Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of Teaching SDD T1 2016

Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

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Page 1: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

Awesome Superheroes of Teaching


Art and Science of Teaching

SDD T1 2016

Page 2: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

Leaning outcomes Become familiar with the ASOT Model

Understand the practical ways you can use the ASOT DQ’s in your classroom

Engage with the ASOT DQ’s

Norms of Operation “Inefficient procedures and the absences of routines for common aspects of

classroom life…. can waste large amounts of time and cause student attention

to wane”. Everston and Worsham (2003)

- Attention Signal

Cooperative learning strategies

Table family – working collaboratively with the group seated at the table

Facilitator – the table family facilitator is responsible for keeping the table

family on task and ensuring that all members of the family has an

opportunity to contribute.

Time Keeper – watches the clock to ensure activities are completed in the

timeframe allocated

Scribe – Records the discussion or activity

Speaker - Is the spokesperson for the group when feedback is required.

Elbow Buddies – the person either side of you (Marzarno research suggests

that 3 is the most effective group size for collaborative learning)

Solo Time – A task that is complete individually

By establishing these roles and expectations prior to learning, students

engaged more effectively and productively with cooperative learning


Page 3: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

What does it mean to be a teacher at KHS?








Are effective Teachers made or born?









Page 4: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

What is ASOT?

An Overview

Page 5: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

The Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2007) is a

research-based framework designed to aid teachers in

examining, sharing and developing their pedagogical

knowledge and skills so they can maximise student learning.

Key aspects of the framework

- It is NOT something we HAVE to do, it’s an educational

model that we will engage with

- It is not the next bandwagon – it’s a highly effective

synthesis of all the bandwagons, based on research

- At its core are high yield teaching and learning


- It is not formulated; you can engage with aspects of

the model as needed

The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers

in collectively aligning acts of improvement.

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Rickard Elmore – When you strengthen a component of the core, you will see improvement

in student learning outcomes.

The Art and Science of Teaching Model seeks to strengthen all aspects of the instruction

core. It is made up of;

- 3 segments

- 9 design questions

- 41 elements

3 segments

- The three segments directly relate to in class teaching and learning (Lesson Segments

Involving Routine Events, Lesson Segments Addressing Content and Lesson Segments

Enacted on the Spot)

- The lesson segments do not necessarily occur in a linear fashion

- There are interdependent and ongoing

- Strategies for one segment often work for others

9 Design Questions

- 9 DQs (Design Questions) that teachers can ask themselves as they plan instruction

41 Elements

- Elements are categories of classroom practice that we know from research relate to

student achievement

- Categories aren’t random behaviours that might occur at any point during any class

- Each is best employed by a particular context

- Instructional strategies are different ways to enact an element in the classroom…each

element can have multiple strategies

- This provides defined autonomy for teacher’s in their practice

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Design Question 10: What will I do to develop

effective lessons organised into a cohesive unit?

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Page 9: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

The Art & Science of Teaching &

The Australian Institute for Teaching & School Leadership (AITSL)

The Art & Science of Teaching (ASOT) Design Questions link to the AITSL

Standards relating to Professional Knowledge and Professional Practice:

AITSL Standards 1 and 2

Know students and how they learn (Relate to ASOT Design Questions 1

and 8)

Know the content and how to teach it (Relate to ASOT Design Questions

2, 3 and 4)

AITSL Standards 3, 4 and 5

Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning (Relate to ASOT

Design Questions 2, 3 and 4)

Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments (Relate

to ASOT Design Questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)

Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning (Relate to ASOT

Design Question 1)

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Design Question 2

What will I do to help students effectively

interact with new knowledge

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DQ 2 moves away from old teaching models and helps students take responsibility for their

own learning.

One of the more important design questions is Design Question 2. Research tells us that

students must actively process new information in order to retain it, and in doing so interact

with other students, the teacher, and the content. Design Question 2 guides teachers in

designing instruction that allows students to construct knowledge through their interactions,

an important step in moving up the ladder to self-directed learning. This moves education

away from the old model where teachers processed the information, shared it through

lecture, and had students repeat it back on a test.

Design Question 2 is the first of three design questions within the Lesson Segment, Addressing

Content. It consists of the following elements:

• Identifying Critical Information. Through critical-input experiences (i.e. lecture,

simulation, lab, demonstration etc.) teachers let students know what information is important.

• Organising Students to Interact with New Knowledge. We know students learn better in

small groups. It is important that students understand the group processes needed to ensure

the groups run successfully.

• Previewing New Content. Teachers link new knowledge to previously learned

knowledge through a preview activity. Commonly used preview strategies include KWLs and

anticipation guides. Their purpose is to activate prior knowledge and give teachers an idea

of what students know so they can chunk the information appropriately.

• Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites.” It is important to give students the right

amount and complexity of information. Students need enough information so they can

process it, but not so little that they lose interest. Like eating a good steak, you don’t put the

whole thing in your mouth; you cut it up and eat it one bite at a time!

• Processing of New Information. Students use macro-strategies to analyse and

synthesize each chunk of information so it will connect with previous knowledge and be

stored in long term memory. Macro-strategies are combinations of thinking skills like

questioning, clarifying, predicting, sequencing, and summarising.

• Elaborating on New Information. Teachers ask questions that lead students to draw

inferences to the newly processed information. Inferences are usually drawn from the

students’ past experiences or text clues. This allows students to make more connections with

the new information and strengthens their ability to recall and comprehend it.

• Recording and Representing Knowledge. Students use linguistic or nonlinguistic

representations to depict their understanding of the new knowledge. By taking such notes

later in the process, as opposed to the first time they hear it, they are able to summarize and

obtain a more accurate understanding of what they are learning.

• Reflecting on Learning. At the end of the process students take the time to think about

and reflect on what they have learned and/or the thinking process they used to learn it


Information from



Page 12: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

Design Question 3

What will I do to help students practice and

deepen their understanding of new knowledge

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1) Research indicates that practice is critical for learning

2) The way we practice depends on type of knowledge

•Schemas - how knowledge is organised (eg Graphic organisers)

•Procedural knowledge - processes and skills

•Declarative knowledge - facts, concepts, ideas

Main focus is on procedural and declarative knowledge

Page 14: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

3) What is important for practicing and understanding

procedural knowledge? (processes and skills)

•Needs to be reshaped by the learner

•Students work on adding, changing and deleting steps

•Need to achieve fluency (homework)

•Highly structured --> less structured

Reflection questions:

Can processes or skills be taught in different ways?

Have I provided enough structure at the beginning?

Have I provided adequate opportunity for fluency?

4) How can we best ‘practice’ declarative knowledge

(content, ideas, concepts)?

•Traditional - what we normally do - read text then answer questions

•Research - to understand ideas and concepts we need to engage with them (Tools)

•Revising key aspects regularly - 3 - 4 exposures within maximum 2 day time frame

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5) Tool 1 - Error analysis

For procedural knowledge we can look at errors through strategies such as “my favourite NO’ - whole group feedback on

a mistake in a process by a student

For declarative knowledge explicit errors can be taught such as:

1) Faulty logic

2) Attacks

3) Weak reference

4) Misinformation

6) Tool 2 - Similarities and differences

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Research strongly supports the effectiveness of this tool

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7) Tool 3 - Homework

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Homework in general is beneficial for students

- Homework has more benefits as students get older

-Homework should be moderate and aim for high completion rates

-Homework should be able to be done independently
















Page 19: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

Design question 4

What will I do to help students generate and

test hypotheses about new knowledge

Page 20: Awesome Superheroes of Teaching AKA Art and Science of ... · The ASOT model is designed to engage a group of teachers in collectively aligning acts of improvement. Rickard Elmore

DQ4 Overview

To really embed knowledge into long-term memory and move towards becoming

independent lifelong learners, students need one more step: Design Question 4, which

focuses on generating and testing hypotheses. This design question consists of three


• Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks

• Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks

• Providing Resources and Guidance

Moving Students toward Responsibility for Learning

Students take their deepened knowledge or fluent skill and apply it in a different way or

context to generate new understandings and insights. They are now thinking at the highest

levels. Students are literally experimenting with their newfound knowledge by predicting

what will happen if it is applied differently; designing an experiment to test this hypothesis;

performing the experiment and drawing their conclusions. Students have now become

responsible for their own learning, having traveled from being consumers of knowledge to

users of knowledge. They are now at the level demanded by Common Core State


Marzano describes four methods for engaging students in complex tasks:

• Decision making: using deepened knowledge or fluent skill to develop criteria, brainstorm

possible solutions, evaluate each, and making a decision.

• Problem solving: using deepened knowledge or fluent skill in a different context to solve a


• Experimental inquiry: using deepened knowledge or fluent skill to form a hypothesis, test it

out, and draw a conclusion.

• Investigation: using deepened knowledge or fluent skill to attempt to solve a mystery from

the past or present.

As you can see, Design Question 4 allows students to use newly learned information and

procedures to connect it to the real world so they not only know but can utilize it.

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Design Question 4 What will I do to help student generate and test hypotheses about new


Elements Ideas

21. Organise students for cognitive complex


22. Engage students in cognitive complex

tasks involving hypotheses generation and


23. Provide resources and guidance

Learning activity plan

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Where Do We Go from Here?

Design Question 6: What will I do to establish and

maintain classroom rules and procedures

- Establish classroom routines

- Organising physical layout of the classroom for learning


How do you address DQ6 in your classroom?

What do you call the first few minutes of your lesson?

What routines do you use at the start of your lesson?

There are post its and pens near the sign on book. We want your feedback for these

questions so that the team can work with you to establish a common approach to the start

of lessons.