6 7 8 6 70 80 70 35 64 75 40 50 30 35 85 30 31 46 39 32 65 36 85 32 75 86 85 76 58 55 78 87 75 80 85 80 89 87 60 80 76 78 32 34 85 40 88 14 32 85 19 85 85 80 85 83 65 72 80 30 80 37 14 72 21 77 24 25 25 31 60 26 76 83 36 45 45 85 64 72 84 70 74 85 63 58 80 21 50 78 75 70 53 85 28 85 85 16 80 75 78 85 25 57 77 86 60 40 28 82 33 37 42 48 45 36 28 38 32 62 42 25 54 60 75 77 78 59 35 24 14 85 86 62 14 55 53 66 62 21 80 88 85 15 66 63 62 22 33 10 78 80 77 83 71 68 66 83 73 55 71 75 85 85 84 60 52 36 49 40 88 33 62 84 83 38 73 88 20 75 35 45 47 72 51 87 59 62 34 75 37 76 82 52 75 80 71 70 52 70 80 75 65 85 83 85 81 85 47 33 85 24 70 40 85 86 65 25 27 20 70 17 30 36 80 23 50 14 38 70 28 52 31 73 80 50 60 45 50 48 25 55 85 39 82 80 85 80 85 83 82 33 85 72 85 75 58 28 75 80 50 80 78 80 70 30 85 85 85 70 66 75 20 70 70 64 33 10 65 33 26 35 42 40 66 30 56 85 75 50 50 42 56 38 39 45 72 62 84 72 72 89 83 46 81 68 82 71 74 76 47 71 85 86 34 85 74 79 77 66 87 76 86 79 79 81 87 80 16 80 67 82 73 76 83 79 80 77 87 81 87 83 77 77 72 73 61 80 51 58 CZmgs PPMrg CZhmb CZfmv CZfmv CZmmv CZfmv CZfmv PPMgm PPMrgd PPMrgd CZhmg CZimv PPMrd CZhmb CZfmv CZum PPMgm PPMrd PPMrgd CZfmv CZmmv CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs CZfmv CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs PPMrg PPMrg PPMrg CZhmb CZhmb CZhmb CZhmb CZmgs CZmgs CZmgs 36 07' 30" 78 00' 00" 77 52' 30" 36 07' 30" 36 00' 00" 77 52' 30" 78 00' 00" 36 00' 00" A' A H O L L I S T E R F A U L T H O LLI S T E R F AU LT H O L L I S T E R F A U L T CZfmv This geologic map was funded in part by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES TRACY E. DAVIS, DIRECTOR KENNETH B. TAYLOR, STATE GEOLOGIST NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OPEN FILE REPORT 2012-04 By Edward F. Stoddard, Randy Bechtel, Paul E. Sacks and Lucille Kite Price Digital representation by Michael A. Medina and Heather Hanna 2012 BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE RED OAK 7.5-MINUTE QUADRANGLE, NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1:24 000 1 0 1 0.5 Miles 1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 500 Feet 1 0 1 0.5 Kilometers Equal Area Schmidt Net Projection of Contoured Poles to Primary Bedding. Contour Interval = 1 N = 42 Equal Area Schmidt Net Projection of Contoured Poles to Foliation and Cleavage Contour Interval = 1 N = 208 Unidirectional Rose Diagram of Joints N = 150 Outer Circle = 15% Mean direction = 69 PPMgm CZmgs PPMrg CZhmb CZhmg CZfmv CZmgs PPMrgd CZhmb Swift Creek Sandy Creek Jd Jd Jd Jd Jd Jd 115' 0' -1885' -3885' 115' 0' -1885' -3885' A T HOLLISTER MYLONITE ZONE NORTH CAROLINA MAP LOCATION Jd cross section scale - 1:24 000 no vertical exaggeration INTRODUCTION The Red Oak 7.5-minute quadrangle lies in the easternmost North Carolina Piedmont, a few miles northwest of the City of Rocky Mount and entirely within Nash County. NC Highway 43 runs northwest from Rocky Mount to the Town of Red Oak in the southeastern part of the quadrangle, then continues northward through the quadrangle. Interstate 95, running north-south, lies a few miles east of the Red Oak Quadrangle, and US Highway 64 runs east-west about a mile to the south. In addition to the town of Red Oak, the map area includes three named unincorporated crossroads communities: Dukes, Hilliardston, and Taylors Store. The northern half of the quadrangle is deeply incised by Swift Creek (also called Sandy Creek to the west), which drains eastward into the Tar River east of Rocky Mount. Pig Basket Creek drains to the south in the southern part of the quadrangle. Much of the drainage divide between Swift Creek and Pig Basket Creek is a broad, flat area largely underlain by Coastal Plain sediments. Exposures of crystalline rocks occur almost exclusively along creeks, with good outcrops along Swift/Sandy Creek and its tributaries. Total relief in the quadrangle is just under 200 feet, the highest elevation being 306 feet above sea level near the western edge of the quadrangle between Taylors Store and Dukes, and the lowest about 115 feet above sea level where Swift Creek leaves the eastern edge. PREVIOUS WORK Previous geologic investigations pertinent to the Red Oak Quadrangle include several regional and reconnaissance studies. Parker (1968) defined the structural framework of the region. Wilson and Spence (1979) produced a reconnaissance map of Nash County. Farrar (1985a, b) mapped the entire eastern Piedmont of North Carolina, defined map units for the region, and proposed a stratigraphy and a tectonic model. A map of a four-quadrangle area by Stoddard and others (2009) includes the Castalia Quadrangle, just west of Red Oak, and mapping by Gay (2004) includes the Nashville Quadrangle to the south. The Spring Hope Quadrangle, immediately southwest, has been the subject of mapping by Stetler (1997) and Clark and others (2004; see also Carpenter and others, 1995). Farther north, other published maps in the region include those of Sacks and others (2011) and Stoddard and others (2011). Additional mapping by Sacks (1999 and unpublished manuscript map), in a study of the Hollister fault zone, constitutes portions of the geologic map. Mapping by Kite (1982) included part of the Red Oak Quadrangle. Other research pertinent to the geology of the Red Oak Quadrangle includes geophysical studies of the Hollister fault zone by Fletcher (1992) and by Lawrence (1999), a study of the sub-Coastal Plain basement (Lawrence and Hoffman, 1993), and a study of quartz-rich rocks in the area, interpreted as quartz arenites by Stanley (1978). Moncla (1990) studied the Rocky Mount pluton, including exposures in the Red Oak Quadrangle. Weems and others (2009) produced a map of the surficial geology of the Roanoke Rapids 1:100,000 sheet, including the Red Oak Quadrangle. They show two map units of the Atlantic Coastal Plain in the Red Oak Quadrangle: the Moore House member(?) of the Yorktown Formation in patches at high elevations in the extreme western part of the quadrangle, and the Chowan River Formation covering large portions of the eastern two-thirds of the quadrangle. They also show the Thornburg fault, a high-angle fault with east side down, trending north-northwest across the northwestern portion of the quadrangle, and constituting a scarp that separates two terraces of the Coastal Plain. GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK Low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Spring Hope terrane underlie the western two-thirds of the Red Oak Quadrangle. Most of these rocks are metasedimentary in nature, dominantly metasiltstone and metagraywacke. Metavolcanic rocks are also present, and in one location there are metamorphosed ultramafic rocks. No fossils have been found in the Spring Hope terrane, but radiometric ages on metavolcanic rocks range from 525 to 628 Ma (Goldberg, 1994; Horton and Stern, 1994; Coler and Samson, 2000; Stoddard and Miller, 2011). The Hollister fault zone separates the Spring Hope terrane from the Roanoke Rapids terrane to the east. In the Red Oak Quadrangle, the Roanoke Rapids terrane consists of metabasalt, amphibolite and metagabbro belonging to the Halifax County mafic-ultramafic complex (Kite, 1982; Kite and Stoddard, 1984). Metamorphosed granitoid intrusive rocks from elsewhere in the Roanoke Rapids terrane have been dated from 607 to 672 Ma (Horton and Stern, 1994; Coler and Samson, 2000). The Spring Hope and Roanoke Rapids terranes are inferred to represent elements of one or more Neoproterozoic volcanic arcs (Hibbard and others, 2002). The late Paleozoic Rocky Mount granitoid pluton underlies the eastern edge of the quadrangle. It has been dated at ca. 345 Ma (Moncla, 1990). Numerous dikes of Jurassic olivine diabase have intruded the older crystalline rocks; the dikes strike dominantly northwest or north. Metamorphic rocks of the quadrangle have been subjected to greenschist facies conditions, with sparse evidence of hornfels conditions near the western margin of the Rocky Mount pluton. Metamorphic rocks retain sedimentary bedding or primary volcanic layering in many exposures, while in others a metamorphic foliation is present. In the western part of the quadrangle, where bedding is best preserved, it is variable but tends to strike northwest and dip gently southwest. In the central part of the quadrangle, both bedding and foliation are steeper and their strikes change closer to north-south. These observations are generally consistent with the mapping of Farrar (1985a), who shows the axial trace of the upright, south-plunging Spring Hope synform (his F3) just west of the Red Oak Quadrangle. In Farrar’s map, the eastern limb of the synform merges with and is cut off by the Hollister fault zone. Farrar (1985a) also shows an older (his F2) generation of regional-scale folds that are refolded by the Spring Hope synform. Sedimentary deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain are widespread, covering most of the higher flat areas in the quadrangle. Although they are not shown on the map, most of the coastal plain deposits encountered in this mapping consist of unconsolidated sands and gravels. They typically lie at elevations higher than 180 feet above sea level. Rounded quartz cobbles are common, as are local concentrations of heavy minerals. In a number of spots, indurated sandstone is present, commonly with rusty iron-oxide cement. In one location northeast of Red Oak near the eastern edge of the quadrangle, at an elevation of about 165 feet, the nonconformable contact of sandstone with underlying granite is exposed, and is indicated on the map. DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS INTRUSIVE ROCKS Jd – diabase: Fine to medium-grained, dark gray to black, equigranular to locally plagioclase porphyritic diabase, typically olivine-bearing. Commonly weathers to tan-gray, spheroidal boulders and cobbles. Occurs in vertical to steeply dipping dikes. The traces of the larger dikes correlate with and may be partly inferred on the basis of linear magnetic highs. Red dots indicate isolated outcrops or float occurrences. Igneous rocks of the Rocky Mount pluton The Rocky Mount pluton is a large composite intrusive body located in the easternmost Piedmont of North Carolina. Although mostly covered by sediments of the Atlantic Coastal Plain as shown on the state geological map (North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985), geophysical evidence indicates that the Rocky Mount pluton is of batholithic proportions (Lawrence and others, 1987; Spruill and others, 1987). In the Red Oak Quadrangle, good exposures exist along many of the drainages near the eastern edge of the map, and especially along the easternmost stretch of Swift Creek. Rocks of the pluton range from leucogranite to diorite in the quadrangle, but are dominantly biotite granite and granodiorite. Farrar (1980) investigated the extent and petrography of the Rocky Mount pluton, including detailed examination of a 420-foot drill core located at its inferred center. Spruill and others (1987) and Moncla (1990) also studied the pluton, and describe various aspects of its petrography, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics. Moncla (1990) also divides the Rocky Mount pluton into two intrusions, earlier “gray granitoids” and younger “white granites.” He presents data on two specimens from the Red Oak Quadrangle, including a chemical analysis of a “hornblende-biotite tonalite of uncertain relations” from Flat Rock Branch near the east edge of quadrangle (his sample 52, location c3). Moncla sampled extensively two quarries located in the Rocky Mount Quadrangle southeast of Red Oak; a newer quarry in the Drake Quadrangle, located about 1.5 miles east of the Red Oak Quadrangle, was not developed at the time of Moncla’s study. In his study, Moncla (1990) also determined a Mississippian age of 345+/- 2 Ma, based on a nine-point whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron. Field evidence argues for a somewhat younger age, because in the Red Oak Quadrangle, the granitic rocks appear to be unmetamorphosed, and most exposures visited do not present obvious evidence of penetrative deformation. On the other hand, sparse occurrences of deformed granitoid rocks exist within the Hollister fault zone just west of the pluton’s edge. Whether they may have originated as part of the Rocky Mount pluton is not clear. PPMgm PPMrd PPMrg PPMrgd CZfmv CZhmb CZhmg CZimv CZmgs CZmmv CZum PPMrg - Granite and leucogranite: Medium to coarse-grained equigranular to weakly porphyritic pale pink to salmon, or light gray biotite granite. Massive and unfoliated to moderately foliated. Biotite weathers to vermiculite. Also fine to medium-grained light gray to tan equigranular biotite +/- muscovite +/- garnet leucogranite. Commonly includes small tabular to patchy white pegmatite bodies. PPMrgd - Granodiorite: Medium to coarse-grained, typically porphyritic, unfoliated to moderately foliated black and white biotite +/- hornblende granodiorite to tonalite. PPMrd - Diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite: Fine to medium-grained equigranular amphibole +/- biotite diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite. Correlates, in part, with “hornblende-biotite tonalite of uncertain relations” of Moncla (1990). PPMgm - Deformed granitoid and/or metagranitoid rocks: Strongly foliated to mylonitic granite, leucogranite, granodiorite and granitoid gneiss. Locally with quartz ribbons and feldspar porphyroclasts. Also rare ultramylonite, breccia or microbreccia. Isolated occurrences within Hollister fault zone. Age is conjectural. METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF THE SPRING HOPE TERRANE Note: Order of listed units does not imply stratigraphic sequence. CZfmv - Felsic metavolcanic rocks: Includes distinctive gray, bluish-gray, tan, or white weathering, thinly layered and locally strongly fissile fine-grained layered felsic gneiss composed primarily of plagioclase, quartz, and microcline, with minor or accessory biotite, garnet, amphibole, epidote, white mica and opaque minerals. Typically contains significant magnetite. Rare relict phenocrysts of sodic plagioclase and/or quartz are locally present. Interpreted to be pyroclastic or lava in origin. Believed to be correlative with Bens Creek leucogneiss of Farrar (1985a,b), quartzite of McDaniel (1980), and “dacitic bluestone” of Stoddard (1993; Stoddard and others, 2009). The unit includes dacitic to rhyolitic rocks based on analyzed samples from elsewhere (Stoddard, 1993; Stoddard and others, 2011; Sacks and others, 2011). Zircons from a sample of this lithology located in the north-central Centerville Quadrangle gave a discordant upper intercept U-Pb age of 524.9 +/- 8.6 Ma (Stoddard and Miller, 2011). Unit also includes light colored, generally fine grained and phyllitic to schistose rocks consisting of white mica, quartz, feldspar(s), chlorite, and rare biotite and epidote. Commonly contain relict phenocrysts of quartz (typically showing beta morphology) as well as sodic plagioclase, and/or white to beige and typically flattened lapilli. Interpreted as crystal- and crystal-lithic tuff. Chemical and petrographic data from the Bunn East Quadrangle (1993) indicate that at least some of these rocks are rhyodacitic in composition, and locally have relict K-feldspar phenocrysts. Zircons from felsic crystal tuff in the Bunn East Quadrangle have yielded a preliminary U-Pb upper intercept crystallization age of 590 +/- 3 Ma (Goldberg, 1994). Unit also includes tuffaceous metasedimentary rocks, as well as rare intermediate metavolcanic rocks, mineralogically similar to felsic varieties but with a higher percentage of epidote and/or biotite, taking on a darker hue or a salt-and-pepper appearance. Czimv - Intermediate to felsic metavolcanic and metaplutonic rocks: Gray to brown quartz-porphyritic meta-andesite and light-gray to beige, fine-grained and massive meta-quartz diorite or quartz keratophyre. Unfoliated; generally well-jointed and gnarly weathering, silicified and/or brecciated. CZmmv - Mafic metavolcanic rocks: Green, dark green, or black, fine to medium grained, massive and non-foliated or weakly to moderately foliated amphibolite, greenstone, phyllite, and quartz-epidote rock containing various mixtures of hornblende, plagioclase, epidote/clinozoisite, quartz, chlorite, and opaque minerals. Locally includes metabasalt having relict plagioclase phenocrysts and rare metagabbro. Chemical analyses of mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Spring Hope terrane in the Hollister Quadrangle (Sacks and others, 2011) are low-K tholeiites inferred to have ocean-floor or volcanic arc affinities (Boltin, 1985; Boltin and Stoddard, 1987). Czum - Meta-ultramafic rocks: Pale to dark green or gray, medium-grained, massive to schistose rocks containing varying proportions of actinolite, talc, and chlorite. Locally, sparse rhombohedral cavities suggest the former presence of magnesite. CZmgs - Metasiltstone, metagraywacke, and metamudstone: Mostly fine, greenish-tan to beige or gray, locally phyllitic, slaty or fissile, generally tuffaceous metasiltstone and light greenish to medium-brown or gray, fine- to medium-grained tuffaceous metagraywacke. Consists of quartz, plagioclase, white mica, biotite, epidote and opaque minerals. Locally displays relict clastic texture and sedimentary bedding. May weather into thin slabs. Metagraywacke may be massive or poorly bedded, with sand to silt-sized grains of volcanic rock fragments, sericitized feldspar and quartz, with biotite, epidote and white mica. Metamudstone is light tan to medium-brown, massive to laminated, and locally phyllitic. As overall grain size decreases, white mica increases in abundance. Fine opaque mineral grains are common. Graded bedding, cyclic bedding, and scour-and-fill structures were observed in outcrop. Where stratigraphic facing direction could be inferred, beds appear to be upright. Characteristics suggest that these sediments may have originated, at least in part, as turbidites on the subaqueous flank of a volcanic arc. Unit also includes layers of metavolcanic rocks, including lithic and crystal-rich varieties of felsic tuff having phenocrysts of plagioclase and quartz. Zircons from an unmapped felsic crystal tuff layer within metasedimentary rocks in the southeastern Centerville Quadrangle gave a nearly concordant U-Pb age of 628 +/- 1.7 Ma (Stoddard and Miller, 2011). Lawrence and Hoffman (1993) describe rock chips from a 45-foot borehole (their NA-A-1-84) drilled within this unit, and located about 2.5 miles north-northwest of the Town of Red Oak (location indicated on the map). They describe the rock as a “somewhat sheared volcaniclastic sandstone” containing quartz ribbons ascribed to deformation related to the Hollister fault zone. There are also rare exposures of granular and/or sucrosic, fine to medium-grained pure quartz rocks. These have been interpreted by Stanley (1978) as metamorphosed quartz arenites resulting from residual accumulations of quartz phenocrysts weathered out of felsic volcanic rocks in pocket beach environments of the volcanic arc. However, because of a general lack of apparent primary sedimentary structures, these rocks may instead have resulted from recrystallization of zones of hydrothermal quartz alteration. METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF THE ROANOKE RAPIDS TERRANE Note: Order of listed units does not imply stratigraphic sequence. CZhmb - Metabasalt of the Halifax County complex: Dark green to black, fine-grained rocks consisting of hornblende and/or actinolite, plagioclase, epidote/clinozoisite, titanite, opaque oxide minerals, and locally quartz and/or sulfide minerals. Most retain relict igneous textures, with plagioclase phenocrysts and/or random orientation of plagioclase laths. Others are massive to foliated amphibolite, some strongly deformed. Includes metabasalt, basaltic amphibolite, and amphibolite of Kite and Stoddard (1984). Chemical analyses show metamorphosed basaltic rocks of the Halifax County complex are low-K tholeiites similar to ocean-floor and volcanic-arc basalts (Kite, 1982; Kite and Stoddard, 1984). One basaltic amphibolite from the Red Oak Quadrangle (LKRO-157) was among the samples analyzed by Kite (1982). This map unit also includes isolated occurrences of metagabbro, metadiorite, and meta-quartz diorite. The unit correlates well with the “mafic igneous complex of the Roanoke Rapids terrane” mapped in the Nashville Quadrangle (Gay, 2004). CZhmg - Metagabbro of the Halifax County complex: Typically coarse-grained, dark green to black, unfoliated rocks consisting of blocky hornblende and/or prismatic actinolite, plagioclase, epidote/clinozoisite, and opaque oxide minerals. Hornblende is uralitic and probably formed as pseudomorphs after primary clinopyroxene. Rock may possess a relict interlocking igneous texture. Also includes less common metadiorite and meta-quartz diorite. These plutonic lithologies also occur sporadically as unmapped bodies within the metabasalt unit. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mapping by Kite took place between 1980 and 1982 as part of her M.S. thesis research at North Carolina State University. Mapping by Sacks was between 1990 and 1992 during his study of the Hollister mylonite zone with the U. S. Geological Survey. The data of Kite and Sacks were compiled and digitized by Stoddard, Phil Bradley, and Mike Medina in 2010-11. We thank J. Wright Horton, Jr., and the USGS for making their mapping available for this project. We are grateful for the assistance of Phil Bradley, Heather Hanna, and Mike Medina with office work and logistics. We also wish to express our gratitude to all the landowners who graciously allowed access to their property. REFERENCES Boltin, W.R. 1985, Geology of the Hollister 7 1/2-minute quadrangle, Warren and Halifax counties, North Carolina: Metamorphic transition in the Eastern slate belt: [M.S. thesis], North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 87 p. Boltin, W. R., and E. F. Stoddard, 1987, Transition from Eastern Slate belt to Raleigh belt in the Hollister area, eastern North Carolina Piedmont: Southeastern Geology, v. 27, p. 185-205. Carpenter, P. A., III, Carpenter, R. H. and Stoddard, E. F., 1995, Rock sequences in the eastern half of the Raleigh 30 X 60 - minute quadrangle, North Carolina - A progress report - STATEMAP II project: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, p. 41. Clark, T. W., Blake, D. E., Stoddard, E. F., Carpenter, P. A., III, and Carpenter, R. H., 2004, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Raleigh 30’ x 60’ quadrangle, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2004-02, scale 1:100,000, in color. Coler, D., and Samson, S., 2000, Characterization of the Spring Hope and Roanoke Rapids terranes, southern Appalachians: A U–Pb geochronologic and Nd isotopic study: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, No. 1, p. A-11 – A-12. Farrar, S. S., 1980, Petrology of the Rocky Mount granitoid pluton, North Carolina, and comparison to other granitoid plutons of the southern Piedmont, in Sinha, A. K., Costain, J. K., and Glover, L., III, (eds.), Distribution and analysis of 300 m.y. old granites as a potential geothermal resource, petrology section: Report Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University – LASL-2, Contract N27-77506-1, 24 p. Farrar, S. S., 1985a, Stratigraphy of the northeastern North Carolina Piedmont: Southeastern Geology, v. 25, p. 159-183. Farrar, S. S., 1985b, Tectonic evolution of the easternmost Piedmont, North Carolina: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, p. 362-380. Fletcher, C. D., 1992, A geophysical study of the Hollister mylonite zone, northeastern North Carolina: [M.S. thesis], East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 128 p. Gay, N. K., 2004, The bedrock geology of the western Portion of the Rocky Mount 100K quadrangle, Nash, Wilson, and Edgecombe Counties, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2004-05, scale 1:50,000, in color. Goldberg, S. A., 1994, U-Pb geochronology of volcanogenic terranes of the eastern North Carolina Piedmont: Preliminary results, in Stoddard, E. F., and D. E. Blake (eds.), Geology and Field Trip Guide, Western Flank of the Raleigh Metamorphic Belt, North Carolina: Carolina Geological Society Guidebook, p. 13-17. Hibbard, J. P., E. F. Stoddard, D. T. Secor, and A. J. Dennis, 2002, The Carolina Zone: Overview of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic peri-Gondwanan terranes along the eastern flank of the southern Appalachians: Earth Science Reviews, v. 57, p. 299-339. Horton, J. W., Jr., and Stern, T. E., 1994, Tectonic significance of preliminary uranium-lead ages from the eastern Piedmont of North Carolina: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, p. 21. Kite, L. E., 1982, The Halifax County complex: Oceanic lithosphere in the northeastern Piedmont, North Carolina: [M.S. thesis], North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 102 p. Kite, L. E., and E. F. Stoddard, 1984, The Halifax County complex: Oceanic lithosphere in the eastern North Carolina Piedmont: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 422-432. Lawrence, D. P., 1999, Bouguer gravity study along the Hollister fault zone, eastern North Carolina, in Sacks, P. E. (ed.), Geology of the Fall Zone region along the North Carolina-Virginia state line: Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, p. 37-48. Lawrence, D. P., and C. W. Hoffman, 1993, Geology of basement rocks beneath the North Carolina Coastal Plain: North Carolina Geological Survey Bulletin 95, 60 p. Lawrence, D. P., Moncla, A. M., and Spruill, R. K., 1987, Gravity study of the Rocky Mount region, eastern North Carolina: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 2, p. 94. McDaniel, R. D., 1980, Geologic map of Region K: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Geological Survey Section, Open File Map NCGS 80-2 [scale 1:100,000]. Moncla, A. M., III, 1990, Petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Rocky Mount batholith, northeastern North Carolina Piedmont: [M.S. thesis], East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 61 p. North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985, Geologic map of North Carolina [scale 1:500,000]. Parker, J. M., III, 1968, Structure of easternmost North Carolina Piedmont: Southeastern Geology, v. 9, p. 117-131. Sacks, P. E., 1999, Geologic overview of the eastern Appalachian Piedmont along Lake Gaston, North Carolina and Virginia, in Sacks, P. E. (ed.), Geology of the Fall Zone region along the North Carolina-Virginia state line: Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, p. 1-15. Sacks, P. E., W. R. Boltin, and E. F. Stoddard, 2011, Bedrock geologic map of the Hollister 7.5-minute quadrangle, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-03, scale 1:24,000, in color. Spruill, R. K., Lawrence, D. P., and Moncla, A. M., 1987, Petrological, geochemical, and geophysical evaluation of the Rocky Mount igneous complex, northeastern Piedmont, North Carolina, in Whittecar, G. R., (ed.), Geological excursions in Virginia and North Carolina, Guidebook for field trips, Geological Society of America Southeastern Section (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA), p. 229-242. Stanley, L. G., 1978, A eugeosynclinal orthoquartzite facies in the Eastern Slate belt rocks of Nash County, North Carolina: [M. S. thesis], North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 81 p. Stetler, T. L., 1997, Structural and lithodemic character of the Spring Hope field area, Nash County, North Carolina: [M.S. thesis], University of North Carolina - Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C., 107 p. Stoddard, E. F., 1993, Eastern Slate belt volcanic facies, Bunn - Spring Hope area, NC: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, p. 72. Stoddard, E. F., Fuemmeler, S., Bechtel, R., Clark, T. W., and Sprinkle II, D. P., 2009, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Gold Sand, Centerville, Castalia, and Justice 7.5-minute quadrangles, Franklin, Nash, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2009-03, scale 1:24,000, in color. Stoddard, E. F., and Miller, B. V., 2011, The Spring Hope terrane: Lithostratigraphy and new age constraints: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, No. 2, p. 31. Stoddard, E. F., Sacks, P. E., Clark, T. W., and Bechtel, R., 2011, Bedrock geologic map of the Littleton 7.5-minute quadrangle, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-02, scale 1:24,000, in color. Weems, R. E., Lewis, W. C., and Aleman-Gonzalez, W. B., 2009, Surficial geologic map of the Roanoke Rapids 30′ × 60′ quadrangle, North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1149, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000. (Available only online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1149/.) Wilson, W. F. and W. H. Spence, 1979, Geological map of Nash County, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open File Map [scale 1:100,000]. CONTOUR INTERVAL - 10 FEET BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE RED OAK 7.5-MINUTE QUADRANGLE, NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NCGS OPEN FILE REPORT 2012-04 Disclaimer: This Open-File report is preliminary and has been reviewed for conformity with the North Carolina Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Further revisions or corrections to this preliminary map may occur prior to its release as a North Carolina Geological Survey map. Base map is from USGS 2010 GeoPDF of the Red Oak 7.5-minute quadrangle. Aerial photo, map collar and select features removed. Bounds of GeoPDF based on 7.5-minute grid projection in UTM 17S; North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). This geologic map was funded in part by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, award number G11AC20296. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. Zone of high strain overprint of Hollister Fault Zone Spring Hope Terrane Hollister Mylonite Zone Roanoke Rapids Terrane Rocky Mount Pluton Halifax County Complex Hollister Fault Hollister Fault MAJOR GEOLOGIC FEATURES UTM GRID AND 2010 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET 9 24' MN station location strike and dip of inclined joint surface strike and dip of inclined primary bedding and layering strike and dip of inclined primary bedding and layering (multiple observations at one locality) strike and dip of cleavage (multiple observations at one locality) strike and dip of inclined joint surface (multiple observations at one locality) bearing and plunge of lineation contact - location inferred or concealed beneath coastal plain (not shown on map) CONTACTS, FOLDS AND OTHER FEATURES Lithologic contacts - Distribution and concentration of structural symbols indicates degree of reliability. cross section line 15 22 34 50 70 75 65 77 16 diabase contact - dashed where inferred, dotted where concealed strike of vertical joint surface (multiple observations at one locality) diabase station location strike and dip of quartz vein 80 strike of vertical regional foliation strike and dip of inclined regional foliation (multiple observations at one locality) 50 74 strike of vertical regional foliation (multiple observations at one locality) strike and dip of inclined regional foliation 60 strike-slip fault - location inferred in cross section: T towards observer A away from observer contact - location known A A' sand and gravel pit - abandoned strike and dip of inclined pegmatite dike strike of vertical quartz vein strike of vertical inclined primary bedding and layering (multiple observations at one locality) bedrock core location 25 in cross section, primary layering form lines location of coastal plain/crystalline rock contact exposed Scan with smartphone for link to GeoPDF of map. 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48 45

36 28




5460 75



































88 33

6284 83


73 8820






5962 34



82 52









85 81











3036 8023


14 38


















85 83

82 33



85 75







70 3085



6675 20














5638 39






89 83







85 8634

85 74


































































36 07' 30"78 00' 00"

77 52' 30"36 07' 30"

36 00' 00"77 52' 30"

78 00' 00"36 00' 00"
















This geologic map was funded in part by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program



By Edward F. Stoddard, Randy Bechtel, Paul E. Sacks and Lucille Kite PriceDigital representation by Michael A. Medina and Heather Hanna



SCALE 1:24 0001 0 10.5

Miles1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000500

Feet1 0 10.5


Equal Area Schmidt Net Projection ofContoured Poles to Primary Bedding.

Contour Interval = 1 N = 42

Equal Area Schmidt Net Projection ofContoured Poles to Foliation and Cleavage

Contour Interval = 1 N = 208

Unidirectional Rose Diagram of Joints N = 150

Outer Circle = 15%Mean direction = 69








Swift CreekSandy Creek

Jd Jd

Jd Jd








-3885'A T





cross section scale - 1:24 000 no vertical exaggeration

INTRODUCTIONThe Red Oak 7.5-minute quadrangle lies in the easternmost North Carolina Piedmont, a few miles northwest of the City of Rocky Mount and entirely within Nash County. NC Highway 43 runs northwest from Rocky Mount to the Town of Red Oak in the southeastern part of thequadrangle, then continues northward through the quadrangle. Interstate 95, running north-south, lies a few miles east of the Red Oak Quadrangle, and US Highway 64 runs east-west about a mile to the south. In addition to the town of Red Oak, the map area includes three namedunincorporated crossroads communities: Dukes, Hilliardston, and Taylors Store. The northern half of the quadrangle is deeply incised by Swift Creek (also called Sandy Creek to the west), which drains eastward into the Tar River east of Rocky Mount. Pig Basket Creek drains to thesouth in the southern part of the quadrangle. Much of the drainage divide between Swift Creek and Pig Basket Creek is a broad, flat area largely underlain by Coastal Plain sediments. Exposures of crystalline rocks occur almost exclusively along creeks, with good outcrops alongSwift/Sandy Creek and its tributaries. Total relief in the quadrangle is just under 200 feet, the highest elevation being 306 feet above sea level near the western edge of the quadrangle between Taylors Store and Dukes, and the lowest about 115 feet above sea level where Swift Creekleaves the eastern edge.PREVIOUS WORKPrevious geologic investigations pertinent to the Red Oak Quadrangle include several regional and reconnaissance studies. Parker (1968) defined the structural framework of the region. Wilson and Spence (1979) produced a reconnaissance map of Nash County. Farrar (1985a, b)mapped the entire eastern Piedmont of North Carolina, defined map units for the region, and proposed a stratigraphy and a tectonic model.A map of a four-quadrangle area by Stoddard and others (2009) includes the Castalia Quadrangle, just west of Red Oak, and mapping by Gay (2004) includes the Nashville Quadrangle to the south. The Spring Hope Quadrangle, immediately southwest, has been the subject of mappingby Stetler (1997) and Clark and others (2004; see also Carpenter and others, 1995). Farther north, other published maps in the region include those of Sacks and others (2011) and Stoddard and others (2011). Additional mapping by Sacks (1999 and unpublished manuscript map), in astudy of the Hollister fault zone, constitutes portions of the geologic map. Mapping by Kite (1982) included part of the Red Oak Quadrangle.Other research pertinent to the geology of the Red Oak Quadrangle includes geophysical studies of the Hollister fault zone by Fletcher (1992) and by Lawrence (1999), a study of the sub-Coastal Plain basement (Lawrence and Hoffman, 1993), and a study of quartz-rich rocks in thearea, interpreted as quartz arenites by Stanley (1978). Moncla (1990) studied the Rocky Mount pluton, including exposures in the Red Oak Quadrangle. Weems and others (2009) produced a map of the surficial geology of the Roanoke Rapids 1:100,000 sheet, including the Red OakQuadrangle. They show two map units of the Atlantic Coastal Plain in the Red Oak Quadrangle: the Moore House member(?) of the Yorktown Formation in patches at high elevations in the extreme western part of the quadrangle, and the Chowan River Formation covering largeportions of the eastern two-thirds of the quadrangle. They also show the Thornburg fault, a high-angle fault with east side down, trending north-northwest across the northwestern portion of the quadrangle, and constituting a scarp that separates two terraces of the Coastal Plain.GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORKLow-grade metamorphic rocks of the Spring Hope terrane underlie the western two-thirds of the Red Oak Quadrangle. Most of these rocks are metasedimentary in nature, dominantly metasiltstone and metagraywacke. Metavolcanic rocks are also present, and in one location there aremetamorphosed ultramafic rocks. No fossils have been found in the Spring Hope terrane, but radiometric ages on metavolcanic rocks range from 525 to 628 Ma (Goldberg, 1994; Horton and Stern, 1994; Coler and Samson, 2000; Stoddard and Miller, 2011). The Hollister fault zoneseparates the Spring Hope terrane from the Roanoke Rapids terrane to the east. In the Red Oak Quadrangle, the Roanoke Rapids terrane consists of metabasalt, amphibolite and metagabbro belonging to the Halifax County mafic-ultramafic complex (Kite, 1982; Kite and Stoddard, 1984).Metamorphosed granitoid intrusive rocks from elsewhere in the Roanoke Rapids terrane have been dated from 607 to 672 Ma (Horton and Stern, 1994; Coler and Samson, 2000). The Spring Hope and Roanoke Rapids terranes are inferred to represent elements of one or moreNeoproterozoic volcanic arcs (Hibbard and others, 2002). The late Paleozoic Rocky Mount granitoid pluton underlies the eastern edge of the quadrangle. It has been dated at ca. 345 Ma (Moncla, 1990). Numerous dikes of Jurassic olivine diabase have intruded the older crystallinerocks; the dikes strike dominantly northwest or north.Metamorphic rocks of the quadrangle have been subjected to greenschist facies conditions, with sparse evidence of hornfels conditions near the western margin of the Rocky Mount pluton. Metamorphic rocks retain sedimentary bedding or primary volcanic layering in many exposures,while in others a metamorphic foliation is present. In the western part of the quadrangle, where bedding is best preserved, it is variable but tends to strike northwest and dip gently southwest. In the central part of the quadrangle, both bedding and foliation are steeper and their strikeschange closer to north-south. These observations are generally consistent with the mapping of Farrar (1985a), who shows the axial trace of the upright, south-plunging Spring Hope synform (his F3) just west of the Red Oak Quadrangle. In Farrar’s map, the eastern limb of the synformmerges with and is cut off by the Hollister fault zone. Farrar (1985a) also shows an older (his F2) generation of regional-scale folds that are refolded by the Spring Hope synform.Sedimentary deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain are widespread, covering most of the higher flat areas in the quadrangle. Although they are not shown on the map, most of the coastal plain deposits encountered in this mapping consist of unconsolidated sands and gravels. Theytypically lie at elevations higher than 180 feet above sea level. Rounded quartz cobbles are common, as are local concentrations of heavy minerals. In a number of spots, indurated sandstone is present, commonly with rusty iron-oxide cement. In one location northeast of Red Oaknear the eastern edge of the quadrangle, at an elevation of about 165 feet, the nonconformable contact of sandstone with underlying granite is exposed, and is indicated on the map.

DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITSINTRUSIVE ROCKSJd – diabase: Fine to medium-grained, dark gray to black, equigranular to locally plagioclase porphyritic diabase, typically olivine-bearing. Commonly weathers to tan-gray, spheroidal boulders and cobbles. Occurs in vertical to steeply dipping dikes. The tracesof the larger dikes correlate with and may be partly inferred on the basis of linear magnetic highs. Red dots indicate isolated outcrops or float occurrences.

Igneous rocks of the Rocky Mount plutonThe Rocky Mount pluton is a large composite intrusive body located in the easternmost Piedmont of North Carolina. Although mostly covered by sediments of the Atlantic Coastal Plain as shown on the state geological map (North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985), geophysicalevidence indicates that the Rocky Mount pluton is of batholithic proportions (Lawrence and others, 1987; Spruill and others, 1987). In the Red Oak Quadrangle, good exposures exist along many of the drainages near the eastern edge of the map, and especially along the easternmoststretch of Swift Creek. Rocks of the pluton range from leucogranite to diorite in the quadrangle, but are dominantly biotite granite and granodiorite. Farrar (1980) investigated the extent and petrography of the Rocky Mount pluton, including detailed examination of a 420-foot drillcore located at its inferred center. Spruill and others (1987) and Moncla (1990) also studied the pluton, and describe various aspects of its petrography, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics. Moncla (1990) also divides the Rocky Mount pluton into two intrusions, earlier “gray granitoids”and younger “white granites.” He presents data on two specimens from the Red Oak Quadrangle, including a chemical analysis of a “hornblende-biotite tonalite of uncertain relations” from Flat Rock Branch near the east edge of quadrangle (his sample 52, location c3). Moncla sampledextensively two quarries located in the Rocky Mount Quadrangle southeast of Red Oak; a newer quarry in the Drake Quadrangle, located about 1.5 miles east of the Red Oak Quadrangle, was not developed at the time of Moncla’s study. In his study, Moncla (1990) also determined aMississippian age of 345+/- 2 Ma, based on a nine-point whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron. Field evidence argues for a somewhat younger age, because in the Red Oak Quadrangle, the granitic rocks appear to be unmetamorphosed, and most exposures visited do not present obvious evidenceof penetrative deformation. On the other hand, sparse occurrences of deformed granitoid rocks exist within the Hollister fault zone just west of the pluton’s edge. Whether they may have originated as part of the Rocky Mount pluton is not clear.












PPMrg - Granite and leucogranite: Medium to coarse-grained equigranular to weakly porphyritic pale pink to salmon, or light gray biotite granite. Massive and unfoliated to moderately foliated. Biotite weathers to vermiculite. Also fine to medium-grainedlight gray to tan equigranular biotite +/- muscovite +/- garnet leucogranite. Commonly includes small tabular to patchy white pegmatite bodies.

PPMrgd - Granodiorite: Medium to coarse-grained, typically porphyritic, unfoliated to moderately foliated black and white biotite +/- hornblende granodiorite to tonalite.

PPMrd - Diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite: Fine to medium-grained equigranular amphibole +/- biotite diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite. Correlates, in part, with “hornblende-biotite tonalite of uncertain relations” of Moncla (1990).

PPMgm - Deformed granitoid and/or metagranitoid rocks: Strongly foliated to mylonitic granite, leucogranite, granodiorite and granitoid gneiss. Locally with quartz ribbons and feldspar porphyroclasts. Also rare ultramylonite, breccia or microbreccia.Isolated occurrences within Hollister fault zone. Age is conjectural.METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF THE SPRING HOPE TERRANENote: Order of listed units does not imply stratigraphic sequence.CZfmv - Felsic metavolcanic rocks: Includes distinctive gray, bluish-gray, tan, or white weathering, thinly layered and locally strongly fissile fine-grained layered felsic gneiss composed primarily of plagioclase, quartz, and microcline, with minor or accessorybiotite, garnet, amphibole, epidote, white mica and opaque minerals. Typically contains significant magnetite. Rare relict phenocrysts of sodic plagioclase and/or quartz are locally present. Interpreted to be pyroclastic or lava in origin. Believed to be correlativewith Bens Creek leucogneiss of Farrar (1985a,b), quartzite of McDaniel (1980), and “dacitic bluestone” of Stoddard (1993; Stoddard and others, 2009). The unit includes dacitic to rhyolitic rocks based on analyzed samples from elsewhere (Stoddard, 1993;Stoddard and others, 2011; Sacks and others, 2011). Zircons from a sample of this lithology located in the north-central Centerville Quadrangle gave a discordant upper intercept U-Pb age of 524.9 +/- 8.6 Ma (Stoddard and Miller, 2011).Unit also includes light colored, generally fine grained and phyllitic to schistose rocks consisting of white mica, quartz, feldspar(s), chlorite, and rare biotite and epidote. Commonly contain relict phenocrysts of quartz (typically showing beta morphology) as well assodic plagioclase, and/or white to beige and typically flattened lapilli. Interpreted as crystal- and crystal-lithic tuff. Chemical and petrographic data from the Bunn East Quadrangle (1993) indicate that at least some of these rocks are rhyodacitic in composition, andlocally have relict K-feldspar phenocrysts. Zircons from felsic crystal tuff in the Bunn East Quadrangle have yielded a preliminary U-Pb upper intercept crystallization age of 590 +/- 3 Ma (Goldberg, 1994). Unit also includes tuffaceous metasedimentary rocks, as well as rare intermediate metavolcanic rocks, mineralogically similar to felsic varieties but with a higher percentage of epidote and/or biotite, taking on a darker hue or a salt-and-pepper appearance.Czimv - Intermediate to felsic metavolcanic and metaplutonic rocks: Gray to brown quartz-porphyritic meta-andesite and light-gray to beige, fine-grained and massive meta-quartz diorite or quartz keratophyre. Unfoliated; generally well-jointed and gnarlyweathering, silicified and/or brecciated.CZmmv - Mafic metavolcanic rocks: Green, dark green, or black, fine to medium grained, massive and non-foliated or weakly to moderately foliated amphibolite, greenstone, phyllite, and quartz-epidote rock containing various mixtures of hornblende,plagioclase, epidote/clinozoisite, quartz, chlorite, and opaque minerals. Locally includes metabasalt having relict plagioclase phenocrysts and rare metagabbro. Chemical analyses of mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Spring Hope terrane in the HollisterQuadrangle (Sacks and others, 2011) are low-K tholeiites inferred to have ocean-floor or volcanic arc affinities (Boltin, 1985; Boltin and Stoddard, 1987).Czum - Meta-ultramafic rocks: Pale to dark green or gray, medium-grained, massive to schistose rocks containing varying proportions of actinolite, talc, and chlorite. Locally, sparse rhombohedral cavities suggest the former presence of magnesite.CZmgs - Metasiltstone, metagraywacke, and metamudstone: Mostly fine, greenish-tan to beige or gray, locally phyllitic, slaty or fissile, generally tuffaceous metasiltstone and light greenish to medium-brown or gray, fine- to medium-grained tuffaceousmetagraywacke. Consists of quartz, plagioclase, white mica, biotite, epidote and opaque minerals. Locally displays relict clastic texture and sedimentary bedding. May weather into thin slabs. Metagraywacke may be massive or poorly bedded, with sand tosilt-sized grains of volcanic rock fragments, sericitized feldspar and quartz, with biotite, epidote and white mica. Metamudstone is light tan to medium-brown, massive to laminated, and locally phyllitic. As overall grain size decreases, white mica increasesin abundance. Fine opaque mineral grains are common. Graded bedding, cyclic bedding, and scour-and-fill structures were observed in outcrop. Where stratigraphic facing direction could be inferred, beds appear to be upright. Characteristics suggest that thesesediments may have originated, at least in part, as turbidites on the subaqueous flank of a volcanic arc.Unit also includes layers of metavolcanic rocks, including lithic and crystal-rich varieties of felsic tuff having phenocrysts of plagioclase and quartz. Zircons from an unmapped felsic crystal tuff layer within metasedimentary rocks in the southeastern CentervilleQuadrangle gave a nearly concordant U-Pb age of 628 +/- 1.7 Ma (Stoddard and Miller, 2011). Lawrence and Hoffman (1993) describe rock chips from a 45-foot borehole (their NA-A-1-84) drilledwithin this unit, and located about 2.5 miles north-northwest of the Town of Red Oak (location indicated on the map). They describe the rock as a “somewhat sheared volcaniclastic sandstone” containing quartz ribbons ascribed to deformation related to theHollister fault zone. There are also rare exposures of granular and/or sucrosic, fine to medium-grained pure quartz rocks. These have been interpreted by Stanley (1978) as metamorphosed quartz arenites resulting from residual accumulations of quartz phenocrysts weathered outof felsic volcanic rocks in pocket beach environments of the volcanic arc. However, because of a general lack of apparent primary sedimentary structures, these rocks may instead have resulted from recrystallization of zones of hydrothermal quartz alteration.

METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF THE ROANOKE RAPIDS TERRANENote: Order of listed units does not imply stratigraphic sequence.CZhmb - Metabasalt of the Halifax County complex: Dark green to black, fine-grained rocks consisting of hornblende and/or actinolite, plagioclase, epidote/clinozoisite, titanite, opaque oxide minerals, and locally quartz and/or sulfide minerals. Most retainrelict igneous textures, with plagioclase phenocrysts and/or random orientation of plagioclase laths. Others are massive to foliated amphibolite, some strongly deformed. Includes metabasalt, basaltic amphibolite, and amphibolite of Kite and Stoddard (1984).Chemical analyses show metamorphosed basaltic rocks of the Halifax County complex are low-K tholeiites similar to ocean-floor and volcanic-arc basalts (Kite, 1982; Kite and Stoddard, 1984). One basaltic amphibolite from the Red Oak Quadrangle (LKRO-157)was among the samples analyzed by Kite (1982). This map unit also includes isolated occurrences of metagabbro, metadiorite, and meta-quartz diorite. The unit correlates well with the “mafic igneous complex of the Roanoke Rapids terrane” mapped in the NashvilleQuadrangle (Gay, 2004).CZhmg - Metagabbro of the Halifax County complex: Typically coarse-grained, dark green to black, unfoliated rocks consisting of blocky hornblende and/or prismatic actinolite, plagioclase, epidote/clinozoisite, and opaque oxide minerals. Hornblende isuralitic and probably formed as pseudomorphs after primary clinopyroxene. Rock may possess a relict interlocking igneous texture. Also includes less common metadiorite and meta-quartz diorite. These plutonic lithologies also occur sporadically as unmappedbodies within the metabasalt unit.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSMapping by Kite took place between 1980 and 1982 as part of her M.S. thesis research at North Carolina State University. Mapping by Sacks was between 1990 and 1992 during his study of the Hollister mylonite zone with the U. S. Geological Survey. The data of Kite andSacks were compiled and digitized by Stoddard, Phil Bradley, and Mike Medina in 2010-11. We thank J. Wright Horton, Jr., and the USGS for making their mapping available for this project. We are grateful for the assistance of Phil Bradley, Heather Hanna, and Mike Medinawith office work and logistics. We also wish to express our gratitude to all the landowners who graciously allowed access to their property.REFERENCESBoltin, W.R. 1985, Geology of the Hollister 7 1/2-minute quadrangle, Warren and Halifax counties, North Carolina: Metamorphic transition in the Eastern slate belt: [M.S. thesis], North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 87 p.Boltin, W. R., and E. F. Stoddard, 1987, Transition from Eastern Slate belt to Raleigh belt in the Hollister area, eastern North Carolina Piedmont: Southeastern Geology, v. 27, p. 185-205.Carpenter, P. A., III, Carpenter, R. H. and Stoddard, E. F., 1995, Rock sequences in the eastern half of the Raleigh 30 X 60 - minute quadrangle, North Carolina - A progress report - STATEMAP II project: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, p. 41.Clark, T. W., Blake, D. E., Stoddard, E. F., Carpenter, P. A., III, and Carpenter, R. H., 2004, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Raleigh 30’ x 60’ quadrangle, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2004-02, scale 1:100,000, in color.Coler, D., and Samson, S., 2000, Characterization of the Spring Hope and Roanoke Rapids terranes, southern Appalachians: A U–Pb geochronologic and Nd isotopic study: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, No. 1, p. A-11 – A-12.Farrar, S. S., 1980, Petrology of the Rocky Mount granitoid pluton, North Carolina, and comparison to other granitoid plutons of the southern Piedmont, in Sinha, A. K., Costain, J. K., and Glover, L., III, (eds.), Distribution and analysis of 300 m.y. old granites as a potential geothermal resource, petrology section: Report Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University – LASL-2, Contract N27-77506-1, 24 p.Farrar, S. S., 1985a, Stratigraphy of the northeastern North Carolina Piedmont: Southeastern Geology, v. 25, p. 159-183.Farrar, S. S., 1985b, Tectonic evolution of the easternmost Piedmont, North Carolina: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, p. 362-380.Fletcher, C. D., 1992, A geophysical study of the Hollister mylonite zone, northeastern North Carolina: [M.S. thesis], East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 128 p.Gay, N. K., 2004, The bedrock geology of the western Portion of the Rocky Mount 100K quadrangle, Nash, Wilson, and Edgecombe Counties, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2004-05, scale 1:50,000, in color.Goldberg, S. A., 1994, U-Pb geochronology of volcanogenic terranes of the eastern North Carolina Piedmont: Preliminary results, in Stoddard, E. F., and D. E. Blake (eds.), Geology and Field Trip Guide, Western Flank of the Raleigh Metamorphic Belt, North Carolina: Carolina Geological Society Guidebook, p. 13-17.Hibbard, J. P., E. F. Stoddard, D. T. Secor, and A. J. Dennis, 2002, The Carolina Zone: Overview of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic peri-Gondwanan terranes along the eastern flank of the southern Appalachians: Earth Science Reviews, v. 57, p. 299-339.Horton, J. W., Jr., and Stern, T. E., 1994, Tectonic significance of preliminary uranium-lead ages from the eastern Piedmont of North Carolina: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, p. 21.Kite, L. E., 1982, The Halifax County complex: Oceanic lithosphere in the northeastern Piedmont, North Carolina: [M.S. thesis], North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 102 p.Kite, L. E., and E. F. Stoddard, 1984, The Halifax County complex: Oceanic lithosphere in the eastern North Carolina Piedmont: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 422-432.Lawrence, D. P., 1999, Bouguer gravity study along the Hollister fault zone, eastern North Carolina, in Sacks, P. E. (ed.), Geology of the Fall Zone region along the North Carolina-Virginia state line: Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, p. 37-48.Lawrence, D. P., and C. W. Hoffman, 1993, Geology of basement rocks beneath the North Carolina Coastal Plain: North Carolina Geological Survey Bulletin 95, 60 p.Lawrence, D. P., Moncla, A. M., and Spruill, R. K., 1987, Gravity study of the Rocky Mount region, eastern North Carolina: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 2, p. 94.McDaniel, R. D., 1980, Geologic map of Region K: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Geological Survey Section, Open File Map NCGS 80-2 [scale 1:100,000].Moncla, A. M., III, 1990, Petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Rocky Mount batholith, northeastern North Carolina Piedmont: [M.S. thesis], East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 61 p.North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985, Geologic map of North Carolina [scale 1:500,000].Parker, J. M., III, 1968, Structure of easternmost North Carolina Piedmont: Southeastern Geology, v. 9, p. 117-131.Sacks, P. E., 1999, Geologic overview of the eastern Appalachian Piedmont along Lake Gaston, North Carolina and Virginia, in Sacks, P. E. (ed.), Geology of the Fall Zone region along the North Carolina-Virginia state line: Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, p. 1-15.Sacks, P. E., W. R. Boltin, and E. F. Stoddard, 2011, Bedrock geologic map of the Hollister 7.5-minute quadrangle, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-03, scale 1:24,000, in color.Spruill, R. K., Lawrence, D. P., and Moncla, A. M., 1987, Petrological, geochemical, and geophysical evaluation of the Rocky Mount igneous complex, northeastern Piedmont, North Carolina, in Whittecar, G. R., (ed.), Geological excursions in Virginia and North Carolina, Guidebook for field trips, Geological Society of America Southeastern Section (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA), p. 229-242.Stanley, L. G., 1978, A eugeosynclinal orthoquartzite facies in the Eastern Slate belt rocks of Nash County, North Carolina: [M. S. thesis], North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 81 p.Stetler, T. L., 1997, Structural and lithodemic character of the Spring Hope field area, Nash County, North Carolina: [M.S. thesis], University of North Carolina - Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C., 107 p.Stoddard, E. F., 1993, Eastern Slate belt volcanic facies, Bunn - Spring Hope area, NC: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, p. 72.Stoddard, E. F., Fuemmeler, S., Bechtel, R., Clark, T. W., and Sprinkle II, D. P., 2009, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Gold Sand, Centerville, Castalia, and Justice 7.5-minute quadrangles, Franklin, Nash, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2009-03, scale 1:24,000, in color.Stoddard, E. F., and Miller, B. V., 2011, The Spring Hope terrane: Lithostratigraphy and new age constraints: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, No. 2, p. 31.Stoddard, E. F., Sacks, P. E., Clark, T. W., and Bechtel, R., 2011, Bedrock geologic map of the Littleton 7.5-minute quadrangle, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-02, scale 1:24,000, in color.Weems, R. E., Lewis, W. C., and Aleman-Gonzalez, W. B., 2009, Surficial geologic map of the Roanoke Rapids 30′ × 60′ quadrangle, North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1149, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000. (Available only online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1149/.)Wilson, W. F. and W. H. Spence, 1979, Geological map of Nash County, North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Open File Map [scale 1:100,000].




Disclaimer:This Open-File report is preliminary and has been reviewed for conformity with

the North Carolina Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North AmericanStratigraphic Code. Further revisions or corrections to this preliminary map may

occur prior to its release as a North Carolina Geological Survey map.

Base map is from USGS 2010 GeoPDF of the Red Oak 7.5-minute quadrangle.Aerial photo, map collar and select features removed. Bounds of GeoPDF based on 7.5-minute

grid projection in UTM 17S; North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

This geologic map was funded in part by the USGS National CooperativeGeologic Mapping Program, award number G11AC20296.

The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of theauthors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the

official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government.

Zone of high strain overprint of Hollister Fault Zone

Spring Hope Terrane


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station locationstrike and dip of inclined joint surface

strike and dip of inclinedprimary bedding and layering

strike and dip of inclinedprimary bedding and layering(multiple observations at one locality)

strike and dip of cleavage(multiple observations at one locality)

strike and dip of inclined joint surface(multiple observations at one locality)

bearing and plungeof lineation

contact - location inferred or concealedbeneath coastal plain (not shown on map)

CONTACTS, FOLDS AND OTHER FEATURESLithologic contacts - Distribution and concentration of structural symbols indicates degree of reliability.

cross section line






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diabase contact -dashed where inferred,dotted where concealed

strike of vertical joint surface(multiple observations at one locality)

diabase station location

strike and dip of quartz vein80strike of vertical regional foliation

strike and dip ofinclined regional foliation(multiple observations at one locality)



strike of vertical regional foliation(multiple observations at one locality)

strike and dip ofinclined regional foliation


strike-slip fault - location inferredin cross section: T towards observer A away from observer

contact - location known

A A'

sand and gravel pit - abandoned

strike and dip ofinclined pegmatite dike

strike of vertical quartz vein

strike of vertical inclinedprimary bedding and layering(multiple observations at one locality)

bedrock core location


in cross section, primary layering form lines

location of coastal plain/crystallinerock contact exposed

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