THETAR1FFANDTHEFARMER b-nefits debived from the duty on agbicultuhal pbodui ts. CAXAOIAB .' .Ml'i.il I..N XVITH TIII'. NEW-TOBB BARMEflfl ci-.i A'rr.Y LESSEBKD. mr Taifloaarn t>> nu, rxiaraa.! Vtaahtagton, Bept. IO.."The farmer ned only dertves no dln-i t b.-iieiit from lhe ttirlil, bnl la oppreaaed bj lt." Saeh ta aabetaace B Ihe burden ol tbe nrga- n.ent mad- bv the majorlty «.f tbe Houae Commlttee ,,:i Agrlculture In the estraordlnary report wblch has already 1.t. revl-w..! hi tbeae dlapntcbes, an.l such ln ¦abetanee I- t»e naaerttafl ,f all FTee Tradcr». Most Am-rlrun farn.-rs who live nn or near ihe Canadian border- eapectally lhe farmen ..f the F.tnplre stat.knoxv thal tbe aa.ertlofl la untru. a* to tl-niselves, but oth-rs niuy bave b< Cll de- (.1-,-d. The taeta fllaprove the aaaertlon. A careful e\:ini1n:it <>n of Ibe ofti.-lul r.-turns of Ini- ports _buaa ii.ut aboul BO per eent nf tbe agrlcul- iiir.ii peoflacta breugbt Into tt.e Vnited state, from the Domiiiion ol Caaada flnd entry at the pnrt. of r.uff.il'.. < ap Vl.ie.-nt, . hampliiln, Geneaee, Btagara, Ogwegatrhle an.t Oswego all ln Ihe Mate ..f N-xv York -and thus ...me Into dlrecl eomnetltlon xvith Ihe ¦tOdUCtl of Nexv York furin-. Tbeae rrtarna alao ehow Ibal diirlnR U.e y-nr cnd.-l ,iune ao, 1880, tbe imports of the prinelpal agrlrul- tural producta Into the l'nlted Btatea from tli- 1><> Blnlon of Oanada mnoanted to ihe handaoma aflm ol .-14,-i4i.811. Thoae Importatloni pald Ihe dutlea Inpooei bf the tarlfl ol 1883. In 1880 the duBea on all these fcodncta were Increaaed, an.l egga were transferred from tlie free to the duii.il!- 11 lt, and durlnp the year ende-1 Jutie :«>. 1882, the total value of the prinelpal aertlcultural fTOdflCta (not IflCtafllng wheat WOTtfl more than #1 ,800,008 xvhirh was tm- porte<1 in bond and re eXfOfteflJ ninnuiiled to less than §7-000,000, 1-cin. ii decreaee of more thaa one- half. Kvery 1 teilic-nt New York farmer hwowa that tbat flecreaas m.-e a better markd tor iii-- own fro- durts. liere UO the chief ltems of .!-.-rea-e ln value r_ttie. from |B6,__M t.> 933.108; hpraee, from ...-.- 400,503 to 81.4684573! other anlmali i-.--.pt iheep), fr.-n 8130.073 loB-3-051; barley, from .-..->.. K_7,37- to fl.881.305; oatmcal, Irom 833,308 t<> fBi; rv-. from §115,057 tofefl.nt.2; wbeat (n .t Ineludtng re-exporta), from 8100.11"> t" aboul 8100.000; egg*. fr,»:> 88.005, o-.-, t. 8510,504; bay, from fl.143.US to 8714,558; bariey malt- from 8155,980 to 8851; flieal aad dalry producta, from fl05,17d to 877.318: potatoea, trom 8387.687 to 888,101; ..H.-r vegetflhlea, from *1H-- oi.; io f-0.ni. l»e-i>lte the in. rea-e lfl rates of duty the lmporta if nbeep laeieaaed from 81,806.788 to 81,336.871 ol ata, from -8-7S3 to ffl.028, ..nd beaaa and peaa, from ¦630,888 to 8710.030. The foUowiog lable xvin abow tiie namber or quan ttv of each ot tta artlclea of Import menttonefl above: 1880 I8A2. ¦.".'.. nunber . B.VX 0 *; Ho_i.ee, namber. ¦»=--_.» .¦--, i::;. bhe-p. numbei. '.:..¦.,." tli.'.ls Barley, bu.hela ." .!--!'.'-, '"JJ __f_ Oa\a buahela . \* »" l_-__\_ Bre, buaboK . a_ 2.483.0flfi Wbeat. buabeta. .' J'.¦-¦., f.OL'l «37 Kc.-s. docen . l*v_\] : ',. -., > Malt. barley. bu-_ei« . ,;,-«.¦ '-.. _.«».« and peaa l>U_»ela. .'J? ,-.,-.', fotatoe-. l.'ish-U ... 1.320.45. ¦ '' Of ibe wheal Imported In 180S, nenHy aO eaaae ln bond and xvas r»- ¦> aportefl. These flgurei e.Inslvely prore thal tbe aaaerUoo *, oonstantlv mad- and repeated by free fcaden thar. ftmerlcan tartnera derlve no fltaeel be-efll from th« tarlfl ofl flgrtafll-oral proflucta, rannot be true ea to thos* tarmera xvho. hy i_i-.xlri.itv or other dr eaa_B_BBcea, an broagbt Into dlrecl eompetltlon wttb torekft prodnrera. ('ai.adi.in oompetHlon ta egga «aa feti tn Ohlo .uid otber Weatera Statea aa areU aa ln Kaw-Yort nnd New-Enflland, aad lhe aame remarli la i-u. a. ... .-irl-v. potaloes. ,-.'.!-. hor ea and several Sb_r^r-_u7t_ l,r-i., enumeratefl. Uta 'he comm't ivn wa, moat leverely felt b) the tarmera uf Sew- Y,"k wh.u, t'e Dem_««tle party I- atrlvtag to de- priv.-' ..f "!,'. protectlon whlch tl.iy now -njoy. -.-' FOR A BEUN10N OF NAVAL VETBBAX8. PT-.I... ABATIOX BOB THE POMIXO NAIIONAI. OMHKP.IN'i .T BAI/TIXOBE. lialtlmore, 8eft 11 |Sfe-tal).-ThOti ..nd"- of veterafli will Bttend the leventb annual reunlon and eneampmenl of the Nationai AaaoetaBon ol Baval Veterana. whlrh wlll begta bere on Thursday evenlng. The bualneu lea n..n at lhe eacampaaenl wlU be beld on Brldmy, and on FrMay nlght theie wfll be an lllumlaatlon of i'ort M-il-i.rv and the ta_rbor, and naval manoenvrea by ibe aid of the powerfal aearcb llghti .... ti.e rnlted Statoa warshlps Phlladelphla. MtMtonomah. Dolphln nnd Veauvlua. lt la leMom thal tour navnl ahlpa, each repreaenllngadlfferenl etaaa. ar« gathered fll one ptara. and tbis will be tli- Bnt dme they have all taken purl ln a aham engafement, Ti.e festlvltien wlll be broughl to nn end ... .-..ti.rdnv, wh-n Prealdenl Hairt-Uti anfl eeveral membera ol h\% CaMntd, Oovenior Brown .-.nd etafl, M.v.u Utrftbo, General Palmer, Commander-lr (..hlef of tbe Orand Araj td tbe Bepa_bBe, and tbe Kaflonal oflkera ol lhe Saval Vetorana' Aasortatloa. nre OZfocted to revlew ihe pnmde. ju u.e afte...., m there » Ul be .. ataun battte between tbe xviiit- BqOadrou and the lorces .,; Fort Mclleno'. At the tort nre three flfteen im b gana an'. i»sven elght Ineh gnn« rnountefl, and bboii Ibe mmparti are tour three-taeh gani and ooa Gatllng gun. The Or_t balib wiii be at long raage, a gun to be Bred from the fon even tafl -econdaaad answervd by brond ld. - trom the three aien-of-war. Cotlera and rtenm launehea wlll Ihen be manaed hy aallori and mnrfnw, and an on »lau8M xxiil be made upon the tort. where the men from the _hlpj wlU be mel ta a hand to-lmnd rncounter by ertlllerymen actlag aa totanlry. The L.t wll tu.-.iiv be anbdued, nnd the attaebtng nnd realatlug for.es wlll eomblne for.. Jolly "btow oul." There are now fcarty Urree loeal naaoelattoai nf naval veterana In the ITnlted Btatea, eomprialng u membershlp nf 83,000 The Bntloual otacera a.-.- Bear Adnflral Com mandlng, Wllllam 8. Wella, SowHav-n, Ooaa.; Com niodore B. 8. Oab me. Sew Yort Cuptaln, l>- B. Hub berd, Chleago: Commander. W. B AtUna, Clnclnnatl; Ueetennnt Commaflder, xv. H. Plare. OlneyvtIle, B i'¦: gtnlor Ueutenant, O. L. Uwe. Porl Worth, Tex.; Ueutenant. J. W. Beene. Colnmbiw, Onta; **«B*_* " Tr-^ "heriaer. __ltlmore: Paymusl^r. Alexnud.-r O. riril-r. ln.ni.i-. N. Y.: Ch-.pl»ln. lhe -v. I. ;b.- v.i.rd- Rmoklyn; aeeretary.''eorae W. Bwt» «. '-""'' lvn Cl lel ..f.-:;..'!, I ommunder trai-Cl* H. AU d, ii-«'i- fi.id, < oan. _ i BtSTOBT 09 TBE TWELPPB AEM1 COBP* Chleago, Bept ll fSire-lal).-The fretadefll lecretary and exeeutlve commlttee of the Twelflh Army < one. A-Sooi;,t:.,n. r.-.-nily organlxed here by aoldlera Hvln« ln ibe w-st aho bdongrd lo tbal corpa. hare nnlted ln a r-j-.-t lo BIBon B. Lytle, oi lluntinflrton. Penn.. to write tbe bl torj I Ibe orp Mnlor-G.-neral Henry W. Slocum, wbo "us tbe corpa commander, hai j.-iti-d ln Ibe rr-iuw-t. Ur. LyU« ba I.i aelediad tor l.l- Importanl worh because be la r- gaided a- pecnllarly «-n equlpped for lt- He aa* for two v-;,r- Bl tbe h.-ud-iuurl-rs of General Sl...:..... aervlng wll* hlm In Vlnrtnta, Barytand, Pennaylvonla end tbe bonlbweat, ..nd la alao hiat-rtan of bta own reglment. The reglmoate thal served In the Twelft-i Corpa were fiom Haaanehoaetta, Connertleut, Nea Yort Pennaylvaata, N-w ,i-..y. Barytand, OWo. Indtana «nd Whwon-ln. Br. Lytle and Oen.Tal Klocum und other promlnenl Mflceri ol the eorpi w.ll m.-t ta Waahtaitton durlng th- _____}* *_._tlv_. tii-nt of tbe Grand Army ol ihe Beputd*. lo conM w ih r-I'ii-i io tbe hKtory. It ls th- purpoae to ln t,r..t -v-.-v old ........I.-.- <B tbe corpa lli ..i.nl-l.in_ Sluta to ih-' bH-ortau und tBe worh xmII be proIu_.lj lliu-trat.-d xiltii portialta. Curir CA13CEDAM9 >y>r today. gaSe^ :V'.;;7r^;i::l"7^.,.,, tec£eutt,Sirt-Pa«a I. U, Ul aad IV- Adjeurned for ^..'rV'.'-it.-'- Cwrt-Boi i.i.-e: xv-:1. al Man l i ,i 10 a ... Wliabeth 1 Starkey, J»ni. i,"I"_i!* iv /.,k«r I bu '/..li-. fatbarlua A. Ileekin_.. Kdt-ln il. wo'Au.'. 'j..«-i'i. Mti.ii.-:--'-. -X....I- M. 'Ji.'»... tauauaa c_J!__-_ lfl__»--ii3w"< Tem-Adjournad until 0 '. ,,e,(J_..,«.. naaa--faetal Tarm Bat*** Daiv. c. '<-**- "Toninion Plea^-Tr.a; Iflfl-?!* ' " *** llt-AB, i""s::;;,,.;;:;,i::::'r;-:.-....ai T-r.,,.-AdJo,r,.,i a*tu om, '" ¦_ ,,-nor Oaui. flfrelil T.-.n,-i:.l..r- Bafto, J- ".SS^er ...,.t-Tr,_l T.-rm-Parts 1. 11 aad III-A* ^htWf SSJ^_SlV»-Be.. Va- xvy-K. , M vTiy .,.:, ntal Taa- raita I. IL I" aad IV-Ad- |»um,sl tu- t.i leraa. , , _______ ___. v. ..«. ,> < ....rt ef «ien-r»l Se«_lon_-l'art 1-BefoM **_'T____ «.< and nTilrnm m_-_FfLAUeraey -Veekat-Aoa. 1 le --_. m- ""cSri of oeaeial gandana fan 11 _*****_ *****!. ;'." a?d As.istant Btetnal AMeeary Tawna«a_l--laaB. l ia ... ¦. "Vo.irt of (ieneral fleaetooa-PBH HI-H"fo.': KIL; I Wl ld, J.. and A.sl.tai.t Dlsir., t-AtU.rn.V flaflforflV.H** ' tu '-. lDClUk.ve. _ THI I'KNNSVIA'AMA BAH-BUAD 1s tho only Une that uiiiliiluliis a _tti<tly t!^s^cla_» llmlted train InKtween Sew-Yort and Chleago. All other "J.imlted" expresa tralns are meiely lmltu- _\o_t ot tbe celcbratad I'enii-yIvanla Llmltod. AMOXG IBE COLLEGE*. 4XX0DXCIXG TIIK UXtrUBEBfl POB TIIK TCAB IT UXIOX. ieheaeetafly, B. V., -Wpt ll .Bpeelal)..Tha alread) lamona praetlral courM "f leeturea at L'nton College begtna wlth ihe fall term. Ueneral Bntterfleld ad. vt-ea tha raculty ibal t.onerat P. **. Mlchle, r. t* A., De,,,, ol th« i " uitv ot Weat Polnt Milttary Academy, win open lhe rourae In September, The ipectal prlie of .*¦.-.-. f.. t!,.. N-at poper by any .tudent "i, ihi« lecture is otlered by Oeneral Krederlch rownsend, of Albaajr, a,, alnmnua <>f L'nloa. Dnrlng the hr-t y...-,r-a- ronme I* m be glven the leetnrea ol <.*. u rvernor Rlce, ol Mi -aehnaetta; Goaernor MeKlnley, ot Ohlo; .\a,.iie1iiy "f Mate tlavard. Ot lMaware; .o-ti'-ral l). k. Stehlea, fhe Him. l reflerlch tf. Beward, e\ AaatMant Hecretar* ot state: Profeaaor Afhon Man. r,,i,.i it t. Aaehmaty, ol the Trade Behoola: tha ll.-n. Biaafni VYlman, Benater Manderaon, Uen e,ai Horaea Portar a.,d the Hoa. Boarke l*__kren, wtth -'.me other* whoae .late- an not yet settied. Eaeh lecture haa Ita apaelal prtae ol BSS lor the beat paper npon lt by nny Btadent, In widnion t" il,« general prlzea. Among the eoati-hatoia <>f apeetal priaaa f.»r tae pourae appear the naama ". tbe Hoa. Charlea. Kiii iv Smlth, r.e.ieral John C-«hrane, Bredle. Mar tln, Dr. w. Seward Webb, 9aat.ee Bobert Barl, Abram Van Bnntvoord, ilenry Knlckerbacker, Uencral Tre. malne, the thunl "i paria, CorneUaa n. Bfl*-, Wm. Berrt, John H. Btarta, Ueaeral C. C, l>.»ii:<*, Uencral Thomaa A. Davlcs, Dr. i>. M. BUmaon, Fraah Lootnl* aud otbnra, n-oal of tbeae geBtlemen beln| grada ataa ol Fnlon. Tiu- general prlaea in eonneetloo alth Ibe eoarea mclnde on- ot B150 offered by Oeneral ButterfleM Bw the academy or Behool prepartng the Burgeat number ,,f anereaaful ranteatanti lor the hscture eoarae prtaee. The CaUen and Blnateln general prtiea have beie loforc beea announcefl. lu all, nearly .1,-0- In ,'-,,,.- wm be awarded lo tin,~" atudenta ul i nlon who, t.v the papera anbmtited, evMenre ihe, most mtein pent appi-e. i.itioii of thla ramarhable lecture rourse. li,,. enfrance examlnatton*. ut Fnlon tJolleM "in bc beM "ii t-eptember. ia and 14, and lha f-!l te.n, wlll open "i. lhe 1Mb. A cla** even lar.e- than thal of laal rear, wn ch i,*iinl.errd -... la expected i > enter fi.-'i .,.-'., While the e\. .-Il.-ii.e of Ihe Kuttei Held leeture ronrae wlll doubtlena attrarl many .tudenta to the advanced clasaea lrom other eoUegee, BATES. Lewlaton, Me.. Beptf. u (8peetal)..The lasi areek haa bean the Ume <«t ihe aanaal -M;,t.> Falr ln Lewts. taa, and lhe eollege h.,a ibeen aomewbal under ita Influenee. lt ia euatOBiar. t.. glve lhe atndent* Thnrsday of Falr weeb to attead the ahow, and no devlatlon ocenrred thla time. Monday waa Labor Hav, and the iwo hoBdaya would have Interfered with reguhirtty. So uith tbe conaent .>f atudenta and furutty Monday waa exrhanged for Frlday. Manj of tha atudenta ur-- employed In vaitoua eapacltlea on lhe fnlr grounda, ao tbat lhe toth-ge exert-laea ara alwaya maeh hi-kea dnrlng ihe week. Tennh la bavlng quite a run here thla fhlL The lerrace extendlng from College-.t eoatward to the _\ mnaalum haa been lald oul In eourte, wMeb are In itae ever. day. The baseball Intereat ta centred ln the eomlng -ophomore-freahman game, wbteh l> an nounced f".' _om_ d.iv tbe eomlng week The freah- ini-n are puttlng In good piactlce, but the aophoi.¦- bave the better chance. FOothall aeama IrretrlevahU dead fui thlr. rear. Tha aaaoctotlon Ifl ao deeply lu debt that lt cannot think or raanlng an eleven, Thli i-i nafortuaata, aa tbere are eaoegh men In eollege wl,.. eoaM piHv lf th.-y woaM; or lf mbm one eould work them up to ii. Oareekm, '-<». is lhe movlng ijdrtt ln the footbaU rru*_i<ie. For the preaant It la MO dOUbt beat for the a'hl.-te. 10 deVOtfl th.-tnai 1 Va f what already hua ihelr enthuataetn, thal to, h_a«-__n. rhe two aodeflea are Bvelj aa ever. Sumc of thf treshmen ha.-e tcdned alreadv, and maay aiore hnvo .li.nl_.-d tli. ir cholce imit -v*.111 -_-ui Jotn. The f.vah men bave ahvady t.'-.-u dlvlded im*. dlvl.tona for th.-ir declamattoiu, whleh «lli begin ln ..ifut i\ weehs, The nenlora have eleeted tbelr laaa ofllrcni f.., tbe enaulna rear. Thera "..¦ tv/entj .-.*-_ In all, of whom .' T. lan-li.p i- pr, --Id'-.it: N. U. Bru<<v ..raKM Mr. .Vlnalpw, l.t. Mr. Bmall or©_*hel an.l F. L, HoffB-aaa, blstorma. WKI.___-I.KY. WeUealay, Ham., B*ept 11 (gpeelal).- frcflealey <'<- lege opened Wedaeeday morning with .:.4 atudenta enrolled on it- ttata. In tlie abat-i.ee ,,f Praflmaor C. F. Boberta, ol lhe departinenl ..f chamlatry, Henry P. TBlbot, Ph, i'.. arfll ceadacl rouraea In quaUtaUve and quaatltatlve analy-ls. Bda M. Cterk, B. .-. fUnlveratty of Ml.hl.a.i'. tllia the ptaee left va. mt by thi realgna tion of Mia- Mai h. Ilofcaaor Btiatton, of thed-P-rt ment ..f EEngflah, win apend thla rear lu Eurcpe. The foDowtng are tha new appolnt-uent- In thla fiej-n-t ment: Gi-orga P. Baker, it-- A. u.. eondnrla lhe Junlnr worh ln plaee or B, M Maaly, r-idgned; Profeaaoi Ueorge B. t'arpenter In charge of tbe freahman .... awisted t.\ Mlss barah('. flfaaver, Bl*. Ella <. Wllrni ,- .1 Mlas S..J.M.- . Ilait M1-- II- 'e.-'l- Mi-- Wynegarli a- In-triict-. ln i-ermaii; Tl.i ... M ted '.'. NHm Sarah r. Weaver. Bl i.lln '.- WVmx a, i, ,,i oi Ai; nftcr Ihe deatli uf Itoh.r Umln Rlner laei Februar haa been fornmlly apixdnted to the ptar. nf dln-'tor. _ 1 -.VIVF.IIMTV <..]. j:.'<TIK--TI/i:. Boeteater, Bepi. II (BpecUll. Tha l'nlv«**lty ol Rorbeater «m open oa Wedne day, and lt l- now ra ,..-, '..i thal th.- freahi wlll be ai large .- .Bal ol lasi rear. Profeaaor Burton ba rrt fis.m hla Europeun toni and '.*in tahe charge "f lhe Latln !». I'l.'ui'-i.t. Ii Iructoi Byland M. K"i,«ir.. k wm :,.. .. both I'.'.f- ot* Burton and Forbea, ibe lal a ,,,,. |. thh \. nr t" lake 11 ln .gt ni-l ...,;.,.-, .-., addltlon to bf* worh bi th. beud ol lhe i',,.,. i,-; ,1'iiiieiit. liwlructlon ln (>M _v-«tam»*ni btotory I- to .- glven U l* jrear, lhe n«*c irj havrng be< n provMid bj lb< K- v. Dr. B. *. MaeAi r »itn. of Ni a Vorh, w, ,-n on thi new) P I'p Hon chapter bon In progreaa nl though II wlll n. I l-- n*ndy '">' «.'. thls term. i-;,. ideni mn -an l."-n appolnted a m««mb»*r -r ihe Advl ory fommtttee on II - -Ut, rducallonBl eahlbll _t tt.- Chlcago v i.i hl Imr. Th»- r.iiv.raitv K\'..i loa f>nti_ ln thi elty i al re«,iy maklng pr.paratlon« tor the eomlng wlnt-w. l ;, i. -_,,i ..iiinoi.-, ol Koche :.-r. wlll probably glve :i ronrae ol Iwlun-i 'a. I'lthir F-nglUh or Ameriean III itiii ire and I'i-.i- -"." Kaln-hlld, of Ituchi-itcr. om* lu B«.logv whll, ITofcssiir I. "f ...rn.-ll. VMII 'll ".»_ miiiomlca, aud Profe-M.r Mar., «.f Kyrai-iis,-, v.ni aealn lann.* i- lii-art-m In Ami*rl<-an li The Uoihe li*r Tn«doBii'al Ni-mlnary «'H .>¦¦" "" Mondav. Thi- *.tll-.nt- ,*111 .'->¦. i"1'!'- ln lt'« k.- eller ll.ll Monday .wutai.. IVof.---or T. II. I*atll*-u,i. *.lll dellver at. uddie.. on **Mlnl lertul l.tt-rary 1'ultnn*, the Bev C, v Uarbour «1H w-*leom-« the ie.-iM..i- li, iH-liiilf ot th« 4-lty pa-.oi-. and II. ti. .lolmVou -III do lhe am.- iu U'linll "t th* atudi-nta, JOI1BB HOPKIBt- Baltlmore, Md., Bept 11 (Speetal)..The academl. _,.,.!.,n nf ih.. .lo!,.,-- Ilophlua rnlveralty wlll begln ,,, .,,!..,- :: wlth m¦'.-<. lhan 000 .tudents ln lhe r. .,-,1 ,-..-,i.-il L-oni-ea. The reglatrar who bfl rctunied fi.,m hla vaentlon, and wlll l" very i.n-v durtng tl.a .,._! |wo weeka recelvlng and etiroUliiR m*w men, .;,.. |he Increaa-e ln lhe number ol atudenl ovci laat rear ^lli be more than Ifl per tent. Penn >i i-aiita and Haryland wlB ftirnl h lhe large nnrntn-r ,,f new Ktud-nt-. but nearly every Btate ln lhe ITnlon wlll b- i-prraentefl. Thi*re wlll h.' one new man from Bgypt, nnd Cannda, Otramny, llolland, Bngland and Frunca «m be repi-*-4tnted on tae roll, Durtng the aummer rece ¦ all lhe bulldlng bave been ove.-hauled and renovated, and a number ol Im pnivemenla nmde ,., ih- Laboratorl->a. A Large foree ,,f workmen bave been engaged In movlng Lev.rliig llnil on Jaek-crew. and rollera nearly ball n Worh lo f,- eorner of Bulaw and l-oaa ita, The worh la dlffirult, bul ih.- hand-ome aoBd itructnre wlll i.- anr ......fulh nov.-d in ita enilr.-iv. <... tbe alie varal,*d .;.. new M'i "V ll iii wlU be .rected. II wlll mahe n liaiid-ome Bddlilon lo lhe rua of nnlver lt) bulld !,,_.... it |a liii.lv lhal before aooth-r year one or iwo more new bnlMlnga wlU i"- under way. Few mi.inlieifc ..[ the farulti hnve retiirnc- from llu-lr auin " !. ,...-. I',-. I.ln.l i.Umaii has been In Bi slnnd. ,,; .,,r i.ilil. rsleevi*. al N-.Tiair.-i'i-.-ti I. ¦'¦ >. Uariln at Ifar llarh.r: I'rof.- -..r llemaen, i'iun*>lns ... in. M; Im*; Prof* ¦'-' Uriftln, lu ih- a.Ih...'I.-. -,',.,....,.- \dnns, m tmherst: Prof. or nn*nk_, lu \V.-st Vlrgliila, and !'."f. hmw l-'.lliott, ln Franee. ? SOBW ¦- < "OLl-BOB FBEB KirDEBOABTEX. Arrange_o«*nta Bi*e betng made f.-r Ihe annual f;,1r fnr li" l" ii'-'i' ot Hi" Sonnal CoUegf I...- Kh.il.,- (arten, wbleh l^ lo lake ptaee In a few weehs. Ti.,- exact date far the falr bai rmt beefl rt.-< l»l. -1 . ' . w,,_ ti.- Undergarten, wbkh i- ln Ea mxtj LMrd ... l* imirported by ihe gradaatea ol lhe Normal College, Laal year aboal Bftf -btldren Bt- i,-r.ii.-.i .!..- a,f.,,,i. AmoBg lhe membera <>f the reai ,,,.,,,. |. rkarge ,.f tbe romtn. fnlr »r.- MNa i.iia »iilktna. Mlsa .1.-niil.' a. K.it',. Ml-a DlaabHh B. A.I-...I Mi-s tf. C. l-'ll'T. Mi-a Fraaeea A. Benjamln, Mra -d' i> Hava. MN, Blanahe Lafld, Ml-a BHle MMV.-ra, Mis, M,y B. Borehead and Mm. i. F.. Nortbrup._ I-,, gBUUT A BSW CITY OOLLBQB TR1TBTSB, Thc death ef Prolaaaoi B-emer. vtea-preafdeal of the College of the Clty <>f Kew-York, adl cbiic. lhe traataaa ,,f tkal .naiiiuiioii to aeieet a new ofiiei.i u.i rear. it waa aaM laat areat ihat eflBer _*reaaaaw Doremaa, Piaiaeeae Ceaaffaa or Pratmaar Wanmr wonld be Mei u I to fill lhe dcud inan's plaee. Cencral Ale.ander S Webb, ptealdenl of Ihe coltoge. la bbM ta be ln Buropo attll ao thal Ptofeaaor Doremna, t- lenlor ptofeaaor, wlll be in eharge of tbe eoHege when lt peflj to'day. So Important wort wlll l.une unt__the en< week ... the ti--. of next wert Tl.Itafl l'-"" lo have ;. Iarge number ol atudebta. JAPAN'S SILVER QUESTION. OBSERVATIOXii OF AN AMERICAN NAVAL OFFICER. TBB OBEAT DEPBECIATIOS OP THB rES-A OVBTB OF tri.V IB VOBOBAM x. -.bt i«..ko*-ih i©tbb-nuflomfci Waablngton, Bept. io.-rnmm._nd.-r Mchena, of M SSOvy, wh bai returned Irom a letp to .'.'i"1'- """ glven ta b reportei an Intereattag bcombM ..i hi- '"" oheervnttaoi m tbal eoaatry. Among other Ibtag*. aaM: . .¦Tl.- eountry laal pr.fll auffertag under a generw atagnattan ot trade. owlag ta l.xoi__Ba_B- r;.'-- 01 rxcbunge agataal tb* Japaanewe aatrer euweacy. rne ..¦.,. wi.ii- containing wlfclo a mnall Iraollon <.* tniuli welgbl ofallver aa the Amerlean dollar, laqnoted lo .:.. hange ... only 80.8 eenta. Thli mabe no dlfler- . ii,-e in lie matter of Internal ommer -. ror ;> t** '" one part of Ihe eountry la ai good aa ln anot h.r; but -..:,.-,. i- eomea ta breiga exebangea, tbe natlve mer- ut :in l:n:ii-n-.' dtaadvaBtafp. A Bnt* **. atanre uiil mra to llnatnle. Wh-n I bougW my tkkei ror Yohobaaia ta Ban Ftandaco, lt eoal aie ta ::i i-,.i.i. 8S0O. ta retuaaranfl the fare waa rbe ¦ame, bnt ataled ..t 900 y-n. and l only had m trlumge 8139 -o ln Am.-ii.uu mont. to gel lhe 300 yett ;-.'. for lt. ..ii.- tktog tbal the whole of Japan la waltlng for Dfen-ey-d aod opetHnoulhefl, l- the paaaage ol our Ir.. Uv.-r blll; und xvh-n that la don-. tbe waj the .l.-ip;in. ...: .-. ;<¦ v will be liirii.tl in.o buBV .'' ablpped to Amertaa for aale alll be aa aetontahmen- to om- natlve uajdimti. i donol know mnoh aboul tbe pbll oaophy ..f Bnanee, bul it eertalnly aeuui t<> me tbal would mean mfcdng ihe v«ii.r ibe whole eum-cy ,,f Japen over :.<. mta < >t. the deltar, an.l lf lhat arould ii..i be done ..i oar axpenoe, l f.-.ii lo iee fll wh -- '"- p. n_M i; would be duoe. Juot befure l waa Iravtng tl - oountTy. I m--' an old aequalntanre and I aaked hlm lf tbere wna anythlng I eould do f.r blm In Amerlca wben l came batk. - -w.-ll." Mii.i be, -I dui't know <<f anytbtag jroai ronld do Ibal would be l-.i-r for mr Itaan to ¦ Ibe p-.--.ip- of tbe _*ree>Cotnage bill. if tbal -hould ,.\ ,-r i.. pa ..! uttb .'¦¦.¦ iu--.li: ratea of exeba -'¦ ";| Olver, I all] be able ta b_*M oul over _.:. Bnd - lo -;.. .... md il\- ln taxury.' Thal l- tta "..y tbey look al tbe matter of fr.tnoge over Itare. -llne of tbe --... mnrka uf the monelni. deprei tion l- Ibe atyle ol Hvlng ul Ibe lortHgn i- IdenU. In ih- yeara ul my Bral vtall to lhe eountry, every ono who pretended to be anyone kepi Iria bo Irap of -..ni- .-.,it. whlch, ..f coui .-. m< ini tbe kc ;ip of one or more aervnnta to care f..i ll nnd lhe alr of tbe f.,i-i_u rolonl-a In II.pen porta « al . luxury, auch ..- Ihej would nol have ll ,.i adopilng nt home. lt ahowed tbal mone] romparallvely free nnd plenijr. Sow ti.ln.- ar.' ..,..-. .|, and Ibe young foreli ner w o n< -i i tld u drlve lii- own horae, li i- tak pl. S .11 f. H»T .^ Commander Dlcklni alao gave ttrii iptrited a< of the relebrntlon .>f lhe Pourtb ..! Julj ..'iii- inn-t auiprl Ing a* well aa enjoyable affab tbat I wltneaacd before leartna the rountri woa lha relebmUon of th- Amerlcan Fourth "f Julj li Vofcu aun. li l- .. ii tom of the ...r-i .n realdeol U en, m ln tbe otber Itlea wh< re there l a rurelgi - Ul. t,, make U.e celebratlon >.f ¦ Nationai hoflda] ternattaual utt,<u, ln whlch all lhe Amerirana and Bnrupeani Joln. All Ibe Freneh, Rnglbh eud Uei iii.-m bolldaj aro clebi iled lu thl a . whel Ibe glortoua Fourth raroe round. li waa drrtd-d lo u- ie..:.ti.ii aometldng almplj rorg--.ua. .ii.. iirand llot»-l I. one ol ti,- m..-. luxurtou tterlea ...u ,.r flurope, The ma agement >»l ¦. houaa la Ani.-ri._n. bul .-.11 tba .1 .m-'.i. - Bn- Japa i- tbe raltylng poli t t. lh< ienl In tlie clty. On the mornlna of t- .ourth lt wai de. rnt.-l with the flagw "I all S_>tl>.n-. nmoug whlch the htar _;.<1 Btrtpea irere ron«ptcuoua. Tli* hotel I U.»- Iftiud nnd ...T ti,- wharf Iti lhe harl«.r then aw anchorHl h ron pia ,,'¦ barfra I >ni whlcl i.ll th _: tbere waa aenl uj. * wonderful .11 i¦..>'. ' de \.,,rl,s. au. h aa we neldom aee ..'. II la -l.l- "I lh> »at. r. flfTjr.1 of men and women, Mrd_, ..-. and u, ,\ ,:r t. f- i.f \. :\ de»< rlptbil a ander.d aboul ln lhe upp alr and dnall) . ..r «-nt Up ln illioke. |..-..!¦ l.la '1 -r- wa. a ¦.¦ <il-.!..._-__-_ ol Innumeral. e aad l, pi np t-. .ii lhe land all <!..^ to add tu lhe l.i--. ,\i tiiim. whlch i- aa. mlddi i lhe ru< ' hotel and ' > '. gathered In the dlnlt.g hall. Ju_l out_Me nl aahlrj «.v piMti .! .lij.-. I..ii.-l. H I. '. pl i."l X |,,tn,.ti. .-,:.-. and I ' lli.: tn.-,..., Ihe ll Ing, ]..'. --I la lh< mun lhe whole a «mbji wa Inrtna, and th. fm I,. pt up -lll .- v Uie alt. Iltlol nf I araa dlverted bv th. ¦ .. hl. h were el en m .!- pirir. Thla waa k< pt np tiii tar Into alglil ua fn. t na Ihe rombu! Ilt.l. laat-d." ,-t NEW SCHOOL OP APPl tEB ART8. [_.«£S1 9 POON TO 81 OPEJ TIII B \ ni Ol WliME-l xx it \ ','. I I.I. Tl \. II Th< ',..-. hool .f .\|.;,ii.si i>. i.u f Won er iMilon due . " >f Mi U ¦¦ lap llopl ..,.. wlll open for li ul mdj nn -. plembei Ifl nl No -"" XV> I ' ', il lh. :.¦ now m tn for, bul II hoped niother yenr Iben arlll I* an opportnnlty f-i bIij |,..|,,i i. n tln ..' Je. lo ei able won. n n|,|.l-, ti. jrtl ll. ile '¦- !¦:-. il i'l I'". |i Whlle, Ibere u.il be p of. or In " siliiiiliai, leadlng mechanlcal draughl m.-n from lead .', Un are ln .¦'. aith ''.. dr mand_ ul Ihe liude. will .r-- lhe benefll ,.f itteli L rdge lo Ihe puptl wIki »lll thui 1- laughl make "-- ol Ib. li ld< It la bellevi wealth) people wlll b- lnr||t_ed lu i-l-- achidi ''i1 r ,i- u< ti ;i are unable lo :>.i lhe lultlon 1. .1 I " .,¦¦.,). iu in- -i.iu.ni.ma depurtmenl Ihew wlll be in _¦-< metrlcal de i_n nud eonvenllonalliaOoii ..t ii-iui-.l form*, :i ..-ii ¦¦ ii ...i..r. and fiw-hnnd draa Ihk; ni ., drawlnga from ca»t. and i.li <. In ornamenlailim. ln Ibe eflvnn. <i departmeni Ihe .|> pllratloti ul dealgn to tbe maaufltctun -f rallpapei p ,| rarpeti ln all Ita branchea wlll bc laught. ThU advanced departmeni «m il-.. Include tlie .ii'j.i! .-.'i<.., ,,-. i. n.-i.i.ii \ iu-in., ii-.n .,, lhe wort ..r lhe bh Mte drnuRhl man Among Ihe leaehera engafed lo glve Inatni 1- Ruatave de -Loflvrea. i puptl ..f < berH In Parta, hla wull paper d.-l/ii t.iKitii; Ibe meatal al the l'u.1- Bx |,(r.|t|oii ol I---.. The teacher ln Ihe rarpei d.paii iu,in wlll be <.rge mil. Wrlpbt. wl.ti-i- havlng been L'in'lii:ii-'l from H-- Lowell Inatltute ..f Deadgn of lioaton, ......I-.'i poaltlona .i eblel denlguei wllh i'i, Lowell, Itartl .tti and «...... -.- ....].", com ,,... |i ,i u, ii ;,- ih. i'.. H. lilh-_.-in COmpnny, wllh %. t,i. b h. ba n * luenlj >. ni Bra Wllllam -t.Hie alll Mtdu. il.- in--'- in bWorli de Ign. -I i.. dlrertor ol tbe tcbool are Judge Ingrabam, lhe Itov. Kr. John Wealey Brown, Benjamln C. l'"' .... S. \. l>.: J. I'arroll Bei-kwlth, profeaaor M.-tro i.i.llli... Mu ¦-nu. und Arl >"iii-.it I.--I.II... Klihn Itoot, Wtllluni II. 1'uller, W.,i-i-n. I ull-r A Co.; Mra. Iiuiilap i! .pi.in-. xi,-. .tuin. llarrlman, xn s . iillei. _]__,, ii,, i...i.ii> and u.a-'ii-i- is xn i.ii.ii .i. I'Oli.l. /./,'. CJflfl / ¦"' VOT I TEX << I. THO l»SMI ln-. .loi.ii <'nn a.n by a Tilbone reporter \< terday aith referenci i<. Ibe rjuanr. al ll illander'a . .,... on FHdaj algbl. Ur. Carr aaM ll ha paln. i n- esreedlngl] to flnd my na.i-d arttb Ihe Irouhle iu lhe aceounta pubhahrd In the -Snnday ptiper_. i waa it lloltander'a Oafe Frlda] evenlnfl lu eompany xwm .-. number ,f gentlemen ..i. n Ibe dl 11; lon i.».lvi>f;..- wblch led ap to Ihe ault, t,in w:, nol pre enl when Itaa a aaull .h..,. I, n_» did I take pnrl In It. The ..- mill vm* plare in One l.iiiidi-d nnd iu-i.'v tifth -t lll front i.f II m 1-r s (_,!,., und i «.. even a wllne - of lhe uiLilr.'' BABtOT 1 1/. V. i rom The eatfl. red World. An nM ui ...I... Indy, arho ironirlj objecled to foiin.. ." bad ;i i comiwnlon may parrol xiiih ,1 wonderful faeully for plcktaa up - iii-n>.. . ,,;,. ii.l.l u.l. i.:..i ..ni-- ... . r-r-ii reprtmr.nd one ,.t her .....,..- roi ¦ i.-..ti .,f in- n.ii,.-...>¦ m dlnance. 'i'm- o Irrltaied the glrl Ibal. aa-a wind uj, to lhe i-e. it.il of her wnmga ln tbe hearlna "f lier lellou _ervunla und l*olly, wbo happened to be with th-m. -he exrlalmed pa_>aionalely, I wiah tbe ,,:,i i.tv wa_ dead." rhe parrol loal no time m ahowldg oit lt- newty-arqulred knowtedga when nexl ii._.-n in... tl." drawing room, the alarm <>f n* eldirl) in:-tie.-. wii. auperstilloualj tlioughl it wu- * warnlna trom another world. Mm i.t onee rwu .ulted tl..- rlror, wbo klnfll] votanleered t.. all<»« hl~ own parror, whioh .-.mld almoal preaeh a ahort -.-iiiion. alng ii-hIiii-. ...<.. ." be hepl tor _. -.--.ri um- with lhe Imp-oua one. la order ta rorrect it.s I. auage, To Ihla end tJiev weie kept r_._r--tt.-r ln a amall room for a lew days, wben ibe ladj pald them rlalt '. rompany wlta her aplrltaal adviaer i" thelr inlenae l...r, immedlatel) lhe dooi . .- opened, ih- liidy'a parrol aalnled tbem arlth lhe opilnoiM p| - .! t, i«h the old IfldJ wa dead!" Ue vi.ar s i.ii.i reaponataa, wm. all tbe -i-ninity ol aa »id partah -i-rk, -The Lord bear oar prayer.N Ua eufllpaaffl 1 ta flaparh. lt1- aarviea nneqaalaa, would you luxo the be_i, Uke UM Sew York central. TIIK BOOTBLACK OI.ATOK. "SAM" mLUER'S VAHIF.D CAREER BB flfllX HAXE BPBECBE1 POB THB r.Kl'l'B- UCAfl TICBET, ¦.s:,m- inn..1', ihe bootblach orator "f <ii,lo, who haa rame t" New Vork Ibr the pnrpoae of mahlng ¦peechea Iar lhe Kepubllcan tlrhet, began work In a fartorjr when be waa a _mall boy. -\t tha end of lhe Brat d-iv'a worh ll- a*4h,*d hla rmployer what hii wagea were to be, and »..- tofortned lhat he wai to _.-, gi ;4 we, i; Ham aak-d hla employer to flgure ..nt for him how uiui'ii iM.it would amouat to In a aay, aad wh-n hdd that lt "as 1.1 eenta, ha de hmnded pay on the ipot for thal flay'a work, aad eloaed his eareer aa .. tactory hand. Wlth that tfl eent" he purcha*_*d ¦ box ol btaeklng and a tecond ha.nl brnab- allh wldch be began bla eareer aa .. biMit-bUeh. He araa then nol more than rti or eeven yeara aM. Slnre thal tln,.- be baa travetled from one aad of ih..intry to Ibe otber, .md baa *een ti,,- nioet of I.nndoii. and niiif I. of <ou.lnent.il Burope. When hu bruafa dld not earn.iey enough for bla travel- Bng expenaea lie efced odl the aum by aelBng newa papera, und whea botb calllnga talled him he man aged ." reduce hla expenaea by itowtng hlameil away in boata, t.v trav.-iiin. apon tbe trneha of pa*Benger eara ,,r atowed awaj ln box eara aa opport-udty offered. '. BX.M*' HII.MF.lt. Dnring the laat len F-ara "Bam" baa htteaded ever) Importanl ronvenilon or greal gatber Ing ln thla r-Hintry, nnd b) belng alwajn ronvetil«*ntly ander Ihe f--t ot pron Inei t men, notlng tlwlr annti and applylng them, bo fnr .- aaa In hla power, run nlng erranda a littl" fhater .h:,t, any other mea«enger lhe* . >.i,|.i a.-i,d. I,.- a,,..-e.-.i..i hi altraetlng lhe alten iion nf man) Importanl men ol the. S itton, III |.-> thn of ant-craph letleri from tle-- men I- valua Only aa .U BUtOgraph .oll". the,, l-ul h'-i ana.- ..' I'r art a aad klndly advl-. glven t" btm In them. Whra Preddent tleveland iwrnng nround lhe rlrrla tu 1--:. **Bam" folkrwed lha erowd Blmoal througbo.it the trlp. bhwhlng boota, Brtllng n.wapnpera, peddllng runnlng erranda maMng endi meat In nny bb. i". II i" to -i rlghl oj. In one of the 8 Uhern riti.-a roi.I " an* p-;>. r rarr. pondenl mnde up n purae nnd oflVrad it ... "Sam" lf he would mak. ,i 10 lha rrowd I'i oppoattlon to ..i-'-v.-r ."I.v.-land "tsem." hu\li,p a. eye to burini**, monnted Ihe platforra ,,it. r lhe regalar proaramma had been rarrled md made peerh lr, i- alr «.f 'the nffering l.- ..f the t nH«*d Mat-a." «ring that tl ¦¦. woaM he found under fhe inner of l*roteetton. etnre t. i wi . ¦' ' -'..i'i f n impetltl ei ..' Ith Ihe I..,..'..,, b ...'!..¦ ¦. l.. r '. 'i onl] ha'pennr for , 'i J..-.-.-I, -a, loudlj npptauded, and "faani" ll. ., d Ihere wa rhriatened "Tha Booi hlark -Hat T ¦. M i. m j,.,, wa mfld- it P -n'f u b-'f "¦. '- "."' pe..p!". i he rietorr-aa rtrel ird fhdeti had jn.t retiirned lrom ¦ -.rilI rantCMt al Wnahli ¦- -.I them a thelr n Adju'.'.- .'...,! Ill .-. ol <-..i, yratul ill -I. t t'.'.' all. .' Intro i.ldlel .-. B>ll -' 1' i. he would ,,.-, ,- .peerh. ".aam" he_un wlth theae dog . ' ". 'l ar, ln promptu p- [ don't hn. ' ernl ¦¦¦ d ¦¦. h il v.r -I "' p> ¦.. li _. >«i humor, and .. Suiu' _»*-. I, ln 1 -. V..I I. ll Kdllot ol . 'i mm. rdal," round * ¦** im" a leep li 'l ,i ..u.i .,1 u- .1 , torj .-....- lilm 11 ii :.". rwunl wenl \v i-h und ,i ..'¦" n in" n.-¦¦ .¦.' -,- ¦> lllkll .- Illlll ll "I'" w, iii ..\ .-r. .¦:.'. whleh .Irs.L-.-l up ui llie floor, i.'.-l ll >!.!t. ap ,. Innre f '- Im. *."," .;..'.. vittl n .. nud lin * ..... -, lu W;, hln. ''" hllii-ell .a.-ful t.> FYnnk llntton, ol "ii" M- ¦¦ <i .I f T i'ii n I*" 1H"ti aa |,,.. ,,, lhe II ,,-.. .f i:> p -I'ativ..-. llo had II.M ,1 t. ¦:; -I .fnidor n -,. ame an '. 'Ing k< hool nf .-|-..|,,.-,,..-. II, M.al hta. and nl new p.p ,..--,. -, .1 ',-.¦¦! .- .' ;. ... "I ¦¦ T 'I--I n rel il' ni 'i ulher pa| ei -. Al Ibe Mlnn.ni oIIh '-..-, ,' \.-:i:-. " a ,,,, wn*. tppoll Ied I'hlef ,- !.,.-_ and :¦.'.¦ thnl Ume hn. devoted lilniaelf alm -t .-\. lu-h.-U t.. .'..ii - ln befuilf ' .4 .. ti. ;,.-,. li.. |. ,...,,ni-, .jrmpnlbj arltli tho low|> .1.. from nhti-h ln* iprang. nnd I- earmmlly devoted lo ih.-i- l,,fe,-.-t-. a...,' Wlll -iBh. Ill l!l-l IIpl* ii in ral >r iu Xcw Vorh Uila wi ¦.!,. .I left a onn i:r\ potrx broadwa y. lil* M';'i\i:4\' OP a i'!:i\ ;m- PAB1V TBEIR ,1.. >; a i, \f.l...|*l II |.*l: -iM I--..I-K1 l.l ATII T t n IMBBRB > -. \ man ilflng Mm -H bj tm> llrlltlou. name «¦! .i.iii, M.» nt..;. ..r Bo. -- I'-i TWenti ie\-«*nll. »l.. hlr.-d tw,. ealed li.-1.. waaon ':.t noon realerdaj fmm Ibe KliliU.-fli". k.-r M.il.l", Bl SOA, :.|i. and -13 Kaat K I." .-utb -i.. nwmd b) Bra. M. Wetl. To the wa_»n arere attarhed two iplrited baj bor-M Wlth M_.'al*e wera "Mi John Md abe," age iwenty Ih. ""Cbarle Mili.-r." Bge Iwrniy, ul Thlrd-nve, and Blghti*ntb-at., ,i.i -\!!. Martin,'' a d,->- make,. ..f So. J2- Raai -ui.-..,,ii, -. \\ ii.-ii ile- vaMrle reaehed Fourte.nth .. nnd Thlrd-ave, th" offh«r-e *M''«l at u pl.I paper ln lhe tuadwaj and MBrted al -i furioua pure '......in! i.i.'Miw.... Wli.-n llroadwaj wa« reaehed Ihe turned lhe eorner, almo-l up etttng lhe wagon, and dn iu*.i dowa Broadway. Bany .llghl rolM-lona rrurred "i, lhe mad daah doamlowrn and aeveral i*" li. .-.,.-,, irted In valn lo ilop lhe progrei "f lhe .inlm.il-. I ..ll.. in..11 Ale\,-,l,fler Jordan, of III" |-.li/:i!..'th al ,,ij. wh-i waa al canal ¦'. and liroadwny, aw thal ii wa*. ,t-»*l>.¦ ." try lo alop ih.-n. uiiaidcd, ao he Jumpcd lnto ¦ pe-afng cab and rhaaed them. The :.,,,. waa gnlnlng oa Mm aa h appruarh-d Duane-rt., nnd would probabl* hava run lu tke battery bad nol a ...un¦!....ii fi llruadway iar Interfered. The l.fi hlnd '.-.h.-ei ui lhe wagon Iruch the rear pUlform ..r lhe ,.r. and lhe wagon ilea'cd around and Ihrawthe women ,,, ,|.. ..,.,.|, .\ btoeh iiir.he,' dowa the men |ump«*d l. the _M-.wa.l-, nnd the l-jraea eontlnu.at ... run down llroadwaj wtlh lh* wagon al Ihetr beela, unlll lhe !.,.. ,,, ||.'t borae raughl ln thf ruble -I"' Bl i! .-nl. lli. . luvm-er* -<-. mA h- waa thrown t u.aie lalIIli- on him.r .li,,- w.'ii w,*n* carried lnto Ibe idBre of U,. nw ,-,,,!.,. HiirvC :.,,.- l'oin|-iii). -**" .»» Mr, ndu .) . thelr "ii- .""¦ brulse* ."".¦ -.'¦. wer--,i,v--,.< ,"".., .,.,.,..:..,. -m_. ... of ihe rn...ia Armt il. ,," .,,,.. ,.',: ..1 io ... lo ib- .pttnl. rttah lhe !.'.._, .hi luiiruir. dl appi-awd aad ihe w,.m.-,, ... l,,w.a| iii.-i, r«nin|*te n. ¦<¦ i"1 l! rne |kiii,i ,,. ....._. ih'- wut«.n. wMrh wa- damasi-d tu lhe i-xtenf of ,_4). Tbe U..I ea were unlnjumd. i FBIBSD IS BBB nll) -l.l'- In.ni Tba l-H'.-li Free I'r.-ss. An ..hl man araa leadlng ¦ Ihln old karwe b«,*hm lhe rommon* In lh- iiorth.-rn puri of the clty, when ;, ,,,a erb* .ak..i him where he waa going. . ¦.rm -ean-hlng for a bll ol green tor the pom ^"rn lwid"h,m '.::'..." boneymd e. th. glae faeiory." ^w^iT-'IMTe'a. maa. ln a rremWtng world. and helped >.... to earn f_ed rw your la In f.,r neari) iwfnty-flve rearal lf "'.- eMmren inaifl -... and ihe rhlMren tlwfa llvta' had played wtth V.-'r arn.«und hl* n.*eh and thelr beada oa hln. for a ptllow whea they had.iberl Blr. bea .... rl..1 a. ... mm and io meetln', an' peaae i/od ha »naa dl- III- ii .'hil-iian. an' I'II hurv him wiih fbea. oin Iranda. SotaaiyU "V.-r abnae ..ld BBl/for if he goe* ar.,r.- nn- ihere era thoae aa ara paM te looB ufter ¦I bek' you:- pardon." aaM the man who hud BCOOated hlrn lli.'.e'a M dl.-ffrel.e. in p-ople." ..'av- «nd ir heraea. hm," M,id tha old ma... u, no pasited c'n Wlth t-BJ fou.-footia Inend. THE XEW-JEIiSEY STATE FAIR. PREPARISG FOR A FINE EXHIBTTION. r:\TiuK.s «o paB IXDICATE a si_. < i s.ai rr, \vr.i:i. -sr\T;: \l'l R-OPBIATIOB _*OB *r»i : m. PBIBEB. The ti.iiiy-fourti, annnal Calr ..f tl.e* Bew-Jeraav af,.... Agrirultural Sorlet.i win i.- behfon theaodetjr'a grounde, at Waverley I'.uk on September IB, 90, SI, __, ._::. -j i. Thelr ground*. Ile mldway betwean Bewark and Rllzab4*th "ii the Pennsylvanla Etailroad, and Bre i.i-v >'f ....--. Bany Improvementa have lr-.. made it. ti.- LT'.inuia a|,,,-,. i.i_t year, a,,d already tbaentriea of axhlblta ara su.-i, ,.,- t-. Indfeate that thi- arlll ba mi.' of th.- rnoat aueceaafnl falra em gtvea by the a.nl.-ty. Tl,.- >t.ii.. ..f \-w Jrra v approprtatea -very year B3.000 i" be awarded for apeetal premhima for in'.'-'¦-, '.iitie, aheep, «wlne, poultry, farm prodntta, frulis and ilalrv produet-. Tho objecl of tke Btate lu offertng tbeaa premluma l- lo atlmutale and en conrage auch eompeUtlon among tarmera «nd othem .a wiii bring oul for lhe exhlbUlon the b-st that ean be prodneed la eaeh of th- dapBrtmeam. au auvrea and imiHona eompeUng for State premluma mual be re_iai. r.-i or ..iniil"ii ... reglatry. Tha horaea are dlvMed Into foar claB-ew: flandard-bred, tbomugh- i.r.-ds, earrlage aad eoach boraes, Percberoee and Clydeadalea, in addltlon to tl,.. State premluma tho aodety _._*_ 15,700 ipeelal premluma for apeed. The apeed trtala win tahe plaee as followa: ru.-dav. Beptember SO, Wedneaday, _i Thuradajr, 33; Frtday, --":i. The de partment "f ahow boraea already has a larga number of ...iries, bat ih- rulea of tha idcletgr do aot permll the pulilbailon of thea.- entrka until Ihe openlng of the falr. In thla departmenl prtiea wlll be nwarrted for th- beal ¦taBloo, four yeara "td or oMer; b-st .talltoa, thi"" yeara oM, aad .he i.i-at two yean oM. Theae pricea are offered for tke b.-st atatUon for get Uag, earrlage aad geaeral atlUty horaea, aad n_t llmlted to -tandard breda. Pricea wlll ala., be glven for brood marsa alth foal at f""t. botb itandard-bred ¦nd iion atandard. ln Ihla deyartment prt-M wlll alao I- awarded to marea of Bne atyle and wpertor ir...nn-' BcUoo, io roadalera, famlly boraea, rarrtaga and coarh horae-, aaddle-horafa, poelea, farm bor_ea dra.fl hor-4**. and mulea, The exhlblta ol cattle wlll be nnasaaBy Baa, Tliere wlll be three herd. of .yreahlree, iw of Duteh belted rattle, ..ii- of Devona, four of Onernaeya, tbree or llereforda, two of ifolatelua, four oi Jeraeya, aud two lliorns. The iii-piiv ..f iheep wlll nlao ba an Bttractlvo ,.,,.. xhe *how "( LwraeNhlrea wlll be unusually ii,,.-. i.-ii,.;.-. ..f Ham].idowna are largely in excess of f".'.i*er years. .'ine flock- from New Vork, I'enn i ivanla nnd N'ev Jer-ej wlll make thla ,i, yerj |],i.-i--ii:i.'. Southdowna and the long w....|i".i iii.-iiin.a win i... h feuture. Tha awlne de par menl wlll rompri*-" clartce speetroena of all the ... I,, addltlon lo Uu. sorlety"* pr- mt.im.4, the Ameriean Iterht-hlra A_soclatlon baa oft.-red . -p..ial pi,/. for ih- !'.-. UerkelUre «ow aud Utter ..f ,:.>. I"-- than (iv- pi_- under ~|\ moi.tlis of .-,-.-.¦. in the poultry departmenl ther- are over .j,"' titrles uln ni\. I- a number ..f yeara i>a-t the diaplay "f frult*. irralna und v< Beiiiblea has been tlie b-*al In atae md .,' mv ..f any >*tal« Rxblbltton h-ld on the Atlniiil, -.-al.".-,.-. .here wlll alao he an extonalv. .!,-).i .\ of ,..;,. iii iiral linplein nt- and farm muchlnery- ..ii- ,,r the -oelety riil-a wlili-h I- always strictly en ..] u ll '. i""! .li...- and .a.,i.ii.i/ ..f every d.-hirlptlon are positlveh prohlblted on any part "f the i'..i: (iroui.d-. i«ii _li.ir__.iy, September ._"_'. Oo. ...... -bbeti md atatf. und ni.irly every promlnenl ittl ia| in ih,. at.t.. ,,f NewJer_ey, as well a- leadlng Itl/eiis from all over lhe state, wlll .¦¦ pw-ent. An Invltatlon haa 1..-..I, aeni ... Prealdent llarrl-on t be preaelil ..ii ih.it day. IHE I'l. TBOLEUM MARKET. VEWB K"M THE Bll Ul vM> HW.i; OP PBICES. Tha prevBleaee st e.¦. abroad aad tii-- neeeaaary q ii ,. ,-,- .,. 4..-,, i iLiiv .- ..a.l.l,..-.1 ti. .-h-.'k ...... of |. .-...¦ um. Inatead Ot a demaad belng .!... :>., --«t |n coliaeqneiii -r :i r- j.-.-t,..n ..I lli'-laii 0II ,.,. bave ln.erl.red "itii exporU rrom -,. . a-,... whl tt,.- Ain-ri.-aii exporte ara a yeai ¦_¦". the eemparatlve A areeh :,.-. ,,,. ., ...- is.'. ,.,,. nearly IO.000.oOO gallona, ... -1 -. ¦¦¦ oo ,,\ l.( -:,,, .- |- :...., B >'nr a_'-' "f i,i,,. j,,,. j,,;,.- ..t r.iiii"! ull ,,.¦ »uu»nary ,,-.,.,.. |'h.-i i-i .. imporuui. chanj .. ln tbe rrtid. w-triileun. -Itual. but th< Mi-Donald \n u¦-..- tt-l " , i ii ihow a dalU ih ru-ii, "i ." -.- l-_ri*ela, compand mu, luli t ol I. ln pi-.¦ '-'" <-¦. .! -l. in S.-Ueniber, .i dai [., |«4j_, ll,- 1'mnMyl. ,. tunii tt...,. s--| teuiber I bt-r 0 ha.-t-.a ui thn '.,rl. ...:.- ¦>. :_a f«.l- Rnna, i,.¦: -.- rt__. I".\. r>-i Imt, ra. ,6.872 .'¦¦ .1" -...'¦« ." ¦'-' .... im ,. r )... t-nc n port" tnrn 6t po a b e te ¦ ,.,..-,%.-, ar. app-nded ._ pHlvertea. Ex. Ruaa !¦.¦. .';"¦-: ^-^, :V,:S- . ¦ " .ae ranee. of pi i a total d, n ln Batlenal .,,..- and ti, ..... ... '" .*. n ,....,,,..,.. ,-..a..:i.i,...i Vf~* ended- S j,6 K-.10; r.'.o .i ..''i.V. 288 000 M.< 00 ¦¦ .' . it,;,l,,..;.-. ...-a "...- un-han«.«4 at ita hi bolk. |«,n .-tii.1.' '.'.l1"' ,1'*"' '!"' .'."¦"". . -. iat ti rnnei ner 100 ,. .. , -.per 50 kll.ii .. Ur.ni.-o, and atL. en. GBAIX AXD PRODUCE MABKET8. II- N | UR] a OP SI -V.VOBM M-.M.1N''** Tha i'r--'i'i ¦¦ I'*-1 ""-¦.¦ '' -ii'-.¦'.* at "'. Baturday h,ir. -,,. me late ,.. bll -ttoo -f ,,.. liovernmenl roonthlj teport on eereal.. Wheal a*»a M_a.-tl<-i_ I-.",.,.. ¦. .-helH i. In« .;.... "rlabl bul ..- tha - ' i ,!.., *. . .""< V* "'- *la" talk I..,!',.-,-.- et t'i- rholera ¦' . ¦::,'., .eit. Ti,- doanw . '¦,-¦¦ i;J " '-;;.''' ,.,., ,| ,,,,- The «ul -e.| U'ld '.¦ '* ""- <1'" 'A vl' i ' ' ' -., ,,,. uovc un ui .-- , . vi . .,l r ll "< *I-'H- f-'l ''" ,,1.5 ni.' Klnnrl...,, v.,,.. ..l i. luartera ¦ .1.1 Uei " '¦.",'- ", VT .-.r*. diutl l-ail llra, I--- -:¦-.,- .1, ,. |, wl,. ,1 » ,_ h-'f" I'.vl'"" 'I v lieil nll I'llj V';:,,,"",.,. ¦.. rent on fl. al ae-.. the bulll* kVe_l . 1.-.ra -f M Uii.nl ililpt*4iifl demand rhe ,,:.,;.., p rs i" Septemt. udlt. eroli At .',". ,' ,. ., ,.,|imfi H-.'..', ,-, '"lit "i, An-ilrt I. -h'* ,' .,, |, ..l,il..,. Wl- I.."" Ill the -',,|.l'..p":l'i ,.-.- ,,,,,.¦. ii i.-.n ..' er»l ev-iiiptl.'n tnrn damaiie "r,'l,l,,lV-,"'. '.t «I0W bul in av.,,,.,.l.v w.tl- -TB P. I'?,.!..i >|..' I--.- » - flrm bul dull lurh ,|., -,, ,.,, ,. lOlldltlllll ll .- ¦' 1.Bl 1 'I" Iim '"'l lhe * "-.he'flnal "'"...il qiiobitlon- wera n. <<-.'..«-¦ wm ,t .*-. nt n.iH r .¦' " ¦¦¦ HO; Sovemtxr, Bl bi ,"rn a.,,,.-,, ,,«¦ 'i '. Sovember, -.' ', .i. he. .ii - M iv IHW i->*nl nile Septenber :.s'. '>-...:.' a. November, -*.»'_ I.mlier i"' .. ii'- l,,,,i SepteinlH-r, .T 70: 0,_i,,h r -. ,0. The ,....,'- -r ..: .ei .'"I tlnn. re|»>rt»_ on 8at,n*-"ij it \, Vork t'i Iad i- I*. n1""- ¦ ¦' n_*lon wer.' >. f.ilo-a Wl.... .a.' ;, l.'.-li-N: ."rn. n7..l.. bU'he.H: ,i. ia-,',-.-! ,,.|.;-: t-t-il train 7.MI.-IH bu«hel»; fl-'ii. ,-, ,-, .,,-,. bi m Chl .. M l' niki an Kt. '.- ,,,. irrl.al' were: TTh at .V*> 2.V1 ImwieU: rorn. _Wi.;'|vJ liuahele; -ifs. l.i'T'H l.'.-ii'!-: toUl i.un. I.tl'.-"-' |g MI irrel*. L1VB -TOCK BABK1.T8 BV TRLBUBAPII. ,.,,,.-.,, a ittl. lt,. --a- laal 2. a - 1.7 " I,., «... k la 100 Im id ¦¦ 'U«h. '.--" h "' N-w Vurk <- " h id on --'¦ ''." head; aiark > i p and weak 11--* Ue "!'" .>-' -',« boura, UMJ4.ad; r,',' '.,.., ,.| nn al. ..¦.» head; n.aik-t .._a-i..V ,V -,. I,,,.,- ..... hl.h-r -". .I li '"ll -1'' heavy .nd medlum, IS -Odlai 50; rn f .1 -'. ¦-.O.'t". "IU l-i. k. a :n,rl iii.ili.iin, BA 4,»il f-> a" Vrk i- ¦'.I .' beal "n'"l. --'-'"'-' .- d" IMTht to __,., .i _".. 11,,,+ . 20 era- ...iiiiii.... to end. .fl .s...' ,t"-r.-1,-L.*i .--44V-.,.... *.*.-...*-¦. i<»- Pii.;.u-"-.i - trntt ,rnf..l .-.-"-.-.... 'I.'""" »klP" __.__W*__*-'_ + , -.'., lamha, natlvaa .i ,,.-«i «., iiiffa-, 74 ua-la roBimoa to be't. e5 75aao. ,'k, '-I... setfl i'1 "The I'viiln. .laiirual" r-|>ert- ,-.,{,": i";.nt- :i '¦"' h.-.i" -bipmania, 1.100 head. Mar. _-4l._«ft»B' Utrht a4 1H,'"f54'* BB-fP- ~_-B»__». .!.¦"» | bi_d;*hi_-iient-. 10* hee-l. Markat liMeaa; __4c lower [ than IkBIBflei; wethera, *41t*r,; mlx'a. 84*04 60; fat ,,s 88 75#fl4 75; f._ Texan.. *3 75*81 __»: Texana. _" -.'..s-Vi'. V.e.t__rna, 88 75*14 85: B_aba, a|aOaB«l« i-t I .1,1- .-sept. io. .:.U...K.ell.t*. ut*) hnkl, aMp- rei'its i ooo beed. flaiflol et.-j.n-; fair to atadee nauvo _..-r-' 03°0_-04 .*..»: f.-ir Ki good Texaa _nd Indian ateera. a»10d*S Boga-Uoeclpta _00 h_<l ahlpaaeBlB, HOO *;.. .xi_.-i-t atrong n-nvy, «.'. u.e** .4 ,_. aing. 0 »0 .V.-.io ii-M "...,-...*.. Bheep-Beceitaa, -'.... heaflj .Mpmenta-W heafl; marlwt ____ty; Si S gooa muttoue range *3_-»i 90. ^ _///_. if-lfaT OF T_.__I>_-. Mflmflio. BBffl **-**_% ****iS3.*_H**&n*a**L* .2X' _3o28. tiii., La. 1 o oca) buah. ^^.J*-| atradj l-'ult., 70_ _¦'..-: l««^/^'Kff.^lV_,l_8_^_l_.Th_[ apot..-,!,-.-.i-.-.; tn- month. 58V .''id Uw-eti.u. 7 .jof .,-.; _&.{"* -s?wWkoS. b,M_r'"houoX No 2 white We-Km, _-.'__ 3:... **. \ "'?,..-, u7i __T._87>a«; re,-..|,,.s, 88,00. «*:««.& " '._.\9 SJ |.li No ¦'. OtSfttte reretpta 10,871 baah : atef*.**.\*». I. -t,. Uay ateady g.-rf to cholee Umoth). *H«. '. .*.ltt freighta ateady; unchanged. tottmi .m_u,_.ln____¥f\ 7.,- l'r...lsi.ns flll v a.tlve; meaa *m'____f**____*_V_*_\ i--.l-_ n.Mt.s. looae. si.,.,l,l,-.s 74...; lon. e *¦*?. » ', ribt-dea. -V auaa^cklad abouldere, 8«ac,."".¦£<."¦ ...!...1 -i,ould.-rs. 1..,'.-'4-. kame.amall. 1- »fc. '««.«: ¦.[¦* 13L.-; lard. i-iui,d. _u«e; cnttte, ..'.>. Btftt'» v. 1.*___* ereamery, fancy, L'54KOtj talr te cholee, --.._*' *__N*_T ut..,.. ___.__. ladle, r_...y, I8*l9c; good *J*__& ..-.« 17, stur- pieked. 1....17-. Eagaactl-o; BtaJJ aM -.1,.. Coflee Um, Bta .-arfoeo, fair. i. ..-. Bo ., '..»*/_; s.tgar tir... nii.i actlve; _i....ui_t-d. ...<-.. Lotflfr 8rw_n_ i.i.i.i. 10 ... xviii.k-v -t-.i\ bi ai _*fta -" "i aanaai ¦nd *l 'iOtttH 80 per gaihaa f.«r .obbwg lot*. Buflflia, ..-ut. in. Ni.ru.s wii.--t <i.n-t aad aaap; afltaa of i ear >.f xo. i herd at 85c; 5000 i.-i-h do al »2«j n.,001) bu_h Bo. l Borthern Binfleapolla at 8l%c apaai .o _ale». .-. I. f.: Ba i herd ipat elaeedal 88e: do Mlnneaimlls al SAHf, du .. I. f.. i.t ____**. ___* Northern s.H,t ut B2c; do Mli.neap.-I_ at 81V. ,i. o. i. f. Bt B8e; Ba 1 BerthJlB s»>» »t 78e: wuit.-r »ii.wt -.n-.> nud ftrii. | Jlo BBB. 7s'-,-: No. 1 whlle, 79c; Xo. I .vtn. r-d ,.+U< >"_ r-_ 71..72.-. Corn acarce _.,<l Brmer; s'«, .d in<jnlry n... 2 ..-now -old at .»;t«^'.:iv; So 3 d.. al 52-»«»8e; so * W-'AVltte- No A Siadl-ic, i.ln-. at ouUtae pricea. oiu Br_-r; I eara Bo I arblte s.,ld a'. 88e; 8 eua No 1 white at, __,i-,!_.',.. 1 -_r N.i 2 in.x__l _t BO_tl BB) trJk le'ooo tfuab ,id v, I ohlte aold tf 87-« la ateea. Rv-i -bill: Bo 2 new. 88c aaked on track. Hour ln a-ott demaiid and flrin beat -nnn_. *l .'.-.¦..'*. 80; wlnter. W *> .,$.!<.: r v- Sour. M '*U_ '.'.*.. Ml!lf-d fl. n. nnd '.n- rhanged. ii.ki fretauta eealer, wtaat, _____*_>**____ H.. oata J1".-: tl4X«e-d, »'«.-. Ke.--.l.te-Hour, **.___ bWa- -rheat 887.000 bmib: eom, _M_.Aao h.._h. Canal - Ipn.-nt. \vhe.t. l»i.ra_i buah: rorn 77.000 b-jahi_b«. ert 50 500 buah bhipn.ente bv rall-Fl-ur 3.^ 808 bbU! wheal 846^00 t.nsh ,-orn. ttAOO bu. h BO_B, 3-1.500 bn_b;'rye, ii non baah. CMoiflB, Sei*. 10.-Th. l-udlntt future* r_i.lt»'d »« »1- l_J2e_e_i OaafllBg Hiehest. Loweat. Cloalng. -,s"!:. is as ib ;:. I'orn Ba 2: 7, >;..'' ^.:::::::::::::.t.-_,5o. 87% IKlwaK ;,','; r ..;;;..... 37-37., R< » 37*« o.,^;:;1,,,rk-,,rr 1,M:io^ ib» ;oo5 inS V_,,-iHrv::.:: .. uo7«i i»«h ***** *n-<» Ia.rl. per .-or.: . T-^ si,.,rt ni.s. per 100 ih: ___ .... Repteinber ? 25 - y| y_*_ 7 75 i:.'u..'r.- :::::::::::::: »^ .** .** *-:* ,-;,.h .,: eaUooa w-r.. a. r.ll->w- ri'.ur st-a.lv. wlnter p.teS_I '*aS»5a-MlO; wlnter -...__..... g***g g _i,rins ni.- nt- n..*i 50; Mtrlug atrafahte, -r.t .OBOSflflj !_!<..,... .-_:.!_«:.; Vo 2 ,L,rl..« wh-.n. 73V: Bog .1. .-.. ,..;...-. No ^ r-d. ,..»4--: No eom. *ae. >-,, ¦. o_t_ .'I'-.ill's,'' Bo J ..tilte _.-,': \o .1 whlt". 3_"a* ..ii.. v ';> rv- .viV; N- 2 barlor, B5a; Be i f. a ta. 4 ..-.i:'.- No i f. ,.. i. __W Wc Be II aaee.1. *1 07. prlme UuwtJiv K-ed. #1 »-. _*l >_->: me_a porfl, i_-r bbl, 810 0M 810 io; lard, per 100 ff. +7 :t7-.v ahort riba, si.es .,..-._ *--e,.*7 7-,. d-v -_lt -<l -im.ild-r- (boxed 8A80C87: "hort elear'aldeii b\..t. 8»t8» 05: «hi-i<ev. d iBUeea' iiiii-ii'.il ..O.I-, per gal, n-i I-"., mgara aachaafati Ue 3 ,-.,ru. «0*»c. .rttclea ,{.'.**.¦ a_lp_fn*i i.-,,;.,_ t,-.; .i.-.'.oo ».oo8 .vi.-'.i i.u-ii ..»5.0_0 _78.0O0 J i.u-t. . .854 000 _....-^ Ste hu_h. .^',.l>,", 1,,:-°__ fflT' i, _h. . I'Vnon 4000 iliiiev. b»*h:.':.:....-«"<v"' '^ ou tl, Produee V.\, lionire to-day th- butter mark-t waa -t.--.dy j.,d .ii-lm:-,'d. Bgga lloWj _*__< tly fresli, 1, _:« I8e. Clucli.iiaM Bept. 10.-Hour qut-t. Wheal qulet. flrm; \. ¦' red 711 oV2 _i'-: r<.Ipta 1-.000 bush _h.lp_.enta, 6.000 b"-h Corn etronaer; No.2 aa-tad. M*. <>«.» M IlL-lit d-uiund So. 8 mlxed, 33-:i3'-_^ live duM: No. 2 57c Pork oulrt. ateady, *H> .o; \art **_\l____\ Dwata Ur..-. 87 50; baeon ateady, 88 fWflefl 10. Whlakey n,,.: mIm 1.081 bbla. $1 lu. llntter e*-ler. &ui:ar Un.,. E_gK_.atr_ng.15-K. Cbeeaa ateatf, urm. -tllwaufcee, Bept. 10..Flour Mlet. Wb__rt _teadr; So .. virlng, 70c; So. l Northern '<.>- Deeeniber. ,2«-e. torn .^.-r: N... 3. 46*a_M7e. '">_t- flrm; Bo. 2 white, :-,....ni. So. 3 do. _2S-_fl8.ec. IJ-.l-y qulet; bepu-mla'r, »'s'i'-..-: _aiuple on traek, 82B6.C. llye .jui-t; .-,! i -,-i..-.'..i.... rr.,-.;-...i- qulet: ix>rk. Octotwr, 81005; Lard, October, 87 87 _i. n- -.¦ pt-- FUmr. 88fl l,i,i- ,.!_.:... 01.000 bu-h he'-v. 27 500 l>"i-it. Slil|>. ..- Klmir, 11.500 bW«i »t-Cat, VOoO bu_. t..rlr. _s..| lill.ll. Mliui..i|_.!is Bept. 10. Tbe hulf dav .e-_iou dnr did not glve wheat nui'ii oppoitunlty t.. leeovae Baaa. the -_rlv n.or.iiiiu: cholera reporte. Aft«-r a whlle tha n irket lli _ed u Utlle on reporta of a -ol. ».ve. Deeem- r wheal opened nt 72.K. snd -loeed ..t '___)___ Ih-r. iraa j, vin atead] tlnctuatloii npward. Tradlne »a. iicht ani the a-awon wta dull. Caah wbeal »_-* th-mt -t-mir ,it ve_terday*a prleea. No. i Borrhera bow s-id iirlncilMlly -.f 7.-.-.-. < ...<r.s- ifn.d-s wepa e-n-rali. _t.-i.dv. Ilulll-b irflv-rnnient report ><_- !_-_«»- ror. 1. M ,j I,,. l 7.S-,. >. |,t.ml. r opened, 7"..: lileh-»t, ,0\e; -,. .!,,-.<t. ,,.','. Deccreher opened. 7_V: 1, -h. .t'7-. loareat, 721-.- rloaed, 72-V. .... track. N*.» 1 hi.rl 78c; So 1 Nithrn. 71'.-; K* 2 BorthefB, ni1 Kepteinber, .'2 _¦¦-. Phlladelphla. 8epl lu Ploni Utth or nothlne dolna oa wbole-al- in_rk-t tuid prlee* .. uk arlth li-l-l--- -_i.\.<_i. .,, .,|| ii. ii..: atead* .t +.< >.',^-:.. 70 |,er i.i.i ror ch'olre PYvuiayh-Mla. vVheat. MarkH advanced .1 rloaed flrm, wltb modeiate aderlnga. raMea q. :¦¦. and llttl- Inqulrr for -\|. ¦-.. No ._' r<-d [___*>**__T. :,<,*:; ,,:¦¦ r-v./7r. .- Novemner, 7'--,m1,.; n.v ,. ir,t.- r s ...,..,,. Rre .teadr, aV f..r rflolce Penn_rt- vaola Com.So tradlng In future*, l.ut inmket str-nu iu uiiti.-ii.-.tt.n of bulll-i. aoveniment erop W t- l.o_-_JI !. !...- very acarce on apot, and held ..t fnn pricea; de. niiird lli'hr. N,, I grade, tra-k. ,'.,'l. No 2 mlxed. ia irrajn .i ,..r .',:¦_,¦ on apot aod "¦. rlv. In few dv. ; \ mlxed Set-tetnber, 5«l«*54"»c; October ft8f54c; Noven.be. '.:iL-,;.'.i-...-; Deeeniber, 5S-l«.-4_ie. 0:._. .. ,,,,.,;¦ .-.¦ pi: -.- ,,. .i *. 1--M fltn i bol <!.'. ,, md llght f.i«.«d.d whlte, _0*jc: No A _hit.> ;i7 .- \,, .> whlte <1 N" 2 "l.lt HepteTibee, .V'.ain'. \ :_- i. Dee. raN it# 41L-. V.g_t* -t-.i.:. I'.nns.l.aila flr-t.s, 22c. BaflM. I! liii-d nn .-ul,.. 5'*. extra powdered XXXX _V, rd p,,wd red 5 8.16c; llne iran.ibt. <1 :. .lii,-; ,| ;t. i.;,-: ers.w.i \....'...'.. rrvatal A. 5 8-18c: ,: uble reflned dlaaumd a fo raody 5 fl Ide; ,-onf..-fion-ra* v. '. IH'.. r,.l -t-ir A, 4 l'i. Keyrlone k. Il5-I8c; IraiikMii U 111-1.:. .! \t (' 1 7-lfle! red -'.r C. r |. ..-'.-ii -.. .' s m. blue -tar C, fl.OOe. aii le** :.,. ..mi: !--i..|i and Bfl o|.fl .mil rebate .* I'lflc. nth-r irtldea Mi.liai._-. U- Ij-r- Plo'if ¦". '_a> bbla. 2 700 _l.'ka wheat, 00,700 l.'i-li ...rn 20.900 u-l. out.. 7<W_I ,-!,. Sl Ipi -'.'- \\!...n, 00,700 bu-h -rn. 2a'.OO l,..-h; ,,,!.. 7,888 baah. tn, /i..,iii4, *-,-i.r. io v.r anrhanged. \viie»i d'oputd '.¦.'.. earlv, bnt - on .vered aud l._>ed '...'.a ab-ivJ. .-.-_t.T-i.-. raah 00. Keptemhcr rloaed 80 iober 7>.L- I- .. mlier. 78 _ifl7J\c: Ma\ 71."..-. Corn 1 itrm und Uaher und elo-.d S.-..1- ahova ve-t-rri-.v; -.-li. 44." Bepl mber rloeed I4:-.,-: .,, i,,l,.r 44>r. >,-ir 4.;., May -t*- "J'- followeg <-..ru and Wlieal -nid i-I(_mm| S<i*4< al...*.' veaterday; e».«h and Neptemhee, '.:,,- n.t.l,. r ... M:r -«*_C H'" qul-t. ... .;.'.--'1-. Ilr.ii «-.... ..,>,.. .>-.'.. eaet tmeK. 11..v dull and un. ,-hai'g-d. i."«d dull. »:i ...".. Flaaaeed hiah-r. »l VA. Hut_.r and eaaa unchaag-d. rornmeal "t-tuiv *rj 1*>^> ri20 Whlakci ateady *i io for fln.*h.'d flaeia. u__r- i.'uikr and nitt.iii t.s un, ._r,_-d. I'ork ,w»l.-r; Jobblna. .1073 I.ar.l noniliiallv loarer, W1088725. D'v -_lt rn.--.ty- and ..-ou quU-l «tlh -ulv i* amall )..h tred. al nrAlniia qnntatlona Reeelpte. Pkwr. l 0»__ bbU wheat. ItifOOO buah -.. ii W Oflfl ".> o.i- ;l ooo h.i'li. shl|H»e..t< Flour. 11 .v.i) bb'a: wheat, H ooo hu-th; .orn, rt. i. .> buah: oata. n.taio bnah; ry :i..a»i i,i;_h. 'I'. ;,.<!,, otue. S- pt, io- Wl--ut ilul!. lin i-r: .-itah aud - i,i, -ii,I.. r T'"- .'.'... 7>i'«. I>,'.-.._i..,r. 7s \.- Mnv. r r.-ii dull, et.ii.lv: N- 2 ..<-_, 4h. Bo 2 VklM, ..;it- oulet; .u-Li :.:i. Ky - dull raah, Bfle. C|.,M_r_eod st,H1. prlme caah, 85___: Octaber, *.". 7%S; No .> caah *'..'->. RecelnW Kl ur. S7:i hl.l--. wheflfl 2.10 000 buah: -.'rn I7.480 bu»h rv, 1206 buah; -lo.-r .I l|3 buah. Bhlnmonta Plour. 0 212 bu'h; wli.wt, fHi.,-00 baah: eom, a... buah; .y-. 1,100 bush; u«.\_e - d. -.'oo baah._ l-TVl. STOCK MARKET. Kew.Yerk Baturday, Bepi 10. _H_J_VI_U Bf«elBfl_, 78 rara .,:. 1.883 head 48 rar« rooalgned di.svt t. ilaagbfl ... rs, il eara tar wtport alive. and 10 cara rmataily lata .-..¦ ia. fur lhe utarkcv Home of l-'i.,luv'_ late ar- rltaU «-r>. s,.ld at abade lower pr|.-e_ than th- _.in« i-attle would ha\- broughl early lu tn- day. K.Uun (inn __-ev«_; weak f,.i othera. BO naar MBla u-wa. .siiii il, ni- ..- r. ported. . mu., ii vnxfs rwelve head reeeivei at the Bffat ,- |i \. tiadnis und inark-l iintnliml . ILVF.S -Recelpta »'l head.720 ». ttotl.-M. and Hl at i.:..-v i nv sr._.!v f..i live ralvea. Pblr __.____*_.***** ... ,i at 80 75308 per l»0 »; a aaixed b.iu.-h at ».% e-r. t._ Iveaat -.< ta. graaaera ut +:i M. hundred ot *__B* riVita ». SVw-teroa, .onalgned dlreet. Draaaed eaJvje _,.;.:,_iit un. 11....--.1. w.u. um u-uui liu-ht faiaaaafU ""''x.:--- i. B Pldeeek I Baaa: 81 Bflaai .ah., 177 18 ... rj ,. at *¦>»¦'> l»r 100 IT. .... ,.» 'l -*gbil-enba_h 4 veala. Uf 1k H Be aar %H**\ *_« Bl fiSc; :. f.d ralve* 158 " ... 4. da MO U. tA tt. ii.,.- .Mull-n: :. veala IM B. at ta; 11 prassera, ,7ii .--...!..v_ im::- 10 .-.N. I88B, at f,\c. .i i' N-i-on* i ted caltaa, _SK U, al 3',.-; 1 v.wl. l4_4HKEI»8AXD LAMBfl Reeelpt- in-lndi... 3 e,r. v..,. rt .lue.t. »-r- IV ara, a. 3 112 kead. O«o4 . ,,'i tamlM were n-.t plenty nud dealera ut th- app. . ii_|. rat.-l the markel Itrm f»r l»-«t aradea ind '.,- hlgher. C.mmon st...-k dull nnl .¦>.'-- u-l tbe tnarket «as rt.r it , em . ..ii-ii.-ii lo prlme «..ei. «oirt at e.l Ho-* .-,<. u-r 100 th: rulla by the h'ad ut 80 2 _B and *' :.o; ,...i... lo l.-.t-- lu.'h II .'. .';.... )_>.- 10.. Tk H ...... nii.ttoi. -'.", it '1"-: dr.' lan,t>_ aaM at,.» ..... jiul _..|. ...rri.-- Bl ll- Bilarler -to.-k l..w aa '' s,|,-.-<; Dllleobaek: 808 tbaaMee hmh*. 74 ih gflflfl. .,' al +.'..» t-r Hm fl ''. Wate lo ie. B, Bl ?<! 101 Ohlo aheep, I0d B. «. 1580; IBJ WaalllB do, 10-2 ffv, at 4' iTioii I- M>.Un us- s.ta'- luinl- Ul B at 88T8J 188 ,,. ';,i'^ .. *-, -,e 120 - B8 »». il 8587..: Ih i-olfa, at -'i 50 eaeh. 18 da, «t 81 80 ae. baad 15 u... tor *io for D Ilarrtogteni ioi Paamaylaaalo h«bB O-.' tt, at _-,--, --.-. w. -t- ni do. f.:. », u. 88; 21"', _.>. 07 B, aa «< ,V>_. "-,.. d,> im tt.. ut ?¦'. no " || li-.'uT .-.-k Hollla ".,-' s.t.-ii- !_>_.._. 72 rr,. at .-- 9a. ii M,i'i..r-m, t ... m li ultato -I" i>. h: I. «t (flflfl ¦",:i Muifai lamha, '>'.,L.' B. at 8* 78. ,..,,, . , \- fiii.I, | flonai 148 weal \-'.'iila lambs, flfl m i. 88 Ifl »7 W-.-t Vlr-jlnl. ,-li.i>. M B, ot *4. HO-fl.Becelpta !* .ar-. <.r 1,.0^ kead. Market w.| ,.n R.liralo aivl.-e«. A l.nn.h of 3.. SW.- lum a.eraclaf 183 B, «as so'.d bv <i. lilll.'i.ha.-h at *ft .'eO per 100 Ih. KI'HOl'KAN I'Kt'Dt'f'K MAI1KITS. I.tverj_»l. S-pt. 10.8 l> in. Il.sf p»rk ma h_n holdee- off-r mod-'ii-.-lv. Ba<-«n.llnldern offar miderat-l. ; _i«rt rlbs. about 95 ^. fl'm «t 40_ long tl._r _>U.it 45 «, toni tt. 40a "l lo'.w aM -a.irt .-l-ar. atvout 80 ln. nrm it ic. .«! Cbeeaa ii-id-rs off-r aoartaalr amaetraa fl..e_i white and .-..lor.-d fliu at 4'.. t«d. Tulluw- llold-x« offer tnoderati-ly. 8>irj-/.itUie- -lluldere o.T.* fr.l.v. Roain, lud i-pot ..nd la.d ^lt.lre. llolder. off-r inod-rau-lv. Wheat- lioidera -ffer modarately: Ba I r-.l »<nter -t. ..ir nt ... llsjd. Bo 2 r.d aprliig ateadv at «« lm Flour. llold-rs offer n.odenatelv. lor". »pot Holden- offer apar. luulv niU.-d Weatern flim at 4a 3d. Corn. futurea. Holdera offer .paHnglv mlx-d Westerfi. Septer.bcr. Onr al 4n M; Qeteber. ftrm at 0*«d N<-V__Bber. flrm at 4a T*C 1I-V_ at-I_ond_«, 1V.-18.0 c_a_-t.Huldera aro aet a-tertn*.

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1892-09-12/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · THETAR1FFANDTHEFARMER b-nefits debived from the duty on agbicultuhal pbodui ts. CAXAOIAB

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THETAR1FFANDTHEFARMERb-nefits debived from the duty on

agbicultuhal pbodui ts.

CAXAOIAB .' .Ml'i.il I..N XVITH TIII'. NEW-TOBBBARMEflfl ci-.i A'rr.Y LESSEBKD.mr Taifloaarn t>> nu, rxiaraa.!

Vtaahtagton, Bept. IO.."The farmer ned only dertvesno dln-i t b.-iieiit from lhe ttirlil, bnl la oppreaaed bjlt." Saeh ta aabetaace B Ihe burden ol tbe nrga-n.ent mad- bv the majorlty «.f tbe Houae Commlttee,,:i Agrlculture In the estraordlnary report wblchhas already 1.t. revl-w..! hi tbeae dlapntcbes, an.lsuch ln ¦abetanee I- t»e naaerttafl ,f all FTeeTradcr». Most Am-rlrun farn.-rs who live nn or

near ihe Canadian border- eapectally lhe farmen ..f

the F.tnplre stat.knoxv thal tbe aa.ertlofl la untru.

a* to tl-niselves, but oth-rs niuy bave b< Cll de-

(.1-,-d. The taeta fllaprove the aaaertlon.A careful e\:ini1n:it <>n of Ibe ofti.-lul r.-turns of Ini-

ports _buaa ii.ut aboul BO per eent nf tbe agrlcul-iiir.ii peoflacta breugbt Into tt.e Vnited state, fromthe Domiiiion ol Caaada flnd entry at the pnrt. ofr.uff.il'.. < ap Vl.ie.-nt, . hampliiln, Geneaee, Btagara,Ogwegatrhle an.t Oswego all ln Ihe Mate ..f N-xv York-and thus ...me Into dlrecl eomnetltlon xvith Ihe¦tOdUCtl of Nexv York furin-.

Tbeae rrtarna alao ehow Ibal diirlnR U.e y-nr cnd.-l,iune ao, 1880, tbe imports of the prinelpal agrlrul-tural producta Into the l'nlted Btatea from tli- 1><>

Blnlon of Oanada mnoanted to ihe handaoma aflm ol

.-14,-i4i.811. Thoae Importatloni pald Ihe dutlea

Inpooei bf the tarlfl ol 1883. In 1880 the duBeaon all these fcodncta were Increaaed, an.l egga were

transferred from tlie free to the duii.il!- 11 lt, anddurlnp the year ende-1 Jutie :«>. 1882, the total valueof the prinelpal aertlcultural fTOdflCta (not IflCtafllngwheat WOTtfl more than #1 ,800,008 xvhirh was tm-

porte<1 in bond and re eXfOfteflJ ninnuiiled to less

than §7-000,000, 1-cin. ii decreaee of more thaa one-

half. Kvery 1 teilic-nt New York farmer hwowa that

tbat flecreaas m.-e a better markd tor iii-- own fro-durts. liere UO the chief ltems of .!-.-rea-e ln value

r_ttie. from |B6,__M t.> 933.108; hpraee, from ...-.-

400,503 to 81.4684573! other anlmali i-.--.pt iheep),fr.-n 8130.073 loB-3-051; barley, from .-..->.. K_7,37- to

fl.881.305; oatmcal, Irom 833,308 t<> fBi; rv-. from

§115,057 tofefl.nt.2; wbeat (n .t Ineludtng re-exporta),from 8100.11"> t" aboul 8100.000; egg*. fr,»:> 88.005,o-.-, t. 8510,504; bay, from fl.143.US to 8714,558;bariey malt- from 8155,980 to 8851; flieal aad dalryproducta, from fl05,17d to 877.318: potatoea, trom

8387.687 to 888,101; ..H.-r vegetflhlea, from *1H--

oi.; io f-0.ni.l»e-i>lte the in. rea-e lfl rates of duty the lmporta

if nbeep laeieaaed from 81,806.788 to 81,336.871 ol

ata, from -8-7S3 to ffl.028, ..nd beaaa and peaa, from

¦630,888 to 8710.030.The foUowiog lable xvin abow tiie namber or quan

ttv of each ot tta artlclea of Import menttonefl above:1880 I8A2.

¦.".'.. nunber . B.VX0*;Ho_i.ee, namber. ¦»=--_.» .¦--, i::;.bhe-p. numbei. '.:..¦.,." tli.'.lsBarley, bu.hela ." .!--!'.'-, '"JJ __f_Oa\a buahela . \* »" l_-__\_Bre, buaboK . a_ 2.483.0flfiWbeat. buabeta. .' J'.¦-¦., f.OL'l «37Kc.-s. docen . l*v_\] : ',. -., >

Malt. barley. bu-_ei« . ,;,-«.¦ '-.._.«».« and peaa l>U_»ela. .'J? ,-.,-.',fotatoe-. l.'ish-U ... 1.320.45.¦ ''

Of ibe wheal Imported In 180S, nenHy aO eaaae

ln bond and xvas r»- ¦> aportefl.These flgurei e.Inslvely prore thal tbe aaaerUoo

*, oonstantlv mad- and repeated by free fcadenthar. ftmerlcan tartnera derlve no fltaeel be-efll from

th« tarlfl ofl flgrtafll-oral proflucta, rannot be true

ea to thos* tarmera xvho. hy i_i-.xlri.itv or other dreaa_B_BBcea, an broagbt Into dlrecl eompetltlon wttb

torekft prodnrera. ('ai.adi.in oompetHlon ta egga «aa

feti tn Ohlo .uid otber Weatera Statea aa areU aa lnKaw-Yort nnd New-Enflland, aad lhe aame remarli lai-u. a. ... .-irl-v. potaloes. ,-.'.!-. hor ea and several

Sb_r^r-_u7t_ l,r-i., enumeratefl. Uta 'he comm'tivn wa, moat leverely felt b) the tarmera uf Sew-Y,"k wh.u, t'e Dem_««tle party I- atrlvtag to de-priv.-' ..f "!,'. protectlon whlch tl.iy now -njoy.




OMHKP.IN'i .T BAI/TIXOBE.lialtlmore, 8eft 11 |Sfe-tal).-ThOti ..nd"- of veterafli

will Bttend the leventb annual reunlon and eneampmenlof the Nationai AaaoetaBon ol Baval Veterana. whlrhwlll begta bere on Thursday evenlng. The bualneu lea

n..n at lhe eacampaaenl wlU be beld on Brldmy, and on

FrMay nlght theie wfll be an lllumlaatlon of i'ort

M-il-i.rv and the ta_rbor, and naval manoenvrea by ibe

aid of the powerfal aearcb llghti .... ti.e rnlted Statoa

warshlps Phlladelphla. MtMtonomah. Dolphln nnd

Veauvlua. lt la leMom thal tour navnl ahlpa, each

repreaenllngadlfferenl etaaa. ar« gathered fll one ptara.and tbis will be tli- Bnt dme they have all taken purlln a aham engafement, Ti.e festlvltien wlll be broughlto nn end ... .-..ti.rdnv, wh-n Prealdenl Hairt-Uti anfleeveral membera ol h\% CaMntd, Oovenior Brown .-.nd

etafl, M.v.u Utrftbo, General Palmer, Commander-lr(..hlef of tbe Orand Araj td tbe Bepa_bBe, and tbe

Kaflonal oflkera ol lhe Saval Vetorana' Aasortatloa. nre

OZfocted to revlew ihe pnmde.ju u.e afte...., m there » Ul be .. ataun battte between

tbe xviiit- BqOadrou and the lorces .,; Fort Mclleno'.At the tort nre three flfteen im b gana an'. i»sven elghtIneh gnn« rnountefl, and bboii Ibe mmparti are tour

three-taeh gani and ooa Gatllng gun. The Or_t balibwiii be at long raage, a gun to be Bred from the fon

even tafl -econdaaad answervd by brond ld. - trom the

three aien-of-war. Cotlera and rtenm launehea wlll

Ihen be manaed hy aallori and mnrfnw, and an on

»lau8M xxiil be made upon the tort. where the men fromthe _hlpj wlU be mel ta a hand to-lmnd rncounter byertlllerymen actlag aa totanlry. The L.t wlltu.-.iiv be anbdued, nnd the attaebtng nnd realatlugfor.es wlll eomblne for.. Jolly "btow oul."

There are now fcarty Urree loeal naaoelattoai nf naval

veterana In the ITnlted Btatea, eomprialng u membershlpnf 83,000 The Bntloual otacera a.-.- Bear Adnflral Com

mandlng, Wllllam 8. Wella, SowHav-n, Ooaa.; Com

niodore B. 8. Oab me. Sew Yort Cuptaln, l>- B. Hub

berd, Chleago: Commander. W. B AtUna, Clnclnnatl;Ueetennnt Commaflder, xv. H. Plare. OlneyvtIle, B i'¦:

gtnlor Ueutenant, O. L. Uwe. Porl Worth, Tex.;

Ueutenant. J. W. Beene. Colnmbiw, Onta; **«B*_*" Tr-^ "heriaer. __ltlmore: Paymusl^r. Alexnud.-r O.riril-r. ln.ni.i-. N. Y.: Ch-.pl»ln. lhe -v. I. ;b.-v.i.rd- Rmoklyn; aeeretary.''eorae W. Bwt» «. '-""''

lvn Cl lel ..f.-:;..'!, I ommunder trai-Cl* H. AU d, ii-«'i-

fi.id, < oan._


Chleago, Bept ll fSire-lal).-The fretadefll lecretaryand exeeutlve commlttee of the Twelflh Army < one.

A-Sooi;,t:.,n. r.-.-nily organlxed here by aoldlera Hvln«

ln ibe w-st aho bdongrd lo tbal corpa. hare nnltedln a r-j-.-t lo BIBon B. Lytle, oi lluntinflrton. Penn..to write tbe bl torj I Ibe orp Mnlor-G.-neralHenry W. Slocum, wbo "us tbe corpa commander,hai j.-iti-d ln Ibe rr-iuw-t. Ur. LyU« ba I.i

aelediad tor l.l- Importanl worh because be la r-

gaided a- pecnllarly «-n equlpped for lt- He aa*

for two v-;,r- Bl tbe h.-ud-iuurl-rs of General Sl...:.....

aervlng wll* hlm In Vlnrtnta, Barytand, Pennaylvonlaend tbe bonlbweat, ..nd la alao hiat-rtan of bta own

reglment. The reglmoate thal served In the Twelft-i

Corpa were fiom Haaanehoaetta, Connertleut, Nea

Yort Pennaylvaata, N-w ,i-..y. Barytand, OWo.Indtana «nd Whwon-ln. Br. Lytle and Oen.Tal

Klocum und other promlnenl Mflceri ol the eorpiw.ll m.-t ta Waahtaitton durlng th- _____}* *_._tlv_.tii-nt of tbe Grand Army ol ihe Beputd*. lo conMw ih r-I'ii-i io tbe hKtory. It ls th- purpoae to lnt,r..t -v-.-v old ........I.-.- <B tbe corpa lli ..i.nl-l.in_

Sluta to ih-' bH-ortau und tBe worh xmII be proIu_.ljlliu-trat.-d xiltii portialta.

Curir CA13CEDAM9 >y>r today.

gaSe^ :V'.;;7r^;i::l"7^.,.,,tec£eutt,Sirt-Pa«a I. U, Ul aad IV- Adjeurned for

^..'rV'.'-it.-'- Cwrt-Boi i.i.-e: xv-:1. al Man l

i ,i 10 a ... Wliabeth 1 Starkey, J»ni.i,"I"_i!* iv /.,k«r I bu '/..li-. fatbarlua A. Ileekin_.. Kdt-ln

il. wo'Au.'. 'j..«-i'i. Mti.ii.-:--'-. -X....I- M. 'Ji.'»... tauauaa

c_J!__-_ lfl__»--ii3w"< Tem-Adjournad until 0 '.

,,e,(J_..,«.. naaa--faetal Tarm Bat*** Daiv. c. '<-**-

"Toninion Plea^-Tr.a; Iflfl-?!* ' " *** llt-AB,

i""s::;;,,.;;:;,i::::'r;-:.-....ai T-r.,,.-AdJo,r,.,i a*tu om,'"

¦_ ,,-nor Oaui. flfrelil T.-.n,-i:.l..r- Bafto, J-

".SS^er ...,.t-Tr,_l T.-rm-Parts 1. 11 aad III-A*

^htWf SSJ^_SlV»-Be.. Va- xvy-K. , M

vTiy .,.:, ntal Taa- raita I. IL I" aad IV-Ad-|»um,sl tu- t.i leraa. , , _______ ___. v. ..«. ,>

< ....rt ef «ien-r»l Se«_lon_-l'art 1-BefoM **_'T____ «.<and nTilrnm m_-_FfLAUeraey -Veekat-Aoa. 1 le --_. m-

""cSri of oeaeial gandana fan 11 _*****_ *****!. ;'."a?d As.istant Btetnal AMeeary Tawna«a_l--laaB. l ia ... ¦.

"Vo.irt of (ieneral fleaetooa-PBH HI-H"fo.': KIL; IWl ld,J.. and A.sl.tai.t Dlsir., t-AtU.rn.V flaflforflV.H** ' tu '-.lDClUk.ve.


THI I'KNNSVIA'AMA BAH-BUAD1s tho only Une that uiiiliiluliis a _tti<tly t!^s^cla_»llmlted train InKtween Sew-Yort and Chleago. All

other "J.imlted" expresa tralns are meiely lmltu-_\o_t ot tbe celcbratad I'enii-yIvanla Llmltod.



ieheaeetafly, B. V., -Wpt ll .Bpeelal)..Tha alread)lamona praetlral courM "f leeturea at L'nton Collegebegtna wlth ihe fall term. Ueneral Bntterfleld ad.vt-ea tha raculty ibal t.onerat P. **. Mlchle, r. t* A.,De,,,, ol th« i " uitv ot Weat Polnt Milttary Academy,win open lhe rourae In September, The ipectal prlieof .*¦.-.-. f.. t!,.. N-at poper by any .tudent "i, ihi«lecture is otlered by Oeneral Krederlch rownsend,of Albaajr, a,, alnmnua <>f L'nloa. Dnrlng the hr-t

y...-,r-a- ronme I* m be glven the leetnrea ol <.*. u rvernor

Rlce, ol Mi -aehnaetta; Goaernor MeKlnley, ot Ohlo;.\a,.iie1iiy "f Mate tlavard. Ot lMaware; .o-ti'-ral

l). k. Stehlea, fhe Him. l reflerlch tf. Beward,e\ AaatMant Hecretar* ot state: Profeaaor Afhon Man.r,,i,.i it t. Aaehmaty, ol the Trade Behoola: thall.-n. Biaafni VYlman, Benater Manderaon, Uene,ai Horaea Portar a.,d the Hoa. Boarke l*__kren,wtth -'.me other* whoae .late- an not yet settied.Eaeh lecture haa Ita apaelal prtae ol BSS lor the

beat paper npon lt by nny Btadent, In widnion t"

il,« general prlzea.Among the eoati-hatoia <>f apeetal priaaa f.»r tae

pourae appear the naama ". tbe Hoa. Charlea.Kiii iv Smlth, r.e.ieral John C-«hrane, Bredle. Mar

tln, Dr. w. Seward Webb, 9aat.ee Bobert Barl, AbramVan Bnntvoord, ilenry Knlckerbacker, Uencral Tre.malne, the thunl "i paria, CorneUaa n. Bfl*-, Wm.Berrt, John H. Btarta, Ueaeral C. C, l>.»ii:<*, UencralThomaa A. Davlcs, Dr. i>. M. BUmaon, Fraah Lootnl*aud otbnra, n-oal of tbeae geBtlemen beln| gradaataa ol Fnlon.

Tiu- general prlaea in eonneetloo alth Ibe eoarea

mclnde on- ot B150 offered by Oeneral ButterfleM Bwthe academy or Behool prepartng the Burgeat number

,,f anereaaful ranteatanti lor the hscture eoarae prtaee.The CaUen and Blnateln general prtiea have beieloforc beea announcefl. lu all, nearly .1,-0- In,'-,,,.- wm be awarded lo tin,~" atudenta ul i nlon who,t.v the papera anbmtited, evMenre ihe, most mteinpent appi-e. i.itioii of thla ramarhable lecture rourse.

li,,. enfrance examlnatton*. ut Fnlon tJolleM "inbc beM "ii t-eptember. ia and 14, and lha f-!l te.n,

wlll open "i. lhe 1Mb. A cla** even lar.e- than thalof laal rear, wn ch i,*iinl.errd -... la expected i > enterfi.-'i .,.-'., While the e\. .-Il.-ii.e of Ihe Kuttei Heldleeture ronrae wlll doubtlena attrarl many .tudentato the advanced clasaea lrom other eoUegee,

BATES.Lewlaton, Me.. Beptf. u (8peetal)..The lasi areek

haa bean the Ume <«t ihe aanaal -M;,t.> Falr ln Lewts.taa, and lhe eollege h.,a ibeen aomewbal under ita

Influenee. lt ia euatOBiar. t.. glve lhe atndent*Thnrsday of Falr weeb to attead the ahow, and no

devlatlon ocenrred thla time. Monday waa LaborHav, and the iwo hoBdaya would have Interferedwith reguhirtty. So uith tbe conaent .>f atudentaand furutty Monday waa exrhanged for Frlday. Manjof tha atudenta ur-- employed In vaitoua eapacltlea on

lhe fnlr grounda, ao tbat lhe toth-ge exert-laea ara

alwaya maeh hi-kea dnrlng ihe week.Tennh la bavlng quite a run here thla fhlL The

lerrace extendlng from College-.t eoatward to the_\ mnaalum haa been lald oul In eourte, wMeb are Initae ever. day. The baseball Intereat ta centredln the eomlng -ophomore-freahman game, wbteh l> an

nounced f".' _om_ d.iv tbe eomlng week The freah-ini-n are puttlng In good piactlce, but the aophoi.¦-bave the better chance. FOothall aeama IrretrlevahUdead fui thlr. rear. Tha aaaoctotlon Ifl ao deeply lu

debt that lt cannot think or raanlng an eleven, Thlii-i nafortuaata, aa tbere are eaoegh men In eollegewl,.. eoaM piHv lf th.-y woaM; or lf mbm one eouldwork them up to ii. Oareekm, '-<». is lhe movlngijdrtt ln the footbaU rru*_i<ie. For the preaant It laMO dOUbt beat for the a'hl.-te. 10 deVOtfl th.-tnai 1Va f

what already hua ihelr enthuataetn, thal to, h_a«-__n.rhe two aodeflea are Bvelj aa ever. Sumc of thf

treshmen ha.-e tcdned alreadv, and maay aiore hnvo.li.nl_.-d tli. ir cholce imit -v*.111 -_-ui Jotn. The f.vahmen bave ahvady t.'-.-u dlvlded im*. dlvl.tona forth.-ir declamattoiu, whleh «lli begin ln ..ifut i\weehs, The nenlora have eleeted tbelr laaa ofllrcnif.., tbe enaulna rear. Thera "..¦ tv/entj .-.*-_ In all,of whom .' T. lan-li.p i- pr, --Id'-.it: N. U. Bru<<v..raKM Mr. .Vlnalpw, l.t. Mr. Bmall or©_*hel an.lF. L, HoffB-aaa, blstorma.


WeUealay, Ham., B*ept 11 (gpeelal).- frcflealey <'<-

lege opened Wedaeeday morning with .:.4 atudentaenrolled on it- ttata. In tlie abat-i.ee ,,f Praflmaor C. F.

Boberta, ol lhe departinenl ..f chamlatry, Henry P.TBlbot, Ph, i'.. arfll ceadacl rouraea In quaUtaUve andquaatltatlve analy-ls. Bda M. Cterk, B. .-. fUnlverattyof Ml.hl.a.i'. tllia the ptaee left va. mt by thi realgnation of Mia- Mai h. Ilofcaaor Btiatton, of thed-P-rtment ..f EEngflah, win apend thla rear lu Eurcpe. ThefoDowtng are tha new appolnt-uent- In thla fiej-n-tment: Gi-orga P. Baker, it-- A. u.. eondnrla lhe Junlnrworh ln plaee or B, M Maaly, r-idgned; ProfeaaoiUeorge B. t'arpenter In charge of tbe freahman ....

awisted t.\ Mlss barah('. flfaaver, Bl*. Ella <. Wllrni,- .1 Mlas S..J.M.- . Ilait M1-- II- 'e.-'l-

Mi-- Wynegarli a- In-triict-. ln i-ermaii; Tl.i ...

M ted '.'. NHm Sarah r. Weaver. Bl i.lln '.- WVmxa, i, ,,i oi Ai; nftcr Ihe deatli uf Itoh.r Umln Rlnerlaei Februar haa been fornmlly apixdnted to the ptar.nf dln-'tor.


1 -.VIVF.IIMTV <..]. j:.'<TIK--TI/i:.Boeteater, Bepi. II (BpecUll. Tha l'nlv«**lty ol

Rorbeater «m open oa Wedne day, and lt l- now ra

,..-, '..i thal th.- freahi wlll be ai large .-

.Bal ol lasi rear. Profeaaor Burton ba rrt

fis.m hla Europeun toni and '.*in tahe charge "f lhe

Latln !». I'l.'ui'-i.t. Ii Iructoi Byland M. K"i,«ir.. k

wm :,.. .. both I'.'.f- ot* Burton and Forbea, ibe lala ,,,,. |. thh \. nr t" lake 11 ln .gt ni-l

...,;.,.-, .-., addltlon to bf* worh bi th. beud ol lhei',,.,. i,-; ,1'iiiieiit. liwlructlon ln (>M _v-«tam»*nibtotory I- to .- glven U l* jrear, lhe n«*c irj

havrng be< n provMid bj lb< K- v. Dr. B. *. MaeAir »itn. of Ni a Vorh,

w, ,-n on thi new) P I'p Hon chapter bon In

progreaa nlthough II wlll n. I l-- n*ndy '">' «.'.

thls term.i-;,. ideni mn -an l."-n appolnted a m««mb»*r -r ihe

Advl ory fommtttee on II - -Ut, rducallonBl eahlbll_t tt.- Chlcago v i.i hl Imr.

Th»- r.iiv.raitv K\'..i loa f>nti_ ln thi elty i alre«,iy maklng pr.paratlon« tor the eomlng wlnt-w.l ;, i. -_,,i ..iiinoi.-, ol Koche :.-r. wlll probably glve :i

ronrae ol Iwlun-i 'a. I'lthir F-nglUh or Ameriean IIIitiii ire and I'i-.i- -"." Kaln-hlld, of Ituchi-itcr. om* luB«.logv whll, ITofcssiir I. "f ...rn.-ll. VMII 'll

".»_ miiiomlca, aud Profe-M.r Mar., «.f Kyrai-iis,-,v.ni aealn lann.* i- lii-art-m In Ami*rl<-an li

The Uoihe li*r Tn«doBii'al Ni-mlnary «'H .>¦¦" ""

Mondav. Thi- *.tll-.nt- ,*111 .'->¦. i"1'!'- ln lt'« k.- ellerll.ll Monday .wutai.. IVof.---or T. II. I*atll*-u,i. *.llldellver at. uddie.. on **Mlnl lertul l.tt-rary 1'ultnn*,the Bev C, v Uarbour «1H w-*leom-« the ie.-iM..i-li, iH-liiilf ot th« 4-lty pa-.oi-. and II. ti. .lolmVou -IIIdo lhe am.- iu U'linll "t th* atudi-nta,

JOI1BB HOPKIBt-Baltlmore, Md., Bept 11 (Speetal)..The academl.

_,.,.!.,n nf ih.. .lo!,.,-- Ilophlua rnlveralty wlll begln,,, .,,!..,- :: wlth m¦'.-<. lhan 000 .tudents ln lhe r.

.,-,1 ,-..-,i.-il L-oni-ea. The reglatrar who bfl rctuniedfi.,m hla vaentlon, and wlll l" very i.n-v durtng tl.a.,._! |wo weeka recelvlng and etiroUliiR m*w men,.;,.. |he Increaa-e ln lhe number ol atudenl ovci

laat rear ^lli be more than Ifl per tent. Penn >i

i-aiita and Haryland wlB ftirnl h lhe large nnrntn-r,,f new Ktud-nt-. but nearly every Btate ln lhe ITnlonwlll b- i-prraentefl. Thi*re wlll h.' one new man

from Bgypt, nnd Cannda, Otramny, llolland, Bnglandand Frunca «m be repi-*-4tnted on tae roll,

Durtng the aummer rece ¦ all lhe bulldlng bavebeen ove.-hauled and renovated, and a number ol Im

pnivemenla nmde ,., ih- Laboratorl->a. A Large foree,,f workmen bave been engaged In movlng Lev.rliigllnil on Jaek-crew. and rollera nearly ball n Worh

lo f,- eorner of Bulaw and l-oaa ita, The worh ladlffirult, bul ih.- hand-ome aoBd itructnre wlll i.- anr

......fulh nov.-d in ita enilr.-iv. <... tbe alie varal,*d

.;.. new M'i "V ll iii wlU be .rected. II wlll mahe n

liaiid-ome Bddlilon lo lhe rua of nnlver lt) bulld!,,_.... it |a liii.lv lhal before aooth-r year one or

iwo more new bnlMlnga wlU i"- under way. Fewmi.inlieifc ..[ the farulti hnve retiirnc- from llu-lr auin" !. ,...-. I',-. I.ln.l i.Umaii has been In Bi slnnd.

,,; .,,r i.ilil. rsleevi*. al N-.Tiair.-i'i-.-ti I. ¦'¦ >.

Uariln at Ifar llarh.r: I'rof.- -..r llemaen, i'iun*>lns... in. M; Im*; Prof* ¦'-' Uriftln, lu ih- a.Ih...'I.-.-,',.,....,.- \dnns, m tmherst: Prof. or nn*nk_, lu

\V.-st Vlrgliila, and !'."f. hmw l-'.lliott, ln Franee.?


Arrange_o«*nta Bi*e betng made f.-r Ihe annualf;,1r fnr li" l" ii'-'i' ot Hi" Sonnal CoUegf I...- Kh.il.,-

(arten, wbleh l^ lo lake ptaee In a few weehs.Ti.,- exact date far the falr bai rmt beefl rt.-< l»l. -1


. w,,_ ti.- Undergarten, wbkh i- ln Eamxtj LMrd ... l* imirported by ihe gradaatea ol lheNormal College, Laal year aboal Bftf -btldren Bt-i,-r.ii.-.i .!..- a,f.,,,i. AmoBg lhe membera <>f the reai

,,,.,,,. |. rkarge ,.f tbe romtn. fnlr »r.- MNa i.iia

»iilktna. Mlsa .1.-niil.' a. K.it',. Ml-a DlaabHh B.A.I-...I Mi-s tf. C. l-'ll'T. Mi-a Fraaeea A. Benjamln,Mra -d' i> Hava. MN, Blanahe Lafld, Ml-a BHleMMV.-ra, Mis, M,y B. Borehead and Mm. i. F..


Thc death ef Prolaaaoi B-emer. vtea-preafdeal of theCollege of the Clty <>f Kew-York, adl cbiic. lhe traataaa,,f tkal .naiiiuiioii to aeieet a new ofiiei.i u.i rear.

it waa aaM laat areat ihat eflBer _*reaaaaw Doremaa,Piaiaeeae Ceaaffaa or Pratmaar Wanmr wonld be Mei u Ito fill lhe dcud inan's plaee. Cencral Ale.ander S

Webb, ptealdenl of Ihe coltoge. la bbM ta be ln Buropo

attll ao thal Ptofeaaor Doremna, t- lenlor ptofeaaor,wlll be in eharge of tbe eoHege when lt peflj to'day.So Important wort wlll l.une unt__the en< .¦

week ... the ti--. of next wert Tl.Itafl l'-""lo have ;. Iarge number ol atudebta.




-.bt i«..ko*-ih i©tbb-nuflomfciWaablngton, Bept. io.-rnmm._nd.-r Mchena, of M

SSOvy, wh bai returned Irom a letp to .'.'i"1'- """

glven ta b reportei an Intereattag bcombM ..i hi- '""

oheervnttaoi m tbal eoaatry. Among other Ibtag*.

aaM: .

.¦Tl.- eountry laal pr.fll auffertag under a generwatagnattan ot trade. owlag ta l.xoi__Ba_B- r;.'-- 01

rxcbunge agataal tb* Japaanewe aatrer euweacy. rne

..¦.,. wi.ii- containing wlfclo a mnall Iraollon <.*

tniuli welgbl ofallver aa the Amerlean dollar,laqnotedlo .:.. hange ... only 80.8 eenta. Thli mabe no dlfler-. ii,-e in lie matter of Internal ommer -. ror ;> t** '"

one part of Ihe eountry la ai good aa ln anot h.r; but

-..:,.-,. i- eomea ta breiga exebangea, tbe natlve mer-

ut :in l:n:ii-n-.' dtaadvaBtafp. A Bnt* **.

atanre uiil mra to llnatnle. Wh-n I bougW my

tkkei ror Yohobaaia ta Ban Ftandaco, lt eoal aie ta::i i-,.i.i. 8S0O. ta retuaaranfl the fare waa rbe

¦ame, bnt ataled ..t 900 y-n. and l only had m trlumge8139 -o ln Am.-ii.uu mont. to gel lhe 300 yett ;-.'.

for lt...ii.- tktog tbal the whole of Japan la waltlng for

Dfen-ey-d aod opetHnoulhefl, l- the paaaage ol our

Ir.. Uv.-r blll; und xvh-n that la don-. tbe waj the.l.-ip;in. ...: .-. ;<¦ v will be liirii.tl in.o buBV .''

ablpped to Amertaa for aale alll be aa aetontahmen- toom- natlve uajdimti. i donol know mnoh aboul tbe pblloaophy ..f Bnanee, bul it eertalnly aeuui t<> me tbalwould mean mfcdng ihe v«ii.r ibe whole eum-cy,,f Japen over :.<. mta < >t. the deltar, an.l lf lhat arouldii..i be done ..i oar axpenoe, l f.-.ii lo iee fll wh -- '"-

p. n_M i; would be duoe.Juot befure l waa Iravtng tl - oountTy. I m--' an old

aequalntanre and I aaked hlm lf tbere wna anythlngI eould do f.r blm In Amerlca wben l came batk.

- -w.-ll." Mii.i be, -I dui't know <<f anytbtag jroaironld do Ibal would be l-.i-r for mr Itaan to ¦

Ibe p-.--.ip- of tbe _*ree>Cotnage bill. if tbal -hould,.\ ,-r i.. pa ..! uttb .'¦¦.¦ iu--.li: ratea of exeba -'¦ ";|

Olver, I all] be able ta b_*M oul over _.:. Bnd -

lo -;.. .... md il\- ln taxury.' Thal l- tta "..y

tbey look al tbe matter of fr.tnoge over Itare.-llne of tbe --... mnrka uf the monelni. deprei

tion l- Ibe atyle ol Hvlng ul Ibe lortHgn i- IdenU. Inih- yeara ul my Bral vtall to lhe eountry, every ono

who pretended to be anyone kepi Iria boIrap of -..ni- .-.,it. whlch, ..f coui .-. m< ini tbe kc ;ipof one or more aervnnta to care f..i ll nnd lhealr of tbe f.,i-i_u rolonl-a In II.pen porta « al

. luxury, auch ..- Ihej would nol have ll,.i adopilng nt home. lt ahowed tbal mone]romparallvely free nnd plenijr. Sow ti.ln.- ar.'

..,..-. .|, and Ibe young foreli ner w o n< -i i tld u

drlve lii- own horae, li i- takpl. S .11 f. H»T .^

Commander Dlcklni alao gave ttrii iptrited a<

of the relebrntlon .>f lhe Pourtb ..! Julj..'iii- inn-t auiprl Ing a* well aa enjoyable affab

tbat I wltneaacd before leartna the rountri woa lharelebmUon of th- Amerlcan Fourth "f Julj li Vofcuaun. li l- .. ii tom of the ...r-i .n realdeol U en, m

ln tbe otber Itlea wh< re there l a rurelgi - Ul.t,, make U.e celebratlon >.f ¦ Nationai hoflda]ternattaual utt,<u, ln whlch all lhe Amerirana andBnrupeani Joln. All Ibe Freneh, Rnglbh eud Ueiiii.-m bolldaj aro clebi iled lu thl a . whel Ibeglortoua Fourth raroe round. li waa drrtd-d lou- ie..:.ti.ii aometldng almplj rorg--.ua.

.ii.. iirand llot»-l I. one ol ti,- m..-. luxurtoutterlea ...u ,.r flurope, The ma agement >»l ¦. houaala Ani.-ri._n. bul .-.11 tba .1 .m-'.i. - Bn- Japai- tbe raltylng poli t t. lh< ienl In tlieclty. On the mornlna of t- .ourth lt wai de. rnt.-lwith the flagw "I all S_>tl>.n-. nmoug whlch the htar_;.<1 Btrtpea irere ron«ptcuoua. Tli* hotel IU.»- Iftiud nnd ...T ti,- wharf Iti lhe harl«.r then awanchorHl h ron pia ,,'¦ barfra I >ni whlcl i.ll th

_: tbere waa aenl uj. * wonderful .11 i¦..>'.' de

\.,,rl,s. au. h aa we neldom aee ..'. II la -l.l- "I lh> »at. r.

flfTjr.1 of men and women, Mrd_, -¦ ..-. andu, ,\ ,:r t. f- i.f \. :\ de»< rlptbil

a ander.d aboul ln lhe upp alr and dnall) .

..r «-nt Up ln illioke. |..-..!¦ l.la '1 -r- wa. a ¦.¦

<il-.!..._-__-_ ol Innumeral. e aadl, pi np t-. .ii lhe land all <!..^ to add tu lhe l.i--.

,\i tiiim. whlch i- aa. mlddi ilhe ru< ' hotel and '

> '.

gathered In the dlnlt.g hall. Ju_l out_Me nl aahlrj«.v piMti .! .lij.-. I..ii.-l. H I. '. pl i."l X

|,,tn,.ti. .-,:.-. and I'lli.: tn.-,..., Ihe ll Ing, ]..'. --I la lh<mun lhe whole a «mbji wa Inrtna, and th. fmI,. pt up -lll .- v Uie alt. Iltlol nf Iaraa dlverted bv th. ¦

.. hl. h were el en m .!- pirir.Thla waa k< pt np tiii tar Into alglil uafn. t na Ihe rombu! Ilt.l. laat-d."


[_.«£S1 9 POON TO 81 OPEJ TIIIB \ ni Ol WliME-l xx it \ ','. I I.I. Tl \. II

Th< ',..-. hool .f .\|.;,ii.si i>. i.u f Won er

iMilon due . .¦ " >f Mi U ¦¦

lap llopl ..,.. wlll open for li ul mdj nn-. plembei Ifl nl No -"" XV> I '

', illh. :.¦ now m tn for, bul II hoped

niother yenr Iben arlll I* an opportnnlty f-i bIij|,..|,,i i. n tln ..' Je. lo ei able won. n

n|,|.l-, ti. jrtl ll. ile '¦- !¦:-. il i'l I'".

|i Whlle, Ibere u.il be p of. or In "

siliiiiliai, leadlng mechanlcal draughl m.-n from lead.', Un are ln .¦'. aith ''.. dr

mand_ ul Ihe liude. will .r-- lhe benefll ,.f itteli Lrdge lo Ihe puptl wIki »lll thui 1- laughlmake "-- ol Ib. li .¦ ld< It la belleviwealth) people wlll b- lnr||t_ed lu i-l-- achidi ''i1r ,i- u< ti ;i are unable lo :>.i lhe lultlon 1. .1 I "

.,¦¦.,). iu in- -i.iu.ni.ma depurtmenl Ihew wlll bein _¦-< metrlcal de i_n nud eonvenllonalliaOoii ..t

ii-iui-.l form*, :i ..-ii ¦¦ ii ...i..r. and fiw-hnnd draaIhk; ni ., drawlnga from ca»t. and i.li <. Inornamenlailim. ln Ibe eflvnn. <i departmeni Ihe .|>

pllratloti ul dealgn to tbe maaufltctun -f rallpapeip ,| rarpeti ln all Ita branchea wlll bc laught. ThUadvanced departmeni «m il-.. Include tlie .ii'j.i! .-.'i<..,,,-. i. n.-i.i.ii \ iu-in., ii-.n .,, lhe wort ..r lhe bh MtedrnuRhl man

Among Ihe leaehera engafed lo glve Inatni1- Ruatave de -Loflvrea. i puptl ..f < berH In Parta, hlawull paper d.-l/ii t.iKitii; Ibe meatal al the l'u.1- Bx|,(r.|t|oii ol I---.. The teacher ln Ihe rarpei d.paiiiu,in wlll be <.rge mil. Wrlpbt. wl.ti-i- havlngbeen L'in'lii:ii-'l from H-- Lowell Inatltute ..f Deadgnof lioaton, ......I-.'i poaltlona .i eblel denlguei wllhi'i, Lowell, Itartl .tti and «...... -.- ....].", com

,,... |i ,i u, ii ;,- ih. i'.. H. lilh-_.-in COmpnny, wllh%. t,i. b h. ba -¦ n * luenlj >. ni Bra Wllllam-t.Hie alll Mtdu. il.- in--'- in bWorli de Ign.

-I i.. dlrertor ol tbe tcbool are Judge Ingrabam,lhe Itov. Kr. John Wealey Brown, Benjamln C. l'"'.... S. \. l>.: J. I'arroll Bei-kwlth, profeaaor M.-troi.i.llli... Mu ¦-nu. und Arl >"iii-.it I.--I.II... KlihnItoot, Wtllluni II. 1'uller, W.,i-i-n. I ull-r A Co.; Mra.Iiuiilap i! .pi.in-. xi,-. .tuin. llarrlman, xn s . iillei._]__,, ii,, i...i.ii> and u.a-'ii-i- is xn i.ii.ii .i.I'Oli.l.

/./,'. CJflfl / ¦"' VOT I TEX << I. THO l»SMIln-. .loi.ii <'nn a.n by a Tilbone reporter

\< terday aith referenci i<. Ibe rjuanr. al ll illander'a. .,... on FHdaj algbl. Ur. Carr aaM ll ha paln. i

n- esreedlngl] to flnd my na.i-d arttb IheIrouhle iu lhe aceounta pubhahrd In the -Snndayptiper_. i waa it lloltander'a Oafe Frlda] evenlnfllu eompany xwm .-. number ,f gentlemen ..i. n Ibedl 11; lon i.».lvi>f;..- wblch led ap to Ihe ault,t,in w:, nol pre enl when Itaa a aaull .h..,. I, n_»

did I take pnrl In It. The ..- mill vm* plare in Onel.iiiidi-d nnd iu-i.'v tifth -t lll front i.f II m 1-r s

(_,!,., und i «.. even a wllne - of lhe uiLilr.''

BABtOT 1 1/. V.

i rom The eatfl. red World.An nM ui ...I... Indy, arho ironirlj objecled to

foiin.. ." bad ;i i comiwnlon may parrol xiiih,1 wonderful faeully for plcktaa up - iii-n>.. .,,;,. ii.l.l u.l. i.:..i ..ni-- ... .r-r-ii reprtmr.ndone ,.t her .....,..- roi ¦ i.-..ti .,f in- n.ii,.-...>¦ m

dlnance. 'i'm- o Irrltaied the glrl Ibal. aa-a winduj, to lhe i-e. it.il of her wnmga ln tbe hearlna "flier lellou _ervunla und l*olly, wbo happened to bewith th-m. -he exrlalmed pa_>aionalely, I wiah tbe,,:,i i.tv wa_ dead." rhe parrol loal no time m

ahowldg oit lt- newty-arqulred knowtedga when nexlii._.-n in... tl." drawing room, i« the alarm <>f n*

eldirl) in:-tie.-. wii. auperstilloualj tlioughl it wu-

* warnlna trom another world. Mm i.t onee rwu.ulted tl..- rlror, wbo klnfll] votanleered t.. all<»«hl~ own parror, whioh .-.mld almoal preaeh a ahort-.-iiiion. alng ii-hIiii-. ...<.. ." be hepl tor _. -.--.ri

um- with lhe Imp-oua one. la order ta rorrect it.s

I. auage, To Ihla end tJiev weie kept r_._r--tt.-r ln a

amall room for a lew days, wben ibe ladj pald themrlalt '. rompany wlta her aplrltaal adviaer i"

thelr inlenae l...r, immedlatel) lhe dooi . .- opened,ih- liidy'a parrol aalnled tbem arlth lhe opilnoiMp| - .! t, i«h the old IfldJ wa dead!" Ue vi.ar s

i.ii.i reaponataa, wm. all tbe -i-ninity ol aa »id

partah -i-rk, -The Lord bear oar prayer.N

Ua eufllpaaffl1 ta flaparh. lt1- aarviea nneqaalaa, wouldyou luxo the be_i, Uke UM Sew York central.




UCAfl TICBET,¦.s:,m- inn..1', ihe bootblach orator "f <ii,lo, who

haa rame t" New Vork Ibr the pnrpoae of mahlng¦peechea Iar lhe Kepubllcan tlrhet, began work Ina fartorjr when be waa a _mall boy. -\t tha end oflhe Brat d-iv'a worh ll- a*4h,*d hla rmployer what hiiwagea were to be, and »..- tofortned lhat he wai to_.-, gi ;4 we, i; Ham aak-d hla employer to flgure..nt for him how uiui'ii iM.it would amouat to In a

aay, aad wh-n hdd that lt "as 1.1 eenta, ha dehmnded pay on the ipot for thal flay'a work, aadeloaed his eareer aa .. tactory hand. Wlth that tfleent" he purcha*_*d ¦ box ol btaeklng and a tecondha.nl brnab- allh wldch be began bla eareer aa ..

biMit-bUeh. He araa then nol more than rti or eeven

yeara aM. Slnre thal tln,.- be baa travetled from one

aad of ih..intry to Ibe otber, .md baa *een ti,,- nioetof I.nndoii. and niiif I. of <ou.lnent.il Burope. Whenhu bruafa dld not earn.iey enough for bla travel-Bng expenaea lie efced odl the aum by aelBng newa

papera, und whea botb calllnga talled him he man

aged ." reduce hla expenaea by itowtng hlameil awayin boata, t.v trav.-iiin. apon tbe trneha of pa*Bengereara ,,r atowed awaj ln box eara aa opport-udty offered.

'. BX.M*' HII.MF.lt.

Dnring the laat len F-ara "Bam" baa htteadedever) Importanl ronvenilon or greal gatber

Ing ln thla r-Hintry, nnd b) belng alwajn ronvetil«*ntlyander Ihe f--t ot pron Inei t men, notlng tlwlr anntiand applylng them, bo fnr .- aaa In hla power, run

nlng erranda a littl" fhater .h:,t, any other mea«engerlhe* . >.i,|.i a.-i,d. I,.- a,,..-e.-.i..i hi altraetlng lhe alteniion nf man) Importanl men ol the. S itton, III|.-> thn of ant-craph letleri from tle-- men I- valua

Only aa .U BUtOgraph .oll". the,, l-ul h'-i ana.-

..' I'r art a aad klndly advl-. glven t" btm In them.Whra Preddent tleveland iwrnng nround lhe rlrrla

tu 1--:. **Bam" folkrwed lha erowd Blmoal througbo.itthe trlp. bhwhlng boota, Brtllng n.wapnpera, peddllng

runnlng erranda maMng endi meat In nnybb. i". II i" to -i rlghl oj. In one of the 8 Uhernriti.-a roi.I " an* p-;>. r rarr. pondenl mnde upn purae nnd oflVrad it ... "Sam" lf he would mak. ,i

10 lha rrowd I'i oppoattlon to ..i-'-v.-r ."I.v.-land

"tsem." hu\li,p a. eye to burini**, monnted Iheplatforra ,,it. r lhe regalar proaramma had been rarrled

md made peerh lr, i- alr «.f 'the nfferingl.- ..f the t nH«*d Mat-a." «ring that tl ¦¦.

woaM he found under fhe inner of l*roteetton. etnret. i wi . ¦' ' -'..i'i f n impetltl ei ..' Ith IheI..,..'..,, b ...'!..¦ ¦. l.. r '. 'i onl] ha'pennr for

, 'i J..-.-.-I, -a, loudlj npptauded, and"faani" ll. ., d Ihere wa rhriatened "Tha Booihlark -Hat T


M i. m j,.,, wa mfld- it P -n'f u b-'f "¦. '- "."'

pe..p!". i he rietorr-aa rtrel ird fhdeti hadjn.t retiirned lrom ¦ -.rilI rantCMt al Wnahli

¦- -.I them a thelr n

Adju'.'.- .'...,! Ill .-. ol <-..i,

yratul ill -I. t t'.'.' all. .' Introi.ldlel .-. B>ll -' 1' i. he would

,,.-, ,- .peerh. ".aam" he_un wlth theaedog . ' ". 'l .¦ ar, ln promptu p-

[ don't hn. ' ernl¦¦¦ d ¦¦. h il v.r -I "' p> ¦..

li _. >«i humor, and .. Suiu' _»*-. I,

ln 1 -. V..I I. ll Kdllot ol. 'i .¦ .¦ mm. rdal," round * ¦** im" a leep li

'l ,i ..u.i .,1 u- .1, torj .-....- lilm 11 ii

:.". rwunl wenl \v i-hund ,i ..'¦" n in" n.-¦¦ .¦.'

-,- ¦> lllkll .- Illlll ll "I'" .¦ w, iii..\ .-r. .¦:.'. whleh .Irs.L-.-l up ui llie floor, i.'.-l ll >!.!t.ap ,. Innre f '- Im. *.",".;..'.. vittl n .. nud lin *

..... -,lu W;, hln. ''" hllii-ell .a.-ful t.> FYnnk

llntton, ol "ii" M- ¦¦ <i.I f T i'ii n I*" 1H"ti aa

|,,.. ,,, lhe II ,,-.. .f i:> p -I'ativ..-. llo had II.M,1 .¦ t. ¦:; -I

.fnidor n-,. ame an '. 'Ing k< hool nf .-|-..|,,.-,,..-. II,M.al hta. and nl new p.p ,..--,. -, .1

',-.¦¦! .- .' ;. ... "I ¦¦ T 'I--In rel il' ni 'i ulher pa| ei -. Al Ibe Mlnn.ni oIIh

'-..-, ,' \.-:i:-. " a ,,,, wn*. tppoll Ied I'hlef,- !.,.-_ and :¦.'.¦ thnl Ume hn. devoted lilniaelfalm -t .-\. lu-h.-U t.. .'..ii - ln befuilf ' .4 .. ti. ;,.-,.li.. |. ,...,,ni-, .jrmpnlbj arltli tho low|> .1.. fromnhti-h ln* iprang. nnd I- earmmlly devoted lo ih.-i-l,,fe,-.-t-. a...,' Wlll -iBh. Ill l!l-l IIpl* ii

in ral >r iu Xcw Vorh Uila wi ¦.!,.

.I left

a onn i:r\ potrx broadwa y.

lil* M';'i\i:4\' OP a i'!:i\ ;m- PAB1V TBEIR,1.. >; a i, \f.l...|*l II |.*l: -iM I--..I-K1 l.l ATII

T t n IMBBRB > -.

\ man ilflng Mm -H bj tm> llrlltlou. name «¦!

.i.iii, M.» nt..;. ..r Bo. -- I'-i TWenti ie\-«*nll. »l.. hlr.-dtw,. ealed li.-1.. waaon ':.t noon realerdaj fmm

Ibe KliliU.-fli". k.-r M.il.l", Bl SOA, :.|i. and -13 KaatK I." .-utb -i.. nwmd b) Bra. M. Wetl. To the wa_»narere attarhed two iplrited baj bor-M Wlth M_.'al*ewera "Mi John Md abe," age iwenty Ih. ""CbarleMili.-r." Bge Iwrniy, ul Thlrd-nve, and Blghti*ntb-at.,,i.i -\!!. Martin,'' a d,->- make,. ..f So. J2- Raai-ui.-..,,ii, -. \\ ii.-ii ile- vaMrle reaehed Fourte.nth.. nnd Thlrd-ave, th" offh«r-e *M''«l at u pl.Ipaper ln lhe tuadwaj and MBrted al -i furioua pure'......in! i.i.'Miw.... Wli.-n llroadwaj wa« reaehed Ihe

turned lhe eorner, almo-l up etttng lhe wagon,and dn iu*.i dowa Broadway. Bany .llghl rolM-lonarrurred "i, lhe mad daah doamlowrn and aeveral i*"

li. .-.,.-,, irted In valn lo ilop lhe progrei "f lhe.inlm.il-.

I ..ll.. in..11 Ale\,-,l,fler Jordan, of III" |-.li/:i!..'th al

,,ij. wh-i waa al canal ¦'. and liroadwny, aw thalii wa*. ,t-»*l>.¦ ." try lo alop ih.-n. uiiaidcd, ao heJumpcd lnto ¦ pe-afng cab and rhaaed them. The:.,,,. waa gnlnlng oa Mm aa h appruarh-d Duane-rt.,nnd would probabl* hava run lu tke battery bad nola ...un¦!....ii fi llruadway iar Interfered. The l.fi hlnd'.-.h.-ei ui lhe wagon Iruch the rear pUlform ..r lhe,.r. and lhe wagon ilea'cd around and Ihrawthe women

,,, ,|.. ..,.,.|, .\ btoeh iiir.he,' dowa the men |ump«*dl. the _M-.wa.l-, nnd the l-jraea eontlnu.at ... run down

llroadwaj wtlh lh* wagon al Ihetr beela, unlll lhe!.,.. ,,, ||.'t borae raughl ln thf ruble -I"' Bl

i! .-nl. lli.. luvm-er* -<-. mA h- waa thrown t

u.aie lalIIli- on him.r.li,,- w.'ii w,*n* carried lnto Ibe idBre of U,. nw

,-,,,!.,. HiirvC :.,,.- l'oin|-iii). -**" .»» Mr, ndu .). thelr "ii- .""¦ brulse* ."".¦ -.'¦. wer--,i,v--,.<

,"".., .,.,.,..:..,. -m_. ... of ihe rn...ia Armt il.

,," .,,,.. ,.',: ..1 io ... lo ib- .pttnl. rttah lhe!.'.._, .hi luiiruir. dl appi-awd aad ihe w,.m.-,, ...

l,,w.a| iii.-i, r«nin|*te n. ¦<¦ i"1 l! rne |kiii,i,,. _¦....._. ih'- wut«.n. wMrh wa- damasi-d tu lhei-xtenf of ,_4). Tbe U..I ea were unlnjumd.

i FBIBSD IS BBB nll) -l.l'-

In.ni Tba l-H'.-li Free I'r.-ss.An ..hl man araa leadlng ¦ Ihln old karwe b«,*hm

lhe rommon* In lh- iiorth.-rn puri of the clty, when;, ,,,a erb* .ak..i him where he waa going.


¦.rm -ean-hlng for a bll ol green tor the pom

^"rn lwid"h,m '.::'..." boneymd e. th. glae faeiory."

^w^iT-'IMTe'a. maa. ln a rremWtng

world. and helped >.... to earn f_ed rw your la In

f.,r neari) iwfnty-flve rearal lf "'.- eMmren inaifl

-... and ihe rhlMren tlwfa llvta' had played wtthV.-'r arn.«und hl* n.*eh and thelr beada oa hln.for a ptllow whea they had.iberl Blr. bea ....

rl..1 a. ... mm and io meetln', an' peaae i/od ha »naa

dl- III- ii .'hil-iian. an' I'II hurv him wiih fbea. oin

Iranda. SotaaiyU "V.-r abnae ..ld BBl/for if he goe*ar.,r.- nn- ihere era thoae aa ara paM te looB ufter

¦I bek' you:- pardon." aaM the man who hud BCOOatedhlrn lli.'.e'a M dl.-ffrel.e. in p-ople."

..'av- «nd ir heraea. hm," M,id tha old ma... u, no

pasited c'n Wlth t-BJ fou.-footia Inend.



r:\TiuK.s «o paB IXDICATE a si_. < i s.ai rr, \vr.i:i.

-sr\T;: \l'l R-OPBIATIOB _*OB*r»i : m. PBIBEB.

The ti.iiiy-fourti, annnal Calr ..f tl.e* Bew-Jeraavaf,.... Agrirultural Sorlet.i win i.- behfon theaodetjr'agrounde, at Waverley I'.uk on September IB, 90, SI,__, ._::. -j i. Thelr ground*. Ile mldway betwean Bewarkand Rllzab4*th "ii the Pennsylvanla Etailroad, and Brei.i-v >'f ....--. Bany Improvementa have lr-.. madeit. ti.- LT'.inuia a|,,,-,. i.i_t year, a,,d already tbaentrieaof axhlblta ara su.-i, ,.,- t-. Indfeate that thi- arlll bami.' of th.- rnoat aueceaafnl falra em gtvea by thea.nl.-ty. Tl,.- >t.ii.. ..f \-w Jrra v approprtatea-very year B3.000 i" be awarded for apeetal premhimafor in'.'-'¦-, '.iitie, aheep, «wlne, poultry, farm prodntta,frulis and ilalrv produet-. Tho objecl of tke Btatelu offertng tbeaa premluma l- lo atlmutale and enconrage auch eompeUtlon among tarmera «nd othem.a wiii bring oul for lhe exhlbUlon the b-st that eanbe prodneed la eaeh of th- dapBrtmeam. au auvreaand imiHona eompeUng for State premluma mual bere_iai. r.-i or ..iniil"ii ... reglatry. Tha horaea aredlvMed Into foar claB-ew: flandard-bred, tbomugh-i.r.-ds, earrlage aad eoach boraes, Percberoee andClydeadalea,

in addltlon to tl,.. State premluma tho aodety _._*_15,700 ipeelal premluma for apeed. The apeed trtalawin tahe plaee as followa: ru.-dav. Beptember SO,Wedneaday, _i Thuradajr, 33; Frtday, --":i. The de

partment "f ahow boraea already has a larga numberof ...iries, bat ih- rulea of tha idcletgr do aot permllthe pulilbailon of thea.- entrka until Ihe openlng of

the falr. In thla departmenl prtiea wlll be nwarrtedfor th- beal ¦taBloo, four yeara "td or oMer; b-st.talltoa, thi"" yeara oM, aad .he i.i-at two yean oM.Theae pricea are offered for tke b.-st atatUon for getUag, earrlage aad geaeral atlUty horaea, aad n_tllmlted to -tandard breda. Pricea wlll ala., be glvenfor brood marsa alth foal at f""t. botb itandard-bred¦nd iion atandard. ln Ihla deyartment prt-M wlllalao I- awarded to marea of Bne atyle and wpertorir...nn-' BcUoo, io roadalera, famlly boraea, rarrtagaand coarh horae-, aaddle-horafa, poelea, farm bor_eadra.fl hor-4**. and mulea,

The exhlblta ol cattle wlll be nnasaaBy Baa, Tlierewlll be three herd. of .yreahlree, iw of Duteh beltedrattle, ..ii- of Devona, four of Onernaeya, tbree or

llereforda, two of ifolatelua, four oi Jeraeya, aud twolliorns.

The iii-piiv ..f iheep wlll nlao ba an Bttractlvo,.,,.. xhe *how "( LwraeNhlrea wlll be unusuallyii,,.-. i.-ii,.;.-. ..f Ham].idowna are largelyin excess of f".'.i*er years. .'ine flock- from NewVork, I'enn i ivanla nnd N'ev Jer-ej wlll make thla,i, yerj |],i.-i--ii:i.'. Southdowna and the longw....|i".i iii.-iiin.a win i... h feuture. Tha awlne depar menl wlll rompri*-" clartce speetroena of all the

... I,, addltlon lo Uu. sorlety"* pr-mt.im.4, the Ameriean Iterht-hlra A_soclatlon baaoft.-red . -p..ial pi,/. for ih- !'.-. UerkelUre «ow audUtter ..f ,:.>. I"-- than (iv- pi_- under ~|\ moi.tlisof .-,-.-.¦. in the poultry departmenl ther- are over.j,"' titrles uln ni\.

I- a number ..f yeara i>a-t the diaplay "f frult*.irralna und v< Beiiiblea has been tlie b-*al In ataemd .,' mv ..f any >*tal« Rxblbltton h-ld on theAtlniiil, -.-al.".-,.-. .here wlll alao he an extonalv..!,-).i .\ of ,..;,. iii iiral linplein nt- and farm muchlnery-..ii- ,,r the -oelety riil-a wlili-h I- always strictly en

..] u ll '. i""! .li...- and .a.,i.ii.i/ ..f everyd.-hirlptlon are positlveh prohlblted on any part "fthe i'..i: (iroui.d-. i«ii _li.ir__.iy, September ._"_'. Oo....... -bbeti md atatf. und ni.irly every promlnenlittl ia| in ih,. at.t.. ,,f NewJer_ey, as well a- leadlngItl/eiis from all over lhe state, wlll .¦¦ pw-ent. An

Invltatlon haa 1..-..I, aeni ... Prealdent llarrl-on t bepreaelil ..ii ih.it day.


VEWB K"M THE Bll Ul vM> HW.i; OP PBICES.Tha prevBleaee st e.¦. abroad aad tii-- neeeaaary

q ii ,. ,-,- .,. 4..-,, i iLiiv .- ..a.l.l,..-.1 ti. .-h-.'k...... of |. .-...¦ um. Inatead Ot a demaad

belng .!... :>., --«t |n coliaeqneiii -r :i r- j.-.-t,..n ..I lli'-laii0II ,.,. bave ln.erl.red "itii exporUrrom -,. . a-,... whl tt,.- Ain-ri.-aii exporte ara

a yeai ¦_¦". the eemparatlveA areeh

:,.-. ,,,. ., ...- is.'. ,.,,. nearly IO.000.oOO gallona,... -1 -. ¦¦¦ oo

,,\ l.( -:,,, .- |- :...., B >'nr a_'-' "fi,i,,. j,,,. j,,;,.- ..t r.iiii"! ull ,,.¦ »uu»nary

,,-.,.,.. |'h.-i i-i .. imporuui. chanj .. ln tberrtid. w-triileun. -Itual. but th< Mi-Donald \n u¦-..-


, i iiihow a dalUih ru-ii, "i ." -.- l-_ri*ela, compand mu, luli

t ol I. ln >¦ pi-.¦ '-'"<-¦. .! -l. in S.-Ueniber,

.i dai

[., |«4j_, ll,- 1'mnMyl.,. tunii tt...,. s--| teuiber I i»

bt-r 0 ha.-t-.a ui thn '.,rl. ...:.- ¦>. :_a f«.l-

Rnna, i,.¦: -.- rt__. I".\. r>-i Imt, ra.

,6.872 .'¦¦ .1" -...'¦« ." ¦'-'

.... im ,. r )... t-nc n port" tnrn 6t po a b e te ¦,.,..-,%.-, ar. app-nded ._ pHlvertea. Ex. Ruaa

!¦.¦. .';"¦-: ^-^, :V,:S-

. ¦

".ae ranee. of pi i a total d, n ln Batlenal

.,,..- and ti, .....

...'" .*.

n ,....,,,..,.. ,-..a..:i.i,...i

Vf~* ended- S j,6 K-.10;

r.'.o .i ..''i.V. 288 000 M.< 00

¦¦ .'

. it,;,l,,..;.-. ...-a"...- un-han«.«4 at

ita hi bolk.|«,n .-tii.1.''.'.l1"' ,1'*"' '!"' .'."¦"".

. -. iat ti rnnei ner 100,. .. , -.per 50 kll.ii .. Ur.ni.-o, and

atL. en.


II- N | UR] a OP SI -V.VOBM M-.M.1N''**

Tha i'r--'i'i ¦¦ I'*-1 ""-¦.¦ '' -ii'-.¦'.* at "'. Baturday h,ir.-,,. me late ,.. bll -ttoo -f

,,.. liovernmenl roonthlj teport on eereal.. Wheal a*»a

M_a.-tl<-i_ I-.",.,.. ¦. .-helH i. In«.;...."rlabl bul ..- tha-' i

,!.., *. . .""< V* "'- *la"talk I..,!',.-,-.- et t'i- rholera

¦' .¦::,'.,.eit. Ti,- doanw . '¦,-¦¦ i;J " '-;;.''',.,., ,| ,,,,- The «ul -e.| U'ld '.¦ '* ""- <1'" 'A vl'

i ' ' '-., ,,,. uovc un ui .--

, . vi . .,l r ll "< *I-'H- f-'l ''"

,,1.5 ni.' Klnnrl...,, v.,,.. ..l i. luartera¦ .1.1 Uei " '¦.",'- ", VT

.-.r*. diutl l-ail llra, I----:¦-.,-.1, ,. |, wl,. ,1 » ,_ h-'f" I'.vl'"" 'I

v lieil nll I'lljV';:,,,"",.,. ¦.. rent on fl. al ae-.. the bulll*kVe_l . 1.-.ra -f

M Uii.nl ililpt*4iifl demandrhe,,:.,;.., p rs i" Septemt. udlt. eroli At

.',". ,' ,. ., ,.,|imfi H-.'..', ,-, '"lit "i, An-ilrt I. -h'*,' .,, |, ..l,il..,. Wl- I.."" Ill the -',,|.l'..p":l'i ,.-.-

,,,,,.¦. ii i.-.n ..' er»l ev-iiiptl.'n tnrn damaiie

"r,'l,l,,lV-,"'. '.t «I0W bul in av.,,,.,.l.v w.tl- -TBP. I'?,.!..i >|..' I--.- » - flrm bul dull lurh

,|., -,, ,.,, ,. lOlldltlllll ll .- ¦' 1.Bl 1 'I" Iim '"'llhe *

"-.he'flnal "'"...il qiiobitlon- wera n. <<-.'..«-¦wm ,t .*-. nt n.iH r .¦' " ¦¦¦ HO; Sovemtxr, Bl bi

,"rn a.,,,.-,, ,,«¦ 'i '. Sovember, -.' ',.i. he. .ii - M iv IHW i->*nl

nile Septenber :.s'. '>-...:.' a. November, -*.»'_I.mlier i"' .. ii'-

l,,,,i SepteinlH-r, .T 70: 0,_i,,h r -. ,0.The ,....,'- -r ..: .ei .'"I tlnn. re|»>rt»_ on 8at,n*-"ij it

\, Vork t'i Iad i- I*. n1""- ¦ ¦' n_*lon wer.' >.

f.ilo-a Wl.... .a.' ;, l.'.-li-N: ."rn. n7..l.. bU'he.H:,i. ia-,',-.-! ,,.|.;-: t-t-il train 7.MI.-IH bu«hel»; fl-'ii.

,-, ,-, .,,-,. bi m Chl .. M l' niki an Kt. '.-,,,. irrl.al' were: TTh at .V*> 2.V1 ImwieU: rorn. _Wi.;'|vJliuahele; -ifs. l.i'T'H l.'.-ii'!-: toUl i.un. I.tl'.-"-'

|g MI irrel*.

L1VB -TOCK BABK1.T8 BV TRLBUBAPII.,.,,,.-.,, a ittl. lt,. --a- laal 2. a .« - 1.7 "

I,., «... k la 100 Im id ¦¦ 'U«h. '.--" h "'N-w Vurk <- " h id on --'¦ '¦ ''." head; aiark > i pand weak 11--* Ue "!'" .>-' -',« boura, UMJ4.ad;

r,',' '.,.., ,.| nn al. ..¦.» head; n.aik-t .._a-i..V,V -,. I,,,.,- ..... hl.h-r -". .I li '"ll -1'' heavy.nd medlum, IS -Odlai 50;rn f .1 -'. ¦-.O.'t". "IU l-i. k. a :n,rl iii.ili.iin, BA 4,»il f-> a"

Vrk i- ¦'.I .' beal "n'"l. --'-'"'-' .- d" IMTht to__,., .i _".. 11,,,+ . 20 era- ...iiiiii.... to end. .fl .s...'

,t"-r.-1,-L.*i .--44V-.,.... *.*.-...*-¦. i<»- Pii.;.u-"-.i - trntt,rnf..l .-.-"-.-.... 'I.'""" »klP" '° __.__W*__*-'_

+ , -.'., lamha, natlvaa .i ,,.-«i «., iiiffa-, 74ua-la roBimoa to be't. e5 75aao.

,'k, '-I... setfl i'1 "The I'viiln. .laiirual" r-|>ert-,-.,{,": i";.nt- :i '¦"' h.-.i" -bipmania, 1.100 head. Mar.

_-4l._«ft»B' Utrht a4 1H,'"f54'* BB-fP-~_-B»__». .!.¦"» |bi_d;*hi_-iient-. 10* hee-l. Markat liMeaa; __4c lower [

than IkBIBflei; wethera, *41t*r,; mlx'a. 84*04 60; fat,,s 88 75#fl4 75; f._ Texan.. *3 75*81 __»: Texana._" -.'..s-Vi'. V.e.t__rna, 88 75*14 85: B_aba, a|aOaB«l«i-t I .1,1- .-sept. io. .:.U...K.ell.t*. ut*) hnkl, aMp-

rei'its i ooo beed. flaiflol et.-j.n-; fair to atadee nauvo_..-r-' 03°0_-04 .*..»: f.-ir Ki good Texaa _nd Indian ateera.

a»10d*S Boga-Uoeclpta _00 h_<l ahlpaaeBlB, HOO*;.. .xi_.-i-t atrong n-nvy, «.'. u.e** .4 ,_. aing. 0 »0.V.-.io ii-M "...,-...*.. Bheep-Beceitaa, -'.... heaflj.Mpmenta-W heafl; marlwt ____ty; Si S gooa muttoue

range *3_-»i 90.^

_///_. if-lfaT OF T_.__I>_-.

Mflmflio. BBffl **-**_% ****iS3.*_H**&n*a**L*

.2X' _3o28. tiii., La. 1 o oca) buah. ^^.J*-|atradj l-'ult., 70_ _¦'..-: l««^/^'Kff.^lV_,l_8_^_l_.Th_[apot..-,!,-.-.i-.-.; tn- month. 58V .''id Uw-eti.u. 7 .jof

.,-.; _&.{"* -s?wWkoS. b,M_r'"houoXNo 2 white We-Km, _-.'__ 3:... **. \ "'?,..-, u7i__T._87>a«; re,-..|,,.s, 88,00. «*:««.& " '._.\9 SJ|.li No ¦'. OtSfttte reretpta 10,871 baah : atef*.**.\*».I. -t,. Uay ateady g.-rf to cholee Umoth). *H«. '. .*.ltt

freighta ateady; unchanged. tottmi .m_u,_.ln____¥f\7.,- l'r...lsi.ns flll v a.tlve; meaa *m'____f**____*_V_*_\i--.l-_ n.Mt.s. looae. si.,.,l,l,-.s 74...; lon. e *¦*?. » .¦ ', J£ribt-dea. -V auaa^cklad abouldere, 8«ac,."".¦£<."¦...!...1 -i,ould.-rs. 1..,'.-'4-. kame.amall. 1-»fc. '««.«: ¦.[¦*13L.-; lard. i-iui,d. _u«e; cnttte, ..'.>. Btftt'» v. 1.*___*ereamery, fancy, L'54KOtj talr te cholee, --.._*' *__N*_Tut..,.. ___.__. ladle, r_...y, I8*l9c; good *J*__&..-.« 17, stur- pieked. 1....17-. Eagaactl-o; BtaJJaM-.1,.. Coflee Um, Bta .-arfoeo, fair. i. ..-. Bo ., '..»*/_;s.tgar tir... nii.i actlve; _i....ui_t-d. ...<-.. Lotflfr 8rw_n_i.i.i.i. 10 ... xviii.k-v -t-.i\ bi ai _*fta -" "i aanaai¦nd *l 'iOtttH 80 per gaihaa f.«r .obbwg lot*.

Buflflia, ..-ut. in. Ni.ru.s wii.--t <i.n-t aad aaap; afltaaof i ear >.f xo. i herd at 85c; 5000 i.-i-h do al »2«jn.,001) bu_h Bo. l Borthern Binfleapolla at 8l%c apaai.o _ale». .-. I. f.: Ba i herd ipat elaeedal 88e: do

Mlnneaimlls al SAHf, du .. I. f.. i.t ____**. ___*Northern s.H,t ut B2c; do Mli.neap.-I_ at 81V.,i. o. i. f. Bt B8e; Ba 1 BerthJlB s»>»»t 78e: wuit.-r »ii.wt -.n-.> nud ftrii. | Jlo BBB.7s'-,-: No. 1 whlle, 79c; Xo. I .vtn. r-d ,.+U< >"_ .«

r-_ 71..72.-. Corn acarce _.,<l Brmer; s'«, .d in<jnlry n...

2 ..-now -old at .»;t«^'.:iv; So 3 d.. al 52-»«»8e; so *

W-'AVltte- No A Siadl-ic, i.ln-. at ouUtae pricea.oiu Br_-r; I eara Bo I arblte s.,ld a'. 88e; 8 eua No1 white at, __,i-,!_.',.. 1 -_r N.i 2 in.x__l _t BO_tl BB)trJk le'ooo tfuab ,id v, I ohlte aold tf 87-« la ateea.Rv-i -bill: Bo 2 new. 88c aaked on track. Hour ln a-ottdemaiid and flrin beat -nnn_. *l .'.-.¦..'*. 80; wlnter. W *>.,$.!<.: rv- Sour. M '*U_ '.'.*.. Ml!lf-d fl. n. nnd '.n-

rhanged. ii.ki fretauta eealer, wtaat, _____*_>**____H.. oata J1".-: tl4X«e-d, »'«.-. Ke.--.l.te-Hour, **.___bWa- -rheat 887.000 bmib: eom, _M_.Aao h.._h. Canal- Ipn.-nt. \vhe.t. l»i.ra_i buah: rorn 77.000 b-jahi_b«.

ert 50 500 buah bhipn.ente bv rall-Fl-ur 3.^ 808 bbU!wheal 846^00 t.nsh ,-orn. ttAOO bu. h BO_B, 3-1.500bn_b;'rye, ii non baah.

CMoiflB, Sei*. 10.-Th. l-udlntt future* r_i.lt»'d »« »1-

l_J2e_e_i OaafllBg Hiehest. Loweat. Cloalng.

-,s"!:. is as ib ;:.I'orn Ba 2: 7, ,¦

>;..'' ^.:::::::::::::.t.-_,5o. 87% IKlwaK

;,','; r ..;;;..... 37-37., R< » 37*«

o.,^;:;1,,,rk-,,rr 1,M:io^ ib» ;oo5 inSV_,,-iHrv::.:: .. uo7«i i»«h ***** *n-<»Ia.rl. per .-or.: . T-^si,.,rt ni.s. per 100 ih: ___ ....

Repteinber ? 25 - y| y_*_ 7 75i:.'u..'r.- :::::::::::::: »^ .** .** *-:*

,-;,.h .,: eaUooa w-r.. a. r.ll->w- ri'.ur st-a.lv. wlnterp.teS_I '*aS»5a-MlO; wlnter -...__..... g***gg_i,rins ni.- nt- n..*i 50; Mtrlug atrafahte, -r.t .OBOSflflj!_!<..,... .-_:.!_«:.; Vo 2 ,L,rl..« wh-.n. 73V: Bog.1. .-.. ,..;...-. No ^ r-d. ,..»4--: No eom. *ae.>-,, ¦. o_t_ .'I'-.ill's,'' Bo J ..tilte _.-,': \o .1 whlt". 3_"a*..ii.. v ';> rv- .viV; N- 2 barlor, B5a; Be i f. a ta.4 ..-.i:'.- No i f. ,.. i. __W Wc Be II aaee.1. *1 07. prlmeUuwtJiv K-ed. #1 »-. _*l >_->: me_a porfl, i_-r bbl, 810 0M810 io; lard, per 100 ff. +7 :t7-.v ahort riba, si.es .,..-._*--e,.*7 7-,. d-v -_lt -<l -im.ild-r- (boxed 8A80C87:"hort elear'aldeii b\..t. 8»t8» 05: «hi-i<ev. d iBUeea'iiiii-ii'.il ..O.I-, per gal, n-i I-"., mgara aachaafati Ue 3,-.,ru. «0*»c.

.rttclea,{.'.**.¦ a_lp_fn*ii.-,,;.,_ t,-.; .i.-.'.oo ».oo8.vi.-'.i i.u-ii ..»5.0_0 _78.0O0J i.u-t.


.854 000 _....-^Ste hu_h. .^',.l>,", 1,,:-°__fflT' i,_h. . I'Vnon 4000

iliiiev.b»*h:.':.:....-«"<v"' '^ou tl, Produee V.\, lionire to-day th- butter mark-t waa

-t.--.dy j.,d .ii-lm:-,'d. Bgga lloWj _*__< tly fresli, 1, _:«I8e.

Clucli.iiaM Bept. 10.-Hour qut-t. Wheal qulet. flrm;\. ¦' red 711 oV2 _i'-: r<.Ipta 1-.000 bush _h.lp_.enta,6.000 b"-h Corn etronaer; No.2 aa-tad. M*. <>«.» MIlL-lit d-uiund So. 8 mlxed, 33-:i3'-_^ live duM: No. 257c Pork oulrt. ateady, *H> .o; \art **_\l____\Dwata Ur..-. 87 50; baeon ateady, 88 fWflefl 10. Whlakeyn,,.: mIm 1.081 bbla. $1 lu. llntter e*-ler. &ui:arUn.,. E_gK_.atr_ng.15-K. Cbeeaa ateatf, urm.

-tllwaufcee, Bept. 10..Flour Mlet. Wb__rt _teadr;So .. virlng, 70c; So. l Northern '<.>- Deeeniber. ,2«-e.torn .^.-r: N... 3. 46*a_M7e. '">_t- flrm; Bo. 2 white,:-,....ni. So. 3 do. _2S-_fl8.ec. IJ-.l-y qulet;bepu-mla'r, »'s'i'-..-: _aiuple on traek, 82B6.C. llye .jui-t;.-,! i -,-i..-.'..i.... rr.,-.;-...i- qulet: ix>rk. Octotwr,81005; Lard, October, 87 87 _i. n- -.¦ pt-- FUmr. 88fll,i,i- ,.!_.:... 01.000 bu-h he'-v. 27 500 l>"i-it. Slil|>.

..- Klmir, 11.500 bW«i »t-Cat, VOoO bu_. t..rlr._s..| lill.ll.

Mliui..i|_.!is Bept. 10. Tbe hulf dav .e-_iou t» dnr didnot glve wheat nui'ii oppoitunlty t.. leeovae Baaa. the-_rlv n.or.iiiiu: cholera reporte. Aft«-r a whlle than irket lli _ed u Utlle on reporta of a -ol. ».ve. Deeem-

r wheal opened nt 72.K. snd -loeed ..t '___)___ Ih-r.iraa j, vin atead] tlnctuatloii npward. Tradlne »a.iicht ani the a-awon wta dull. Caah wbeal »_-* th-mt-t-mir ,it ve_terday*a prleea. No. i Borrhera bow s-idiirlncilMlly -.f 7.-.-.-. < ...<r.s- ifn.d-s wepa e-n-rali. _t.-i.dv.Ilulll-b irflv-rnnient report ><_- !_-_«»- ror. 1. M ,jI,,. l 7.S-,. >. |,t.ml. r opened, 7"..: lileh-»t, ,0\e;

-,. .!,,-.<t. ,,.','. Deccreher opened. 7_V:1, -h. .t'7-. loareat, 721-.- rloaed, 72-V. .... track. N*.»1 hi.rl 78c; So 1 Nithrn. 71'.-; K* 2 BorthefB,

ni1 Kepteinber, .'2 _¦¦-.

Phlladelphla. 8epl lu Ploni Utth or nothlne dolna oawbole-al- in_rk-t tuid prlee* .. uk arlth li-l-l--- -_i.\.<_i..,, .,|| ii. ii..: atead* .t +.< >.',^-:.. 70 |,eri.i.i ror ch'olre PYvuiayh-Mla. vVheat.MarkH advanced

.1 rloaed flrm, wltb modeiate aderlnga. raMeaq. :¦¦. and llttl- Inqulrr for -\|. ¦-.. No ._' r<-d [___*>**__T.:,<,*:; ,,:¦¦ r-v./7r. .- Novemner, 7'--,m1,.; n.v,. ir,t.- r s ...,..,,. Rre .teadr, aV f..r rflolce Penn_rt-vaola Com.So tradlng In future*, l.ut inmket str-nuiu uiiti.-ii.-.tt.n of bulll-i. aoveniment erop W t- l.o_-_JI

!. !...- very acarce on apot, and held ..t fnn pricea; de.niiird lli'hr. N,, I grade, tra-k. ,'.,'l. No 2 mlxed. ia irrajn.i ,..r .',:¦_,¦ on apot aod "¦. rlv. In few dv. ;\ mlxed Set-tetnber, 5«l«*54"»c; October ft8f54c;Noven.be. '.:iL-,;.'.i-...-; Deeeniber, 5S-l«.-4_ie. 0:._.

.. ,,,,.,;¦ .-.¦ pi: -.- ,,. .i *. 1--M fltn i bol <!.'.,, md llght f.i«.«d.d whlte, _0*jc: No A _hit.> ;i7 .-

\,, .> whlte <1 N" 2 "l.lt HepteTibee, .V'.ain'.\ :_- i. Dee. raN it#

41L-. V.g_t* -t-.i.:. I'.nns.l.aila flr-t.s, 22c. BaflM.I! liii-d nn .-ul,.. 5'*. extra powdered XXXX _V,

rd p,,wd red 5 8.16c; llne iran.ibt. <1 :. .lii,-;,| ;t. i.;,-: ers.w.i \....'...'.. rrvatal A. 5 8-18c:

,: uble reflned dlaaumd a fo raody 5 fl Ide; ,-onf..-fion-ra*v. '. IH'.. r,.l -t-ir A, 4 l'i. Keyrlone k. Il5-I8c;IraiikMii U 111-1.:. .! \t (' 1 7-lfle! red -'.r C.

r |. ..-'.-ii -.. .' s m. blue -tar C, fl.OOe. aii le**:.,. ..mi: !--i..|i and Bfl o|.fl .mil rebate .* I'lflc. nth-rirtldea Mi.liai._-. U- Ij-r- Plo'if ¦". '_a> bbla. 2 700_l.'ka wheat, 00,700 l.'i-li ...rn 20.900 u-l. out.. 7<W_I,-!,. Sl Ipi -'.'- \\!...n, 00,700 bu-h -rn. 2a'.OO l,..-h;

,,,!.. 7,888 baah.tn, /i..,iii4, *-,-i.r. io v.r anrhanged. \viie»i

d'oputd '.¦.'.. earlv, bnt - on .vered aud l._>ed '...'.aab-ivJ. .-.-_t.T-i.-. raah 00. Keptemhcr rloaed 80

iober 7>.L- I- .. mlier. 78 _ifl7J\c: Ma\ 71."..-. Corn1 itrm und Uaher und elo-.d S.-..1- ahova ve-t-rri-.v;

-.-li. 44." Bepl mber rloeed I4:-.,-: .,, i,,l,.r 44>r. >,-ir4.;., May -t*- "J'- followeg <-..ru and Wlieal -nidi-I(_mm| S<i*4< al...*.' veaterday; e».«h and Neptemhee,'.:,,- n.t.l,. r ... M:r -«*_C H'" qul-t. ... .;.'.--'1-.Ilr.ii «-.... ..,>,.. .>-.'.. eaet tmeK. 11..v dull and un.

,-hai'g-d. i."«d dull. »:i ...".. Flaaaeed hiah-r. »l VA.Hut_.r and eaaa unchaag-d. rornmeal "t-tuiv *rj 1*>^>ri20 Whlakci ateady *i io for fln.*h.'d flaeia. u__r-i.'uikr and nitt.iii t.s un, ._r,_-d. I'ork ,w»l.-r; Jobblna..1073 I.ar.l noniliiallv loarer, W1088725. D'v -_ltrn.--.ty- and ..-ou quU-l «tlh -ulv i* amall )..h tred. alnrAlniia qnntatlona Reeelpte.Pkwr. l 0»__ bbU wheat.ItifOOO buah -.. ii W Oflfl ".> o.i- ;l ooo h.i'li.shl|H»e..t< Flour. 11 .v.i) bb'a: wheat, H ooo hu-th; .orn,rt. i. .> buah: oata. n.taio bnah; ry :i..a»i i,i;_h.

'I'. ;,.<!,, otue. S- pt, io- Wl--ut ilul!. lin i-r: .-itah aud- i,i, -ii,I.. r T'"- .'.'... 7>i'«. I>,'.-.._i..,r. 7s \.- Mnv.r r.-ii dull, et.ii.lv: N- 2 ..<-_, 4h. Bo 2 VklM,

..;it- oulet; .u-Li :.:i. Ky - dull raah, Bfle.C|.,M_r_eod st,H1. prlme caah, 85___: Octaber, *.". 7%S;No .> caah *'..'->. RecelnW Kl ur. S7:i hl.l--. wheflfl2.10 000 buah: -.'rn I7.480 bu»h rv, 1206 buah; -lo.-r.I l|3 buah. Bhlnmonta Plour. 0 212 bu'h; wli.wt,fHi.,-00 baah: eom, a... buah; .y-. 1,100 bush; u«.\_e- d. -.'oo baah._

l-TVl. STOCK MARKET.Kew.Yerk Baturday, Bepi 10. _H_J_VI_U Bf«elBfl_, 78

rara .,:. 1.883 head 48 rar« rooalgned di.svt t. ilaagbfl... rs, il eara tar wtport alive. and 10 cara rmataily lata

.-..¦ ia. fur lhe utarkcv Home of l-'i.,luv'_ late ar-rltaU «-r>. s,.ld at abade lower pr|.-e_ than th- _.in«i-attle would ha\- broughl early lu tn- day. K.Uun (inn

__-ev«_; weak f,.i othera. BO naar MBla u-wa..siiii il, ni- ..- r. ported. .

mu., ii vnxfs rwelve head reeeivei at the Bffat,- |i \. tiadnis und inark-l iintnliml

. ILVF.S -Recelpta »'l head.720 ». ttotl.-M. and Hl ati.:..-v i nv sr._.!v f..i live ralvea. Pblr__.____*_.*****... ,i at 80 75308 per l»0 »; a aaixed b.iu.-h at ».% e-r. t._Iveaat -.< ta. graaaera ut +:i M. hundred ot *__B*riVita ». SVw-teroa, .onalgned dlreet. Draaaed eaJvje_,.;.:,_iit un. 11....--.1. w.u. um u-uui liu-ht faiaaaafU

""''x.:--- i. B Pldeeek I Baaa: 81 Bflaai .ah., 177 18... rj ,. at *¦>»¦'> l»r 100 IT. .... ,.»'l -*gbil-enba_h 4 veala. Uf 1k H Be aar %H**\ *_«Bl fiSc; :. f.d ralve* 158 " ... 4. da MO U. tA tt.

ii.,.- .Mull-n: :. veala IM B. at ta; 11 prassera,

,7ii .--...!..v_ im::- 10 .-.N. I88B, at f,\c..i i' N-i-on* i ted caltaa, _SK U, al 3',.-; 1 v.wl.

l4_4HKEI»8AXD LAMBfl Reeelpt- in-lndi... 3 e,r.

v..,. rt .lue.t. »-r- IV ara, a. 3 112 kead. O«o4 .,,'i tamlM were n-.t plenty nud dealera ut th- app.

. ii_|. rat.-l the markel Itrm f»r l»-«t aradea ind '.,- hlgher.C.mmon st...-k dull nnl .¦>.'-- u-l tbe tnarket «as rt.r it

, em . ..ii-ii.-ii lo prlme «..ei. «oirt at e.l Ho-*.-,<. u-r 100 th: rulla by the h'ad ut 80 2 _B and *' :.o;,...i... lo l.-.t-- lu.'h II .'. .';.... )_>.- 10.. TkH ...... nii.ttoi. -'.", it '1"-: dr.' lan,t>_ aaMat,.»..... jiul _..|. ...rri.-- Bl ll- Bilarler -to.-k u» l..w aa''

s,|,-.-<; Dllleobaek: 808 tbaaMee hmh*. 74 ih gflflfl..,' al +.'..» t-r Hm fl ''. Wate lo ie. B, Bl ?<! 101

Ohlo aheep, I0d B. «. 1580; IBJ WaalllB do, 10-2 ffv, at4' iTioii I- M>.Un us- s.ta'- luinl- Ul B at 88T8J 188,,. ';,i'^ .. *-, -,e 120 - B8 »». il 8587..: Ih i-olfa, at-'i 50 eaeh. 18 da, «t 81 80 ae. baad 15 u... tor *io for

D Ilarrtogteni ioi Paamaylaaalo h«bB O-.' tt, at_-,--, --.-. w. -t- ni do. f.:. », u. 88; 21"', _.>. 07 B, aa«< ,V>_. "-,.. d,> im tt.. ut ?¦'. no"

|| li-.'uT .-.-k Hollla ".,-' s.t.-ii- !_>_.._. 72 rr,. at .-- 9a.ii M,i'i..r-m, t ... m li ultato -I" i>. h: I. «t (flflfl

¦",:i Muifai lamha, '>'.,L.' B. at 8* 78.,..,,, .

, \- fiii.I, | flonai 148 weal \-'.'iila lambs, flflm i. 88 Ifl »7 W-.-t Vlr-jlnl. ,-li.i>. M B, ot *4.

HO-fl.Becelpta !* .ar-. <.r 1,.0^ kead. Market w.|,.n R.liralo aivl.-e«. A l.nn.h of 3.. SW.- lum a.eraclaf183 B, «as so'.d bv <i. lilll.'i.ha.-h at *ft .'eO per 100 Ih.

KI'HOl'KAN I'Kt'Dt'f'K MAI1KITS.I.tverj_»l. S-pt. 10.8 l> in. Il.sf p»rk ma h_n

holdee- off-r mod-'ii-.-lv. Ba<-«n.llnldern offar miderat-l. ;_i«rt rlbs. about 95 ^. fl'm «t 40_ long tl._r _>U.it 45 «,toni tt. 40a "l lo'.w aM -a.irt .-l-ar. atvout 80 ln. nrm itic. .«! Cbeeaa ii-id-rs off-r aoartaalr amaetraa fl..e_iwhite and .-..lor.-d fliu at 4'.. t«d. Tulluw- llold-x« offertnoderati-ly. 8>irj-/.itUie- -lluldere o.T.* fr.l.v. Roain,lud i-pot ..nd la.d ^lt.lre. llolder. off-r inod-rau-lv.Wheat- lioidera -ffer modarately: Ba I r-.l »<nter -t. ..irnt ... llsjd. Bo 2 r.d aprliig ateadv at «« lm Flour.llold-rs offer n.odenatelv. lor". »pot Holden- offer apar.luulv niU.-d Weatern flim at 4a 3d. Corn. futurea.Holdera offer .paHnglv mlx-d Westerfi. Septer.bcr. Onr al4n M; Qeteber. ftrm at 4» 0*«d N<-V__Bber. flrm at 4a T*C1I-V_ at-I_ond_«, 1V.-18.0 c_a_-t.Huldera aro aet a-tertn*.