Background of the Entrepreneur

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Background of the EntrepreneurThrough the interview that I conducted with Mr. Loi Tee Seng, he studied Bachelor of Law in London, England. He was not completed his study because of the recession of his own country (Malaysia). Mr. Loi Tee Seng (52 years old) is a social entrepreneur that started his business of printing company since 1991. This business is his main business and still operating until now, located at Pudu. He gained his other experiences from another business he owns at Ampang, it is selling office supplies. In February 2011, he took an opportunity to open up a business in Taylors University Lakeside Campus. This business is called Tee Seng Resouces that is a stationary shop which also provides services such as printing, binding, photo stating and laminating.Mr. Loi Tee Seng ventured into stationary business through serendipity. It was in 1986 when he has returned from London and could not find a job at that time. One day, when Mr. Loi was sitting outside a bank, a lorry carrying forms and papers stopped in front of him. He wondered: this kind of photo stating and printing process will have to be repeated. From then on, it created an interest in him to start looking into the photo stating business.The Analysis of the CareerIn this journal, I would like to focus on Mr. Lois business that located at Taylors University. The reason of Mr. Loi set up this stationary shop is because he believes stationary business is very profitable. It is proven clearly as students need to use stationary for every single day. The demand from students at Taylors University is high and continuous. Besides that, the printing and photo stating services are also playing a big role in bring in profit for his business. Students usually print their lecture notes weekly. The continuous demand for photo stating and printing service from students has obviously helped the business to gain profit.Motivation is basically feeling of movement in order to achieve goals (Motivational-Well-Being 2012). Dream, prior study and travel experience as well as family motivated him to venture this business. His faith and strong determination have enabled him to establish his first business. His desire to earn a living all by himself to have a comfortable life for his family has stimulated him to start up his own business. He strongly agrees that good education and travelling experience are essential for his children. Therefore, he put efforts in his businesses to ensure that he has sufficient money to support his family especially for his childrens future.Doing some researches before starting up a business is a necessity. According to Mr. Loi, research helps an entrepreneur to analyze whether he/she can reach their targeted consumer. At first, Mr. Loi planned to start his business in SS15, Subang Jaya as many colleges are built around there like INTI, Segi, and Taylors College. It means many students are living and studying at there. Unfortunately, there were not any empty shop lots allocated for Mr. Loi. His second research was at Taylors University where his business is running now. Taylors University promised him to have over 20,000 students. So, he felt that Taylors University was a profitable. Furthermore, he is always flexible in adapting to students wants and demands by providing diversify services and different types of stationery because he thought when he mixes with all the teenagers at Taylors University; his personality will be inclined to be younger too.To run a business, most entrepreneurs will face obstacles. The first challenge that Mr. Loi faces is to handle all of the stuffs himself due to the lack of sales assistants. He does not only need to handle the printing, photo stating, and binding services but he is also expected to collect the payments. Therefore, to overcome this problem, he advertised a job vacancy in front of his shop in order to get reliable and responsible employees. The serious consequence of this problem is shoplifting. Some unethical students may try to steal stationeries that are small in size during the shops busy time. This really irritates Mr. Loi because he always treats all the students nicely and teaches them to be honest. Mr. Loi will give a chance to shoplifters and talk to them directly.SWOT Analysis.Conducting a SWOT analysis is an important exercise to enable you to see your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threads. After conducting the interview, I noticed that I should work harder to achieve my goals.As an entrepreneur, I aim to have a good relation with my business partners, customers, and also employees. Personally, I think that I am a hard working person due to I enjoyed finishing my work as soon as possible. Besides that, I am an independent person as I already stay alone since I was 15 years old. I believe that attitude and behaviour towards everyone are utmost importance. Thus, I always try to develop a good attitude and behaviour toward my friends, families, lecturer, etc.Lacking in Englishs vocabulary and grammar makes me difficult to write the business report and do the presentation where those are very important in doing a business. Other than that, lack of confidence is really burns me up when I am doing presentation. I wish to eliminate my weaknesses and build up my strengths in order to be a success entrepreneur.It has clearly shown that my opportunities are outweigh the thread. My parents never force me to do what they want. They give me a freedom to choose which major I want to focus on. I have gained much knowledge and experience at university. I am currently taking a degree of International Business and Marketing. I believe it can help me to improve my business knowledge to both cross-cultural and transnational.Career PathwayMy primary plan is want to have the best graduate result from Taylors University. I have to work harder from now on. Besides that, I also wish I can eliminate my weaknesses in order to have a better personality.In the secondary plans, I want to get involves into a real business sector. For instance, doing internship and attending workshop in order to gain knowledge and experiences.The tertiary plans are the plans that I want to achieve after graduate from Taylors University. I would pursue Masters of Mandarin language in China because I believe China is becoming a powerful business country. Thus, I can communicate with Chinas business relation easily.ConclusionIn conclusion, as a business student, this assignment has brought many impacts on me. By interviewing Mr.Loi Tee Seng, I have gained an abundant knowledge on business and about life. The first most important thing we should have before starting up a business is a dream. Everyone should have a dream of what we want to be in the future. Then, we should have a vision and work on it. The second most important thing I believe we should have is experiences. We may get experiences everywhere, not just only from a job that we have previously worked at. I feel inspired and motivated to be an entrepreneur as well as live my life to the fullest upon completing this assignment. Not only have I got to grasp the gist of entrepreneurship but also on how to lead a meaningful life.References