BATV Fall 2009 Newsletter

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  • 8/14/2019 BATV Fall 2009 Newsletter

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    Inside Tis Issue:Youth Video Club ................Page 2

    Web site ................................. Page 5

    Technical Corner .................Page 6

    Programming News ............Page 7

    BAV Hours o OperationMon. Turs. . 10:00 am - 9:30 pm

    Friday .............. 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Saturday .......... 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Sunday ...............1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

    BAV will be Closed:

    Monday, October 12, 2009Columbus Day

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009Veterans Day

    Tursday, November 12, 2009Close at 3:00 pm

    Wednesday, November 25, 2009Close at 2:00 pm

    Tursday, November 26, 2009Tanksgiving

    Tursday, December 24, 2009Close at 2:00 pm

    Friday December 25 - SundayDecember 27, 2009


    Fall 2009 Issue430 Boston Road

    Billerica, MA01821

    Collection o Memoriesby Sam Schauerman

    Almost two years ago, sta proposed while the board o directorsapproved, a programming policy stating BAV retains the master mediumo all programs produced using BAV equipment and retains the right to

    cablecast, stream and / or distribute program material without limit or twoyears. Municipal meetings shall be retained or ve years. From that day topresent day, sta has taken on an overwhelming task o attempting to returnprogram tapes, DVDs and mediums o all types, to their presenters.

    Prior to the amended programming policy, BAV retained themaster tape o all programs produced using BAV equipment with the rightto cablecast indenitely. For years, the policy was contemplated internally.Dialogue about shel lie, storage and content occurred repeatedly. Whilemany programs were originally produced with a timely nature, many weretimeless, but sta was oen perplexed when attempting to re-cablecast

    archived programming, not knowing the extent o each programs content. Astime progressed and storage became even more o an issue, it was unanimouslydecided to return archived programming and only retain programming ortwo years (with the exception o municipal programming).

    Sta was eager to begin the process, but soon discovered how timelythis project would be. Aer many starts and stops, sta eventually ound aroutine to keep the process going. Tis project not only involved perusingdatabases, sorting and printing reports, handling thousands o programs,attempts to locate presenters, emails and phone calls galore and climbing upstairs to the mezzanine and oen bumping ones head into the low beams

    within, but also provided an opportunity to revisit BAV s past. Memories o

    individuals, programs and earlier times were abundant.While I was not as instrumental in the physical process as others, I

    was active in advising how to contact many individuals. I can honestly say, asvast as this project was, I am grateul to have been a part o it as the processhas provided me with so many memories and the opportunity to speak

    with and even see many producers / presenters rom the past. While manyo the long time BAV members will snicker at my remark, I realized ondmemories when handling program tapes rom the likes o rains with Ed,Foodaramaland, Seniors by Seniors, Khmer Family Entertainment, Billerica

    Continued on 4

    Public Channel 8 Educational Channel 10 Government Channel 22The Producer

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    Board o DirectorsPresident ........................... Cosmo Cavicchio

    Vice President ........................Jennifer Casco

    Secretary ......................................John Coyne

    Treasurer ..................................Jim Woodside

    Asst. Treasurer ..................... David Fournier

    Board Member ..........................Dianne Bone

    Board Member ................... Barbara Flaherty

    Board Member .............................Gerry Goss

    Board Member ...................... Patricia Healey

    Board Member ..................... Salah Khelfaoui

    Board Member .....................James McFeeley

    Board Member ...................... Joan Parcewski

    Board Member .......................... Helen Potter

    Board Member .........................Carla Trottier

    Board Member ......................... Sandi Wilson

    Te Producer 2009Billerica Access TV

    430 Boston Road

    Billerica, MA 01821

    Phone: 978-663-2284

    Fax: 978-667-4969

    [email protected]

    Editor & Layout

    Jason Bazinet

    Contributing Writers:

    Paul Abrego

    Jason Bazinet

    Tom Mixon

    Sam Schauerman

    Karen Sennott

    Alex Shure

    BAV Sta:

    echnical Coordinator .............................................Paul AbregAccess Coordinator .................................................Jason BazineProduction Assistant .............................................. Al CarpenitProduction Assistant ................................................ om MixoExecutive Director ............................................Sam SchauermaAdministration ...................................................... Karen SennoProgramming Coordinator ........................................ Alex ShurProduction Assistant ................................................Nancy Ston

    New Youth Video Club meeting times!By om Mixon

    Im proud to announce the continuation and expansion o BAVsweekly youth club meet-ups. Troughout the school year studentsin 5th-12th grade are invited to take part in small groups ocusingon explorative camera, editing, scripting and perormance exercises -

    leading into larger projects concerned with narrative, documentary,and animated video. Te ollowing times have been scheduled or thedierent age groups, and students are welcome to join at any timethroughout the year:

    uesdays 4-5pm ............................................... 5th-6th grade group 1(Tis group will mostly contain students continuing-on rom last

    years Dutile Enrichment program, but anyone within this age-rame iswelcome to attend!)

    uesdays 5-6pm ...................................6th, 7th, and 8th grade groupWednesdays 4-5pm ................ 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade group

    Wednesdays 5-6pm .......................................... 5th-6th grade group 2(Tis group will mostly contain students continuing-on rom our

    summer program, as well as last years Parker Enrichment program, butanyone within this age-rame is welcome to attend!)

    Tere will be an additional one hour open-work period rom 6-7pm onuesdays and Wednesdays, which wont be a ormal meeting or class,but rather, a time blocked out where any youth member, rom any othe age groups 5th-12th grade, can come to work on projects, i they

    wanted, with the understanding that I would be there to assist and/orcritique. Te projects can be carry-overs rom what we happened to dothat week in our meet-ups, or video projects or school, or even i they

    just wanted to amiliarize themselves with certain equipment.

    Group meet-ups will begin the week o September 21st. I you haveany questions, please eel ree to contact me at [email protected]

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    BATV430 Boston Road




    Te next regularly scheduled BAV Board o Directors Meeting isWednesday, December 9th, 2009, 7:00 p.m. at BAV.

    You are welcome to attend!


    Save the date!October 19th, 7-9pm

    BAV and REACH Massachusetts (Reuge,Education, Advocacy and Change) are

    partnering up to provide a Friendraiser onOctober 19th, 7-9pm, at our 430 Boston Roadacilities. Te event is meant to raise awarenessabout domestic violence, and to provideinormation to the community about REACHsservices and mission. Te evening will consisto an educational discussion, highlightingthe programs and support groups available toBillerica residents, as well as a talk by a domestic

    violence survivor. Please join us as we helpREACH to attain its goals o advancing thesaety, healing, and empowerment o those whoexperience domestic or relationship violence,as well as promoting social justice. Lightrereshments will be served.

    -om Mixon

    Members mark yourcalendars or

    BAV is



    October26, 2009

    Billerica Access elevision, Inc. is amember o the Alliance or Community Media,and supports its eorts to advance access toelectronic media. Below is an excerpt romthe Alliances web site which denes their core

    values.How the Alliance wants to impact the world.In order or democracy to ourish,

    people must be active participants in theirgovernment, educated to think critically andree to express themselves. Te mission o theAlliance or Community Media is to advancedemocratic ideals by ensuring that people haveaccess to electronic media and by promotingeective communication through communityuses o media.


    FOR COMMUNIY MEDIAIn accomplishing its Ends the Alliance

    will demonstrate to, and share with the worldthese core values.

    Honesty and Integrity: Alliance orCommunity Media operations and communi-cations are air, open and transparent.

    Diversity: Alliance or CommunityMedia engages all people and strives to in-crease access to ACM activities or all people.

    Global Society: Alliance or Commu-nity Media recognizes the need or electronicdemocracy is a worldwide issue.

    Education: Alliance or CommunityMedia provides and shares educationalresources and training to all o ourcommunities so they are inormed aboutcommunity media and empowered as citizens.

    More inormation can be ound by

    Alliance For CommunityMedia

    BAV WEARBAV has -shirts and Sweatshirts

    available or sale:

    -shirts ...............................................$8.00Sweatshirts .......................................$20.00

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    Open Forum, An Evening with Prilly and the Purple Hairs, Window On Italy, Insights, Deep Dish V, Te DribbleSeries, immy Rider, So Much o Say, Depression Workshop, Standup Poetry, alk Around own, Mooneet, SallyEpstein Maybe its my age or my sensitivity, but Im eeling a bit melancholy just thinking about the past programsand the individuals that have been such an integral part o BAV s history.

    Just last week, BAV began the process o returning archived programming rom 2005 & 2006; a task thatnow seems relatively simple! While I have yet to view program titles that will be returned, I am looking orward to the

    process with anticipation.

    During the past six months, sta has been discussing the submission o programming by electronic distribution(via the internet) in an attempt to be ahead o the curve in setting policy or such. While it will prove to be an efcientmeans or distribution, I contemplate, or selsh reasons, the lack o physical interaction and emotionless mechanics, butit is the way o the uture, and the uture will provide or many opportunities and yes, memories.

    On behal o BAV, thank you or presenting the Billerica community with countless hours o programming.On a more personal note, thank you or providing me with so many ond memories. And lastly, thank you Alex andom!

    Collection o Memories (continued from 1)

    Oending the Audienceby om Mixon

    Publikumsbeschimpung, as it was originallypublished in German, 1966, has by no means beenorgotten. A revival o the Peter Handke anti-play hasbeen staged as recent as last year. One can nd ampleamounts o criticism regarding the author, content, eecton language, eects o the eects on language, secrethomages to Bertolt Brecht hidden between the stagedirections, etc. etc.

    Not orgotten. But applied? And morespecically: is it possible (/desirable?) or Handkes ideas

    regarding audience alienation to resonate in the publicaccess television realm? Are you willing to ask yoursel,assuming you produce or plan to produce programmingor BAV broadcast, in what ways you purposely appease

    potential viewers? o think about the ways in whichyou make it easy, consciously or not, or the audience:boosting the audio, providing on-screen lower-thirds, allthe expository ino sandwiching the start and stop, gettingthe perect shot, making sure we can see a subjectseyes, worrying over the message, the do you thinktheyll understand, get it, appreciate me?, the quicknessautomatic response apologizing or not moving the cameraast enough, orgetting to check the ocus, allowing a

    viewer to sink deeper and deeper into the couch cushions,more and more comortable.

    Why should the audience be comortable? I posethis not as directive, no sort o subtle hint o shame rather, I am curious how so much o what we think o asproessional production is wrapped up in the habitual

    pleasing o others, a reexive impulse towards doingwhatever it takes to gain immediate acceptance. O

    course this question, this doubt, loses some o its relevancewhen placed in the context o public service, i.e. audio/visual archiving o meetings, governmental aairs, ofcialceremonies and the like. But even this, altruistic as it maybe, is by no means exempt rom questions o intention, the

    wonder o why-this-and-why-not-that composition, ar orclose-up shot, pressing record at all.

    Handke had his hecklers. But he welcomed them.o him, it was a sign o success the tomatoes and theinsults, the unspeakable threats, members o the crowd

    walking out during the perormance. It meant that, at thevery least, the audience was getting involved, preciselybecause they were not comortable.

    I invite you, challenge you, to oend the audience.Not oend in the sense o transgressing regulationsconcerning obscenity or libel not to be purposely mean,the utilization o shock tactics to create explicit picturesque

    perversions having become so clich anyway, more areection o ones own inhumane cruelness than anythingelse. o not give it to an audience so easy, to explore theart o withholding, to alienate as a way to unite this

    kind o oending. Tis kind o oending can be beautiul.Tis kind o oending can be inormative. And there isno telling what this medium, this television which is byno means ully explored, can be, what any medium can be,until one is willing to have tomatoes thrown at ones work,to have an audience walk out o the theater to put viewersin a position where their ngers are hovering above thechannel-up arrow button, on the verge o switching stationsconused at what they see because it isnt immediately clear.

    But at least they havent disappeared into the couch

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    echnology at BAV

    Its starting to get busy around here and a lot o technology improvements are about tobreak through at BAV. What better time to release these great new eatures than right now,during the best time o year, the all. So what technology am I talking about? Well web sitechanges or one. I know Ive been gearing you up or this upgrade and its almost here. BAV

    will be implementing a Drupal based web site which will allow us to be more interactive with the

    membership and the rest o the Billerica community. With the release o the new web site, youcan also expect a BAV in your e-mail introducing the new site. I you havent signed up orthe BAV In your e-mail go to our web site at or e-mail me at [email protected] with your name and e-mail address and I ll add you to the list. Aer the web siteintroduction e-mail issue, you can expect e-mail on a more regular basis.

    Also, i you are a producer and are interested in having a producer web page on our siteplease let me know. I have heard rom a ew producers so ar, and dont worry, I havent orgottenabout you. Once the new website is released, I will be able to generate a producer page or you. Myhope is that in time, a producer will be able to log in and make updates to your page to keep it ascurrent and relevant as possible.

    So we have many things to look orward to in the very near uture; perhaps it is already in

    transition as you are reading this newsletter. I you have any questions or comments please e-mailJason at [email protected]

    Aer School Enrichment

    BAV is excited to once againbe oering aer school enrichment

    programs to the Billerica Public Schools.Aer School Enrichment has been along standing program at BAV andits always a un time o year or me. I m

    always happy when I hear rom parentsabout how excited their children are orhow much un theyve have had in the

    program. In addition to the aer schoolenrichment program, there are manyother opportunities or youth at BAV.Check out oms article on page twoabout all o the meeting times or the

    youth video club.Te media is ever evolving with

    new technologies, marketing techniquesand delivery methods. Educatingstudents with an awareness o how mediainuences them every day, as well asteaching them where media started and

    where is it today is an experience they willcarry through lie. I greatly enjoy teachingchildren about a eld that I am passionateabout and look orward to another great



    BAV is ortunate to have such an activemembership and I thought I would use this spaceto gloat about you a little bit. I am proud every timeI go out wearing my BAV -shirt or sweatshirtand get stopped by a stranger to tell me about howgreat the BAV channels are. I can tell you this

    has personally happened on several occasions andpeople either comment on the variety o programs,or the shear number o unique programs that wehave. People have also commented that they wouldlike to take classes or make a show at BAV. I youare a member, or even i you arent, and youve beenthinking about coming to BAV to learn more aboutthis video production stu, then I encourage you todo so. BAV is a great community o people and theonly way to keep it strong is or Billerica residents tokeep making programs to air on BAV.

    I your membership has lapsed, or youhavent yet joined, I encourage you to renew or2010. Tere is always space or another volunteer,another point o view, and another great programat BAV. I you arent the producer type, we alsohave opportunities or you to sponsor a program

    you may have ound on or archive.orgor to volunteer to work on someone elses project.

    Whatever your calling, I hope to see you at BAV.

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    Hello to all members! I hope everyoneenjoyed their summer (what we had o one)and are ready or the coming o autumn inNew England. As the leaves begin to showtheir brilliance, we here at BAV are gearingup or the season with some great upcoming

    programs, classes and all-around all un.

    As mentioned beore in these pages, BAVSpotlight will shine in its debut coming upin mid-October. Te rst installment willcenter on the lighting board, our animationand time-lapse video soware, the new andimproved mini-studio as well as some greatinormation about BAV that even the mostactive volunteers may not be aware o. Inaddition, there will be plenty o lightheartedlooks behind the scenes at BAV and dont be

    surprised to see yours truly really hamming itup or all o Billerica to gawk at.Speaking o behind the scenes ootage, BAV

    will be airing the Summer Youth Classesvideos. Well take a look at what the kidsdid to prepare or their starring roles in theirGiant Monsters Attack short videos andthen air the nished productions. Tere wasan abundance o demand or the class this

    year, mainly due to the tremendous success o

    our enrichment programs during the schoolyear. Kudos to our own Jason Bazinet orinspiring so many kids to join the BAVray, that we expanded our summer programsinto two large classes. Each class was taughteld and studio production as well as gettingsome experience in stop-motion animation.Ten each group tackled the script or GiantMonsters Attack and made it their own. Ithink members will get a kick out o seeingthe two classes nd their inner actors! I wastruly proud to have such great classes and theamount o hard work the kids put in cannotbe understated. I hope everyone tunes in andenjoys the program as much as we had unmaking it.In class news, I am currently developingnew classes or Final Cut Pro. I would liketo begin oering classes in SoundtrackPro, Motion and stop-motion animation

    soware in the near uture. I would,however, like some eedback rom themembership concerning their interests andneeds to develop their skills as editors and

    videographers. I there are specic classes orthings that you, my aithul readers wouldlike to learn more about, please email me at

    [email protected] and let me

    know. We may be holding workshop-styleclasses that are open to the public or to smallgroups o members or we may just have oneon one classes. Te real gauge o what people

    want is by their eedback, so holler at me,Billerica.

    Te uture at BAV looks bright regardingour contract status and that means the

    possibility o new equipment being on the

    horizon as well. Ill keep everyone postedin the coming months as we look orwardto next year and to adding to our state othe art equipment and acilities. Remember,our ability to provide up to date productionacilities and equipment is the cornerstoneo BAV s ability to bring Billerica home toeveryone.

    So, heres to wishing or a great and productiveall or everyone and I hope to see you all

    soon. Well not here, in my column but youknow, at the station. Oh, and dont orget totune into Late Night Teatres HalloweenNight Spooktacular: Te Dusk till DawnMonsterpiece. Something tells me there willbe chills, thrills and BAV sta being quiteghoulish. Or was that just plain oolish?Either way, you are sure to have more un thantrick or treatin. You supply the candy, wellsupply the screams!

    2010 Facility Database isavailable or reservations as o

    October 1, 2009

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    Some notes rom the Programming Coordinator:

    Greetings everyone, I hope the swily eeting summer has satisactorily satiated everyonesneed or un and sun. I hope you all got out to sur and tur and photosynthesize. o swim

    with the shes; run with wild horses; soar with the eagles; to stand on the tallest peak androar Long Live BAV! or this is what the summer is all about. But all good things mustinevitably come to a halt, or now. Te UVB has subsided and we can step o our banana boats.

    We have already consumed the blighted tomatoes our gardens have birthed and are hungry ormore, BAV.

    Now as I sadly pack away my ns and snorkel in avor o annel jammies and long underwear,I look orward! Teres no reason to get down or eel blue while such good things lie ahead.Along with the annual back-to-school inux o new programming BAV has at least twoevents planned that we are all excited about. We have the brand new Carnival O Thanks(stay tuned or more ino) and we are planning another BAV is Haunted (witch cackle playshere) a ollow up to last years enormously successul, spooktackular, ghoulicious and rightastichaunted studio.

    For those who enjoy getting a bad case o the creeps, on Halloween night BAV Channel8 will be airing nothing but old horror movies rom dusk till dawn. Te lms played will beamily riendly and in the public domain but that doesnt mean your hair wont turn white

    with ear! Why, Im so terried assembling this blood curdling extravaganza that I cant waitto show everyone. In the immortal words o Alice Cooper; Welcome to my nightmare! Sodont give in to corporate media this Halloween, stay with us and we shant disappoint. Nothingis worse than Halloween on a school night, except or getting a box o raisins while trick-or-treating. However, Halloween is on Saturday night this year thereore its your duty to stay upall night long! So put on your 3D glasses (they will do nothing) and watch the Dusk till DawnMonsterpiece i you dare

    Now that Ive run out o ham, I will change the subject Occasionally I get asked, I sawsomething old and weird on BAV, what was that? Tese old and weird programs mostlikely came rom No, you dont have Dj vu because, yes, I have wrote aboutInternet Archive beore. In any case, I bring it up again because not only are there old and weirdthings on there (my avorite) but I believe it to be an excellent research tool or historical andmodern media. So check it out, you may nd some hidden media treasures. Te ollowing wastaken rom IAs website,

    Te Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-prot that was ounded to build an Internet library.Its purposes include oering permanent access or researchers, historians, scholars, people

    with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital ormat.Founded in 1996 and located in the Presidio o San Francisco, the Archive has been receivingdata donations rom Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow toinclude more well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Archive includes texts, audio, movingimages, and soware as well as archived web pages in our collections, and is working to providespecialized services relating to training, education, or adaptive reading or inormation accessneeds o blind or other persons with disabilities. How bout that!

    As always, I am your Programming Coordinator. Please eel ree to be in touch with anyquestions, concerns, comments about programming.

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    Non-Prot Org.U.S. Postage

    PAIDPermit No. 134

    No. Billerica, MA

    Billerica Access elevision, Inc.430 Boston RoadBillerica, MA 01821(978)663-2284

    In Tis Issue:Youth Video Club

    BAV is Haunted Dateechnology Changes

    And much more...


    Save the date!Tursday, November 12th

    BaTvs Carnival O Thanks!Member Appreciation Night

    Food, Games, Awards, Prizes and Surprises!Billerica Elks, 6:00 pm

    A un-flled evening celebrating all the ways our MarvelousMembers Matter!