Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia

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  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia



    I. Introduction

    Italy, or ofcially the Italian Republic, is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe.

    Italy coers an area o! "#$,""% &m' ($$),"*+ s mi- an has a lar/ely temperate

    seasonal climate0 ue to its shape, it is o!ten re!erre to in Italy as lo Stiale (the

    1oot-. 2ith )$ million inhabitants, it is the *th most populous EU member state.

    Locate in the heart o! the 3eiterranean Sea, Italy shares open lan borers 4ith

    5rance, S4it6erlan, Austria, Sloenia, San 3arino an 7atican City.

    Italy became a nation8state in $%)$ 4hen the re/ional states o! the peninsula, alon/

    4ith Sarinia an Sicily, 4ere unite uner 9in/ 7ictor Emmanuel II. An era o!

    parliamentary /oernment came to a close in the early $:'#s 4hen 1enito

    3ussolini establishe a 5ascist ictatorship. ;is alliance 4ith Na6i an the European

    Economic Community (EEC-. It has been at the !ore!ront o! European economic an

    political uni?cation, @oinin/ the Economic an 3onetary Union in $:::. ersistent

    problems inclue slu//ish economic /ro4th, hi/h youth an !emale unemployment,

    or/ani6e crime, corruption, an economic isparities bet4een southern Italy an

    the more prosperous north.

    III. Geographical setting 

    A. Location

    Italy is locate in Southern Europe, bet4een latitues "B an *+ N, an

    lon/itues ) an $: E. To the north, Italy borers 5rance, S4it6erlan, Austria,

    an Sloenia, an is rou/hly elimite by the Alpine 4atershe, enclosin/ the o

    7alley an the 7enetian lain. To the south, it consists o! the entirety o! the Italian

    eninsula an the t4o 3eiterranean islans o! Sicily an Sarinia, in aition to

    many smaller islans. The soerei/n states o! San 3arino an the 7atican

    City are enclaes 4ithin Italy, 4hile Campione =Italia is an Italian eDclae in


     The country=s total area is "#$,'"# suare &ilometers ($$),"#) s mi-, o! 4hich

    ':*,#'# &m' ($$",B'' s mi- is lan an +,'$# &m' (',+%* s mi- is 4ater. Incluin/

    the islans, Italy has a coastline an borer o! +,)## &ilometers (*,+'' miles- on

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    the Ariatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian seas (+*# &m (*)# mi--, an borers share 4ith

    5rance (*%% &m ("#" mi--, Austria (*"# &m (')+ mi--, Sloenia ('"' &m ($** mi--

    an S4it6erlan (+*# &m (*)# mi--. San 3arino (": &m ('* mi-- an 7atican City

    (".' &m ('.# mi--, both enclaes, account !or the remainer.

    Figure 1 Italy Region Map

    1. Climate

    reominantly 3eiterranean0 alpine in !ar north0 hot, ry in south

    C. Topography

    EDcept !or the !ertile o Rier 7alley in the north an the narro4 coastal belts

    !arther south, Italy=s mainlan is /enerally mountainous, 4ith consierable seismic

    actiity. Italy=s hi/hest pea&s are !oun in the north4est in the Saoy Alps, the

    ennines, an the

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    lo4er in southern Italy, the Calabrian coast is still ru//e. Sicily, is an islan

    separate !rom the mainlan by the narro4. Sarinia, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, is

    /enerally mountainous.

    I7. Social institutions

    A. Family

    $. The nuclear family

    As in other southern European countries, in Italy, ne4 !amily structures are comin/

    into bein/ more slo4ly an in a smaller measure than in northern European

    countries an North America. These ne4 structures inclue such patterns as

    cohabitation, eDtramarital births, sin/le parenthoo, an one8person househols.

     These countries are eDamples o! the so8calle 3eiterranean moel (Laslett $:%"-.At the same time, Italian !amilies, as 4ell as those o! the other 3eiterranean

    countries, hae been eDperiencin/ important trans!ormations both in imensions

    an in the relationships amon/ their members (1arba/li an Saraceno $::+-.

    Since $:+#, Italy has 4itnesse /reat chan/es in !amily si6e, a/e at marria/e,

    marria/e stability, an birthrate (amon/ the lo4est, i! not the lo4est, in the 4orl-,

    althou/h the pace o! chan/e has iGere by re/ionH !amily behaiours in north8

    central re/ions are more li&e those o! 4estern European countries than o! southernItalian re/ions. eople marry later an less !reuently, hae !e4er chilren, iorce

    more o!ten, an create ne4 !amily moels such as cohabitation, eDtramarital births,

    sin/le parenthoo, an one8person househols.

    '. The extended family

     The aera/e Italian nuclear !amily is mae up o! ?e people, 4hereas the eDtene

    !amily 8 such as the 3a?a 8 can be comprise o! hunres.

    ". Dynamics of the family

     Italian !amilies maintain stron/ bons oer /enerations. Chilren, a!ter leain/

    home to establish ne4 !amilies, maintain stron/ relationships 4ith their parents.

    Usually they lie ery near to one o! the t4o parental !amilies, ma&e aily telephone

    calls to their parents (mainly the mother-, an isit them 4ee&ly. Their relationships

    4ith their parents typically isplay stron/ reciprocal support an eDchan/es,

    incluin/ chilcare, care o! the elerly an ill, help 4ith economic troubles, loans,

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    an aice. >ne o! the main characteristics o! Italian !amilies is the stron/

    inter/enerational soliarity that allo4s Italians to oercome ifculties, ?n @obs,

    loo& a!ter chilren, an as& !or loans in situations in 4hich the !amily net4or&

    proies 4hat, in other 2estern countries, is /rante by public or priate

    institutions. This sense o! connecteness eDplains the /reat releance that !amily as

    an institution assumes in Italian culture. To be a member o! a !amily is 4hat /ies

    the iniiual a /uarantee a/ainst any serious trouble in li!e, more so than bein/ a

    member o! any other /roup

    a. Parental roles 

    Italians ahere to a more traitional style o! parentin/. Respect !or elers an

    ac&no4le/in/ their authority is paramount.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    b. Marriage and courtship

      The rop in marria/es is partially ue to the ecline in the absolute number o!

    youn/ aults. The latter is in turn attributable to the sharp reuction in !ertility

    occurre a!ter the $:+#s. Youn/ Italians a/e $)8"* accounte !or less than $$

    million in '#$* (8$." million compare to '##%-.

    Figure 2 Comparison between Italy and France Parenting Style

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    3en an 4omen are /ettin/ marrie increasin/ly later in li!e. In '#$*, the mean a/e

    at ?rst marria/e 4as "* !or men an "$ !or 4omen (that is one year oler compare

    to '##%-.

     The aera/e len/th o! marria/e enin/ in le/al separation is $) years an the tren

    to4ars marital isruption intensi?es 4ith more recent marria/es. 3arria/es ene

    in separation 4ithin $# years hae almost ouble. They 4ere *.BF o! all marria/es

    celebrate in $:%B, compare to $$F o! those celebrate in '##B.

     The aera/e a/e at le/al separation is *+ !or men an ** !or 4omen, 4hile that o!

    people iorcin/ 4as *% an *B respectiely. The aera/e a/e at union isruption

    continues to rise, an much o! this tren appears ue to the postponement o!

    marria/e to later a/es. It is 4orth notin/ the increase o! le/al separation 4ith at

    least one partner oer )# (+.BF in '#$*-.

    Figure 3 Italy Marriage Statistic

    *. Female/male roles changing or static!"

      A hi/h score (3asculine- on this imension inicates that the society 4ill be rien

    by competition, achieement an success, 4ith success bein/ e?ne by the 4inner

    best in ?el J a alue system that starts in school an continues throu/hout

    or/anisational behaiour.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    A lo4 score (5eminine- on the imension means that the ominant alues in society

    are carin/ !or others an uality o! li!e. A 5eminine society is one 4here uality o!

    li!e is the si/n o! success an stanin/ out !rom the cro4 is not amirable. The

    !unamental issue here is 4hat motiates people, 4antin/ to be the best

    (3asculine- or li&in/ 4hat you o (5eminine-.

    At +# Italy is a 3asculine society J hi/hly success oriente an rien. Chilren are

    tau/ht !rom an early a/e that competition is /oo an to be a 4inner is important in

    oneKs li!e. Italians sho4 their success by acuirin/ status symbols such as a

    beauti!ul car, a bi/ house, a yacht an traels to eDotic countries. As the 4or&in/

    enironment is the place 4here eery Italian can reach hisher success, competition

    amon/ collea/ues !or ma&in/ a career can be ery stron/.

    Figure 4 Italy Cultural Dimension Score

    1. #ducation 

    $. The role of education in society

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    a. Primary education

    In Italy, the ebate ra/es on re/arin/ the role o! reli/ion an its symbols in

    eucation. 3ean4hile primary schoolin/ remains !ree, a!ter 4hich parents must pay

    school !ees throu/h to a/e $). A!ter spenin/ time at preschool (scuola materna-

    chilren enter scuola primaria (primary school- !or B years. ;ere they learn the

    basics o! computer stuies, en/lish, /eo/raphy, italian, mathematics, music,

    science, social science an optional reli/ious stuies. All chilren 4ho turn $" in a

    particular year, /o on to lo4er seconary school the !ollo4in/ year.

    Scuola Media or lo4er seconary school is manatory too, althou/h not !ree. There

    scholars !ollo4 a three year pro/ram nominally !rom a/e $$ to a/e $*. 3inimum

    school hours are "# per 4ee&. Up to $# hours more may be ?nance by a school=s

    o4n bu/et to proie tuition in computer s&ills, !orei/n lan/ua/es, sports, music

    4ith o4n instrument, an chess. At the en o! the thir year, those 4ho pass oral

    an 4ritten eDaminations receie a diploma di licena media.

    b. Secondary education

    Upper seconary school (scuola superio- comprises an obli/atory ' years !ollo4e

    by a !urther optional ". In the latter perio stuents choose bet4een attenin/

    a liceo (somethin/ a&in to a 1ritish /rammar school- or an instituto or ocational

    school. In all, there are + &ins o! seconary schools in Italy, namely classical hi/h

    schools, scienti?c hi/h schools, ?ne arts hi/h schools, teacher trainin/ schools,

    artistic schools, technical institutes, an pro!essional institutes.

    c. $igher education

    5urther ocational eucation inoles practical certi?cate trainin/ in speci?c s&ills

    accorin/ to European Union stanars. This broa approach !acilitates cross8

    country trainin/ an eDperience, as a conseuence o! 4hich Italian traespeople

    an technicians are in eman 4orl84ie.

    Italian uniersities !ollo4 /enerally accepte tertiary eucation stanars.

    Accorin/ly they oGer courses to4ars bachelors, $8 an '8year masters e/rees,

    an octorates. >ther speciali6ation schools proie aance &no4le/e to those

    alreay 4ith secon8leel e/rees, 4hile re!resher courses aptly name corso di

     per!eionamento enable pro!essionals to top8up their &no4le/e.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    3any o! the olest uniersities in the 4orl are !oun in Italy. Amon/ literally scores,

    the olest are the Uniersity o! 1olo/na that ates !rom A $#%%, an the Uniersity

    o! aua !oune in the year $'''.

    '. Literacy rates 

    e?nition% a/e $B an oer can rea an 4rite

     Total population% ::.'F

    3ale% ::.*F

    5emale% ::F

    C. Political system 

    $. Political structure

    Italy has been a unitary parliamentary republic since ' Mune $:*), 4hen the

    monarchy 4as abolishe by a constitutional re!erenum. The resient o!

    Italy (Presidente della Repubblica-, currently Ser/io 3attarella since '#$B, is

    Italy=s hea o! state. The resient is electe !or a sin/le seen years manate by

    the arliament o! Italy in @oint session. Italy has a 4ritten emocratic constitution,

    resultin/ !rom the 4or& o! a Constituent Assembly !orme by the representaties o!

    all the anti8!ascist !orces that contribute to the e!eat o! Na6i an 5ascist !orces

    urin/ the Ciil 2ar.

    Italy has a parliamentary /oernment base on a proportional otin/ system. The

    parliament is per!ectly bicameralH the t4o houses, the Chamber o! eputies (that

    meets in ala66o 3ontecitorio- an the Senate o! the Republic (that meets inala66o

    3aama-, hae the same po4ers. The rime 3inister, ofcially resient o! the

    Council o! 3inisters (Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri-, is Italy=s hea o!

    /oernment. The rime 3inister an the cabinet are appointe by the resient o!

    the Republic, but must pass a ote o! con?ence in arliament to come into ofce.

     The incumbent rime 3inister is 3atteo Ren6i o! the emocratic arty.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


     The prime minister is the resient o! the Council o! 3inisters4hich hols eGectie

    eDecutie po4er an he must receie a ote o! approal !rom it to eDecute most

    political actiities. The ofce is similar to those in most other parliamentarysystems, but the leaer o! the Italian /oernment is not authori6e to reuest the

    issolution o! the arliament o! Italy.

    Another iGerence 4ith similar ofces is that the oerall political responsibility !or

    intelli/ence is este in the resient o! the Council o! 3inisters. 1y irtue o! that,

    the rime 3inister has eDclusie po4er toH Coorinate intelli/ence policies,

    eterminin/ the ?nancial resources an stren/thenin/ national cyber security0 apply

    an protect State secrets0 Authori6e a/ents to carry out operations, in Italy or

    abroa, in iolation o! the la4.

    A peculiarity o! the Italian arliament is the representation /ien to Italian

    citi6ens permanently liin/ abroaH $' eputies an ) Senators electe in !our

    istinct oerseas constituencies. In aition, the Italian Senate is characterise alsoby a small number o! senators !or li!e, appointe by the resient O!or outstanin/

    patriotic merits in the social, scienti?c, artistic or literary ?elO. 5ormer resients o! 

    the Republic are e" o#cio li!e senators.

    '. Political parties

    • Ciic Choice or SC

    • emocratic Centre or C

    • emocratic arty or

    •  The Ne4 Center8Ri/ht or NC• Union o! the Center or UC

    • 1rothers o! Italy8National Alliance or 5I8AN

    • 5or6a Italia

    • Northern Lea/ue or LN

    • Ciil Reolution or RC

    • 5ie Star 3oment or 3BS

    • South Tyrolean eople=s arty or S7

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


     TaD 4ill be payable on income earne in Italy an oerseas by an iniiual 4ho

    meets the test o! a Opermanent resientO o! Italy.

    A !orei/n resient 4ho is employe in Italy pays taD only on income earne in Italy.

    >ne o! t4o tests must be passe to be consiere an Italian resientH a li!e centere

    in Italy, or bein/ re/istere in the opulation Re/istry as liin/ more than $%" ays

    a year in Italy.

    It is important to point out as re/ars taDable income !rom outsie Italy, 4hich a

    OtaD creitO is /rante !or taD eucte outsie Italy.

    In the case o! income !rom a salary, the employer is obli/ate to euct the amount

    o! taD payable on a monthly basis.

    A sel!8employe person must prepay income taD that 4ill be oGset on ?lin/ an

    annual return.

     The aance payment is etermine on the basis o! the return mae !or the

    preious year.

    In the eent o! a ne4 business, the aance 4ill be calculate on the basis o!

    estimates mae by the o4ner o! the business.

     The Corporate income TaD (IRES- in Italy is currently '+.B#F, a!ter the last taD

    re!orm, 4hich lo4ere the corporate taD rate. Some corporate enterprises are

    eDempte !rom corporation taD, e./. charitable !ounations, Church institutions, an

    sports clubs. 7alue Ae TaD (7AT 8 I7A- a consumption taD applyin/ on a stanar

    rate ''F. Reuce 7AT rates apply at $#F !or pharmaceuticals, passen/er

    transport, amission to cultural an entertainment eents, hotels, restaurants an

    *F on !oostuGs, meical an boo&s. The Italian 7AT is part o! the European Union

    alue ae taD system.

    Social Security Contributions (Istituto Na6ionale ella reien6a Sociale 8 INS-

    apply to eeryone in the 4or&!orce. Employers 4ithhol :.$:F o! the employee=s

    4a/e an !urthermore the employer contribute "*.#%F o! /ross pay.

    Sel!8employe iniiuals, must enroll 4ith the

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    contributions to the INS are calculate at a at rate ran/in/ !rom $%F to '+.+'F

    on annual income up to a maDimum income o! P:),$*: in '#$'.

    B. (ole of local go'ernment

     The Italian constitution proies !or !our types o! territorial boiesH re/ions,

    proinces, metropolitan cities an to4ns. The Constitution eicates all o! Title 7

    (Articles $$*8$""- to them, as 4ell as the ?rst phrase o! Article B, 4hich reco/ni6es

    an promotes local autonomy. Article $$* consiers these territorial boies to/ether

    4ith the State as the constitutie elements o! the Republic. 3oreoer, ?e re/ions

    (7alle =Aosta, 5riuli 7ene6ia n the contrary, not4ithstanin/ the continuous

    le/islatie eGorts to set a limit, the number o! proinces an to4ns has been

    continuously increasin/, reachin/, respectiely, the amount o! $#+ an %,$#$,.

    . Legal system

    $. )rgani*ation of the +udiciary system

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia










    I Degree  Mustice o! the


     Mustice o! the







    II Degree  Tribunal Tribunal Speciali6e

    Section o!

    the Court o!


    enal Tribunal

    Court o!


    Court o!



    t of la-


    Court (or

    Court o!Cassation-


    Court (or

    Court o!Cassation-


    Court (or

    Court o!Cassation-


    Court (or

    Court o!Cassation-

    Figure % Italy &udicial System

    '. Code. common. socialist. or Islamicla- country

     The politics o! Italy is conucte throu/h a constitutional republic 4ith a multi8party

    system. Italy has been a emocratic republic since ' Mune $:*), 4hen the monarchy

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    4as abolishe by popular re!erenum (see Italian constitutional re!ee Constituent

    Assembly o! Italy- an promul/ate on $ Manuary $:*%. The eDecutie po4er is

    eDercise collectiely by the Council o! 3inisters, 4hich is le by the rime 3inister,

    ofcially re!erre to as resient o! the Council (Oresiente el Consi/lioO-.

    Le/islatie po4er is este in the t4o houses o! parliament primarily, an

    seconarily on the Council o! 3inisters, 4hich can introuce bills an hols the

    ma@ority in the parliament. The @uiciary is inepenent o! the eDecutie an the

    le/islatie branches. It is heae by the ;i/h Council o! the Muiciary. The presient

    is the hea o! state, thou/h his position is separate !rom all branches.

    ". Participation in patents. trademar0s. and other con'entions

    E. Social organi*ations 

    $. Group &eha'ior

    o4er istance

    2ith a score o! B#, Northern Italy tens to pre!er euality an a ecentralisation o!

    po4er an ecision8ma&in/. Control an !ormal superision is /enerally isli&e

    amon/ the youn/er /eneration, 4ho emonstrate a pre!erence !or team4or& an an

    open mana/ement style. 1ear in min that the hi/h score on Iniiualism

    accentuates the aersion o! bein/ controlle an tol 4hat to o. In Southern Italy

    all the conseuences o! I are o!ten hi/h, uite the opposite o! Northern Italy.


    At a score o! +) Italy is an Iniiualist culture, Qme centere, especially in the bi/

    an rich cities o! the North 4here people can !eel alone een in the mile o! a bi/

    an busy cro4. So !amily an !riens becomes an important antiote to this

    !eelin/0 but the 4or Q!rien shoul not be misinterprete because in business it

    has a sli/htly iGerent meanin/H someone that you &no4 an can be use!ul !or

    introucin/ you to the important or po4er!ul people.


    At +# Italy is a 3asculine society J hi/hly success oriente an rien. Chilren are

    tau/ht !rom an early a/e that competition is /oo an to be a 4inner is important in

    oneKs li!e. Italians sho4 their success by acuirin/ status symbols such as a

    beauti!ul car, a bi/ house, a yacht an traels to eDotic countries. As the 4or&in/

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    enironment is the place 4here eery Italian can reach hisher success, competition

    amon/ collea/ues !or ma&in/ a career can be ery stron/.

    Uncertainty Aoiance

    At +B Italy has a hi/h score on Uncertainty Aoiance 4hich means that as a nation

    Italians are not com!ortable in ambi/uous situations. 5ormality in Italian society is

    important an the Italian penal an ciil coe are complicate 4ith clauses, coicils

    etc. 2hat is surprisin/ !or the !orei/ner is the apparent contraiction bet4een all

    the eDistin/ norms an proceures an the !act that Italians onKt al4ays comply

    4ith them. 1ut in a bureaucratic country one learns ery soon 4hich the important

    ones are an 4hich are not, in orer to surie the re tape. In 4or& terms hi/h

    Uncertainty Aoiance results in lar/e amounts o! etaile plannin/. The lo4

    Uncertainty Aoiance approach (4here the plannin/ process can be eDible to

    chan/in/ enironment- can be ery stress!ul !or Italians.

    Lon/ Term >rientation

    Italy=s hi/h score o! )$ on this imension sho4s that Italian culture is pra/matic. In

    societies 4ith a pra/matic orientation, people beliee that truth epens ery much

    on situation, conteDt an time. They sho4 an ability to aapt traitions easily to

    chan/e conitions, a stron/ propensity to sae an inest, thri!tiness, an

    perseerance in achiein/ results.


    A lo4 score o! "# inicates that Italian culture is one o! Restraint. Societies 4ith a

    lo4 score in this imension hae a tenency to cynicism an pessimism. Also, in

    contrast to Inul/ent societies, Restraine societies o not put much emphasis on

    leisure time an control the /rati?cation o! their esires. eople 4ith this orientation

    hae the perception that their actions are Restraine by social norms an !eel that

    inul/in/ themseles is some4hat 4ron/.

    '. Social classes

    A hierarchy o! social class ran& in Italy toay.

    $. 1our/eoisie ($#F o! the 4or&in/ population- inclues hi/h8class entrepreneurs,

    mana/ers, politicians, sel!8employe people, hi/hest8ran&in/ celebrities, etc.

    '. 2hite8collar mile class ($+F o! the 4or&in/ population- inclues mile class

    4or&ers not employe in manual 4or&.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    ". Urban petite bour/eoisie ($*F o! the 4or&in/ population-, is mainly mae up o!

    shop&eepers, small8business entrepreneurs, sel!8employe artisans etc.

    *. Rural petite bour/eoisie ($#F o! the 4or&in/ population- consists o! small

    entrepreneurs or estate o4ners 4ho operate in the countrysie, mainly in

    a/riculture an !orestry.

    B. Urban 4or&in/ class ("+F o! the 4or&in/ population- re!ers to the people

    employe in manual 4or&.

    ). Rural 4or&in/ class (:F o! the 4or&in/ population- consists o! people operatin/ in

    the primary inustry, such as !armers, lo//ers, ?shermen etc.

    ". Clu&s. other organi*ations 

    • Accaemia ella Crusca

    • 3useum o! the Italian Lan/ua/e• Associa6ione per la Storia ella Lin/ua Italiana

    • Casa Italiana

    • Ente Cassa i Risparmio i 5iren6e

    • 5ona6ione Carisbo

    • Associa6ione Raioamatori Italiani

    • 5ona6ione Cariplo

    • 5ounation !or subsiiarity

    • 5rien o! the Sea

    • 3artinitt

    • Accaemia ei Lincei

    • A/ricultural 3ar&et In!ormation System• Association Anti/one

    • ICstat

    • International 5un !or A/ricultural eelopment

    • International Union o! Catholic Esperantists

    • Italian society o! economics emo/raphy an statistics

    • Italian Union o! 1lin an artially Si/hte eople

    • Rome uariennale

    • olo 3useale el La6io

    *. (ace. ethnicity. and su&cultures Italian (inclues small clusters o!

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    Italians, li&e most south European people, are relationship8oriente. They usually

    pre!er to establish irect relationships, een super?cially, be!ore Q/ettin/ o4n to

    business. 3eetin/s are a 4ay to /et a eeper an common unerstanin/ o! an

    issue rather than !ormin/ the conclusie part o! a ecision ma&in/ process, so in

    this sense, they are more eDploratory an analysis8oriente than ecision8oriente.

    In orer to oercome possible lan/ua/e barriers, 4ritten !orms o! communication

    are pre!erre !or a ?rst approach. In this case, either a !aD or a letter is appropriate

    to present your iea an pae the 4ay !or a subseuent phone call or isit.

    2heneer possible, an introuction by someone 4ho is alreay connecte to the

    company 4oul be use!ul.

    1e prepare !or len/thy ne/otiations. >!ten ne/otiations are conucte slo4ly, both

    because Italians ten to care!ully ealuate aanta/es an ris&s, an because o!

    the hierarchical ecision8ma&in/ process o! Italian companies. 5inal ecisions, ue

    to ri/i hierarchical mana/ement structures are centralise an ta&en by the


     There mi/ht be a suen chan/es urin/ ne/otiations. urin/ ne/otiations, Italians

    /ie importance to erbal commitments an the ?nal contract is certainly base on

    preious in!ormal a/reements.

    ;ansha&in/ is common on all business an social occasions. The hansha&e is ?rm

    but not too lon/. Upon introuctions an epartures, people sha&e hans

    iniiually 4ith all members o! a /roup.

    ressin/ !ormally is /enerally reuire, in particular !or ?rst meetin/s, to ma&e a

    serious an positie impression. urin/ meetin/s, it is uncommon to hae a

    secretary ta&in/ notes an een the participants themseles ten to only ma&e a

    !e4 short notes. Interruptin/ a spea&er in iscussions an meetin/s is tolerate as a

    4ay o! reachin/ conclusions uic&ly or to allo4 !or the introuction o! ne4 elements

    as soon as they sur!ace. >!ten seeral people may spea& simultaneously urin/ a

    meetin/, thus creatin/ t4o or more Qmicro meetin/s. Also, especially urin/

    preliminary meetin/s, Italians may not !ollo4 a/enas strictly.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    It is common that business meetin/s en 4ith an initation to eat out, typically in a

    care!ully selecte restaurant, as a 4ay to sociali6e an establish a closer

    relationship. Accorin/ to circumstances an time constraints, the initation mi/ht

    be either !or lunch or, o!ten pre!erably, !or inner.

    Accorin/ to Italian etiuette, the host al4ays pays the bill. The person inite may

    oGer to pay the bill but, usually, the host 4ill ecline. The tip is inclue in the bill

    but it can be appropriate to leae an aitional tip, o!ten about BF o! the total

    amount. Lunch be/ins 4ith an appeti6er (Qantipasto- !ollo4e by pasta or soup

    (Qprimo piatto, i.e. ?rst course-, a main course 4ith sala (Qsecono piatto-,

    essert anor cheese an !ruits. These seeral courses are sere in sin/le

    portions. Accorin/ to Q/oo Italian traition any meal shoul en 4ith a cup o!

    stron/ Qespresso coGee. ecaGeinate coGee is o!ten simply inicate as Qha/

    (a!ter a popular bran o! ecaGeinate coGee-.

    7. (eligion and aesthetics

    A. (eligion and other &elief systems

    $. )rthodox doctrines and structures

     Almost all Italian are Roman Catholic as Italy are the home an heart o! the 4orlKs

    Roman Catholic Christianity.

    '. (elationship -ith the people

     Italian people aopt the Roman Catholic belie!s an li!e style into their li!e as most

    o! them are ery reli/ious.

    ". 2hich religions are prominent! 

    Roman Catholic Christianity

    *. Mem&ership of each religion

    • Christianity %","F

    • Atheists $',*F

    3uslim ",+F• 1uhist #,' F

    • ;inu #,$F

    B. 3ny po-erful or in4uential cults!

     There are no po4er!ul or inuential cults.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    1. 3esthetics

    $. 5isual arts 6ne arts. plastics. graphics. pu&lic art. colors. etc7"

     Since prehistoric times,

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    Italian art has inuence seeral ma@or moements throu/hout the centuries an

    has prouce seeral /reat artists, incluin/ painters, architects an sculptors.

     Toay, Italy has an important place in the international art scene, 4ith seeral ma@or

    art /alleries, museums an eDhibitions0 ma@or artistic centres in the country inclue

    Rome, 5lorence, 7enice, 3ilan, Turin,

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    Figure * +)e ,ast S-pper by ,eonardo Da .inci

    '. Music

    Italy has playe a si/ni?cant role in the history o! European music. 3any music

    instrument, such as iolin an piano, 4ere inente in Italy. The musical scale, the

    art o! >pera, an many music terms, such as sonnet, concert, uartet, 4ere also

    born in Italy an many o! the eDistin/ European classical music !orms can trace their

    roots bac& to innoations o! $)th an $+th centuries Italian music innoations.

     The music o! Italy ran/es across a broa spectrum o! opera an instrumental

    classical music an a boy o! popular music ra4n !rom both natie an importe

    sources. 3usic has traitionally been one o! the cultural mar&ers o! Italian national

    an ethnic ientity an hols an important position in society an in politics. Italian

    innoation in musical scales, harmony, notation, an theatre enable the

    eelopment o! opera in the late $)th century, an much o! moern European

    classical music, such as the symphony an concerto.

    Instrumental an ocal classical music is an iconic part o! Italian ientity, spannin/

    eDperimental art music an international !usions to symphonic music an opera.

    >pera is inte/ral to Italian musical culture, an has become a ma@or se/ment o!

    popular music. The Neapolitan son/, can6one Napoletana, an the cantautori

    sin/er8son/4riter traitions are also popular omestic styles that !orm an important

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    part o! the Italian music inustry, alon/sie importe /enres li&e @a66, roc& an hip

    hop. Italian !ol& music is an important part o! the country=s musical herita/e, an

    spans a ierse array o! re/ional styles, instruments an ances.

    Italian music has been hel up in hi/h esteem in history an many pieces o! Italian

    music are consiere hi/h art. 3ore than other elements o! Italian culture, Italian

    music is /enerally eclectic, but uniue !rom other nations= music. No parochial

    protectionist moement has eer attempte to &eep Italian music pure an !ree

    !rom !orei/n inuence eDcept briey uner the 5ascist re/ime o! the $:'#s an "#s.

    As a result, Italian music has &ept elements o! the many peoples that hae

    ominate or inuence the country, incluin/ 5rench,

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    country sie is consume een less0 4hile the much beloe Italian pi/ is only

    ran&e in the mile o! the 4orl pac& (accorin/ to rate o! consumption-.

    1ecause o! access an price (!oo, li&e /asoline, clothin/, an housin/, is ery

    eDpensie in Europe, incluin/ Italy- is that cheaper an healthier !oo items (such

    as airy, !ruits, e/etables, /rains, olie oil, le/umes, nuts, etc.- are more popular0

    hence the so8calle 3eiterranean iet.

     The 3eiterranean iet emphasi6esH

    • Eatin/ primarily plant8base !oos, such as !ruits an e/etables, 4hole

    /rains, le/umes an nuts• Replacin/ butter 4ith healthy !ats, such as olie oil

    • Usin/ herbs an spices instea o! salt to aor !oos

    • Limitin/ re meat to no more than a !e4 times a month

    • Eatin/ ?sh an poultry at least t4ice a 4ee&

    • rin&in/ re 4ine in moeration (optional-

     The iet also reco/ni6es the importance o! bein/ physically actie, an en@oyin/

    meals 4ith !amily an !riens.


    Figure / Meat and .egetable Consumption Rate per Capita in Italy 

    Figure 10 Meat and .egetable Consumption per Capita

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    '. Typical meals


    $- Apertio

     The aperitio be/ins the meal. Li&e the 5rench aperiti!, this course may consist o!

    bubbly beera/es such as spumante, prosecco, or champa/ne, or 4ine. The

    aperitio is also the appeti6er course0 small ishes o! olies, nuts or cheeses may be

    aailable !or iners to nibble on 4hile they 4ait !or the neDt course.


     This course is commonly consiere the Qstarter. The antipasti ish 4ill be sli/hter

    heaier than the aperitio. >!ten times, the antipasti may consist o! a charcuterie

    platter such as salame, mortaella, or prosciutto, sere 4ith cheeses an brea0

    other times, you may ?n a col salmon or tuna antipasto, or a bruschetta.

    '- rimi

    rimi is the ?rst course to contain hot !oo an is o!ten heaier than antipasti


  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    In this course, there are iGerent meat an sea!oo options. epenin/ on the

    re/ion, you may hae chic&en, bee!, por&, lamb, or tur&ey prepare in a ariety o!

    iGerent 4ays, !rom a sausa/e to a roast to a /rille meat. In terms o! sea!oo, you

    mi/ht ?n ?sh, shrimp, lobster, or some other &in o! Qmeaty sea!oo. I! there are

    t4o ishes in the seconi a sorbet palate cleanser is sere bet4een them.

    *- Contorni

    Contorni ishes are sere alon/sie seconi ishes. Common cotorni ishes are

    e/etable8base, 4hether ra4 or coo&e. They are sere on a iGerent plate than

    the meat or sea!oo o! the seconi, so as to not miD on a plate an allo4 !or the

    preseration o! the inte/rity o! aors.

    B- Insalata

    I! there are many lea!y /reen e/etables in the contorni, an insalata, or sala, mi/ht

    not be sere. I! not, then a sala 4ill !ollo4 the seconi.

    )- 5orma//i E 5rutta

     There is an entire course eicate to cheese an !ruit. A selection o! re/ional

    cheese 4ill be presente, 4ith seasonal !ruits that complement the aors o! the


    +- olce

    >ptions ran/e !rom tiramisu to ca&e or pie to panna cotta. You may also consier a

    sorbetto or /elato !or somethin/ li/hter an more palate8cleansin/. Certain re/ional

    specialty esserts such as 6eppole or cannoli may be sere.

    %- CaGe

    A stron/ espresso is sere a!ter olce, o!ten sere ery 4arm an 4ithout any

    mil& or su/ar.

    :- i/estio

     To close out this intricate, ecaent Italian meal, the ?nal item is a i/estie

    alcoholic rin&, such as limoncello, amaro, or /rappa, 4hich ais 4ith i/estion.

    ". Malnutrition rates

     The malnutrition rate in Italy is ery lo4.

    Figure 12 Figure 10 orld Food Programme orld unger Map 201$

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    *. Foods a'aila&le

    Antipasto (appeti6ers-

    • Insalata caprese

    • Spicy olies on sale at the mar&et at >rti/ia, in Syracuse, Italy

    • 1reastic&s

    • 1resaola

    • 1ruschetta J an antipasto !rom Italy consistin/ o! /rille brea rubbe 4ith

    /arlic an toppe 4ith tomatoes, olie oil, salt an pepper• Capicollo

    • Crostini J means Olittle toastO in Italian

    • Culatello

    • Currie braise rabbit ste4

    • Insalata caprese

    • 3o66arelline !ritte J !rie small mo66arellas

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    • Neretti J presse bee! cartila/e seasone 4ith onions

    • >lies

    • eperoni imbottiti J stuGe peppers

    • i66ette e salatini

    Xuppa e salsa (soups an sauces-

    • A//hiotta i lumache (Sicilian snail soup-

    • A/liata

    • A/roolce

    • 1a/na cua

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    • i66a capricciosa J 4ith tomato, mo66arella, mushrooms, articho&es, blac&

    an /reen olies• i66a 3ar/herita J tomato an mo66arella

    • i66a marinara J tomato, ore/ano an /arlic

    • i66a pu/liese J tomato, mo66arella an onions

    asta ishes

    • 1ucatini all=Amatriciana, bucatini coi !un/hi, bucatini alla Sorrentina

    • Cannelloni al ra/, cannelloni ai carcio?

    • Carbonara

    • Ciceri e Tria

    • 5ettucine Al!reo

    • Lasa/ne

    • Lin/uini 4ith clam sauce

    ansotti alla /enoese J a type o! hu/e raioli• asta al pesto

    • enne all=arrabbiata

    • Raioli, 9lot6nnul

    • Ri/atoni con la a@ata, ri/atoni al !orno con salsa aurora

    • Spa/hetti alla Carrettiera, Spa/hetti bolo/nese, spa/hetti al nero i seppia,

    spa/hetti alla uttanesca, spa/hetti con la bottar/a, spa/hetti all= a/lio, olio e

    peperoncino, spa/hetti iniaolati, spa/hetti Siracusani, spa/hetti alla


     There are still many more type o! cuisine aailable in Italy.

    1. $ousing 

    $. Types of housing a'aila&le

    ala66i storici

    I! you spen your Italian holiays in an urban conteDt, pala66i storici are 4hat you

    4ill be surroune by. These builin/s usually /ie a to4n its spirit an charisma,

    their beauty an ma@esty ma&in/ each an eery street a little @e4el in itsel!. Their

    architecture iGers accorin/ to the placeH Rome, !or instance, is typically !ull o!

    apal palaces an noble resiences, as 4ell as thousans o! 3eieal an 1aroue

    builin/s, conerte in beauti!ul conos. Its outs&irts are, @ust as it is !or all cities

    an to4ns, characteri6e by more moern builin/s, o!ten cheaper to rent !or


  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


     The corte

    7illa/es or out o! to4n=s locations are the &in/om o! corti, courtyars, beauti!ul

    suares enclose 4ithin thic& 4alle houses, usually eelopin/ ertically. 3ost o!

    them nee to be renoate, but they are pictoresue. Li!e in these courtyars

    !ollo4s the rhythm an style o! yore an eeryone resiin/ in a corte &no4s an

    li&es each other, @ust li&e in a !amily.


     The trulli 4e see toay in Alberobello ate bac& to the $:th century, but there 4ere

    een oler trulli that time an nature slo4ly estroye almost completely. They

    hae been eclare part o! the UNESC> 2orl ;erita/e an, as stran/e as it may

    seem, trulli are still use as homes by many. This traitional ry stone 4ellin/s are

    typical o! speci?c areas o! Apulia, their 4hite 4alls an their conic, ar& roo!s 4ell

    reco/ni6e by Italians an not Italians all oer the 4orl. Trulli 4ere !armers=

    resiences, small, humble, yet entirely !unctional. Toay, they are o!ten rente

    urin/ the summer or 4ee&ens.


    Casali are synonym 4ith a/ricultural an rural li!e an they are !oun eery4here in

    the Italian countrysie. Usually, they oerloo& lar/e plots o! lan calle poeri, set

    aroun small urban a//lomerates 4ith a church an a suare, many o! 4hich 4ere

    either estroye urin/ the Secon 2orl 2ar or abanone shortly a!ter. Casali are

    common all oer the territory, but those in Tuscany are probably those 4ith 4hich

    US tourists are more !amiliar, een thou/h iemont, Umbria an the re/ions o! the

    South are also ?lle by beauti!ul eDamples o! this type o! structures.

     The 4hite houses o! the South

    >n the opposite sie o! the boot, the South, most houses are 4hite an hae a

    terrace roo!. This is, once a/ain, a !eature erie by the necessities impose by

    the climateH 4hite notoriously reects li/ht an heat a4ay, &eepin/ the insie o! the

    house cooler, 4hereas at roo!s 4ere use!ul sur!ace to help collect rain 4ater, o!ten

    essential in areas 4here 4ater lac&s.


    Conos, calle in Italian conomini, are ery commonH in cities, they hae been

    create in ol pala66i storici, 4hich turne !rom sin/le !amily resiences to multi8at

    builin/s. In the suburbs, moern multi8at to4er bloc&s are o!ten !oun.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    Unli&ely many countries in Europe, Italian 4ellin/s are not characteri6e by a

    homo/eneous style or architecture. Re/arless to their si6e, Italian homes are

    al4ays !unctional, 4ell8built an insulate, 4ith all mos cons.

    '. Do most people o-n or rent!

    Figure 13 Italy ome wners)ip Rate

    ". Do most people li'e in onefamily d-ellings or -ith other families!

    3ost people in Italy lies in one8!amily 4ellin/s until they are marrie. Then they

    are moin/ out an lie to/ether 4ith their partner.

    C. Clothing

    $. 8ational dress

    Italian national ress mae o! /arments, they onKt hae special or speci?c names,

    an many re/ion has their o4n traitional clothin/.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    '. Types of clothing -orn at -or0 

    Italians usually use semi8!ormal or !ormal clothes at 4or&, especially !or people 4ho

    4or& at ofce builin/, or multi8national company.


    . (ecreation. sports. and other leisure acti'ities

    $. Types a'aila&le and in demand

    • Colosseum

    • 7enice

    ompeii• 5ootball Staium

    • 3useums

    • 7atican City

    • Culinary (i66a, asta, pera

    • ai Statue at 5lorence

    • Last Supper at 3ilan

    • 5ashion Sho4

    • Etc.

    '. Percentage of income spent on such acti'ities


    E. Social security

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    Social Security Contributions (Istituto Na6ionale ella reien6a Sociale 8 INS-

    apply to eeryone in the 4or&!orce. Employers 4ithhol :.$:F o! the employee=s

    4a/e an !urthermore the employer contribute "*.#%F o! /ross pay.

    Sel!8employe iniiuals, must enrol 4ith the EC countries.

    ItalyKs National ;ealth Serice (Seri6io Sanitario Na6ionaleSSN- 4as establishe in

    $:+% an replace the preious system o! state insurance !oune a!ter the Secon

    2orl 2ar. The Italian health serice places the emphasis on cure rather than

    preention an treats sic&ness rather than promotin/ /oo health. ThereKs little

    preentatie meicine in Italy such as re/ular health chec&s. The public health

    serice has limite resources !or out8patient treatment, nursin/ an post8operatie

    care, /eriatric assistance, or terminal illnesses an psychiatric treatment.

    Inaeuate treatment ue to staG shorta/es an lon/ 4aitin/ lists as a result o! a

    lac& o! hospital !acilities are !reuent complaints mae a/ainst ItalyKs health


     The SSN is lar/ely uner the control o! re/ional /oernments an is aministere by

    local health authorities (A6iena i Sanit LocaleASL J o!ten re!erre to by their

    !ormer name Unit Sanitaria LocaleUSL-. The SSN proies hospital accommoation

    an treatment (incluin/ tests, sur/ery an meication urin/ hospitalisation-,

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    isits to !amily octors (

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


     The normal rule in Italian !or stress is to accent the penultimate syllable. I! the

    ultimate syllable is stresse, an accent mar& is employe. ;o4eer, i! the stress

    shoul be on the antepenultimate syllable (thir !rom the en-, Italian oes not

    al4ays mar& it !or the reaer. 3uch o! the time you are @ust suppose to &no4

    4hether or not the 4or is stresse on the antepenultimate (or sometimes een the

    praeantepenultimate-. 5or eDample OimenticareO (!or/et- is a normal, penult8

    stresse 4or. Its thir person plural is Oimenticano.O The stress is on the OeO in the

    praeantepenultimate position. EDamples o! the antepenultimate are Oon/oleO

    (clams- an OostricheO (oysters-, each stresse on its initial o4el. 2hen a 4or can

    be pronounce either 4ay, an hae a istinct meanin/ (as in the 4ors !or

    OprincesO an OprinciplesO-, the accent is employe.

     The consonant OhO is present in 4ritten Italian, but is neer pronounce, een in

    4ors aopte !rom other lan/ua/es, such as Ohotel.O It is use internally to haren

    O/O an OcO be!ore OiO an OeO an it is use as an initial to istin/uish certain !orms

    o! the auDiliary erb OaereO (hae Oho,O Ohai,O Oha,O OhannoO- !rom homophones

    (OoO or, OaO to- an the 4or OannoO year-.

     The O6O in Italian is the OsO or OtsO soun. OXan6araO (mosuito- has t4o o! the

    so!ter O6O souns an OXin/araO (/ypsy- is usually pronounce 4ith the harer initial


    C. Dialects 

    1esies the stanar Italian lan/ua/e an the other lan/ua/es escribe aboe,

    many other ialects, 4hich erie !rom Latin, are spo&en in Italy, some easier to

    comprehen than others. 3ost are eDtremely locali6e an people liin/ in iGerent

    nearby to4ns hae trouble unerstanin/ each other.

     The sprea o! !ree public eucation an the inuence o! meia (raio, teleision,

    ne4spapers- in the t4entieth century le to most Italians bein/ able to spea& the

    stanar Italian lan/ua/e but amitte a number o! 4ors !rom other ialects.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


    Some o! the ialects areH

    • 3olisano (3olise-

    • La6iale (Latium-

    • Umbrian (Umbria-

    • Apuliese (Apulia-

    • Abru66ese (Abru66o-

    • 3archi/iano (The 3arches-

    • Romanesue (Romano, Rome-

    • Cicolan8Reatin8Acuitan (Central Italy-

    7III. #xecuti'e summary

    Italy is one o! the most eelope country in the 4orl, 4ith #.B point o!

    /oernment stability ineD an is one o! the country in the European Union.

     Their culture has been 4ell8&no4n !or a ery lon/ time. 5rom paintin/, sculptures,

    opera, builin/s, to4er, an still many thin/s that ma&es Italy 4hat they are toay.

    >ne o! the ma@or !actor that ma&e Italy ery !amous toay is its !ashion inustry.

    Italy are the source o! some ery 4ell8&no4n 4orl class !ashion bran such as

    7alentino, 7ersace, raa, Armani, olce d

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia


     There are many !actors that nees to be consiere 4hen eDportin/ to Italy, mainly

    the cost o! eDport an the uality control an uality leel that is neee i! 1roo4ns

    Leather 4ants to enter Italy mar&et.

    IZ. Sources of information 






    [email protected]/lishItalyItaly8

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia



















    Z. 3ppendixes

    roblems an challen/es in 4ritin/ cultural analysis

     The problems !ace by author 4hen 4ritin/ the cultural analysis is that many o! the

    in!ormation are uite har to ?n so that it ta&es time to ?n the in!ormation. >n

    some occasions, author cannot een ?n the neee in!ormation.

    Aims o! this cultural analysis

     The ata proie in the cultural analysis contains the in!ormation that 4ill help

    mar&eter ma&in/ the mar&et plannin/ ecisions.

  • 8/16/2019 Bab 1 Culture Analysis Italia
