BCV Houses+Hospitality Portfolio

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  • 8/14/2019 BCV Houses+Hospitality Portfolio


    T h e a r c h i T e c T u r e o f B a l d a u f c a T T o n V o n e c k a r T s B e r g

    H O U S E S + H O S P I T A L I T Y

  • 8/14/2019 BCV Houses+Hospitality Portfolio


    1527 stt stts , c 94133T 415. 398.6538 415. 398.6521www.bv.m

  • 8/14/2019 BCV Houses+Hospitality Portfolio



    Baldau caTTon Von eckarTsBerg att s b fm w t vty t w t w - m t mtp b pjt t t tt . T fmpp p t w b ty bv tt t pt tt f m m by ttt t t t t m tt. a tt t b pp t pbm t t t mt-py t BcV att t xp b p, tt, t, , p .

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    HILL HOUSEbelvedere, california

    Designed or the enjoyment o the Northern Caliorniaclimate and the views o Richardson Bay, Mt. Tamalpais,and sunsets over the Marin Headlands, this MediterraneanChic residence has multiple outdoor living areas. Thisthree-story home is anchored into its steep hillside site withhand-cut stone walls, elegant gardens and ountains. Theupper outdoor loggia has a replace and radiant foors toextend the seasons or outdoor living even when the ogrolls in. The lower level eatures an outdoor pizza oven, are pit, a pool and Roman spa. A stone and plaster spiralstair graceully but purposeully moves guests betweenthe top and bottom public foors and encourage themto bypass the middle private bedroom foor. The wallsand ceilings are plastered throughout the home, includingcustom plaster air vents integrated into the plaster suraces.All exterior doors, windows, balconies and louveredawnings were custom-designed out o steel and bronze.

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    PENINSULA HOUSEportola valley, california

    This 5,100 square oot residence is organized around a majestic BlueOak tree, which occupies the only fat portion o this one-acre site. Withdramatic views o a Windy Hill to the southwest, the house is designed torespond directly to the natural eatures o the site. While breaking downthe buildings overall massing, the various components o the house -garage, main house, master wing and guest house at the rear - orm edgeso a ormal courtyard anchored by the Blue Oak. The spaces o the mainhouse simultaneously look inward to the quiet tree, canopied courtyard,and outward to the dramatic distant views. Tucked into the sites hillsideand locked into the landscape by the great rooms loggia and terracewall, the house conceals its story scale and allows or a pool side setting tobe elegantly carved into the cascading terrain, shielded rom neighborsviews and the building approach. Photography by Rien Van Ritjhoven.

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    BCV Architects combined two apartments ina modern condominium in San Franciscos

    historic Jackson Square neighborhood creatinga quintessential urban home or a amily o our.

    The apartment eatures a grand main salon that is 40square showcasing dramatic cityscape views - this roomis the social center o the home. The salon serves asliving room, music room, dining room and gallery or theamilys evolving collection o photographs. Opening othis room is a sky lit kitchen which eatures contrastingWenge cabinetry and Carrara marble countertops.An elegant breakast alcove completes the room. Onthe other side o the grand salon is the library which

    is painted persimmon orange and provides a strongcontrast to the subdued whites and silvers o the salon.The main hall o the apartment is treated as a longlinear gallery eaturing both works on paper and threedimensional objects. Each bedroom and bathroomrefects the personality o the individual amily members.

    CITY HOUSEsan francisco, california

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    HISTORIC HOUSEross, california

    Located in the hills o Marin County, the Ross residence wasoriginally built in 1906, with subsequent renovations to the house

    and gardens. The original Architect was John White, the brother-in-law o Bernard Maybeck, and the most recent garden designwas designed by notable Landscape Architect Thomas Church.

    The goal or this renovation and addition was to reinorce thedesign approaches o the original Architects and to respect thecharacter, proportions and detailing o the main house, whileaddressing liestyle requirements o a contemporary amily ofve. The rear o the house was redesigned on all three levelswith a light flled breezeway added to connect the main level

    and the guest unit quarters. A roo access deck was enclosedand now unctions as an exercise room serving the master suite.

    BCV collaborated with the Landscape Architect on materialselection and responses to challenging level changes or thegarden. The addition o a pool house and outdoor showerprovide the unctional needs o the historic circular pool, anda new exterior kitchen, dining and lounge deck elegantlymeet the needs o modern day outdoor entertainment.

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    The Owners chose this site because they wanted to live ina home that captured the American agricultural heritage

    o Sonoma. This residential compound incorporatesone o the old barns and relies on the same buildingorms ound on many arms and dairies throughoutthe Sonoma countryside. This approach allows thenew compound to change the use o the site withoutchanging the way it sits in the landscape. The old spirito the previous arm lives on in the next generation.

    The house is arranged in a cluster o buildings that ramethe view o the Sonoma Valley and encircle a centralcourtyard that is used or large amily gatherings.Simple vernacular elements o the armhouse include

    milk-painted wood siding, wide-plank wood ooring,covered porches that wrap around virtually every roomand a large country kitchen with wood-fred cookingand an open pantry. The many covered porchesencourage outdoor living, and when combined withthe large screened door and window openings, arecritical or providing shade and ventilation duringthe hot summers. Large shutters similar to barndoors protect the large glass openings during thestrong windstorms experienced in the region, andbecome privacy screens to close o sections o thehouse when a separation o activities is desired.

    FARM HOU SEsonoma, california

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    Set amidst the vastness o great oaks and rolling hillsin Northern Caliornia, this new house was designed to

    be a headquarters or a working cattle ranch. Its ormand construction evoke the history o both the Caliorniaadobe and ranch house styles with thick, whitewashedstucco walls providing a solid sense o enclosure rom theopenness o the landscape, and metal roofng recallingthe vernacular o traditional barn structures in the area.The overall site design ormalizes a haphazardarrangement o existing buildings in order to createan organized compound. The projects layout is an L-shape, with two simple rectangular buildings situatedperpendicular to each other. These structures are knit

    together by traditional circulation galleries, indicative othe Caliornia adobe style, to relieve the inner sanctums othe residence rom the summer sun and heat. The smallerwing to the north houses guest rooms while the longersouthern wing contains the main living and gatheringspaces. At the corner o the L stands a two-story boardand batten wood study, art room and observation deck.

    RANCH HOUSEnorthern, california

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    Located on a blu overlooking thePacifc Ocean, this three-bedroom

    house and guest cottage aredesigned to take advantage othe shelter rom the wind providedby a hedgerow to the west.

    A large outdoor room betweenthe main house and guesthouse isoriented both toward the hedgerowand the ocean to the south.

    Designed as a celebration ocooking and entertaining, witha wood burning pizza oven,rotisserie and multiple freplaces,the house reinterprets theamous vernacular developedat the Sea Ranch, seeking toincorporate a greater levelo detail while remainingsympathetic to the community.

    COASTAL H OUSEsea ranch, california

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    The Emma Kellogg House was designed by BernardMaybeck in 1899. The house takes its name, the

    Sunbonnet, rom the distinctive gambrel roo thatcantilevers over the ront porch, above the main entry.The house was subject to several modications overthe past century. Notable eatures o the house hadbeen lost or modied over time but Maybecks originaldesign intent remained intact. The goal o this renovationproject was to restore the original character o thehouse while updating the home programmatically andstructurally or a amily o our. Three original survivingphotographs, archived at the UC Berkeley, BancrotLibrary, guided the restoration to the exterior o the house.

    The rear service area o the house had sustained themost modications over the years and thus becamethe subject o most o the modications including thecreation o a new kitchen/amily room at the groundlevel and a master bath on the upper foor. It wasimportant not to expand the house on its lot to preservethe compact orms o Maybecks design. This wasachieved by creating a new below-grade level thatopens onto a sunny lower courtyard. This new levelhouses a grand music room, guest rooms, and serviceunctions. All o the landscaping was designed andimplemented by Frederika Moller Landscape Architecture.

    MAYBECK HOUSEpalo alto, california

    l l

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    Located in the heart o Sonomas wine country,the gently sloping site oers southern views torolling hills and is poised to oer the residencethe wonders o Caliornias climate and beauty.The expansive property eatures the mainhouse, guest cottage, detached garage, pooland clay tennis court. This weekend homewas requested to be updated or a growingamily o 6 to accommodate 4 bedroomsand 4 baths, in roughly 6,000 square eet.

    The design solution or this project was toreconfgure the home using the existing ootprint to update the style and unctionality ormodern Caliornia living. The style o the project

    was based on the shingle style aesthetic thatderived in spirit rom the East Coast heritageo the clients. The roo orms, enestrationsand relationship between the indoors and theoutdoors were to be enhanced to ully takeadvantage o the dramatic wine country settingand climate. While utilizing the existing buildingpad, the interior spaces were reconfgured toclariy and simpliy the transitions between thespaces and to promote healthy amily living.

    COUNTRY SHINGLE HOUSEglen ellen, california

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    CITY SHINGLE HOUSEsan francisco, california

    Located in the Inner Richmond residential neighborhood o SanFrancisco, this remodel transorms a split level, two bedroom,1,025 square oot cottage into a our level, three bedroom, 5,000

    square oot home with ofce space and an in-law unit in orderto solve the expanding space requirements o a growing amily.

    Originally built in 1908, it was important to the owner to retain thecharacteristics o the original building while simultaneously taking cuesrom the surrounding neighborhood to inorm materiality and buildingorm as the house changed in scale. The existing exterior walls andwindows remain in tact to the extent possible while the existing plasterand all new construction borrows rom the shingle style homes near by.

    Visitors to the home are welcomed by the scale and detailing o the originalront sitting room and freplace beore entering into the distinctly more

    modern and clean-lined addition. Each level o the remodeled home oersa distinct delineation o space used together by the single stair tower/lightwell at the homes northern wall. At ground level, the living unctions othe home spill o the sitting room and newly defned entry spine. Thebasement/garage houses the rooms or play, the second level containsthe amilys bed rooms and sleeping spaces, and the third level providesa place or work that can be converted into a separate in-law suite.

    This urban neighborhood remodel fnds space to expand in the city bygrowing upwards and maintaining an appropriate dialogue with thesurrounding abric.

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    RETREAT HOUSEkenwood, california

    Located in the Kenwood region of Sonoma County, the sitefor this residence features generous southern views of theadjacent State Park and the valley beyond. The property

    was once an olive tree orchard and the siting of the newresidence allowed the house to be nestled into a restoredorchard to provide necessary shade for the summer months.

    The client acquired the property to create a wine countryretreat which could host groups of colleagues and friendsand would eventually become a full time residence with twoguest suites. The public spaces are oriented along the breadthof the site and view, and the ends are anchored by the pooldeck and the master suite on opposite sides. The residence isentered through the olive tree forecourt which separates thehouse from the simple gravel parking area and guest suite.

    An interpretation of modern agricultural buildings foundthroughout the surrounding area, the materials lean toward therustic and natural. The stucco clad and metal roofed buildingssit comfortably on a stone base, transitioning gently to thenative landscape. Typical openings for the main spaces arepairs of metal barn doors which allow the house to integratethe outdoors, taking full advantage of the Sonoma lifestyle.

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    RESORT HOUSEkauai, hawaii

    This private ocean front estate on the north shore of Kauaiis designed to be a personal resort. The buildingsare arranged on the site in a cluster with careful

    attention to views, wind protection, privacy,and access to the sand swimming beach.

    The central building functions as the MasterHouse. Detached Beach Bungalows provideresort style guest accommodations. A LodgePavilion contains a large living room, dining andkitchen for group entertaining and gatherings.

    A Recreation Pavilion incorporates a gym, yoga

    studio, lap pool and tennis facilities. Every roomhas sliding walls that provide full views of the oceanand clear access to abundant outdoor living areas.

    The master plan for the property includes a remoteBarn to house the recreational vehicles and horses tobe used for exploration of this large park-like property.

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    PRESS CLUBsan francisco, california


    Press Club serves as an urban tasting room for eight of Californias mostcelebrated premium-quality, small-production wineries and vineyards,where winery employees present guests with an array of vintages and

    varietals to sample and purchase. The 9,000-square-foot venue is locatedon Yerba Buena Lane in the heart of San Franciscos most exciting newdestination for dining, shopping and cultural arts. By partnering directlywith vintners, Press Club offers a sophisticated microcosm of a premiumCalifornia Wine Country experience and is home to an exclusiveassemblage of wineries not collectively available anywhere else in theworld. In addition to wine tasting, Press Club provides an exclusive retailopportunity for local and visiting wine enthusiasts and aspirants, givingcustomers access to rare libraries of wines and a full complement of currentreleases directly from the eight wineries -- all in a single, centralized location.

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    FRANCISCAN ESTATES WINERYrutherford, california

    BCV was the Design Architect or thisnew Tasting Room and Visitors Centerin Napa Valley. Franciscan holds thephilosophy that the wines are theelegant expression o the vineyards,giving unique voice to the terroir onwhich they are grown. BCVs designseeks to give architectural expression tothis philosophy by creating a buildingthat is memorable and fts comortablyinto its vineyard setting. The greattasting room is the portal to whatmay be explored beyond, includingthe 10,000 bottle wine library andclubrooms, which are designed or themembers o Franciscans wine club.

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    d h h N ll h k b d

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    Located in the heart o Napa Valley, the CakebreadWinery stands as one o Napas oldest amily run wineries.The new 10,000 square eet addition blends seamlessly

    with the existing 43,000 square eet main building,by ensuring a continuity o orm and material palette.The architectural style relies on a restrained use o natural materials and texturesthat harmonize with the surrounding vines and cherished vegetable garden.

    The main oor o the addition consists o a large barrel storageroom, a light flled state- o-the-art wine lab, and a series o privatetasting rooms each with their own view to the vineyards just outside.On the second oor, the new Wine Club room provides dramaticviews eastward over the grapes to Howell Mountain beyond.

    Continuing with the natural modern aesthetic frst established by WilliamTurnbull, this winery addition was BCVs frst collaboration with architect DonBrandenburger, who designed the majority o the buildings at this Rutherord site.

    The Cakebread amily has established their presence in the wineworld by producing the highest quality wines, and providing a winetasting experience sure to be the highlight o any wine country visit.The architecture o the project unites and enhances this wine tastingexperience in a celebration o wine, ood, riends and a sense o place.

    CAKEBREAD WINERY EAST ADDITIONrutherford, california

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    Located in the Carneros region o

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    Located in the Carneros region oSonoma, this terracotta and tile hilltopvinery embodies the spirit o northernItaly. Overlooking natural wetlands that

    have been restored by Viansa, the wineryis organized in the tradition o a Tuscanarmstead. With a cluster o buildingsencircling a common courtyard, viewsextend to both the Sonoma and NapaValleys. Visiting tours are led throughan underground winemaking cellar tothe 3,500 square oot beamed andrescoed tasting room above, wheretraditional Italian ood is paired withViansa wines. The master plan includesa large dining pavilion and Italian

    demonstration kitchen, ofces, a privatedining cellar, and caves. A BCV Principalserved as Lead Designer or this projectwhile employed at BAR Architects.

    VIANSA WINERYsonoma, california

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    Located near Union Square, ViansaE i BCV hi d j i h Vi

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    Enoteca is BCVs third project with ViansaWinery allowing the winery to serve citydwellers and visitors with Sonoma-style

    wine tastings. The design o the Wine Barand Enoteca, or wine library, is refectiveo Viansas enthusiasm or Tuscanythrough the use o color, warm wood,and distinctive pendant lighting over thebar. Viansa Enoteca, a neighbor to theHotel Triton, uses the storeront windows,mirrors, and a bright dome-shapedceiling to expand the sense o space.Photography by Rien van Ritjhoven.

    ENOTECA VIANSAsan francisco, california

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    Both the challenge and opportunity in reinventing this complex,multi-level, 7,800 S.F. Italian restaurant and bar located in the

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    ANGELINIbangkok, thailand

    Shangri-La Hotel was the requirement to respect elements o theexisting inrastructure and conserve where possible the scope

    o new construction. As a symbolic reerence to the old spirito Angelini, the basic bones o the existing architecture remainintact but are reconceived in a bolder, modern expression thatplays upon the contrast o light and dark, hard and sot, oldand new. A series o dramatic soaring new window boxesplug within the preserved architectural columns to defne anew expression or the important riverside aade o the hotel.Within, against a cream and chocolate palette, illuminatedamber toned onyx elements glow with warmth. As part o theHotels larger master plan, Angelini is conceived o no longeras another fne-dining establishment, but as a distinctly morecasual, hip, and sophisticated yet accessible riverside venue.

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    Anthology, located in the MetroWork building, is a modernsupper club or downtown San Diego. The venue eatures Jazz,Bl S l d R&B with ti tw l l

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    ANTHOLOGYsan diego, california

    Blues, Soul and R&B perormers with seating on two levelsand a mezzanine. The club also eatures small lounges with

    a warm, casual elegance inherent to Southern Caliornia.

    With respect or the legacy o jazz, we rame it here or thenext generation. By todays standards it is unique becausedinner is served during the perormance. One can enjoy thesimultaneous celebration o ood and music. The arm-to-table emphasis o the menu and the conditioned wine libraryare commitments to the quality o the dining experience.

    The long and narrow site presented an unusualshape or viewing a perormance. Rather than fght

    the proportions, we accentuated them or dramaticeect by compressing the space and accentuating itsverticality. Seating is stacked in an L-shape on multiplelevels. This creates sight lines that are great or peoplewatching as well as viewing the perormance. Adramatic sculptural concrete stair connects the three openlevels, and is optimally positioned or people-watching.



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    This 10,000 square oot restaurant and bar is conceptualizedas the western expatriates home-away -rom-homeand is organized along the metaphorical spaces o a

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    g g p phouse. The ground oor introduces the strong axial

    organization o the project: a clear shot rom the loungebar through a freplace lounge to the powerul orm o thecentral staircase and wine bar. The upper level containsthe main restaurant and continues the house theme withsemi-private rooms around the crown o the central stair.

    The stringerless staircase rises within a mahogany enclosure.The structures skin erodes rom top to bottom, the upperoor shielded by solid panels, wine storage at mid level,and an open stand-up wine counter at its base. Simplestylized orms, custom urnishings, signature steel-blue velvet

    drapes, and classical images mark the project aesthetic.

    Winner o an AIA/San Francisco ChronicleBest o the Bay Special Recognition Award.

    ARIAbeijing, china

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    Crush 29 is a 9000s restaurant in Rosevillewhich ocuses on wine and looks to the NapaValley or design inspiration. The complete

    i b i h t th t

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    CRUSH 29roseville, california

    experience begins on approach to the center,

    allowing the tone o the environment andexperience to be set well beore one enters.

    BCVs concept or the Restaurant has yieldeda solution or the exterior that reects therestaurants unique connection to the NapaValley with its simple and timeless stoneacade made o Napa Valley Tua Stone.

    The centerpiece o the restaurant is the circularbar lighted by a sculptural element which is

    ashioned rom thousands o mica disks eachunique in its color and translucence. The interioro the restaurant continues the wine countrytheme with rounded booths ashioned like winebarrels, rustic stone walls and oors, and severalfreplaces. Two wine caves serve as privateunction rooms or up to 50, and the winelibrary serves as a smaller private dining room.

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    The Fat amily o Sacramento engaged BCVto create an Asian bistro which would elevatethe typical Chinese restaurant experience. Theprogram consisted o casual dining, privatedi i di b il/ k d

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    dining, a dim sum bar, a retail/take-out oodarea and an exterior terrace. Inspiration orthe architecture was ound in the historicalroyal palaces and temples ound throughoutthe Orient. A grand central dining space iscomplemented by private dining rooms. Richlystained mahogany doors and windows, importedlimestone counters, red mosaic tiles, integralcolor plaster, custom light xtures and gem-tonedceramic pots lush with plant lie all combine toaccent the simple organized fow o the interior.

    FATS ASIA BISTROfolsom, california

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    BCV Principals have designed Il Fornaiorestaurants throughout the United States.The projects have ranged from the designand construction of completely new facilities

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    to the renovation of existing locations.

    The various Il Fornaios were designed toprovide a range of dining experiencesincluding some or all of the following: anespresso bar and caffe (which serves as acocktail bar at night); a panetteria; a maindining room; private dining rooms; anindoor/outdoor loggia; and piazza seating.

    Many Il Fornaios, including the restaurant

    at Broadway Pointe in Walnut Creek,California, are incorporated into lifestyleand/or specialty retail centers to provide afood retail opportunity and/or an alluringdining option, as well as to enliven the streetlife through outdoor and patio seating.

    IL FORNAIOmultiple locations

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  • 8/14/2019 BCV Houses+Hospitality Portfolio


    Piatti Restaurant in Mill Valley continues itssuccessul Italian trattoria atmosphere inthis contemporary remodel o an existingbuilding. Featuring a wall o windows and

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    an alresco patio overlooking Shelter Bay,the restaurant is imbued with a resort-likeeel. Recycled teak urniture, a communitytable, and classic Carrara stone reinorcesthe ethos o timelessness and sustainabilityrefected in the restaurants use o seasonalood rom local producers. The restaurant,completed in 2007, has 3,790 s ointerior space and 435 s o exterior patio.

    PIATTImill valley, california

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    This urban sibling o the well-known hamburgerstand in St. Helena anchors the ront cornero the Ferry Building with 3,400 square eet ointerior space and a 2,500 square oot patio.Updated and retooled to refect its new waterront

    urban location the design still pays homage to

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    urban location, the design still pays homage toTaylors original with its simple clean paletteo white and stainless steel, punctuated by anoversized red neon sign that beckons customersto... EAT. A series o communal tables, withlow our tops in between, gives the arcaded lightwashed interior a dramatic rhythm while oeringa variety o customer seating options. The Patiowith its abundance o picnic style seating providesthe throngs o Taylors ans ront row seats tothe busy pedestrian lie on the Embarcadero.

    TAYLORS REFRESHER - FERRY BUILDINGsan francisco, california

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    The Hog Island Oyster Bar, located in thehistoric Ferry Building Marketplace on theSan Francisco Bay waterfront, providesa fresh oyster experience in the midstof a bustling artisan food destination.

    The open airy space, with a cool-tonedmaterials palette is centered around

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    p y p ,materials palette, is centered arounda large U-shaped bar, where oystershucking stations are the main attraction.

    HOG ISLAND OYSTER CO. - FERRY BUILDINGsan francisco, california

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    Hog Island Oyster Bars second outlet is positioned as an anchor tenant in theOxbow Marketplace located on the riverront near downtown Napa. Muchlike at the SF Ferry Building, this location provides a resh oyster experience inthe midst o a bustling artisan ood destination. In response to its unique winecountry setting, the materials palette here is warmer and more organic. The main

    ocus is still the large bar which allows or viewing oyster-shucking, but also theprominent aerial display o an old reurbished Hog Island fshing boat which had

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    prominent aerial display o an old reurbished Hog Island fshing boat which hadpreviously been used or actual operations at the Oyster Farm in Tomales Bay.

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    Venezuelan street ood meets Napa wine countryat this boutique ca tucked inside the OxbowPublic Market. Pica Pica, which translates to alittle o this, a little o that, rings true with a menuo amily recipes belonging to owners Adriana

    Lopez Vermut, Luis Sosa and Leopoldo Lopez Gil.The space, at only 415 square eet, has the task o

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    PICA PICA - OXBOW PUBLIC MARKETnapa, california

    p y qcreating a fow that the customer understands, romordering to pickup, while at the same time, showcasingthe preparation o ood. The materials palette takesinspiration rom Venezuela, in the use o zebra wood andbright colors that refect the dierent regions o the country.

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    Mijita Cocina Mexicana is acclaimedchef Traci Des Jardins newest venture,a taqueria conceived as a nod to thepast and a tribute to her Mexican-borngrandmother, who called her the endearing

    diminutive, mijita, meaning little one.The restaurant takes its cues from thel f O d th i t f d

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    colors of Oaxaca and the riot of warm andvibrant patterns found throughout Mexico.Mijita made use of environmentallyfriendly building materials such asrecycled-content ceramic tiles, limewash paint and sustainably harvestedwood. This sensibility extends from Des

    Jardins commitment to local, seasonal,and organic down-to-earth food.

    MIJITA COCINA MEXICANA - FERRY BUILDINGsan francisco, california

  • 8/14/2019 BCV Houses+Hospitality Portfolio


    Ferry Plaza Seaood, located in the historicFerry Building Marketplace on the SanFrancisco Bay waterront, oers customersboth resh fsh and seaood to take home,as well as the opportunity to dine-in. On

    one side o the space, a counter withseating provides a magnifcent view othe San Francisco Bay while the other

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    the San Francisco Bay, while the othercontains a display or the resh fsh o theday. The materials palette consists mainlyo white carrara marble, blue azul bahiagranite, and polished stainless steel, whichlend to the nautical quality o the space.

    FERRY PLAZA SEAFOOD - FERRY BUILDINGsan francisco, california

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    Acme Bread in the historic Ferry BuildingMarketplace is the San Francisco outpostof renowned Bay Area artisan bakerSteve Sullivan. A huge hand-carvedItalian carrera marble counter anchors the

    busy retail front of the store, which is linedwith wood display shelves offering everytype of bread product. Glimpses beyond

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    ype o b ead p oduc . G pses beyo dof the production bakery space give FerryBuilding customers a visual and olfactoryconnection to the bakers unique art.

    ACME BREAD - FERRY BUILDINGsan francisco, california

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    Capay Organics resh produce ound ahome in one o the small 374 s NaveShops at the historic Ferry BuildingMarketplace. Simple, warm wood and ironxtures and tables reminiscent o produce

    packing crates showcase this armersseasonal bounty, and allow or fexiblearrangements depending on display

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    needs. A painted mural o the pastoralCapay Valley provides a visual link to theland where the ood is produced, andencourages the dialogue between armerand consumer that is the cornerstoneo the sustainable ood movement.

    CAPAY ORGAN IC - FERRY BUIL DINGsan francisco, california

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    Mistral Rotisserie Provencale is a classicFrench rotisserie in the historic FerryBuilding Marketplace, oering meatand poultry roasted with Mediterraneanfavors. The tiny 646 s shop managesto incorporate a ull kitchen, with twoFrench-made rotisseries taking centerstage behind a counter showcasing thed i Cl i P l l

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    days oerings. Classic Provencal colors,materials and signage at the ront ohouse complete the French experience.While primarily a take-away oodbusiness, a ew small outdoor tablesallow patrons to enjoy the water view.


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