BA SEE - UCL · 1998-05-13 · BA SEE Specification invokes Booch Diagram Schema C++ Class Definition Schema C++ Method Implementation Schema Class Documentation Schema Tool Schemas

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Page 1: BA SEE - UCL · 1998-05-13 · BA SEE Specification invokes Booch Diagram Schema C++ Class Definition Schema C++ Method Implementation Schema Class Documentation Schema Tool Schemas

Tool Construction for the British Airways SEE

with the O2 ODBMS*

Wolfgang Emmerich

Interoperable Systems Research Centre, City University, London EC1V 0HB, UK

Jim Arlow

LogOn Technology Transfer, Burgweg 14, 61476 Kronberg, Germany

Jo�elle Madec

O2Technology, 7 rue du Parc Clagny, 78000 Versailles, France

Mark Phoenix

British Airways Plc, TBE (E124), Viscount Way, Hounslow, UK

Keywords: Software engineering environments, tool generation, object databases

Software engineering environments (SEE) support the con-struction and maintenance of large-scale software systems.They integrate tools for the production and maintenanceof documents such as requirements de�nitions, architec-ture de�nitions or user manuals. Very few SEE toolsmeet all the developers' requirements. Some requirementsthat are important in practice have not been appropri-ately addressed. These are inter-document consistencyhandling, version and con�guration management and co-operative work. We claim that the reason for current toolsnot meeting these requirements is the fact that the re-quired database support for maintaining documents is onlynow becoming available. The British Airways SEE meetsthese new requirements. Its tools were constructed us-ing the O2 object database management system, whichhas been extended to become a database managementsystem for software engineering. We discuss the expe-riences we made during tool construction for this SEE.c 1997 John Wiley & Sons

1. Introduction

A software development process that develops and

maintains a software system consists of a number of dif-

Received March 1, 1996; revised March 4, 1997; accepted May23, 1997.Recommending editors: Remo Pareschi and Mario Tokoro..

* This work has been funded by ESPRIT-III Project 6115(GOODSTEP). It was done while the �rst author was with Uni-versity of Dortmund, Germany and the second author was withBritish Airways Plc.

c 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

ferent tasks. Examples are requirements analysis tasksthrough which the requirements of future customers of asoftware system are elicited or architectural design tasksthrough which the di�erent components of softwaresystems and relationships among them are identi�ed.The implicit assumption of the Waterfall model [41],that these tasks be performed in mutual exclusion, hasproved to be unsound [9]. Tasks are, in fact, performedin an incremental and intertwined manner [49, 23].

The purpose of each task is to produce a set of doc-uments, such as use cases during requirements analysisor Booch class diagrams [10] during architectural de-sign. Such documents are written in formal graphicalor textual languages. These languages determine docu-

ment types and the purpose of each task of a softwareprocess is to create, analyse and maintain documents ofthe types identi�ed for that task. Document types arede�ned in terms of syntax and static semantics of theunderlying speci�cation languages.

Apart from static semantic constraints of the for-mal languages, there are also consistency constraints be-tween di�erent documents. These inter-document con-

sistency constraints are not con�ned to documents ofthe same type but frequently exist between documentsof di�erent types. Such a constraint may require, forinstance, that each class identi�ed in an analysis modelshould be re�ned by a class of the same name in theBooch design model. A major problem is that the mix

THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OBJECT SYSTEMS, Vol. 24(4), 1 19 1997 CCC 1042-98329/94/020253-18

Page 2: BA SEE - UCL · 1998-05-13 · BA SEE Specification invokes Booch Diagram Schema C++ Class Definition Schema C++ Method Implementation Schema Class Documentation Schema Tool Schemas

of document types is process speci�c. A process de-

veloping a safety critical real-time application will use

document types induced by languages such as Z [44] and

Ada [17] which di�er considerably from those used in a

traditional information system development, i.e. entity

relationship diagrams and fourth generation languages.

The need arises to assist software developers in the

production of documents that meet inter-document con-

sistency constraints. Software developers, which we re-

fer to as users hereafter, require a tool for each doc-

ument type. Such a tool should then implement the

language associated with the document type and o�er

commands to edit documents. During editing the tool

should be supportive in achieving syntactic and static

semantic correctness of documents, browsing of seman-

tically related documents and it must check for inter-

document consistency. Checking for constraints with

documents of other types requires tools to be integrated

into a software engineering environment (SEE). Due to

the fact that inter-document consistency constraints de-

pend on the process-speci�c mix of document types, a

need arises to support SEE construction and customi-


A process-centred software engineering environment

is an SEE that also has a component called a process

engine. The process engine maintains knowledge about

the software process, the particular state a development

project currently has and sometimes even the evolution

of development states over time. In doing so, it guides

developers through tasks they are obliged to perform,

automates particular tasks and controls the way mul-

tiple users cooperate. Examples of such environments

are Merlin [37], Melmac [16], and Marvel [7].The main contributions of the GOODSTEP project

to solving the problems of construction and customisa-tion of process-centred SEEs are the following:

� The O2 database system [3] has been extended withobject-level concurrency control, a version man-ager, object-oriented views [42], triggers [13] andschema updates [25] so as to become a databasesuitable for the construction and customisation ofprocess-centred software engineering environments.

� The process modelling language SLANG [5] wasde�ned and a process engine interpreting SLANGmodels was implemented. It controls tool executionand therefore guides the overall development pro-cess. An account on the use of O2 for the SLANGinterpreter implementation is given in [4].

� The GOODSTEP Tool Speci�cation Language(GTSL) [20] was de�ned and GENESIS, a compilerfor this language has been implemented. GENESISgenerates object database schemas that implementthe structure of documents and the commands of-fered by the respective tools.

SPADE, GENESIS and the O2 database system withits extensions were evaluated during the construction ofan SEE for British Airways. British Airways is one ofthe largest software developers in the U.K. currentlywith some 2,000 IT sta�. In order to simplify main-tenance of their applications and increase productivityduring their development, for instance through corpo-rate reuse, a number of projects at BA are being de-veloped using object-oriented techniques and C++ [18]as the programming language. The IT division has es-tablished a group that is in charge of development andmaintenance of libraries containing reusable classes thatare considered of importance for the carrier.

The use of SPADE, GENESIS and the O2 databasefor the construction of the BA SEE is outlined in FIG. 1.The purpose of the SEE is to support the developmentand maintenance of reusable class libraries. A SLANGprocess model de�nes di�erent roles for BA software en-gineers and de�nes the way developers at British Air-ways cooperate. GTSL speci�cations de�ne a number

BA Process Model (SLANG)

Booch Diagram Editor

C++ ClassDefinition Editor

C++ MethodImplementation Editor

Class Documentation Editor

BA SEE Specification



Booch Diagram Schema

C++ ClassDefinition Schema

C++ MethodImplementation Schema

Class Documentation Schema

Tool Schemas

























BA SEEDatabase Schema



GTSL Tool Specifications







FIG. 1. Construction of the British Airways SEE


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of tools that BA software engineers can use to develop

class libraries. SPADE transforms the process model

into a schema that is used to store the state of the ac-

tual process. GENESIS is used to generate schemas for

the di�erent tools. These schemas de�ne the structure

of documents and implement the tool commands avail-

able for document creation and modi�cation.

Our experiences when de�ning the BA process model

and its integration with the generated tools are the sub-

ject of a companion paper [21]. The focus of this paper

is on how O2 was exploited for the construction of BA

SEE tools.

This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we

discuss major problems software developers at British

Airways are faced with in their daily work. These prob-

lems lead to the requirements de�nition for tools for the

BA SEE. Section 3 discusses how documents should be

represented so as to meet these requirements. In Sec-

tion 4 we discuss extensions to the O2 system that were

done within GOODSTEP and focus on how they were

exploited for the construction of the BA SEE tools. In

Section 5 we present an evaluation of the BA SEE and

trace results to their origin in the O2 system. Section 6

relates our work to the literature and we conclude the

paper in Section 7.

2. Requirements for BA SEE Tools

2.1. Inter-Document Consistency

The British Airways reuse group has adopted theBooch methodology [10] for the design of reusableclasses. It has developed corporate programming guide-lines that de�ne a subset of C++ that is approved foruse. This subset excludes a number of C++ constructs,such as ellipses, friends and inlines, whose applicationmight create problems such as statically uncheckableparameter lists or the broken encapsulation of classes.Moreover, each class of a library has to be accompaniedwith appropriate documentation. Without documenta-tion, client projects were not able to e�ectively reusethese classes. In summary, documents of four typeshave to be produced and maintained. These are Boochclass diagrams, C++ class interfaces, C++ method im-plementations and appropriate documentation for C++classes. Examples of these document types are dis-played in FIG. 2 at the user interface of the BA SEE.

Documents of these types must meet a number ofinter-document consistency constraints. A class iden-ti�ed in a Booch diagram must be re�ned in a C++class interface de�nition. `Inheritance' and `has' rela-tionships included in the diagram must be properly im-

FIG. 2. User Interface of the BA SEE


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plemented in the class interface and vice versa. Memberfunctions declared in a class interface should be imple-mented in the implementation document of the class.The member function must be described in the docu-mentation document of the class. In both cases, the sig-natures for the member function must match the onesin the class interface. There are also inter-documentconsistency constraints between di�erent documents ofthe same type. Class forward declarations, which canbe considered as imported classes, should be declared inanother class interface document. #include preproces-sor statements should denote �lenames that have beende�ned for another class interface document. Theseconstraints are only a few examples and in reality amuch higher number of constraints exist between thesefour document types.

BA software engineers are not able to maintain allthese constraints manually. Some constraint violationsthat involve C++ class interfaces and method imple-mentations can be detected by the C++ compiler.Some are only detected by the linker (e.g. class for-ward declarations that have not been implemented).Both compiler and linker, however, are not particularlysupportive in resolving inconsistencies, leaving these tothe user. Moreover, the compiler can only be used ifall imported classes are available and the document iscomplete. We agree with [49] that constraint viola-tions should be detected at much earlier stages. Inter-document constraints beyond those implemented by theC++ compiler/linker are not checked at all. Tools fordeveloping Booch diagrams, already on the market, cangenerate an initial code fragment for a C++ class, butafter the generation has been completed, consistencybetween the Booch diagram and the C++ class inter-face is no longer maintained by these tools. Changesto a C++ class interface will not be re ected in theBooch diagram and, vice versa, incremental changes toa Booch diagram cannot be incorporated into the classinterface without losing work spent on the generated in-terface. The situation for documentation is even worse,because there are no tools at all that support the BAdocumentation standard. Hence keeping the documen-tation of a class consistent with its interface de�nitionis highly labour intensive and often not done, whichrenders the documentation useless. What is requiredis an environment, containing four integrated tools forthe above document types that support the checkingand preservation of the inter-document consistency con-straints identi�ed. There are several strategies to beconsidered for constraint handling.


The straightforward strategy to handle constraints isto simply prevent users from introducing violations byrejecting erroneous input. Although this is inappro-

priate in many cases (see below), there are constraintsthat ought to be handled this way. As an example, con-sider names of class icons in Booch diagrams that repre-sent class libraries. These class names should be uniquewithin the scope of not only one but any diagram. Ifthere were two classes with the same name contained indi�erent libraries, these libraries could never be reusedtogether. Typically di�erent developers are in chargeof di�erent diagrams. Considerable communication be-tween the developers would be required to resolve a con-straint violation. In particular, a developer might notunderstand why his or her class name all of a suddenceases to be unique. This overhead cannot be justi-�ed compared to just choosing another name when thetool has detected a duplicate. In cases like this, toolsshould therefore follow a strategy of constraint enforce-ment and reject erroneous input.


The above constraint enforcement is inappropriatewhen a part of a document must be changed that isalready consistent with other parts in other documents.As an example, consider changing a name of a class iconin a Booch diagram. If the name is consistent with theC++ class interface it will become inconsistent after thechange. We cannot enforce the constraint, because thenwe could never change the name of an existing class. Tosolve this dilemma, consistency can be retained by ex-plicit actions of the interface tool, if it is informed abouta change by the Booch tool. The interface tool mightthen take the necessary action and in the above exam-ple change the class name, the names of constructorsand destructors and make appropriate modi�cations toall the types that were using the class. This relieves de-velopers of the mundane and error-prone task of imple-menting the change manually in the interface. The classinterface tool might then even inform tools working ontransitively dependent documents, which are the imple-mentation and documentation tools of the BA SEE, sothat they can deal with the change. We refer to thismechanism as change propagation. It preserves consis-tency during changes by informing related tools to takeexplicit action.

Propagations can be seriously damaging if tools can-not ensure atomicity and durability of changes. As withmany other tool commands, users clearly expect thatpropagations are either done completely, or not at all.Moreover, they expect that the e�ect of complete prop-agations are stored persistently so that they will not bea�ected by future failures.


Constraints will not be violated if tools only imple-ment the constraint enforcement and change propaga-tion strategies. There are, however, constraints that de-


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velopers might want to violate temporarily. An examplein the BA SEE is a class forward declaration. If devel-opers are always forced to meet the constraint that theforward declared class must be declared in some otherclass interface, then they could not use classes to bedesigned in the future. As a consequence library designwould have to be done strictly bottom-up. A top-downor hybrid strategy would be inhibited by the constrainthandling strategy.

Again, we agree with [49] that this is undesirable. Aviolation toleration strategy seems more appropriate forconstraints upon declarations and their applied occur-rence. In general, any inconsistency between a declara-tion and an applied occurrence that can be recti�ed atthe declaration should be tolerated. Hence, other viola-tions that need to be tolerated include provision of thewrong number of actual parameters in a method callor the assignment of incompatible types. Tools shouldhighlight temporary inconsistencies e.g. by using an-other colour or another font, so as to draw the user'sattention to their existence.

2.2. Version and con�guration management

In our experience, the management of reusable classlibraries is impossible without proper version and con-�guration management. Library component documentsare improved during library maintenance. Sometimesnew components are added to meet new requirementsor obsolete components are deleted. It is, however, es-sential that any release that has been given to a clientproject can be restored in the workspace of the reusegroup. This is required, for instance, if a project detectsa fault in a library that needs to be �xed urgently. Thenthe reuse department must be able to locate the faultwithin the release that the project is using. In general,it is not feasible to force projects to use the most recentrelease and, therefore, the reuse group may be asked toproduce releases of a library, �xing a particular faultspeci�cally for the project that has encountered it.

Available version and con�guration management sys-tems do not precisely meet the reuse group's con�gura-tion management needs. Systems such as SCCS [40] andRCS [45] can manage versions of �les but they fail tosupport library releases, i.e. con�gurations of versioned�les. Stand-alone con�guration management systems,such as CCC [43] or PVCS [31] su�er from two main prob-lems. Firstly, these CM systems are not aware of inter-document consistency constraints at all and put theburden of selecting consistent components completelyon the user. Secondly, they demand maintenance of aredundant component model, which might be embeddedin a physical design document that is produced anyway.

To solve these problems, version and con�gurationmanagement should be tightly integrated with the toolsof the BA SEE. The library architecture that is de-

�ned within a Booch diagram serves as the componentmodel for con�guration management. Any class iconin the Booch diagram is considered to represent threecomponent documents: the C++ class interface, theC++ method implementation and the class documenta-tion. Each of these documents has a version label, thatuniquely identi�es the current version of the document.We attach the document's version labels as attributes tothe respective class icons in the Booch diagram. The en-vironment will interpret these version labels as versionselection rules. Hence, a version of the Booch diagramrepresents a con�guration of the library, and a diagramversion must be kept for each release.

The Booch tool should then provide a variety of ver-sion and con�guration management commands: It mustsupport a means to freeze a consistent component. Itshould also be able to freeze all components identi�edby the diagram if they are consistent with each other.The other tools should respect this status and preventusers from modifying a frozen component. Users shouldbe able to derive a successor version from a frozen com-ponent version. A new version label should be auto-matically computed during derivation of the successorversion and be associated with the class icon. Naviga-tion to components should be supported by the Boochtool in terms of opening commands. During executionof such a command it should pass the component's ver-sion label as a version selection rule to the interface,implementation or documentation tools. These toolsshould, in turn, respect the version semantics and ap-ply changes only to the version identi�ed by the label.In this way version labelling becomes fully transparentto the user. Restoration of a particular release thenonly requires the loading of the Booch diagram versionthat corresponds to the release.

2.3. Cooperative Work

Most software development processes are performedby multiple cooperating software engineers. This is alsothe case for the development of reuseable libraries atBA, where a group of six engineers cooperates. Thecooperation model for these engineers is de�ned in aprocess model using the SLANG [5] formalism. Themodel is enforced by the SPADE process engine [4]. Afull account of this modelling exercise is provided in [21].

No matter what cooperation policy is de�ned by aprocess model, tools have to implement it. The fourediting tools of the BA SEE should, therefore, avoidimposing restrictions on the process model. In this sub-section we argue that editors requiring tools to lock doc-uments during whole editing sessions are too restrictivefor the BA reuse process. Hence, the four editing toolsneed to be constructed in a way that tighter cooperationcan be modelled and controlled by the process model.


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The di�erent libraries provided by the reuse groupare not totally independent of each other. Classes de-�ned in one library are used by classes contained inother libraries. Hence, developers responsible for thedi�erent libraries cannot work in complete isolationfrom each other, but have to cooperate on the devel-opment of the overall set of libraries maintained by thegroup. In particular, before a set of related library con-�gurations can be released, the developers have to sharetheir library con�gurations and must reach a state ofinter-document consistency, so that the libraries canbe compiled and tested. During this phase, develop-ers want to use versions of classes from each other'sworking library con�guration. They then expect to seethe e�ect of each other's changes immediately.

The reuse group is, for instance, maintaining a li-brary BASQLXX that contains classes to send SQL queriesto relational databases. Some of these classes use classBAString contained in library BALIBXX, which is dis-played in FIG. 2. Now assume that an extension ofBASQLXX requires the introduction of a new functionupcase in BAString. Then the developer in charge ofBASQLXX asks his colleague responsible for BALIBXX to in-troduce this function. He, however, starts using upcase

right away and the applied occurrences of upcase are,therefore, marked erroneous. He expects, however, theerror marks to disappear as soon as his colleague hasde�ned upcase. Similarly changes to existing memberfunctions of a class, such as BAString, should be propa-

gated to classes in BASQLXX, even though a�ected classesmight be edited concurrently. These change propaga-tions retain inter-document consistency and relieve thedeveloper responsible for BASQLXX from de�ning the re-quired changes manually.

This style of computer supported cooperation is notavailable at present because tools apply strict lockingpolicies that lock complete documents while they arebeing edited, or even worse lock them while they are in aworking con�guration, i.e. have been checked out froma common repository. On the other hand, some sortof concurrency control scheme must be implemented soas to avoid lost updates or inconsistent analysis prob-lems, known from database systems [15], that can oc-cur in software development tools as well [19]. Toolsshould, therefore, apply a smart concurrency controlscheme that only locks those parts of documents thatare accessed and releases locks as soon as possible.

3. Document Representation

Documents should be represented as project-wide at-

tributed abstract syntax graphs (ASGs), as discussedin [22, 20]. We discuss how the requirements delin-eated above can be met using ASGs in this section.ASG nodes are attributed. Attribute values representlexemes or semantic information such as references toa string table, symbol table or error list. We distin-guish between aggregation edges in the graph, which



cl 1


1rels Relation ships

BoochDiagram Classes Class








id ClassIdentifier



icl Inherited Class


public PublicMembers



mfsConstructor OpName


Parameter List

Comment’Mistakingly ...’





id ClassIdentifierInheritedClassList




protected ......private


C++ Class Interface Subgraph

C++ Class Interface Subgraph








type TypeIdentifier



Booch Diagram Subgraph










FIG. 3. Fragment of an Abstract Syntax Graph


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implement syntactic relationships, and reference edges,

which arise from semantic relationships. Documents are

identi�ed by the subgraph whose node-set is the tran-

sitive closure of nodes reachable by aggregation edges

from document root nodes. Nodes that cannot have

out-going aggregation edges are called terminal nodes,

for they are derived from terminal symbols of the under-

lying grammar. Those nodes that may have out-going

aggregation edges shall be called non-terminal nodes.

As an example, consider FIG. 3, which displays an

excerpt of the ASG that represents documents displayed

in FIG. 2. The �gure shows three excerpts of docu-

ment subgraphs. The subgraph in the upper left cor-

ner represents the graphical Booch diagram. The sub-

graph below represents the class interface of the C++

class BAString and the subgraph in the upper right rep-

resents the class interface of BABaseString, the super

class of BAString. Attributes given in quotes at the

upper right corner of a node representation represent

lexemes. A number of attributes, like positional co-

ordinates, error lists and symbol tables, are omitted

for reasons of brevity. Aggregation edges are drawn

with solid arrows and reference edges are displayed as

dashed arrows. Although they are directed, edges are

considered traversable in both directions. Edges are di-

rected in order to determine the navigation direction

that is designated by the edge name. For aggregation

edges, the reverse direction has the implict name 'fa-

ther' and for reference edges, names for the reverse di-

rection can be explicitly de�ned. The two nodes of types

BoochDiagramPool and ClassDefinitionPool serve as di-

rectories for the respective document types and are the

starting point for queries that need to lookup a partic-

ular document of that type.


The various inter-document consistency constraint han-

dling strategies identi�ed above can be implemented ef-

�ciently on the basis of this document representation

scheme. Implementation of constraint enforcement can

be achieved by adoption of techniques known from com-

piler construction. Implementing checks for uniqueness

of class identi�ers, for instance, is a typical name anal-

ysis problem [32] and should be treated as such. Hence

we attach a symbol table attribute to the node of type

BoochDiagramPool. During insertion of a new class, the

Booch tool can then perform a look-up in this symbol

table in order to see whether the new name has been

introduced before. If this is not the case, it can add a

new class node to the list of class nodes, attach the des-

ignated class name to the lexeme attribute of that node

and insert a new association under the key of the new

class name into the symbol table. In the other case, itcan reject the user request and perform no changes tothe graph at all.

The implementation of change propagations exploitsthe reference edges of the graph. We �rst have to con-sider how these edges come into existence. Let us, there-fore, continue the above example. After the Booch toolhas successfully created a new class, the tool would re-quest the class interface tool to create a new class in-terface subgraph. It would pass a reference to the classnode in the Booch diagram subgraph to the interfacetool. The interface tool would use this reference to es-tablish the referenced edge DesignedIn between the newClassDefinition node and the Class node in the Boochdiagram subgraph. This reference is then exploited toimplement the change propagations to be done duringthe changing of a class name. If such a change is doneby the Booch tool, it would exploit the reverse directionof DesignedIn to �nd the a�ected class interface. If thechange is initiated by the class interface tool, it wouldfollow the original direction to �nd the a�ected node inthe Booch diagram subgraph. Note that in both casesonly constant time is required to traverse along an edgeand �nd the a�ected node.

In order to achieve atomic and durable change propa-gations, the graph traversal and modi�cation operationsshould be clustered together into atomic and durableexecution units that we refer to as transactions. If afailure occurs during such a transaction, the ASG stateshould be recovered to the state that it had after thelast completed transaction.

The constraint violation toleration strategy is themost di�cult to achieve. It requires the maintenanceof constraint violations that nodes are causing. Froma structural point of view, each node must have an er-ror set as an attribute. The elements of this set areerror descriptors denoting particular constraint viola-tions. The error set is exploited during computation ofexternal document representation: The part of a docu-ment corresponding to a node with a non-empty errorset is marked as erroneous. From a behavioural point ofview, we will then have to maintain the attribute valuesof these error sets depending on the overall state of theASG. This is particularly complicated to specify andimplement e�ciently.

We suggest a rule-based formalism to specify depen-dencies. We have described in [19] a way to generate adedicated rule interpreter that exploits the dependen-cies between rules to perform incremental rule evalu-ation and thus achieves a better performance than ageneric rule interpreter.

For reasons of brevity, we will have to restrict thediscussion here to a sketch of the main idea basedon an example. Consider the constraint in C++that each constructor of a class must have the samename as the class itself. This constraint can be ex-


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SPECIFICATION Constructor; ...

ON CHANGED(name.value) OR

CHANGED(Constructs.value) DO


IF name.value == Constructs.value THEN






FIG. 4. GTSL Rule Checking Constructor Names

pressed in our rule-based formalism in the form dis-played in FIG. 4. It de�nes that whenever the name ofthe constructor (name.value) or the name of the class(Constructs.value) have been changed the error set at-tribute Errors will have to be modi�ed. If the namesmatch, the error descriptor #ConstructorNameMismatch

will be removed from the set, otherwise it will be in-serted. Note how the speci�cation of this rule is basedon attributes and edges of the ASG.

A locally controlled two-phase evaluation algorithmis generated from the dependencies determined by ref-erences in the ON clauses of the rules. The idea of thealgorithm is as follows. Whenever an attribute is mod-i�ed, a propagation phase marks all those attributes as`dirty' whose nodes have rules that reference the mod-i�ed attribute. Before a dirty attribute is accessed, anevaluation phase brings the attribute back into `clean'state. This requires all attributes which the accessed at-tribute transitively depends on, to be brought into theclean state �rst. This is done by executing the actionparts of the rules that modify the attributes. Then theattribute is itself brought back into the clean state byexecuting all rules that modify the attribute.

In the above example, the Errors attribute of a con-structor node would be marked as dirty as soon asthe lexeme attribute value of the constructor name, orthe lexeme attribute value of the ClassIdentifier node,were modi�ed. Before the Errors attribute is accessedthe next time, e.g. during the computation of an exter-nal document representation, the attribute is broughtinto the clean state by determining the attribute valueon the basis of the computations de�ned in the actionpart.


The granularity for version management is de�ned bythe subgraphs of the ASGs that represent documents.The identi�cation of these subgraphs is enabled by thedistinction between aggregation and reference edges. Inorder to freeze such a subgraph we have to prevent thecreation or deletion of nodes and aggregation edges aswell as changes to the values of lexeme attributes. Notethat other attributes, like error sets, as well as refer-ence edges might have to be modi�ed, even in a frozenversion of a subgraph. As an example, consider the in-

troduction of a new subclass of a frozen class. This willrequire the creation of a reference edge SuperClass be-tween an InheritedClass node and the ClassIdentifierin the frozen version of the subgraph representing theinterface of the super class. A copy of a subgraph has tobe created to implement the derive operation. We notethat this copy should actually not be a physical copy,because that would be too ine�cient in both space andtime.


When several users are cooperating on the developmentof related libraries, they are concurrently accessing ashared ASG representing all the libraries. The con-currency control scheme that we are looking for shouldavoid imposing restrictions on developers' work as faras possible and it must at the same time ensure the in-tegrity of the graph in the face of concurrent updates.We claim that conventional ACID transactions [28], ifthey are used to implement single tool commands ratherthan complete editing sessions, are well suited to imple-ment the required concurrency control.

Executing a tool command, such as insertion of a newmember function template or expansion of a memberfunction identi�er template, will require a few hundredmilliseconds [19]. Redisplaying changes done after sucha command again requires a few hundred milliseconds.If we start a transaction before the command executionbegins and commit it after the changes have been re-displayed, it will most likely last for less than one anda half second. Integrity preservation for concurrent up-dates is achieved by the locking that the transactionperforms. It locks nodes that are being modi�ed inexclusive mode and nodes that are being accessed inread mode. Read locks are compatible with each otherwhile any other combination reveals a concurrency con-trol con ict. Note that the number of nodes that willbe locked during a transaction is very limited and theduration for which locks are being held is very short.In addition the tool will hold no locks at all when itis idle. Because di�erent users are rarely working onthe same libraries, the chances of concurrency controlcon icts are fairly remote. If they occur, they can beresolved by delaying one con icting transaction or evenby aborting a con icting transaction and restarting itagain.

4. Managing Abstract Syntax Graphs in


In this section, we discuss how ASGs as introducedin the previous section are implemented using the O2

ODBMS as extended in GOODSTEP. Before we dis-cuss these extensions and their exploitation for ASGimplementation, we brie y sketch why we have cho-


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sen ODBMSs rather than conventional data stores. Amuch more detailed review of available database sup-port required for software engineering environments canbe found in [6].

4.1. Choosing a DBMS

The ASGs introduced in the previous section mustbe stored persistently because they will have to sur-vive editing sessions. Moreover, di�erent developerswill have to access the ASGs from di�erent worksta-tions, or the graph itself might even be distributed overseveral workstations. While these concerns could beaddressed by storing graphs as �les in a network �lesystem, further considerations lead us to use databasesystems instead. Any full-blown database system sup-ports conventional ACID transactions that are requiredto implement cooperative work, while network �le sys-tems lack this support. Moreover, database systems canprotect the integrity of ASGs against hardware or soft-ware failures, while network �le systems do not providethis. Finally, databases e�ciently manage the transferbetween higher-level data structures in main memoryand their physical representation on secondary storagemedia, while �le systems lack this secondary storagemanagement.

We have chosen object database management sys-tems (ODBMS) [2] rather than relational databasemanagement systems (RDBMS) for the storage of ASGsfor the following reasons. The data de�nition languagesavailable in ODMBSs can directly express graph struc-tures, while graphs would have to be decomposed intotables for management by RDMBSs. The schema def-inition gets more complicated and the run-time per-formance su�ers because RDBMSs have to composethe graph during external documentation computationby as many joins as there are node types to be ac-cessed. Moreover, inheritance and the encapsulationof data de�nitions supported by the concept of classesin ODBMSs help to keep the complexity of ASG de�ni-tions manageable and also contributes to their mainte-nance. Finally, some object databases support versionmanagement, which we will use for versioning those sub-graphs of ASGs that represent documents. There areno comparable mechanism available in RDBMSs.

Currently, there are about ten ODBMS productsin the market. The most relevant of these are Gem-Stone [14], ObjectStore [34], Versant [27], Ontos [1]and O2 [3]. A signi�cant step towards the standard-isation of ODBMSs has been achieved by the objectdatabase management group (ODMG-93) [12]. The�rst ODBMSs that comply with this standard havebeen released. The standard de�nes a common ob-ject model, an object de�nition language (ODL), anobject query language (OQL) and programming lan-

guage bindings to C++ and Smalltalk so as to use them

as object manipulation languages (OML). As we shall

see later, these ODL and OMLs provide the expressive-

ness that is needed for expressing graph structures and

graph traversal and modi�cation operations. Capabili-

ties that are neither standardised nor commonly avail-

able in ODBMSs include version management of com-

posite objects and e�cient object-level locking. These

were added to the O2 system during the course of the

GOODSTEP project and are brie y discussed now.

4.2. Extensions to the O2 System

4.2.1. Versions of Composite Objects

Two principles guided the design of the version man-agement facility: generality and e�ciency. As a com-ponent to be incorporated into a database system, theversion manager should be of general applicability fora large variety of database applications that requireversion management. This implies that the design ofthe version manager should avoid imposing particularversion or con�guration management policies, but onlyprovide the basic mechanisms that applications woulduse to de�ne their own policies. The second guidingprinciple was e�ciency in both time and space. Theversion management operations to be provided shouldavoid slowing down the overall application performanceand at the same time the storage space of versionedapplication data should not increase linearly with thenumber of versions of application data to be maintained,but linearly with the number of di�erences among thedi�erent versions.

The version manager provides versioning operationsthat can be applied to a collection of objects, ratherthan to single objects. These collections are dynami-cally de�ned at run-time by insertion of single objectsinto a version unit, rather than statically in the schema.The slight performance overhead of this dynamic def-inition is out-weighed by the greater exibility that itprovides. In particular, the decision on the granularityfor versioning can be postponed until after the schemahas been de�ned and the same schema de�nitions canbe used to manage versioned and non-versioned objects.

The version manager implements a lazy object dupli-

cation strategy, which imporantly contributes both todecreasing the time required for creation of a new ver-sion and reducing the space the new version occupies.Following this strategy, di�erent versions of a versionunit share the physical representation of any object in-cluded in the version unit as long as that object does notdi�er in the di�erent versions. Hence, creating a newversion does not require to create objects anew. Ob-jects are rather considered as multi-versioned objects.As soon as a shared object is modi�ed in one version,


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however, a new copy of the object is created and regis-tered within the multi-version object.

We note that this lazy object duplication strategyinterferes with the concurrency control protocol of thedatabase. Assume that an object is shared by two ver-sions V1 and V2. If one transaction modi�es the objectin version V1, while some other transaction accesses theobject in version V2, a split has to be made. This split,although being a modi�cation to the multi-version ob-ject that is shared between the concurrent transactions,must not cause a concurrency control con ict. In thatcase, one of the major objectives for having versions,namely to isolate concurrent development with di�er-ent versions of the unit for a certain period of time,cannot be achieved. Instead the transaction managerhas to be integrated with the version manager so as tonot consider splits as modi�cations. This leads to thegeneral observation that version management with lazyobject duplication can never be implemented on top ofa database system that does not support version man-agement.

The version manager is available to application pro-grammers as a pre-de�ned class o2 Version. It o�ersoperations to modify the contents of the version unitassociated to an instance of the class by inserting ordeleting objects. It provides operations for deriving,comparing, merging and selecting particular versions ofthis version unit. Moreover, the class maintains a ver-sion history graph and provides operations for queryingand navigating through the graph.

4.2.2. Object-level Concurrency Control

O2 has a client/server architecture, where the serveris in charge of concurrency control and storing pages ondisk, while the mapping of objects to pages as well as theexecution of schema and version management are per-formed by the client. Clients and server exchange pagesthat contain, in the case of the BA SEE, multiple ob-jects because objects implement fairly small-sized ASGnodes. A clustering mechanism [8] can be adjusted ina way that related objects reside on the same page andconsequently the network overhead involved in transfer-ring objects to the client is minimised.

Originally not only client/server communication,but also concurrency control, which implements ACIDtransactions, was page-based since the server was notaware of the objects that resided on the pages it wasmanaging. We refer to this page-level concurrencycontrol as mode C A R hereafter. With a number ofsmall objects residing on a page, situations might occurwhere the page-level concurrency control reveals con- icts though the concurrent transactions were access-ing disjoint sets of objects. The con icts occurred justbecause there were objects in the sets which by chanceresided on the same page.

O2 has been extended in GOODSTEP with object-level concurrency control to resolve this undesirable be-haviour. In the new mode OC A R concurrency control is,by default, still page-based. As soon as a con ict occurs,however, the concurrency control switches to object-level locking that is then implemented jointly by serverand client. It only reveals con icts if the locks acquiredby transactions are really incompatible. The extensionis, therefore, done in a way that the bene�ts of smallernetwork overhead, achieved by page-level client/servercommunication and page-level concurrency control, areretained as far as possible, but concurrency control con- icts are restricted to concurrent transactions that ac-tually do con ict.

4.3. Exploitation of the Extended O2

4.3.1. Schema Generation

The object database schemas implementing ASGs forcomplicated languages, such as Booch diagrams, C++class de�nitions and method implementations, tend tobecome rather complex. One reason for this is that evenpowerful object de�nition and manipulation languagesas they are provided by ODBMSs do not o�er the rightlevel of abstraction for the highly application speci�cproblem of de�ning ASGs. Rather they have to be con-sidered as persistent object-oriented programming lan-guages that serve general purposes. The approach takenin GOODSTEP was, therefore, to design the GOOD-STEP tool speci�cation language (GTSL) [20] as anapplication speci�c schema de�nition language that canappropriately express ASG structures and operations.The desired object-database schemas for ASGs are thenderived by the GTSL compiler from these high-levelspeci�cations during code generation. The GTSL com-piler itself has been generated with relatively little ef-fort [19] using the Eli compiler construction toolkit [29].

GTSL is a multi-paradigm language. It combinesobject-orientation, rules and patterns to appropriatelyaddress the di�erent concerns that arise during speci�-cation of ASGs. An environment speci�cation is struc-tured into a number of tool con�gurations. Each of theseconsists of a number of classes that de�ne the di�erentnode types that occur in the subgraph correspondingto the document type the tool is intended for. Di�er-ent sections are provided to de�ne properties of a class.GTSL provides attribute, abstract syntax and seman-

tic relationship sections to de�ne structural properties,which are node attributes, out-going aggregation edgesand out-going reference edges. The lexical syntax thatlexeme attributes attached to terminal nodes must obeyis de�ned in the form of regular expression patternsin regular expression sections. An unparsing section isavailable to de�ne the mapping between external doc-ument representation and the ASG. This mapping is


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de�ned in terms of patterns. Three behavioural prop-erties can be de�ned for a class. The available oper-ations to modify graph nodes are de�ned in a method

section. The invocation of operations from commandsand their availability are speci�ed as patterns in in-

teraction sections. Finally, inter-document consistencyconstraints are de�ned in a rule-based manner in se-

mantic rule sections, which we have, in fact, discussedabove already. Multiple inheritance is supported so asto facilitate reuse of properties.

The tools for the BA SEE have been speci�ed withGTSL. Let us consider a small excerpt from this speci-�cation. We will then discuss the ODL and OML codethat has been derived from the speci�cation as the ob-

ject database schema for the BA SEE tools. FIG. 5 dis-plays fragments of GTSL classes, some of which specifynode types that were used in FIG. 3.

GTSL supports the concept of abstract classes, whichspecify common properties of all their subclasses. Ab-stract classes cannot be instantiated. The most gen-eral class is Increment. It de�nes four attributes, whichany other node inherits. The �rst of these is the er-ror set that we discussed already. Moreover, it de�nesan attribute for deciding whether a node represents aplaceholder or is expanded. Furthermore, it de�nes theattribute father which refers to a node's father node inthe abstract syntax tree and, �nally, it de�nes an at-tribute doc ver. This refers to the root node of the sub-




NONTERMINAL INCREMENT INTERFACE Operator; INHERIT MemberFunction; ABSTRACT SYNTAX virt : OptVirtual; type : Type; os : OperatorSign; const: OptConst; ass : OptAssign; END ABSTRACT SYNTAX; UNPARSING SCHEME virt, type, "operator", (" "), os, (" "), "(", pl, ")", (" "), const, ass, ";", (NL), com, (NL) END UNPARSING SCHEME; METHODS IMPLICIT METHOD expand(); IMPLICIT METHOD parse(Str:STRING):Operator; IMPLICIT METHOD unparse():STRING; END METHODS;END NONTERMINAL INCREMENT INTERFACE Operator.



FIG. 5. Fragments of GTSL classes


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SPECIFICATION ClassIdentifier; ...



IF SELF.scan(Str) THEN

FOREACH con:Constructor IN Constructors DO


ENDDO; ...






END ChangeName;

FIG. 6. GTSL Method Performing Change Propagation

graph that represents the document the node belongsto.

Class MemberFunctions de�nes the node type of thesame name in FIG. 3. Its abstract syntax section spec-i�es an ordered multi-valued aggregation edge directedto member function nodes. In C++ these can be op-erators, constructors, destructors and ordinary meth-ods. We de�ne this heterogeneity with polymorphism.Instances of any subclasses of MemberFunction may beinserted into the list l. The abstract syntax section ofclass MemberFunction de�nes two aggregation edges pl

and com. They are de�ned in class MemberFunction be-cause any C++ member function can have a parameterlist and a comment. Thus, its subclasses inherit thesede�nitions. They add speci�c abstract syntax de�ni-tions in their abstract syntax sections.

As an example for the speci�cation of a referenceedge, consider the edge between constructor and classidenti�er nodes. It is speci�ed as a pair of links in thesemantic relationship section of the two classes. Theexplicit link Constructs denotes the original directionand the implicit link Constructors is used to addressthe reverse direction of the edge.

The unparsing sections of classes specifying non-terminal node types de�ne the mapping between nodesand the external representation of the nodes. The pre-cise semantics is of no concern here and we refer theinterested reader to [19].

Methods are the means to modify the graph and canbe implicit, explicit or deferred. A deferred method isonly declared in an abstract class and has to be re-de�ned in all subclasses, either by implicit or explicitmethods. An implicit method is a programming inter-face to the other sections declared for a class. Theirbodies are generated by the GTSL compiler. The scan

void Constructor::expand() {

if (name == NULL) name = new OpName(this);

if (pl == NULL) pl = new ParameterList(this);

if (com == NULL) com = new Comment(this);

expanded = true;


FIG. 7. OML Code Generated for GTSL Implicit Methods

method in class ClassIdentifier, for instance, checks itsargument for conformance with the regular expressionde�ned for a terminal node type. The expand methodperforms a placeholder expansion and creates nodes forall abstract syntax children and assigns them to thechildren de�ned in the abstract syntax section. Theparse method tries to construct a subgraph from itscharacter string argument according to the unparsingsection. It returns a reference to the new subgraph ifthe string parsed as argument conforms to the grammarthat is induced by the unparsing sections. The unparse

method performs the inverse operation and returns atextual representation of a subgraph as de�ned by theunparse section. The tool builder may then apply theseimplicit methods in explicit methods. As an examplefor an explicit method consider method ChangeName ofclass ClassIdentifier in FIG. 6. It uses scan to checkfor conformance of the new class name to the regularexpression and then propagates the change to appliedoccurrences, for instance constructor names.

The translation of GTSL classes into ODL class in-terfaces is straightforward. Each GTSL class is trans-lated into an ODL interface de�nition. ODL sup-ports multiple inheritance, as GTSL does. GTSL at-tributes of atomic types are translated into ODL classattributes. Attributes whose types are other classes,abstract syntax children and links of semantic relation-ships are translated into ODL relationships. Implicit,explicit and deferred methods are translated into ODLoperations. In addition to the de�ned methods, eachODL class interface de�nes a constructor init, whichinitialises objects upon creation. An extent is de�nedfor each class that will include references to all persis-tent objects of that class. The result of the applicationof this translation process to the classes displayed inFIG. 5 is shown in FIG. 8.

A more complicated problem is the generation ofimplementations for the implicit methods, those whichimplement placeholder expansion, parsing and unpars-ing as well as the semantic rule evaluation algorithm,we discussed in the previous section. The target lan-guage for all these methods is the object manipulationlanguage (OML). To describe this in detail is beyondthe scope of this article; we refer the interested readerto [19].

As an example, consider the implementation of theexpand method of class Constructor given in the C++OML language binding in FIG. 7. It creates a new ob-ject for each abstract syntax child that has not beencreated before and modi�es the status of attributeexpanded to re ect the state that the node no longer rep-resents a placeholder. The OML code for the explicitmethods is generated by syntax-directed code genera-tion techniques that are appropriately supported by thecompiler construction toolkit Eli and their implementa-tion is straightforward.


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interface ClassIdentifier:Increment { extent __ClassIdentifiers; attribute string value; relationship set<Constructor> Constructors inverse Constructor::Constructs; relationship set<Type> UsedBy inverse Type::DefinedIn; init(in Increment); boolean scan(in string) boolean ChangeName(in string);}

interface MemberFunctions : Increment { extent __MemberFunctionss; relationship list<MemberFunction> l; init(in Increment); expand(); MemberFunctions parse(string Str); string unparse();}

interface MemberFunction : Increment { extent __MemberFunctions; relationship ParameterList pl; relationship Comment com; init(in Increment); expand(); MemberFunction parse(in string); string unparse(); ExtendParamList();}

interface Operator:MemberFunction { extent __Operators; relationship OptVirtual virt; relationship Type type; relationship OperatorSign os; relationship OptConst const; relationship OptAssign ass; init(in Increment); expand(); Operator parse(in string); string unparse();}

interface Constructor : MemberFunction { extent __Constructors; relationship OpName name; relationship ClassIdentifier Constructs; init(in Increment); expand(); Constructor parse(in string); string unparse()}

interface Increment { extent __Increments; attribute set<ERRORS> Errors; attribute boolean expanded; relationship Increment father; relationship DocumentVersion doc_ver; init(in Increment);}

FIG. 8. Class Interface De�nitions in ODL

4.4. Version and Con�guration Management

GTSL has a number of pre-de�ned classes. Their im-plementations are part of the GTSL run-time environ-ment. The GTSL class DocumentVersion is such a pre-de�ned class. Its purpose is to serve as a superclass forall GTSL classes whose instances represent root nodesof those subgraphs of the project-wide abstract syntaxgraph that represent versionable documents.

The implementation of GTSL class DocumentVersionin ODL de�nes a relationship to an instance of classo2 Version which always refers to the current version.It also de�nes an attribute to store the information thatthe document version is considered frozen, or not. Itthen de�nes a number of operations for version man-agement. These are inherited by all subclasses. FIG. 9displays the ODL class de�nition for the implementa-tion of GTSL class DocumentVersion.

The inclusion of objects that represent nodes of ver-sionable subgraphs in the version unit, which is asso-ciated by DocumentVersion to the subgraph, is imple-mented in the constructor of the most general classIncrement, as displayed in FIG. 10. Additional ini-tialisations have to be done to initialise the root node

properly. These are implemented in the constructorof class DocumentVersion. It creates a new instance ofclass o2 Version, thereby creating a new version his-tory graph, then de�nes the name of the root version tobe the parameter verName, then identi�es that it is notfrozen and �nally inserts the newly created root nodein the version unit so that it will be itself under versioncontrol.

The operations of classes DocumentVersion are im-plemented merely by calling the respective operationsof o2 Version. As an example, consider the imple-mentations of DeriveVersion and SelectVersion below.They are implemented by using the retrieve, set label,select, set default and derive operations provided byo2 Version. DeriveVersion, displayed in FIG. 11, cre-ates a new successor version of the current version andgives the new version the name passed as parameter.The aim of SelectVersion is to explicitly select a newversion. All changes done after a version selection tothe subgraph representation in terms of OML opera-tions will be applied only to that selected version.

In this way, the implementation of version manage-ment of subgraphs in the GTSL run-time environmentis achieved in about 800 lines of OML code. In addi-


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interface DocumentVersion : Increment {

readonly attribute boolean Stable;

relationship o2_Version CurrentVersion;

init(Increment f,string doc, string root_ver);

o2_Version GetRootVersion();

string GetRootVersionName();

string GetVersionName();

string GetDefaultVersionName();

SetDefaultVersion(string ver_name);

SelectVersion(string ver_name);


MergeVersions(string nameToMerge, string newName);

boolean DeleteVersion(string name);

DeriveVersion(string new_ver);


set<string> AllVersions();

set<string> GetChildren(string ver_name);

set<string> GetParents(string ver_name);

set<string> GetChildrenClosure(string ver_name);

set<string> GetParentsClosure(string ver_name);

boolean AreOnDifferentPaths(v1:string, v2 : string);

boolean IsVersionStable(string ver_name);

boolean IsStable();


FIG. 9. Interface of Class DocumentVersion

Increment::Increment(Increment f) {

father = f; expanded = false;

if (f!=NULL) {

doc_ver= f->doc_ver;




DocumentVersion::DocumentVersion(string name,

string verName):Increment(NULL) {

CurrentVersion = new o2_Version("Document: "+name);


Stable = false;

CurrentVersion->append(this); ...


FIG. 10. Appending ASG Nodes to the Version Unit

tion, this code is generic and can be reused in any toolsthat access documents stored as subgraphs of ASGs inthe O2 ODBMS.

4.5. Concurrent Tool Commands

As argued above, the granularity of concurrency con-trol should be that of tool commands rather than thatof editing sessions. GTSL provides the concept of inter-actions to specify commands. The de�nition of an inter-action encompasses an internal and an external name,a selection context, a precondition and an action. Theexternal name appears in context sensitive menus or isused to invoke a command from a command-line. Theinternal name is used to determine the rede�nition ofan inherited interaction. The selection context de�neswhich increment must be selected so that the interac-tion is applicable. It is actually included in a context-sensitive menu if the precondition that follows the ON

void DocumentVersion::DeriveVersion(string new_ver) {

o2_Version new,current;

current=CurrentVersion;/* save selection in current*/

new=CurrentVersion->derive();/* create new version */

new->select /* select it and change*/

CurrentVersion=v; /* value of CurrentVersion*/

new->set_label(new_ver); /* label the new version*/

current->select; /* and restore old selection*/


void DocumentVersion::SelectVersion(string ver_name) {

o2_Version v;


if (v!=NULL) { /* if ver_name exists */

v->select(); /* select it as current*/



FIG. 11. Version Derivation & Selection


INTERACTION ChangeClassIdentifier;

NAME "Change Class Name"


ON expanded

VAR new_name:TEXT;



new_name:= NEW TEXT(SELF.value);

WHILE (new_name.LINE_EDIT("Change identifier:")) DO

IF (SELF.ChangeIdentifier(new_name.CONTENTS())) THEN

errors:=NEW TEXT_SET(SELF.get_set_of_errors());





END ChangeClassIdentifier;

FIG. 12. Interaction of Booch Diagram Editor

clause evaluates to TRUE. The action is a list of GTSLstatements that is executed as soon as the user choosesthe command from the menu. An example showing thede�nition of a command o�ered by the Booch diagrameditor that is used to change the class name is shown inFIG. 12.

The command de�ned by that interaction will beadded to the menu of applicable commands if a classicon has been selected in a Booch diagram and if theclass name has been expanded before. If the userchooses the command from the menu, the body will beexecuted. Then a new text dialog object is created andthis object is used to display a line edit window. Thisprompts the user to change the class identi�er, with theprevious identi�er as the default. If the user completesthe dialogue, the method ChangeIdentifier will be exe-cuted. This method checks the new identi�er for lexicalcorrectness, performs all the required inter-documentconsistency checks and returns TRUE if everything is cor-rect and false otherwise. Then a detailed error messageis computed and shown to the user, the command isaborted and all changes done during the command ex-ecution are undone.


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GTSL interactions are implemented as conventionalO2 transactions to meet the requirements of coopera-tive work discussed above. If the user has chosen acommand, a new transaction is started. We note thatlocking need not be de�ned in the tool speci�cation, norbe generated by the GTSL compiler, but is performedtransparently by O2. A transaction commit will be ex-ecuted if the last statement of the interaction has beenexecuted. GTSL ABORT statements are implemented astransaction aborts.

The change from page-level to object-level concur-rency control proves particularly appropriate for the im-plementation of concurrent tool commands. ASG nodesare implemented as objects which are of fairly smallgranularity. Hence quite a number of ASG nodes resideon the same server page. Without page-level locking,concurrent tool commands reveal concurrency controlcon icts, even though they are accessing disjoint sets ofnodes. This is remedied with object-level locking. Asthe concurrency control strategy is determined duringserver startup, not a single change was needed to theGTSL compiler or the GTSL run-time environment inorder to implement the transition from page to object-level locking.

5. Evaluation

5.1. Environment Generation

The full GTSL speci�cation of the BA SEE con-sists of some 120 GTSL classes. The overall size of thespeci�cation is 12,000 lines of GTSL. The ODL/OMLschema implementation for Booch diagrams, C++ classinterfaces, implementations and documentation thathas been generated from this speci�cation consists ofsome 105,000 lines of ODL/OML code. Moreover, thecommand interpreters and the tool-speci�c parts of theuser interface, which have also been generated from theGTSL speci�cations cover further 70,000 lines of C++code. In addition, each tool uses a tool kernel, whichconsists of reusable classes that do not vary from tool totool. This kernel contains a further 40,000 lines of C++code. Hence, this environment is composed of 215,000lines excluding the user interface management systemand the object database system.

The commercially available Opus environment [24] isof similar complexity to the BA SEE, since it also in-tegrates tools for three textual and one graphical doc-ument type. The functionality of Opus, however, isless than the BA SEE since it does not support ver-sion management, cooperative work and lacks supportof free textual input and constraint violation tolera-tion. Opus has been hand-coded and uses the GRASdatabase [35], which must be considered less power-

ful than object databases. Although less powerful, theamount of code in Opus is larger than that generatedfor the BA SEE, let alone the BA SEE speci�cation.Opus consists of 280,000 lines of C code. This compar-ison provides evidence that the approach of using anapplication speci�c schema de�nition language and apowerful object database system simpli�es the problemof tool construction considerably.

5.2. Run-Time Performance

To assess whether the generated BA SEE meetsthe end-user performance expectations, we performeda controlled experiment with the BA SEE. The experi-ment was performed using a single processor Sun Sparc-Station 10/40 with 64 MBytes of main memory thatoperates with SunOS 4.1.3. The database was storedon a local 2 GBytes disk. It contained the schemaand the production con�guration of the BALIBXX librarywith some 80 classes, their interfaces, implementationand documentation. We gave O2 a caching allowanceof 2 MBytes for each tool client process and another 1MByte for the database server process. The clients andthe server were executed on the same machine and thedatabase was in a warm state, i.e. all objects accessedduring the experiment had been accessed before. Weused the experiment also to compare the performanceof the two concurrency control scheme implementations.The experiment consisted of six activities:

Dumping: The action that dominates the response timewhile opening a document is the time required toperform a traversal along the transitive closure ofthe aggregation edges from a document root nodeso as to compute the external representation of thedocument. The subgraph that we use in this activ-ity represents the largest class interface de�nitionof the the BALIBXX library. Its textual representa-tion has 220 lines of code and the respective ASGconsists of 507 nodes.

Version Derivation: This activity measures the timerequired for the derivation of a new version. Thisnew version is the only successor version of the rootversion. The activity also covers committing thechange to the database.

Version Selection: This activity measures the time re-quired for the selection of the version derived dur-ing the last activity.

Template Insertion: During this activity we measurethe time for template insertion. As an archetypicalexample we measure the time that the tool needs toinsert a parameter template into a list of parame-ters that currently includes three parameters. Thetime not only includes the required ASG modi�ca-tions, but also the time taken to insert new ASGnodes into the version unit, the time for redisplay-ing the contents of the a�ected window and thetime for transaction start-up and commit.


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Static Semantic Check: During this activity we ex-plore the performance of commands that performstatic semantic checks. As an example, we ex-pand the name identi�er of a previously expandedparameter. The time we measure includes check-ing the lexical correctness of the identi�er, stor-ing the value in a lexeme attribute, checking theuniqueness of the identi�er in the parameter list,incrementally redisplaying the a�ected window andtransaction start-up and commit.

Inter-Document Consistency Check: The purposeof this activity is to measure the performance ofthe creation of a new dependency relation betweentwo di�erent documents. For that purpose we havechosen a forward declaration of a class, that alreadyexists. The measured time includes the check as towhether the referenced class exists, the creation ofa reference edge, the class identi�er node and theforward declaration, the incremental redisplay ofthe a�ected document parts and transaction start-up and commit.

FIG. 13 depicts the performance �gures for the twoconcurrency control implementations in milliseconds ofelapsed real-time. To retrieve the �gures, we have re-peated each activity 10 times and the �gures repre-sent the mean values of these 10 executions. The ob-served deviations were neglectable. The performanceof Dumping is about 1,400 milliseconds for page-leveland 1,800 milliseconds for object-level concurrency con-trol. This is a reasonable performance that means thatprocessing each node required on average less than fourmilliseconds with object-level locking. If all error at-tributes are in clean state, this activity need not per-form any changes. This is the more frequent case andwe could exploit O2's read-only transactions, whichdo not perform locking at all. A further experimentwith these transactions has shown that they reduce thetime to 1,050 milliseconds because these do not ac-quire read-locks. The Version Selection and Ver-

sion Derivation activities are performed in both con-currency control modes for the complex class interfacede�nition in less than 300 milliseconds, which users willhardly ever recognise as a delay. Template Insertion

is performed with page-level concurrency control in900 milliseconds, while 1,250 milliseconds were requiredwith object-level locking. This is about the time thatthey require to move the hand from the mouse to thekeyboard and users will �nd the performance accept-able. The Static Semantic Check activity required1,300 milliseconds with page-level concurrency control,while 1.650 milliseconds were required with object-levellocking. 1,500 milliseconds were required with page-level locking for the Inter-Document Consistency

Check, while 1,800 milliseconds were required withobject-level locking. The performance of 1,800 mil-













































FIG. 13. Elapsed Real Time during Activities [msec]

liseconds for a tool command that involves an inter-document consistency check, however, is too slow.

The experiment was conducted on a rather old ma-chine with only one processor, a SCSI-I disk and a slowclock rate. With performance of hardware and operat-ing systems increasing by 100% every two years, we ex-pect to have acceptable response times of tools availableshortly. Moreover, we note that there is an overhead of20-30% in object-level locking compared to page-levellocking, even though no con icts occurred at all dur-ing this experiment. This overhead traces back to theprototype implementation of OC A R that is not yet op-timised to the case when no page con icts occur. Inthe future product version, this optimisation will be inplace and object-level locking without page con icts willperform as fast as page-level locking.

5.3. Acceptance in Industry

British Airways did not deploy the BA SEE devel-oped in GOODSTEP. One of the reasons was that thepractical impact of the deployment was too radical. TheBA SEE contains completely new development tools,such as the Booch editor and the C++ class interfaceeditor, and explicit process constraints, e.g. librarycode cannot be modi�ed if the corresponding Booch dia-gram is not modi�ed �rst. In addition, the environmentcould not be purchased from a trusted vendor; it wasjust a prototype developed by a research consortiumthat lacked, for instance, stability, a sophisticated userinterface with keyboard short cuts, facilities for macrosand the like.

Another drawback of the architecture of the environ-ment is that it does not properly address integrationwith foreign tools. British Airways was using the Roseproduct from Rational and they were quite happy withits user interface and its editing capabilities for design-ing classes in the Booch notation. They would havepreferred an integration between Rose and the C++and documentation tools. As Rose does not store itsdocuments in the same object database that we use to


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store ASGs, an integration has to be achieved usingnon-database mechanisms.

6. Related Work

The idea of tool generation came up during the earlyeighties in a number of projects including Gandalf [30],Centaur [11] and the Cornell Synthesizer Generator [39].The tools generated by these systems are tools forprogramming environments, that means they were in-tended to support documents in one language only.Therefore, they initially did not address the problem ofinter-document consistency constraints. [26] suggesteduse of di�erent views to represent di�erent documents,but this inhibits inter-document consistency constraintviolations. Moreover, none of these early tools providesu�cient support for concurrency control, but mostlystore documents in a attened representation in the �lesystem. In view of concurrent tool execution, this couldresult in loss of changes. Neither version nor con�gura-tion management is explicitly supported by any of thesetools.

The IPSEN environment [23] was among the �rstenvironments that considered inter-document consis-tency. The speci�cation of this environment was basedon graph grammars. Recently, a graph grammar inter-preter and compiler have been completed [50]. Thesesimplify environment construction in the same way asour GTSL compiler. IPSEN provides facilities for re-vision control [48], though con�guration managementhas not yet been addressed. The most serious draw-back of IPSEN, compared to the BA SEE, is its lackof support for cooperative work. The reason is that ithas been built using the home-grown database systemGRAS [35], which does not yet support the required�ne-grained concurrency control protocol, but appliesstrict locking to a complete graph, rather than lockingonly those nodes that are being accessed.

Tools contained in the Field environment [38] are in-tegrated using a broadcast message server. This in-tegration technique can achieve inter-document consis-tency constraints and even change propagations. Ver-sion management and concurrency control required tosupport cooperative work, however, are not supportedin Field.

The UQ editor family [47, 33] supports di�erent doc-ument types as di�erent views of the same concep-tual representation. These views implicitly implementchange propagations. The user interaction paradigm isrecognition-based as opposed to the structure-orientedparadigm in the BA SEE. We acknowledge that thisrecognition-based interaction paradigm provides betteruser support. The UQ editors, however, do not yet ad-

dress version and con�guration management and teamcooperation support.

Documents managed by the Software through Pic-tures environment [46] are stored in the relationaldatabase Sybase and inter-document consistency con-straints are managed by relations between these doc-uments. Speci�c tools can be de�ned on the basis ofa query and reporting language, which is interpretedby the StP/Core environment. Sybase supports ACIDtransactions, which could be exploited for concurrencycontrol. However, as Sybase does not support ver-sion management and due to the fact that versionmanagement cannot reasonably be added on top of adatabase, Software through Pictures, does not provideany support for managing di�erent versions of docu-ments. Sybase may be appropriate for storage of graph-ical documents, whose syntax graphs tend to be fairlysmall. We, however, doubt that the management oflarge syntax graphs as they occur in textual docu-ments, like for instance programming languages, canbe achieved with a relational database with an accept-able performance. Linton [36] reports a time of about200 minutes required for computing an external repre-sentation of a programming language syntax tree for a1,000 line document that was stored in Ingres. Thoughour own investigations [19] revealed that since 1984relational database technology, operating system andhardware performance have improved considerably, theperformance will still be too slow if syntax graphs arestored in third normal form tables.

7. Summary

Using the case study of constructing the British Air-ways SEE, we have explored the degree to which soft-ware engineering environments can be enhanced on thebasis of object database systems. We have discusseda number of advanced requirements, namely inter-document consistency constraints, version and con�g-uration management and cooperative work, that arenot addressed by environments that are in the mar-ket. We have discussed how these requirements canbe addressed on the basis of documents that are repre-sented as ASGs. We have shown how these ASGs can bede�ned in a dedicated speci�cation language and howan object database schema can be derived from thesespeci�cations. The schema then enables documents tobe managed by object databases in an ASG represen-tation. We have sketched the extension of a particularobject database, namely the O2 system, with facilitiesfor version management of collections of objects andobject-level concurrency control. We have also shownhow these extensions are exploited to implement ver-sion management of documents and cooperative work.The evaluation of the BA SEE has shown the advan-tage of specifying the environment at a level of abstrac-


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tion higher than that allowed by manual construction.The environment generated from this speci�cation hasa performance that is in general acceptable.

When reviewing the related work, we observed thatother systems lack support for at least one of our centralrequirements. We assume that an implementation wastoo di�cult to achieve without the powerful basic mech-anisms that object databases provide. The �le systemsused for document storage purposes lack support forsecondary storage management, error recovery and the�ne-grained concurrency control required to support co-operative work. In our experience the implementationof an e�cient and reliable concurrency control mech-anism that could be used for �ne-grained concurrencycontrol is so di�cult to achieve that it can be hardlyexpected in any home-grown database systems, be itan academic prototype or a system developed in-houseby an SEE vendor. In addition, there are dependenciesbetween version management and concurrency controlthat preclude the implementation of a powerful versionmanagement mechanism for subgraphs of an ASG ontop of, say, a relational database system. This leads tothe conclusion that the way ahead is to exploit the pow-erful basic mechanisms now emerging in object databaseproducts. The case study outlined in this article hasgiven evidence that object databases can be used forimproving the functionality of software engineering en-vironments considerably.


We are grateful to Roberto Zicari, who insistedon constructing the BA SEE as a case study in theGOODSTEP project. A particular thanks goes toWerner Beckmann, J�org Brunsmann, Ralph Mertingkand Matthias Kurth, who implemented most of the BASEE. We also thank Claude Delobel, Sabine Sachweh,Wilhelm Sch�afer and Jim Welsh for their suggestions onthe version manager and Sabine Habert for her e�ort ingetting the object-level concurrency control in place.


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