BALANCED DIET A balanced diet is one containing all nutrients in appropriate amounts. Or Balanced diet is defined as right kind of foods in the right amounts and proportions, to meet the nutrient needs of the persons. Or A balanced diet is one which contains different types of foods in such quantities that the individual’s need for the various nutrients is adequately met, and some amounts of nutrients are stored in the body to withstand short periods of low dietary intake. You should eat food items which provide all these nutrients to your body. Such a meal is called a balanced diet. By meeting our nutritional requirements such a diet helps us in staying healthy. Characteristics of a Balanced Diet: I. fulfil the nutritional requirements of an individual II. includes foods from all the food groups III. contains a variety of foods IV. consists of seasonal foods V. is economical VI. suits the taste and meets the desires of the individual eating it What is a Nutritionally Balanced Meal? A nutritionally balanced meal is one that contains all the nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. A person's age, gender and any health conditions and 1

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BALANCED DIET A balanced diet is one containing all nutrients in appropriate amounts. Or Balanced diet is defined as right kind of foods in the right amounts and proportions, to meet the nutrient needs of the persons.

Or A balanced diet is one which contains different types of foods in such quantities that the individuals need for the various nutrients is adequately met, and some amounts of nutrients are stored in the body to withstand short periods of low dietary intake.You should eat food items which provide all these nutrients to your body. Such a meal is called a balanced diet. By meeting our nutritional requirements such a diet helps us in staying healthy.

Characteristics of a Balanced Diet:

I. fulfil the nutritional requirements of an individual

II. includes foods from all the food groups

III. contains a variety of foods

IV. consists of seasonal foodsV. is economicalVI. suits the taste and meets the desires of the individual eating itWhat is a Nutritionally Balanced Meal?

A nutritionally balanced meal is one that contains all the nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. A person's age, gender and any health conditions and food preferences will all be factors that affect what constitutes a healthy diet.

Importance / significance:

Eating a nutritionally balanced diet helps control weight and reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity or kidney disorders. These diseases result from an over-consumption of fatty meats that increase unhealthy cholesterol levels. Eating too much salt and foods made from refined white flour and white sugar can increase weight gain to unhealthy levels. Eating too few fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains and low-fat proteins, can result in being malnourished and overweight. Overeating can result and weight gain continues to unhealthy levels. Features

A nutritionally balanced meal will provide adequate protein so that the body does not go into fasting mode and reduce its metabolism. That occurs on fad or crash diets that may eliminate entire groups of foods, such as carbohydrates, or that emphasize another group, such as protein. The American Cancer Society and the US RDA both recommend eating from a wide variety of foods to best obtain the appropriate protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals from fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains. Every meal should include protein to help increase satiety and head off non-stop snacking or binging. Eating a nutritionally balanced meal at every meal will provide optional nutrition and help an individual maintain a healthy weight. The Food Pyramid recommends people eat at least three ounces of whole grain food items such as whole grain cereals, brown rice, quinoa or millet. The Food Pyramid also advises people eat more dark green and orange fruits and vegetables and to eat more dried beans and peas. They recommend adults eat more fruits and vegetables and less fruit juice. Last, they encourage the consumption of lean proteins and to bake, broil or grill meats to avoid unhealthy saturated or trans fats.


Many dieters believe that by severely restricting their daily caloric intake or by eliminating a certain food group, such as carbohydrates, that they will lose weight quickly. In fact, doing so is more likely to set up yo-yo dieting wherein there is weight loss followed by weight gain resulting in disordered eating. Instead of resorting to extreme crash or fad diets, work with your doctor or a nutritionist to create a realistic diet that can help you lose weight slowly and permanently. Eating a nutritionally balanced meal is not boring. Once you learn the fundamentals of nutrition and cooking, there are many ways to vary your meals so that you do not become bored.


Eating in extreme ways such as fasting to lose weight quickly can result in illness or set up for more weight gain. Rapid weight loss is generally from loss of water weight that returns as soon as you are properly hydrated again. If you are not certain of what diet is best for you to maintain your health or to help you lose weight, see your doctor or a nutritionist. The food pyramid does offer practical information that may serve as a starting point. If you have any serious health conditions, do not self-diagnose. See your doctor or a nutritionist for guidance.