakra they are meant for. For pronunciation, keep in mind that: the "A" is pronounced as in "ah, "the "M" is pronounced as "mng."Do a meditation for 7 - 10 breaths. Chant the sound several times each breath (for example three times).Open the Root Chakra Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch. Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus. Chant the sound LAM.

Open the Sacral Chakra: Open the Sacral Chakra Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently. Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).Chant the sound VAM.

Open the Navel Chakra: Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers. Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel. Chant the sound RAM.

Open the Heart Chakra: Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart. Chant the sound YAM.

Open the Throat Chakra: Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up. Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat. Chant the sound HAM.

Open the Third Eye Chakra: Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops. Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows. Chant the sound OM or AUM.

Open the Crown Chakra: Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right. Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head. Chant the sound NG. Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first). How emotions affect the meridian system: Too much anger injures the Liver. Too much fear injures the Kidneys. Too much sadness injures the Lungs. Too much thinking/worrying injures the Spleen. Too much joy/excitement injures the Heart.



Cure Yourself - Kidney Cleanse It takes a lot of liquid to wash the inside of your body. Taking it in the form of herbal teas gives you

extra benefits, in addition to making them highly enjoyable, if you make them with little variations. You need to do that, if you wish to produce four litres of urine everyday. Any oedema or water retention, whether in the lungs, arms or abdomen also requires the strengthening of kidneys with this recipe.

Kidney Cleanse Procedure: Kidney cleanse is a procedure that is used to cleanse the kidneys from within, by removing deeply embedded toxic wastes from the blood and kidneys. Kidney cleansing also dissolves kidney stones and passes them through urine in microscopically dissolved form.

Kidney Cleansing Recipes -Ingredients

1. Tea (kaadha) made from corn silk (bhutte ka baal) - fresh or dried. The corn silk should ideally be dried in sunlight. If dried,it can be preserved for a long time. Washing the dried corn silk prior to use is not necessary because dust and impurities can be removed by sedimentation and decantation during use;or

2. Tea made from parsley (green coriander like vegetable, available in big cities) leaves, costing about Rs 400 per kg. Parsley is to be used fresh. Rinse in water before boiling. It should be strongly fragrant, otherwise it has partially lost its active ingredients. It can be stored in the refrigerator for four to five days;or

3. Tea made from watermelon (tarbooz) seeds with skin (chhilka) on. The seeds can be black or brown in colour. These can be Dried and preserved. Some provision stores selling agricultural requirements, such as seeds, also stock melon seeds. They are marked as ‘poison’ or ‘not for human consumption’, since they have been treated with pesticides. Therefore, you need to wash and dry them. Then you may safely use them. Grind them dry before boiling, so that the medicine from the skin and the innards is passed into the water. Do not wash the ground seed powder after crushing or grinding. Process: For best results, fill the vessel/pot with just enough water to cover the ingredients, in order to get concentrated tea. Boil any of the three ingredients in water for about one to two minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and strain it. Boil the residue again with fresh water and repeat this procedure two to three times until the last boiled mixture begins to lose color. This indicates that the ingredient has no more medicine left in it. Mix all the strained medicinal water, discard the residue and let the strained mixture stand for a few minutes, so that any sediment present will sink to the bottom of the vessel. Carefully, without subjecting the mixture to any sudden movements, pour out the upper layer of the mixture into another vessel, until the sediment at the bottom starts to flow. Stop and discard this sediment. This procedure, known as decantation, can be used to separate fine residue from the mixture. The medicine is now ready for use. Drink this mixture three-four times each day, for one-two days. The mixture has to be stored in a refrigerator, since it spoils if kept outside. If refrigerated, it may coagulate (thicken) slightly but its medicinal properties are not affected. If you cannot drink the cold liquid, then you may warm it to your taste. Heating it slightly does not affect its medicinal properties. Some people get better results with corn silk, others with parsley or water melon seeds. However, all people get some results using any of the three ingredients. I have found concentrated corn silk tea to be the best for me. Some people have reported good results even with water melon seeds without skin. Such skinless seed is available with grocery stores, whereas seeds with skin are available with fruit vendors or agricultural seed shops. Quantity: I encourage self-medication. To try for first time, you may take dosage as under:

Sr. No Item Quantity Color of Tea

1 Corn silk (fresh) 250 grams Dark brown

2 Corn silk (dried) 100 grams Dark brown

3 Parsley (fresh) 250 grams Green

4 Watermelon seeds 100 gram Brown


Observe the results for yourselves and then decide the most suitable quantity for subsequent use. You may decide about the most appropriate quantity and frequency for yourself, though the maximum dosage and frequency (as much quantity as you can tolerate) is recommended. Taking concentrated medicine in larger quantities yields quicker and better results because the medicine reaches deep into the affected organs. If any nausea or undesirable symptoms like stomach pain etc occur, then reduce the dosage. I normally take upto 200 grams of dried corn silk or 500 grams of parsley or 200 grams of watermelon seeds per day, once a month. The resultant water quantity is about two liters

What Results to Expect?

When toxins are accumulated in the body and the kidneys cannot filter out all of them, they are circulated in the blood stream. To decrease the ill-effects of these toxins, the body tends to keep them in a diluted form and hence, it retains more water. When the level of water in the blood stream increases, it results in a condition known as oedema. This also results in increased body weight. When these toxins are expelled during kidney cleanse, the extra water retained in the blood stream is also released. Expect increased urination. Hence, there is the added benefit of weight loss, as a result of kidney cleanse. During the course of treatment, about 1% of patients have a feeling of nausea and about 3% of patients get mild pain in the stomach. However, these conditions are not severe and are caused due to the hyperactivity of nephrons during the blood cleansing process. The pain subsides on its own in one-two hours and does not require any treatment. The final result is an exhilarating freshness, as desired.

Effects of Kidney Cleansing Treatment

The first round of treatment should be over in less than one-two days and instant improvement is expected as under: Dissolution of kidney stones

�Fresh face and body, better skin tone with shining, fairer complexion, followed by gradual reduction in dark circles below the eyes

�Higher energy levels �improved hemoglobin levels in blood

�Improved sleep quality

�Increase in calcium levels (treatment of osteoporosis)

�Increased activity levels

�Old accumulated toxins expelled from the kidney, blood and body

�Regulated blood pressure (marginally high or low BP are controlled without supplementary medication)

�Relief in backache and other body pain.

Frequently Asked Questions -Kidney Cleanse

Q. How much quantity of corn silk (maize-hair) should a patient take?

A I encourage self-medication. You can arrive at the best suitable quantity and frequency for your body through experimentation. Sometimes corn silk tea causes very mild pain in the stomach (3% of patients). Do not take any medicine and bear the mild discomfort. The pain will subside without any medication, in about an hour or two. This is caused due to hyperactivity of the nephrons during the cleansing process and is no cause for concern. Parsley n watermelon seeds do not cause pain but their cleansing effect is also lower.

Q. How much quantity do you take for yourself, Dr Saxena?

A. 32 When I started this treatment four years ago, I used to take 250 grams of fresh corn silk or 100 grams of dry corn silk or 250 grams of parsley or 100 grams of watermelon seeds each day, for five days. Now I take 200 grams of dried corn silk or 500 grams of parsley or 200 grams of watermelon seeds with skin

52  (chhilkawala tarbooz ka beez) for one day every month. This procedure makes about two to three litres of medicinal tea.

Q. Can we store the tea, as prepared above, in a refrigerator?

A. Yes. It is alright to store the mixture in a refrigerator for two-three days. Warm it if you wish, at the time of drinking it. I prefer to drink it cold. Temperature does not play any role in the effects of the medicine in the treatment.

Q. I do not find corn silk in sufficient quantities in the market due to off season conditions. My stored corn silk has developed a fungus. Can I still use this contaminated corn silk?

A. The medicinal properties of this fungus affected dried corn silk do not change. It can be used just as well, with the same results as fresh or dried corn silk. Keep the corn silk under the Sun for a few hours. Then follow the same procedure as outlined earlier, for the preparation process. If the corn silk has been stored without drying or in wet conditions, it turns black, gets spoiled and should not be used. Hence, you should keep the corn silk under the Sun occasionally, so that it remains good for use.

Q. Can I use all the three ingredients, i.e. parsley, corn silk and watermelon seeds together?

A. No. They are to be taken separately. Any one of them is good enough for the treatment. You may use another option after a few days.

Q. After following your therapy, why do I experience increased bleeding during menstruation?

A. This may happen to a few ladies. Treat it as a good sign, caused due to cleansing. You must have felt better in your premenstrual syndrome and have experienced much less abdominal pain. As soon as the toxins that have accumulated in your body are expelled, your condition will improve and you will feel better in a day or two.

Q. I got tremendous benefit after one kidney cleanses but after a week's period, I am facing the same old problems.

A. Sometimes the old problems manifest themselves again but if you monitor their frequency and intensity, they occur at much lower levels of intensity and frequency after the cleansing process. Second, you are continuing to live in the same polluted environment and eating cooked food, so do the cleanse again and you will improve further. You will notice instant improvement in backache, headache, general freshness level, the duration and quality of sleep, as well as the symptoms listed on page 31.

Q. What is the best time to do kidney cleanse?

A. Kidneys get an opportunity to function more efficiently when the stomach is empty and the body is most relaxed in a lying down condition. This happens after midnight. I keep a liter of corn-silk (or any other kidney cleanse) tea near my bedside at night. If I happen to get up by chance at 2-4 am I drink this and go back to bed. This procedure results in the best effect for me.

The medicines prescribed by Dr. Piyush Saxena are also available at:

Salim Bhai, 119 inside Crawford Market, 3rd lane, fruit section, Mumbai 400001. 9am to 8 pm

If hypertension is present in 1/5 The of the Indian adult population –why not cure it through kidney cleanse? Kidney cleanse is a procedure that is used to cleanse the kidneys from within, by removing

deeply embedded toxic wastes from the blood and kidneys.

“Failure is not a crime, but failure to learn from a failure is a crime”


Reference 1. Foods That Heal, By H.K. Bakhru, published by Orient Papperbacks

2. Herbs That Heal, By H.K. Bakhru, published by Orient Papperbacks

3. Foods that are killing You Slowly but Steadily , By M.K. Gupta, Pustak Mahal

4. Nutrition & Dietetics, By Shubhangini Joshi, Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill

5. http://www.home‐remedies‐for‐you.com

6. Nature Cure at home , By Dr. Rajeshwari , Pustak Mahal

7. Nature Cure A way of Life , By Dr. S.R. Jindal ,Institute of Naturopathy & Yoga Sciences, Bangalore

8. http://solarhealing.com/

9. home.deds.nl/~zonnekijken/sungazing%20manual%20belgium.doc

10. Colour Therapy ,By R. B.Amber, Firma KLM PVT LTD, Calcutta.

11. Health In Your Hands, By Devendra Vora , Navneet Publications

12. Su Jok Seed Therapy , By Park ,Jae Woo

13. Taoist Yoga & chi Kung for Better health ,Good Sex & Long life ,By Eric Steven Yudelove, Publisher: Pustak Mahal

14. http:// www.mudravigyan.com/mudra.html

15. “Cure Yourself” By Dr Piyush Saxena Published by SHANTA Publishing House Navi Mumbai

Available At: all major books stall and at A H Wheeler railway book stalls.

This book can be freely downloaded from http:// www.menknowwomen.com


Are You Aware?


Although we are spending millions on clinical treatment 

But still 

Thousand of children, Women, Men died every year 

Because of 

AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes , Dehydration , High B.P., Heart ailment, Kidney failure , Malaria , Pneumonia , stroke, Tuberculosis ,Typhoid and other deadly diseases. 

Need to FOCUS on Wellness not sickness 

     And to WORK on   Causes not Symptoms 

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

is especially true when applied  to  health‐care. 

It is pity that we are allowing preventable diseases to end thousands of lives. 

I believe that true prevention is proactive.                                                        A common sense approach to root cause of chronic degenerative & deficiency diseases. 

Major Causes of Diseases & Death 

Malnutrition  Adulterated food stuff  Tobacco & Drug addiction 

Bad sanitation  Polluted Environment  Pills Side Effects 

Antibiotics Resistance  Sedentary Life Style  Stress & Strain 


So rather than treating a condition after it has progressed 

It is better to work on preventing diseases and maintaining total health. 

Would save countless lives, pain and suffering 

The need of hour is 

Proactive approach to disease prevention 

Your Choice 

Clinical & Symptomatic Treatment or Preventive Health Care? Nadeem Divekar ‐ 9769928390 


Efforts may fail but don’t fail to make efforts

To, The Humble Soul, The Chairman / Gen. Secretary, Peace, Mercy and Blessing with you.

Sub: Need your co-operation for implementing 21 days – Heal your self program to heal kidney with only natural remedies.

“Prevention is always better and cheaper than cure” but unfortunately ignored by all of us. Due to Diabetes, High B.P., sedentary life style and extremely uses of antibiotics and pain killer kidney disorder has found high in society and day by day increasing with an alarming and endemic rate. In such as pity situation, where all the so- called allopathic medical Science (the sick making industry) are promoting the cut throat business here we hope that the holistic healing approach could be the hope for suffering humanity.

Sir/ Madam, your kind support and co-ordination is needed to help only those patients who are willing to come out from agony of suffering and ready to surrender and revert back to nature to regain the health with drugless and natural remedies .

“Heal your kidney with natural remedies” is a Do It your self 21 days course program, demands sincere commitment and devotion from the patients for their own benefits. The said program is based on fasting (i.e. 1 to 14 days) and post fasting (i.e. 15 to 21 days - a 7 day diet plan) with practicing Acupressure Therapy, Mudra Therapy, Colour Therapy, Hydro Therapy, Breathing Exercises and Visualization techniques. To conduct the said program following things are required:

1. Suitable place with floor mat for 21 days to conduct the said program. 2. An arrangement of fasting therapy things for 1 to 14 days: ( i.e. fresh neem leaves , raw onion ,

dry figs , tulsi leaves, raw beet , cucumber, radish, bottle gourd, carrot, pure neem honey, Grape (red or purple) or raisins (munaqqa- dry grape) , goat’s milk or cow milk).

3. An arrangement of post - fasting therapy things for 15 to 21 days: (dry figs [Anjeer], An apple, grape or orange, almond , barley ,cucumber, bottle gourd (lauki), mint( pudina), amla powder, White gourd (petha), ginger, sprout seeds of moong, seam vegetable (wal papdy ), chauli (amaranth ) leave, carrot, jawari , Pineaaple, methi seeds, ajwan, triphala powder, haritaki powder, Bathua ka saag, parval vegetable, Potato, Pomegranate, Turmeric etc.

4. Juicer hire on rental basis for 21 days and an assistance to prepare and serve juice 5. Equipments for implementing natural therapies : Acupressure Wooden roller , Acupressure ring,

Acupressure foot mate, rajma seed for placing on feet and hands on kidney correspondence point, Table lamps, blue and orange color lamps, hot water bag and ice bag.etc.

Sir/ Madam, we can not success without your cooperation and co – ordination .Team work is the essence of success. Thereby here we would like to request your good self that kindly come forward to make an umbrella forum for a common aims and objectives and target. As the said program is indented for the sole benefit of the patients so need to be organized either frees of cost or with some registration on no profits no loss basis. Further for that a survey will be commencing to asses the patients and to aware them the alternate therapy and its immense benefits over conventional treatments and to initiate the course with their consent. May Lord Almighty put the light in our heart and choose us for the cause of serving and sustaining suffering humanity.

Looking forward to hearing a positive and generous response from you

Thanking you, Yours truly Nadeem Divekar 9769928390


Kidney failure Natural Treatment Course

Consent Form 1. I, Mr. / Miss/Mrs. ______________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Tel: (Resi.): _________________________ Mobile No: ________________________________________

suffering with Kidney ailment / Diabetes / H.B.P. since_________________ and undergo with dialysis _______ since ______________ ) willing to undergo the said 21 days Kidney Failure Natural Treatment Course .As I understand the said Kidney Failure Treatment Course and thereby giving consent to be my own free act and will.

2. I agree that the said Kidney Failure Treatment Course is Drugless Therapies , with “No Risk & Side Effects” .If I am going against the instructions ,taking any prohibited things like following instruction partially , using drugs ,alcohol, and smoking ,then myself is the only responsible for the consequences. Thereby No Guarantee has been given about the cure as it lies merely on the sincere follow up as per the Nature’s laws.

3. I am also agreed to co –operate fully with the therapist and the team, and to follow, to the best of my ability, his instructions and recommendations about my care and Treatment.

Witnessed By: _________________ Patient’s Signature / Thumb Impsn.

Relationship: __________________ Parent/ Guardian’s Signature

Date: ____________