OJ u i W ETh i t I I Y SIXTEENTH cS EAR EARtlNCTON HOPKINS COUNTY KY f < THURSDAY AUGUST I7I905 li r > f Ho 33 1 f I I UNIONIST j Uamperin Sanitary Work in < Fe ¬ verStricken New Orleans S I Better Citizens Devoting Time Labor and Money to Cleansing City I New Orleans Lnr A g107 jll thoiighrall the bettor qlussefc pf citizens in New Orleans fire 10 voting their time ahd1ibpr and money lo the cleaning of the pity the labor unions of the city have put in their oar and have tried to tie up all the vvork which was being lone They found a loss of the men who wdre being employed belonged 10vorIo- usiunions and they promptly tried to formulate the scale of wages which Urn laborers who are oiling the cisterns and cleaning gutters should demand A committee of those labor i unions called on Dr Warner to Jday and demanded an advance pf 50 cents per day on their wages They were promptly turned down and a number qf them quit ork1 Off for Mammoth Cave Tlie fplloNying parties left Tuesday morning for Mammoth Cave to see the sights of the Gave They will take the long route a good time is expected by all They will begone two days Tim party consists of Metfdamos In it Ashby W 0 Morton J D Sory W f 10ox W L Bran I son J K Hawes Norman How ard Hilroy Spencer Walter Wright Alex Todd Dick Sal- mon ¬ Ed Barnott Misses Edna Johnson Cora Hall Eunice 4Brown Genora Whittinghill Lynn Mary Ruby Morton r Blunt Aihby Ray Prather Hazel i Todd Mary White Messrs R W Long BR A hby Durwood Lyon Ohesley Holloman Bacon I Aihby Will Riggin Sam Ruby I Joel McPherspn and Jphn Hall 1fALINGT9NGUN ClUt 6en Weekly Practice frf the Sewen- r t The Earlingtpn Gun Club composed of some of the best marhiraen of the city has began ita weekly practice on their 1grounds at this place The club will shoot oh every Thursday t afternoon if the weather is favor able The following score was i made by the participants present on last Thursday afternoon Aug ust 10thoqt of 25 shots each t WG Bnder 24 4 oH Robinson r 18 fG E Drake H 417 T 13otirland16 Mr QrewFOn 10 1SPE U UNIVERSITY Will be Located Somewhere in j KentuckyI A Point Halfway Between Earllnjton and Madlionyiile Soggcste4 A half million dollars has been donated for tlio purpose of build- ing ¬ va university to be known as the pe < d university fKntuo J kYBQOO pf this money was a r left by the JutS Mrs Speed of Louisville rhe university will be the prpperty pf the Northern s MethocfjbtichurchQnd is to be 1ocatcd sdmiSwhQre in Western Kentucky Fifty acres Of ground will lie needed tor the site A splendid locatlori wpuld be ft point half wjiy befcweeu Madisou 11 villa 4trtl Edfluigtpu wid botlvof q iiiese thriying towns would be qualybene11tted It would be 4 agood idea for the business men pftlrdtW9 places uamiad to got = t their heuds togetheif 1l1tlm kea t qiigp < ltiooitJHs site The necessary ground cQul likely bp Iacurd with the proper man agameut i iH < r k < l 1 t Ji Ji1 < iJil t d r ri r Jn 1J I MORE WHITE THAN NEGRO I CHILDREN IN THE SOUTH I Census Showsth sCondJUonforFfrsf Time In Countrys History A sfejdy in the proportibn of clflclron has just been published r Stie Bureaii of Oonsusv at AVashingtoiv Arnpug other in terestiug features cpnf ulued in j the VolUnid is n compangqu of- f ha inoroaee ilnd decreasej through the pst decodes of the proportions of both wjufe and colored huldron to women of the twcf races between thjagesof 10 and til year f V > t fc I Though the hQgro is have a larger proportion ofchildren than the whites ithhas been 3 noticed that the whites of the South have a larger proportion than the whites in other sections of tho country It therefore is interesting to compare thQ two races ih those states to which the negroes are inostly confined uit the two iensus precoeding thti0ivil War the proportion of children for the two races at the South wiis substantially the sanitf Tlio Immediafo effect of the Civil War and liucpnstiuc tion if the figures of 1S70 iMy be trusted to tile extent was to reduce the proportion pf child ren among southern whites by about one eighth and xiiilong negrOes by one twentyfifth The following decade saw an increase in the proportion for each race but as the decrease among the negroes 1800 to 1870 hue been loss so was the increase 1870 to 1880 greater But between 1880 an l1QOO there was a decrease of laG lu the number of negro children at the South to 1000 negro women and a decrease of only 75 white children to 1000 white women As a result in 1900 there were for the first time more white children than negro children in the Soutk to i006 womn7 v SECOND REGIMENT Of State GdKdt Bruit CMIJI at Pa tkicah H PaducahiXy Aug 1The Second Regiment ot the State Guards which has been in camp here since August 0 broke camp last night and returned ttheir homes The Second Regiment boys have made many friends by their gentlemanly conduct here There will be two days inter ¬ mission before the irst Regi inenl of Louisville under Col Biscoe Hihdman will arrive Thursday morning for a ten days1 stay The general officers Battery F of Frankfort and sig ¬ nal corps will remain herd all during encampment OR CHATtfN Investigates Cripple Creek Proposition but Will Stay at San Antonio DE A Ohatten fornorly of this place recently made a trip to Oplorixdo to inv stignt an pff made hIm io inVest in and take charge of a priyate hospital at Orlpple Oreelo The physician who washed to retire had several hundred minors from several gold mines lhja list arid waSj doing a nice has ¬ pital practice Dr Ohattenj if ter investigating and advising with friends at Qripple Greek decidpd to remain ntSlll Au toriioy Texas where he baa beeif practicing since leaving Earling ton The doctor has offices 6yef one pf the lleadicjg drug f tpifes of San Antonio ndjeels tlat Jh future is quitiai micpuragingy i t l ri lr 10 c j I > < t i r r J t i 1 < PERCY ii LUSTER TheO thric Murderer a Physical WrckMaV Not Live for trial Ml REQUISITION HAS BEErJ ISSUED OgdeiijUtah g141jercy J Jjustor who will be returned to Kentu ky tp answer for the rie1iSltphysi doubtful if he Win live t6 bo tried He is iailjii rapidly though his brain seeiiis clearer and he is partakiiigof food LiiBters confession seems to have cleared his conscience though he is still under a fear ¬ ful heI committedhis crime he has lost twentyfive pounds He has ask ¬ ed for a spiritual adviser a nil it isbelieved he will make a de ¬ tailed confession Solar it ha been impossible to get him td give any mottvo for his crime He merely says that he shot his wife When arrested Luster was vciting in a hotel The police had been told by tire > oman of tlie halt world Who betrayed Luster tq lhciil1thrttlHclmqsflJd he yould kill anyone who tried 4rrest1iiip They were very cautious and whiles two of them seized Luster before ho know what was coin ¬ ing a third disarmed him fitfd jng the pistol with which he killed his wife cocked for use in his coat pocket The police here knew nothing of the crhneuntil it was tipped off to them by the woman and if Luster had not talked about it VVThe here for an indefinite time The local police are anxiousto have the Kentucky officers come for the prisoner as they fear he willcollapse Goy Beckham has issued a requisition on the Governor of TJtah fQrPJ Luster under ar rest at Odgen and wanted in Guthrie for the murder of his wife A ALVEY MORGAN e Of Ma MAvil Kill HlsUftcwtftGII- nol 4 i Word was received fr o as Wpddlawti Illinois tliiafc L A MorgLn1f Madisoayiile that his nephe lveyil rga1had shot and killed his uncle Mr Jlorgans hrother at that place last week Atyoy Morgan isa young mai and tends bar forMs uRQle1r H Morgan in Madiepuvalle The pity Qouncil had closed up the saloon for twenty days on the charge that gambling iaa been <jarried on1 there Xouug Morgan decided he woulcilI1ake- li uncle in Illinois a viit and went to that State afihart time ago ji seems that the two Jiiid a little difficulty when the boys Uncltf Btarted at himt its said with pitchfork and wa shot and killed by the boy Selfde fehso is claimed v i i Ice Cream Supper hmel beliotthe pwrtb League will on Saturday night noygtvertu ceeds of the supper will be ap- plied ¬ to pay out some of l ep ebfc of the pafBdiisge In addition to tiiQice cream and dakeihe youug people will be allQWdd to play jiames and hn veJgQd time gep eraliy A cor4i linvftatLnis iaxtended io all Who wish to at- tend Dont forgot the date and > v thpplacey Z Ht I Z 1 itIqif j1 i ill i > rr s Lr IY ttJ < c 1 d u = > f < f 0 FAMilY REUNION It Held at Near StatiShterwHkA Portion ir of Four Generations Present VtV The family reunion held at Btick Church near Slaughters yiijb Saturday August 12th wasUargely attended by a pjrilt qf four gen rtt o sor the Son family an elegant dinner ws sprpad of fine barbeciied meats aticl bakings ice cream and I< lomonudo was Served and every- one enjoyed a pleasant davs til1gQ friends and relti tipis mot that had nut before fbi ioib 20 years Jt yjs a joyful meeting Those present w re- M Tip OAtes wife and family of Slauglitersville Mrs Mary Prather Mrs Kizzie OrOwley Mr Sam Son and wife all of Sla ghter villa Mrs Jane Beal pf Evansville Mrs Sarahani Beat of HoWell MrIGeoKel ¬ ly wife j and family ofSh ugh tergville Mr Jim Fowler wife and family of Earlington Mr Tom Son wife and family of Ortlhoun Mr nod Mrs Elijah Grant and family of Dixon Mr and Mr J Galloway of RiUnseyr Mr rob Sbjij of Ashbysburg Mf and Mrs Monroe Phipps of Slaughters yule Mrs Jane Frazier and son of Evansville Mr and Mrs J 0Son of Sacramento Mr and its Ed Beal and family of Howell Mr Gus Quails and children Mr and Mrs Tom Quails and family also Mr Jno Jones aUof Shvughtersville Mr George Hardin of Hender on also a large umber of rela ¬ tions and family friends wljose Amines xore not given > CAPTERINSPECTION Earlingten Masons Confer Degrees on Class at Annual Inspection Earlington Chapter R AM had their annual inspection Tues ¬ day afternoon and evening The inspecting officer was Mr 10 Walker of Paducah Mr Walk er is resident engineer for the N O k StL Railroad at that city having been stationed there the past ten years All the chapter degrees were conferred On Messrs Leo Price of Empire Hiram BrOwn of Oroftoo and 1 Win S Matthews of Providence A banquet was spread during the I evening at which a number of short tables were made by the candidates aud others Mr Walker inspected Madi son iUe chapter last night I YOung People Entertain Through an overeight FUR BKK failed to chronicle the fact that Miss Mabel Browning and Miss Irene Coil entertained a number of their friends at Flinch last I weoli at the residence of Mr and Mrs WE Ooil Eleven games vyere played out of which Miss Martha MoGary Won ten thus securing itliQ bnnipion hip DeI lightfut refreshments were served and the young ladies and gentle mcnaU pad a very interesting titneas they always d Q when these popular young ladies en ¬ tertain > BURGLARS 1 Enter the Residence of A J Stokes and I Secure Pocket Boo- kSaturday night between mid ¬ night and day some one entered the residence of Mr A J Stoked on tkinspti avenue and removed his pocket ktloni his trous ¬ ers containing 4250 There were saveral other articles of value in the house including watchesybut nothing else was taken T here is no clue what yer to the thief J J 1i Irn f Ir 1 rf 1 t i f 1 I r i y it i f t 4 t r I f 1k I BLOCKING i TYPHOID EaVlington Health Authorities C pperlngtheWeHsOnlyI Few Causes Much Malaria but Little Typhoid Pre vailing The EarliugtOn Board ofI Health and our efficient Health bificorvIJr 0 B Johnson have I ii fine record f Or prompt action Qf the right sort in any emer ¬ gency affecting the health ftheI people backed up and assisted as they MQ always 9yall theI physicians of the city and by the citizens generally Jusb now for instance the public wells and several of the private wells of Earlington have been treated to carefully gradu ¬ ated doses of blue stone have been coppered fYql1like or copperized if that term suits you better The object bl this treatment is to kill all typhoid germs that may possibly lurk in these well patronized sources of our water supply There ron few cases only of typhoid here so far this year avery small mini ber as compared with last year for instance And in fact the number of cases comparatively trifling generally here The cases so far have been too of a mild type generally So that no emergency exists but this action on the part of the health author iities is only precautionary and shows their general alertness and preparedness The amount of blue stone ad k ministered to these wells is in ¬ finitesimal being but one grain to siityftve gallons of water The amount of water in each well is estimated and the chemi ¬ cal put mat the proper ratio City Engineer Frank D Rash Assisted Drs Johnson j Nisbefc and Sisk in doctoring the welle the engineer estimating the ca ¬ pacity while the doctors admin- istered ¬ thedo e- XheBoardof Health is made up of Jas R Rash John XTay ¬ lor and Dan M EVAI sDrO BJolinson was appointed Health Officer upon the retire ¬ ment frE A < Ohatten and has served in that capacity noe that time Ohills have been very pr0va Iqnt here this year andat is no ticed that when there is much malaria there is little ftyphoid A Weekat tKlrkwo d Springs The following spent last week at KirkwOod Springs Mr and Mrs A P McMullen and family Mr and Mrs Joe Eblen and family Mr and Sam Eblen Mr and Mrs Whitledge and family Mr and Gee Whit ledge and family Mr and Mrs Babe Spence and dughterZQla lloister Bottle Mao Poole Ala Poole Walter Whitledge Koy Busby Marvin Roister and Hugh Roister of Robards Mr Payne of Providence rJago Math Boixville Mrs Sights Marshall I ICy Edgar Whitledge df New Baden Ill J Mrs Susie Turner and children and Miss Maggie OBrien of Eanlington Lots of ifinemugicwas had A number of the visitors venb ta klie river tndstopped over at Happy Hol ¬ low for a few hours Keep in the middle Of the load says aGeorgiaphiipspher 1U but watch out for pe atitomo V > l T V Hles of Trouble Y < i > f J 19 1 lll i i 1 ri1 tr + P J > pi a HELD AS MERCHANDISE Paper Samples Will Not be Second Class Matter Alter eptlst L The 1ostoffice department has advised postmasters that perioti mailed at the eecondplase rates are being made the vehi- cle ¬ or cover for the transmIssion of samples pf paper merchanr dige rto the detriment of the postal revenue from matter of the fourth class printing of the paperto whiclif the adver ¬ tisements relate and attaching them as acvortising pages to the periodicals Tlio effect Of bifJ a tangibte Exhibits of stocks such as waxed papers oiled papers glazed papers tis ¬ sue papers writing papers covec papers wall papers wrapping 0 papers etc are passing in the mails at the rates providing by1 law for matter of the send class only This isiin abuse p the second class mailing privilege tlGdo ¬ partment aays and will not be permitted OnandafterSep ¬ tember 1 next alt publications containing such exhibits of pa ¬ per will be charged with the fourthclass rate J regardless Of the fact that such specimens or exhibits purport tp bo and re- inserted as advertisements Whep after September 1 it can bo determined from the ad- vertisement ¬ or the advertise ¬ merit and the paper taken to ¬ gether that it is printed upon the stock advertised totbe end that the texture finish teusil le strength etc may be examined it will be held to be merchan ¬ dise and subject to the fourth crass rate as regardless of the language of the advertisement Postmasters are oautioned not v tbVmis apply this rule in cases where papers of different color or grade are used for the sole purpose of imprpying the ap ¬ pearance of advertisements H Enjoyable OHtinj Mrs Isaac Davis entertained R fwof her friends at Lakeside park Tuesday in honor ofMrg Huff of California and Mrs Ferris of Chicago A delight- ful ¬ dinner and supper w re- served and judging from the manner in wlichthe good things disappeared before the onslaught Ottlie j lly pfrrty they certainly enjoye themselves sBontdd ing and fishing wore en jopjed iir the afternoon and although no large fish were caught Miss Ef tie Teague hooked several small ones and Bryan Hopper caught a bat while casting flies The party broke up about 8 oclock and came loJ1eby moonlight The visitors were enthusiastic over the beauties of Loch Mary and her surroundings Mrs HUlt was a Miss Judsoii and livfedJ here quite a number of years ago Her recollection of Earl ington and some of the peoplb were quite interesting JIM HOWARD CASE jj J Brief Forwarded to CIert4ot Federal Supreme Court V Frankfort Ky Avig llAt c torWar1edt promo Oourt at Washington the brief for the OOJnmottwealth of Kentucky in them Howard case After receiving his sen tence of life impriaonment for alleged conspiracy in the as- sasSination of W lliajn Goebel Howards attorneys carried the case to the Supreme Court on a writ of error Ho j now iiijail at Louisville awaiting the result oftliisaction j t L < i1 tqI A j 4- I t I

Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1905-08-17 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dkt2r/data/0732.pdf · San Antonio ndjeels tlat Jh future is quitiai micpuragingy i lri lr t 10 c j

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OJ u

i W EThi






fHo 33 1

f I



Uamperin Sanitary Work in< Fe ¬

verStricken New


I Better Citizens Devoting Time Labor andMoney to Cleansing City

I New Orleans Lnr A g107jll thoiighrall the bettor qlussefc pfcitizens in New Orleans fire 10

voting their time ahd1ibpr andmoney lo the cleaning of thepity the labor unions of the cityhave put in their oar and havetried to tie up all the vvork whichwas being lone They found aloss of the men who wdre beingemployed belonged 10vorIo-

usiunions and they promptly triedto formulate the scale of wageswhich Urn laborers who are oilingthe cisterns and cleaning guttersshould demand

A committee of those labor

i unions called on Dr Warner to

Jday and demanded an advance pf50 cents per day on their wagesThey were promptly turned downand a number qf them quit ork1

Off for Mammoth Cave

Tlie fplloNying parties leftTuesday morning for MammothCave to see the sights of theGave They will take the longroute a good time is expected byall They will begone two daysTim party consists of Metfdamos

In it Ashby W 0 Morton JD Sory W f 10ox W L Bran


son J K Hawes Norman Howard Hilroy Spencer WalterWright Alex Todd Dick Sal-


Ed Barnott Misses EdnaJohnson Cora Hall Eunice

4Brown Genora WhittinghillLynn Mary Ruby Morton

r Blunt Aihby Ray Prather Hazeli Todd Mary White Messrs R

W Long BR A hby DurwoodLyon Ohesley Holloman BaconI Aihby Will Riggin Sam Ruby

I Joel McPherspn and Jphn Hall


6en Weekly Practice frf the Sewen-rt

The Earlingtpn Gun Clubcomposed of some of the bestmarhiraen of the city has beganita weekly practice on their

1grounds at this place The clubwill shoot oh every Thursday

t afternoon if the weather is favorable The following score was

i made by the participants presenton last Thursday afternoon August 10thoqt of 25 shots each

t WG Bnder 244 oH Robinson r 18

fG E Drake H 417T 13otirland16Mr QrewFOn 10


Will be Located Somewhere in

j KentuckyIA Point Halfway Between Earllnjton

and Madlionyiile Soggcste4

A half million dollars has beendonated for tlio purpose of build-ing


va university to be known asthe pe < d university fKntuo

J kYBQOO pf this money wasa

r left by the JutS Mrs Speed ofLouisville rhe university willbe the prpperty pf the Northern

s MethocfjbtichurchQnd is to be1ocatcd sdmiSwhQre in WesternKentucky Fifty acres Of groundwill lie needed tor the site A

splendid locatlori wpuld be ft

point halfwjiy befcweeu Madisou11 villa 4trtl Edfluigtpu wid botlvofq iiiese thriying towns would be

qualybene11tted It would be4

agood idea for the business menpftlrdtW9 places uamiad to got

=t their heuds togetheif 1l1tlm kea

t qiigp <ltiooitJHs site Thenecessary ground cQul likely bp

Iacurd with the proper managameut

i iH < r k <l

1t Ji Ji1< iJil t d

r ri r Jn1J





Census Showsth sCondJUonforFfrsfTime In Countrys History

A sfejdy in the proportibn of

clflclron has just been publishedr Stie Bureaii of Oonsusv atAVashingtoiv Arnpug other interestiug features cpnf ulued in


the VolUnid is n compangqu of-

f ha inoroaee ilnd decreasejthrough the pst decodes of the

proportions of both wjufe andcolored huldron to women of the

twcf races between thjagesof10 and til year f

V>t fc I

Though the hQgro is have a

larger proportion ofchildrenthan the whites ithhas been


noticed that the whites of theSouth have a larger proportionthan the whites in other sectionsof tho country It therefore is

interesting to compare thQ tworaces ih those states to which thenegroes are inostly confined

uit the two iensus precoedingthti0ivil War the proportion ofchildren for the two races at theSouth wiis substantially thesanitf Tlio Immediafo effect ofthe Civil War and liucpnstiuction if the figures of 1S70 iMybe trusted to tile extent was toreduce the proportion pf children among southern whites byabout one eighth and xiiilongnegrOes by one twentyfifth Thefollowing decade saw an increasein the proportion for each racebut as the decrease among thenegroes 1800 to 1870 hue beenloss so was the increase 1870 to1880 greater But between 1880an l1QOO there was a decrease oflaG lu the number of negrochildren at the South to 1000negro women and a decrease ofonly 75 white children to 1000white women As a result in1900 there were for the firsttime more white children thannegro children in the Soutk toi006 womn7 v


Of State GdKdt Bruit CMIJI at Pa

tkicah HPaducahiXy Aug 1The

Second Regiment ot the StateGuards which has been in camphere since August 0 broke camplast night and returned ttheirhomes The Second Regimentboys have made many friends bytheir gentlemanly conduct hereThere will be two days inter¬

mission before the irst Regiinenl of Louisville under ColBiscoe Hihdman will arriveThursday morning for a tendays1 stay The general officersBattery F of Frankfort and sig ¬

nal corps will remain herd allduring encampment


Investigates Cripple Creek Proposition

but Will Stay at San Antonio

DE A Ohatten fornorlyof this place recently made atrip to Oplorixdo to inv stigntan pff made hIm io inVest inand take charge of a priyatehospital at Orlpple Oreelo Thephysician who washed to retirehad several hundred minorsfrom several gold mines lhjalist arid waSj doing a nice has ¬

pital practice Dr Ohattenj ifter investigating and advisingwith friends at Qripple Greekdecidpd to remain ntSlll Autoriioy Texas where he baa beeifpracticing since leaving Earlington The doctor has offices 6yefone pf the lleadicjg drug f tpifes ofSan Antonio ndjeels tlat Jhfuture is quitiai micpuragingy

i tlri lr 10

c j I > <

t i

r r J ti




TheO thric Murderer a Physical

WrckMaV Not Live for



OgdeiijUtah g141jercyJ Jjustor who will be returnedto Kentu ky tp answer for the

rie1iSltphysidoubtful if he Win live t6 botried He is iailjii rapidlythough his brain seeiiis clearerand he is partakiiigof food

LiiBters confession seems tohave cleared his consciencethough he is still under a fear ¬

ful heIcommittedhis crime he has losttwentyfive pounds He has ask ¬

ed for a spiritual adviser a nil itisbelieved he will make a de ¬

tailed confessionSolar it ha been impossible

to get him td give any mottvofor his crime He merely saysthat he shot his wife

When arrested Luster wasvciting in a hotel The policehad been told by tire > oman oftlie halt world Who betrayedLuster tq lhciil1thrttlHclmqsflJdhe yould kill anyone who tried4rrest1iiip

They were very cautious andwhiles two of them seized Lusterbefore ho know what was coin ¬

ing a third disarmed him fitfdjng the pistol with which hekilled his wife cocked for use inhis coat pocket

The police here knew nothingof the crhneuntil it was tippedoff to them by the woman andif Luster had not talked about itVVThehere for an indefinite time

The local police are anxioustohave the Kentucky officers comefor the prisoner as they fear hewillcollapse

Goy Beckham has issued arequisition on the Governor ofTJtah fQrPJ Luster under arrest at Odgen and wanted inGuthrie for the murder of hiswife




Of Ma MAvil Kill HlsUftcwtftGII-nol


iWord was received fr o as

Wpddlawti Illinois tliiafc L AMorgLn1f Madisoayiile thathis nephe lveyil rga1hadshot and killed his uncle MrJlorgans hrother at that placelast week

Atyoy Morgan isa young maiand tends bar forMs uRQle1rH Morgan in Madiepuvalle

The pity Qouncil had closedup the saloon for twenty days onthe charge that gambling iaabeen <jarried on1 there XouugMorgan decided he woulcilI1ake-li uncle in Illinois a viit andwent to that State afihart timeagoji seems that the two Jiiid a

little difficulty when the boysUncltf Btarted at himt its saidwith pitchfork and wa shotand killed by the boy Selfdefehso is claimed v i

i Ice Cream Supper

hmel beliotthe pwrtbLeague will on Saturday nightnoygtvertuceeds of the supper will be ap-


to pay out some of l ep ebfc

of the pafBdiisge In addition totiiQice cream and dakeihe youugpeople will be allQWdd to playjiames and hnveJgQd time geperaliy A cor4i linvftatLnisiaxtended io all Who wish to at-

tend Dont forgot the date and>vthpplacey Z HtI Z1 itIqif

j1 i ill i > rr


Lr IYttJ<c1 d

u => f<




Held at Near StatiShterwHkA Portion

ir of Four Generations PresentVtV

The family reunion held atBtick Church near Slaughtersyiijb Saturday August 12thwasUargely attended by a pjrilt

qf four gen rtt o sor the Sonfamily an elegant dinner wssprpad of fine barbeciied meatsaticl bakings ice cream and

I <

lomonudo was Served and every-

one enjoyed a pleasant davstil1gQ friends and relti

tipis mot that had nut before fbi

ioib 20 years Jt yjs a joyfulmeeting Those present w re-

M Tip OAtes wife and familyof Slauglitersville Mrs MaryPrather Mrs Kizzie OrOwleyMr Sam Son and wife all ofSla ghter villa Mrs Jane Bealpf Evansville Mrs SarahaniBeat of HoWell MrIGeoKel ¬

ly wife j and family ofSh ughtergville Mr Jim Fowler wifeand family of Earlington MrTom Son wife and family ofOrtlhoun Mr nod Mrs ElijahGrant and family of DixonMr and Mr J Galloway ofRiUnseyr Mr rob Sbjij ofAshbysburg Mf and MrsMonroe Phipps of Slaughtersyule Mrs Jane Frazier and sonof Evansville Mr and Mrs J0Son of Sacramento Mr and

its Ed Beal and family ofHowell Mr Gus Quails andchildren Mr and Mrs TomQuails and family also Mr Jno

Jones aUof ShvughtersvilleMr George Hardin of Henderon also a large umber of rela¬

tions and family friends wljoseAmines xore not given


Earlingten Masons Confer Degrees on

Class at Annual Inspection

Earlington Chapter R AMhad their annual inspection Tues ¬

day afternoon and evening Theinspecting officer was Mr 10Walker of Paducah Mr Walker is resident engineer for the NO k StL Railroad at that cityhaving been stationed there thepast ten years All the chapterdegrees were conferred On

Messrs Leo Price of EmpireHiram BrOwn of Oroftoo and

1 Win S Matthews of ProvidenceA banquet was spread during the

I evening at which a number ofshort tables were made by thecandidates aud others

Mr Walker inspected Madison iUe chapter last night


YOung People Entertain

Through an overeight FUR BKK

failed to chronicle the fact thatMiss Mabel Browning and MissIrene Coil entertained a numberof their friends at Flinch last

I weoli at the residence of Mr andMrs WE Ooil Eleven gamesvyere played out of which MissMartha MoGary Won ten thussecuring itliQ bnnipion hip DeIlightfut refreshments were servedand the young ladies and gentlemcnaU pad a very interestingtitneas they always dQ whenthese popular young ladies en¬

tertain >BURGLARS


Enter the Residence of A J Stokes andI

Secure Pocket Boo-

kSaturday night between mid ¬

night and day some one enteredthe residence of Mr A J Stokedon tkinspti avenue and removedhis pocket ktloni his trous ¬

ers containing 4250 There weresaveral other articles of value inthe house including watchesybutnothing else was taken There isno clue what yer to the thief

J J 1iIrn f Ir 1 rf 1

t if 1 I r

i y it if t






1k I



EaVlington Health AuthoritiesC pperlngtheWeHsOnlyI

Few Causes

Much Malaria but Little Typhoid Pre


The EarliugtOn Board ofIHealth and our efficient HealthbificorvIJr 0 B Johnson have


ii fine record fOr prompt actionQf the right sort in any emer¬

gency affecting the health ftheIpeople backed up and assistedas they MQ always 9yall theIphysicians of the city and by thecitizens generally

Jusb now for instance thepublic wells and several of theprivate wells of Earlington havebeen treated to carefully gradu ¬

ated doses of blue stone havebeen coppered fYql1like or

copperized if that term suitsyou better The object bl thistreatment is to kill all typhoidgerms that may possibly lurk in

these well patronized sources ofour water supply There ronfew cases only of typhoid here so

far this year avery small miniber as compared with last yearfor instance And in fact thenumber of cases comparativelytrifling generally here The casesso far have been too of a mildtype generally So that noemergency exists but this actionon the part of the health authoriities is only precautionary andshows their general alertness andpreparedness

The amount of blue stone ad k

ministered to these wells is in ¬

finitesimal being but one grainto siityftve gallons of waterThe amount of water in eachwell is estimated and the chemi ¬

cal put mat the proper ratioCity Engineer Frank D RashAssisted Drs Johnson j Nisbefcand Sisk in doctoring the wellethe engineer estimating the ca ¬

pacity while the doctors admin-istered


thedo e-

XheBoardof Health is madeup of Jas R Rash John XTay ¬

lor and Dan M EVAIsDrOBJolinson was appointedHealth Officer upon the retire¬

ment frE A < Ohatten andhas served in that capacity noethat time

Ohills have been very pr0vaIqnt here this year andat is noticed that when there is muchmalaria there is little ftyphoid

A WeekattKlrkwo d Springs

The following spent last weekat KirkwOod Springs

Mr and Mrs A P McMullenand family Mr and Mrs JoeEblen and family Mr and SamEblen Mr and Mrs Whitledgeand family Mr and Gee Whitledge and family Mr and MrsBabe Spence and dughterZQlalloister Bottle Mao Poole AlaPoole Walter Whitledge KoyBusby Marvin Roister and HughRoister of Robards Mr Payneof Providence rJago MathBoixville Mrs Sights Marshall I

ICy Edgar Whitledge df NewBaden Ill J Mrs Susie Turnerand children and Miss MaggieOBrien of Eanlington Lots ofifinemugicwas had A numberof the visitors venb ta klie rivertndstopped over at Happy Hol ¬

low for a few hours

Keep in the middle Of theload says aGeorgiaphiipspher

1U but watch out for pe atitomoV > l T V

Hles of Trouble Y < i >f

J 19 1lll i i 1ri1 tr+


> pi



Paper Samples Will Not be Second Class

Matter Alter eptlstL

The 1ostoffice department hasadvised postmasters that perioti

mailed at the eecondplaserates are being made the vehi-


or cover for the transmIssionof samples pf paper merchanrdige rto the detriment of thepostal revenue from matter ofthe fourth classprintingof the paperto whiclif the adver ¬

tisements relate and attachingthem as acvortising pages to theperiodicals Tlio effect Of bifJ

a tangibte Exhibitsof stocks such as waxed papersoiled papers glazed papers tis ¬

sue papers writing papers covecpapers wall papers wrapping

0papers etc are passing in themails at the rates providing by1

law for matter of the sendclass only

This isiin abuse p the secondclass mailing privilege tlGdo ¬

partment aays and will not bepermitted OnandafterSep ¬

tember 1 next alt publicationscontaining such exhibits of pa ¬

per will be charged with thefourthclass rateJ regardless Of

the fact that such specimens orexhibits purport tp bo and re-

inserted as advertisementsWhep after September 1 it

can bo determined from the ad-


or the advertise ¬

merit and the paper taken to ¬

gether that it is printed uponthe stock advertised totbe endthat the texture finish teusil lestrength etc may be examinedit will be held to be merchan ¬

dise and subject to the fourthcrass rate as regardless of thelanguage of the advertisement

Postmasters are oautioned notvtbVmis apply this rule in caseswhere papers of different coloror grade are used for the solepurpose of imprpying the ap¬

pearance of advertisementsH

Enjoyable OHtinj

Mrs Isaac Davis entertained R

fwof her friends at Lakesidepark Tuesday in honor ofMrgHuff of California and MrsFerris of Chicago A delight-ful


dinner and supper w re-

served and judging from themanner in wlichthe good thingsdisappeared before the onslaughtOttlie j lly pfrrty they certainlyenjoye themselvessBontdding and fishing wore en jopjed iirthe afternoon and although nolarge fish were caught Miss Eftie Teague hooked several smallones and Bryan Hopper caught a

bat while casting flies The partybroke up about 8 oclock andcame loJ1eby moonlight Thevisitors were enthusiastic overthe beauties of Loch Mary andher surroundings Mrs HUltwas a Miss Judsoii and livfedJ

here quite a number of yearsago Her recollection of Earlington and some of the peoplbwere quite interesting


Brief Forwarded to CIert4ot FederalSupreme Court


Frankfort Ky Avig llAt c

torWar1edtpromo Oourt at Washington thebrief for the OOJnmottwealth ofKentucky in them Howardcase After receiving his sentence of life impriaonment foralleged conspiracy in the as-

sasSination of W lliajn GoebelHowards attorneys carried thecase to the Supreme Court on awrit of error Hoj now iiijailat Louisville awaiting the resultoftliisaction

jtL <

i1 tqI Aj

