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INDONESIAN 1. Install Gamenya hingga selesai. 2. Jalankan gamenya hingga muncul 'menu', kemudian pilih 'quit' *kenapa quit?? ga perlu dijelasin kayanya yah (ribet) udah ajah ikutin instruksinya . . XD 3. Selanjutnya : - Jika anda menggunakan Windows XP klik --> Start --> "Run" ---> ketik "Application Data" --> dan akan mu ncul folder-folder - Jika anda menggunakan Vista/7 buka Control Panel --> Tools kemudian klik "Folder Option", kemudian d ibagian "View" klik "Show hidden files ..." *bagi siapa yang tidak menemukan "Tools" di barnya, tekan "alt" dikeyb oard, dan sebuah bar akan muncul dibagian atas layar anda. Setelah itu pergi ke "User" dan kemudian buka "windows7", anda bisa lihat folder "appData". didalam folder itu ada "Roaming" kem udian anda buka. 4. Kemudian anda bisa lihat folder "Renpy", kemudian anda buka. didalamnya ada f older "Love & Order-1277070409" dan kemudian anda delete file "persistent". setelah itu jangan dulu anda tutu p windowsnya. 5. Didalam file rar yang sudah anda download ("Love & Order.rar") nah kan ada fi le bernama "persistent", kemudian anda copy file tersebut ke dalam folder "Love & Order-1277070409" (yang saya suruh untu k tidak di tutup) 6. Selesai!! game sudah full version!! Maaf jika kurang jelas intruksinya . . :D Maaf juga jika kepanjangan . . wkwkwkwk . . XD ingin yang gratis tapi harus berkorban sedikit . . ^_^ ---------------------------Running To The Future ---------------------------*game ini sudah saya test di Windows XP ENGLISH ----------------------------------------------------------===***Instructions*** ===------------------------------------------------------------1) Install the game. 2) Run the game, until it loads up to the main menu, then click "Quit". 3) Locate your computer's "Application data" folder. ++++___________________________This 'How to open "Application data" folder' gu ide is for Windows user.___________________________________++++ *If you are using Windows XP, click --> Start --> "Run" ---> Type in "Applica tion Data" --> Folder comes up.* *If you are using Windows Vista/7, Go to "users", and access "Windows7".You should see a folder named "appData". Inside, access the "Roaming" folder .* (HINT for Windows7 users - You have to Open Control Panel first, click on "To ols" then click on "Folder Options" In the "View" section click on "Show hidden files, folders and drives") ((for those who can't find "Tools" on the bar, click "alt" button on your key board. A bar should appear in upper part of the window)) ++_______________++________________ ++ 4) You will see a folder there called "Renpy". Do not Delete it if you have mor e games installed from Winterwolves. Open the folder "Love & Order-1277070409" and DELETE the file called "persi stent" ===***_Don't close the window yet._***=== 5) copy THAT "persistent" file INSIDE the "Love & Order.rar" file, then paste into the exact same location that I told you not to close yet, the "Love & Order -1277070409" folder. 6) Close everything. 7) Open the game and you should see the "Buy Now" phrase now's gone. ===***_Enjoy the game!_***===