GMIND INSTITUTE 1 Basic & Computer Fundamentals Basic &Computer Fundamentals Definition of Computer:-

Basic &Computer Fundamentals CCA SYLLABUS WITH … · Basic & Computer Fundamentals Computer is an electronic device that can help sowed problems by accepting data and processing

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Basic &Computer Fundamentals

Definition of Computer:-

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Computer is an electronic device that can

help sowed problems by accepting data and processing in C.P.U. then give us

results or generate output through output devices.


Computer is a basically & electronic devices. Which can data accept from user

it convert into some meaning & full information.

Full form of the COMPUTER:-

C = Commonly, Calculator, Calculation.

O = Operating.

M = Machine, Memory.

P = Particular, Purpose, Program, Processing.

U = Used in, User, Update.

T = Trade, Technical, Tabulate, Technology.

E = Education, Electronics, Engineering.

R = Research, Result, Response.

History of the Computer

The history of Computer is known as near about 3000 years old.

Chinese invented a calculating machine called

ABACUS: - Abacus is a device of counting beats in string or rapes, was used to

calculate and store the immediate results of mental arithmetic.

In 17th century, developed a mechanical calculator which named „PASCALINE‟ by

blasé Pascal in 1642.

Jacquard’s Loom:-

Joseph Jacquard invented a stiff card with a series of holes

punched on it, in 1801. Joseph Jacquard was a French weaver and his full name was

Joseph Jacquard. His machine was used to draw different types of design and

pattern change automatically in dotes.

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Charles Babbage Difference Engine:-

Early 19th

century, is considered

as the Golden Era (Loj.kh; ;qx) in the history of the computer.

Charles Babbage developed a calculation, which was previously done manually

using „HANDSET MATHEMATICAL TABLES‟, these calculations should be

inaccurate if there were some errors in the table. To overcome this, Charles

Babbage developed a machine in 1822 called „DIFFERENCE ENGINE‟ was a

special purpose computing machine.

Charles Babbage was an English professor from Cambridge University.

Analytical Engine:-

Analytical Engine was developed by Charles Babbage in

1833. This machine was building general purpose computing machine and more

advanced than the difference engine. Analytical engine was built around the some

five components-

a) Input

b) Control

c) Steer

d) A.L.U.

e) Output

Note: - Father of Computer science “CHARLES BABBAGE”.

Hollerith Census Tabulator:-

Herman Hollerith developed a tabulating

machine in 1890. Hollerith tabulating machine is used for census (tux.kuk).


In year 1944 Dr. Howard Aiken and four other engineers of

IBM ventured together developed a machine officially known as „Automatic

Sequence Controlled Calculators‟. This machine was latter given a name „MARK-

I‟.ABC (Atana soff Berry Computer):-

In 1945, Atana soff developed an electronic

machine which was named ABC. This was first electronic computer.


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The history of commercial computing is recognized of generation. Each

characteristic by specific developments.

1. First Generation of Computer (1946-1955):-

During 1943-46, John William

Mauchley and J.P. Eckert developed first large general purpose computer is called

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). It was 100 ft long and 10

ft height. It consisted of 18,000 vacuum tubes and consumed 140 kw of electricity.

It was 30 tones heavy.

2. Second Generating of Computer (1955-1963):- The computer otter 1955 is

known as second generation of computer. The electronic vacuum tube is replaced

by transistor. These were much smaller in size rare faster IBM-1620, IBM-1401;

IBM-7090 etc. are some commonly second generations of computers.

3. Third Generation of computer (1963-1975):- The computer footer 1963 is

known as third generation of computers, used IC (Integrated Circuited). This

increased their storage capacity. Computers of this generation have

multiprogramming facilities.

4. Fourth Generation of computer (1975-1994):- The fourth generation of

computer was produced offer 1970. The computer of this generation used

„Microprocessor‟. Microprocessor is a silicon chip. A microprocessor performs all

the logical function in a computer.

5. Fifth Generation of computer (1994-upto):- The fifth generation of

computer involved the concept of computer of artificial intelligence with makes the

computer think likes human beings. The intelligence of these computers will be

greatly improved to make logical and sensible decisions just like a human being like



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Application Purpose Size Analog Computer Special Purpose Computer Mini computer

Digital Computer General Purpose Computer Micro


Hybrid Computer Mainframe




Super Computer


Types of Computer based on Application:-

There are three types of application computer

Analog Computer

Digital Computer

Hybrid Computer

Analog Computer: - These are the computer which can work with continuously

variable physical parameters. For example Pressure, Temperature, Length, vertex

etc. and expressed them in numerals a parameters.

Digital Computer:- The computer which work on binary digits (0,1) is called

digital computers these computer work very fast with accuracy, so they are very


For Example: - Pentium-1 – P1

P2 Old Computers.



Dual core, core 2do, core I3, core I4, core I5, these are present computers.

Hybrid Computer: - Hybrid Computer is the combination of digital computer

and analog computer. For example Mainframe computer, super computer.

Types of Computer based on Purpose:- There are two types of purpose


General purpose computer

Special purpose computer

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General purpose computer:-These are general jobs, such as word processor is

used to prepare letter, document etc. These computers have a cheaper C.P.U.

Special purpose computer: - These computers are made for special purpose.

Their C.P.U. are especially designed are used for film, beside these three fields

were special purpose computers are used as under.

Hedicine and Surgery.


Traffic control

In the field of chemical research


Types of Computer based on Size:-There are mainly five types of sized computers.

Micro computer

Mini computer

Mainframe computer

Workstation computer

Super computer (or PARAM)

Micro Computer:-these computers are used micro processor. These led to the

availability of cheaper computer system. This made possible, small computer to

extend that they can be put on the desk – can be kept inside the briefcase.

Microcomputers are being used in business, homes, office and school etc.

Workstation computer:- Workstation computer are like microcomputer much

powerful than these especially used for running complex programs. These powerful

machines are greatly used by the scientist, engineers and other professionals.

Mini computer:- These are medium sized computers. Mini computers are more

expensive than a micro computer, one cannot think of purchasing a mini computer.

For personal use, these computers are generally useful for small or medium sized


Mainframe computer:-These are large computers with bigger storage capacity.

These can stores huge data basis. They are used being used by big companies, bank


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Super computer: - Super computers are computer with highest capacity and

highest working speed among all the categories of computers. „PARAM‟ is made

by Indian. Super computer also known as PARAM computer.

Input Device

Input device convert the data and information into readable forms o and 1 beats.

Device can be classified as mentioned below -

Online input device

Offline input device

Various input devices are as follows: Keyboard






Light Pen

Touch Screen

Track Ball

Keyboard: - Keyboard is most common and convenient input device. Data and

program are input in computer through keyboard.

There are mainly three types of keys of keyboard:

i. The alpha-Numeric keys

ii. The Numeric keypad

iii. The functional keys (f1 to f12)

iv. Special purpose keys or other keys.

Keyboard is three types-

1) Normal Keyboard (85-87)

2) Standard Keyboard (105-111)

3) Multi-Keypad (127)

Mouse: - Mouse is a handheld pointing input device which can be used by single

hand. Mouse has two or more buttons. Left hand side button is most in use.

There are three types of mouse

Mechanical Mouse

Optical Mouse

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Cordless Mouse

OMR (optical mark reader):- OMR is a device which checks the presence

and absence of the pencil mark on the paper. It reads the paper by flashing light on

a paper and by receiving the reflection of the paper.

OCR (optical character recognizer):- OCR consists of special character,

letter, number, and special symbols than can read by a light source that can convert

then electrical signals that can be sent to a computer tar processing.

Scanner: - Scanner is the input device which input data on the paper in the

graphics, picture or text directly into the computer.

Joystick: - Joystick is used for playing videogames. It has a handle which can

help us in navigating the turtle or graphics on the screen.

Track Ball: - It has the same function as that of joystick and also used by kids. It

has a ball on upper surface. This can help us navigating the turtle or graphics on the


Light Pen: - Light Pen is used to draw any picture or graphics on the computer

screen. A light pen consists of a light sensitive pen like device to select object on a

display screen.

Touch Screen: - Touch screen is an input device which allows the user to place a

finger instead of a pointing device directly on the screen to select a menu or object.

Digital Camera:- Digital video camera is an mobile input device which can store

any photograph or movie. We can also view or stored picture or movie. Digital

video camera is a handily input device which can be taken from one place to

another place.

Sl. OMR Sheet

1 (a) (b)0 (c)0 (d)0

2 (a)0 (b) (c)0 (d)0

3 (a)0 (b)0 (c)0 (d)

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OBCR (optical bar code reader):- Bar Code Reader or photoelectric scanner

that read the bar codes or vertical zebra-stripped makes or bar printed on most

products. OBCR is a handily input device.

OUTPUT DEVICE After processing over the data computer present the result of over all processing

through output device. Generally output are displayed over the screen or printed on

paper through printer.

Some commonly used output devices are:




Monitor:- monitor is an output device where you can get output on TV like


Types of monitor based on color:- there are three types of monitor

1) Monochrome (or black and white monitor)

2) Grey scale (advanced monochrome)

3) Color (RGB)

Types of monitor based on size:- there are two types of monitor based on size


A. CRT (cathode ray tube)

B. LCD (liquid crystal display) or (flat panel monitor).

CRT Monitor:- almost monitor are based on “Picture Tube Element” as same as

a television set. This tube is known as “Cathode Ray Tube” CRT monitor is cheaper

and capable of presenting high quality color output.

Flat Panel Monitor (or LCD):- recently, a new technology in the display

devices has been developed. In this technology charged chemical gases adopt

various chemical configurations to create image on the screen. These are called flat

panel display.

Flat Panel monitor also have LCD technology which means liquid crystal display.

LCD technology has less resolution than CRT technology.

Video Standard or Display Modes:-

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CGA (color graphic adopter)

EGA (enhanced graphic adopter)

VGA (video graphic adopter)

XGA [extena graphic (adopter)array]

SVGA (super video graphic adopter)

Printer: - printer is an output device which prints the output on the paper. The

output is printed from is called „HARD COPY‟. The digital signals send from

computer are convert to natural language like Hindi or English. Printer classified on

the basis of printing technology.

They are mainly categorized two types-

i. Impact Printing

ii. Non-Impact Printing

Impact Printing:- These printing method is based on typewriter. In this type of

printer, a metallic hammer or a point head stripes on paper and ribbon to print


Impact printing character are printed either has dot matrix or solid fonts on the


Non-Impact Printing:- In this printing method there is no direct striking

between print head and paper. These are printing method is two types-

a. Electro Thermal Printing

b. Thermal Transfer Printing

Types of Printer:- there are six types of Printer

1) DMP (Dot Matrix Printer):- It is an impact printer. In this printer there is a

print head which has a matrix of pins on it. Each pin is strikes with ribbon make a

dot on paper. Many dots constitute a character. Print head has vertical columns of

seven, 9, 14, 18 or 24 pins.

2) Daisy Wheel Printer:- Daisy wheel printer are solid fonts type character printer

and give good quality prints, similar to typewriter. Daisy wheel printers print 90

characters per minute.

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3) Inkjet Printer:- Inkjet printer from characters on paper by spraying ink from tiny

nozzles (nozzle pump) through an electrical field that arranged the charged ink

particular into characters at the rate of approximately 250 characters per second.

4) Laser Printer:- Laser printer produced character and other image on paper by

directing a laser bean at a mirror which bounces the beam onto drum. Laser printer

design for commercial use and print approximately 20000 lines per second or 435

pages per minute.

5) Line Printer:- Line printer or line at a time printer, used special mechanism that

can printer. Whole line at once by using of this printer print from 300 to 6000 lines

per minute.

Line printer are classified in three types-

Drum Printer

Chain Printer

Band Printer.


Hardware Software

Keyboard system software Application


Mouse Application


Printer Operating System Application


Scanner Pre-

Package Software

DOS, Windows

Hardware:- Physical components of computer system is called hardware.


The components which we can touch, feel, and carry from one place to anther place.

E.g.- Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, scanner.

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Software:- software is a collection of program. Software is a set of instructions

that are needed to the hardware in a useful manner for given set of task. This is

something that cannot be touched or seen but essential of working. Software can be

divided into two basic types-

System software

Application software

System software:- system software is used to control, manage and works with

the hardware of the computer.

Application software:- Application software consist of the programs written by

the user for specific purpose such as billing, accounting, payroll etc.

Application Program:- Application program is used for user written programs

to perform certain specified jobs. Many such application programs have been made

commercially available under the name of program package.

Application Package:- these are similar in concept to utility programs except

that application packages or generalized programs for solving business problems.

e.g. stock control.

Pre-Package Software:- The personal computer user can now fulfill their own

information needs and perform analysis, Pre-Package Software is generally

classified into four categories to help user. To identify commercially sold products.

The four categories represent software written for the areas, games, home and

education and business.

Operating system:- Operating system is used to control of the computers

hardware components such as processor, memory device and input, output devices.

The operating of a computer is one of the main factors which contribute to its



Programming Language

Machine Language Assembly language High level language

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Machine Language: - Instructions stored in binary form which a computer can

process directly is called machine language.

Assembly language: - It was very difficult to remember the machine codes. This

led to the intensive use of “MNEMONIC CODES” (binary code). This could be

easily understood by the human beings.

For e.g. division and subtraction can be written as „Div‟ and „sub‟. This mnemonics

have to be translated into the binary patterned before the machine can understand

the operation code the assembler perform this process translating mnemonic codes

into binary codes.

High Level Language:- A program in a high level language consist of a number

of statements. A statement may contain several instructions and is usually

equivalent to more than one machine language instructions. More high level

language uses of English words (alphabets) and are based on 10 numbers (decimal).

The most popular high level language is FORTRAN, COBAL, C, C++


Net, and Asp. Net, BASIC (Business All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code).

COMPUTER VIRUS Introduction:- A computer virus, in real is a tiny program which when enters a

computer, get associated with pre installing program and applications and it can

effect working of computer in the following ways:

By destroying important information in the computer.

By making change in directories.

By altering the function of keys on keyboard.

By altering the data stored in program and files.

Full Name of the VIRUS:

V = Vital

I = Information

R = Resources

U = Under

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S = Size.

History of computer VIRUS:- The term virus was wined by the fraud Cohen,

a directorate student at the university of California. He demonstrated how to write a

computer program that could infiltrate and attacked the computer system in much

the someway that a biological virus effect a human beings.

Among a modern virus,”(c) Brain” was among one of the first to spread widely

throughout the world.

How does a virus work? :- A virus is a computer program that has the ability

to duplicate. A virus can only do what it has been programmed to do. As effect on

files, hard disk, operating system etc.

How a virus does spreads?-

i. Using a pirated software:- When a user a program illegally obtained it is

called a irate software. Pirated software mostly infected for virus.

ii. Through Network System:- on the networks when one client gets effected on it is

shared with other client these causes infection spread among all the shares clients.

iii. Through Secondary storage Device:- when a file is copied from the virus affected

through secondary storage device then affected to the computer.

Types of computer Virus:- Virus can be classified into many categories-

Boot sector virus

Partition table virus

File virus

Polymorphic virus

Micro virus

Stealth virus.

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Boot sector virus:- These types of virus aff3ected the loading of operating

system. If somehow operating system becomes operative, the it affecting the other

storage devices of the computer.

Partition table virus: - These kinds of virus affected the partition table of a

hard disk but do not affect the data in the computer.

File virus: - These kinds of virus get associated with executable files. Virus also

executes to affect the computer system.

Stealth virus:- A stealth virus is a computer that makes every efforts to conceal

its presence from the user.

Polymorphic virus:- A polymorphic virus is one that is capable of changing

itself so that each infection of the virus is completely different from the original. It

is very difficult to check such viruses since every time they are completely


Micro virus:- A micro virus is designed especially for file virus such as

document files, spread sheet files etc.


An Antivirus is a computer program which is used for scanning virus from the

whole systems.

The most popular Antivirus programs-

a) Norton

b) Avira

c) Quick Heal

d) Avast

e) AVG

f) K7

g) Kasper Skay.

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RAM ROM C.D S.RAM (Static RAM) P.ROM (Programmable ROM)

DVD D.RAM (Dynamic RAM) EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM)

Floppy Disk EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable ROM) Pen


Units of Memory:-

4 Pinels = 1 Nibale

4 Nibale = 1 Bit

8 Bits = 1 Byte

1024 Byte = 1 K.B. (Kilo Byte)

1024 K.B. = 1 M.B. (Mega Byte)

1024 M.B. = 1 G.B. (Giga Byte)

1024 G.B. = 1 T.B. (Tera Byte)

1024 T.B. = 1 P.B. (Peta Byte)

1024 P.B. = 1 E.B. (Exa Byte)

1024 E.B. = 1 Z.B. (Zeta Byte)

1024 Z.B. = 1 Y.B. (Yotta Byte)

Primary Storage:- Primary storage is referred by a variety of name as main

memory, main storage, internal storage, volatile storage etc. The main memory is

the part of the computer that holds data and instruction for processing at least

temporarily until the computer taro off.

Main memory is of two types

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RAM (Random Access Memory)

ROM (Read Only Memory)

RAM:- RAM is a primary memory. RAM is also called volatile or read and

writable memory. RAM is found different size 128MB to 1GB or 2GB.

Several types of RAM are used in personal computers.

I. Dynamic RAM (D. RAM)

II. Static RAM (S. RAM)

III. Synchronous RAM.

ROM:- ROM is also a primary memory. In this type of memory, data only

readable form. It is a permanent memory of the computer programs are built into

ROM at the factory and cannot be changed by the user. Only we can read them but

not alter.

ROM is of following types:-

i. P.ROM (Programmable ROM)

ii. EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM)

iii. EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable ROM)

Secondary Storage Device:- Secondary storage is also called Auxiliary storage

is found physically outside the C.P.U. secondary storage device is used for storing

data and program. Storage device are used greatly in taking back up and f\which

can be used if any sort of disorder takes place on the computer.

Data Storage and Vertical System:- there are two classification of secondary

storage device based on data retrieval.

i. Direct Access storage

ii. Sequential Access storage.

Direct Access Storage:- Direct Access storage requires an input / output

devices that is directly connected to the C.P.U. such as storage devices are called

direct storage devices.

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Sequential Access storage:- Sequential access storage is offline. In this kind of

storage is non-accessible to the CPU until it has been loaded on to an input device

as a reel of taps.

Index Sequential Access:- Index sequential access is compromise between

direct and sequential access method. In this, records are stored sequentially but the

file where data are stored content and index.

Magnetic Tape:- Magnetic tape looks like audio cassette tape, put in comes on a

reel, as we see magnetic tape. Now a day it is primarily used for making back up,

copies of information stored on disk.

Magnetic Disk:- Magnetic disk is another form of sequential access storage. It is

better than direct storage.

There are two types of magnetic disk

Hard Disk

Diskettes or Floppy Disk.

Hard Disk:- Hard disk is a secondary storage device which is used in micro

computer or mini computer. Hard disk is a set of disk platter and every disk platter

is covered with magnet coating. Hard disks are available in the market from 10GB

to 500GB.

Floppy Disk:- Floppy disk is also a secondary storage device. Floppy are used

principally with micro computers. Unlike hard disk, floppy disks are easily portable

or you can remark them from one drive and use on the other.

Floppy are of following two types

Mini Floppy

Micro Floppy.

CD ROM:- CD ROM, known as compact disk Read Only Memory. CD ROM is

used to write from the computer software, interesting packages are also available in

the form of CD ROM in the market in 700MB.

DVD is available in the market of 4.7GB.

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Operating system software is a class of programs which manage the resources of the

computer, process command and control programs execution. Operating system is a

set of control programs which co-ordinate between user and hardware.

Functions of the Operating System:-

i. Process Management:- When you require to run several programs at the same

time. Each program has to get a share of the CPU processing time. These times

management is done by the operating system. Operating systems enable each.

Process or programs to run properly.


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ii. Input / output Management:- Operating system co-ordinates with different

input / output device. It manages the input, output and the entire program running

under its control.

iii. Memory management:- The operating system allocates the amount of memory

(RAM) required by various applications / process running on the system and also

remove the garbage data from the memory.

iv. File management:- When you create folders and save files into it you just

specify the location where it should be saved but do you know it is saved and again

retrieved (to open) when you want to view it again and who does it? This is again

done by o/s. it remembers the memory address of the location where it saves

different files. Thus it serves them at the time of need.

Types of Operating System

User based Interface based

Single user Multi user CUI (command/character user interface) GUI (graphical

user interface)

DOS widows Unix Linux DOS Unix Widows


User based:-

Single user Operating System:- Single user operating system is designed for

computer tends to serve single person at a time. This operating system is widely

used with personal computer installed in homes, offices, e.g. Windows 98, DOS.

Note:- Here DOS is single user and single task and windows is a single user and

multi task operating system.

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Multi user operating system:- Multi user operating system is one that

supports several user at a time. The most popular multi user operating system is

UNIX. Mini computer and Mainframe computers support multi user operating


Interface Based:-

Character / command user Interface:- In CUI based operating system user

interacts with the computer only through the commands typed from the keyboard. It

does not support any other input device to communicate with it so here the user is

required to remember the exact sentence.

E.g.= DOS, UNIX operating system.

Graphical user interface:- The GUI is a picture based way of interacting with

computer. Instead of typing command we select options from menu and pictures to

tell the computer what we want to do. The most popular example of GUI is

windows and LINUX operating system.

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Text documents

Word document

By Name

By size

By type

Auto Arrange.

Active desktop

Arrange Icon



Paste to shortcut




Windows is also an operating system and are users providing different

methods to operating the computer. Here, data is graphical shown. It is

now provides graphical user interface. A user can provide the setting

related with complete with windows. If user want to perform any

operations with windows it is necessary to provide the help with its help

directly now as desktop.

When user right clicks on desktop the following will be open with it.

Common features of GUI:-

In GUI, we use secondary user input device usually, a pointing input

device called mouse.

Windows display graphically what the computer is doing and how much

work is in program.

All files, directories, application and system entities are represented by


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It provides different kinds of buttons for e.g. minimize, maximize and


Structure of Windows Screen:-

Windows 98 gets loaded automatically as soon as we switch on over

computer immediately after all kinds of processing we view on the screen

which contains the following parts.


Background (Wallpaper)

Task Bar


Start Button.

Desktop:- It is the base of windows 98 screen where all the icons and

folders are stored and display.

My Computer


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To make our desktop much more effective and attractive we can

use different kinds of wallpaper and can create our own wallpaper in



By default it is visual at the bottom of the screen taskbar show any

application started by the user file or folder.

Icons: - It is a pictorial representation of any application, file, folder

and other tool. By clicking on it, it will start that application and open

that particular file or folder.

Start Button:-

This button always appears at the left side of the taskbar. This

button is only entry point to work on window application. If we click on

start button then display different program list.

Windows Accessories:-

Windows contain a special folder called accessories that a person

can use to make their task easier and simple. By using accessories, we

can perform calculation create text document, edit picture and play


The accessories folder contains the following programs.

a) Calculator

b) Notepad

c) WordPad

d) Paint Brush

e) Character Map

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f) Games


By using calculator we can perform both simple mathematical and

advanced scientific calculation. It provides us all kinds of calculation


Calculator is of two types

Standard Calculator

Scientific Calculator


Notepad is a basic text editor that can perform to create or edit simple

text file. The default extension of notepad file is .txt

Start button All Program Accessories Calculator

Start button All Program Accessories Notepad OK

Untitled Notepad

File Edit View Format Help

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Parts of Notepad Screen:-

i. Title Bar:- Top most part of notepad screen contains the application

name (notepad) and the file name on which you are working. It also

contains three buttons: Minimize Maximize and Close.

ii. Menu Bar:- all notepad commands are available on menu bar

according we can select any option.

iii. Scroll Bar:- There are two types of scroll bar –

Vertical scroll bar:- use to move up and down in the text document.

Horizontal scroll bar:- use to move left and right in the text document.

iv. Client Area:- client area is the area where user can type text.

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Word Pad This is a text editor where formatting of the documents can be done by

using various tools provide by it. In WordPad documents, image and

other objects can also be inserted. WordPad files are saved automatically

with .DOC extension name. In this way only one document can be

opened at a time.

Step to open WordPad:-

Start button All Program Accessories WordPad OK

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Edit Menu:-

i. Undo:- If any matter is deleted and we want to get it again on document

page, we use the option ctrl+z or click undo.

ii. Cut (ctrl+x):- This option is used to cut the unwanted matter.

iii. Copy (ctrl+c):- If we want to take copy of a particular matter to save

the time and energy we use this option ctrl+c or click copy and to create

the duplicate file.

iv. Paste (ctrl+v):- If we want to paste the cut matter or copy at any other

pace, we can to be pasted.

v. Paste Special:- If we want to create paste link then we use this option.

vi. Find (ctrl+F):- To search a particular word or character.

Edit find

viii) Replace (ctrl+H) to replace the particular word or character.

Edit Replace

Find What Find Next

Match whole word only

Match case


Find what

Replace with

Match whole word only

Match case


Fined next


Replace All


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ix) Go to (Ctrl+G) if we want to go directly page, line, paragraph then

we use this option edit Go to

X) Select All (Ctlr+A) TO select all the text at a time in current


View Menu:-

I) Tool bar to display on the application window when checked.

II) Format bar to display format bar on the application window when


III) Status bar to display status bar on the application window when checked.

IV) Ruler Bar to display ruler bar on the application window when checked.

Insert Menu:-

i. Date and Time (F5):- To insert date and time on the document


ii. Object:- object is a application software we can insert different object

from object list.

Format Menu:-

i. Font:- To change the font size, font style and font of the text.

ii. Bullet Style:- To insert bullet in the beginning of the lines.

iii. Paragraph:- To set ideation (first, left or right) and alignment (left,

right or center) of the paragraph.

iv. Tabs:- Tabs are used to set tab stop position.

Character Map

It shows all the 256 characters of a particular font with its keystrokes.

Any one character can be copied and pasted into a document. It works

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with windows based programs. To insert a special character into a

document, the steps are –

Step1:- select character map from the cascading menu in accessories.

Step2:- click on font box to define the face for the character.

Step3:- To select the character, click on character and then on select

button, systems automatically copy the character into the box.

Step4:- Now click on the copy button.

Step5:- Open the document where you want to insert the character and

click on paste button in edit menu.

Start button All Program Accessories character map OK

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MS Paint (Paint Brush)

Micro Soft Paint

It is one of the most interesting applications available in accessories

folder. This application provides us the files with .BMP extension

name, it also provide different tools and menu option here. Here user can

draw any pictures and edit.

How to start MS Paint?:-

Start button All Program Accessories MS Paint OK

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Tool Bar:- It is a collection of 16 different tools which helps us to

draw any picture.

1. Regular select (Select):- It can select complete area of object and


2. Irregular select (free from select):- It can also select any picture or


3. Pencil:- It can draw any image in MS-Paint window through which user

can used this drawing tools.

4. Eraser:- It can erase any required object to increase its size. User can

press (+ or -) with ctrl key.

5. Paint Bucket:- it can fill the color in complete document at a time.

6. Paint Brush:- it can fill the color where user can required.

7. Pick color:- it can used to choose the color formatting from any object.

8. Air Brush:- it transfers the color on object in dotted form.

9. Magnifier: - if user want to increase and decrease the image zooming

and look object use this option.

10. Text Toolbar: - if users want to write any character data and use

this option.

11. Line: - if users want to draw any line horizontal or vertical.

12. Curve: - it is used to draw a curve on the document.

13. Rectangle: - it is used to draw any rectangle or square shape.

14. Rounded Rectangle: - it is used to draw semicircular object.

15. Ellipse: - it is used to draw any circle or oval sized object.

16. Polygon: - it is used to draw end and target point connecting


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Micro Soft Office

Introduction:- MS-Office can be categorized into four groups.


MS-Word (.DOC) MS-Excel (.XLS) MS-PowerPoint (.PPT) MS-

Access (.MOB)


Micro Soft Word


Micro soft word is a part of MS-Office. MS-word is based on word

processor software. It have all the features of word like creating

document, changing document, printing document, saving document,

formatting document etc. and its extension is .DOC.

Features of MS-Word: -

1) It is „WYSIWYK‟ (what you see is what you get).

2) It has automatic word wrap.

3) It support default sentence case.

4) It provides facility to check spelling and grammar. When you type a red

web line () appears below mistake word and green web line () appears

below sentence having grammatical mistake.

Opening of the MS-Word: -

Start button All Program MS Office MS Word OK

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Start Run





OK Cancel

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MS-Word screen is divided into two windows

1. Application Window

2. Document window

Application Window: - The outer window which contain title bar,

menu bar, tool bar, status bar.

Document Window: - It has title bar page insert paint.

Standard Tool bar:- It contain buttons of standard operation like

open, save, cut, copy, redo, undo etc.

Formatting Tool bar: - It contains buttons of size, bold, italic,

underline and its buttons is used for formatting the text.

Office Buttons:- It is display related file menu option such as new,

open, save, save as, print etc.

Version:- It is the option which provide us a facility to save the files in

line by line to under the document date and file.

View Menu:-

Word offers four ways to view the documents. Each of these views is

designed to make certain editing task easier. Changing the view does not

affect the contents of the document.

i. Normal View:- the normal view provides the easiest way to view the

document and other elements on the screen. In this view the fonts and

other formatting can be seen as it is on the screen.

ii. Print Layout View:- print layout view show the document exactly as

it will be printed. Here we can view or change margin and other detail of

print layout. In this view show the vertical and horizontal ruler bar.

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iii. Web Layout View: - Microsoft word document designed for web

pages. This feature helps us to see how the document will look like when

open in internet explorer.

iv. Outline View:- the outline view creates outline and makes it easier to

look at the structure of a document. In this view the document is

collapsed to see the main heading.

v. Zoom: - the zoom features of MS-word allow us to increase or decrease

the size of the display to make the text easily visible. The zoom

percentage can be set between 10% to 500% in full screen.

Formatting Document:- the term formatting refer to changes you

make it your document appearance. Formatting is an important part of all

the documents.

There are three types of formatting in MS-word -

Character formatting

Paragraph formatting

Page formatting.

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Font: - A font is a set of letters and symbols that have a particular

design or style. A font dialogue box includes font, font style, size, font

color, underline style and subscript and superscript, shadow etc.

Change Case:- word allow to change the case of the selected text to

any of the following option available in the change case. There are fives

type of cases:

i. Sentence Case:- converts selection to small letters except for the first

letter for every sentence.

ii. Lower Case:- converts selection to small letters.

iii. Upper Case:- converts selection to capital letters.

iv. Title Case:- converts selection to small letters except for the first letter

of each word.

v. Toggle Case:- reverse selection from capital letter to small and small to


Font color




Font ?


Times new Roman

Arial Black







Font Font style Size

Font character Spacing Text Effect


Ok Cancel

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Character formatting using keyboard shortcut-

Action keyboard shortcut

Increase font size ctrl+shift+>

Decrease font size ctrl+shift+<

Change case shift+F3

Bold ctrl+B

Italic ctrl+I

Underline ctrl+U

Subscript ctrl+ =

Superscript ctrl+shift+ =

Drop Cap:-format a word or selected text with a large initial capital

letter. Drop cap is traditionally used on the first letter in a paragraph & it

can appear either in the left margin or drop from the first line in the

paragraph ranging to 10 lines.

Format Drop Cap

Paragraph formatting:- with paragraph formatting you can set

numbers of paragraph that influence how your paragraph in MS-word

will look like i.e. –

None Dropped In Margin

Drop Cap ?










W --------




Ok Cancel

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Line spacing

Text flow

Alignment:- Alignment is a way of arranging the text. We can change

the alignment of the selected paragraph in the document. We can use

different alignment: -

1) Left (ctrl+L)

2) Right (ctrl+R)

3) Centered (ctrl+E)

4) Justify (ctrl+J)

Indents:- An indent is the distance that a paragraph is pushed in form to

the left or right margin.

There are four types of Indents-

1. First line

2. Hanging

3. Left

4. Right

Tabs:- tabs are used for creating quick relatively simple list. Tabs are

also used to control the alignment of the text within a document.

By default tabs stops or set 0.5”.

Word offers five types of tab-

1) Left tab

2) Right tab

3) Centre tab

4) Decimal tab

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5) Bar tab

Page Orientation:- page orientation means the way the pages would

be printed.

There are two types of orientation

i. Landscape (Horizontal)

ii. Portrait (vertical)

Border & Shading:- Border and shading can be applied to a single

paragraph, group of paragraphs or around graphics. Use shadings to

create a form of or just to add a decoration.

Steps are –

Select the paragraph Border & shading select the appropriate

border / page border / shading and set border and choose shading style.

Column:- To quickly arrange your text into columns click the column

tool button on the formatting tool bar or select columns on the format

menu and select number of columns.

Steps –

Column choose column no. OK.

Header and footer:- header and footer is used to put respective

information in the top and bottom margin of the document. The header

consists of text or graphics appeared at the top of every page. Footer

appears at the bottom of every page.

For example – company name, date, Page no. etc.

Footnote:- write a short note at the bottom of page.

Steps are –

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References footnote.

Insert Menu:-

Page Break:- page break is used for documents to terminate one page

from the new page or another page.

Cover Page:- It is fully formatted page. It is used to make cover page.

Steps –

Insert cover page choose the cover page format.

Table:- we can insert or draw table on documents page. We can create

table or inset table in two ways –

Insert table insert table

Picture:- we can insert any picture on documents page. We can use this

procedure –

Insert picture display picture window select the picture

click on insert button.

Table Size

No. of Columns

No. of Rows

Auto fit behavior

Fixed column width

Auto fit to contents

Auto fit to window

Remember dimension for new tables

Insert Table ?



Ok Cancel


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Clip Art:- clip art is also picture we can insert clip art into documents

page including drawings, movies, sound or start photography to

illustrated a specific concept.

Insert clip art open clip art dialogue box organization clip

office collection.

Shape:- we can insert shapes on document page. It is readymade shapes

such as rectangle, lines, circles, arrow, flow chart etc.

Smart Art:- smart art is used to visually information, graphics and

organization chart, we can insert on documents page.

Insert smart art choose a smart art graphic select graphics


Page Number:- we can insert page number into the document page tap

or bottom.

Insert page number OK.

Text Box:- if we want to insert pre-formatted text box on documents

page then use this option.

Insert Text box select the text box.

Word Art:- word art is used to special text effects and choose different

types of word art style.

Object:- it is used to insert object such as any figure, picture, chart or

any object from clip art gallery or object of any other application.

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Book Mark:- book mark are used to identify the place in the chapter or

place in the document from where we left off. With the help of this

option we can jump to any location in the document specifying the book


Steps –

Place the cursor where you need a book mark Insert Book mark

(it will display book mark dialog box) add a name to book mark

name click on „add‟ to insert a book mark.

Using Thesaurus:- A thesaurus provides synonyms and antonyms of

selected work in the document.

Review Thesaurus

Auto Correct:- It is used to correct meaning automatically when user

type the meaning error.

Spelling & Grammar:- word automatically check the active

document for spelling and grammar and writing style. If word does not

find entered word in the main dictionary, it underlines that word with a

red zigzag line. Shortcut key used is F7.

Replace Replace With

Com Computer

Auto correct ?

Add Ok Cancel

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Mail Merge Wizard:- sending in formation, letter, document to more

than one person or company at a time is a very tedious task and can

consume a fully day. To our come this problem mail merge utility can be

used where after drafting a single letter, copies of that letter can be send

at different addresses or supplied through stored data shows.

Create a new document or start with the existing document Mailing

Mail merge Mail merge wizard select a recipients next

starting document Type a new list Create.


Last Name

Company Name


Mobile Number


Pin code

Open Mail-Merge List –

Start My document data source select the data source file

name ok enter.

Macro (Alt+F8):- A macro is used to record words. A macro is

sequence of word commands and instruction that are grouped together as

a single command and save it to complete task automatically.

Watermark:- This is often used to indicate that a document is to be

treated especially such as confidential or urgent.

Steps –

Page layout watermark custom watermark apply.

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References Menu Table of content:- add a table of contents to the documents page.

Reference table of content choose any table of content.

End Note:- end note are placed at the end of the document.

Insert citation:- cite a book, journal articles the source for a piece of

information in the document.

References insert citation add new source display create

source dialogue box

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Manage Sources:- view the list of all the sources cited in the


Bibliography:- add a bibliography which list all the sources cited in

the document.

Insert Caption:- A caption is a line of text that appears below an

object to describe it. Add a caption to a picture or other image.

Steps –

References insert caption.

Table Menu

Draw table:- It provides a drawing tool with it. A user can draw a table

in any direction.

Delete table:- with the help of this option, the user can delete selected

row or column.

Protect Document:- Here, user can protect the document. After

provide the password on the document user cannot any change in the

document. When user selects this option, the following dialogue will

open –

Track Changes





Protect Document ?

Ok Cancel

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Hyperlink (ctrl+K):- create a link to a web page, a picture, an e-mail

address or a program. Here user creates linking between more than one

file. To apply this setting, select any particular character and after that

choose hyperlink option or press its shortcut key Ctrl+K.

When user decides the name of linking files and click on ok button. The

selected word will be appearing in blue color. When user double click on

it will open required file name.

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MS-Excel:-MS-Excel is a window based spreadsheet which is a

product of Microsoft Corporation. It is used to track an analysis numeric

data, record and calculate data and present in an attractive manner. A

worksheet is divided into -65536 rows and 256 (A-IV) columns (in MS-

Excel 2003). 1048576 rows and 16384 (A-XFD) columns (in MS-Excel

2007). The intersection of one row and one column is known as cell. We

entered data in the cells. A cell can contain any kind of data and formula.

The extension name of workbook is .XLS.

Spread Sheet:- A spreadsheet is a tabular representation of any

statistical, mathematical or accounting data. Spreadsheet is an

intersection of horizontal and vertical lines which forms rows and

columns. Using these rows and columns detail analysis of data can be

represented easily. Some spreadsheet packages are LOTUS 123,

Microsoft Excel.

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How to open MS-Excel?

i. Start All Program MS-Office MS-Excel OK.

ii. Start Run Type the name of Program and then press

ok button.

The contents of workbook or worksheet:-

i. Rows:- in a single worksheet rows are numbered from top to bottom. 1

to 65536 in 2003 and 1048576 in 2007 version.


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ii. Columns:- columns are labeled from left to right. (A-IV) 256 in 2003

and (A-XFD) in 2007.

iii. Cell:- cell is the intersection of rows and columns. Therefore each

worksheet contains 1,67,77,216 cells in 2003. Cell is referred the column

number and row number.

iv. Sheet:- Excel has multiple worksheet labeled sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3,

and so on, where user can perform the work. By default three sheets are

available in a workbook.

v. Formula Bar:- Provides a space for typing or editing cell data and


vi. Name Box:- it display the address or name of the active cells.

vii. Status Bar:- it display the valuable information like current mode or

option, keyboard status and the result of auto calculate function.

Creating a new workbook:-

Click on new from file menu or press ctrl+N short key to open file, a new

dialogue box will display.

Select the workbook and click on ok button.

A new workbook is created name.

Opening an existing workbook:-

Click on save from file menu or press ctrl+O short key, and then the open

dialogue box will display.

Select the file to open and click on open button, the selected file opens on

the screen.

Saving a workbook:-

Click on save from file menu or press ctrl+S short key to save the file,

save as dialogue box will open. If the file is being saved for the first time.

Specify the name of the file in the file name text box and click on save

button. The file is saved with the given name.

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Cell Reference:- The cell so-ordinates in the formula are known as cell


There are three types of reference:

Absolute reference

Relative reference

Mixed reference

Absolute Reference:- it means that the co-ordinate of the cells do not

change on copying the formula to another cells. Absolute referencing is

done by the cell co-ordinates by dollar ($) sign. E.g. $A to $10.

Operator:- operator specify the type of calculation that you want to

perform on the elements of a formula.

MS-Excel provides four different types of calculation operators:

i. Arithmetic Operators:- To perform basic mathematical operators

such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division etc. are used.N

ii. Operators Meaning Example

+ (add) Addition 100+5

- (minus) subtraction 45-9

* (multiply/Asterisk) Multiplication 4*5

/ (forward, slash) Division 100/4

% (percent) Percentage 42%

^ (carat) Exponent 33 (27).

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iii. Comparison Operators:- we can compare two values with

comparison operators then those operators compare two values the result

is a logical value either tree or false.

Operators Meaning Example

= equal to a1=b1

> greater than a1>b1

< less than a1<b1

>= greater than equal to a1>=b1

<= less than equal to a1<=b1

<> not equal to a1<>b1

iv. Concatenate Operators:- this operator is used to join two stings.

Operators Meaning Example

& join two strings “North” & “south”

v. Range Operators:- This operator is used to define the range of cell.

Operators Meaning Example

: colon = sum (A3:C3)

, comma = sum (A1, C3)

Function:- function are built in special formulas that perform

calculation in a particular order or structure on values supplied to it.

These values are known as argument.

Argument:- argument are values supplied to functions to work open.

These values can be number, text, data, logical values and a cell


e.g. = average (1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15) - Argument

a) Mathematical Function:-

i. Sum ():- This function calculates the total of the given range of values.

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Syntax: = sum (range)

e.g.: = sum (A1:D1)

ii. Sqrt ():- This function is used to find out the square root of given


Syntax: = sqrt (number)

e.g. = sqrt (16)

iii. Int ():- It removes decimal places rounding down the number of its

nearest least integer.

Syntax: = Int (number)

e.g. = Int (4, 6)

= output- 5.

Round ():- It rounds the number specified by number of digits.

Syntax: = Rounds (number)

e.g. = Rounds (50.126)

= output- 50.13.

Power ():- It raiser number by Power.

Syntax: = Power (number)

e.g. = Power (32)

= output- 9.

b) Logical Function:-

And ():- This function joins two or more condition and returns true if all

the condition are true, return false if any one condition is false.

Syntax: = And (expression1, expression2…)

e.g. = And (2+2=4, 5+4=9) true

= And (2+2=4, 5-4=9) false.

Or ():- This function returns true if any one argument is true and return

false if all the argument are false.

Syntax: = Or (expression1, expression2…)

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e.g. = Or (2+2=4, 5+4=9, 9+8=17) true

= And (2+2=4, 5-4=9, 9-8=17) false.

Not ():- It reverses the result of the logical expressions passed as


Syntax: = Not (logical expression)

e.g. = Not (2+2=4) false.

If ():- If evaluates the result and return the true if expression is true and

false value if the condition is false.

Syntax: = If (logical text, value if true, value if false).


Syntax: = If (B2>=50,”pass”,”fail”)

Sum if ():- This function calculates the sum of cell specified by the

given criteria.

Syntax: = sum if (Range, condition, sum range).

c) Text function:-

Len ():- Returns the number of character in the string passed as

argument including spaces.

Syntax:- = Len (“string”)


1 Roll No Mark Result

2 102 55 Pass

3 103 45 Fail

4 104 33 Fail

5 105 54 Pass

6 106 59 Pass

7 107 89 Pass

8 108 90 Pass

9 109 20 Fail

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e.g. = Len (“Lucknow Computer Education”)

= Output 26.

Upper ():- converts text to upper case.

Syntax:- = Upper (“Text”)

e.g. = Upper (“Computer”)

= = Output COMPUTER.

Lower ():- convert text to lower case.

Syntax:- = Lower (“Text”)

e.g. = Lower (“COMPUTER”)

= = Output computer.

Formatting Worksheet:-

1) Alignment of cells:- To align the contents of selected cell, wrapping

text, adjust width of columns and rows.

Steps are –

i. Click on cell format menu bar, a dialogue box will appear on the screen

having some options helpful for all formatting.

ii. To set the alignment of the text select alignment tab.

Text Alignment Orientation




Format Cells ?

Number Alignment Font Border Pattern Protection




Ok Cancel

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2) Auto format:- excel automatically applies in combination of format

called Auto format, excel provides variety of auto format that apply

formats, form numbers, alignment, font, border, patter and shading.

3) Rename a sheet:- We can change the name of the sheet with the help

of following steps –

i. Move the pointer in sheet which you want to rename.

Click on format sheet rename.

ii. We can also hide the sheet by clicking on –

Click on format sheet hide.

4) Filter:-

In excel, user can filter the data to see only the records user required

for this. There are two kinds of filter:

a) Auto filter:-

Select the cell which needs to be filtered.

Click on data filter auto filter, the auto filter button appears at the

right in the column.

Click on auto filter button where filter is required.

A drop down list of criteria appears. Showing the option that you can

choose from.

b) Advanced filter:-

It is used to filter the required data or record and stored it in son ether


Copy the heading to another location.

Specify the criteria in worksheet from the record you need.

Choose data filter advanced filter, the advanced filter dialogue

box will be appeared.

Specify the address of data, destination cell in the dialogue box.

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Sorting data in worksheet:- By sorting user can arrange rows in

which according to the contents to particular column that is arranging the

contents of a list/paper in ascending or descending order.

Steps are –

Select the cell you want to sort include the heading if u wishes.

Click on sort from data menu, the sort dialogue box will appear.

If you have include headings in your selection click on header rows. If

you not than no header rows, radio button.

Select first sorting key in sort by drop down list and select the order.

Click on ok to finally sort the data.

Insert object option:-

Click on insert from object.

Select the type of object to insert from object type list box.

Click on ok and object will be inserting and open for editing.

Page Breaker:- Move the pointer at position where you want to inser

page break.

Click on insert page break.

Goal Seek:-

Finding the value using goal seek. It is used to adjust the

value in a specified cell until the formula that is depending on that cell

reach to a target value.

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Steps are –

Select the cell having a formula whose value is to be edited.

Click on data what if analyses goal seek. Goal seek dialogue box

will be displayed.

Click on to value text box and type the new value.

Click on by changing cell box and type cell address of cell where relating

value is to be changed.

Click on ok button, the goal seek status dialogue box, appear giving the


Click on ok to change the value and cancel to ignore the result.

Set Cell:

To Value:

By Changing Cell:

Goal Seek

Cancel OK

? x

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Chart are visual representation of data is a very effective manner and

make it easy for user to see comparisons and patterns in data.

Chart Type:- charts are of fallowing types:





v. Bar:- It compare values (n.M vkjs[k).



vi. Column:- column graphs are similar to a bar graphs except that the bars

are stacked on top of each other instead of side by side.


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vii. Pie:- Pie graph is used to show the relation between the parts of whole


viii. Line:- It compares the data series over the time.



ix. Area: - Area shows one or more data trends over one time.

25% 45%


15% 10%

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x. Bubbles:- It compares three sets of data.

xi. 3-D:- It often cylinder, pyramid and cone shape. It distinguishes between

different sets of data.

Components of Chart


Axis is straight lines used on a graph for measurement and a reference.

More charts used to straight lines. The horizontal line is x-axis and

vertical line is y-axis.

Grid lines:- grid lines makes it easier to see the value in the chart.

Plot area:- Plot area is the area bounded by the axis or in the case of pie

chart or the area within circle.

Steps to create a chart:-

First of all select the range which you want to represent with the help of


Select the type of chart which you want to insert for your presentation.

Data Validation:

It is used to insure that only correct data is interred in the worksheet.

Steps of data validation –

Select the cell to restrict.

Click on data validation (data validation dialogue box will appear).

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In setting tab select the data type in allowed drop down list box, select

logical comparison operator from data drop down list box and set the

minimum and maximum values in minimum and maximum text box.

Set input and error message and then click on ok button.

Sheet Protection:

Sheet protection option will help person to protect the sheet from

unauthorized access.

Steps are –

On the tools menu point on protection and then click on protect sheet.

To prevent changes to cell on worksheet or to data and other items in

chare and prevent of hidden rows, columns and formulas, select the

content text box.

Pivot Table:

It is used to create reports that summarize worksheet data in menu full

format. We can rotate its rows and columns. We can also filter the data

by pages. It is used when long list of data is to be summarized and

compared while creating pivot table you have to specify four elements.

Pages allow creating drop down list.

Rows cells that form the rows.

Columns cells that forms the columns.

Sum of values values you want to add at each intersection.

Create a Pivot Table:-

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Insert Pivot Table.

Pivot Table x ?

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Sub Total:- subtotal is used to display summary information and grand

total in the form of list.

Steps –

Select data Subtotal.

Scenario:- What if analysis is the most powerful feature of excel

(.XLS). it helps the automatic recalculation of formula, when any of the

souce data changes.

Steps –

Data what if analysis scenario.

Some other functions:

Statistical function:

i. Average function:- This function is used to calculate the average of

given range.

Syntax: = Average (no.1, no.2….)

e.g. = Average (10, 10, 10)

= output =10.

ii. Maximum function:- This function is used to return the maximum

value from the range specified.

Syntax: = Max (no.1, no.2….)

e.g. = Max (2, 8, 5, 10, 16)

= output =16.

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iii. Minimum function:- This function is used to return the minimum

value from the given range.

Syntax: = Min (no.1, no.2….)

e.g. = Min (2, 8, 5, 10, 16)

= output =2.

iv. Count function:-

This function is used to count the number of value in the specified

range. It doesn‟t count text entry, blank, cell and errors. This count

function can‟t take more than 30 arguments.

Syntax: = count (value1, value2….)

e.g. = count (1, 5, 7, 10, 15)

= output =5.

v. Count if function:- It returns the number of the value that match the


Syntax: = count if (range, criteria)


= count if (A1:A5, 17)

= output – 2.

vi. Mod function:- It returns the remainder.

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Syntax: = mod (number, division)

e.g. = mod (15, 2)

= output – 1

vii. Abs function:- It returns the obsolete value of the given value. It

criminates the sign used in the given value range.

Syntax: = abs (value)

e.g. = abs (-50)

= output- 50.

viii. Sum if function:- This function is used to sum the specified cell.

Syntax: = sum if (Range, “=name”, sum range)


i. = Sum if (B2:B6, “=ACCOUNT”, C2:C6)

= output – 30000.

ii. = Sum if (A2:A6, “=XXX”, C2:C6)

= output – 20000.

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ix. Left function:- returns the most number of characters from text

including space.

Syntax: = left (text, number and character)

e.g. = left (“Hello India”, 7)

= output- Hello I.

x. Right function:- returns right most number of character from text.

Syntax: = right (text, Number and character)

e.g. = right (“Hello India”, 5)

= output- India.

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Micro soft PowerPoint is presentation software used to

create interactive, self running or speaker control visual display. This can

be reproduced on transparency sheet 35mm slides, photo prints or on

screen presentation. These presentations can also be used to a company

lectures or has the basic for website.

Starting MS-PowerPoint: -

1. Start All Program MS-Office MS-PowerPoint.

2. Start Run Type the name of program and press

enter key or click on ok button.

Slides:- The term „slide‟ in the context of power point are images that

make up a presentation . Each slide can contain text, graphics, charts,

sounds, videos and organization charts.

Notes Page:-

Notes Page is speaking acts that consist of an image of

each slide together with any notes that you need for that slide. The notes

are not visible to the audience. In 2003version, notes page is known as

Speaker Page.

Hand Outs:- Hand Outs are paper, copies of all or some of the slides to

be given to the audience. They can be one prepares or reduced to three or

six per page.

Media Clips:- The term media clips include sound animation and video

clips. The media clips make the presentation more presentable and easy

to understood.


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Graph:- It is a classic way to convey information particularly numerical

data in a presentation using graph. It is a pictorial presentation of data.

HTML:- Hyper Text Markup Language. Its extension name is .HTML /


DHTML:- Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language.

Clip Art:- Clip art contain images and audio, video clips that can be

input into application to add visual impact on slides.

Web Pages: - Presentation slides are perfect for generating web page.

Once you add the text, graphics and charts. You document. Ready for

used on the WORD WIDE WEB (WWW).

PowerPoint View:- PowerPoint can display a presentation in different

view that make it easier to perform certain task.

i. Slide view:- It is the default view used to create and edit slides and

immediately show the impact of the changes.

Slide view

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ii. Slide sorter view:- It is a miniature form of slides. We can move

slides and add Trans act ions and animations effect. Here we can get a

preview of the effect as we select and choose them.

iii. Outline View:- It is used to display an outline format of our

presentation showing the slide number and text contain here it is very

easy to edit the display text, delete slide and cut and paste from one

location to another location. We are also collapse items see first the name

of each slide.

Slide sorter view




Outline View

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iv. Note page view: - It is used to create and see notes for the slides

within presentation also we can create speakers note for the slide.

v. Slide show view: - It show how each slide will looks in full screen


Use this view to actually show or simply preview our slide presentation.

Animation & Objects: - Animation effects applied to an object or

multiple objects.

There are two types of animation:

i. Present Animation

ii. Custom Animation

Present Animation: - present animation are set by PowerPoint, sound

effect, animation effect are present in a PowerPoint.

Note page view

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Custom Animation: - we are changing the order in which each object

will appear on the slide. We can also attribute sound to the individual

object on a slide. To change the setting for an object. Click on

Slide show Custom Animation

We can choose multiple objects on the same slide by clicking on each

object while holding the shift key. We can also apply sound effect, chart

effect and multimedia setting.

Slide transaction: - It controls the way of each slide will appear as it

open on the slide screen.

Setting of Media clips: - we can insert multimedia clips into a slide in

a PowerPoint to insert a media clip.

Practical Work

Design this Presentation: -

Slide1: - Lucknow Computer and technical Education.

s Presentation: -1

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Slide 2: - Branches of GCMR.

I. Sultanpur (Head Office)

II. Luck now

III. Faizabad

IV. Gonad

V. Ajodhya

VI. Allahabad

VII. Gorakhpur

VIII. Kanpur

IX. Paratapgrah

X. Siddhartha Nagar.

Slide 3: - Course offered by GCMR.

i. DCA

ii. ADCA

iii. Hardware Course

iv. Networking Course

v. Web Designing

vi. Tally

vii. English Speaking

viii. Personality Development

ix. Basic Course

x. CCC


xii. DTP

Branches of GCMR

Sultanpur (Head Office)

Luck now








Siddhartha Nagar

Presentation: -2

Course offered by GCMR

DCA English Speaking

ADCA Basic Course

Hardware Course CCC

Networking Course PGDCA

Web Designing DTP


Personality Development

Presentation: -3

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Introduction: - MS-ACCESS is a part of MS-OFFICE and it is a

relational data base management system (RDBMS). Most data base

application comprise of a back and front end.

The back end part of the application is the one which takes care of

storing and retrieving the data.

What is data base?

A data base is a collection of data as well as programs required to

manage that data. The data base is stored in a tabular formed like


Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):-

A database is considered to be collection of interrelated data and

programs. The data in a database has to be related.

Example –

A college management system which takes care of maintaining students

records. A database management system is software that takes care of

maintaining of database. A data base that is design on this modern is

called relational database and the software that helps to maintain this

database called Relational Database Management System.

Entities:- It can be used to denote a person, place object etc.

Attributes:- each entity has a set of properties that define an entity.

S.No. Customer Name Order Date Quantity

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Entity relationship Diagram (ERD):- ERD are entity relationship

diagram makes the combination in the process of database design.

ERD graphically represent the entity.

Symbols used in ERD:-

Denotes an entity in ERD.

Represent an attribute of an entity.

Denote the relationship between entities.











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Use of the Table in MS-ACCESS: - A database is a set of

interrelated tables. A table is a set of related record.

A record is a set of interrelated fields.

Start of MS-ACCESS: -

Start All Programs MS-OFFICE MS-ACCESS.

Create a Table by Design View:-

























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Click on close button.

Decide the table name.

After deciding the table name finally clicks on ok button.

Data Type:- The data type of a field specify the type of data that will

be stored in the field.

Use of Data Type in MS-ACCESS:-

Data type Description

TEXT Store alpha numeric data (30 words)

NUMBER Store numeric data.

DATE & TIME Store date and time format.

CURRENCY Store currency values.

AUTO NUMBER Automatically generate serial format.

MEMO Store data that exceeds 255 character.

YES/NO Store logical values.

OLE use of different application program.

HYPERLINK Links to other file on a system.

Query:- We use query in two views, change and analyses data in

different ways. We can also use them as a source of records for forms,

report etc.

Queries provide two questions use data base like we can formulate

simple queries that look for record in a single table.

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Create a Query by Design view:-

Click on the Queries tab.

Out of the two option design double click create query design view.

Then display a dialogue box.

Click the add button and click the close button.

Click on table tab then select the table.

End of Basic & Computer Fundamentals.