r x fl- aI I I = www Morton wwwwwwwwwww Hall I s What is in Your Favor Iwo find to be in ours The interests of buyer and sell ¬ er are mutual Unless wo I can please our customers wo cannot please ourselves i Such being the case we i carry m stock and offer for sale only such I f = NNLNNNNNNNN1 FURNITURE J II as we ktiow will satisfy the i particular Theres more I than mere moneys worth in these things They are 1 beautiful enough and dur ¬ 1 able enough to create a feeling of companionship Theyll grow into heir- looms ¬ Ii MORTON HALL i 1b NN Madisonvllle Ky www J SHORT LOCALS t r Buy shoes at McLeods I V Ko trouble to show goods at J M VIctorys Call to see us There were 899 people at the show r and 11 at prayer meeting We hope there Is no significance in the ratio Coal buckets and shovels at Wal- den Eades Write for Novelty and Jewelry Catalogue American Manufactur ¬ ing Co MadisonvlllejKV f Walden R Eades will start a butch ershop next week at the stand where jlitbelr Ice cream parlor was f Go to J M Vlctoryf all kinds s of school books Trade with McLeod and save money School baskets shot guns and all Kinds of ammunition at O E y Owens i Mlsa Effle Stokes is now an assist f > f ant in the postofflce We tklnk she will fill the bill all right Some of the boys say Tom Trahern I wants too much of a good thing He escorted six of the prettiest girls In I Earlington to the show Monday night r I Theodore Watts is the proud fath- er > of a fine girl born Tuesday night ° YMother and child both doing well O E Owen carries the largest lino I of stoves In the county i v S ° tNice new straw only 85 cents a bale at McLeodd account of Fridays being rail- road ¬ payday the Gun Club will hold its regular wkly shoot on Thurs ¬ day this week All desiring to at ¬ + tend are cordially Invited i j J1 M Victory has Just received a nice line bffall goods Go and see 4 them < Fire shovels vases coal buckets i at Owens Have your roof painted by Coenen Bros Tel 208 Mr Barton Orutchfield super n ¬ tendent of the St Bernard Mining Companys St Charles mines Is re ¬ ported very low and recovery ex ¬ Ceedmgly doubtful New butter beans at Walden b Eades A popular young man of this place went to Madisonville last week and purchased 15 pounds of feathers and a bag of corks We can plainly see What ho wanted with feathers but have no idea what he wanted with the corks Jpsh Westhafer of Loogootoe a man but he says ho- t t would not be without Chamberlains- Pain r Balm If It Oat five dollars a bottle for It saved him from being a 2 cripple No external application is equal to this liniment for stiff and swollen joints contracted muscles stiff neckr sprains and rheumatic p and muscular pains It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis It Is for sale by St Ber ¬ Store Earlington B F Robinson Mortons Gap King St Charles k + r r + rt Vrlte for Novelty and Jewelry Catalogue American Manufactur- ing Co Madisonville Ky Miss Georgia Bishop his returned from New York where the spent three weeks making selections In rail Millinery Open- Ing ol Pattern Hits Oct tit and 2nd Rev J L Hill to Lecture Rev J L Hill formerly pastor of the Christian church of this place now pastor of the first Christian church of Union City Ind will de ¬ liver his famous lecture Dixie in the 20th Century at Temple Thea ¬ tre Thursday night Oct Oth Rev Hill has been commented on In a very favorable manner by the differ ¬ ent newspapers and will no doubt give an interesting lecture Stood Death Off E B Munday a lawyer of Henri ¬ etta Tex once fooled a gravedig ¬ ger He says My brother was very low with malarial fever and tryElectric much better but continued their use until he was wholly cured I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life This remedy expels malaria kills disease germs and purifies the blood aids digestion regulates liver kid ¬ constipationdyspepsia troubles female complaints gives health Only OOc at St Bernard drug store A woman who married a man who claimed to have German estates that proved a myth has secured adivorce Quito right It is evident it was not the man she was marrying but the estates and since they do not exist the marriage is void The only won der is that any divorce was legally necessary from a man who counted for so little in the marriage New sauer kraut at Walden Eades Foleys Kidney Cure makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood Sold by John X Taylor J M Victory has n new supply of school tablets A Prisoner of Paris as rendered by the Lester Walter Stock Com ¬ pany Monday night was good The actors performed their parts with spirit and zest The play will com ¬ pare favorably with most any other that have trod the boards of Temple Theatre The specialties were new and unusually good The honse was well filled and if the plays following are on a par with the performance Monaay night the success of the company is assured Goods cheaper than cheap WALDEN EADES I The Summer Season is full of dangers particularly for the children who not knowing the result of eating unripe fruit indulge gripingpains quence mothers should have on hand at all times a bottle of Pain ¬ killer Perry Davis which will at once relieve the sufferer it is a safe keptIn 60 cents Write tor Novelty and Jewelry Catalogue American Manufactur ¬ ing Co Madisonvllle Ky Buy flour and feed at McLeods the and off the Cold Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25c More evil is wrought so says a celebrated phpsiclan in the systems of boys from 12 to 20 years by lack of sleep than by any other one cause Franklins early to bed has not Ipst its force Concerping the early to rise Cheyalier Bunsen used to say that by always getting up four hours before other people he made his year into 16 months instead of 12 Inasmuch as an hours mental or physical work in the morning Is gen ¬ erally worth two late in the day even the mathematics of the cheva ¬ lier were npt seriously at fault > New evaporated peaches at Wal ¬ den EadesI A Certain Cure for Dysentery and Diarrhoea Some years ago I was one aI that Intended making a longI bicycle trip says F L Taylor of New Albany Bradford County Pat I was taken suddenly with diar rhoea and was about to give up the trip when Editor Ward of the La vllle Messenger suggested that I tako a dose of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Ii purchased a bottle and took doses one before starting and one on the route I made the trip success- fully ¬ and never felt any ill effect Again last summer I was almost completely run down with an attack of dysentery I bought a bottle ot this same remedy and this time one dose cured mo Sold by St Bernard Drug Store Earllngton B F Rob ¬ inson Mortons Gap Gto King St Charles Elegnnt assortment of fall under- wear at McLoods COIU WIIUrrl1W CouaII U000 Vol- in I tllIIlI Sot bydrala SKIN TORTURESA- nd all Forms of Itching Scaly Humours Instantly Relieved and Speedily CURED BY CUTICURA Complete Treatment 1 consists of COTiCDRA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle CUTICBUA OINT SIENT to allay itching Irritation and Inflammation anI soothe and heal and CuricoRA RE ¬ SOLVENT TILLS to cool and cleanse the blood A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing disfiguring Itching burnln ¬ ing and pimply hu mours when all else falls MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP attlstod by Ctmctnu OINTMENT for beautify Ing the skin forcleaning the scalp and flop ping of falling hale for softening and whiten Ingthe hands for baby Itchlngs and rashes in baths for annoylnglrritatloni and chaflngi or too free or offensive pertplratlon for many sanative antiseptic purposes which suggest themselves to women and for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Ccncuiu HEUOLVEXT PILLS Chocolate Coated are a new tasteless odorless eco- nomIcal substitute for the celebrated liquid CUTICUKA RESOLVENT as well as for all other blood and humour cures In screw capvlalecontainingGodosesPrice5oSold T Me Pllll Y c B 939e ChirterhotiM Frtnch U Ftlz Puli SqnDaCO AXD Cam CoainScle lrcP1IoItoD II40 Strayed or Stolen From my farm 2 miles southwest of Earlington on the St ClmrJes road one fine pure yellow Jersey cow giving milk Smooth crop and underblt in right ear swallowfork In left ear A reward of f2 will be given for her return to my farm T F MOCoBD Ladles you ire Invited to attend till dcorgl Dlihopa Opening of Pattern Hats Oct lit and and Write for Novelty and Jewelry Catalogue American Manufactur- ing ¬ Co Madlsonville Ky The Grand Leader dry goods story of Madisonville comes out In this Issue with its opening fall advertise ¬ ment The Grand Leader has an up to date line of roods of every class aud you will find everything they advertise exactly as represented They have just closed a contract with the Bee for a large amount of space Watch each issue and secure some rare bargainsi Big lot screens shovels etc at McLeods laQfiighta Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Kings New Life Pills These nIll change weakness into strength list lessness into brainfag into mental power Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only per box Sold by St Bernard store I We have opened up an up to date meat market in the Robinson bloc and respectfully solicit a share o your patronage WALDEN L EADES A certain young man of this place went hunting with Mike Long and Lee Oldham and they are resppnsl ble for the statement that the young man got lost in 600 yards 6f Pond river and after wandering aroudd for an hour shouting at intervals of three minutes he climbed a tree to see if he could find the river tearing his clothes and part of hlsflesh from his arms 4 Failing to find the river I he advanced further In the bottom and found three buzzards sitting pn a dead tree He thought they were wild turkeys and proceeded to pump them full of lead Mike and Lee hearing the continuous shooting came to him in time to explain that that peculiar breed of turkeys was not jrood for food and took him home before he had time to kill n Jersey calf which he took for a red deer A Night of Terror Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burn ham of Machlas when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before morning writes Mrs S H Lincoln who attended her that fear ful night but she begged for Dr tings New Discovery which had more than once saved her life and cured her of Consumption After aklngslie 8 ept all night Further use entirely cured This mar- velous medicines guaranteed to ure all Throat Chest eases Only COc and fl Trial bot- tler free at St Bernard drug store I tea Sy r e eeemI 4 + e e a I PERSONAL MENTION I eeew4 s s Mrs Georgia Roberts of Cardiff Ill is visiting her mother Mrs Ju- lia ¬ Sisk here Miss Birdie Hall of Madisonville was the guest of Miss Lizzie Dean Sunday Miss Virgle Rule spent Sunday in the country Mss Blanche Hill of Madisou ville was the guest of relatives here last week Mrs Withers who has been visit ¬ ing at Gllbertsville was called home last week to attend the funeral ot- her little niece Edith Arnold Mesdames Withers and Webb at- tended ¬ the holiness meeting at Mad ¬ isonville Sunday Misses Maude Slaton of Madison ¬ ville and Nannie Raines of Han son were the guests of Mrs Webb Sunday and Monday Miss Jessie Patterson of the Pleasant View country was the uest of her sister Mrs Mitchell first of the week Miss Jimmte Keel is visiting in GreenvilleMiss Summers was ill first of the week Miss Eflle Burden left for Evans yille and Howell Ind on an ex ¬ tended visit to friends Frank Giannlnl of Providence is laying off on account of ill health and is under the care of the Osteo ¬ paths at Madisonvllle this week Jack Covert is on the Proyidence run this week James Sparrow and sister W G Barter and Henry Rogers attended the ball game at Mndlsonvillo Tues ¬ dayMrs Nick Long and Miss Georgia Hooser ol Madisonvllle and Miss Tula Mifflin of Dawson Springs were the guests of Mrs Mike Long MondayMrs Jones and Miss Pauline Davis were in Madisonville Monday Mrs J M Victory and daughter Miss Elizabeth were in the county seat Monday Mrs Efile Cole of Paducah is vis ¬ iting her sister Mrs Claude Robin- son ¬ of Madisonvllle this week Mrs Emma Davis has been quite 111 for the past few days Miss Bud Hanna was in the coun- ty seat Monday- s Mrs G E Jones and son Melton of Florida accompanied by Miss Florence Hams of Cincinnati will roach Earllngton Saturday where they will visit friends and relatives for a few days and return to Cincin- nati accompanied by Mrs Llna JonesEuceloils Adams of Madisonyllle was in town last night Ed Adams of Mad sonvUle att- ended the reproduction of A Pris ¬ oner of Paris Monday night J E Gill and wife of North Eng Ish Iowa are vlsltlngJFGIll and family Big lot of new goods at McLeods every day Lost Strayed or Stolen One large bay horse black mano and tall between 10 and 12 years old justs ear plate A sultablo reward will be paid for his recovery lyg Up to date lino of groceries cheap at MoLepds fommuoiwtlonf me to a few words in favor of Chambe- rlains ¬ Cough Remedy I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights I tried several doctors and various patent medicines but could ret nothing to give me any relief until my wife gota bottle of this valuable medicine which has completelyre nell BagMo by St Bernard Drug Store Darling GapGeo I Anything in the school line at J I M Victory Pavement killing red kills vege- tation and beautifies your walk For sale by CoenenBros Tel 208 lotions FORA SltMtlM IMIIIIIIIrBlSlless PH I TpeWrltlegTmN1 Attar WILBUR R SMITH LEXINCTON KY For clrcnUr of his romans and COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY UNIVERSITY Awarded HedAl at World exprnlUosu- Befen to tbonunds of jrradnatM In positions OMtof Fall Builacwi Coano Including 1 ¬ llook and hoard In family about ShorihabdTypoWrithgudTolegrapbySpooWliLeouckr warded iradnttM torIIT won tn > tatrnow OradutMacoMwnL r 501z Uuan ncult mt mtUnu only WILBUR R 9MITHLoxlrurton Ky Nice line of overalls and work shirts at UoLeode M1I W I WWI F FaIL = Announcement I j 1 entire line of Fall and OUR Goods is now on readyto of merchandise at the low est possible prices to be had in I CountyThe is invit ¬ j- ed to visit our business wheth- er ¬ or not they make their pur ¬ chases of us the same kind treatment awaits you here as we are anxious to have you see this immense line of Dry Goods Notions Clothing t Shoes Furnishing Goods Hats Trunks Carpets Mat ¬ tings etc that we have Bath ered for the Fall of Jwhich to the consumer JI call on us and inspect our line and let us quote you our pri ¬ Ices as we are satisfied we can furnish you your merchandise at a very great saving Cheapest Store in Hopkins County GRAND LEADER I MADISONVILLE KY EDWARD THOMPSON < Furniture Dealer and Undertaker I MADIBONVILLE KY I If you need anything in the Furniture and UnderI taking line dont forget to call on Edward Thompson of Ii y Madisonville He is uptodate and keeps the latest styles Prices moderate and satisfaction guaranteed > > KentucKys t Greatest NewspaperDa- lly QHC Year 312 Copies BY MAIL at a rate LESS THAN 1c ADAyf The I Blearest Brightest and Out Paper InthoSoidlsfro 10 to 16 pares dally20 and 24 pages pa 0aturdr Ahnanaol of oyer 600 paces FREE to l endlaf In their subscription for oee Year before April I 1902 RATES BY nAIL ONLY Oar Year ga d Month SZ 3 Month SI25 One Month 30c We will be glad to seed utopia copies on application t THE EVENING POST LOUISVILLE KY I BANKING BY FAIL f TwentyFive Cents a Month I Doubled every month In the year amounts to 102376 r TRY I 1 iI To Out of Town Patronage i Deposits can be r or registered letter All letters given immediate attentionnd when re ¬ calved We will at once enter your namerontastladepositor and l3endE you a passbook with the proper credit therein i 4allo I at The Earii gtora Ba 1cnu I I JEaJSe PHILLIPS OASHIKri v- n I ffftfffffftTrfrrrrw rfffffffff I

Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1902-09-18 [p 2].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n499c/data/0376.pdf · 2013. 6. 19. · V Ko trouble to show goods at J M VIctorys Call to see us

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Page 1: Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1902-09-18 [p 2].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n499c/data/0376.pdf · 2013. 6. 19. · V Ko trouble to show goods at J M VIctorys Call to see us


x fl-


II =




Hall I


What is in Your Favor

Iwo find to be in ours Theinterests of buyer and sell ¬

er are mutual Unless woI can please our customers

wo cannot please ourselvesi Such being the case wei carry m stock and offer for

sale only such



as we ktiow will satisfy the iparticular Theres more I

than mere moneys worthin these things They are

1 beautiful enough and dur¬

1 able enough to create afeeling of companionshipTheyll grow into heir-looms





Madisonvllle Ky


t r

Buy shoes at McLeodsI

V Ko trouble to show goods at J MVIctorys Call to see us

There were 899 people at the showr and 11 at prayer meeting We hope

there Is no significance in the ratio

Coal buckets and shovels at Wal-den Eades

Write for Novelty and JewelryCatalogue American Manufactur ¬

ing Co MadisonvlllejKV

f Walden R Eades will start a butchershop next week at the stand where

jlitbelr Ice cream parlor wasf Go to J M Vlctoryf all kinds

s of school books

Trade with McLeod and savemoney

School baskets shot guns and allKinds of ammunition at O E

y Owens

i Mlsa Effle Stokes is now an assistf> f ant in the postofflce We tklnk she

will fill the bill all right

Some of the boys say Tom TrahernI wants too much of a good thing He

escorted six of the prettiest girls InI Earlington to the show Monday


r I Theodore Watts is the proud fath-er> of a fine girl born Tuesday night

°YMother and child both doing well

O E Owen carries the largest linoI of stoves In the county

i vS

°tNice new straw only 85 cents abale at McLeodd

account of Fridays being rail-road


payday the Gun Club will holdits regular wkly shoot on Thurs ¬

day this week All desiring to at¬

+ tend are cordially Invited i j

J1 M Victory has Just received anice line bffall goods Go and see

4 them <

Fire shovels vases coal bucketsi at Owens

Have your roof painted byCoenen Bros Tel 208

Mr Barton Orutchfield super n¬

tendent of the St Bernard MiningCompanys St Charles mines Is re ¬

ported very low and recovery ex¬

Ceedmgly doubtful

New butter beans at Walden bEades

A popular young man of this placewent to Madisonville last week andpurchased 15 pounds of feathers anda bag of corks We can plainly seeWhat ho wanted with feathers buthave no idea what he wanted withthe corks

Jpsh Westhafer of Loogootoea man but he says ho-

t t would not be without Chamberlains-Painr Balm If It Oat five dollars abottle for It saved him from being a

2 cripple No external application isequal to this liniment for stiff andswollen joints contracted musclesstiff neckr sprains and rheumatic

p and muscular pains It has alsocured numerous cases of partialparalysis It Is for sale by St Ber ¬

Store Earlington B FRobinson Mortons Gap KingSt Charles


+ rr +rt

Vrlte for Novelty and JewelryCatalogue American Manufactur-ing Co Madisonville Ky

Miss Georgia Bishop his returned fromNew York where the spent three weeksmaking selections In rail Millinery Open-Ing ol Pattern Hits Oct tit and 2nd

Rev J L Hill to Lecture

Rev J L Hill formerly pastor ofthe Christian church of this placenow pastor of the first Christianchurch of Union City Ind will de ¬

liver his famous lecture Dixie inthe 20th Century at Temple Thea¬

tre Thursday night Oct Oth RevHill has been commented on In avery favorable manner by the differ ¬

ent newspapers and will no doubtgive an interesting lecture

Stood Death Off

E B Munday a lawyer of Henri ¬

etta Tex once fooled a gravedig ¬

ger He says My brother wasvery low with malarial fever andtryElectricmuch better but continued their useuntil he was wholly cured I amsure Electric Bitters saved his lifeThis remedy expels malaria killsdisease germs and purifies the bloodaids digestion regulates liver kid ¬

constipationdyspepsiatroubles female complaints gives

health Only OOc at StBernard drug store

A woman who married a man whoclaimed to have German estates thatproved a myth has secured adivorceQuito right It is evident it was notthe man she was marrying but theestates and since they do not existthe marriage is void The only wonder is that any divorce was legallynecessary from a man who countedfor so little in the marriage

New sauer kraut at WaldenEades

Foleys Kidney Cure makes thediseased kidneys sound so they willeliminate the poisons from theblood Sold by John X Taylor

J M Victory has n new supply ofschool tablets

A Prisoner of Paris as renderedby the Lester Walter Stock Com ¬

pany Monday night was good Theactors performed their parts withspirit and zest The play will com ¬

pare favorably with most any otherthat have trod the boards of TempleTheatre The specialties were newand unusually good The honse waswell filled and if the plays followingare on a par with the performanceMonaay night the success of thecompany is assured

Goods cheaper than cheapWALDEN EADES I

The Summer Season

is full of dangers particularly forthe children who not knowing theresult of eating unripe fruit indulgegripingpainsquence mothers should have onhand at all times a bottle of Pain¬

killer Perry Davis which will atonce relieve the sufferer it is a safekeptIn60 cents

Write tor Novelty and JewelryCatalogue American Manufactur ¬

ing Co Madisonvllle Ky

Buy flour and feed at McLeods

the and off the Cold

Laxative BromoQuinine Tabletscure a cold in one day No cure nopay Price 25c

More evil is wrought so says acelebrated phpsiclan in the systemsof boys from 12 to 20 years by lackof sleep than by any other one causeFranklins early to bed has notIpst its force Concerping the earlyto rise Cheyalier Bunsen used tosay that by always getting up fourhours before other people he madehis year into 16 months instead of 12

Inasmuch as an hours mental orphysical work in the morning Is gen ¬

erally worth two late in the dayeven the mathematics of the cheva¬

lier were npt seriously at fault>

New evaporated peaches at Wal ¬

den EadesIA Certain Cure for Dysentery and Diarrhoea

Some years ago I was one aIthat Intended making a longI

bicycle trip says F L Taylor ofNew Albany Bradford County PatI was taken suddenly with diar

rhoea and was about to give up thetrip when Editor Ward of the La

vllle Messenger suggested that Itako a dose of Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Iipurchased a bottle and tookdoses one before starting and one onthe route I made the trip success-fully


and never felt any ill effectAgain last summer I was almostcompletely run down with an attackof dysentery I bought a bottle otthis same remedy and this time onedose cured mo Sold by St BernardDrug Store Earllngton B F Rob ¬

inson Mortons Gap Gto King StCharles

Elegnnt assortment of fall under-wear at McLoods

COIU WIIUrrl1WCouaII U000 Vol-in


tllIIlI Sot bydrala


nd all Forms of ItchingScaly Humours Instantly

Relieved and Speedily


Complete Treatment 1 consistsof COTiCDRA SOAP to cleanse theskin of crusts and scales and soften thethickened cuticle CUTICBUA OINTSIENT to allay itchingIrritation and Inflammation anIsoothe and heal and CuricoRA RE¬

SOLVENT TILLS to cool and cleansethe blood A SINGLE SET is oftensufficient to cure the most torturingdisfiguring Itching burnln ¬

ing and pimply humours when all else fallsMILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAPattlstod by Ctmctnu OINTMENT for beautifyIng the skin forcleaning the scalp and flopping of falling hale for softening and whitenIngthe hands for baby Itchlngs and rashesin baths for annoylnglrritatloni and chaflngior too free or offensive pertplratlon formany sanative antiseptic purposes whichsuggest themselves to women and for all thepurposes of the toilet bath and nursery

Ccncuiu HEUOLVEXT PILLS ChocolateCoated are a new tasteless odorless eco-nomIcal substitute for the celebrated liquidCUTICUKA RESOLVENT as well as for all otherblood and humour cures In screwcapvlalecontainingGodosesPrice5oSold

TMe Pllll Y c B 939e ChirterhotiM

Frtnch U Ftlz PuliSqnDaCO AXD Cam CoainScle lrcP1IoItoDII40

Strayed or Stolen

From my farm 2 miles southwestof Earlington on the St ClmrJesroad one fine pure yellow Jerseycow giving milk Smooth crop andunderblt in right ear swallowforkIn left ear A reward of f2 will begiven for her return to my farm


Ladles you ire Invited to attend tilldcorgl Dlihopa Opening of Pattern HatsOct lit and and

Write for Novelty and JewelryCatalogue American Manufactur-ing


Co Madlsonville Ky

The Grand Leader dry goods storyof Madisonville comes out In thisIssue with its opening fall advertise ¬

ment The Grand Leader has an upto date line of roods of every classaud you will find everything theyadvertise exactly as representedThey have just closed a contractwith the Bee for a large amount ofspace Watch each issue and securesome rare bargainsi

Big lot screensshovels etc at McLeods

laQfiighta Day

The busiest and mightiest littlething that ever was made isKings New Life Pills These nIllchange weakness into strength listlessness into brainfag intomental power Theyre wonderfulin building up the health Onlyper box Sold by St Bernardstore


We have opened up an up to datemeat market in the Robinson blocand respectfully solicit a share oyour patronage


A certain young man of this placewent hunting with Mike Long andLee Oldham and they are resppnslble for the statement that the youngman got lost in 600 yards 6f Pondriver and after wandering arouddfor an hour shouting at intervals ofthree minutes he climbed a tree tosee if he could find the river tearinghis clothes and part of hlsflesh fromhis arms 4 Failing to find the river I

he advanced further In the bottomand found three buzzards sitting pna dead tree He thought they werewild turkeys and proceeded to pumpthem full of lead Mike and Leehearing the continuous shootingcame to him in time to explain thatthat peculiar breed of turkeys wasnot jrood for food and took him homebefore he had time to kill n Jerseycalf which he took for a red deer

A Night of TerrorAwful anxiety was felt for the

widow of the brave General Burnham of Machlas when the doctorssaid she would die from Pneumoniabefore morning writes Mrs S HLincoln who attended her that fearful night but she begged for Drtings New Discovery which hadmore than once saved her life andcured her of Consumption Afteraklngslie 8 ept all night Furtheruse entirely cured This mar-velous medicines guaranteed toure all Throat Chest

eases Only COc and fl Trial bot-tler free at St Bernard drug store I

tea Sy r

eeeemI 4 + e e a


eeew4 s s

Mrs Georgia Roberts of CardiffIll is visiting her mother Mrs Ju-


Sisk hereMiss Birdie Hall of Madisonville

was the guest of Miss Lizzie DeanSunday

Miss Virgle Rule spent Sunday inthe country

Mss Blanche Hill of Madisouville was the guest of relatives herelast week

Mrs Withers who has been visit ¬

ing at Gllbertsville was called homelast week to attend the funeral ot-

her little niece Edith ArnoldMesdames Withers and Webb at-


the holiness meeting at Mad ¬

isonville SundayMisses Maude Slaton of Madison ¬

ville and Nannie Raines of Hanson were the guests of Mrs WebbSunday and Monday

Miss Jessie Patterson of thePleasant View country was the

uest of her sister Mrs Mitchellfirst of the week

Miss Jimmte Keel is visiting in

GreenvilleMissSummers was ill first

of the weekMiss Eflle Burden left for Evans

yille and Howell Ind on an ex ¬

tended visit to friendsFrank Giannlnl of Providence is

laying off on account of ill healthand is under the care of the Osteo ¬

paths at Madisonvllle this weekJack Covert is on the Proyidence

run this weekJames Sparrow and sister W G

Barter and Henry Rogers attendedthe ball game at Mndlsonvillo Tues ¬

dayMrsNick Long and Miss Georgia

Hooser ol Madisonvllle and MissTula Mifflin of Dawson Springswere the guests of Mrs Mike Long

MondayMrsJones and Miss Pauline

Davis were in Madisonville MondayMrs J M Victory and daughter

Miss Elizabeth were in the countyseat Monday

Mrs Efile Cole of Paducah is vis ¬

iting her sister Mrs Claude Robin-son


of Madisonvllle this weekMrs Emma Davis has been quite

111 for the past few daysMiss Bud Hanna was in the coun-

ty seat Monday-s

Mrs G E Jones and son Meltonof Florida accompanied by MissFlorence Hams of Cincinnati willroach Earllngton Saturday wherethey will visit friends and relativesfor a few days and return to Cincin-nati accompanied by Mrs Llna

JonesEuceloilsAdams of Madisonyllle

was in town last nightEd Adams of Mad sonvUle att-

ended the reproduction of A Pris ¬

oner of Paris Monday nightJ E Gill and wife of North Eng

Ish Iowa are vlsltlngJFGIll andfamily

Big lot of new goods at McLeodsevery day

Lost Strayed or Stolen

One large bay horse black manoand tall between 10 and 12 years oldjustsearplate A sultablo reward will bepaid for his recoverylygUp to date lino of groceries cheapat MoLepds

fommuoiwtlonfme to

a few words in favor of Chambe-rlains


Cough Remedy I sufferedfor three years with the bronchitisand could not sleep at nights Itried several doctors and variouspatent medicines but could retnothing to give me any relief untilmy wife gota bottle of this valuablemedicine which has completelyre

nell BagMoby St Bernard Drug Store DarlingGapGeo I

Anything in the school line at J I

M VictoryPavement killing red kills vege-

tation and beautifies your walkFor sale by CoenenBros Tel 208








Awarded HedAl at World exprnlUosu-Befen to tbonunds of jrradnatM In positionsOMtof Fall Builacwi Coano Including 1 ¬

llook and hoard In family about


warded iradnttM torIIT won tn> tatrnow OradutMacoMwnL

r501z Uuan ncult mt mtUnu only

WILBUR R 9MITHLoxlrurton Ky

Nice line of overalls and workshirts at UoLeode



FaIL =Announcement I


1entire line of Fall andOUR Goods is now onreadyto

of merchandise at the lowest possible prices to be had in

I CountyThe is invit ¬j-

ed to visit our business wheth-er


or not they make their pur ¬

chases of us the same kindtreatment awaits you here aswe are anxious to have yousee this immense line of DryGoods Notions Clothing tShoes Furnishing GoodsHats Trunks Carpets Mat ¬

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