Band Student Handbook 2013 - 2014

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  • 7/28/2019 Band Student Handbook 2013 - 2014


  • 7/28/2019 Band Student Handbook 2013 - 2014


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    Band Student Handbook

    Welcome to new and returning members of the Medford High School Band program!

    This Student Handbook has been designed to answer many of your questions about the

    concert, marching, and jazz bands. You will learn about the wide array of activities planned for

    the school year and how the MHS band functions during its many trips and performances. It is

    very important that you read this handbook carefully and become familiar with you

    responsibilities as an MHS band student. Please see the Acknowledgement Form at the end of

    the handbook, which must be signed and returned prior to auditioning.

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    Table of Contents






    SPORTS! 5!



    TRIPS! 6!


    MUSIC! 7!





    DRUM MAJOR! 10!


    PRESIDENT:! 10!


    TREASURER:! 11!

    SECRETARY:! 11!


    WEBMASTER! 12!




    BAND CAMP! 13!



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    Independent Practice

    Daily practice is strongly recommended. There is no set standard amount of time for

    daily practice. Each student is encouraged to spend at least 45 minutes per day on his or her

    instrument to ensure the individuals success and the success of the ensemble. Remember,

    The group is only as good as the weakest playing member, so practice hard and often!

    Grading Policy for Band

    The Band Director will grade students. The quarter grade will be based on attendance

    at rehearsals, performances and sectionals, performance in sectionals, and overall musicality.

    The following list is the actual percentage system to be used in the weighting of each students


    50% - Class Preparedness (Coming to class with music prepared, a pencil, music and


    20% - Effort/ Behavior (Representing the City of Medford with a positive attitude and

    respecting all members and staff of the band, as well as all others we interact with at events

    and performances)

    20% - Concerts/ Events- (Attendance at all concerts/ competitions/ events outside of

    school hours is mandatory, unless otherwise stated)

    10% - Playing Exams- (Given at the discretion of the Band Director on parts that have

    been reviewed and practiced during class/ rehearsals)


    Attendance is required for all rehearsals and performances. The Band Director, when

    possible, will grant excused absences withwritten parental/ guardian notice given a

    minimum of 48 hours prior to rehearsals and a minimum of four weeks notice prior to

    performances. The Band Director will handle emergencies on an individual basis. In such

    circumstances, parents need to inform the Band Director in writing. The schedule for the year is

    available to all band students and families (in hard copy and on our website- . Please try to schedule trips, vacations, and work to avoid any

    conflicts with rehearsals and/or performances. Each member of the band is critical to the total

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    performance of the entire group. It is not like a sports team; there are no stars, everyone is part

    of the performance team. One persons absence from a performance hurts the overall visual

    and the entire groups performance capability.

    Late Policy

    It is essential that each member check the schedule to determine the correct time to

    arrive at rehearsals and performances. Please try to be on time so that rehearsals and

    performances can start on time and end on time. Section Leaders will take attendance at the

    beginning of each rehearsal and performance. If you must be late for a rehearsal, you should

    inform your Section Leader and the Band Director prior to that rehearsal. Remember, To beearly is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, to be late is hurting the bands progress.


    Students participation in school sports is encouraged. Each year many students

    participate in both the band and a sports team. Sports are as much a part of ones total

    education as the band program. Remember to budget your time well. Belonging to a sportsteam is not an excuse to miss a rehearsal or a performance, unless prior arrangements have

    been made with your Section Leader and the Band Director. If a conflict occurs between a

    students band and sports obligations, the Band Director, Student and Coach should meet to

    resolve the situation in the best interest of the student and each program.

    Extra Rehearsals and Sectionals

    Extra rehearsals may be needed throughout the school year because of the level of

    difficulty in the music and performance objectives. Sectionals will be scheduled as needed by

    the Band Director and Section Leader. Ample notification for extra rehearsals and sectionals

    will be given.

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    Attendance is required at each students sections rehearsal. If an emergency

    circumstance arises, the student is responsible for informing their Section Leader and the Band

    Director that they will be unable to attend sectionals.

    Throughout the year, additional rehearsals are occasionally necessary (for example,

    prior to a concert). Attendance at these rehearsals is also mandatory. If unexpectedcircumstances arise that do not allow the student to participate, a written excuse must be given

    to the Band Director prior to rehearsal.

    Performances and Dress Rehearsals

    All performances and dress rehearsals are mandatory. Dress rehearsals are necessary,

    particularly prior to concerts. Failure to attend a dress rehearsal will affect a students ability to

    participate in the concert or other performance. Each performance is the demonstration to our

    community of the bands effort and abilities. The absence of even one band member hinders

    the entire performance. With this in mind, failure to attend a performance, without prior

    approval of the Band Director, will constitute ground for denial of future band activities and/or

    performances at the discretion of the Band Director. Failure to attend will also impact the

    students award eligibility at the end of the year and grade for the quarter. The schedule lists

    all performances for the year. Additional performances may be added or changed early

    enough for family planning. In the event that emergencies occur causing a student to beunable to participate in either a dress rehearsal for a concert, a written excuse from a parent/

    guardian must be given to the Band Director four weeks prior to the performance. In the case

    of last minute emergencies, a parent must email the Band Director as soon as possible so that

    performance adjustments can be made. If the Band Director excuses the student from the

    performance, it will not affect his/ her standing for awards at the end of the school year or that

    quarters grade.


    All students will travel to and from all band activities by school transportation. If a

    parent wishes to take a child at the completion of an activity, or before the activity ends (such

    as a football game or competition) the student must present a note from the parent/ guardian

    to the Band Director in advance of the trip. In addition, verbal communication between the

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    parent/guardian and the Band Director upon taking the student is required. When riding the

    school bus, there will be no smoking, drugs or alcohol allowed. Students are to keep their

    bodies inside the bus. There is to be no physical contact between band members. Instruments

    will not be played and banging on the sides of the bus is not allowed. All school rules apply

    while traveling with the band. Remember we are representing the City of Medford wheneverwe travel.

    Band Uniforms

    Each student is issued a marching band uniform at Band Camp after returning a parent

    signed uniform agreement to the uniform manager.

    Students are responsible for keeping their uniform clean and pressed, and in good

    repair at all times. The uniform should only be dry-cleaned. Students should not come to a

    performance with a dirty or wrinkled uniform. Alterations will be done only with the Band

    Directors consent. Each student must provide his or her own black shoes and long socks

    and white gloves. The shoes and gloves can be purchased at National Music, Inc., 394 Main

    St. Woburn (781-933-6300).

    The concert band uniform is black shoes, black socks; black pants for males, black

    pants/ a skirt or dress and black nylons for females, and a white length/ long sleeved dress

    shirt or blouse.Seniors return their marching band uniforms after the Memorial Day Ceremony. They

    are also responsible for giving the money for a dry-cleaning to the uniform manager so that the

    uniforms may be clean for next year. Students are responsible for replacing or repairing any

    damaged or lost uniforms or parts of the uniform.


    Every student will receive large quantities of music throughout the year for the different

    performing groups. Each student is expected to keep all the music throughout the year. Those

    who lose their music should speak to their Section Leaders. Students who lose original copies

    of music will also be responsible for paying for replacement music.

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    School Owned Instruments

    Students who would like to switch to a new instrument or learn a second instrument

    should speak to the Band Director about making the switch. Those students that play or wouldlike to play a school owned saxophone, trombone, baritone, oboe, French horn, piccolo, bass

    clarinet, tuba or percussion must fill out an Instrument Loan Agreement and have a

    parent/guardian and the Band Director sign it. The student is responsible for the general

    upkeep and maintenance of the instrument. The school will assume full responsibility for annual

    repair. There is no cost for the general use of the instrument, but if the student abuses the

    instrument or it is stolen or lost, it is the student and parents responsibility to repair or replace

    the instrument. Remember that it is a privilege to use school equipment. The school does not

    have a large quantity of these instruments, so use will be determined on a first come, first

    served basis. A students instrumental switch also depends on that years current ensembleinstrumentation needs.

    Music Rooms and Instrument Storage

    The student should always make sure that their instrument is put in their assigned locker

    to avoid confusion and clutter in the band room. The instrument should not be left out in the

    music room during the school day, after school, or over the weekend. It should also never be

    left in the hallway outside of the band room as theft could occur. Music should always be

    stored appropriately as well, either in ones school locker or assigned locker in the cages.

    The students should also make sure to not leave their trash in the band room. It the

    students responsibility to clean up after him/herself, not the Band Directors. Items left in the

    band room will be placed in the Lost and Found for up to four weeks, and will either be thrown

    away or donated if not claimed.

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    School Policies

    Concerning the dropping of any music classes or the violation of any school policies,

    the parent and student should refer to the MHS Student Handbook that the school provides to

    every student on the first day of school. School policies are always in force for any band

    activities in or out of school. Middle School students may be considered for inclusion in the

    MHS Band or Color Guard at the discretion of the Band Director, to be approved by the


    Section Leaders

    All students are welcome to apply to become a Section Leader. You do not have to be

    the best player in your section to become a Section Leader. Interested students should request

    an application from the Band Director during early April. Completed applications should be

    returned to the Band Director prior to April Vacation. Section Leaders are chosen by the Band

    Director and technicians based on the application and observations made of the candidates

    throughout the year.

    It is the Section Leaders responsibility to hand music out to their section, to always

    know his/her parts, to ensure that the other members of their section know their parts, take

    attendance at all rehearsals and performances, make members aware of all the workings of the

    band program and let the Band Director know of any problems that may occur within their

    section. They are also responsible for making any phone calls concerning cancellations, time

    changes and calling students who do not show up for rehearsal. Section Leaders are alsorequired to attend Section Leader and Officer meetings once a week after school on

    Wednesdays. During the summer these meetings are one half-hour prior to rehearsal. It is

    expected that the Section Leader will call additional rehearsals when necessary to help the

    other members for their section keep pace.

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    Drum Major

    The position of Drum Major is open to any member of the band. You do not have to be

    a senior or be the best player to become a Drum Major of the band. Interested students should

    fill out an application which is available through the Band Director. Students should get the

    application during early April, complete and return it before April Vacation, and sign up for an


    The Director and technicians/ instructors will choose Drum Majors. The Drum Major will

    be chosen on the basis of the application process, conducting the band, giving commands,

    musicianship and leadership. Drum Majors are also chosen based on observations the Director

    and technicians have made of the candidates throughout the year. Also, being Drum Major one

    year does not guarantee a person the position of front field Drum Major for the next year, nor

    does it automatically qualify them for a second year as Drum Major.

    The Drum Major is responsible for conducting the band during marching season,

    running rehearsals and the general direction of the band at all events. They are also required to

    attend all Section Leader and Officer meetings once a week after school on Wednesdays, and

    one half-hour prior to summer rehearsals.

    Band Officers

    All members of the band are welcome to run for office in the band program. At the

    band banquet each year, band officers for the following year will be elected by their fellow

    classmates. Any students interested in running for an officer position must sign up prior to the

    banquet. Students may run for up to 3 officer positions. After the Band Director has approved

    them, all candidates for officer positions will be listed and elections will be held at the end-of-

    year banquet. Officers will be elected in the following order: President, Vice President,

    Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and Functions Managers. Votes will be counted by the Band

    Director and/or by another technician. The results will be announced immediately.

    The following is a description of the positions that students may run for:


    Organize committees for events and fundraisers

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    Attend BPO meetings Planning and executing extra-curricular activities Count how many people will attend each event and what we need to provide, etc. Find out what people are interested in doing for activities or trips Delegate responsibility to all other officers Assist Functions Manager when needed

    Vice President:

    Aids the president in his/her duties Conducts pencil checks Take attendance at all meetings Organize the annual banquet Assists Functions Manager when needed


    Collect and organize money for events and fundraisers Make sure everyone gets all materials needed for fundraisers Meet with the BPO treasurer as often as needed


    Write thank you notes when needed Write out invitations to certain people (superintendent, principals, etc.) to concerts and


    Send the weekly results from competitions, performances, etc. to the newspapers,principals and the superintendent

    Make phone calls when necessary (call Section Leaders to call their sections, etc.) Complete all paperwork for competitions Send lists of names to appropriate people for all field trips

    Functions Manager:

    Make sure equipment and rehearsal sites are fully prepared for rehearsals Organize truck loading crew Get things that are needed for events, parties, etc. ready and bring it to location Regular maintenance of music facilities Preparation for concerts and performances (set-up, clean-up, etc.) Copy music when needed (for concert, marching and jazz bands) Hand out music to section leaders Keep the original copies filed

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    Collect and organize music when weve finished with it Keep scores filed for Drum Majors and instructors



    Is!in!charge!of!all!graphic!design!for!the!band! Head!of!all!technical!work!done!in!or!outside!the!Band!including,!but!not!limited!to! Prepared!to!put!together!and!edit!presentations!and!other!materials!for!the!band.! Takes!the!responsibility!for!content,!quality,!design,!and!style!for!all!online!and!graphic!design!






    If a performance or rehearsal has to be cancelled due to weather conditions or a last

    minute emergency, the Band Officers and Section Leaders will call all members of the band as

    soon as a decision has been made and website will be updated as soon as possible. If you donot receive a telephone call and the website has not been updated, you should still arrive at

    the scheduled time for the event. If you feel the need to call someone, please call your Section


    Band Parent OrganizationThe Medford High School Band Parents Organization holds their meetings the first

    Monday of every month. Please be sure to check the schedule for the year, because sometimes

    holidays land on the first week, and the meeting date has either been moved up or back oneweek depending on the month. Meetings will be held in the Band Room of the high school and

    will start at 6:30 PM. All parents of band and color guard members are encouraged to attend

    these meetings.

    Without parents support, the band would not be able to carry out the many activities it

    plans every year. We hope to grow the BPO so that we can have more successful fundraisers

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    and hold events throughout the year. We hope to see many parents at the first BPO meeting in

    August (August 5th).

    Band Banquet

    Every year the MHS BPO will host the annual Band Banquet and awards night for all

    band students. This event gives students in the band a chance to receive awards for all the

    hard work they put into the program. In order for the student to be eligible for the award at the

    end of the year, the student must participate in all performances with the group during the

    school year, and do various activities and jobs during the school year, unless the Band Director

    has excused them. The awards are as follows:


    Band Camp

    Band camp is a two-week experience (9am-12 noon and 4pm-8pm) in August designed

    to begin preparations for the upcoming football games, band competitions and parade

    seasons. During these two weeks, music will be practiced, students will learn to march and play

    their instruments, and in some cases, students will relearn how to march and play. In addition,

    the band will be learning the drill for the field show. We require all students to participate

    during the two-week period, because it is very difficult to teach drill formations when people

    are absent. If there is rain, rehearsals will take place in the Band Room and Cages.All students

    should report rain or shine.

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    During the day, there will be breaks for rest and hydration. There will be a 4-hour break

    from 12 noon- 4pm. Students may go home for lunch or bring a lunch. Students should always

    eat a good breakfast in the morning before arriving and be ready to work hard!

    Students should dress for the weather because it can get very hot on some of the days.

    It is strongly encouraged that all students wear a hat to keep the sun off their heads, wear sunblock to prevent sunburns, and sunglasses. Students are required to dress appropriately in

    athletic wear- no jeans, skirts, dresses, sandals or flip-flops. If a student does not arrive

    appropriately dressed they will be sent home to change. Students should also come with a

    water bottle labeled with their name (we will have water to refill bottles, but we will not be

    providing cups) and plenty of snacks.

    Every year after the last day of Band Camp (Friday), there is an end of band camp cook

    out. It takes place at 5PM. All members/ sections will be assigned something to bring. So,

    come to the high school and enjoy some food and the groups first performance of the season!









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    Band Handbook Acknowledgement Form

    I have read all the information in the band handbook and understand all the procedures

    concerning rehearsals, duties and most importantly, performances. I also understand that not

    following these rules could result in one or more of the following consequences: a lower band

    grade at the end of the quarter, exclusion from a major performance and not being eligible to

    receive awards at the annual band banquet. I understand that it is my responsibility to adhere

    to the guidelines in the handbook in order to be a responsible and dedicated member of the

    MHS Band.

    Student signature Date

    Parent signature Date

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    Emergency Contact Information

    Students Name Last First

    Students address

    Students telephone number(s)

    Parents Name Last First Relation to student

    Parents address (if different from student)

    Parents telephone number(s)