Q.1. A skin flap a) has no inherent blood supply and is dependent on the recipient site for nutrition. b) has better cosmetic results as compared to partial thickness skin graft. c) is most suitable for incised wounds. d) results in skin closure under tension. Q.2 . A20 years old man suffered from a road traffic accident. He presented with severe pain in right calf, pain on passive movements of calf muscles, distal sensory disturbance. His dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arterial pulsation is very feeble. He should be managed by a) antibiotics. b) anti-coagulant therapy, c) decompression fasciotomy. d) below knee amputation. Q.3. An abscess should be treated by a) healing by primary intention. b) healing by secondary intention. c) healing by tertiary intention (delayed primary suturing). d) split thickness graft. Q.4. In needle stick injuries there is danger of developing following EXCEPT a) hepatitis. b) AIDS. c) Implantation dermoid. d) Rupture of tendon. Q.5. After a trauma a person displays a characterstic response which include all EXCEPT a) Immobility. b) Anaemia. c) Anorexia. d) Catabolism.


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Q.1. A skin flap

a) has no inherent blood supply and is dependent on the recipient site for nutrition.b) has better cosmetic results as compared to partial thickness skin graft.c) is most suitable for incised wounds.d) results in skin closure under tension.

Q.2 . A20 years old man suffered from a road traffic accident. He presented with severe pain in right calf, pain on passive movements of calf muscles, distal sensory disturbance. His dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arterial pulsation is very feeble. He should be managed by

a) antibiotics.b) anti-coagulant therapy,c) decompression fasciotomy.d) below knee amputation.

Q.3. An abscess should be treated by

a) healing by primary intention.b) healing by secondary intention.c) healing by tertiary intention (delayed primary suturing).d) split thickness graft.

Q.4. In needle stick injuries there is danger of developing following EXCEPT

a) hepatitis.b) AIDS.c) Implantation dermoid.d) Rupture of tendon.

Q.5. After a trauma a person displays a characterstic response which include all EXCEPT

a) Immobility.b) Anaemia.c) Anorexia.d) Catabolism.

Q.6. A normal person ingests about

a) 10-20 g. of proteinsb) 30-40 g. of proteinsc) 50-60 of proteinsd) 70-100 of proteins

Q.7. A 25 years young man, who is a known case of insulin dependent diabetes, suffered a road traffic accident. He received a 6 cms. long incised wound by broken glass. His Hb% is 13.5%.The factor which may be responsible for delayed wound healing is

a) Age of the patient.

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b) Nature of wound. c) Insulin dependent diabetes.d) His Hb%

Q.8. A 40 years old man with known tricuspid valve incompetence is brought in emergency in a state of shock. He is likely to have all EXCEPT

a) Increased pulse rate.b) Decreased blood pressure.c) Decreased JVP.d) Decreased urinary output

Q.9. A 30 years old man suffered a run over accident over lower chest and upper abdomen. He is brought in casualty with pulse rate 140 b/min. and thready, B.P. 60/40/mm Hg,. His left sided 7th-11th ribs are fractured. X-ray chest shows left sided opacity with obliteration of costophrenic angle. U/S shows free fluid in peritoneal cavity and splenic tear. The best fluid to resuscitate the patient would be

a) 5% dextrose-waterb) Ringer lactate solution.c) Hemmeccel.d) Blood.

Q.10. A 40 years old woman underwent cholecystectomy, which was uneventful. 08 hours later patient is found in shock, with B.P.70/40mmHg and pulse 120 b/min. Drain contains 600 ml. of blood. Patient has

a) Primary haemorrhage.b) Secondary haemorrhage.c) Tertiary haemorrhage. d) Reactionary haemorrhage.

Q.11. A22 year old woman , known case of hepatitis C with INR 2 is to be operated for emergency C.Section. The best option for bleeding control during surgery is administration of

a) Whole blood.b) Platelet concentrates.c) Fresh Frozen Plasma.d) I.V. Vitamin K

Q.12. A 30 years old female was brought to casualty with ante partum haemorrhage. She was pale and developing shock.She had to be transfused 08 pints of blood in 03 hours. She is likely to develop

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a) Hyperthermia.b) Hypercalcaemia.c) Coagulopathy.d) Hyperchloraemic acidosis.

Q.13. A hypertrophic scar

a) Is an excessive scar that extends beyond the boundaries of original scar.b) Results from excessive inflammatory response.c) Does not improve spontaneously.d) Should be treated by excision and skin grafting.

Q.14. A 30 year coal-miner suffered 40% burn. After recovery he had an extensive contracture in right axilla. He was unable to abduct the arm. The best treatment option is

a) Release of contracture and skin grafting.b) Excision of contracture and primary suturing.c) Physiotherapy.d) Z- plasty.

Q.15. A 12 year old boy presented in casualty with history of pain and swelling on right side of neck for 05 days. He said that pain preceded the swelling. On examination he has a 5x5 cm. swelling on right side of neck which is very tender, skin over the selling is red and hot as compared to surrounding skin

a) Tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathyb) Acute abscess.c) Branchial cyst.d) Chemodectoma

Q.16. Gas gangrene is produced by

a) Bacteroides fragilis.b) Claustridium perfringens.c) Streptococci faecalis.d) Staphylococcus aureus

Q.17. A 20 years girl is scheduled for subtotal thyroidectomy. For prophylaxis she is advised Inj. Cefotaxime. The best time to start the prophylactic antibiotic is

a) 02 days prior to surgery.b) At the time of induction of anaesthesia.c) 02 hours after surgery.d) 06 hours after surgery

Q.18. A 25 years old woman has to undergo a subtotal thyroidectomy. She is hepatitis C +ve. The most relevant investigation required in her would be

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a) Prothrombin time &INR.b) Serum creatinine.c) Blood sugar (random).d) Blood C.P.

Q.19. During post operative assessment of a 35 years old female who was planned for cholecystectomy, her serum electrolyte report shows Na+ 120 meq/L, K+ 4.0 meq/L, Cl- 98 meq/L, HCO3- 25 meq/L. She is having

a) Hyper chloraemic acidosis.b) Hypokalaemiac) Alkalosis.d) Hyponatraemia.

Q.20. A 65 years old man underwent prostatectomty. 04 days after operation he c/o pain in right calf. The right calf is swollen and tender. The condition could have been prevented by all EXCEPT

a) Early mobilization of patient.b) Prophylactic antibioticsc) Perioperative low molecular weight heparind) Leg compression stockings

Q.21. A32 year old man who was operated for hernia developed temp. of 101o f on 1st post operative day. The most likely cause is

a) Wound infection.b) Urinary tract infection.c) Basal atelactasis.d) Dehydration.

Q.22.The aims of general anaesthesia are all EXCEPT

a) Unconsciousness.b) Pain relief.c) Muscle relaxation.d) Hypotension.

Q.23. The most commonly used antiseptic drug for surgical scrubbing is

a) Spiritb) Alcohol.c) Chlorhexidine.d) Povidone-iodine.

Q.24. A25 year old man was inserted a central venous catheter. 04 hours later he is found to have low blood pressure, rise in pulse rate and increased JVP. He is most likely having

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a) Myocardial infarctionb) Cardiac temponade.c) Air embolism.d) Pulmonary thrombo-embolism

Q.25. A30 year old man was operated for hernia. Post operative he developed acute shortness of breath. He may have following EXCEPT

a) Hypotension.b) Pulmonary embolism.c) Myocardial infarctiond) Exacerbation of asthma

Q.26. A 45 year old farmer who had a history of thorn prick 06 months back presented in casualty with inability to open his mouth and severe spasm of all muscles for 02 days.He also gives H/O one fit .The prognosis of the patient depends upon

a) Period of onset (prodromal period).b) Incubation period.c) Area of wound.d) Secondary infection by pyogenic organisms.

Q.27. A motorcyclist suffered a road traffic accident. The 1st thing that needs care at accident spot is

a) Bleeding.b) Patent airway.c) Dressing of wounds.d) Fractures.

Q.28. A cricket player was hit by cricket ball on his left temple.He fell unconscious but soon regained consciousness. 04 hours later his condition suddenly deteriorated. He developed unconsciousness, right sided hemiparesis and dilatation of left pupil. The most appropriate treatment option is

a) I.V. corticosteroids.b) I.V. mannitol.c) Close observation and follow-up.d) Immediate burr-hole and evacuation of haematoma.

Q.29. A 45 year old man suffered a road traffic accident. He presented in casualty with deformity of face and numbness on the cheek. He is suffering from

a) Fracture of frontal bone.b) Fracture of parietal bone.c) Fracture of zygomatic complex.d) Fracture of mandible.

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Q.30. Following a RTA a30 year motorcyclist suffered from four avulsed teeth. He is immediately rushed to hospital for re- implantation of these teeth. The best transport medium for these teeth is

a) Plain water.b) Fresh milk.c) Formalein.d) Normal saline.

Q.31. In a burn case the best results are obtained in

a) Scalds.b) Flame burns.c) Chemical burns.d) Electric burns.

Q.32. The most common organ affected in burns is

a) Respiratory system.b) Muscles.c) Sub-cutaneous fat.d) Skin

Q.33. A 50 year old man was trapped in burning shop. When presented in casualty the first thing to look for is

a) Dressing of burnt area.b) Maintaining I.V. line.c) Measuring the burnt surface area.d) Airway control.

Q.34. A 25 year old woman had dropping of boiling water on her while making tea. On examination the burnt area was pink and moist. The sensations on pin prick are normal. She is having

a) Superficial dermal burn.b) Deep dermal burn.c) Mixed deep dermal and full thickness burn.d) Full thickness burn.

Q.35. In extensive burns the most common cause of death during 1st 24 hours is

a) Wound infection.b) Haemorrhage.c) Respiratory failure.d) Hypovolaemia

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Q.36. A child presented with a lateral swelling 8x8cms., which is non-tender, soft and brilliantly transilluminant. The most likely diagnosis is

a) Cystic hygroma.b) Cold abscess c) Thyroid nodule.d) Sternomastoid tumour.

Q.37. The change that suggests that pleomorphic adenoma of parotid has undergone malignant change include all EXCEPT

a) The swelling enlarges rapidly.b) It becomes hard on palpationc) There is involvement of facial nerve.d) It becomes painful.

Q.38. An 18 years girl presents with symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. On examination thyroid is not palpable. T3 and T4 are elevated and TSH is markedly suppressed. She should best be treated by

a) Lugol’s iodine.b) Radio active iodine therapy.c) Surgery.d) Anti thyroid drugs.

Q.39.High level of serum calcitonin is common in the following malignancy of thyroid:

a) Anaplastic carcinomab) Follicular carcinomac) Medullary carcinomad) Papillary carcinoma

Q.40. A young male is admitted with history of low grade fever usually in the evening, for the last 3 months. He also complains of weight loss. On examination he has cervical lymphadenopathy with matted nodes on the right side. The likely clinical diagnosis would be;

a) Carcinoma of the thyroidb) Metastatic lymphadenopathyc) Sarcoidosisd) Tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy.

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Q.41. Vicryl suture, is an example of;

a) Natural unabsorbleb) Natural absorblec) Synthetic unabsorbled) Synthetic absorbable

Q.42. Sterilization of electrical equipment is done by:

a) Autoclaveb) Boilingc) Ethylene oxide gasd) Gluteraldehyde

Q.43. The investigation of choice to differentiate between solid and cystic lesion in thyroid is;

a) CT scanb) Mammographyc) MRId) Ultrasound

Q.44. Before surgery patients are advised to remain Nil Per Oral ( NPO ) for at least 6 hours pre-operatively to avoid;

a) Aspiration pneumonitisb) Atelectasis of lungsc) Difficulty in intubation by anaesthetistd) Vomiting in post operative period

Q.45. A 35 year old male is attended in ward following a mandibular tumour excision and repair with flap cover. He is seen to be confused and aggressive. The likely cause would be;

a) Hypoxia b) Pain of surgeryc) Pneumothorax

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d) Prolong anaesthesia

Q.46. Basal cell carcinoma

a) Metastasizes mainly through blood stream.b) Metastasizes mainly through lymphatics.c) Is best treated by surgery and local re-construction.d) Is radio resistant

Q.47. Spilit thickness skin grafts

a) Are best over bare bone.b) Can be applied over large areas.c) Give good cosmetic results.d) Require repair of donor site.

Q.48. the following swelling move on deglutition

a) Submental dermoid cyst.b) Branchial cyst.c) Thyroglossal cyst.d) Mid line cold abscess.

Q.49. A 50 year old man presents with painless progressive jaundice for last 03 months. He is having itching all over body. There is no history of fever. His serum bilirubin level is 15.6 mg/dl, SGPT is 68 units/l, Alkaline Phosphatase is 1218units/l. Gall Bladder is palpable. The most likely diagnosis is

a) Carcinoma head of pancreas.b) Choledocholithiasis.c) Sclerosing cholangitis.d) Haemolytic jaundice

Q.50. A 30years old man presents with pain in the mouth. Pain increases during meals, especially taking spicy food and citrus food like lemon. The most likely diagnosis is

a) Tonsillitis.b) Pharyngitis.c) Quinsy.d) Stone in submandibular salivary gland duct

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