Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

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Page 1: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement






01. Reach

02. Preference

03. Action


Page 2: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

Brand Websites

Partner Sites

Micro Sites

WAP sites

Mobile Apps

SMS Messaging

Paid Search

Media Partners

Display Ads

Micro-targeted Ad

Soacial Ads

Moble Ads



Partner Extranets


Brand Bloggers

Brand Content


Earned Earned/Paid



Social CRM






Social Media Search Paid Media Owned MediaInternal Communications


…all places in a brand ecosystem online …

Page 3: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

4. MeasureEvaluate: Use Conversation Impact Model to measure success across


Conversation Impact

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Social Media Planning Framework

Page 5: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

Social Media Planning


Client Checkpoint

10Business Ambition

The client’s business ambition business challenge that the

desired campaign will fulfill.

In Fusion, this is the center of the Business

Ambition Star

Communication Goals

The communication goal is the measurable assignment given to

social media or communications.

This is the key objective against which our

program must deliver.



Primary Research

Primary research is conducted through a

Listening Post or manual research.

Conversation Map reports on what people

are saying in social. Consumer Intent

Modeling looks at what they are searching for.

Secondary Research

Secondary research is analyzed data

organized into a report by research companies

like Forrester or eMarketer.

When examined specifically for an

audience or trend it provides an actionable insight based on social behavior and cultural




Insights combine our research with our social media experience and our understanding of the client to produce a new or previously unknown idea.

An insight is NOT a research finding! A research finding is “what it is” and an insight is “what it

means” to our client and the brief. You can’t Google an insight, or find it in Radian6.

Our insights can feed into a Fusion Communications Blue Print


A strategy is not WHAT you’re going to do—it’s HOW you’re going to do it. A well developed strategy is a

filter for all tactical ideas.

Strategies are borne from research and insights—the dots should connect.

A social strategy should explicitly leverage influencers, social grassroots communities and/or


Client Checkpoint




Social Experience

The Social Experience is your big, creative idea. It can drive the social

program and can drive a larger marcom


Synthesize your objectives, research, insights and strategy

into a DO Brief before your brainstorm to kick

off creativity

The Social Experience must deliver explicitly

against the Communication Goal.


Social media programs are most successful

when they are integrated with other

campaign initiatives like advertising, digital and



Social programs don’t “go viral” – they need

an amplification plan to add scale. For example, Facebook media buys, events or CRM tie ins.


Conversation Impact is Ogilvy’s measurement

approach for social media

A measurement plan is mandatory for every

program and should be done in collaboration

with clients, tying back to the Business ambition and

Communication Goals


Determining a regular reporting cycle with the

client helps to demonstrate efficacy of our work and create an opportunity to present

strategic improvements to the campaign.

Client Checkpoint

Client Checkpoint

Client Checkpoint

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How is influence changing business?

Page 7: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

U.S. socNet users grew 41% in 2009 alone—more

than 250 million users

86% of Brazil’s internet population participates

in social networks1.3 million social media users in South Africa—

predict 345% growth by 2013

China hit 1 billion QQ usernames in 2010

Japan’s Mixi users up 200% since July 2007

European Facebook use grew 314% in 2009. 1/3 of

Czech Republic is on Facebook

Social Media grows dramatically around the world

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Used search last month to find product



Used search Other

Used search last month to find recommendation

51% 49%

Used search Other

We use search to find each others opinion

Source: Global Web Index 2009

Page 9: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

May '07 Sep '07 Jan '08 May '08 Sep '08 Jan '09 May '09 Sep '09 Jan '10 May '100.00%








UK Internet visits to Social Networks and Search Engines

Computers and Internet—Search Engines Computers and Internet—Social Networking and Forums

We spend more and more time on social networks…even above search

Monthly market share in ‘All Categories’, mesured by visits, based on UK usage. Created © Copyright 2010 Hitwise Pty. Ltd.Source: Experian Hitwize UK



Page 10: Awareness Evaluation Engagement Conversion Loyalty 01. Reach 02. Preference 03. Action Measurement

So, we get our news through the filter of our friends

Last month on Facebook, we

shared over 30 billion links,

stories, pictures, videos

and blog posts…

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2007E 2008E 2009E 2010E 2011E 2012E 2013E 2014E 2015E0






Mobile Users > Desktop Internet Users Within 5 Years Global Mobile vs. Desktop Internet User Projection, 2007–2015E

Desktop Internet Users Mobile Internet Users

And we expect access everywhere and anytime

Source: Morgan Stanley Research

Desktop Internet Users

Mobile Internet Users

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How do we use social media effectively?

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1. “The Influential”

1 in 10 influences the other 9 2. Clusters

Information often stays within affinity clusters

3. Network Model

This model says “the Influential” doesn’t matter and the network does…

Different Models of Network Science

Based on: Roper Starch, Nina Mishra/Microsoft, Duncan Watts

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Our Influencer Network Model

4. Influencer Network Model

Combining Influencers and how ideas and content move across clusters and spark sharing across big networks gives us a single model to plan social media that scales