Becoming a World Power

Becoming a World Power

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Becoming a World Power. Imperialism. Domination of strong nation over weaker ones Expansion overseas Part of Manifest Destiny. Expansion in the Pacific. Opened trade in Asia U.S. wanted Hawaii Naval base @ Pearl Harbor. Naval Dominance. Capt. Alfred T. Mahan Protect merchant ships - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Becoming a World Power

Becoming a World Power

Page 2: Becoming a World Power

Imperialism Domination of strong nation over

weaker ones Expansion overseas Part of Manifest Destiny

Page 3: Becoming a World Power

Expansion in the Pacific Opened trade in Asia U.S. wanted Hawaii Naval base @ Pearl Harbor

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Naval Dominance Capt. Alfred T. Mahan Protect merchant ships Defend trade Acquire territory overseas

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Who sank the Maine? Blown up in Havana, Cuba Ship’s ammo exploded U.S. blamed Spain Cuban war for indep. from Spain

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The Spanish-American War Yellow journalism- exaggerated

stories Jingoism- aggressive nationalism Spain declares war in 1898 U.S. takes Philippines, Guam

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War (cont.) TR’s Rough Riders U.S. occupies Puerto Rico April 1898- Spain, U.S. agree to


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Treaty of Paris Cuba indep. U.S. acquires PR, Guam Pay Spain $20 mil for Phil. U.S. position of world power

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U.S. Diplomacy in Asia 1901- TR pres. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” Open Door Policy- declare trading

rights in China

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The Panama Canal (1903) TR Shorten trade distance 8,000 nautical miles Save time/$

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Dollar Diplomacy William H. Taft Invest in Latin Am. countries Protect overseas interests