Correspondence Address :— E I M Rajpura- Patiala Road. Rajpura - no 401 (Punjab) Phone : 991 1752-2250441, 325498 AN ISO 9001-2008 COMPANY Fax : +91 1762-222390 _ _ e-mail : [email protected]:om Manufacturers of Large Diameter SAW Pipes [email protected] . _ Website: www.mukatpipostcom -Longitudina|Welded Spiral Welded cm No. : L21200MH1907PLC044MTI REF/MPL/2019/2 (:3 Date: 30.09.2019 To, The Manager, Dept-of Corporate Services BSE Ltd., P.J. Towers, Dalal Street,Mumbai - 400 001. Security Code No.: 523832 Dear Sir, Sub.:Scrutinizer's Consolidated Report (remote e-voting and poll) of the 32"“Annual General Meeting (AGM). Refl: Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014. We refer to the above and wish to inform you that in compliance with provisions of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended by the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015 and Regulation 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, the Company had provided to its members the facility to exercise their right to vote on resolutions at the 32"“Annual General Meeting through remote e-voting serVIces provided by National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). The remote e-voting period commenced on Thursday,26"‘ September, 2019(9:00 am) and ended on Sunday,29”‘September, 2019(5:00 p.m.). During this period, the members of the Company, as on the cut- off date of Monday 23"September, 2019had casted their vote through remote e»voting. Thereafter, at the AGM the Poll was also conducted for the members attending the meeting who have not cast their vote by remote e- voting. Mr. Sudeshkumar. V. Joshi, Proprietor of M/s Sudeshkumar & Associates, Chartered Accountant (Membership No. 043678) had been appointed as the Scrutinizer to scrutinize the remote e-voting process and Poll Process in a fair and transparent manner. The Scrutinlzer’s Consolidated Report (remote eavoting and poll) w.r.t,32"‘Annual General Meeting of the Company held onMonday, the 30”‘day of September, 2019at 10:00 a.m. at Time & Again Banquet Hall, 9 Raheja Classique, Link Road, next to Cinemax, Lokhandwala, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053 is enclosed herewith. We request you to take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same. Thanking you, Yours Faithf iiy, KAT IPE LIMITED / l DIN: 0123948? Encl: as above Regd. Office : "an, 39, Parag Apartments, 7th Floor, JP. Road. Versova, Andheri (West) Mumbai 400061

Automatically generated PDF from existing images.MUKAT PIPES LIMITED 32nd AGM 30.09.2019 Resolution No.22 -To appoint a Director in place of Mt. Rupinder Singh Ahluwalia (DIN: 01239483)

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  • Correspondence Address :—

    E IM Rajpura- Patiala Road.Rajpura - no 401 (Punjab)Phone : 991 1752-2250441, 325498

    AN ISO 9001-2008 COMPANY Fax : +91 1762-222390

    _ _e-mail : [email protected]:om

    Manufacturers of Large Diameter SAW Pipes [email protected]. _

    Website: www.mukatpipostcom

    -Longitudina|Welded Spiral Welded cm No. : L21200MH1907PLC044MTI

    REF/MPL/2019/2 (:3 Date: 30.09.2019


    The Manager,

    Dept-of Corporate Services

    BSE Ltd.,P.J. Towers, Dalal Street,Mumbai - 400 001.

    Security Code No.: 523832Dear Sir,

    Sub.:Scrutinizer's Consolidated Report (remote e-voting and poll) of the 32"“Annual General

    Meeting (AGM).Refl: Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management

    and Administration) Rules, 2014.

    We refer to the above and wish to inform you that in compliance with provisions of Section 108 of the

    Companies Act, 2013, Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended

    by the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015 and Regulation 44 of SEBI

    (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, the Company had provided to itsmembers the facility to exercise their right to vote on resolutions at the 32"“Annual General Meeting throughremote e-voting serVIces provided by National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).

    The remote e-voting period commenced on Thursday,26"‘ September, 2019(9:00 am) and ended onSunday,29”‘September, 2019(5:00 p.m.). During this period, the members of the Company, as on the cut- offdate of Monday 23"September, 2019had casted their vote through remote e»voting. Thereafter, at the AGMthe Poll was also conducted for the members attending the meeting who have not cast their vote by remote e-


    Mr. Sudeshkumar. V. Joshi, Proprietor of M/s Sudeshkumar & Associates, Chartered Accountant (MembershipNo. 043678) had been appointed as the Scrutinizer to scrutinize the remote e-voting process and Poll Processin a fair and transparent manner.

    The Scrutinlzer’s Consolidated Report (remote eavoting and poll) w.r.t,32"‘Annual General Meeting of the

    Company held onMonday, the 30”‘day of September, 2019at 10:00 a.m. at Time & Again Banquet Hall, 9

    Raheja Classique, Link Road, next to Cinemax, Lokhandwala, Andheri (W), Mumbai7 400 053 is enclosed


    We request you to take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.

    Thanking you,

    Yours Faithf iiy,KAT IPE LIMITED



    DIN: 0123948?

    Encl: as above

    Regd. Office :

    "an,39, Parag Apartments, 7th Floor, JP. Road. Versova, Andheri (West) Mumbai - 400061


    Sudeslikmimr V. Jaslii Phone 2262 2341 , 2 , 3

    B Co," FC 5 PC AE maii sndeshwoshi@gmaii Loin

    snyashugwsni com

    Date: 30.09.2019



    {Pursuant to section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 20(4) (xii) of the

    Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014}


    The Chairman of 32"‘1 Annual General Meeting of the Members of Mukat Pipes Limited (the

    Company) held on Monday, 30"‘day of September, 2019, at 10.00 a.m.at Time & Again

    Banquet Hall, 9 Raheja Ciassique, Link Road, Next to Cinemax, Lokhandwala, Andheri (W),

    Mumbai , 400 053.

    Dear Sir,

    1. I, Sudeshkumar. V. Joshi, Proprietor of M/s Sudeshkumar & Associates, Chartered

    Accountants (Membership No. 043678), Mumbai, have been appointed by the Board

    of Directors of Mukat Pipes Limited (the Company) as the Scrutinizer for the

    purpose of scrutinizing e-Voting Process and Poll Process in a fair and transparent

    manner and ascertaining the requisite majority on Voting carried out as per the

    provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies

    (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 in respect of the Resolutions passed

    at the 32"“Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Company, held on

    Monday, the 30mday of September,2019.

    2. It is the responsibility of the Management of the Company to ensure due compliance

    of the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder

    and also the requirements thereof relating to voting through electronic means and

    Polling Process on the resolutions contained in the Notice of the 32"“AGMof the

    Members of the Company. As the Scrutinizer for the e~Voting process and Poll

    Process, my role and responsibility are limited to make a Scrutinizer’s Consolidated

    Report of the votes cast “in favour" or “against” in respect of the Resolutions

    contained in the Notice of the 32"”AGM, based on the reports generated from thee-

    Voting system provided by the National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL), the

    authorized agency to provide Remote e-Voting facilities, engaged by the Company

    and from the Polling Process conducted at the 32"“AGM.

    3. Further to above, I submit my Report as under:-

    i. The Remote e-Voting period remained open from Thursday, 26"1 September,

    2019, (9.00 am.) to Sunday, 29m SEDCEmber, 2019, (5.00 p.m.).

    ii. The Members of the Company as on the “cut-off” date Le. 23"1 September, 2019,

    were entitled to vote on the Resolutions (items No. 1 to Gas set out in the Notice

    y32““AGM of the Company).

    KJK Page: onii” 1 NU ‘, “ill incl, Ruinbaliatiur Comroiifld Bidg No Ci, iamannd Lane Fni‘i, MumbaMDO 023

    iOnp m mama pant Bombay Samachfii Marg:


    Sill/L'sIIkIImnr V. Jay/Ii Phone 2282 2341 , 2 38 Corn

    ,r C s, F c A Email sudeshwosm@gmaii com

    suyashri@vsnl coin

    iii. After the time fixed for closing of the poll by the Chairman, 1 (one) ballot box

    kept for polling was locked in my presence wnth due identification marks placed

    by me.

    iv. The locked ballot box was subsequently opened in mypresence and poll paperswere diligently scrutinized. The poll papers were reconciled with the records

    maintained by the Company/ Registrar and Transfer Agents of the Company and

    the authorizations/ proxies lodged with the Company.

    v. None of the poll papers was incomplete and/or which was otherwise found

    defective and hence none of the poll papers had been treated as invalid and kept


    vi. Thereafter, the electronic votes cast through remote e‘voting were unblocked at

    10.35 am i.e. after the Conclusion of 32"” Annual General Meeting in the

    presence of Z witnesses Mr. Ajay V. Mehta, Practicing Company Secretary


    9332) and Ms. Bhavika Patel who are not in the employment of the


    vi.Then, the details containing, inter alia, list of Equity Shareholders, who voted

    through Remote e-voting “for" and/or“against" each of the resolutions that were

    put to vote, were generated from the e-Voting website of NSDL Lei


    viiI.The Register to record the assent or dissent received has been maintained

    electronically. It contained the particulars of name, address, folio number or

    client ID of the shareholders, number of shares held by them, nominal value of

    such shares. There were no shares with differential voting’rights in the Company;hence there is no requirement of maintaining of the list of shares with differential

    voting rights.

    The Consolidated result of the Voting (Remote e-voting+ Poll Process) is given in

    attachment hereto marked as ‘Annexure'.

    Sudeshkumar . Joshi


    Encl.: As Above

    Page 2 of 2

    uflce No 5 lsl Fir-oi Raiabaliadur Compound Bing No 5 as Tamarind Lane FortMnrnbaMOl) 023(Opp Allahabad Bank Bombay Samacnar Marg)

  • Annexure


    32nd AGM 30 019

    Resolution Noizl —To receive, consider and adopt the audited Financial Statements of the Company for the

    year ended March 31, 2019 including Audited Balance sheet as at March 31, 2019 and the Statement of Profitand Loss, Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date together with the reports of the Directors’ andAuditor’s thereon. [Ordinary Resolution]

    Total Vole Cast: 5721229““1 Vim

    8721229 Invalid Votes: 0VOEES:

    Evoling Poll Total

    Assent Dissent Assent Dissent Assent DissEnk

    Total Votes "/4: Talal Votes "/0 Ton] V0125 "/a Totz| VOKS “A: Total Vales "/u Tutal Votes ‘70

    8720659 100 0 570 100 n 8721229 100 o

    Invalid Votes: lnvaljd Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0

    Result: Resolution passed Unanimously



    32nd AGM 30.09.2019

    Resolution No.22 -To appoint a Director in place of Mt. Rupinder Singh Ahluwalia (DIN: 01239483) who

    retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment. [Ordinary Resolution]

    Tmal Vote Cast 8721229 3:21:31“ 8721229 Invalid Votes: 0

    Evolmg Poll Total

    Assent Dissent Assent Dissent ASSEnl DlSSEIIl

    Total Votes "A: Toul Vales "/n Talal Votes "/n Tmal Vomes % Tmal Vmes "/0 Tali] Vales %

    8720059 999931 0.0069 570 100 0 5720629 99.9931 600 00069

    analid Vales: 0 Invalid Voies: 0 analjd Vales: 0

    Result: Resolution passed by Majority




    Resolution No.:3 -To ratify the appointment of M/s. GurpteeI Kant & Associates, Chartered Accountants,Patiala, (FRN—01538N) as the Statutory Auditors of the Company and to authorize the Board to fix their

    remuneration. [Ordinary Resolution]

    Total Vote Cast: 3721229 {1:13am 8721229 Invalid Votes: 0

    Evming Poll Total

    Assent Dissent Assent Dissent Assent Dissent

    Tull] Votes "A: TON Vales “/1: Tolal Vale! "/u Tm! Votes D/w Total Votes ”/11 Total Vans “/2

    8720059 99.9931 (300 0.0069 570 100 0 3720629 99.9931 500 0.0069

    Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0

    Result: Resolution passed by Majority



    32nd AGM |30.09.2019

    Resolution Nu.:4 -To Approve res-appointment of Mr. Amrik Singh Grewal as the [Independent Director of the

    Company for the period of five consecutive years w.e.f, 01.10.2019. [Special Resulufiun]

    Total Vote Cast: 8721229““1 val‘d

    8721229 Invalid Votes: 0Votes:

    Evoling Pall Tmal

    Assent Dissem Assent Dissenl Assent Dissent

    Total Votes “/o Total Volts “/n Total Votes ”/1: Tulal Votes ”/n Total Vales n/n Total Votes "/«7

    8720059 99,9931 600 0.0069 570 100 0 8720629 99.9961 600 0.0069

    Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Vales: 0

    Result: Resolution passed by Requisite Majority


    H .4/


    52nd AGM I3 09 019

    Resolution No.:5- To Approve re-appointment of Mr. Rajkgmal' Bali as the Independent Director of the Companyfor the period of five consecutive years w.eif. 01.10.2019. [Special Resolution]

    Total Vote Cast: 3721229“"31 val‘d

    3721229 Invalid Votes: 0Votes:

    Evoring I’oIl Tokal

    Assent Dissenl A5561“ Dissent Assent Dissent

    Tolzl VDIES “/0 Tall] Vote: “A: Tm] Volts "A: T0131 sz5 % Tidal Vales D/n Tolzl V0185 r‘/o

    5720059 99.9931 500 0.0069 570 100 0 8720629 999961 600 0.0069

    Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0

    Result: Resolution passed by Requisite Majority



    32nd AGM 3 09 019[

    Resolution No.:6- To Approve re-appoinhnent of Mr. Kamal Iain as the Independent Director of the Company for theperiod of five consecutive yeaxs w.e.f. 01.10.2019. [Special Resolution]

    Tmal Vote Cast: 5721229Tm“ val‘d


    Vmes: v

    Evafing Poll Total

    A3521“ Dissent Assenl Dissent A552!“

    Tml Vales % TUE] Vales % Tau! an’ES "A: Total Votes “/0 T0131 VWS "/1: Tail! Vales ’u

    5720059 99.9931 0.0059 570 100 n 8720529 999931 00069

    Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Votes: 0 Invalid Vows:

    Result: Resolution passed by Requisite Majority
