AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact

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  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact


    Advanced Contact

    Chapter 3

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    Chapter Overview 

    • The various advanced solid body contact  options will bediscussed in detail in this chapter:

     – Most of these advanced options are only applicable to contactinvolving solid body faces, not surface bodies.

     – It is assumed that the user has already covered Chapter NonlinearStructural  prior to this chapter.

    • The following will be covered in this Chapter: – Contact !ormulations

     – Contact "s.Target, #ymmetric$Asymmetric %ehaviors

     – &eviewing results

     – 'inball &egion, #tatus

     – Interface Treatment , offset, ad(ust to touch

     – !riction

    • The capabilities described in this Chapter are generally applicableto ANSYS Structural  licenses and above.

     – )*ceptions will be noted accordingly

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     A. Contact 

    Description of Contact:• +hen two separate surfaces touch each other such that

    they become mutually tangent, they are said to be in


    • In the common physical sense, surfaces that are in contact

    have these characteristics: – They do not interpenetrate.

     – They can transmit compressive normal forces and tangential

    friction forces.

     – They often do not transmit tensile normal forces.

    • They are therefore free to separate and move away from each other.

    • Contact is a changingstatus nonlinearity. That is, the

    stiffness of the system depends on the contact status,

    whether parts are touching or separated.

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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! "nforcing #$penetrability Condition

    %ow co$patibility is enforced in a contact region:• 'hysical contacting bodies do not interpenetrate.

    Therefore, the program must establish a relationship

    between the two surfaces to prevent them from passing

    through each other in the analysis.

     – +hen the program prevents interpenetration, we say that itenforces contact co$patibility.

     – #imulation offers several different contact algorith$s to

    enforce compatibility at the contact interface.!


    &enetration occurs when contact

    co$patibility is not enforced. 


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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Algorith$: &enaltybased 

    • !or nonlinear solid body contact of faces, &ure &enalty  or Aug$ented 'agrange formulations can be used:

     – %oth of these are penaltybased contact formulations:

    -ere, for a finite contact force ( nor$al , there is a concept of

    contact stiffness ) nor$al . The higher the contact stiffness, the

    lower the penetration *  penetration, as shown in the figure below

    • Ideally, for an infinite ) nor$al , one would get ero penetration. This is

    not numerically possible with penaltybased methods, but as long

    as *  penetration is small or negligible, the solution results will be




    n penetrationormal normal   xk  F  =

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Algorith$: &enaltybased 

    • The main difference between &ure &enalty  and Aug$ented'agrange methods is that the latter augments the contact

    force /pressure0 calculations:

    • %ecause of the e*tra term , the augmented 1agrange

    method is less sensitive to the magnitude of the contact

    stiffness ) nor$al .

    n penetrationormal normal   xk  F  =

    λ += n penetrationormal normal   xk  F 

    'ure 'enalty:

    Augmented 1agrange:

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Stiffness

    • The Nor$al Contact Stiffness ) nor$al  is the most importantparameter affecting both accuracy and convergence


     – A large value of stiffness gives better accuracy, but the

    problem may become more difficult to convergence.

    • If the contact stiffness is too large, the model may oscillate, with

    contacting surfaces bouncing off of each other 

    Iteration n Iteration n+,





    Iteration n+- 

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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Stiffness

    • The default 2ormal #tiffness is automatically determined by#imulation. The user may enter a usersupplied value


     – The user may input a 2ormal #tiffness !actor4 with 5.64

    being the default. The lower the factor, the lower the contact


    • #ome general guidelines on selection of 2ormal #tiffness

    for contact problems:

     – !or bul7dominated problems: 8se 'rogram Controlled4 or

    manually enter a 2ormal #tiffness !actor4 of 54

     – !or bendingdominated problems: Manually enter a 2ormal#tiffness !actor4 of 6.654 to 6.54

    • The user may also have #imulation update the contact

    stiffness between each e9uilibrium iteration or substep.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Stiffness

    • )*ample showing effect of contact stiffness:

    • As is apparent from the abovetable, the lower the contact

    stiffness factor, the higher the

    penetration. -owever, it also

    often ma7es the solution

    faster$easier to converge/fewer iterations0

    • The 2ormal 1agrange4 method

    will be discussed ne*t.

    !ormulation 2ormal #tiffness Ma* 'enetration Iterations

     Augmented Lagrage 0.01 2.84E-03 1% 26.102 1% 0.979 36% 2.70E-04 2

     Augmented Lagrage 0.1 2.80E-03 0% 25.802 0% 1.228 20% 3.38E-05 2

     Augmented Lagrage 1 2.80E-03 0% 25.679 0% 1.568 2% 4.32E-06 3

     Augmented Lagrage 10 2.80E-03 0% 25.765 0% 1.599 4% 4.41E-07 4

    Normal Lagrange - 2.80E-03 0% 25.768 0% 1.535 0% 3.17E-10 2

    Ma* eform Ma* )9v #tress Ma* Contact 'ressure

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Algorith$: 'agrangebased 

    •Another available option is 'agrange $ultiplier  algorithm: – The 2ormal 1agrange algorithm adds an e*tra degree of

    freedom /contact pressure0 to satisfy contact compatibility.

    Conse9uently, instead of resolving contact force as contact

    stiffness and penetration, contact force /contact

    pressure0 is solved for e*plicitly as an e*tra ;!.

    • )nforces ero$nearlyero penetration with pressure ;!

    • oes not  re9uire a normal contact stiffness /ero elastic slip0

    • &e9uires irect #olver, which can be more computationally



     DOF  F normal    =

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Chattering 

    •Chattering  is an issue which often occurs with 2ormal1agrange method

     – If no penetration is allowed /left0, then the contact status is

    either open or closed /a step function0. This can sometimes

    ma7e convergence more difficult because contact points may

    oscillate between open$closed status. This is called chattering 

     – If some slight penetration is allowed /right0, it can ma7e it

    easier to converge since contact is no longer a step change.



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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Algorith$: &Cbased 

    •!or the specific case of %onded4 type of contact, the &C  formulation is available.

     – M'C, or Multi'oint Constraint, internally adds constraint

    e9uations to tie4 the displacements between contacting


     – This approach is not penaltybased or 1agrange multiplier

    based. It is a direct, efficient way of relating surfaces of

    contact regions which are bonded.

     – 1argedeformation effects also are supported with M'Cbased

    bonded contact

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! /angential Behavior 

    •The aforementioned options relate contact in the nor$al  direction. If friction or rough$bonded contact is defined, a

    similar situation e*ists in the tangential  direction.

     – #imilar to the i$penetrability condition, in the tangential

    direction, the two bodies should not slide relative to each other

    if they are stic7ing4

     – A penalty algorithm is always used in the tangential direction

     – Tangential contact stiffness and sliding distance are the

    analogous parameters:

    where * sliding  ideally is ero for stic7ing, although some slip is

    allowed in the penaltybased method.

     – 8nli7e the 2ormal Contact #tiffness, the Tangential Contact

    #tiffness cannot directly be changed by the user.

     sliding tangential tangential   xk  F  =If stic7ing4:

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Algorith$ Su$$ary 

    •A summary of the contact algorithms available in#imulation is listed below:

    5 Tangential stiffness is not directly input by user 

     – The 2ormal 1agrange4 method is named as such because

    1agrange multiplier formulation is used in the Nor$al  

    direction while penaltybased method is used in the tangential


    !ormulation 2ormal Tangential 2ormal #tiffness Tangential #tiffness Type

     Augmented Lagrange Augmented Lagrange enalt! "e# "e#1  An!

    ure enalt! enalt! enalt! "e# "e#1  An!

    $ $ $ - - &onded 'nl!

    Normal Lagrange Lagrange $ult()l(er enalt! -   "e#1


  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Solid Body Contact Options

    • Although 'ure 'enalty4 is the default in #imulation, Augmented

    1agrange4 is recommended for general frictionless or frictional

    contact in largedeformation problems.

     – Augmented 1agrange formulation adds an additional control of the

    automatically reducing the amount of penetration, so that is why it is

    preferred in general nonlinear problems

    • The 2ormal #tiffness4 is the contact stiffness) nor$al e*plained earlier, used only for 'ure

    'enalty4 or Augmented 1agrange4

     – This is a relative factor. The use of 5.6 is

    recommended for general bul7 deformation

    dominated problems. !or bendingdominated

    situations, a smaller value of 6.5 may be useful

    if convergence difficulties are encountered.

     – The contact stiffness can also be automatically

    ad(usted during the solution. If difficulties arise,

    the stiffness will be reduced automatically. AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra


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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Co$parison of (or$ulations

    • The table below summaries some pros /=0 and cons /0 with

    different contact formulations:

     – 2ote that some topics, such as symmetric contact or contact detection, will be

    discussed shortly


    0ood +on,ergen+e

    ea,(or 23e4 e5u(l(r(um



    $a! re5u(re add(t(onal

    e5u(l(r(um (terat(on# (3

    )enetrat(on (# too large


    $a! re5u(re add(t(onal

    e5u(l(r(um (terat(on# (3

    +atter(ng (# )re#ent


    0ood +on,ergen+e

    ea,(or 23e4 e5u(l(r(um



    *en#(t(,e to #ele+t(on o3

    normal +onta+t #t(33ne##

    Le## #en#(t(,e to

    #ele+t(on o3 normal

    +onta+t #t(33ne##


    No normal +onta+t

    #t(33ne## (# re5u(red /

    No normal +onta+t

    #t(33ne## (# re5u(red


    %onta+t )enetrat(on (#

    )re#ent and


    %onta+t )enetrat(on (#

    )re#ent ut +ontrolled to

    #ome degree


    7#uall!8 )enetrat(on (#

    near-9ero /

    No )enetrat(on

    /7#e3ul 3or an! t!)e o3

    +onta+t ea,(or /

    7#e3ul 3or an! t!)e o3

    +onta+t ea,(or /

    7#e3ul 3or an! t!)e o3

    +onta+t ea,(or -

    'nl! onded +onta+t

    ea,(or (# allo4ed

    /E(ter :terat(,e or ;(re+t

    *ol,er# +an e u#ed/

    E(ter :terat(,e or ;(re+t

    *ol,er# +an e u#ed-

    'nl! ;(re+t *ol,er +an

    e u#ed/

    E(ter :terat(,e or ;(re+t

    *ol,er# +an e u#ed


    *!mmetr(+ or

    a#!mmetr(+ +onta+t



    *!mmetr(+ or

    a#!mmetr(+ +onta+t


     A#!mmetr(+ +onta+t


     A#!mmetr(+ +onta+t


    /%onta+t dete+t(on at

    (ntegrat(on )o(nt#/

    %onta+t dete+t(on at

    (ntegrat(on )o(nt#

    %onta+t dete+t(on at


    %onta+t dete+t(on at


    M'C2ormal 1agrangeAugmented 1agrange'ure 'enalty

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Co$parison of (or$ulations

    • !or bonded contact , #imulation uses 'ure 'enalty

    formulation with large 2ormal #tiffness by default.

     – This provides good results since the contact stiffness is high,

    resulting in small$negligible penetration.

     – M'C formulation is a good alternative for bonded contact

    because of its many nice features.

    • !or frictionless or frictional contact , consider using either

    Augmented 1agrange or 2ormal 1agrange methods.

     – The Augmented 1agrange method is recommended, as noted

    previously, because of its attractive features and fle*ibility.

     – The 2ormal 1agrange method can be used if the user does notwant to bother with 2ormal #tiffness value and wants ero

    penetration. -owever, note that the irect #olver must be

    used, which may limit the sie of the models solved.

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    B. Contact vs. /arget 

    • Internally, the designation of Contact  and /arget  surfaces

    can be very important

     – In #imulation, under each Contact &egion,4 the Contact  and

    /arget  surfaces are shown. The normals of the Contact

    surfaces are displayed in red while those of the /arget  

    surfaces are shown in blue.

     – The Contact  and /arget 

    surfaces designate which

    two pairs of surfaces

    can come into contact

    with one another.

     AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra


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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Sy$$etric0Asy$$etric Behavior 

    • %y default, A2#># uses Sy$$etric Behavior .

     – This means that the Contact surfaces are constrained from

    penetrating the Target surfaces and  the Target surfaces are

    constrained from penetrating the Contact surfaces.

    • If the user wishes, Asy$$etric  Behavior  can be used

     – !or Asy$$etric  or AutoAsy$$etric

    Behavior , only the Contact surfaces are

    constrained from penetrating the Target


     – In AutoAsy$$etric Behavior , the Contact 

    and /arget  surface designation may be

    reversed internally

     – Although it is noted that surfaces are

    constrained from penetrating each other,

    recall that with 'enaltybased methods,

    some small penetration may occur. AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra


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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Sy$$etric0Asy$$etric Behavior 

    • !or Asy$$etric Behavior , the nodes of the Contact surface

    cannot penetrate the /arget surface. This is a very

    important rule to remember. Consider the following:

     – ;n the left, the top red mesh is the mesh on the Contact  side.

    The nodes cannot penetrate the /arget  surface, so contact is

    established correctly

     – ;n the right, the bottom red mesh is the Contact  surface

    whereas the top is the /arget . %ecause the nodes of the

    Contact  cannot penetrate the /arget , too much actual

    penetration occurs.

    Target #urface Contact #urface

    Target #urfaceContact #urface

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact vs. /arget Designation

    • %ecause of the fact that, for Asy$$etric Behavior , the

    Contact surface cannot penetrate the /arget surface but the

    inverse is not necessarily true, there are some guidelines in

    proper selection of contact surfaces:

     – If a conve* surface comes into contact with a flat or concave

    surface, the flat or concave surface should be the /arget  


     – If one surface has a coarse mesh and the other a fine mesh, the

    surface with the coarse mesh should be the /arget  surface.

     – If one surface is stiffer than the other, the stiffer surface should

    be the /arget  surface.

     – If one surface is higher order and the other is lower order, thelower order surface should be the /arget  surface.

     – If one surface is larger than the other, the larger surface should

    be the /arget  surface.

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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Sy$$etric0Asy$$etric Su$$ary 

    • There are some important things to note:

     – ;nly &ure &enalty  and Aug$ented 'agrange formulations

    actually support #ymmetric %ehavior.

     – Nor$al 'agrange and &C  re9uire Asymmetric %ehavior.

    • %ecause of the nature of the e9uations, #ymmetric %ehavior would

    be overconstraining the model mathematically, so Auto

    Asymmetric %ehavior is used when #ymmetric %ehavior selected.

     – It is always good for the user to follow the general rules of

    thumb in selecting Contact and Target surfaces noted on the

    previous slide for any situation below where Asymmetric

    %ehavior is used.#pecified ;ption 'ure 'enalty Augmented 1agrange 2ormal 1agrange M'C

    #ymmetric %ehavior  *!mmetr(+ *!mmetr(+  Auto-Asymmetric Auto-Asymmetric 

    Asymmetric %ehavior   Asymmetric Asymmetric Asymmetric Asymmetric 

    Auto,Asymmetric %ehavior   Auto-Asymmetric Auto-Asymmetric Auto-Asymmetric Auto-Asymmetric 

    #ymmetric %ehavior  Results on Both Results on Both Results on Either Results on Either  

    Asymmetric %ehavior 

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact



    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! 1eviewing 1esults

    • The table on the previous slide alluded to an important

    factor in reviewing Contact /ool  results

     – !or #ymmetric %ehavior, results are reported for both Contact

    and Target surfaces.

     – !or any resulting Asymmetric %ehavior, results are only

    available on Contact surfaces.

    • +hen viewing the Contact Tool

    wor7sheet, the user may select

    Contact or Target surfaces to

    review results.

     – !or AutoAsymmetric %ehavior,the results may be reported on

    either  the Contact or Target

     – !or Asymmetric %ehavior, ero

    results are reported for Target AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra


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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! 1eviewing 1esults2 "*a$ple ,

    • !or e*ample, consider the case below of 2ormal 1agrange

    !ormulation with #ymmetric %ehavior specified.

     – This results in autoasymmetric behavior. #ince it is

    automatic, #imulation may reverse the Contact and Target


     – +hen reviewing Contact Tool results, one can see that the

    Contact side reports no /ero0 results while the Target side

    reports true Contact 'ressure.

    Target #urfaceContact #urface

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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! 1eviewing 1esults2 "*a$ple - 

    • In another situation, Augmented 1agrange !ormulation with

    #ymmetric %ehavior is used

     – This results in true symmetric behavior, so both set of

    surfaces are constrained from penetrating each other 

     – -owever, results are reported on both Contact and Target

    surfaces. This means that the true4 contact pressure is an

    average of both results.

    Target #urfaceContact #urface

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! 1eviewing 1esults

    • #ymmetric %ehavior:

     – )asier to set up /efault in #imulation0

     – More computationally e*pensive.

     – Interpreting data such as actual contact pressure can be more


    • &esults are reported on both sets of surfaces

    • Asymmetric %ehavior:

     – #imulation can automatically perform this designation /Auto

    Asymmetric0 or?

     – 8ser can designate the appropriate surface/s0 for contact and

    target manually .

    • #election of inappropriate Contact vs.Target may affect results.

     – &eviewing results is easy and straightforward. All data is on

    the contact side.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Detection &oints

    • ;ne additional note worth mentioning is that contact is

    detected differently, depending on the formulation used:

     – 'ure 'enalty and Augmented 1agrange !ormulations use

    integration point detection. This results in more detection

    points /56 in this e*ample on left0

     – 2ormal 1agrange and M'C !ormulation use nodal detection 

    /normal direction from Target0. This results in fewer detection

    points /@ in the e*ample on right0

     – 2odal detection may handle contact at edges slightly better,

    but a localied, finer mesh will alleviate this situation with

    integration point detection.

    Integration 'oint etection 2odal etection

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Detection &oints

    • !or Asymmetric %ehavior, the integration point detection

    may allow some penetration at edges because of the

    location of contact detection points.

     – The figure on the bottom illustrates this case:

    • ;n the other hand, there are more contact detection pointsif integration points are used, so each contact detection

    method has its pros and cons.

    Target #urface

    Contact #urface

    /he target can penetrate

    the contact


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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    C. &inball 1egion

    • The 'inball &egion is a very useful concept to understand.

    There are several uses for the 'inball &egion:

     – 'rovides computational efficiency in contact calculations. The

    'inball &egion differentiates near4 and far4 open contact

    when searching for which possible elements can contact each

    other in a given Contact &egion.

     – etermines the amount of allowable gap for bonded contact.

    If M'C !ormulation is active, it also affects how many nodes

    will be included in the M'C e9uations.

     – etermines the depth at which initial penetration will be

    resolved if present

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     ! &inball 1egion

    • The 'inball &egion can be thought of as a sphere

    surrounding each contact detection point 

     – If a node on a Target surface is within this sphere, #imulation

    considers it to be in near4 contact and will monitor its

    relationship to the contact detection point more closely /i.e.,

    when and whether contact is established0. 2odes on target

    surfaces outside of this sphere will not be monitored asclosely for that particular contact detection point.

     – If %onded %ehavior is specified within a gap smaller than the

    'inball &adius, #imulation will still treat that region as bonded

    'inball radius

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! &inball 1egion

    • The sie of the 'inball &egion for each contact detection

    point is determined automatically by default.

     – The user can change the 'inball &adius directly in the etails

    "iew of any Contact branch

     – The 'inball sphere will be visualied on the Contact &egion

    label. 8se the 1abel icon to move the annotation

     AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra


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    %y specifying a 'inball

    &adius, one can visually

    confirm whether or not a gap

    will be ignored in %onded

    %ehavior.The 'inball &egion can also

    be important in initial

    interference problems or

    largedeformation problems.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    D. #nterface /reat$ent 

    • In the previous section, it was noted that for %onded

    %ehavior, a large enough 'inball &adius may allow any gap

    between Contact and Target surfaces to be ignored

    • !or !rictional or !rictionless %ehavior, bodies can come in

    and out of contact with one another. Conse9uently, an

    initial gap is not automatically ignored since that mayrepresent the geometry.

    • -owever, the finite element method does not allow for rigid

    body motion in a static structural analysis. If an initial gap

    is present and a force loading is applied, initial contact may

    not  be established, and one part may fly away4 relative toanother part.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Offset 

    • To alleviate situations where a clearance or gap is modeled

    but needs to be ignored to establish initial contact for

    !rictional or !rictionless %ehavior, the Interface Treatment

    can internally offset  the Contact surfaces by a specified


     – ;n the left is the original model /mesh0. The top red mesh is

    the body associated with the Contact surfaces

     – The Contact surface can be offset by a certain amount, as

    shown on the right in light green. This will allow for initial

    contact to be established.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Contact Offset 

    • 2ote that using this method will actually change the

    geometry since a rigid4 region will e*ist between the

    actual mesh and the offset Contact surface.

    • This slight modification may be an allowable appro*imation

    in some cases, so it is a useful tool to establish initial

    contact in static analyses without having to modify the CAgeometry.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! #nterface /reat$ent 

    • In the etails view, the user can select Ad(usted to Touch4

    or Add ;ffset4

     – Ad(usted to Touch4 will let #imulation determine what

    contact offset amount is needed to close the gap and establish

    initial contact. 2ote that the sie of the 'inball &egion will

    affect this automatic method, so ensure that the 'inball

    &adius is greater than the smallest gap distance. – Add ;ffset4 allows the user to specify a

    positive or negative distance to offset

    the contact surface. A positive value will

    tend to close a gap while a negative value

    will tend to open a gap.

    • This can be used to model initial interference

    fits without modifying the geometry. Model

    the geometry in (usttouching position and

    change the positive distance value to the

    interference value. AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra


    'rofessional   #tructural  


  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact


  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact


    %olted oint Assembly

    +or7shop 3A

    Contact #tiffness

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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview the contents of the model

    -ighlight each item in the

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    Training Manual 

     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview the contents of the model /contDd0:

    2ote especially Contact

    &egion @. It will be used to

    evaluate the pressure profile at

    the bushingbrac7et interface

    after the bolt preload closes

    this gap.

    &egion @ is initially set up asan asymmetric frictionless pair

    using the 'ure 'enalty

    method. &ecall that this

    algorithm depends on a

    contact stiffness and a very

    small penetration to generate

    forces at the interface toprevent penetration once

    contact is established.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview the #olution Information %ranch

    The red lighting bolts in the #olutionbranch indicates an incomplete #olution


    %y highlighting the #olution Information

    branch and scrolling down to near the

    end of the output, we can see that there

    was an unconverged solution with the

    current specifications.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    In the etails of #olution

    Information4 +indow, switch #olver

    ;utput to !orce Convergence. This

    displays the same convergence

    data in graphical form.

    2ote, the force convergence value

    oscillates up and down betweeniterations well above the acceptable

    convergence criteria. After two

    automatic bisections, substep 5

    converges. -owever, substep

    ultimately fails to converge.

    • &eview the #olution Information %ranch /contDd0

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview the #olution Information %ranch /contDd0:

    Again, scroll further up the

    solution information wor7sheet

    /near the top of the file0 to find

    the contact specifications and


    The contact pair associated with

    the warning /real constant set

    5E0 is the manually generated

    asymmetric pair for Contact

    &egion @. 2ote the large

    default contact stiffness

    /6.F3e@0 being used. This is an

    order of magnitude larger then

    the elastic modulus of theunderlying geometry.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • +e will attempt to achieve a successful

    convergence by ad(usting the normalstiffness of Contact &egion @ downwardbased on the feedbac7 reviewed in theunconverged output.

    • +ithout changing any specifications inthe current tree, duplicate the Modelbranch as follows:

     –  In te e'!st!n" *ro+ect tree, !"$!"tBo$te(.o!nt/s03 o(e$

     –  B – u)$!cate

    • &ename the new model branch to reflectthe change that will be made

     –  Bo$te(.o!nt/s03,or t!&& Factor 1e-3

    • This will enable us to run a modifiedanalysis without losing the e*istinginformation.

    !3or)shop 4A Contact Stiffness

    Ad d S lid B d C O i

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • 8nder the newly created model branch,

    highlight Contact &egion @4

    • In the etails +indow: –  an"e te nora$ st!&&ness s)ec!&!cat!on &ro

    *ro"ra ontro$$e( to anua$

     –  an"e te nora$ st!&&ness &actor &ro te(e&au$t 1: to 1e-3;

    • -ighlight the #olution branch for thismodel and &M% to e*ecute a new #olve

    !3or)shop 4A Contact Stiffness

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    • The solution now converges successfully in 55 iterations and no bisections. This is ideal.

    %isections are a helpful automatic ad(ustment to achieve a converged solution, but theyare not efficient as all the C'8 time from the last successfully converged solution leading

    up to the bisection is wasted.

    !3or)shop 4A Contact Stiffness

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview the #olution Information of

    the successful run. "erify that themodified contact stiffness was used

    as e*pected.

    • 2ote: A second loadstep with one

    iteration was run automatically. This

    is because of the presence of bolt

    pretension. The first load step

    calculates the necessary assemblyinterference needed to generate the

    prescribed preload. The interference

    used in the analysis is reported as an

    Ad(ustment4 value in etails of

    'retension %olt 1oad4 window,

    along with the resulting reaction

    force. The second load step loc7s the

    bolt pretension element into this

    calculated ad(ustment to achieve the

    bolt pretension load. The calculated

    reaction force should match the

    initially applied preload.

    !3or)shop 4A Contact Stiffness

    Ad d S lid B d C t t O ti

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview Contact &esults at the bushingbrac7et interface /nut

    side0:• ;pen the Contact Tool !older and #elect Contact &egion @


     –  e)eat &or ontact *enetrat!on

    Is 5e34 an acceptable normal stiffness factor for this modelG

    The best way to ensure an accurate result with a standard contact pair is to perform a

    sensitivity study with different stiffness values, stiffness updating schemes and algorithms

    until results converge to the same correct4 answer. Too high a stiffness can produce

    divergence, too low a stiffness can produce convergence but possible over penetration, an

    e*cessive bolt pretension ad(ustment and ultimately an inaccurate prediction of surface

    contact pressure profile.

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    Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    (. (rictional Contact Options

    • In addition to the above, frictional contact  is available with

     ANSYS Structural  licenses and above.

    • In general, the tangential or sliding behavior of two

    contacting bodies may be frictionless or involve friction.

     – !rictionless behavior allows the bodies to slide relative to one

    another without any resistance. – +hen friction is included, shear forces can develop between

    the two bodies.

    • !rictional contact may be used with smalldeflection or

    largedeflection analyses

    Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! (rictional Contact Options

    • !riction is accounted for with CoulombDs 1aw:

    where is the coefficient of static friction

     – ;nce the tangential force ( tangential  e*ceeds the above value,

    sliding will occur 

    normal tangential    F  F    ⋅≤ µ 



    µ =n

    Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! (rictional Contact Options

    • In addition to the above, frictional contact  is available with

     ANSYS Structural  licenses and above.

    • !or frictional contact, a friction coefficient4 must be input

     – A !riction Coefficient of 6.6 results in

    the same behavior as frictionless4

    contact – The contact formulation, as noted

    earlier, is recommended to be set

    to Augmented 1agrange4

     AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

    esign#pace )ntra





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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! 1eviewing 1esults

    • If frictional contact is present, additional contact output is


     – Contact !rictional #tress and Contact #liding istance can be

    reviewed to get a better understanding of frictional effects

     – !or Contact #tatus, #tic7ing4 vs. #liding4 results

    differentiate which contacting areas are moving

     AN*"* L(+en#e A,a(la(l(t!

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

     ! Su$$ary of Contact in Si$ulation

    • In #imulation, the user can solve contact  problems:


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  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact


    %olted oint Assembly

    with !riction

    +or7shop 3%

    Contact !riction

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    #teps to !ollow:

    • #tart an A2#># +or7bench session. %rowse for and open%oltedointws63%.wbdb4 pro(ect file.

     – This pro(ect contains a esign Modeler /M0 geometry file %oltedointws63.agdb4 and a#imulation /#0 file %oltedointws63%.dsdb4.

    • -ighlight the %oltedointws63%, frictionless4 file and open a #imulation #ession.

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    Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

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    • &eview %oltedointws63%, frictionlessbranch /contDd0

    The green chec7 mar7s in the #olution

    branch indicate a successful4


    2otice the two load steps were solve

    within one substep. This was the

    default initial specification as indicated

    in the solution output wor7sheet.

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    Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, frictionless branch /contDd0

    espite the clean solution output,

    with no errors, a review of the

    displacement results show that

    the first run is not correct.

    The addition of the bearing load

    pushes the bushing thru thebrac7et at the nut side of the

    assembly without resistance.

    Also the bonded contact pairs at

    the bolt head end prevent free

    sliding of the bushing

    perpendicular to the bolt.

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     Advanced Solid Body Contact Options

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction

    A number of contact related changeswere made for the second run to

    correctly simulate the relative

    displacement of the parts under load.

    Carefully review the following changes

    in the second branch.

    •  Contact &egions 5, , 3, B and @:

    Change behavior to (rictional 4 with acoefficient of friction of 6..

    •  Contact &egion E represents the bolt

    to nut interface and will remain bonded.

     •  Create a new frictionless contact

    region /PJ0 between the bolt and hole inbrac7et ad(acent to the nut.

    •  Add !rictional #tress to #olution

    Information branch for each of the

    regions e*cept PE /bonded0 and PJ

    /frictionless0. !or region J we add

    2umber /of elements0 Contacting4 to

    help monitor solution progress.

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    d a ced So d ody Co tact Opt o s

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction /contDd0

    The second simulation convergessuccessfully, this time with multiple

    substeps between load steps.

    This is by design. !riction is path

    dependent and result accuracy is

    inversely proportional to time increment


    2otice in the solution output that a

    nominal E substeps with a ma*imum of

    6 is specified by default. -ad this

    model e*perienced convergence trouble,

    autotime stepping would have ad(usted

    the timestep sie down to a minimum of

    5$6 as necessary to resolve theproblem.

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    y p

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction branch /contDd0

    +ith the addition of contact friction, the results now reflect the correct response to the

    bearing load applied to the bushing perpendicular to the bolt a*is.

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    y p

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction branch /contDd0

    !rom the solution information

    branch, plot the number of elements

    in contact for &egion PJ. 2otice that

    none of these elements come in

    contact indicating that the frictional

    resistance generated between

    brac7et and bushing under the bolt

    preload is enough to resist the bear


    This pair is still useful, however, for

    evaluating the gap between the bolt

    and hole after the bearing load isapplied.

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    y p

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction branch /contDd0

    'lot the contact frictional stresses saved to the #olution Information %ranch

    These results loo7 9ualitatively correct, but how accurate are theyG

    Two basic but important aspects to consider when modeling friction is 9uality of mesh

    /especially on the curved surfaces0 and time increment sie /substeps0 used.

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    y p

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction branch /contDd0

    2ow that the model is producing 9ualitatively correct answers, consider the effect of

    mesh refinement in critical areas.

    &eturn to the 'ro(ect page, highlight the %oltedointws63%,friction4 simulation and

    enter the !) )nvironment to evaluate more closely the mesh 9uality of this model.

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    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction branch /contDd0

    !) Modeler opens with an Import #ummary

    page listing all the !) statistics associated with

    this model.

    8nder "iews4, highlight the Contacts4


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    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction branch /contDd0

    #elect the region representing the

    boltbushing interface /region PB0.

    After ooming in on a plot of the

     >Q plane, /loo7ing in negative R

    direction0 notice how poorly the

    curved surfaces are represented

    by elements on these surfaces.

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    • &eturning to #imulation, review %oltedointws63%, friction 4 branch

    2ote the strategic mesh refinement

    and siing that has been added to

    improve 9uality of results

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    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction /contDd0

    The third simulation convergessuccessfully in a very similar pattern to

    previous run, e*cept with considerably

    longer C'8 time /in seconds0 reflective of

    the larger ;! count /previous runs were

    in the order of 5E66S0

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    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction /contDd0.

    'lot relevant results and compare 9ualitatively and 9uantitatively and with previous run.

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    The last simulation is the same model as %oltedoint63%, friction only using smallertime step sie.

    This will force the solver to use at least a time step sie of 5$56 with a minimum of 5$66

    if necessary.

    Another useful but e*pensive option available to help with unconverged solutions

    involving friction is activation of full 2ewton&aphson with unsymmetric matrices of

    elements. 2&;'T,82#>MM4 This offers a more robust formulation of the stiffness

    matri* but should only be used to overcome convergence trouble.

    • &eview %oltedointws63%, friction 3 /contDd0

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    • Compare contact frictional stresses from the last three


    Course mesh, 3 substeps &efined mesh, 56 substeps&efined mesh, 3 substeps

    C'8 Time H 5,BE C'8 Time H 56,FJB C'8 Time H @,666

    !3or)shop 4B Contact (riction

  • 8/17/2019 AWS90 Structural Nonlin Ch03 Contact
