BAPI User Guide BAPI User Guide...................................................1 Introduction......................................................3 Business Framework...........................................4 SAP Business Objects.........................................6 Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI)............9 Advantages of Using BAPIs..............................10 Characteristics of BAPIs...............................11 Standardized BAPIs.....................................13 Service BAPIs for Help Functions.......................15 SAP Enhancements to BAPIs..............................18 BAPIs of SAP Interface Types................................19 Business Object Repository..................................19 Programming with BAPIs...........................................20 Object-oriented Access to BAPIs.............................22 Function-oriented Access to BAPIs...........................25 Programming Dialog Applications.............................26 Programming Distributed Applications........................27 Transaction Model for Developing BAPIs......................28 BAPI Transaction Model with Commit.....................28 BAPI Transaction Model Without Commit..................30 Determining BAPIs of Business Objects.......................32 Specifying the Key Fields of the Business Object.......33 Specifying the BAPI Parameters.........................33 Determining the Name of the Function Module............34 Displaying BAPI Documentation..........................34 Determining BAPIs of Interface Types........................35 Specifying the BAPI Parameters.........................35 Displaying BAPI Documentation..........................36 Examples of BAPI Calls......................................37 Calling BAPIs from Java................................37 Calling BAPIs from Visual Basic........................40 Calling BAPIs from ABAP................................43 Modifying BAPIs..................................................45 User Exits.................................................45 Customer Enhancements......................................47 Enhancements Through Modification......................47 Customer Developments..................................49 Namespaces.................................................50

BAPI User Guide

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BAPI User GuideBAPI User Guide................................................................................................................... 1Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3 Business Framework........................................................................................................ 4 SAP Business Objects..................................................................................................... 6 Business A!ication Pro"rammin" Inter#ace $BAPI%........................................................&Ad'anta"es o# Usin" BAPIs...................................................................................... 1()*aracteristics o# BAPIs............................................................................................ 11Standardi+ed BAPIs.................................................................................................. 13Ser'ice BAPIs #or ,e! Functions.............................................................................1-SAP .n*ancements to BAPIs................................................................................... 1/ BAPIs o# SAP Inter#ace 01es........................................................................................ 1& Business Object 2eositor1........................................................................................... 1&Pro"rammin" wit* BAPIs.................................................................................................... 3( Object4oriented Access to BAPIs.................................................................................... 33 Function4oriented Access to BAPIs................................................................................ 3- Pro"rammin" 5ia!o" A!ications................................................................................... 36 Pro"rammin" 5istributed A!ications............................................................................36 0ransaction 7ode! #or 5e'e!oin" BAPIs.......................................................................3/BAPI 0ransaction 7ode! wit* )ommit.......................................................................3/BAPI 0ransaction 7ode! 8it*out )ommit..................................................................3( 5eterminin" BAPIs o# Business Objects........................................................................33Seci#1in" t*e 9e1 Fie!ds o# t*e Business Object.....................................................33Seci#1in" t*e BAPI Parameters...............................................................................335eterminin" t*e :ame o# t*e Function 7odu!e.........................................................345is!a1in" BAPI 5ocumentation................................................................................34 5eterminin" BAPIs o# Inter#ace 01es............................................................................ 3-Seci#1in" t*e BAPI Parameters...............................................................................3-5is!a1in" BAPI 5ocumentation................................................................................36 .;am!es o# BAPI )a!!s................................................................................................. 36)a!!in" BAPIs #rom 3 S1stems? #or e;am!e? so t*at occasiona! users can access 2>3.0*ese #ront4ends can be im!emented as 8indows4based c!ient a!ications? #or e;am!e? as macros #or deskto a!ications $7icroso#t .;ce! or Access%? w*ic* are usua!!1 written in =isua! Basic #or A!ications or im!emented as a!ications in =isua! Basic? 5)O7 E )omonent Object 7ode! > 5istributed )omonent Object 7ode!2F)E 2emote Function )a!!)O2BA E )ommon Object 2eFuest Broker Arc*itectureIntegrationAccessing Business #$ectsAstheabovegraphicshows) theinterfacela"erseparatesabusinessobect=sdataandtheapplications and technologies that can be used to access it. To the outside) the SAP BusinessObects reveal onl"their interface) whichconsists of a set of clearl"definedmethods.Applications can onl" access the business obect data b" the obect=s methods.AnapplicationprogramthataccessesanSAP BusinessObectanditsdataonl"needstheinformation re!uired to e,ecute the methods. Therefore) an application programmer can workwith the SAP Business Obects and invoke their methods without having to know or considerthe obect=s underl"ing implementation details.The set of methods that is associated with a business obect represents the obect=s behavior.>hen a method is e,ecuted on a business obect) the method can change the obect=s internalstate) that is) the obect=s data. For e,ample) one method that "ou can use on the business obect Employee is to hereas class methods are instance-independent. This section provides an overview ofthe standardi*ed BAP&s and how the" are assigned to method t"pes.BAPIs &or Reading 'ataThefollowingBAP&sprovide"ouwithread-onl"accesstodataintheassociatedbusinessobect;GetList>ith the BAP&GetList"ou can select a range of obect ke" values) for e,ample) compan"codes and material numbers. Method type; 3lass methodsFor more information see Programming 1etEist BAP&s. GetDetailThe BAP& Getetail uses a ke" to retrieve details about an instance 'one specific occurrence(ofabusinessobect andreturnsthisdatatothecallingprogram. Thenthisinformationisreported back to the calling program. Method type; &nstance methodFor more information see Programming 1et2etail BAP&s. GetStatusThe BAP& Get!tatus is used to !uer" the status of an SAP Business Obect) for e,ample) theprocessing status of a sales order. This BAP& is used onl" for displa"ing the status of an obectand does not retrieve full details like the BAP& Getetail. Method type; &nstance methodFor more information see Programming 1etStatus BAP&s.ExistenceCheckThe BAP&E"istenceCheckchecks whether an entr" e,ists for an SAP Business Obect) fore,ample) whether the customer master has been created. Method type; &nstance methodFor more information see Programming :,istence3heck BAP&s. BAPIs &or Creating or C/anging 'ataThe following BAP&s can create) change or delete instances of a business obect;Create or CreateFromData The BAP& Create or Create#romata creates an instance o# an SAP Business Object? #ore;am!e? a urc*ase order. Method type; 3lass methodsFor more information see Programming 3reate BAP&s. ChangeThe BAP&Chan$echanges an e,isting instance of aSAP Business Obect) for e,ample)apurchase order. Method type; &nstance methodFor more information see Programming 3hange BAP&s.Delete and Undelete TheBAP&eletedeletesaninstanceof anSAPBusinessObect fromthedatabase) fore,ample) a purchase order. The BAP& %ndelete removes a deletion flag.Method type; &nstance methodFor more information see Programming 2elete BAP&s. Add3 S1stem? 1ou must t*en ca!! t*is met*od to ass t*e c*an"es to t*e database. +api!ervice..ransactionRollback0*is met*od e;ecutes a 2OAABA)9 8O29 command. 8*en 1ou ca!! BAPIs in 1our ro"ram t*at c*an"e data in t*e 2>3 S1stem? a#terwards 1ou must ca!! t*is met*od to ass t*e c*an"es to t*e database. 0*is works ro'ided t*at t*e BAPI +api!ervice..ransactionCommit *as not a!read1 assed t*e c*an"es to t*e database.BAPIs &or Con%erting Between Internal and E6ternal 'ata Formats !'omain Con%ersion"BAP&sareprogramminginterfaces) not end-user interfaces. For thisreasonaneutral dataformat 'withsome e,ceptions( must be used inBAP&s. Fields inBAP& parameters aredispla"ed in the BAP& interface in the internal format used in the database) not in a formattedform.>hen "ou call a BAP& in "our program) "ou need to use the e,ternal data format) to displa"data on the screen) for e,ample. 9ou can use the following conversion BAP&s to displa" thedata in the re!uired format; +api!ervice.ataConversion,nt/E"t0*is BAPI con'erts data #rom t*e interna! #ormat into t*e reFuired e;terna! #ormat. +api!ervice.ataConversionE"t/,nt0*is BAPI con'erts data #rom t*e e;terna! #ormat into t*e reFuired interna! #ormat.Theseconversionscanonl"becarriedout providedthat) theconversionroutinesfor thedomains underl"ing the data to be converted) are maintained in the ABAP2ictionar".Otherwise the data is returned unconverted. The graphic below shows where conversion BAP&s are used; Con%ersion BAPIsApplicationprogramApplicationprogramGUI GUIBAPI.;terna! data #ormat? #or e;am!e? on t*e screen $GUI%Interna! data #ormatActi%itiesFor details of individual service BAP&s refer to the documentation created in the BO# for theBAP& in !uestion. (AP En/ancements to BAPIsPurposeOnthebasis of SAP#eleasestrateg"andthestrict rulesfor enhancinge,istingBAP&s)application developers can rel" on the stabilit" of BAP& interfaces. :ach enhancement to a released BAP& is carried out ensuring that the s"nta, and contents aredownwardl" compatible. This means that applications programmed with BAP&s in a particular#$% #elease are not affected b" changes to this BAP& in later releases. &f changes that are not downwards compatible need to be made to an e,isting BAP&) a newinterface)thatis)anewadditionalBAP&iscreated. ThisBAP&hasthesamenameof thee,isting BAP& to be replaced but with a number added at the end) for e,ample)CustomerCode.Getetail0.The BAP& to be replaced is marked as e,piring 'obsolete( in the #elease in which the successorBAP& is implemented) but will continue to be supported in the ne,t two functional #eleases.BAPIs t*at are set to Iobso!eteJ in an 2>3 2e!ease are !isted in :ote (1(6644? I)o!!ecti'e :ote #or Obso!ete BAPIs as o# 2e!ease 4.-AJ in t*e On!ine So#tware Ser'ice $OSS% Process FlowThe graphic below illustrates the e,pir" phase of BAP&s; &n this e,ample) the successor BAP&was implemented in #elease -./. The replaced BAP& will therefore be supported in #elease -./'that is) in the correction release in which the successor BAP& was implemented( and in thene,t two functional releases) FF+G and FF@G. &n the following functional release FF%G) thisBAP& will no longer be available. E6pir2 P/ase o& a BAPIReleaseBAPIBusiness#$ectBAPI BAPIBusiness#$ectBAPI BAPI3ewF7 *87 98: F;Suorted unti! F3Suorted as o# 4.(F E #unctiona! 2e!easeF*For further information see :nhancing :,isting BAP&s in BAP& Programming.BAPIs o& (AP Inter&ace 12pesUseFrom #elease -..A BAP&s can also describe interfaces implemented outside the #$% S"stemthat an#$%S"stemcancall ine,ternal s"stems. SuchBAP&s are knownasBAPIs "oroutboundprocessin!. The target s"stemfor the BAP& can be determined through thedistribution model in Application Eink :nabling 'AE:(. BAP&sused for outbound processing aredefinedinthe BusinessObect #epositor" as AP&methods o" #AP Inter"ace ypes. Functionsimplementedoutsidethe#$%S"stemcanbestandardi*edandmadeavailableasBAP&s.Business #$ect Repositor2'e&initionAll SAP Business Obect t"pes and SAP &nterface T"pes and their methods are defined anddescribed in the #$% Business Obect #epositor" 'BO#(. The Business Obect #epositor" wasintroduced in #$% #elease %./) at the same as time as SAP Business Obects and SAP Business>orkflow. Presentl") the BO# is mainl" used b" SAP Business >orkflow. Use>ith the introduction of BAP&s in #$% #elease %.+) the BO# assumed an important new role -it is now the central access point for e,ternal applications to access SAP Business Obects andSAP &nterface T"pes and their BAP&s. The BO# has two essential functions; It de#ines and describes SAP Business Objects and SAP Inter#ace 01es and t*eirBAPIs.I# 1ou are de'e!oin" an a!ication ro"ram? 1ou retrie'e detai!s o# t*e SAP Business Object t1es or SAP Inter#ace 01es? t*eir ke1 #ie!ds and t*eir BAPI met*ods #rom t*e BO2. 0*e BO2 contains a!! t*e in#ormation 1ou need to inte"rate t*e correct object t1e de#initions and BAPI ca!!s into 1our a!ication ro"ram. It creates instances o# SAP Business Objects. 0*e runtime en'ironment o# t*e Business Object 2eositor1 recei'es reFuests #rom c!ient a!ications to create runtime objects and t*en creates t*e re!e'ant object instances. For further informationoncreatingbusiness obects refer tothe documentationon SAPBusiness >orkflow.Programming wit/ BAPIsUse&nthissectionit isassumedthat theapplication"oudevelopedistousethedataheldinbusiness obects in the #$% S"stem and that this data is to be accessed b" calling one or moreBAP&s. 9our application can be as simple or as comple, as "ou like and can include calls forone or more BAP&s.IntegrationBAP&saredefinedintheBusinessObect#epositor"'BO#(asmethodsofSAP BusinessObects or SAP &nterface T"pes and are implemented as function modules. The separation of aBAP& definition from its actual implementation enables "ou to access a BAP& in two wa"s; Kou can ca!! t*e BAPI in t*e BO2 t*rou"* object4oriented met*od ca!!s $see Object4oriented Access to BAPIs%. Kou can make 2F) ca!!s to t*e #unction modu!e on w*ic* t*e BAPI is based $see Function4oriented Access to BAPIs%.The two approaches are illustrated in the graphic below.3 objects and )O7 objects to be seam!ess!1 inte"rated. SAP Business Objects and t*eir BAPIs can be accessed direct!1 #rom )O74based de'e!oment too!s? and t*e ot*er wa1 around? )O7 comonents can be accessed #rom t*e SAP de'e!oment en'ironment.0*e 2>3 5)O7 )omonent )onnector So#tware 5e'e!oment 9it $S59% is s*ied as art o# 2F) S59 #or 8indows :0.#$ectBridge #rom =isua! .d"e =isau! .d"eCs midd!eware roduct IObjectBrid"eJ enab!es automatic access to BAPIs #rom a!! )O2BA 3.(4enab!ed Object 2eFuest Brokers $O2Bs% as we!! as#rom ot*er object4oriented rotoco!s suc* as Acti'eL>5)O7. For #urt*er detai!s see t*e ObjectBrid"e roduct in#ormation.Programming En%ironments'elp/i)Connect &or (AP#rom InriseFor #urt*er detai!s see 5e!*i>)onnect roduct in#ormation.Access Builder &or (AP R)*#rom IB7Access Bui!der #or SAP 2>3 is used to inte"rate BAPIs into IB7Cs de'e!oment en'ironment? =isua! A"e #or ithin the conte,t of the transaction model used to develop BAP&s for #$% #eleases %.+ and-./ a transaction represents one processing step or one logical unit of work 'E0>(. An #$%E0> is all the steps involved in a transaction including updating the database.The whole transaction must be programmed to be stateless.The A3&2 principle applies to transaction models) meaning that transactions are; Atomic8*en a transaction is ca!!ed? database oerations are eit*er #u!!1 e;ecuted or not at a!!. .it*er all re!e'ant data *as to be c*an"ed in t*e database or none at a!!. ConsistentI# a transaction is ca!!ed more t*an once? eac* ca!! must *a'e t*e same resu!t. :o data is imorted t*at ma1 indirect!1 a##ect t*e resu!t. Iso!ated0*ere must be no #unctiona! deendencies between two transactions? one transaction must not a##ect anot*er transaction. 'urab!e)*an"es cannot be re'ersed and transactions cannot be cance!ed. FeaturesThe following sections describe how the transaction model effects BAP& development; &n #elease %.+ the BAP&s themselves e,ecuted the 3O44&T >O#C command) BAP&s hadthe same purpose as an E0> or transaction. To integrate BAP&s into an E0>) the new BAP&sno longer e,ecute 3O44&T >O#C commands as of #elease -./. The outcome is two transaction models;BAP& Transaction 4odel with 3ommit 'as of #elease %.+(BAP& Transaction 4odel >ithout 3ommit 'as of #elease -./( I# a BAPI e;ecutes a )O77I0 8O29 command? t*is must be mentioned in t*e BAPI documentation. 0*is is t*e on!1 wa1 users are ab!e to know t*at t*e BAPI contains a )O77I0 8O29 command.BAPI 1ransaction +odel wit/ CommitUseThe e,ample below of an e,ternal program calling a BAP& to change data in an #$% S"stem)illustrates how the transaction model affects BAP& development in #elease %.+. For e,ample)thiscouldinvolveatransactionimplementedwith6isual Basic. Onl"datafromthe#$%S"stem is to be changed. The#F3connectionislivethewholetimethee,ternal programisloggedontothe#$%S"stem to avoid having to connect and disconnect repeatedl". >hen the #F3 connection isalread" established) an #F3 call does not essentiall" take up an" more 3P0 time than a directcall to the function module from within the #$% S"stem.There is one BAP& call for each transaction in the transaction model supported in %.+. BAP&scan onl" be called s"nchronousl". A BAP& call is essentiall" the call of the underl"ing #F3capable function module.The process flow of the program consists of the following steps below 'see graphic below(;Eog on... Source code3all BAP& to read and$or change data... Source code3all BAP& to read and$or change data... Source codeEog off1ransaction +odel &or Release *87>hat do the terms < and ork and in addition is supposed to be stateless)BAP&s are affected as follows; Initia! state eac* time a BAPI is ca!!edA reeated ca!! o# one BAPI must roduce t*e same resu!t. On!1 data t*at is not a##ected b1 t*e e;ecution o# t*e BAPI? #or e;am!e? )ustomi+in" data? can be bu##ered.For BAPIs t*is means? #or e;am!e? t*at due to transarenc1? Set and Get arameters and t*e "!oba! memor1 s*ou!d not be used.,owe'er? 1ou can kee )ustomi+in" data in a "!oba! memor1 as t*is data remainsunc*an"ed e'en i# transaction ca!!s are reeated. A!! or not*in" rinci!eA database c*an"e? #or e;am!e? creatin" a new sa!es order? must be carried out com!ete!1 or not at a!! $AU8%.0*is is w*1 BAPIs to be im!emented in 3.1 are created wit* inte"rated commit contro!. 0*e )O77I0 8O29 command is a!wa1s in'oked at t*e end o# t*e #unction modu!e o# a BAPI t*at modi#ies data. :o #unctiona! deendenc1 between two BAPIsA BAPI ca!! must not be ne"ati'e!1 a##ected b1 an ear!ier ca!! o# anot*er BAPI. A #o!!ow u ca!! must not resuose an ear!ier ca!!. For t*is reason a!so? 1ou s*ou!dnot use Set and Get arameters in t*e BAPI nor use t*e "!oba! memor1. 7ake sure t*at a )O77I0 8O29 command on!1 de!etes t*e memor1 o# t*e #unction modu!e? and not t*e memor1 o# t*e #unction "rou. 0*e "!oba! data o# t*e #unction "rou remains and cou!d re'ent anot*er BAPI #rom bein" ca!!ed? and t*us imair t*e BAPICs #unctiona! indeendence. Ot*er searate AU8s are not tri""ered0*e ca!! o# a BAPI must not tri""er #urt*er AU8s t*at are indeendent o# t*e BAPI.For t*is reason BAPIs must not contain t*e #o!!owin" commandsG )AAA 02A:SA)0IO: SUB7I0 2.PO20 SUB7I0 2.PO20 A:5 2.0U2:

BAPI 1ransaction +odel 3 S1stem. 3. )*oose .ools +usiness #rame3ork +A1, +ro3ser or enter t*e transaction code BAPI in t*e SAP"ui command #ie!d. 0*e +A1, +ro3ser o# t*e BO2 is dis!a1ed in w*ic* a!! Business Objects wit* BAPIs are dis!a1ed in t*e 2>3 a!ication *ierarc*1. 3. .;and t*e nodes and t*e subordinate nodes o# one o# t*e a!ication comonentsunti! 1ou "et to t*e !e'e! w*ere t*e SAP Business Objects are assi"ned. On!1 t*osebusiness objects #or w*ic* BAPIs *a'e been im!emented are dis!a1ed.4. 0o oen a business object? doub!e4c!ick on it. 0*e nodes 4ey -ields and Methods are dis!a1ed. -. .;and t*e node Methods to dis!a1 a !ist o# t*e BAPIs a'ai!ab!e #or t*e se!ected SAP Business Object t1e. Se!ect t*e in#ormation icon to dis!a1 descritions o# indi'idua! BAPIs.6. .;and t*e node 4ey -ields, to !ist t*e ke1 #ie!ds o# t*e object. Se!ect t*e in#ormation icon to dis!a1 descritions o# indi'idua! ke1 #ie!ds.)*oose %tilities Color 4ey to dis!a1 a descrition o# indi'idua! icons in t*e BAPI Browser. After "ou have found the BAP& "ou want) "ou have to specif" the information "ou have toforward to call the BAP& or function in "our application program.&nformation re!uired is; 0*e1 9e1 Fie!ds o# t*e SAP Business Object 0*e Imort? .;ort and Imort>.;ort Parameters o# t*e BAPI 0*e :ame o# t*e Function 7odu!e? i# 1ou direct 2F) ca!!s to t*e #unction modu!e under!1in" t*e BAPI.Also refer to the 2ocumentation) provided with each BAP&.Once"ouhavegatheredallthenecessar"information) "oucanaddtheBAP&callto"ourapplication code.(peci&2ing t/e Ke2 Fields o& t/e Business #$ectPrerequisitesThe ke" fields of SAP Business Obects specif" the identification structure with which clientprograms can uni!uel" access a specific instance of the obect t"pe.The ke" fields of an SAP Business Obect are re!uired if the BAP& in !uestion is using specificobect t"pe instances.BAP&s can be divided into the following categories according to whether the" access specificobect instances; Instance4deendent BAPIsInstance4deendent BAPIs use seci#ic instances o# an object t1e w*ic* t*e c!ient a!ication must seci#1 in t*e ke1 #ie!ds o# t*e Business Object. An e;am!eo# an instacne4deendent BAPI is CompanyCode.Getetail and w*en used t*e c!ient a!icaiton must seci#1 t*e coman1 code I5? #or e;am!e? Get!A12b(ect56CompanyCode6,6777068. Instance4indeendent BAPIsInstance4indeendent BAPIs do not use seci#ic object instances. 0*e usua!!1 return a !ist o# object instances in tab!es to t*e ca!!in" ro"ram. Instance4indeendent BAPIs are a!so ca!!ed c!ass met*ods. An e;am!e o# t*is BAPI is CompanyCode.GetList? w*ic* returns a !ist o# coman1 codes.Some instance4deendent BAPIs "enerate object instances and reorts back in#ormation on t*e "enerated object instance to t*e ca!!in" a!ication. An e;am!eo# t*is t1e o# BAPI is !ales2rder.Create#romata? w*ic* creates a customer order and reorts back in#ormation to t*e ca!!in" ro"ram.ProcedureTo displa" the ke" fields of an SAP Business Obect) select the Business Obect in the BAP&Browserande,pandthenodeKeyfields,asdescribedin2eterminingBAP&sofBusinessObects.Select the relevant icon in the BAP& Browser to displa"further information about theindividualke"fields. 3hoose%tilitiesColor4eyto dis!a1 adescritiono# indi'idua!icons in t*e BAPI Browser. (peci&2ing t/e BAPI ParametersPrerequisitesOnce "ou have found the BAP& "ou want "ou have to specif" which parameters "ou can ormust declare. BAP&s haveimport$e,port parameters 'table parameters( as well as importparameters and e,port parameters for importing and e,porting data.ProcedureTo displa" the parameters of the BAP&;1. Oen t*e Business Object and t*e node Methods in t*e BAPI Browser? as described in 5is!a1in" BAPIs in t*e BAPI Browser. 3. .;and t*e node #or t*e re!e'ant BAPI and t*en t*e node 1arameters.ResultA list of all the BAP&5s parameters is displa"ed. Select the relevant icon in the BAP& Browser to displa"further information about theindividual parameters. 3hoose%tilitiesColor 4ey to dis!a1 a descrition o# indi'idua!icons in t*e BAPI Browser. 'etermining t/e 3ame o& t/e Function +odulePrerequisites&f "ou want to call the BAP& b" making an #F3 call to the underl"ing function module) "ouhave to know the name of the function module.ProcedureTo determine the name of the function module implementing the BAP&;1. Oen t*e Business Object in t*e BAPI Browser? as described in 5is!a1in" BAPIs in t*e BAPI Browser. 3. Oen t*e node Methods and osition t*e cursor on t*e re!e'ant BAPI.3. 0o dis!a1 t*e BAPI documentation se!ect t*e in#ormation icon. 0*e name o# t*e #unction modu!e is "i'en at t*e start o# t*e documentation. 0*e names o# BAPI #unction modu!es a!wa1s be"in wit* IBAPIJ. 3hoose%tilitiesColor 4eytodis!a1adescritiono# indi'idua! iconsint*eBAPIBrowser. 'ispla2ing t/e Function +odule9ou can displa" the BAP& function module in the Function Builder;1. )*oose .ools A+A1 9orkbench and t*en #unction +uilder. A!ternati'e!1 enter t*e 0ransaction SE37 in t*e SAP"ui command #ie!d. 3. 5is!a1 t*e BAPI #unction modu!e b1 enterin" t*e names o# t*e #unction modu!e in t*e #ie!d #unction module and se!ectin" isplay.'ispla2ing BAPI 'ocumentation2ocumentation describing functionalit" and parameters is provided on each BAP&.To displa" documentation on a particular BAP&;1. Oen t*e Business Object in t*e BAPI Browser? as described in 5is!a1in" BAPIs in t*e BAPI Browser. 3. Oen t*e node Methods and osition t*e cursor on t*e re!e'ant BAPI.3. Se!ect t*e in#ormation icon to dis!a1 t*e documentation on t*e BAPI and its associated arameters.3hoose%tilitiesColor 4eytodis!a1adescritiono# indi'idua! iconsint*eBAPIBrowser. 'etermining BAPIs o& Inter&ace 12pesProcedureSAP &nterface T"pes and their BAP&s are managed in the Business Obect #epositor" 'BO#( ina structure basedonthe #$%Application3omponent hierarch". &ntheBusiness &bjectBuilder "ou can displa" all the SAP &nterface T"pes in the application hierarch" . Follow the steps below;1. Ao" on to t*e 2>3 S1stem. 3. )*oose .ools +usiness #rame3ork +A1, evelopment +usiness 2b(ect +uilder or enter t*e transaction code SWO1 in t*e SAP"ui command #ie!d. 3. Se!ect +usiness 2b(ect Repository.4. In t*e ne;t dia!o" bo; se!ect t*e #i!ter 2ther settin$s.In t*e #ie!d .ype se!ect t*e settin" ,nter-ace and deacti'ate t*e settin" 2b(ect, in t*e #ie!d .ype se!ect t*e settin" 2thers and mark a!! t*e settin"s in t*e #ie!d !tatus. 0*e +usiness 2b(ect Repository +ro3ser is dis!a1ed in w*ic* a!! t*e SAP Inter#ace 01es wit* BAPIs are dis!a1ed in t*e 2>3 a!ication *ierarc*1. -. .;and t*e nodes and t*e subordinate nodes o# one o# t*e a!ication comonentsunti! 1ou "et to t*e !e'e! w*ere t*e SAP Inter#ace 01es are assi"ned.6. 0o oen an SAP Inter#ace 01e? doub!e4c!ick on it. 0*e nodes ,nter-aces, Attributes,Methods and Events are dis!a1ed. 6. .;and t*e node Methods to dis!a1 a !ist o# t*e met*ods a'ai!ab!e #or t*e se!ectedSAP Inter#ace 01e.BAPIs are marked b1 a "reen circ!e ne;t to t*e met*od name.Once "ou have found the BAP& "ou want) "ou should retrieve the information on the BAP&interface which "ou need to implement and use the BAP& 'seeSpecif"ing the BAP&Parameters(. Also use the 2ocumentation) provided with each BAP&.Once "ou have gathered all the necessar" information) "ou can implement the interface and usethe BAP& in "our application program. (peci&2ing t/e BAPI ParametersPrerequisitesOnce "ou have found the BAP& "ou want) "ou have to specif" the optional and mandator"parameters of the BAP& interface. BAP&s have import$e,port parameters 'table parameters( aswell as import parameters and e,port parameters for importing and e,porting data.ProcedureTo displa" the parameters of a BAP&;1. In t*e Business Object 2eositor1 Browser e;and t*e node Methods, as described in 5eterminin" BAPIs o# Business Objects. 3. Position t*e cursor on t*e re!e'ant BAPI and se!ect1arameters'ispla2ing BAPI 'ocumentationFor each BAP& of an interface t"pe) documentation is available describing the BAP&5sparameters and the functionalit" to be implemented. To displa" documentation on a particular BAP&;1. In t*e Business Object 2eositor1 Browser e;and t*e node Methods, as described in 5eterminin" Inter#ace 01e BAPIs. 3. Position t*e cursor on t*e re!e'ant BAPI and c*oose Goto ocumentationE6amples o& BAPI CallsThe following e,amples illustrate how BAP&s are called from different development platforms. 3alling BAP&s from 8ava 3alling BAP&s from 6isual Basic 3alling BAP&s from ABAPCalling BAPIs &rom -a%aThis is an e,ample program for calling a BAP& from the &B4 development platform) AccessBuilder for SAP #$%. 2etailed program e,amples are shipped with the Access Builder for #$%.Access Builder &or (AP R)*//Importing the required classes:import com.sap.rfc.*; import com.sap.rfc.exception.*; import com.ibm.sap.bapi.*;import com.ibm.sap.bapi.generated.*;//Connecting to the R/3 System:static priate I!fc"onnection estab#is$"onnection%&idd#e'areInfoa&idd#e'areInfo(t$ro's )!fc!emoteException*I!fc"onnection a"onnection + n,## ;"onnectInfo a"onnectInfo + n,## ;-serInfo a-serInfo + n,## ;String orbSerer.ame + a&idd#e'areInfo.getOrbSerer.ame%( ;// P#ease ad0,st t$e a#,es 'ritten in -PPE!"ASE 1E22E!S// in t$e #ines be#o' so t$at t$e3 fit to 3o,r needs4// If 3o, don5t 6no' t$e correct a#,es as6 3o,r s3stem // administrator4// After correcting t$ese a#,es 3o, s$o,#d c$ange t$e // 7bAd0,sted8 ariab#e in t$e fo##o'ing #ine// from 9fa#se9 to 9tr,e9.// 2$en 3o, can re:compi#e %90aac Samp#e"ompan3"ode.0aa9( and // re:r,n %90aa Samp#e"ompan3"ode :conn ).I9( t$is samp#e...boo#ean bAd0,sted + tr,e;if %4bAd0,sted( *t$ro' %ne' )!fc!fc"onnectionException %9P#ease ad0,st t$e "onnection:Parameters to 3o,r needs4 %See met$od ;9estab#is$"onnection;9(9((;+!/>n,##= // String [email protected]>.79= // String aAost.ame BO-!AOS2.A&E %e.g. IP: //address(C=// int aS3stem.o BO-! SBS2E&:.-&BE!n,##= // String aDate'a3Aostn,##= // String aDate'a3Sericen,##= // String aS3stem.amen,##= // String aDro,p.amen,##= // String a&sgSererfa#se= // Boo#ean is1oadBa#ancingtr,e(; // Boo#ean is"$ec6A,t$oriEation//User information:a-serInfo + ne' -serInfo % 9&-S2E!9= // String a-ser.ame=BO-! -SE!I?9I?ES9= // String aPass'ord=BO-! PASSWO!?9FCC9= // String a"#ient= BO-! "1IE.2 .-&BE!9e9=// String a1ang,age= BO-! P!EGE!!E? //1A.D-ADE11C3(; // int a"odePage BO-! !EH-I!E? "O?EPADE//Technical conversion for the selected middleware// !pen connection:I!fc"onnectionGactor3 a"onnectionGactor3 +Gactor3&anager.getSing#eInstance%(.get!fc"onnectionGactor3%( ;a"onnection + a"onnectionGactor3.create!fc"onnection%a"onnectInfo=a-serInfo( ;a"onnection.open%( ; //!et,rning t$e connectionIret,rn a"onnection ; 1IME Str,ct,re1:Gie#d> Import Gie#dParameter3 1IME Str,ct,re> Export Str,ct,reParameterQ 1IME Str,ct,re>:Gie#d3 Export Gie#dParameterP 1IME Str,ct,re3 Imp/Ex. tab#e....ER2E.SIO.1 1IME 7"ontainer str,ct,re8Import Str,ct,reER2E.SIO.> 1IME 7"ontainer Str,ct,re8Imp/Ex. tab#e...Program code G,nction BAPIN7Ob0ect8N7&et$od8...GormParam + Parameter1...Gorm2ab#e + ParameterP...Parameter3+ 5"ontent5..."A11 "-S2O&E!:G-."2IO. T7t$ree digit n,mber8U%Interface as aboe(....endf,nctionFunction +odule 3ameThe customer-specific function is called using the command 3AEE 30STO4:#-F0A3T&OA.This function module must have the naming convention:D&TIJmodule pool nameKIJthree digit numberK.(pecial User E6itsThese are standardi*ed enhancements to BAP& interfaces for which customers do not have tochange the program code. &n this case the container parameter for the data transfer has thenaming convention;E"tension&name)) where &Name) describes the t"pe of enhancement. For e;am!e? t*e container arameter E"tension2rder cou!d be used in t*e 0ab!e !ALE! $sa!es order master data% o# t*e associated BAPI #or t*e customer I:)AU5. C,;!ALE!. Furt/er In&ormationFor further information see 2efining 0ser :,its in BAP&s in BAP& Programming.The standard rules for user e,its appl" and maintenance with Transaction S&O? 'SAP internaldevelopment(and"&O?'customerdevelopment(.#eferalsoto the documentationonSAP:nhancement 4anagement 'S&O?( and to B3 - :nhancing the SAP Standard '"&O?(.Customer En/ancementsPurpose3ustomers can modif" an e,isting BAP& or develop their own BAP&s) if re!uired. Process FlowBefore "ou decide to modif" an SAP BAP&) familiari*e "ourself with the general procedure formaking customer enhancements to the SAP standard s"stem. For more information refer to thedocumentB3- :nhancements to the SAPStandard. For further information see also4.-. In t*e #ie!d Name, enter t*e name o# t*e modi#ied #unction modu!e.6. Sa'e 1our entries.'e&ining t/e 'elegation Relations/ip Between #$ect 12pe !(upert2pe" and (ut2peTo define the delegation relationship between the supert"pe and subt"pe;1. )*oose .ools +usiness #rame3ork +A1, evelopment +usiness 2b(ect +uilder or enter t*e transaction code SWO1.3. )*oose !ettin$s ele$ate !ystem'3ide. 3. Switc* to t*e c*an"e mode and se!ect Ne3 entries. 4. .nter t*e name o# t*e ori"ina! object t1e $suert1e% in t*e #ie!d 2b(ect type and t*e name o# t*e subobject t1e in t*e #ie!d ele$ation type. 5eacti'ate t*e c*eck bo; G%,'speci-ic. -. Sa'e 1our entries. For further informationoncreatingbusiness obects refer tothe documentationon SAPBusiness >orkflow.I# "!oba! data is de#ined or #orm routines are ca!!ed in t*e #unction "rou associated wit* a BAPI #unction modu!e? 1ou ma1 *a'e to a!so co1 t*ese data dec!arations and #orm routines to ensure 1our co1 o# t*e BAPI can be e;ecuted.0*e BAPI Material.GetList #or t*e Business Object Material s*ou!d contain additiona! arameters. 0*e #unction modu!e associated wit* t*is BAPI is +A1,;MA.ER,AL;GE.L,!..)ustomers s*ou!d #irst create a sub4t1e BAPI 8i+ard. 0*is met*od is associated wit* t*e #unction modu!e