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Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement

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Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement

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Page 1: Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

Page 2: Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement

The Azamar Players Guide was released as a complete Core book; however there were organizational deficits that did not make it into the final cut. Chief among these is the Character Feature Index, an integral and extremely useful alphabetized list of every Character Feature in the Azamar Players Guide. This Gamers Supplement provides not only the Character Feature Index, but also exclusive Character Sheets with new, original art illustrated by Khairul Hisham.

Additionally, the Gamers Supplement includes a quick reference for all the tables throughout the Azamar Players Guide. At the tail end of the Gamers Supplement is also a rehashing of the mini campaign and adventure, The Road to Azamar. Take a look, enjoy the content, and explore the amazing world of Azamar.

© 2009-2011, Azamar, the Cinema6 Role Playing Game Framework, c6, Cinema6 Games, and d6Unleashed, Wicked North Games, L.L.C., All Rights Reserved.

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

Page 3: Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement


CONVERGANCEAzalea stared at the looming skyline. Beside her sat Dav. A decade past, and the Dragon Riders were nowhere in the lands of Azamar. Their legacy vanished from the breadth of the world. Still hope teased at their hearts, and they and their friends struggled ever forward, looking ever ahead. Ten years ago, Mogi gave his life so they might reach Dragon Home and Adrya Ampais, little had any of them known it was fruitless, but for scant clues left behind by the Anteprofidian masters. They journeyed on, following every idea, every possible hint and rumor of the Dragon Riders. All of them eventually lead to this rock, jutting from the great Sea of Abalos. At first they believed it was special, as at the peak of the isle a small unmarked altar lay waiting for some kind of magic, yet Dav could not affect any changes in the place. As if his magic did not work there. Like some massive stone reached up from the depths of the oceans, reaching to the twilight skies, touching the toes of the moon of Syndia, this tiny island was bear and lifeless. The smell of salt spray and sulfur wafted across the sea breeze, as the small party waited, wanting for some answer, any answer. “Three days. We have been here, and scoured the entire stone. We’ll need to leave soon as there’s no food here.” Azalea kept staring at the horizon. “Yet, this place, it’s pure magic. As if we must wait until we can no longer.” Dav kept on, rubbing his hand on the stone, it was warm instead of cold, laughing on the irony of their position. “Ha! A game of patience, perhaps.” And so the small band of companions waited. Beren, Garn, and Dav often sitting around a fire laughing on stories of Mogi’s foolish escapades, while Rahk’nur, Medric, and Azalea discussed the politics of magic and the high Azamarian court. Two more days passed, and they began to pack their small ship to leave the desolate rock. It was their last evening that it happened. The moons were full and one began to pass in front of another, one purple, the moon of Ofvgar, in front of the

larger blue moon, the moon of Syndia. As they passed together briefly in the sky, the rock shook beneath them. The bottom of the isle shimmered in red, silver, and blue as a massive tear in the Fabric ripped open. The falling sun fell from sight, and the light of red and purple reflected off the clouds above. First there were only small creatures who emerged from the tear, but then the reality of the moment set in, as another wave of Fiends poured forth onto the rock. They were all in their pure forms, scrambling to attack the small party, who fled to the peak. In that moment, Dav felt the magic within him well up, and he was able to send forth bolts of magical energy at the oncoming horde. When they reached the peak of the rock, Dav found his very touch on the altar cause a blazing yellow flame to ignite in mid-air. Before them a gate opened, and as it opened further, the small band realized the Fiends were upon them, moving faster, attracted to the magical power of that gate.A Revenant reached the top of the rock, and after it poured forth the first massive wave of beasts. Azalea, Dav, and Garn struck first. The rest was an epic battle, but at last they retreated into the gate, which shut behind them. Many of them were wounded, but all alive. They survived the day, but where had they gone? They stood in a meadow of short grass, on a hill with a small stone altar. Around them, far below was the lost city, they recognized it. It was Adrya Elorr, a city of myth, the city of the Dragon Riders. Before the injured and bleeding group, a modest old man walked up, using a walking staff to hold his weight. “Greetings.” His voice carried on the wind like he was beside them, whispering in their ears. “You have finally come! I know you have many questions. As do we.”“Who are you?” Dav spoke up, stepping forward; all their weapons were still drawn and poised. “Well my young wizard. I am Ofvgar, perhaps you know my name?” The old man smiles genuinely. “Welcome!”

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

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YuforiansYuforians are an extremely rare and exotic race of creatures on Azamar. These creatures appear as giant, pitch black serpents, with the head of an insect-like creature, with massive mandibles and pincers. These creatures use a combination of large whiskers and antennae on the head to move and sense prey, they are otherwise blind. Yuforians burrow through the ground very slowly, and can burst out to surprise prey, though they prefer above ground movement. They leave a distinct black and silvery mucus behind as they move, like mollusks. This creature is typically the length of three to four wagons and as big around at the thickest area as a cask.

The mucus the Yuforians leave behind is also something they can cough when bursting from the ground, releasing a small spray of the fluid into the air. This can disorient and sometimes cause halluncinations to anyone exposed to it directly. Yuforians do not appear to have a native environment, as some academics theorize that these creatures come from the voids between worlds and slip into Azamar from another realm. They are extremely aggressive and dangerous, and can consume a person whole.

Hit Points: 80Initiative: 4dVitality: 6dMove: 10Cinema Points: 5Experience Value: 4

Strength 6d, Dexterity 4d, Persona 1d, Intellect 4d, Aptitude 1d

Creature FeaturesBite, Brawl, (to hit), Damage: Strength +50.

Chitter, Deception +36, resist with Search or Empathy, the Yuforian produces a high pitched ticking sound that distracts and stuns targets after a short period, if listening to it (and failing to resist), Duration: 1d Rounds, Activation: 1 Round.

Cough, Ranged, (to hit), the victim is covered in a viscous black and silver fluid that immediately induces hallucinations, stunning them; there is no way to resist this effect once covered in the fluid, Duration: 1d Rounds.

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

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Difficulty Ratings ChartTarget Number Difficulty RatingEasy 6Moderate 13Difficult 21Very Difficult 31Heroic 46Epic 60

Difficulty Rating Examples Easy: Most Characters can accomplish this action without significant difficulties, but can still fail.Moderate: Most Characters must concentrate and have some degree of natural talent or some training to accomplish this action successfully.Difficult: Characters must concentrate, exert significant effort, and experience training or practice in accomplishing this action successfully.Very Difficult: Characters must own a level of expertise, concentrate, and exert some effort in accomplishing this action successfully.Heroic: Characters must expend significant effort and concentration; have a modicum of luck, and a significant experiential background in accomplishing this action successfully.Epic: Characters must experience lots of luck, exert significant effort and concentration, and own complete mastery in an area to successfully accomplish this action.

Character Creation How it works:

1) Create the Character’s Name, Race, Gender, Height, Weight, Trade, Level (Optional), Chronicle, and Description.

2) Distribute ten dice (10d) to the five (5) Attributes (Dexterity, Strength, Persona, Intellect, and Aptitude). An Attribute with three dice (3d) is an average Attribute score.

3) Calculate the Derived Stats: Hit Points, Initiative, Move, and Vitality. Distribute seven dice (7d) to the Character’s Skills. Each Skill inherits the score of the parent Attribute, thus if Dexterity is at four dice (4d), then all the Skills belonging to Dexterity begin at four dice (4d), so adding one die (1d) to Dodge increases the Dodge Skill to five dice (5d).

4) Hit Points equals The Number of Strength Dice multiplied by three, (Hit Points= Strength x3).

5) Move equals Strength plus three, (Move = Strength + 3).

6) Vitality equals Strength, (Vitality = Strength).

7) Initiative equals Dexterity, (Initiative = Dexterity).

8) Save or spend the seven (7) starting Cinema Points for raising Skills or purchasing Character Features.

9) Get starting Equipment, Money, and Weapons.

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

Page 6: Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement

Random BackgroundsRoll Background


Born into extreme poverty, you struggled with finding basic needs and got good at saving for later: Multiply money by three (x3)

4 You worked as an apprentice to learn to surpass others: +3 Cinema Points.

5Raised in a modest household, you dreamt of adventure and trained yourself into shape, Move +3.

6Adopted by a wealthy tycoon, you received superior academics throughout childhood: Academics+2d.

7 You survived your family, persevering into a stronger person: Hit Points +12.

8 Criminals carved out your childhood: Pickpocket +2d.

9 A Rival forced you to fight whenever possible: Dodge +1d.

10Your early life was about saving everything: Multiply money by two (x2).

11With the comfort of a stable family, you learned to get your way: Persuasion +2d.

12 Raised by siblings, you learned the art of avoidance: Sneak +2d.

13 Condemned and abused, you persisted despite the odds: Streetwise +2d.

14 Raised by in the wilderness, you lived off the land: Survival +2d.

15Life in a monastery taught you to improve the self: Brawl +1d, Grapple +1d, Dodge +1d.

16 Instructed in secret and given the tools for survival: Cinema Points +5.

17Rigorous military training and focused academics gave an edge: Any Skills +4d.


Your master gave you everything, the rest is up to you; Any Attributes +2d, Any Skills +2d, Multiply money by two (x2).

Scale Modifiers

Scale Modifier for Character Modifier for Challenger

Small Damage +8 Dexterity +8Character Dexterity +8 Damage +8Large Dexterity +12 Damage +12Very Large Dexterity +18 Damage +18Dragon Dexterity +21 Damage +21

Corruption Events How it works: Each Blur-Touched Character rolls one die

(1d) and compares to the following results.

Roll Close (<20 distance) Near (<50 distance)

1 Vanish into the Blur Take 1d+21 Damage

2 Lose 1d Persona (Min. 1d) Take 1d+18 Damage

3 Lose 1d Persona (Min. 1d) Take 1d+15 Damage

4 Lose 1d Intellect (Min. 1d) Take 1d+12 Damage

5 Lose All Cinema Points Take 1d+9 Damage

6 Take 1d+30 Damage Take 1d+6 Damage

Random Backgrounds (Optional)An optional method of adding some flavor to new Characters is by rolling for a random background. We produced a random background chart that really adds a bit more to a Character and gives them a little more uniqueness and personality. Take it or leave it, it is an excellent way to spice up any new Character!

How it works: three dice (3d), add them up, and compare to the chart below.

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

Page 7: Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement

Character Developlment

Development of Characters is the process of customizing and improving the various Traits and Features. Traits are any part of a Character that are not Character Features. There are standard costs to Character Development for Traits, but Features vary widely. Features also often have prerequisites that effect cost, including possessing other Features or holding certain dice pools in specific Traits, specific Races, or specific Trades.

How it works: Improving Traits costs the number of Cinema Points outlined below.

Trait CostAttribute Current Rating x 10 Skill, Initiative, or Vitality Current Rating x 3

Skill Specialization Current Rating

Hit Points 2Move Current RatingNew Skill 6New Skill Specialization 4

Veteran Characters

Sometimes, GMs create games specifically for more experienced Characters. These are Veteran Characters. Veteran Characters use the basic Character Creation process, but they receive an extra number of Cinema Points based on how the GM desires to distribute them. The following table provides guidance to distribute Cinema Points to Veteran Characters.

Echelon Suggested Cinema PointsJourneyman 30Adept 50Professional 90Veteran 120Prime 200

• Languages • Persuasion• Willpower Intellect Skills • Academics • Business • Culture • Law • Medicine • Politics • Search • Streetwise • Survival • Tactics

Aptitude Skills • Communications • Demolitions • Engineering • First Aid • Navigation • Operate • Piloting • Security • Vehicle Weapons

Dexterity Skills • Athletics • Brawl • Dodge • Heavy Weapons • Melee • Pick Pocket • Ranged • Riding • Sneak • Throw Strength Skills • Climb • Jump • Lift • Push-Pull • Grapple • Stamina • Swim

Persona Skills • Artisan • Command • Deception • Empathy • Gambling • Intimidation

Skill List

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

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Earning Cinema Points

Whenever a Character overcomes an enemy, a GM rewards Cinema Points based upon the Experience Value of the defeated opponent. The Experience Value of an opponent relates directly to the difficulty of prevailing over that Character in combat. After a defeat, a GM rewards Cinema Points to all Characters in the party. Below is a chart that assists in assigning Cinema Points for defeated opponents based on the methods used for defeat.

Method of Defeat Estimated ValueKilled (Slain) x 1Outwitted (Deceived) x 2Converted (Persuasion) x 3

Obviated (Tactics) x 2Captured x 3

Magical HealingHow it Works: Willpower DR based on the following chart, Duration: Immediate, Activation: Instantaneous.

Difficulty ResultEasy +3 Hit PointsModerate +6 Hit Points, Cure Disease

Difficult 1d+6 Hit Points, Remove Poison and Plague

Very Difficult 2d+6 Hit Points, Cure Magical Illness

Heroic +4d Hit Points, Regenerate body parts

Epic Resurrection

Flexible Spell Casting (Optional Rule)Some GMs may want to employ flexible spell casting. To cast a spell, a Character in Azamar must possess Blur-Touched and spend a Cinema Point. After that, the Player describes the intent and desired effect and the GM assigns a DR to the intended spell. A magic foci, (such as an amulet, ring, staff, or wand), may provide bonuses to casting spells, at the GM’s discretion.

The following table provides loose guidance:

Example Spells DRLight or Levitate Small Object Easy

Create Fire or Water ModerateElemental Attack DifficultTeleport (sight distance) Very DifficultTeleport (anywhere) HeroicResurrection Epic

Money In Azamar

The people of Azamar use three major forms of currency:

• Commons • Jems• Zurns

All coins bear the mark of the mint, whether forged or etched, the mark of the mint if only official and recognized producer of currency in the world of Azamar. Commons are metal coins, cast from a variety of indiscriminate metals, widely varying their weight. Jems, worth about 500 Commons (this varies by region and economy), are craft from various gemstones. Zurns, worth about 5,000 Commons (this varies wildly by region and economy), are craft from Zurn Stones, and volatile ore with roots in the very essence of magic. Only wizards and master stone shapers can craft a coin from Zurn Stone, so they are considered a highly rare and valuable form of currency. Most prices on goods in Azamar are set in terms of Commons, typically annotated as 200c or 1,000c instead of using the Jem or Zurn notations, such as 2j or 1z.

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)

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Prerequisites Features Page Prerequisites Features Page Prerequisites Features Page

CO Abnormal Size 40

CO, BT, RO: Full Blooded Hu-man

Enervation 43 CO Pathfinder 44

CO, RO: Shrave Achromatic 40 TS: Wizard Entangle-

ment 75 TS: Wizard Perceive 74

CO, RO: Shrave Acumen 40 TS: Wizard Enthrall 73 CO Photograph-

ic Memory 45

CO Adrenaline Junkie 40 CO Entrepreneur 43 RO: Enfri &

Immyr Pivot 54

CO, RO: Shrave

Adverflam-mian 40 -- Ersatz 51 -- Pluck &

Tuck 54

CO Afflicted 40 RS: Bu’Col Evasion 51 TS: Wizard Polarize 70

TS: Wizard Affliction of Stains 70 TS: Wizard Eviction 70 RO: Wyvine Pospeshnos 54

TS: Wizard Air Blast 67 TS: Wizard Exploit 74 CO Purse Snatch 45

CO Ambidex-trous 40 -- Expose

Fault 51 CO, BT Pyromancer 45

TS: Wizard Archaminari 68 TS: Wizard Extinguish 67 CO, BT Quiet 45BT, RO: Urbane Ascendancy 46 TS: Wizard Extract 68 -- Rally 55

CO, BT Ascendant 40 CO Façade 43 CO Refined 45CO, BT, RO: Full Blooded Hu-man

Auroran 41 Cannot take Forgettable Fame 51 RS: Wyvine Reflection 55

CO, RS: Shrave

Battle Intu-ition 47 -- Favor 51 -- Reputation 55

CO Beast of Burden 41 CO Fawn 43 TS: Wizard Resonance 73

BT, TS: Wizard Blades 59 TS: Wizard Fealty 70 CO, BT Rite of

Blood 45

TS: Wizard Blast Wave 74 RS: Immyr Fearless 51 RO: Immyr Rite of Force 55

CO Brute Force 41 TS: Wizard Fiend Bind-ing 74 TS: Wizard Rote of

Binding 70

CO Burst of Speed 41 CO, BT Fifth Rite 43 TS: Wizard Rote of

Breathing 70

CO, RS: Enfri Bury 41 TS: Wizard Fire Burst 68 TS: Wizard Rote of Cold 70

BT, TS: Wizard Camp 60 TS: Wizard Fissure 73 TS: Wizard Rote of

Daggers 71

-- Capital 47 TS: Wizard Flay 68 TS: Wizard Rote of Dust 71

-- Cardshark 47CO, BT, Cannot take Fame

Forgettable 43 TS: Wizard Rote of Flames 71

CO Cat Burglar 41 TS: Wizard Fortification 72 TS: Wizard Rote of Flight 71


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Prerequisites Features Page Prerequisites Features Page Prerequisites Features PageRO: All ex-cept Shrave Cats Eye 47 TS: Wizard Frame 74 TS: Wizard Rote of

Healing 71

TS: Wizard Change Water 67 CO Free Diver 43 TS: Wizard Rote of

Warding 71

RO: Hu-mans Changeling 48 -- Fulminate 52 TS: Wizard Rupture

(Weaver) 72

BT, TS: Wizard Chary 62 BT, TS:

Wizard Garrulous 61 CO Saboteur 45

CO, RS: Enfri

Chink in the Armor 41 CO Gifted 43 BT, TS:

Wizard Sanguine 64

CO Chiromancer 41 TS: Wizard Golem 68 CO Scout 45CO, RO: Shrave Chitonous 41 TS: Wizard Hand of the

Fiend 71 -- Scout 56

CO, BT Claws 42 CO Healer 43 RO: Wyvine Seafarer 56

-- Cleft 48 BT, TS: Wizard Hubrous 62 CO Serpent

Tongue 45

BT, TS: Wizard Cogent 65 TS: Wizard Incite 72 TS: Wizard Sever 74

RS: Wyvine Combat Instincts 48 TS: Wizard Inferno 75 TS: Wizard Shatter 72

CO Combat Medic 42 TS: Wizard Influence 72 CO Shrill 45

CO Concentra-tion 42 -- Information

Store 52 CO Siege Spe-cialist 45

TS: Wizard Conflagra-tion 75 BT, TS:

Wizard Inimical 65 TS: Wizard Slumber 72

TS: Wizard Contrast 72 CO, BT Inner Radi-ance 43 CO Snuffler 45

-- Corruptor 48 TS: Wizard Interference 73 BT, TS: Wizard Spell Bleed 64

CO Crack Pilot 42 CO, BT Intrinsic 43 BT, TS: Wizard

Spell Expan-sion 62

-- Crematory 48 BT, TS: Wizard Inure 61 BT, TS:

WizardSpell Exten-sion 62

-- Criminal Contacts 50 TS: Wizard Keystone 70 BT, TS:

WizardSpell Trig-gering 62

TS: Wizard Crush Depth 68 RO: Wyvine Killing Blow 52 CO, BT Spellborne 46

CO Curiosity 42 -- Laconic 52 CO Spider Mon-key 46

-- Danger Sense 50 CO, RS:

Shrave Leap 53 CO, RO: Shrave Squint 56

-- Dead-Aim 50 CO Leap of Faith 43 CO Steamworks 46

CO, RO: Enfri Deftness 42 CO, BT Lightbeam 44 CO Steel Will 46

TS: Wizard Dementia 74 CO Litigious 44 TS: Wizard Stone Bar-rage 68

TS: Wizard Density 67 TS: Wizard Macerate 75 CO, BT Stones 46

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Prerequisites Features Page Prerequisites Features Page Prerequisites Features Page

CO Deriver 42RS: Tre’uoall, BT

Magic Af-finity 53 -- Surgeon 56

BT, TS: Wizard Desiccate 64 TS: Wizard Mark of the

Nemesis 70 RS: Wyvine Sweep 56

CO Destined 42 CO Martyr 44 -- Tempo Fighting 57

RO: Tre’uoall

Detect Magic 50 CO Master-

worker 44 TS: Wizard The Fold 74

TS: Wizard Detonate 74 TS: Wizard Maw of Ofvgar 71 CO, RS:

Shrave Thurian 46

CO Devian 42 Meditation 53 CO Time Sense 46

CO Didactic 42 BT, TS: Wizard Mercurial 63 Tracer 57

TS: Wizard Dilation 73 CO, BT Mnemonics 44 RO: Tre’uoall Transference 57

BT, TS: Wizard Dilettante 62 BT, TS:

Wizard Mollify 63 RO: Enfri Treasure Hunter 57

TS: Wizard Disentangle-ment 75 TS: Wizard Moniker 75 BT Tributaries 58

TS: Wizard Divide 75

Note: Avail-able one time, affects one Skill

Natural 53 CO Tumbler 46

CO, RO: Shrave

Dragonscen-dant 42 CO Natural

Leader 44 BT, TS: Wizard Vapidity 65

CO Dragoon 42BT, RO: Full Blooded Hu-man

Nightbreed 44 CO, BT, RS: Urbane Ventrillo 46

-- Dzhigitovka 51 CO Nimble 44 -- Victor 58-- Eavesdrop 51 CO Noble 44 TS: Wizard Vigilance 74

CO Effigy 42 CO Observant 44 TS: Wizard Weighted Soul 75

BT, TS: Wizard Effusive 65 TS: Wizard Obstruction 67 CO Well Trav-

eled 46

BT, TS: Wizard

Elemental Union 60

CO, RO: Any but Shrave

Oculis 44 RO: Enfri Wrench Turner 59

-- Empath 51 BT, TS: Wizard

Ofvgar’s Confound-abulator

63 -- Wyldborne 59

-- -- -- --Ofvgar’s Crimson Glow

61 -- Zeal 59Prerequisites LegendPrerequisite CodeCreation Only COBlur Touched BTRace Only RORace Specific RSTrade Specific TS

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Prerequisites Features PageAblex

TS: Wizard Ablex Student 74Ablex Student Ablex Tenant 74Ablex Tenant Ablex Colleague 75Ablex Colleague, TS: Wizard Ablex Master 75

PhaseTS: Wizard Phase Initiate 72Phase Initiate Phase Bearer 72Phase Bearer Phase Harbinger 73Phase Harbinger Phase Nadir 73

InitiateThree(3) Magical Effects, Willpower Minimum(Attribute + Skill) of 4d, TS: Wizard

Initiate 66

Initiate Asylum 67Initiate Ephermal 67Initiate Manifest 66Initiate One Foot In 67Initiate Purge 66Initiate Requiem 66

ShaperTS: Wizard Shaper Tyro 70Shaper Tyro Shaper Scholar 71Shaper Scholar Shaper Adroit 71Shaper Adroit Shaper Majestic 71

ZamaranthTS: Wizard Ritual of Zamaranth 69Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Corruption 68

Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Disrupt 69

Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Drain Life 69

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Prerequisites Features PageRitual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Expunge 69

Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Grim 69

Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Haze 69

Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Marionette 69

Ritual of Zamaranth, TS: Wizard Subsidy 69

General Wizard FeaturesBT, TS: Wizard Heal 61BT, TS: Wizard Illuminate 61Heal, BT, TS: Wizard Stricken 63Illuminate, BT, TS: Wiz-ard Darken 62

BT, TS: Wizard Purify 61BT, TS: Wizard Levitate 61Levitate, BT, TS: Wizard Fly 62Fly, BT, TS: Wizard Traverse 65BT, TS: Wizard Arrow 59Arrow, BT, TS: Wizard Blast 59BT, TS: Wizard Conjure Element 60Conjure Element Summon 64Summon Alchemical Conjuration 64Blast & Summon Spell Storm 66BT, TS: Wizard Side Step 63Side Step, BT, TS: Wizard Reality Peak 64Reality Peak Dust Lord 65BT, TS: Wizard Breach 60Breach & Spellbind, BT, TS: Wizard Detain 65

Purify, BT, TS: Wizard Spellbind 63

Spellbind, BT, TS: Wizard Inspire 64

Spellbind, BT, TS: Wizard Repel 64TS: Wizard Inspire 72BT, TS: Wizard Shield 61BT, TS: Wizard Speed 61

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Prerequisites Features PageInspire, BT, TS: Wizard Revulsion 65Shield BT, TS: Wizard Barrier 62Speed Slow 63


Prerequisites Features Page-- Fellowship Member 51

Fellowship Member Organization Leader 54-- Pilfer 54

BT, Pilfer Holes 52-- Quick Draw 55

Quick Draw, Weapon Affinity: Specific Weapon Type Weapon Mastery 58

Synergist-- Synergist 57

Synergist, BT Cloak 48Synergist, BT Correspondence 50Synergist, BT Door 50Synergist, BT Merge 53Synergist Phalanx 54Synergist, BT Sustained 56Synergist Synchronized Attack 57Synergist, BT Tether 57Tether Bounce 47Synergist Volley 58

-- Weapon Affinity 58Quick Draw, Weapon Affinity: Specific Weapon Type Weapon Mastery 58

-- Weapon Catch aWeapon Catch Missile Catch 53

Weapon Catch Weapon Redirect 59

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Prerequisites Features PageRO: Wyvine Onslaught 54Onslaught Vault 58RS: Wyvine Lance Inept 52Lance Inept Lance Reaper 53Lance Reaper Lance Adept 52Lance Adept Lance Prime 53RS: Wyvine Brutal 47

Brutal Fearsome 51

Fearsome Raze 55Raze Immolation 52Fearsome Vociferate 58Raze & Vociferate Bloodlust 47Bloodlust Warlock 58


Prerequisites Features PageCO, BT, RS: Humans Avatar 41Avatar Scholar of Zurn 56Avatar Zenith 59CO, RO: Urbane Blood Ties 41Blood Ties Creedulient 48Creedulient Oath of Embers 53RS: Bu’Col Boundless 47Boundless The Ties That Bind 57The Ties That Bind Confliction 48The Ties That Bind Unfettered 58Unfettered Severance 56RS: Bu’Col Blade Novice 47Blade Novice Blade Warrior 47Blade Warrior Old Hand 54

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Prerequisites Features PageBlade Warrior Flurry 51Old Hand & Severance Paramount 54


Prerequisites Features PageRO: Tre’uoall Archon 46Archon Warrior Archon 58RS: Tre’uoall Apprentice Sword Chanter 46Warrior Archon High Archon 52Apprentice Sword Chanter Defiler 50Apprentice Sword Chanter Sword Chanter 57Sword Chanter Sovereign Sword Chanter 56High Archon Master Archon 53RO: Tre’uoall Transference 57RO: All except Shrave Cats Eye 47RO: Tre’uoall Detect Magic 50RS: Tre’uoall, BT Magic Affinity 53Sovereign Sword Chanter, Master Archon, Transference, Cat’s Eye, Detect Magic, & Magic Affinity

Thorn 57


Prerequisites Features PageCO, RS: Enfri Shadow League Initiate 45Shadow League Initiate Aterum 47Shadow League Initiate Shadow League Agent 56Aterum, Shadow League Agent Shadow League Magister 56

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Prerequisites Features PageRO: Immyr Rite of Stone 55Rite of Stone Rite of Blending 55Rite of Stone Rite of the Mountain 55

-- Cleaver 48Cleaver, RS: Immyr Principal 55Principal Custodian 50Obelisk, Custodian, & Interdiction, RS: Immyr Manifestation 53

RS: Immyr Resilience 55Resilience Blurred 47Blurred Obelisk 54RO: Immyr Consumption 50Consumption Grounding 52Grounding Interdiction 52

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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10. Copy of this License: You must include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Azamar (the Role Playing Game) Player’s Guide and Role Playing Game Core Rules, Copyright 2011, Wicked North Games, L.L.C.

Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Cinema6 RPG Framework, Copyright 2011, Wicked North Games, L.L.C.

West End Games, WEG, and D6 System are trademarks and properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc.

Cinema6 RPG Framework, d6 Unleashed, WNG, and Azamar are trademarks and properties of Wicked North Games L.L.C.


Product Identity: The D6 System; the D6 trademark, the D6 and related logos; and OpenD6 and any derivative trademarks hold designation as Product Identity (PI) and are properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc. Azamar the Role Playing Game, and derivative characters and character names: (Lord Bowen, Divawd Edgot, Vraacch, Zamaranth, and Zintar), and world character races: (Bu’Col, Enfri, Immyr, Shrave, Tre’uoall, Urbane, and Wyvine); the Cinema6 RPG Framework, the c6 trademark, the c6 and related logos; d6 Unleashed and any derivative trademarks; and all cover and interior art and trade dress hold designation as Product Identity (PI) and are properties of Wicked North Games L.L.C. Use of this PI is subject to the terms set forth in the D6 System/OpenD6 System Trademark License (D6STL).

Open Game Content: All game mechanics and materials not covered under Product Identity (PI) above.

Joseph Conaway (order #4798807)