INDEPENDENT THE BARCOO Blackall’s own community newspaper November 28 2008 ISSN 1832-6129 RRP $2.00 Contact: [email protected] Sport on the Barcoo Page 20 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 Gopher’s crossing -- page 3 BSS Presentation Night -- page 6 continued on page 3 Blackall-Tambo to get one Australia Day citizen award The news that the Blackall- Tambo Regional Council will have one Citizen of the Year award and one Young Citizen of the Year award to hand out on Australia Day next year, rather than having awards for each district, came as a shock to councillors at last week’s regional council meeting. Acting manager of Corporate and Community Services, Susan Jarvis told the meeting that Blackall-Tambo Regional Council would receive one medal for each award to present over the whole council area. Cr Sally Cripps asked if another medal in each category could be ordered but was told that the state government had specified the new system, as the council area was now a united body. Cr Peter Skewes described it as a political nightmare. The weather was kind to bowlers on Sunday, November 23, turning cool for the challenge between Blackall and Barcaldine for the HAIC trophy, which had been held by Barcaldine. Twenty-four bowlers took part in what was a great day for everyone concerned. After the first round, Blackall had a slight lead of 60 points to 47, but there must have been something in the lunchtime refreshments, as in the afternoon game Blackall raced away to win 123 points to 67. The Blackall Bowls Club thanked Barcaldine for making the trip over and also all the people who made the day such a good one. Special thanks were made to Rob Doyle who single-handedly put on a splendid lunch, which was enjoyed by all present. There were two games of social trebles played on Sunday, November 15. Mitchell Pfingst, Woody and Ron Robinson, with 17 points, defeated Jenny Turner, Roland Blucher and Col Pfingst, who scored 12 points. In the other game, Marta, Roy Black and Gumby Chapman narrowly defeated Wayne Richardson, Julie Blucher and Dally Holden 16 – 15. It will be President’s Day this Sunday, November 30. A club meeting will also be held, followed by social play. It will be an 8.30 start. -- by Dally Holden Blackall wins intertown bowls Pistol Club fi nal shoot for 08 The Nev Noske standard match held last Sunday finalised the Blackall Pistol Club’s shooting calendar for the year with a good day for shooting. Spencer Astill took home the final medal for the year with an offhandicap score of 624. Runnerup Bruce McPaul on 609 and 3rd place Aub Carter 576. Other scores were: Peter Molle 563, Noelene Gleeson 546, Len Russell 542, Doug Church 491, Doug Lane 480 and Lloyd Marsh 374. A top round was shot by Peter Molle with a 91 in the 150 second round, while Aub Carter had rounds of 90 in the 150 and 20 second rounds of the event. Members enjoyed a barbecue lunch to wind up the year and at the annual general meeting appointed the executive for next year with Bruce McPaul once again taking on the president’s role. The vice president is Wayne Dendle, secretary is Aub Carter and treasurer is Peter Molle. The first official shoot for the new year will be on Sunday, February 8. The annual general meeting of the Blackall Golf Club was held on Sunday, November 23, with many enthusiastic members taking on positions and starting planning for 2009. All positions were filled, with Anthony Allom stepping into the president’s chair, Wes Waugh as vice president, Karen Choyce as secretary and Lyn MacNamara taking on the role of treasurer. Club captain Guy Elliott will be assisted by vice captains Peter Fry and Lamickey Pitt. Outgoing office bearers and committee members were thanked for their dedication and hard work during the raising of the clubhouse and ensuring that golf continued each week. Social golf of six holes is held every Thursday afternoon from 3.45 for a 4pm hit off and is ably run by Frank Simpson. Summer golf will tee off in the very near future. Some members have been busy painting and renovating the interior of the clubhouse, now that it has been raised. On Sunday, January 25, 2009 the club will hold a corporate day/night game with the theme being around Australia Day. The renovated clubhouse will be opened, along with a barbecue tea, novelty events and prizes. Locals are urged to start working on their team and costumes as this event is being planned as a social event not to be missed. On a more serious note, the ladies sandgreen titles will be held in Blackall on July 4-5, 2009. The central west annual general meeting will be held in Barcaldine on December 7 at 8.30am. Any member who would like to go as an observer should contact Karen Choyce. The next general meeting of the Blackall Golf Club will be held on January 18 at 11am. Allom to lead Golf Club Pony Club presentations The Blackall Pony Club finished up the year with a presentation held at the Blackall Aquatic Centre recently. Members and families enjoyed the afternoon relaxing by the pool followed by the presentation of the riders’ competency certificates. Riders worked hard all year to improve their skills, with all riders achieving certificate/s. Pony club will be holding a sign-on barbecue at the pool on January 25, 2009 starting at 3pm followed by the annual general meeting. In 2009 the club will be hosting the state showjumping and equitation titles from April 14-17. It hopes to get some local riders to this event as competitors will compete in January at an official event in Longreach to be eligible. Anyone interested in holding stalls during the state titles should contact Helen Aspinall for details. She is also keen to hear from anyone who can pot plants or flowers for the club’s use for this time. Helen said it was a great opportunity for Blackall and the west to hold such a prestigious event. Frustrated QantasLink Customer Service officer, Vera Walker is pleading with local airline passengers to abide by the check-in times specified on their tickets or risk missing their flight. Qantas has had an automated check-in system in operation for over a month now, which means there is no flexibility available for local staff to hold flights open for people arriving after the time set out on their ticket. Vera’s plea has been backed up by Blackall-Tambo Regional Council CEO Ken Timms, who says that QantasLink has processes in place to ensure passenger safety and to comply with federal law. “If you want to use the carrier, passengers have no option but to comply with its check-in times,” he said. Two Blackall people have missed out on their flight in the time that the new system has been in operation. Flights are closed 15 minutes before the scheduled time of departure, from Sydney, regardless of any local information supplied. “Once the process is started, we can’t break into the computer and shut it down,” Vera said. “All we can do is notify Sydney, and we need a much better reason to get everything reversed than ‘the passenger got the time wrong’.” Safety and the larger Qantas scheduling picture are the reasons behind the strict approach to flight schedules. The QantasLink plane that comes to Blackall is used somewhere else in the system later in the day, so any delays have a flow-on effect to other people. Having firm departure times also ensures that passengers get to their destination in time, for appointments and connecting flights. Ken noted that QantasLink requires enough time to book in all passengers and their luggage prior to the plane arriving on site. “This enables fuel load weights to be checked and ensures security and safety measures have been undertaken,” he said. “As a council we are in control of the airport and passengers have to comply with security measures put in place by the federal government.” Vera added that the 15-minute QantasLink check-in times out of local hands -- by Sally Cripps Blackall State School dux Abigail Hayward (second left) is congratulated by her family - father Phillip, sister Chelsea and mother Dawn. continued on page 2

Barcoo Independent 281108

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Page 1: Barcoo Independent 281108


Blackall’s own community newspaperNovember 28 2008 ISSN 1832-6129 RRP $2.00 Contact: [email protected]

Sport on the Barcoo

Page 20 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008

Gopher’s crossing -- page 3BSS Presentation Night -- page 6

continued on page 3

B lacka ll-Tam bo to ge t one A ustra lia D ay c itizen aw ard

The news that the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council will have one Citizen of the Year award and one Young Citizen of the Year award to hand out on Australia Day next year, rather than having awards for each district, came as a shock to councillors at last week’s regional council meeting.

Acting manager of Corporate and Community Services, Susan Jarvis told the meeting that Blackall-Tambo Regional Council would receive one medal for each award to present over the whole council area.

Cr Sally Cripps asked if another medal in each category could be ordered but was told that the state government had specifi ed the new system, as the council area was now a united body.

Cr Peter Skewes described it as a political nightmare.

The weather was kind to bowlers on Sunday, November 23, turning cool for the challenge between Blackall and Barcaldine for the HAIC trophy, which had been held by Barcaldine.

Twenty-four bowlers took part in what was a great day for everyone concerned.

After the fi rst round, Blackall had a slight lead of 60 points to 47, but there must have been something in the lunchtime refreshments, as in the afternoon

game Blackall raced away to win 123 points to 67.

The Blackall Bowls Club thanked Barcaldine for making the trip over and also all the people who made the day such a good one.

Special thanks were made to Rob Doyle who single-handedly put on a splendid lunch, which was enjoyed by all present.

There were two games of social trebles played on Sunday, November 15.

Mitchell Pfi ngst, Woody and Ron

Robinson, with 17 points, defeated Jenny Turner, Roland Blucher and Col Pfi ngst, who scored 12 points.

In the other game, Marta, Roy Black and Gumby Chapman narrowly defeated Wayne Richardson, Julie Blucher and Dally Holden 16 – 15.

It will be President’s Day this Sunday, November 30. A club meeting will also be held, followed by social play.

It will be an 8.30 start.-- by Dally Holden

Blackall wins intertown bowls

P isto l C lub fi na l shoot fo r 08The Nev Noske standard match held last Sunday fi nalised

the Blackall Pistol Club’s shooting calendar for the year with a good day for shooting.

Spencer Astill took home the fi nal medal for the year with an offhandicap score of 624. Runnerup Bruce McPaul on 609 and 3rd place Aub Carter 576.

Other scores were: Peter Molle 563, Noelene Gleeson 546, Len Russell 542, Doug Church 491, Doug Lane 480 and Lloyd Marsh 374.

A top round was shot by Peter Molle with a 91 in the 150 second round, while Aub Carter had rounds of 90 in the 150 and 20 second rounds of the event.

Members enjoyed a barbecue lunch to wind up the year and at the annual general meeting appointed the executive for next year with Bruce McPaul once again taking on the president’s role.

The vice president is Wayne Dendle, secretary is Aub Carter and treasurer is Peter Molle.

The fi rst offi cial shoot for the new year will be on Sunday, February 8.

The annual general meeting of the Blackall Golf Club was held on Sunday, November 23, with many enthusiastic members taking on positions and starting planning for 2009.

All positions were fi lled, with Anthony Allom stepping into the president’s chair, Wes Waugh as vice president, Karen Choyce as secretary and Lyn MacNamara taking on the role of treasurer.

Club captain Guy Elliott will be assisted by vice captains Peter Fry and Lamickey Pitt.

Outgoing offi ce bearers and committee members were thanked for their dedication and hard work during the raising of the clubhouse and ensuring that golf continued each week.

Social golf of six holes is held every Thursday afternoon from 3.45 for a 4pm hit off and is ably run by Frank Simpson.

Summer golf will tee off in the very near future.

Some members have been busy painting and renovating the interior of the clubhouse, now that it has been raised.

On Sunday, January 25, 2009 the club will hold a corporate day/night game with the theme being around Australia Day.

The renovated clubhouse will be opened, along with a barbecue tea, novelty events and prizes.

Locals are urged to start working on their team and costumes as this event is being planned as a social event not to be missed.

On a more serious note, the ladies sandgreen titles will be held in Blackall on July 4-5, 2009.

The central west annual general meeting will be held in Barcaldine on December 7 at 8.30am.

Any member who would like to go as an observer should contact Karen Choyce.

The next general meeting of the Blackall Golf Club will be held on January 18 at 11am.

A llom to lead G o lf C lub

Pony Club presentationsThe Blackall Pony Club fi nished up the year with a

presentation held at the Blackall Aquatic Centre recently.Members and families enjoyed the afternoon relaxing

by the pool followed by the presentation of the riders’ competency certifi cates.

Riders worked hard all year to improve their skills, with all riders achieving certifi cate/s.

Pony club will be holding a sign-on barbecue at the pool on January 25, 2009 starting at 3pm followed by the annual general meeting.

In 2009 the club will be hosting the state showjumping and equitation titles from April 14-17.

It hopes to get some local riders to this event as competitors will compete in January at an offi cial event in Longreach to be eligible.

Anyone interested in holding stalls during the state titles should contact Helen Aspinall for details.

She is also keen to hear from anyone who can pot plants or fl owers for the club’s use for this time.

Helen said it was a great opportunity for Blackall and the west to hold such a prestigious event.

Frustrated QantasLink Customer Service offi cer, Vera Walker is pleading with local airline passengers to abide by the check-in times specifi ed on their tickets or risk missing their fl ight.

Qantas has had an automated check-in system in operation for over a month now, which means there is no fl exibility available for local staff to hold fl ights open for people arriving after the time set out on their ticket.

Vera’s plea has been backed up by Blackall-Tambo Regional Council CEO Ken Timms, who says that QantasLink has processes in place to ensure passenger safety and to comply with federal law.

“If you want to use the carrier, passengers have no option but to comply with its check-in times,” he said.

Two Blackall people have missed out on their fl ight in the time that the new system has been in operation.

Flights are closed 15 minutes before the scheduled time of departure, from Sydney, regardless of any local information supplied.

“Once the process is started, we can’t break into the computer and

shut it down,” Vera said.“All we can do is notify Sydney,

and we need a much better reason to get everything reversed than ‘the passenger got the time wrong’.”

Safety and the larger Qantas scheduling picture are the reasons behind the strict approach to fl ight schedules.

The QantasLink plane that comes to Blackall is used somewhere else in the system later in the day, so any delays have a fl ow-on effect to other people.

Having fi rm departure times also ensures that passengers get to their destination in time, for appointments and connecting fl ights.

Ken noted that QantasLink requires enough time to book in all passengers and their luggage prior to the plane arriving on site.

“This enables fuel load weights to be checked and ensures security and safety measures have been undertaken,” he said.

“As a council we are in control of the airport and passengers have to comply with security measures put in place by the federal government.”

Vera added that the 15-minute

Q antasL ink check-in tim es ou t o f loca l hands

-- by Sally Cripps

B lacka ll S ta te S choo l dux A b iga il H ayw ard (second le ft) is congra tu la ted by her fam ily - fa ther P h illip , s is te r C he lsea and m other D aw n.

continued on page 2

Page 2: Barcoo Independent 281108

This year is coming to a close with such a roller coaster whoosh! It is all go – no doubt everyone is feeling the pressure as all the end of year celebrations start to happen.

The then acting manager of Corporate and Community Services, Susan Jarvis was able to attend a meeting in Longreach with Chris Trevor, the chairman of the Prime Minister’s Country Task Force, seeking answers to the status of the review of Regional Health Services Funding for the Tambo Multi Purpose Centre. A commitment by the panel of Federal MPs attending to investigate this issue further and to make a report of their fi ndings to the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council was forthcoming. Apparently there are some 61 different funding agreements for RHS and the intention of the review was to streamline the process and the agreements. Congratulations to all at the Tambo MPC for the initiative to engage the services of the cardiac team which recently visited Tambo. We will be looking out for the next exciting services in 2009.

The RADF regional executive committee has met in Tambo, approving a total of $50,525 worth of applications. Applications approved for the community of Tambo account for half of this funding. There is $12 263 remaining in the RADF fund with February being the date for the next round. Please get your proposed applications underway as soon as the festive season is over.

A board meeting of RAPAD has supported the concept of geothermal power for our region with projects already underway at Longreach and further north at Cannington Mine. With solar power still really expensive, this new technology will be able to

create far more power than the western region will need, therefore it will be a profi table venture for the region.

Congratulations to Susan Jarvis on her appointment as manager of Corporate and Community Services in our Tambo offi ce. This position attracted three applicants who were interviewed by an independent panel. I wish Susan well in her position.

Congratulations are also due to Trisha Gleeson who has been appointed manager of Finance and Administration for the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council. I wish Trisha well in her position.

I was really disappointed to have to miss the Presentation Night for the Blackall State School and would like to congratulate all students on their achievements over the past year, all the parents who go the extra distance to ensure their children have everything that is necessary for schooling today and of course, the very dedicated teaching staff for their care and expertise, who make our school such a great school. Best wishes to the year 12 students as you go on to further education or employment. Your years at Blackall State School will have prepared you to meet the challenges of the days ahead with assurance.

The Prime Minister’s invitation to Canberra was a unique occasion with mayors from all over Australia attending. Many were women, especially in the south. I thought the Prime Minster spoke sincerely about the dearth of funding for infrastructure over many years in our country and the need for a meaningful partnership between the federal government and the local governments of Australia to correct this problem. I am not too sure now of the meaning of partnership. Perhaps it will come in the future and while the

$100 000 was an unexpected windfall, it will have to be applied for and will certainly not go far in this day and age and will have as many compliance regulations as do our usual funding agreements. We shouldn’t have any trouble disposing of that amount by September 2009. I trust council will be most thoughtful in their deliberations of this matter.

Jan Ross

Page 2 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 19

Barcoo Independent TV Guide December 7 - 13ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

Wednesday D

ecember 10

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows12:00 Midday Report12:30 National Press Club Address1:30 Stuff2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Art Museums Of The World6:30 Nigella Express7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 My Family: Christmas Special Pt 28:30 Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave 9:05 Grumpy Old Women (M*,R)9:40 Seven Periods With Mr Gormsby 10:05 The Making Of My Favourite Australian10:30 News10:45 Cracker (M*,R)11:40 Movie: King Kong (1933,Pg,R)1.25 Movie: The Restless Breed 2:50 NAIDOC Week Special3:25 National Press Club Address

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 Larry The Lawnmower11:30 News12:00 Extreme Celes Nip & Tuck1:00 Desperate Housewives3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 Air Crash Investigations8:30 Las Vegas9:30 The Unit (M)10:30 Prison Break (M)11:30 Disorderly Conduct Caught On Tape12:30 Polynesian Paradises1:30 Room For Improvement2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation7:30 10 To One8:00 Deadly Surf8:30 CSI: Miami9:30 ER10:30 Gossip Girl11:30 Just Shoot Me12:00 Home Shopping12:30 All Of Us1:00 Twins (F)

5:30 UEFA Champions: Live8:00 Overseas News3:30 Football Stars Of Tomorrow4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Is Your House Killing You?6:00 Global Village: The Puppetmaker6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Food Safari: Egyptian8:00 The Biggest Chinese Restaurant In The World8:30 The Long Way Down: John O’Groats, Scotland to Rome, Italy9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Movie: Narco - The Secret Adventures of Gustave Klopp 11:50 Movie: The Virgin of Lust

Thursday Decem

ber 11

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows12:00 Midday Report12:30 Parkinson (F)1:30 Collectors (F)2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Planet Earth7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Two Men In A Tinnie (R)8:30 Exposed: Persuaders9:35 Mad Hot Ballroom Pt 110:30 News10:45 Live From Abbey Road11:40 Wildside (M*,R)12.30 Movie: magnifi cent Matador (1955,G,R)2.05 Psychic Investigators (R)2:35 Movie: Unknown World (1951,Pg,R)3:55 The Glass House

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show10:00 Larry The Lawnmower10:30 2008 Australian Open Golf4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother7:30 Ugly Betty8:30 Eli Stone9:30 The Amazing Race10:30 Heroes 11:30 Man’s Work12:00 Room For Improvement12:30 Sons & Daughters1:00 Last Chance Learners1:30 Australia’s Strangest Home Improvements2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation 7:30 Emergency8:00 The Waiting Room8:30 Cold Case9:30 The Closer10:30 Close To Home11:30 Seinfi eld 12:00 Home Shopping12:30 Movie: The Pretender: Island Of The Haunted (2002,M,R)2:20 Home Shopping

5:30 UEFA Champions: Live

8:00 Overseas News

3:30 Feast Greece: Athens

4:00 The Journal

4:30 Newshour

5:30 UEFA Champions League


6:30 World News Australia

7:35 Rex in Rome

8:30 Inspector Rex

9:30 World News Australia

9:35 FIFA Club World Cup:

Adelaide United v Waitakare


12:00 Movie: Bondi Tsunami

1:40 Jihad TV

Friday Decem

ber 12

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows12:00 Midday Report12:30 How To Divorce Without Screwing Up Your Kids1:30 Jennifer Byrne presents War Stories 2:00 Trial And Retribution(F)3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Pilot Guides7:00 News 7:30 The 7:30 Report8:00 Kylie Kwong: My China8:30 Marian Again Pt 2 (M*) 9:40 The Thick Of It (MA*) 10:10 News10:20 Rose & Maloney (M*,R)11:30 rage

6:00 Sunrise

9:00 The Morning Show

10:00 Larry The Lawnmower

10:30 2008 Australian Open Golf

4:00 Go Go Stop

4:30 News

5:00 Home Improvement

5:30 Deal Or No Deal

6:00 News

6:30 Today Tonight

7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)

7:30 Better Homes & Gardens

8:30 TBA

11:45 Movie: Carrie (2002,M,R)

2:20 Infomercial

4:00 NBC Today

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation 7:30 Australian Geographic8:30 Movie: The Last Samurai (2003,M,R)11:40 Movie: Jagged Edge (1985,AV,R)12:45 Mad TV2:45 Home Shopping

5:20 Overseas News1:00 The Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1:30 Pandemic3:00 Bush School3:30 Footprints in the Sand4:30 Newshour 5:30 Andre Rieu: The Fairy Tale 6:00 Global Village: Gibraltar - The Clash of Continents6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Wall Street Warriors8:00 Counter Culture: Sweden8:30 As It Happened: Hitler’s Museum 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 My Boyfriend the Sex Tourist 10.55 Movie: About the Looking for and the Finding of Love12:50 Movie: Permanent Vacation

Saturday Decem

ber 13

5:00 rage8:00 rage: Guest Programmer9:00 rage11:00 The Kumars at No.4211:30 The Cook & The Chef12:00 Dynasties: The Anthony Family12:30 Best Of Australian Story1:00 The Shearers1:30 Bowls: NSW Open2:30 WNBL: Dandenong Vs Townsville4:00 Football: Queensland Roar Vs Melbourne Victory6:00 Totally Frank6.25 Minuscule: Yellow6:30 Best Of Gardening Australia7:00 News 7:30 Mountain With Griff Rhys Jones8:25 News8:35 The Bill10:10 News10:15 The last Detective (R)11:25 rage

6:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse6:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh7:00 Saturday Disney9:00 Toon Disney10:00 Seven’s Motorsport11:00 2008 Men’s Australian Open Golf4:30 Mercurio’s Menu5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender6:00 News6:30 Britannia High7:30 Dance Machine8:30 Movie: TBA12:15 Movie: In The Bedroom (2001,M,R)2:50 Room For Improvement3:30 It Is Written4:00 Home Shopping5:00 Dateline NBC

5:30 Christian City TV6:00 Children’s Shows11:00 Rain11:30 Home Shopping12:30 The Hills1:00 2008 Rock Eisteddfod Challenge3:00 Movie: Clash Of The Titans (1981,Pg,R)5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show7:30 Wife Swap USA8:30 McLeod’s Daughters10:30 Canal Road11:30 Movie: The Pledge (2001,M,R)2:50 Home Shopping

5:20 Overseas News1:00 Carmen3.35 This Is Civilisation: Save Our Souls4:30 Newshour 5:30 A Fork in the Mediterranean: Spain - Barcelona6:00 Classical Destinations6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: James Bond Special 28:30 Iron Chef9:20 RocKwiz10:00 Movie: The Woodsman11:50 SOS12:35 Drawn Together 1.00 Stripperella1:25 The Insiders Guide To Love: Fallen In Love Lately?


Please send your contributions to: Email: [email protected] or or call in personto :The Blackall Visitor Information Centre, 108a Shamrock St, BlackallPhone/fax: 4657 6966

1/8 pg ad: $12.50 1/6 pg ad: $25.00 1/4 pg ad: $31.50

1/3 pg ad: $43.50 1/2 pg ad: $62.50 Full page ad/Insert: $125

Advertising Rates 2008 Contributions

ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIEDSOnly $5 per minimum of 3 lines

- $1.25 each extra line * For Sale * Happy Birthday *

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M ultip le aw ards fo r com m unites

According to mayor Jan Ross, the two towns have traditionally had their own citizens of the year, and this would be a major departure.

Councillors were discussing the nomination process and Australia Day celebrations at the meeting.

They heard that multiple awards could be given out in other categories, such as Community Event of the Year, Australia Day Achievement Award, Australia Day Sports Award, and Australia Day Cultural Award.

When and where to make the announcements was also discussed by councillors.

Blackall has traditionally had a morning celebration while Tambo has had an evening function, and it was felt that this should be continued.

“Some other places have one awards ceremony but functions in each centre,” CEO Ken Timms told council, which decided to fi nalise presentation arrangements at a later date.

Council extended the closing date for nominations to January 9, 2009.

Nomination forms are available from branch offi ces in Blackall and Tambo.

continued from page 1

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 3Page 18 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008

Barcoo Independent TV Guide December 7 - 13ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

Sunday Decem

ber 7

5:00 rage6:30 Children’s Shows9:00 Insiders (F)10:00 Inside Business (F)10:30 Offsiders (F)11:05 Asia Pacific Focus (F)11:30 Songs Of Praise12:00 Best Of Landline1:00 Best Of Gardening Australia1:30 Message Stick2:00 The Winners’ Guide To The Nobel Prize3:00 Jessye Norman4:30 Double Happiness: The Marriage Of Commerce And Culture Pt 25:00 Lang Lang: Carnegie Hall Debut6:00 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne: Summer Special7:00 News 7:30 The Mega Falls Of Iguacu8:25 News8:30 A Good Murder (M*)9:40 Compass11:20 Dickens In America 11:50 Order In The House (F)2:25 Movie: Race Street (1948,Pg,R)2:15 Movie: Mystery In Mexico (1948,Pg,R)3:20 Movie: Two O’Clock Orange (1945,Pg,R)

6:00 Choices6:30 Yin Yang Yo!7:00 Trapped7:30 Weekend Sunrise10:00 Kochie’s Business Builder10:30 Sea Change, Tree Change11:00 Rolex Spirit Of Yachting12:00 Raising Baby Moose1:00 Seven’s V8 Supercars: Oran Park5:30 Great South East6:00 News6:30 TBA7:00 Hot Property 7:30 Seven Wonders Of The Industrial World (R)8:30 Holby Blue9:40 A Touch Of Frost11:45 The Benny Hill Show12:25 Movie: Dangerous Attraction (1999,M,R)2:30 Home Shopping3:30 NBC Meet The Press4:30 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Rise & Shine6:00 Children’s Shows 7:30 Business Sunday 8:00 News9:00 Cybershack9:30 2008 Boost Mobile Pro Trestles10:30 Going Places11:00 The Wildlife Man12:00 Speed Machine 12:30 Beachley Classic1:00 2008 Sports Performer Awards2:00 WWE Afterburn3:00 Movie: Off Season (2002,G)5:00 The Gurus Explore Pilbara6:00 News6:30 Christmas With AWW7:00 You Are What You Eat7:30 Two & A Half Men8:00 The Big Bang Theory8:30 Movie: Hostage (2005,M,R) 10:30 Movie: American Outlaws (2001,M)12:40 Mad TV1:40 Home Shopping

6:25 Overseas News10:00 Insight Summer Season: Playing the Pokies11:00 Ethnic Business Awards 200812:30 Water Skiing Superboats: Grafton1:00 Speedweek 3:00 Football Asia 3:30 UEFA Champions League Magazine 4:00 Les Murray’s Football Feature5:00 The World Game: 2008 Homeless World Cup6:00 Thalassa: The Lord of the Fjords6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Roman Empire: Timgad - The Rome of Africa 8:30 Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial9:35 49 Up10:50 Movie: At Point Blank12:40 Kurt Wallander: Sidetracked1:40 If the Dead Could Speak

Monday D

ecember 8

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows11:00 Best Of Landline12:00 Midday Report12:30 Incredible Journeys With Steve Leonard 1:30 Atlantic Edge2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Monarchy (R)7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Face Painting With Bill Leak8:30 The Howard Years9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton (F)10:35 News10:45 Just Punishment (M*,R)11:40 MDA: Damage Control (M*,R)12:35 Movie: Two Tickets To Broadway (1951,G,R)2.25 Movie: Criminal Court (1946,Pg,R)3:25 Bowls: Australian Indoor Championships

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 All For The Kids11:30 News12:00 Movie: Anybody’s Nightmare (2001,M,R)2:00 Desperate Housewives3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 The Rich List8:30 Bones (R)10:30 Scrubs11:00 Kath & Kim The American Series 11:30 Last Comic Standing 12:30 Room For Improvement1:00 A Country Practice2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show1:00 The View 2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Home Shopping3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation7:30 Two & A Half Men8:00 The Big Bang Theory8:30 CSI9:30 The Fringe 10:30 Survivor Micronesia: Fans v Favourites11:30 Just Shoot Me12:00 Home Shopping12:30 Shipwrecked

5:20 Overseas News

7.15 FIFA Under 20s Women’s

World Cup Final LIVE

9:30 Overseas News

3:00 I Remember 1948

3:30 Outsourced

4:30 The Journal

5:00 The Crew

5:30 Corner Gas

6:00 Global Village: Assisi

6:30 World News Australia

7:30 Top Gear

8:30 Swift & Shift Couriers

9.00 South Park: The Early Years

9:30 World News Australia

10:00 Shameless

10:50 Movie: Graveyard Alive: A

Zombie Nurse in Love

12.20 Movie: Oculto

Tuesday Decem

ber 9

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows12:00 Midday Report12:30 The Einstein Factor (F)1:00 The New Inventors1:30 Reef Dreams2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh 3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Time Team (F)7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The Museum8:35 Party Animals9:30 Hustle10:25 News10:35 Iconoclasts (M*,R)11:20 Movie: The White Tower (Pg,1950,R)1:10 Movie: Underwater! (1955,G,R)2:55 Psychic Investigators3:30 Island Life: Macquarie Island (R)

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 Larry The Lawnmower11:30 News12:00 Movie: Dying On The Edge (2001,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 Ugly Betty8:30 Eli Stone (M)9:30 Dirty Sexy Money (M)10:30 Prison Break (M)11:30 Man’s Work12:00 Auction Squad1:00 A Country Practice2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation7:30 Police Ten 78:00 Sudden Impact8:30 Movie: Mr & Mrs Smith (2004,M,R)10:35 Survivor: Micronesia - Fans v Favourites 11:30 Girls Of The Playboy Mansion12:00 Home Shopping12:30 ER

5:20 Overseas News

1:00 The Storm Rages Twice

2:05 Don Matteo

3:00 The Lifestyle Experts

3:30 The Closet Tales of

Australian Fashion

4:00 The Journal

4:30 Newshour

5:30 Corner Gas

6:00 Global Village:


6:30 World News Australia

7:30 The Nest

8:30 Return of The Bible

Plagues: Mosquitoes

9:30 World News Australia

10:00 Jonestown - The Life and

Death of People’s Temple

11:35 Movie: Climates

1.20 She Stole My Foetus

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstancesCLASSIFICATIONS: G General Classification PG Parental Guidance Recommended M Mature Classification Recommended for viewing by mature audiences.MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. AV Adult Violence Classification Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

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continued from page 1

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council’s consulting engineer, Graham Wills is assessing the safest option for the installation of a “gopher” crossing in Coronation Drive.

The need for a crossing was raised by Barcoo Living, to improve the safety for mobility scooter users in the area.

While the Department of Main Roads agreed that a crossing approximately 30m north of Shamrock Street would be appropriate, a meeting in October between Mr Wills, Blackall-Tambo’s acting Manager of Works Ross Browning and a representative of Grant Daniel & Long identified safety and parking concerns.

Mr Wills told councillors recently that the GDL representative was concerned about losing car parks on the western side of Coronation Drive.

“I also had concerns about how close a crossing there would be to

the traffic turning from Shamrock Street,” he said.

“I’ve seen people come round that corner at a considerable speed.

“It would mean the elimination of parking to be safe.”

Mr Wills said the group looked at an alternative site from outside the ambulance station to outside the Blackall Club.

“Whilst this may restrict parking immediately outside those venues, it does provide a safe option for gophers to cross away from the intersection of Shamrock Street,” he noted.

Cr Sally Cripps said it sounded as though parking would be lost, no matter where the crossing was sited.

Mr Wills said he was trying to utilise the driveways of both premises as ways of minimising the loss of parking spaces.

“There is a need to find the best solution both for community safety and commercial interests,”

he said.Council decided to convene a

meeting between Mr Wills, CEO Ken Timms, Barcoo Living and local police to discuss proposed locations.

Cr Cripps asked that the Club manager and the officer in charge at the ambulance station be consulted as a matter of courtesy.

Mr Wills also suggested that any gopher crossing installation be accompanied by an education program in road safety awareness.

“You just can’t put a crossing in; it’s got to be done in conjunction with education,” he said.

Cr Graham Schluter agreed, saying that he thought there would still be gopher users who would cross the national highway diagonally from GDL to the National Bistro.

-- by Sally Cripps

Coronation Drive gopher crossing on drawing board

closure period enabled ground crew to fulfil all their duties in the allocated time.

“We have to load and unload luggage and food, print out load sheets for the captain so he can work out his fuel requirements, and provide a cabin manager’s report, which all takes time,” she said.

“It’s time we need to make the plane serviceable for passengers.”

Vera stressed that staff really didn’t like to leave any passengers behind.

“We understand there are only three flights a week out of Blackall and we do our best for people, but they have to work with us,” she said.

“Don’t get your advice from your neighbour – you can check the closing times with us, with your travel agent, by looking at your ticket, by ringing the council office,

even by driving out to the airport and reading the times up on the window there.

“We’re here to do everything we can to help you catch your plane, such as pass on advice about baggage limitations and what you can carry on the plane.

“People should use us if they’re unsure.”

Ken agreed that not knowing flight closing times wasn’t a viable excuse for people.

“Please ensure you read your QantasLink ticket as it clearly advises the amount of time required to check in,” he said.

“In the near future, passengers may have to be scanned prior to boarding, which may also lengthen check-in time,” Ken added.

“Council apologises for any inconvenience these security measures do or may impose; however, the laws must be adhered

to and your safety comes first.”Vera pointed out that the

timeframe given for boarding the plane at Blackall was no different to airports in larger centres and people could wait with a lot more ease than they did in places like Brisbane.

“You can be in a queue there for an awfully long time,” she said.

She recommended that people give themselves 45 minutes to check-in comfortably before departure. Check-in with bags closes 30 minutes prior to departure and check-in with no bags closes 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.

“At the end of the day, being late and expecting the plane to be held up for you is not fair on the other people waiting, who’ve done the right thing and got themselves there on time,” Vera said.

-- by Sally Cripps

45 m inu tes fo r check-in

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 17Page 4 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008

Barcoo Independent TV Guide Nov 30 - Dec 6ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

Wednesday D

ecember 3

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows11:00 The Airships (F)12:00 Midday Report12:30 National Press Club Address1:30 Stuff2:00 Parliament Question Time3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Art Museums Of The World6:30 Nigella Express7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 My Family Christmas Special Pt 18:30 Wallace & Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf & Death9:05 Stupid Stupid Man (F)9:30 Summer Heights High (F)10:05 Star Stories: George Michael10:35 Lateline11:10 Lateline Business11:35 Cracker12:30 Parliament Question Time1:40 Movie: Irene (1940,Pg,R)3:25 National Press Club Address

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 All For The Kids11:30 News12:00 Movie: The Games (1970,G,R)2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 Air Crash Investigations8:30 Las Vegas9:30 The Unit (M)10:30 Prison Break (M)11:30 Disorderly Conduct Caught On Tape12:30 Survival On A Tropical Isle1:30 Room For Improvement2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation7:30 10 To One8:00 TBA8:30 CSI:Miami9:30 ER10:30 Gossip Girl11:30 Just Shoot Me12:00 Home Shopping12:30 All Of Us1:00 Twins

5:30 Overseas News1.00 Ethnic Business Awards 20082:30 Tales from a Suitcase: King Fong3:00 Salam Café3:30 Football Stars Of Tomorrow4:00 The Journal4:30 Newshour5:30 Is Your House Killing You6:00 Global Village: Flavours of Southern Morocco6:30 World News Australia7:30 Food Safari: South American8:00 The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World8:30 The Long Way Down9:30 World News Australia10:00 NEWStopia 10:30 Movie: Janis and John12:20 No More Tears Sister1:45 Life Support

Thursday Decem

ber 4

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows11:00 Riddles Of The Bible (F)12:00 Midday Report12:30 Parkinson1:30 Collectors2:00 Parliament Question Time3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Planet Earth7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Two Men In A Tinnie8:30 Exposed: Heartbreak9:30 Aussie Battlers 10:30 Lateline11:05 Lateline Business11:30 Michael Buble: Caught In The Act12:35 Wildside (M*,R)1:25 Parliament Question Time2:25 Movie: No Minor Vices (1948,Pg,R)4:00 The Glass House

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show9.30 All For The Kids12:00 Movie: Captive (1998,M,R)2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 Ugly Betty8:30 Eli Stone 9:30 The Amazing Race10:30 Heroes (M)11:30 Man’s Work12:00 Room For Improvement12:30 Sons & Daughters1:00 Last Chance Learners1:30 Australia’s Strangest Home Improvements2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 A Current Affair7:00 Temptation7:30 Emergency8:00 The Waiting Room8:30 Cold Case9:30 The Closer10:30 Close To Home11:30 Seinfeld 12:00 Home Shopping12:30 Movie: Imposter (2002,AV)2:20 Home Shopping

5:30 Overseas News1:00 Australian Biography: May O’Brien1:30 The Genius Sperm Bank2:25 Pregnant in Two Wombs3:15 Waiting For The Train3:30 Feast Greece: Chios - The Weeping Isle4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial6:00 Global Village: How Sweet It Is6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Rex in Rome8:30 Inspector Rex9:35 World News Australia 10:00 Movie: The Son of the Bride12:10 Movie: After the Day Before

Friday Decem

ber 5

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks & Specks6:00 Children’s Shows11:00 Amazon Abyss12:00 Midday Report12:30 Rewind (F)1:30 Jennifer Byrne Presents Bill Bryson2:00 Trial And Retribution 3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Pilot Guides6:30 Can We Help?7:00 News 7:30 Stateline (F)8:00 Collectors (F)8:30 Marian Again Pt 1 (M*)9:40 The Thick Of It (MA*)10:10 Lateline (F)10:50 Rose & Maloney (M*,R)12:00 rage

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 All For The Kids11:30 News12:00 Movie: Maiden Voyage (M,R)2:00 Desperate Housewives3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 Better Homes & Gardens8.30 Movie: 24: Redemption (M)10:30 Movie: The Vanishing (1993,M,R)12:35 Movie: Wanted (1998,M,R)2:25 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today

5:30 Today9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne11:00 News11:30 Home Shopping12:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1:00 The View2:00 Days Of Our Lives3:00 Entertainment Tonight3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi4:00 The Shak4:30 News5:00 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 Footprints (F)7:00 Temptation7:30 Australian Geographic8:30 Movie: Miss Congeniality (2001,M,R)10:45 Monster House11:45 Movie: The Devil’s Advocate (1997,MA)2:25 Home Shopping

5:20 Overseas News1:00 The Food Lovers’ Guide to Australia 1:30 Fidel Castro2:30 Maternity Unit3:30 Wedding Sari Showdown4:00 The Journal4:30 Newshour 5:30 Andre Rieu: The Fairytale6:00 Global Village: Berlin, The Mental Wall 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Wall Street Warriors8:00 Counter Culture: Russia8:30 As It Happened: Double Agent Popov - The Original James Bond 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Landmark Sex: Married to the Eiffel Tower10:55 Movie: The Spectator12:40 Movie: Eros Therapy

Saturday Decem

ber 6

5:00 rage8:00 rage: Special: Ready For My Close-Up9:00 rage11:00 The Kumars At No.4211:30 The Cook & The Chef12:00 Stateline (F)12:30 Best Of Australian Story1:00 The Shearers1:30 Bowls: NSW Open2:30 WNBL: Bendigo Vs Christchurch4:00 Football: Adelaide United Vs Central Coast Mariners6:00 Totally Frank6.25 Minuscule: Caterpillars In Pairs6:30 Gardening Australia7:00 News 7:30 Mountain With Griff Rhys Jones8:25 News8:30 The Bill10:10 News10:15 The last Detective (R)11:25 rage

6:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse6:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh7:00 Saturday Disney9:00 Toon Disney11:30 Home Improvement12:00 Eclipse1:00 Dunlop Targa NZ2:00 Sevens V8 Supercars 2008: Oran Park5:30 Qld Weekender6:00 News6:30 Britannia High7:30 Dance Machine8:30 Movie: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003,M,R)12.30 Move: Target Earth (1998,M,R)2:25 Auction Squad3:30 It Is Written4:00 Home Shopping5:00 Dateline NBC

5:30 Christian City TV6:00 Children’s Shows11:00 Rain11:30 Home Shopping12:30 The Hills1:00 2008 Rock Eisteddfod Challenge2:00 Movie: The Sea Chase (1995,Pg,R)4:30 Australia’s Own Car – 60 Years Of Holden5:30 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show (F)7:30 Wife Swap USA8:30 McLeod’s Daughters9:30 AFI Awards11:30 Movie: Lantana (2001,M,R)1:50 Home Shopping

5:20 Overseas News1:00 Strictly Bolshoi2:30 Regular or Super: Views on Mies Van Der Rohe3:35 This is Civilization: Feelings 4:30 Newshour5:30 A Fork in the Mediterranean: Italy - Venice6:00 Classical Destinations: Worchester & Aldeburgh6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters: James Bond Special8:30 Iron Chef 9:20 RocKwiz 10:00 Movie: The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada12:05 S.O.S1:00 NEWStopia1.30 Dawn Together2.00 Stripperella

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The upcoming Edgar Towner Memorial Dinner will be a chance for community members to honour and reflect on the achievements of a truly remarkable man, according to organiser Robyn Adams.

She describes him as heroic and inspirational in his youth and an articulate and driven visionary in later years.

Local grazier Phillip Adams of Darracourt, aged 92, one of Blackall’s oldest community members, recalled a childhood memory of Towner when he received his dinner invitation.

As a child of seven or eight years, Phillip first met Edgar Towner as he alighted from the steam train onto the Yalleroi platform.

Phillip remembered that he was a big man, strong and impressive in full military uniform resplendent with medals and ribbons.

Edgar would have been returning to Purtora or Valparaiso, possibly after some post World War I commemorations, leaving a lasting impression on Phillip, who had never seen a man in an

army uniform before.Robyn said that Edgar Thomas

Towner VC MC was unique in his military actions and subsequent awards and decorations, both as fighting soldier, and his contribution to the Allied victory.

“So too was his fifty years of extensively travelling and studying the Lake Eyre Basin,” she said.

“Passionate about the Barcoo River where he lived his entire life, Edgar Towner become an expert on the geological and early exploration history of this, the world’s largest internally draining basin.

“He gave an address to the Royal Geographical Society in Brisbane in 1955 titled ‘Lake Eyre and its Tributaries’ which draws on and together much of his life’s keen environmental observations and collected knowledge.

“To close the memorial dinner, extracts from this and his other published works will be highlighted by Desert Channels Queensland, which is proud to be

the principal sponsor.”According to Robyn, planning

for the dinner is progressing well and is being supported by a wide range of individuals and organisations including the extended Towner family, the Australian War Memorial, Desert Channels Queensland, the Blackall State School, the Blackall RSL, and the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council.

Tickets are available from Seymour’s Department Store and all proceeds will go towards the commissioning of ‘larger than life size’ bronze statue of Edgar Towner in the Memorial Park as a lasting tribute to a legendary son of the Blackall and broader central western Queensland community.

The dinner will take place on Friday, December 5 at the Blackall Cultural Centre, beginning at 6pm. Only limited tickets will be available at the door.

Tow ner d inner a tim e to honour a loca l hero

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Page 16 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 5

Barcoo Independent TV Guide Nov 30 - Dec 6ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

Sunday Novem

ber 30

5:00 rage6:30 Children’s Shows9:00 Insiders10:00 Inside Business10:30 Offsiders11:00 Asia Pacifi c Focus11:30 Songs Of Praise12:00 Best Of Landline1:00 Gardening Australia1:30 Message Stick2:00 Riot Or Revolution: The Eureka Stockade 18543:00 The Life And Times Of Frida Kahlo4:30 Double Happiness: The Marriage Of Commerce And Culture Pt 15:00 Arrivederci Gelmetti6:00 At The Movies6:30 IOU: Mary Hardy7:00 News 7:30 The Orangutan King8:25 News8.30 A Good Murder9:40 Compass10:35 Dickens In America11:05 Order In The House12:05 Movie: Christopher Strong (1933,Pg,R)1.20 Movie: Cat People (1942,Pg,R)2:35 Movie: Isle Of The Dead (1945,Pg,R)3:55 Our Boys (F)

6:00 Choices6:30 Yin Yang Yo!7:00 Trapped7:30 Weekend Sunrise10:00 Kochie’s Business Builders10:30 Sea Change, Tree Change11:00 2008 Australian Masters Golf4:30 Mercurio’s Menu5:00 Queensland’s Best Living5:30 Great South East6:00 News6:30 The Outdoor Room With Jamie Durie7:00 Hot Property7:30 Seven Wonders Of The Industrial World (R)8:30 Holby Blue9:40 A Touch Of Frost (M,R)11:45 The Benny Hill Show12:25 Movie: War Stories (M)2:05 Room For Improvement2:30 Home Shopping3:30 NBC Meet The Press4:30 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Rise & Shine6:00 Children’s Shows 7:30 Don’t Come Monday (F)8:00 News9:00 Cybershack9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand12:00 The Cricket Show12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand5:00 Footprints5:30 Antiques Roadshow6:00 News6:30 TBA7:30 Two & A Half Men8:00 The Big Bang Theory8:30 Movie: Catch Me If You Can (2002,M,R)11:30 Seinfi eld12:00 WWE Afterburn1:00 A1GP - World Cup Of Motorsport Sepang, Melaysia2:00 Home Shopping

6:25 Overseas News10:00 The Best Of Insight 200811:00 Sunday Brunch Sessions: From Mozart to Morrison12:00 IAAF World Athletics Gala 2008 12:30 Cycling: Crocodile Trophy 2008 1:00 Speedweek 3:00 Football Asia 3:30 UEFA Champions League 4:00 Les Murray’s Football Feature - Inter Milan v Panathinaikos 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa: Green Gold 6:30 World News 7:30 The Roman Empire8:30 Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial 9:35 49 Up 10:50 Movie: Good Morning, Night12:40 Kurt Wallander: Sidetracked 1:40 If the Dead Could Speak

Monday D

ecember 1

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spick And Specks6:00 Children’s Show11:00 Best Of Landline12:00 Midday Report12:30 Incredible Journeys With Steve Leonard (G)1:30 Atlantic Edge2:00 Parliament Question Time3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Monarchy7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Face Painting With Bill Leak8:30 The Howard Years9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton10:25 Lateline11:00 Lateline Business11:25 Rampant: How A City Stopped A Plague12:25 Parliament Question Time 1:25 Movie: Joy Of Living (1938,G,R)2:55 Psychic Investigators3:20 Bowls: Australian Indoor Championships

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 All For The Kids11:30 News12:00 Movie: All American Girl: Mary Kay Letourneau (1999,M,R)2:00 Desperate Housewives3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 The Rich List8:30 Bones (R)10:30 Scrubs11:00 Kath & Kim The American Series11:30 Last Comic Standing 1:20 Room For Improvement2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today

9:00 The Kingdom Of Paramithi

9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New


12:00 The Cricket Show

12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New


5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW

5:30 Antiques Roadshow

6:00 News

6:30 A Current Affair

7:00 Temptation

7:30 Two & A Half Men

8:00 The Big Bang Theory

8:30 CSI

9:30 The Fringe

10:30 Survivor Micronesia: Fans v


11:30 Just Shoot Me

12:00 Home Shopping

12:30 Shipwrecked

5:20 Overseas News

1:00 Spacefi les: The Universe


1:25 Truth, Lies And Intelligence

2:30 The Spy Who Stole My Life

3:30 Young And Restless In China

4:30 The Journal

5:00 The Crew

5:30 Corner Gas

6:00 Global Village: The Isles of


6:30 World News Australia

7:30 Top Gear

8:30 Swift and Shift Couriers

9:00 South Park: The Early Years

9:30 World News Australia

10:00 Shameless

10:55 Movie: Severed

12:35 Movie: Mars

Tuesday Decem

ber 2

4:30 G.P.5:30 Spicks And Specks6.00 Children’s Show11:00 Sleek Geeks (F)11.30 Carbon Cops (F)12:00 Midday Report12:30 The Einstein Factor1:00 The New Inventors1:30 Reef Dreams2:00 Parliament Question Time3:00 Children’s Shows6:05 Time Team7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The Museum8:35 Party Animals9:30 Hustle10:25 Lateline11:00 Lateline Business11:25 Iconoclasts12:10 Parliament Question Time1:10 Movie: I Walked With A Zombie (1943,Pg,R)2:25 Movie: The Devil Thumbs A Ride (1947,Pg,R)3:30 Island Life

6:00 Sunrise9:00 The Morning Show11:00 All For The Kids11:30 News12:00 Movie: In The Time Of The Butterfl ies (2001,M)2:00 Desperate Housewives3:00 Infomercial4:00 Go Go Stop4:30 News 5:00 Home Improvement5:30 Deal Or No Deal6:00 News6:30 Today Tonight7:00 How I Met Your Mother (R)7:30 Ugly Betty8:30 Eli Stone (M)9:30 Dirty Sexy Money (M)10:30 Prison Break (M)11:30 Man’s Work12:00 Auction Squad1:00 A Country Practice2:00 Infomercial4:00 NBC Today5:30 News

5:30 Today

9:00 The Kingdom Of Paramithi

9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New


12:00 The Cricket Show

12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New


5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW

5:30 Antiques Roadshow

6:00 News

6:30 A Current Affair

7:00 Temptation

7:30 The Chopping Block (F)

8:30 Movie: The In-Laws


10:30 Survivor: Micronesia Fan Vs


11:30 Girls Of The Playboy Mansion

12:00 Home Shopping

12:30 ER

5:20 Overseas News

1:00 The Storm Rages Twice

2:00 Don Matteo

3:00 Here Comes The


3:30 The Closet Tales of

Australian Fashion

4:00 The Journal

4:30 Newshour

5:30 Corner Gas

6:00 Global Village: The Death


6:30 World News Australia

7:30 The Nest

8:30 Return Of The Bible

Plagues: Deadly Waters

9:30 World News Australia

10:00 Street Soccer Zimbabwe

10.30 In the Hands of the Gods

12:25 Movie: I Am

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstancesCLASSIFICATIONS: G General Classifi cation PG Parental Guidance Recommended M Mature Classifi cation Recommended for viewing by mature audiences.MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. AV Adult Violence Classifi cation Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

Spend $30 on She range of cosmetics and receive a beautiful Pink Shoulder

bag for Free Phone 46 575 616

While welcoming the announcement that Blackall-Tambo Regional Council will be offered $100 000 from the federal government’s new community infrastructure stimulus package, mayor Jan Ross has questioned the current federal-local government relationship and the need for councils to be continually begging for funds.

“It’s wonderful that Mr Rudd’s government thought to ask us to Canberra, as it’s never been done before, but I would like to think that a better partnership between our two levels of government could be worked out in the future,” Cr Ross said.

“The grants that have been announced are still in the same format, doled out after a long list of criteria are met and not untied for us to use as we see fi t, which isn’t what I know as a partnership at all.

“Although they’ve fi nally acknowledged that we are the level of government closest to the people, they are still dribbling out money

and keeping us dependent.”Blackall-Tambo’s $100 000 this

fi nancial year is part of the Rudd labor government’s $300 million package to help local communities respond to the global fi nancial crisis.

Blackall-Tambo will also be eligible to apply on a competitive basis for larger projects seeking a minimum Commonwealth contribution of $2 million or more.

The funding was announced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as part of the new regional and local Community Infrastructure Programat the Australian Council of Local Government in Canberra recently.

Member for Flynn, Chris Trevor said it would be welcome relief for communities who are feeling the pinch of the global fi nancial crisis.

Preference will be given to local projects that can start immediately to stimulate economic development and improve the quality of life in local communities.

“This is our opportunity to get

Mayor queries federal-local partnership

DATE CLAIMERSDATE CLAIMERSNOVEMBER29 St Patrick’s Christmas fete30 Advent & Christmas Tree festivalDECEMBER1 St Joseph’s speech night5 Edgar Towner Memorial dinner6 Girls Garage Sale8-11 Tambo showjumping school19 Blackall Club Christmas party24 Mardi GrasJANUARY 200925 Pony Club sign-on25 Corporate golf/clubhouse opening26 Australia DayFEBRUARY 20098 Pistol Club begins

Two Blackall women, Danielle Butler and Sarah Pearson are holding the town’s fi rst-ever Girls Garage Sale, kicking the men out of their special place and installing items such as giftware, haberdashery, paintings and clothing accessories on the shelves for a day.

Set to take place at the Blackall Tennis Clubhouse on December 6, Danielle and Sarah say the response to their idea of decluttering drawers and reinventing one’s style has been very positive.

The sales pitch is aimed specifi cally at women, reminding people that it’s a female’s prerogative to “change her mind, change her taste, and buy on impulse”.

“We do hope people can drop off a box of goodies to put into the sale, and enjoy clearing out their cupboards and drawers,” Danielle said.

“You are certain to fi nd something practical, unique and stylish in this

new guilt-free way to shop,” she added.

Under the rules of sale, items must be either bought new with tags, new without tags, excellent condition, or good condition, to maintain the aim of a quality shopping event.

Items are to have no chips or cracks and must be in full working order with batteries.

The girls will charge a 25 per cent commission on goods sold to cover set up and display, and payment will be by cash only.

A sale sheet and further details are available from either Sarah or Danielle, and the drop-off points are at either the Tennis Club or Landmark by Friday, December 5.

“We aim not only to provide a successful experience for sellers but a quality shopping event for buyers, and we look forward to a wide variety of items for sale on the day,” Danielle said.

Girls take over the shed for a day

moving on those important local projects – things like our community centres, swimming pools and sports grounds,” Mr Trevor said.

The Blackall-Tambo administration will be working with councillors to submit a suitable application to the government for the $100 000, and will also looking at its options to submit an application for a suitable capital project over $2 million.

CEO Ken Timms said both items would be discussed at the December 3 council meeting in Blackall, as applications have to be in by January 30, 2009.

While Mr Trevor said his government wanted projects that stimulate local economies in the short-term, support jobs in local communities, and provide practical community infrastructure for the long-term, Cr Ross said the value of the money was questionable.

“Councils can spend $100 000 in a few days,” she said.

“This announcement is very welcome but we must remember that we have been pointing out the desperate need for infrastructure funds for many years.

“I think this money really is a drop in the bucket.”

-- by Sally Cripps

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 15Page 6 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008

December should see no more than about 4 rain days, and these in the second half of the month, in the third week and just before Xmas Day, but with no heavy falls expected. The average temperature for maximums may be around 37C and for minimums around 22C. Over the month, the barometer may average about 1012mbs. Warmer days may be 1st-3rd, 13th-17th and 29th-31st..

Allow 24 hour error for forecasts.K en R ing ’s book “P red ic t W eather fo r A ustra lia 2009” is ava ilab le .E m ail: enqu iries@ pred ic tw eather.com

Temperatures max and min






























































Longrange Weather Predictions For Blackall 1 Dec 2008 – 31 Dec 2008(B y The M oon) from Ken Ring of www.predictweather.com

At a Glance

The reduced Blackall Combined Agents yarding of 1132 head at their weekly fat and store sale on November 13 was in line with other sales in Queensland for the week.

West Hill Trust, Blackall sold Santa feeder steers and bullocks to average 166.6 c/kg and weigh 528.9 kg.

TWT and EC Rice, Torrens Creek sold a good line of Droughtmaster/ Hereford cross steers to top at 167.2 c/kg, to average 164 c/kg and to return $510.71.

Nugent Pastoral Co, Tambo sold a good Santa bull weighing 960 kg for $1153.

TM and KJ Joseland, Newhaven, Yaraka sold a good pen of Charolais cross steers making 174.2 c/kg at 418.3 kg to bring $728.

Recruit Investments, Prairie Downs, Blackall sold Brahman cross heifers topping at 153.2 c/kg, weighing 390 kg and $597/head to average 149 c/kg for 378 kg or $565/hd.

The Birchley Family, Gartmore, Tambo sold Braford bullocks for 164.2 c/kg weighing 713 kg to return $1171/hd.

They also sold Braford cows topping at 148.2 c/kg to average 143 c/kg weighing 608 kg to return $865/hd.

Swan Hill Cattle Co, Blackall sold Santa cows for 146.2 c/kg weighing 641 kg to return $938/hd. They also sold Charolais cross heifers for 157.2 c/kg weighing 500 kg to return $786.

Dick and Sue Ferguson, Garfi eld, Jericho sold Droughtmaster heifers for $158.2 c/kg weighing 210 kg to return $332/hd.

At the November 20 sale, 740 head were yarded, mainly fat cows and stores. With good storm rain in large areas of Queensland and New South Wales the

store market was stronger on the lighter types.With the short supply of good fat cattle, meatworks

rates stayed fi rm to slightly dearer.Heavy bullocks over 600 kg of Andy Purvis,

Waverley, Augathella sold to a top of 166 c/kg.Heavy cows sold fi rm with Andy Purvis selling good

Santa cows to a high of 143 c/kg. Rob Thallon sold Santa cows to 137 c/kg.

Store rates in Blackall got to heights not seen for a few months with light Charbray steers sold to 200 c/kg. Rob Thallon sold young Santa cows and calves to $650 per unit.

The sale scheduled for November 26 has been cancelled but over 4300 head have been booked for the weaner and store sale set down for December 3.

R educed yard ings a t ca ttle sa les

Across: 1 Add, 3 Standing, 7 Four, 9 Conservation, 11 Sea, 13 Rust, 15 Flashlight, 16 It, 17 Idle, 18 Industries, 20 Do, 22 Ear, 24 Up, 25 Indirect, 26 Eats, 28 Mistaken, 30 Own, 31 Two, 33 Nuts, 34 Colourful. Down: 1 Arc, 2 Den, 3 Seeing, 4 Advertisements, 5 Dates, 6 Noon, 8 One, 10 Orchestras, 11 Suffi cient, 12 Awarded, 14 Tied, 19 Ric-rac, 21 Out, 23 Rat, 27 So, 29 Into, 32 On.

2 7 1 3 6 5 4 9 88 5 4 7 2 9 1 6 36 9 3 4 8 1 2 7 54 1 9 5 3 7 6 8 23 2 6 8 9 4 5 1 75 8 7 6 1 2 9 3 41 3 8 2 5 6 7 4 99 4 2 1 7 8 3 5 67 6 5 9 4 3 8 2 1

Solutions to puzzles on page 12







PH. 46 574 546 A/H

The value of partnerships was emphasised by all speakers at last week’s Blackall State School Presentation Night, especially by 2008 dux Abigail Hayward, who was called on to deliver the valedictory address.

In speaking of the many achievements of students this year, Abigail acknowledged the inspiration and support of staff, friends and families.

“I wish the current six-year-olds just as wonderful an experience with school as I’ve had,” she said.

This was echoed by acting principal Leanne Martin, who thanked parents for valuing learning and the pathways it creates.

“I am thankful for the Blackall community, which is like an extended family,” she said.

“People have allowed our students to have valuable learning experiences.”

P&C president Les Williams acknowledged the support of volunteers in keeping the organisation going.

“My biggest goal for next year will be to get more people involved, as we look towards another major year to raise funds for bigger and better things.”

The region’s executive director, Rowena Arthur attended the evening and reminded graduating students that the principle of success – “If it is to be, it’s up to me” – still applies in the wider world.

She also thanked Ms Martin for her work at the school in the last six months, saying it was not often that she got calls from people fi lled with praise for sending a principal to a school, before announcing that she would be departing for Gladstone in 2009.

The community was treated to a full night of ceremony and entertainment, including musical presentations from the concert band, a rock rendition of Dammit by Justin Johnstone, Dylan Dolinski, Jack Politch and teacher Fiona Stirling, a reading of a poem titled Success by Stevie Harlow, and more music from Abi Hayward and Ellerah Campbell.

The evening concluded with the ever-popular pictorial reminder of the year past.

AWARD Winners: Prep Awards: Jake Baigrie, Travis Burton, Wendy Carter, Caleb Fanning, Mikayla Frost, Jai Harlow, Jemma Jones, Mileke Martin, Tristan Mcgovern, Krystin Ruddle, Benjamin Smith, Brendan Ward:

Achievement English; Cooper Hauff, Xenobia Martin, Caitlin Johnstone, Charley Brown, Tahlia Gerber, Sarah Mcpaul, Carly Thomson, Amy Mcnamara; Achievement Maths: Cooper Hauff, Ryan Blucher, Bayley Williams, Xenobia Martin, Fraser Mckay, Rishabh Gandhi, Carly Thomson, Benjamin Timms, Josh Mcerlean: Achievement Science; Cooper Hauff, Lochie Martin, Logan Hauff, Paul Malinen, Kyle Williams, Brodie Barth: Achievement Technology: Robert Richardson, Shauna Kangan, Logan Hauff, Zach Frost, Peter Blucher, Amy Mcnamara, Josh Mcerlean: Achievement Studies Of Society: Cooper Hauff, Xenobia Martin, Isaac Hunter, Shannon Birse, Brodie Barth: Achievementart: Mikhalia Macqueen, Bayley Williams, Caleb Richardson, Paul Malinen, Cassidy Flynn, Amy Mcnamara, Nicholas

Kinsey, Greg Harse: Achievement Pe: Beau Turlan, Shauna Kangan, Mitchell Hauff, Zach Frost, Cassidy Flynn, Amy Mcnamara, Greg Harse: Consistent Achievement: Beau Turlan, Ryan Blucher, Shauna Kangan, Billy Flynn, Jaimie-lee Morris, Scott Hillier, Justine Kangan, Nicholas Kinsey: Recognition Of Effort: Leroy Brown, Bridget Dendle, Becky Miller, Logan Coward, Peter Blucher, Rochelle Robinson, Sarah Read, Greg Harse: School Spirit Award: Samuel Mobbs, Xenobia Martin, Caitlin Johnstone, Elise Leek, Shannon Thomson, Amy Mcnamara: Academic Excellence: Ronan Robinson, Stevie Harlow, Jack Politch, Emily Parker, Shagun Gandhi, Abigail Hayward: Consistent Achievement: Jack Ward, Mitchell Pfi ngst, Natalie Denddle, Bonita Lawrence, Harley Kowald-dawson, Ellerah Campbell, Kyle Richardson: Recognition Of Effort: Angela Martin, Amy Blucher, Courtney, Richardson, Justin Johnstone, Tammy Waine, Michael Schrag, Kahli Cameron: School Community Service: Tiffany Waine, Chelsea Hayward, Georgina Heard, Cholette Smith, Amy Blucher, Cheree Dougal, Ronan Robinson, Jesse Negus, Angela Martin, Jack Ward, Sara Aspinall, Jack Politch, Craig Jenson, Brady Prow, Hamish Heard, David Goodman, Cindy-lee Harvey, Kahli Cameron, Ellerah Campbell, Samantha Durietz, Abigail Hayward, Ginger Morgan, Samuel Olive, Kyle Richardson, Brendan Schrag,william Tremmel: Donna Neville Award: Emily Parker: Shirley Harlow Award: Abigail Hayward: Sporting Achievement: Natalie Dendle / Whylie Wilson: Sporting Excellence: Joshua Mcerlean / Sara Aspinall: Opac Award: Samantha Durietz: National Party: Robyn Leek: Icpa Award: Ellerah Campbell: Adf Leadership Award: Justin Johnstone, Harley Kowald-dawson, Abigail Hayward: George Bourne & Assoc.: Kyle Richardson: Caltex Allrounder: Kyle Richardson

P artnersh ips p ra ised a t S ta te S choo l p resenta tion n igh t

B S S sen io rs 08 : back - S am O live , G inger M organ, E lle rah C am pbe ll, K y le R ichardson, B rendan S chrag , W illiam Trem m ell; fron t - S am D u R e itz , A b iga il H ayw ard , K ah li C am eron.

The B lacka ll S ta te S choo l P rep c lass o f 2008 w as exc ited w ith the books they rece ived a t the P resenta tion N igh t.

Page 7: Barcoo Independent 281108

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 7Page 14- The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008

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For more information visit www.landmark.com.au or call the Landmark Service Centre on 1800 622 015.

In an extraordinary achievement across a single school year, four local young men will be doing Blackall proud in the leadership stakes at various Queensland boarding schools in 2009.

Ben Stockwell and Luke Dawson have been selected as house prefects at St Joseph’s Nudgee College in Brisbane, and Luke is also on the school spirit team.

Ben will spend three weeks in South Africa at the end of the school year, participating in the Edmund Rice Foundation’s South Africa/Australia Alive program, which provides an opportunity for young people to be youth leaders for justice and peace.

They will visit the township of Soweto, the Bonne Esperence Refugee Centre and Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.

Carl Hauff was this week elected one of three vice captains who will help lead St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon next year.

Carl, the eldest son of Tony and Di at The Springs, will be in his fi fth year at St Brendan’s.

In an interesting coincidence, the other two vice captains are sons of people who were in year 12 with Tony, at the same school in 1983.

Robert Rooney, son of Tom and Michelle at Pentwyn, has been elected college captain at The Cathedral College, Rockhampton, for 2009.

Robert is the fi rst boarder to be elected captain of the school, at which day students are the majority. Both Robert and Carl took part in the recent World Youth Day events in Sydney.

Ben, Luke and Carl were all in the same class at St Joseph’s, Blackall while Robert undertook his primary schooling with the Longreach School of Distance Education.-- by Terry Kingston and Dell


Blackall youth to lead their schools

R obert R ooney

Over 10 000 bulls sold and millions of progeny on the ground were proud achievements listed by Terry Russell as he welcomed buyers to the 40th annual Swan Hill on-property bull sale last week.

The Russell family returned their sale to its traditional selling time of November in the hope of suiting breeding programs and being closer to rain and a good summer season but despite the dark clouds looming and thunder rumbling nearby, agents had to work hard on the day and some bulls were passed in.

Of the Santa Gertrudis bulls on offer, 66 were sold for a gross of $234 000 or an average price of $3545.

Rowanlea Cattle Co, Calliope, paid the top price of $7000 for lot 30.

There were 18 Charolais/Santa cross bulls sold to gross $71 500 and average $3972.

Top price for lot 88 was $11 000, sold to Bailey Properties, Paradise Downs, Blackall.

Six Angus/Santa cross bulls

sold for a $21 000 gross, and an average price of $3500.

The highest price was $6000, sold to Phillip and Tanya Curr, Arizona, Julia Creek.

The stud has invested in top line Charolais and Red Angus sires in recent years.

Terry said they had tried composites as there were different needs for different areas.

Most of the bulls offered in the catalogue were born and raised during the worst of the drought conditions and were weaned and branded on agistment.

Volume buyers included Alcoota Grazing Co, Alice Springs (13 head), Peter and Therese Sargood, Rumleigh, Tambo (7 head), and Phillip and Tanya Curr (6 head).

S w an H ill ce lebra tes 40 th bu ll sa le

A bove: R abobank’s A ngus M cC le llan d iscusses ca ttle m arke ts w ith John B row n, Tam bo.C entre : M em bers o f the R usse ll fam ily ga thered toge ther fo r the 40 th annua l bu ll sa le - F iona and Jenny w ith K ate , S uzy and G eoff M cN am ara .B e low : Terry R usse ll d iscusses the ca ta logue w ith C hris N ott from A lice S prings.

B en S tockw e ll Luke D aw son

C arl H auff

Long hours of solo study have paid off for two Blackall State School students.

Kyle Richardson, who has just completed Year 12, and Shagun Gandhi, Year 11 recently received subject awards through the Brisbane School of Distance Education (BSODE).

Kyle took out the graphics senior subject prize, which means he topped his class of 29 students.

Shagun received a special merit award for chemistry.

Kyle said he wasn’t expecting the accolade and didn’t know BSODE had such awards.

“I had just fi nished an exam (when I found out) so I was pretty run down, so I thought it was great,” he said.

Kyle’s teacher Rina Farlow said she usually only got a few students each year with his enthusiasm, dedication and skill.

“It’s been a pleasure to assist Kyle with his graphics and I wish

him well in the future,” she said. Shagun said she was also

surprised to learn of her award.“I really was shocked when

I got it because I was more into physics,” she said.

Shagun’s special merit award recognises “conscientious and consistent effort to the best of the student’s ability taking into account individual circumstances.”

The students said working by distance ed was hard as you had to teach yourself through books.

“You have to be very disciplined to do it, you don’t have a teacher to tell you how to do the work,” Kyle said.

“It’s not impossible to do. I think you get more satisfaction out of doing it yourself knowing that all that work paid off,” he said.

Shagun, who wants to study dentistry, said the experience would benefi t her at university.

“We know how to work in our own space, independently,” she

said.Kyle said he liked graphics but

would take a different direction to that fi eld and planned to study physio.

The students received their certifi cates at Blackall State School’s presentation night last week.

Solo study pays off for Kyle and Shagun

K yle R ichardson and S hagun G andh i rece ived sub ject aw ards from B S O D E .

A b i H ayw ard , A sh ley Tim m s and K a itlyn M cE rlean w ere am ongst the band m em bers w ho en te rta ined the aud ience a t the B lacka ll S ta te S choo l P resenta tion N igh t.

Page 8: Barcoo Independent 281108

Midwives Clinic

Ante Natal & Post Natal

Blackall Hospital

Ph 46507 700

Midwives ClinicBlackall Hospital offers shared ante natal care with

your GP or Obstetrician and midwife.

Shared Care

Midwives are available on a regular basis at Blackall hospital to provide ante & post natal care

Ante Natal & Post Natal checks -- information on Pregnancy, labour and birth Breast feeding Nutrition

Are you having a Baby? Have you just had a baby?

Ante Natal Shared Care & Post natal Follow up Care -- When can I see a Midwife? Regular ante natal check ups are advised every 4 weeks until you are 28 weeks pregnant. – This care can be shared between your GP & Obstetrician and your midwife. – Shared care means information will be shared between health providers. – A midwife can provide routine ante natal care at Blackall hospital on a weekly to fortnightly basis. – When you first present to a midwives clinic you will have a booking in interview this will take an hour and is reviewed by the GP.

Things you can talk to a midwife about? Ante natal care – Nutrition and exercise – Pregnancy – Labour – Birth choices & options -- Ante natal classes – Infant care\infant feeding – Immunisation – Breast feeding – Expectations & anxieties – Frequency of visits – Until 28 weeks every 4 weeks – 28 to 36 weeks every fortnight – 36 weeks till delivery every week -- These visits can be more often if required or advised.

After you baby is born? Midwives are available on a regular basis at Blackall Hospital to provide Post natal care to mothers and their babies up to 6 weeks post delivery. -- Post natal check ups for mothers and babies – Information regarding breast feeding/ infant feeding – Any difficulties or challenges after delivery of your baby – Post natal feelings/depression

Page 8 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 28 2008 - Page 13

Antenatal Shared Care And Postnatal Follow–up Care: Ph: Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700 11th Dec Audiologist: Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. Child Health And Adult/ Child Hearing Tests: Ph: Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700 Referrals Required From Local GP For A Hearing Test Community Health – Indigenous Health, Qiddi & Social Workers: Ph: Longreach Community Health Service On 4658 3344. Continence Advisor: Ph: Joanne De Vries On 4658 3622. Dentist: All Patients Who Require Dental Treatment Need To Register On A Waiting List To Be Able To Get An Appointment. Ph: Blackall Hospital To Add Name Onto List. Barcaldine Dental Clinic- 4651 1311, Longreach Hospital- 4658 4720, Private Clinic Longreach- 4658 1283 Dietician: Ph: Blackall Hospital For Appointment. Dermatologist: Referrals Required From Local Gp. Ph: Black Stump Surgery On 4657 4677 for an appointment Emotional & Social Well Being Team: Ph: 4658 1928 For Details. Ent (Ears, Nose, And Throat) Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735 Foot Care Clinic: Ph: Blackall Hospital For Appointment. Gastroenterologist: Dr Stevenson -referrals Required Local GP. Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital For Appointment On 4658 4735. Gynaecologist And Obstetric (Fog Team) Referrals Required From Your Local GP. Ph: Blackall Hospital For An Appointment. Ophthalmologist: Dr Glasson/Dr Stark Will Be Visiting Blackall In Feb 2009. Referrals Are Required. Contact Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700. Optometrist: Geoff Fitzpatrick Call 1800 008 020 Blackall- Mon 1st Dec, 2008. Orthodontist: Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital On 4658 4735 Orthopaedics: Ph: Longreach Hospital On 4658 4735. Mental Health Nurse: Ph: Longreach Hospital On 4658 4700 For Appointment, Visits Blackall And Tambo Weekly. Paediatrician Team (Child Psychiatrist And Paediatrician): Dr Helen Heussler- Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital On 4658 4735. Referrals Required.Podiatrist: Currently Visits The Longreach Hospital Monthly. Ph: Longreach Hospital On 46584700 Psychiatrist: Ph: Mental Health At The Longreach Hospital On 4658 4700 For Info or Appointment. Referrals Are Required From Your GP. Psychologist: Ph: Longreach RFDS On 4658 1928 For Appointment. The Psychologist Comes To Blackall Monthly. Physiotherapist: Currently Provides Services To Longreach And Barcaldine Weekly. Ph: Longreach Hospital On 4658 4700 Or Barcaldine Hospital On 4651 1311. Queensland Illicit Drug Diversion Initative/ Drug And Alcohol Worker: Ph: The Mental Health Team At Longreach Hospital On 4652 7951. Visits Blackall Clients On A Needs Basis. Relationships Australia : Visit Blackall On A Needs Basis. Ph: 1300 364 277 For An Appointment. Respiratory Physician: Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital For Appointment On 4658 4735. Surgeon: Contact The Longreach Hospital For Inquires. Speech Therapist: Ph: Erika Healy On 4652 7951 For Appointments. Well Woman’s Clinic Doctor: Dr Louise Russell Visits Blackall Hospital 2 Days A Month. Ph: Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700. Dates: 10 & 11Dec, 5 & 6 Feb, 2009 Well Woman’s Clinic Nurse: Louise Cameron Ph Blackall Hospital for Appointment The Yaraka Clinics. Dr Louise Russell To be advised Well Woman’s Nurse Louise Cameron Is Visiting Yaraka In- Nov Dates To Be Confirmed.

Specialist Dates from the Blackall Hospital

All people matter to God !


where Jesus makes a difference

SUNDAYS 9.00amMinister: Rev Peter Aay


Blackall ContactsGraham & Meryl Gibson

46574740Warren & Marg Lehmann

46574546Phil & Ricki Walker


Ladies FellowshipHeather Whitfield


Thrift Shop: 9am – 12 noonTuesday, Friday & Saturday

Flo Moore 46574465Betty Walker 46574746

K I N D E R G A R T E N DIRECTOR/TEACHERBlackall Kindergarten require a qualified Early Childhood Director/Teacher for a part time position (2 days per week) to commence in Jan 2009. Please phone Clare (07) 46576526 for Position Descriptions. Applications should be posted to The Secretary, PO Box 54, Blackall Qld 4472. Applications close 5pm, 12 December 2008. Blackall Kindergarten is a C & K Affiliated Kindergarten.

Blackall Annual Christmas Light Competition

There are six (6) $100.00 vouchers up for grabs in the annual Christmas Lights Competition.

Spirit of Christmas Best Decorated Business

Premises Best Home and Garden Best Illumination Best Night Decoration Good NeighboursJudging will be done between

Monday 8th of December to Friday the 12th and all you need to do to enter is complete an entry form at the Council Office and leave your lights on till 9.30pm.

Australia Day AwardsDon’t forget to submit your

nominations for the 2009 Blackall-Tambo Regional Council Australia Day Awards.

Nomination forms are available from the Council Office and close on Friday the 9th of January 2009.

Office ClosureThe Blackall Administration

Office and Depot, Blackall Visitor Information Centre, Blackall Library, Blackall 60s and Better, Barcoo Family Day Care and Blackall-Tambo Regional Council Community Services will close on Thursday, 25 December, 2008 and will re-open on Monday, 5 January, 2009.

Westpac Instore banking facilities will remain open from

Monday, 29th December, 2008 to Wednesday, 31 December, 2008 and Friday the 2nd of January 2009 with opening hours of 10.00am to 3.30pm.

Christmas Eve Mardi Gras Road Closure

Shamrock Street between Coronation Drive and Hawthorne Street will be closed between 5pm and midnight on Wednesday the 24th of December 2008 for the annual Christmas Eve Mardi Gras.

Overgrown AllotmentsOwners of land within Blackall

and Tambo are reminded to regularly mow the grass and undergrowth to keep their land tidy. Failure to do so creates hazards from vermin, snakes and fires. Regular inspections of the towns are being carried out to ensure owners are compliant with Local Laws.

Council MeetingsThe next Ordinary Meeting

of Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 3 December 2008 at the Council Chambers, Coronation Drive, Blackall commencing at 8.30am.

Any correspondence for inclu-sion in the agenda for this meeting is to be addressed to the Chief Ex-ecutive Officer, PO Box 21 Black-all 4472 and must be received no later than Monday 1 December 2008.


Council wish to advise all residents that due to the growing complaints received at our council offices in regards to barking, wandering, and aggressive dogs complaints, we will be increasing patrols in the area to ensure that no dogs are found to be wandering at large or causing a public nuisance within the community.

This is to ensure that everyone in the community can feel safe and will not be annoyed by other

peoples dogs.Council has local officers to

ensure that residents comply with local Legislation of the control of animals in town. Council therefore requires all dog owners to effectively control them at all times.

This includes the practice of ensuring these animals remain within the confines of their property and do not become a public nuisance to the community.

Any dogs found to be wandering or causing nuisance within the community will be dealt with and owners will be cautioned and fined accordingly.

A reminder that all dogs kept within the town of Blackall, aged 3 months and over must be registered with Council and must wear a current registration tag.

Attention All Dog Owners


IGA Kool carrots 1 kg $1.49 bag

KRC Middle Bacon Rashers $7.98 kg

IGA Half Leg Hams Bone-in $7.99 kg

Meadow-Lea Margarine $2.99 kg tub

Peters Original Ice-Cream $3.49 2L

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KIDS CORNER with Eddie EmuG’day kids, The count down has begun, only four weeks until Christmas (that’s 26 sleeps) and one week until we pick the winners of the Christmas colouring competition. So if you haven’t dropped your entry in yet there is still time and make sure you go and checkout the entries already displayed in the window of the National Bistro - coffee shop. Last Tuesday night was Speech night for Blackall State School, judging by the number of children in their school uniforms I think the whole school turned up – well done. Congratulations to all the children who won awards. Thursday night was the year 12s Formal and everyone got dressed up in their evening wear, the boys in suits and the girls in beautiful gowns, they looked fantastic. It was a fun evening with lots of entertainment provided by the year 12 students. I would like to wish you all well in your future endeavours. And a huge congratulations to Abby Hayward who was awarded Dux of the school.Eddie Emu


Edgar Towner Memorial DinnerLieutenant Edgar Thomas Towner was awarded the Victoria Cross for ‘most conspicuous bravery, initiative and devotion to duty’ on 1st September 1918 at Mont St. Quentin in France, capturing an enemy machine gun and taking 25 prisoners.

Blackall State School student Ronan Robinson, inspired by these heroic efforts, urged the community to remember the local grazier with a commemorative statue. His published assignment activated partnerships which secured State funding, commissioned a leading sculptor and now invites community support by attendance at the fundraising dinner.

Friday 5th December 2008From 6.00pm

At the Blackall Cultural CentreHawthorne Street, Blackall

for theEdgar Towner Memorial Dinner

L‘most conspicuous bravery, initiative and devotion to duty’ on 1st September 1918 at Mont St. Quentin in France, capturing an enemy machine gun and taking 25 prisoners.

Burged the community to remember the local grazier with a commemorative statue. His published assignment activated partnerships which secured State funding, commissioned a leading sculptor and now invites community support by attendance at the fundraising dinner.

L‘most conspicuous bravery, initiative and devotion to duty’ on 1st September 1918 at Mont St. Quentin in France, capturing an enemy machine gun and taking 25 prisoners.

Burged the community to remember the local grazier with a commemorative statue. His published assignment activated partnerships which secured State funding, commissioned a leading sculptor and now invites community support by attendance at the fundraising dinner.

RSVP 28th November to Seymour’s Phone 4657 4889 for bookings & purchase of tickets Limited Tickets at Door

Representing the Towner family, Geoffrey Towner will host the evening.Head of Australian War Memorial Research Centre, Mal Booth will be MC and talk of Edgar Towner’s gallant actions in World War One. William Eicholtz, the commissioned sculptor will talk of his concept for this, and other commemorative works in Canberra and Victoria. Display of a representative of Edgar Towner’s Victoria Cross medal set.

The menu, designed by Alison Alexander traces Edgar Towner’s life from his birth on the banks of the Barcoo, through the battlefields of France and back to sheep grazing south of Longreach. In later years, Edgar Towner extensively travelled and studied the Lake Eyre Basin. Desert Channels Queensland as sponsors will conclude the evening with highlights of his published works.

Dress: Cocktail / Black TieTickets: $90.00Veterans $40.00


Regional Council


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WACKY ANIMAL FACTS:Here are my top 10 wacky animal facts, if you have any interesting facts or stories about animals send them in because I am always looking for information on animals, be it funny, wacky or just plain strange.

I hope you found these animal facts as interesting as I did; here is something for you to think about over the next couple of weeks. Does anyone know what a Zyzzyva is? I will tell you the answer next week.

1. Here are my top 10 wacky animal facts, if you have any interesting facts or stories about animals send them in because I am always looking for information on animals, be it funny, wacky or just plain strange.2. A duckbill platypus can store as many as 600 worms in the pouches of its cheeks, which is just as well considering it can eat as much as its own weight per day. (that’s a lot of worms)3. No two zebras have the same markings.4. The only two animals known to man that can’t get cancer are sharks and rays. Scientists believe it is because they have cartilage instead of bones.5. Sloths take two weeks to digest their food.6. A species of lizard, known as the Tuatara (native to New Zealand) have three eyes, two on the front of its head and one on the top. (how bizarre)7. Elephants are able to smell water from great distances, as far as 4.8 kilometres.8. Out of all animals, the giant tortoise is able to live in captivity the longest. Calcutta Zoo had a giant tortoise that died on the 22/03/06 at the ripe old age of 255. (wow I bet that tortoise had some wrinkles)9. Camels have three eyelids to protect their eyes from the blowing sand during sandstorms.10. Butterfl ies taste with their hind legs.11. (this is my favourite) The Alaskan black fi sh lives in the arctic region. When winter comes and the water freezes, the black fi sh lays in suspended animation. Afterwards, when the ice melts the black fi sh simply swims away.

Birthday wishesHappy Birthday Amy McNamara.

Amy turned 11 on the 20th of November

A CHRISTMAS POEM: A Letter from Santa Claus

Tons of happiness fi led Ronnie’s head, as he read what Santa had said.

For he had sent him a letter that night, which fi lled his little heart with delight.

And as he read that letter more, Santa walked right through the door,

He fi lled Ronnie with lots of joy, as he handed him a new toy.

Santa was the jolliest of them allHis nose was like a little red ball

He had a beard that was fl owing long, he looked perfect, nothing was wrong.

He didn’t want Santa to goHe went up the chimney, and a kiss he did

blow.After Santa shouted goodbye,

Ronnie smiled and began to sigh.

Knock KnockWho’s there?

MaryMary who?

Mary Christmas!

Q. Why is Prancer always wet?

Q. Which of Santa’s reindeer has bad manners?

A. Rude – olph!

A. Because he is a rain – deer!





Blackall residents and business houses will once again be able to take part in the Christmas Lights Competition.

After the success of the competition conducted over past years, Council has decided to continue with the competition.

The categories for the competition are:

Spirit of Christmas $100.00 Redeemable Voucher �

Best Decorated Business House $100.00 Redeemable Voucher �

Best Home and Garden $100.00 Redeemable Voucher �

Best Illumination $100.00 Redeemable Voucher �

Best Night Decoration $100.00 Redeemable Voucher �

Good Neighbours Award $50.00 Redeemable Voucher each

Judging will be conducted during the week of 8 to 12 December, and the winners will be announced on Christmas Eve at the Mardi Gras.

Those taking part are asked to leave their lights on until 9.30 pm each evening between 8 December to 12 December, 2008.


Fax: 07 4657 4726 Phone: 07 4657 4222 Email: [email protected] www.blackall.qld.gov.au



Council invites nominations from residents and community groups for the following Australia Day Awards:

• Citizen of the Year Award • Young Citizen of the Year Award • Sports Award • Junior Sports Award • Cultural Award • Community Event of the Year Award

Nomination forms and conditions may be obtained from the Council Office and nominations will be accepted up until Friday, 09 January, 2009.


Fax: 07 4657 4726 Phone: 07 4657 4222 Email: [email protected] www.blackall.qld.gov.au

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Ph. (07) 46576 685ABN.35004661311

Lic.68617We are pleased to announce the winner

of the $500.00 Cash is J. Hillier

from Blackall. Congratulations!

To everyone else we would like to wish a

VVEERRYY MMEERRRRYY CCHHRRIISSTTMMAASSand best of luck for 2009. Thanks for your support.

Parking Conditions at Day Care Centre

With the opening of the new Blackstump Medical Centre in Thistle Street, a number of parking issues have been brought to the attention of Blackall Police. Firstly, there are No Parking zones in front of the Blackall Limited Hours Day Care Centre and the Black Stump Medical Centre. These areas are designated no parking for both the safety of children and pedestrians whilst providing clear access for an ambulance to attend each location if required. Members of the public should also note that available parking in front of these two centres is front-end angle parking as designated by the signs.Constable Luke Johnson shaved for a cure

On Thursday, November 6 Constable Luke Johnson of the Blackall Police Station had his head shaved to assist in Bluey Day fundraising. Bluey Day originated in Victoria in 1995 and has spread to be a worldwide fundraising activity. It involves members of

emergency services departments – Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance and the SES – all shaving their heads to help raise money for sick and disadvantaged kids. The event was held at St Joseph’s Primary School where Constable Luke is the ‘Adopt-a-Cop.’ As part of Luke’s fundraising effort, an on the spot challenge was made to all parents, teachers and students present that for an extra $100 Luke would sport a mohawk for the day. To the credit of everyone on assembly for the shave, an extra $130 was generously raised on the spot.

The event was kicked off by Bub Prow from Blackall Hospital who drew up a 500 board. This was drawn on the day and the winner, Jenny Muir from the Universal Garden Centre and Gallery immediately donated the money back to the appeal, stating, “They need it far more than me”. With Jenny’s kind donation, Constable Luke has raised a whopping total of $655, which was deposited into the Bluey Day Foundation bank

account.Constable Luke thanked Jenny

Muir for her kind donation, staff from Blackall Hospital for arranging the day, Megan Schragg from Blackall QFRS for assisting in raising funds, and St Joseph’s School for hosting the shave. He also thanked all in the Blackall community who kindly supported him in raising money for this very worthwhile cause, and station secretary Helen Burton for shaving his head.



Photos For SaleThe B arcoo Independent has photos taken by S a lly C ripps in 2007/8 fo r sa le . P lease ca ll in to the B lacka ll V is ito r In fo rm ation C entre to v iew and/or purchase the photos.

Only $2 each

I. M. PlumbingI. M. PlumbingI. M. PlumbingI. M. PlumbingI. M. PlumbingI. M. Plumbing

Ian Martin

0438 007789Servicing Blackall and surrounding areas

For all your plumbing and handy man needs

BLACKALL Isolated Children’s Parents Ass. would like to invite any community member interested in the education of all children to their AGM on the 5 December 08 @ 4pm. To be held at the National Bistro. For more information contact Anita Dennis 4657 5954

The Blackall Swim Club sent a team of 11 swimmers to Longreach on the weekend for its much anticipated 25 year Memorial Swimming Carnival.

This is the fi rst carnival LASC has hosted in several years and the fi rst meet to be conducted in the new aquatic centre facilities.

The Longreach Swim Club now enjoys a new 25m covered and heated pool, children’s play pools and a 6 lane 50m pool.

On the day of the meet the diving blocks were still to be installed so times were slower than normal, but good competition was seen across the age groups.

Blackall age champions were Lilly Richardson 6yr girls, Jamee Johnson 11yr girls, and Natalie Dendle 14yr girls and open age group.

Runner-up age champions were Wade Kangan 8yr boys, Zach Frost 9yr boys, Lauren Meehan-Johnson 9yr girls, and Jamee Johnson open girls.

All individual placings: Rosie Alexander 6yr fl y 2, breast 3, back 3, free 2; Charley Brown 8yr fl y 7, breast 7, back 6, free 5; Zach Frost 9yr fl y 1, breast 2, back 2, free 2; Jamee Johnson 11yr fl y 1, breast 2, back 1, free 1, I/M 1, open fl y 2, breast 5, back 3, free 4; Wade Kangan 8yr fl y 2, breast 2, back 2, free 2; Joshua McErlean 12yr fl y 4, breast 2, back 4, free 5, I/M 3; Kaitlyn McErlean 11yr fl y 6, breast 10, back 10, free 8; Lauren Meehan-Johnson fl y 2, breast 2, back 2, free 2; Lilly Richardson fl y 1, breast 2, back 1, free 1; Tamika Waihape 11yr fl y 7, breast 7, back 7, free 7; Natalie Dendle 14yr fl y 1, breast 1, back 1 free 1 I/M 1, open fl y 1, breast 1, back 1 free.

Seventeen swimmers will travel to Tambo this Sunday for their annual short course meet.

Club swimming will conclude for this half of the season on Thursday, December 4 and re-commence on the fi rst Thursday of term one, 2009.

Swim Club travels to Longreach

B elow : S w im m ing fo r the B lacka ll S w im C lub a t Longreach w ere B ack - Joshua M cE rlean , N ata lie D end le , Jam ee Johnson, C a itlyn M cE rlean , Tam ika W aihape F ron t – C harley B row n, L illy R ichardson, Lauren-M eehan Johnson, Zach F rost, W ade K angan

Jam ee Johnson and N ata lie D end le

L illy R ichardson and R osie A lexander

Lauren M eehan-Johnson