In the Hospital AGAIN!!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah. For all of those who didn’t know. I've been in the hospital for the past week. Just got released on Saturday. I got admitted for a bruised kidney. Any of you who have been hanging with me for a while you know this story and it isn’t anything new to you except for the fact that instead of this being a one night trip it was ALL FUCKING WEEK! Yeah try being me with my break neck way of life all of the sudden confined to a fucking hospital bed for a week! I wasn’t aloud to move at all. I was subjected to needles every four hours every day for about five days of it. Then they let off and only did it every morning around 4 am. Ha! Try waking up to that! Aside from that I was subjected to day time television! (Ugh, kill me now! Fuck!) So aside from bad food, not moving, an endless assault of needles, and 14 hours a day of bad T.V. I guess it was worth it. I was on the verge of loosing my kidney (same one from last time for all you old pros). But my Wolverine like healing factor bailed me out yet again. That and using the force like my old Jedi masters taught me. It was kind of cool tripping everyone out with the amount of blood I was pissing. And I mean BLOOD! Oh yeah sorry about your bathroom Ron. I cleaned up the best I could. You should have seen it before I cleaned it. I made the aftermaths of giving birth look clean! Ha, ha! Oh yeah? How did it happen you ask? Well after an insane amount of drinking ( which of course was an all day adventure, fuck, and why not? Pabst was two 12's for 8 bucks! How can you beat it!) We ended up at a bar out....out....someplace. When we left I noticed the construction site next door was fenced off by a chain link fence. Now this wasn’t any normal chain link fence. It was HUGE! And it had a launch pad that made me drool ( the launch pad being the chain link between the polls that hold it up). And for all of you drunkards who've been hanging around you know my affinity for chain link fences and this one was the mother load. So in classic Aaron fashion I ran full speed and launched into one of my half flips and went straight into the gate....a few times. BUT! It wasn’t the gate that damaged me it was the rocky gravel I kept landing on. Spectators believed it was the brick wall I tackled next but after reviewing the photographs you can see where the pain kicked in. It's pretty funny. My expressions are classic. The only thing really bad that came of the whole thing was that part that Adam video taped he didn’t save. So there's no actual footage. Oh yeah and I can’t drink for a bit, but that aint no big thaaaaaang. When I make my comeback I won’t have to spend as much to get drunk! (you know, due to my lowered tolerance). Oh yes…..Everythings coming up Aaron

Back to the WARD

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I spent a lot of time in hospitals as a youth. Im sure as much as i spent getting into them in my youth will be half of what I'll spend trying to stay out in my older years. This is just a slight recount of some of the madness my body endured before I thought..."I should slow down"

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Page 1: Back to the WARD

In the Hospital AGAIN!!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah. For all of those who didn’t know. I've been in the hospital for the past week. Just got released on Saturday. I got admitted for a bruised kidney. Any of you who have been hanging with me for a while you know this story and it isn’t anything new to you except for the fact that instead of this being a one night trip it was ALL FUCKING WEEK! Yeah try being me with my break neck way of life all of the sudden confined to a fucking hospital bed for a week! I wasn’t aloud to move at all. I was subjected to needles every four hours every day for about five days of it. Then they let off and only did it every morning around 4 am. Ha! Try waking up to that! Aside from that I was subjected to day time television! (Ugh, kill me now! Fuck!) So aside from bad food, not moving, an endless assault of needles, and 14 hours a day of bad T.V. I guess it was worth it. I was on the verge of loosing my kidney (same one from last time for all you old pros). But my Wolverine like healing factor bailed me out yet again. That and using the force like my old Jedi masters taught me. It was kind of cool tripping everyone out with the amount of blood I was pissing. And I mean BLOOD! Oh yeah sorry about your bathroom Ron. I cleaned up the best I could. You should have seen it before I cleaned it. I made the aftermaths of giving birth look clean! Ha, ha! Oh yeah? How did it happen you ask? Well after an insane amount of drinking ( which of course was an all day adventure, fuck, and why not? Pabst was two 12's for 8 bucks! How can you beat it!) We ended up at a bar out....out....someplace. When we left I noticed the construction site next door was fenced off by a chain link fence. Now this wasn’t any normal chain link fence. It was HUGE! And it had a launch pad that made me drool ( the launch pad being the chain link between the polls that hold it up). And for all of you drunkards who've been hanging around you know my affinity for chain link fences and this one was the mother load. So in classic Aaron fashion I ran full speed and launched into one of my half flips and went straight into the gate....a few times. BUT! It wasn’t the gate that damaged me it was the rocky gravel I kept landing on. Spectators believed it was the brick wall I tackled next but after reviewing the photographs you can see where the pain kicked in. It's pretty funny. My expressions are classic. The only thing really bad that came of the whole thing was that part that Adam video taped he didn’t save.  So there's no actual footage. Oh yeah and I can’t drink for a bit, but that aint no big thaaaaaang. When I make my comeback I won’t have to spend as much to get drunk! (you know, due to my lowered tolerance). Oh yes…..Everythings coming up Aaron