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Consolidation and mechanical properties of reactive nanocomposite powders

Demitrios Stamatis a, Xiaoying Zhu a, Mirko Schoenitz a, Edward L. Dreizin a,⁎, Paul Redner b

a New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United Statesb RDECOM ARDEC Picatinny, NJ, United States

a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 13 May 2010Received in revised form 7 September 2010Accepted 6 January 2011Available online 22 January 2011

Keywords:Reactive materialsNanocomposite thermiteEnergetic material

Reactive nanocomposite powders with bulk compositions of 8Al·MoO3, 12Al·MoO3, and 8Al·3CuO wereprepared by arrested reactive milling (ARM) and consolidated into cylindrical and rectangular pellets using auniaxial die. Pellets were pressed at room temperature without any binder. Reference pellets were preparedfrom conventional Al powder and from Al-metal oxide powder blends with bulk compositions identical tothose of the nanocomposite powders. Materials could be consolidated to densities greater than 90% of thetheoretical maximum density while maintaining their high reactivity. Tensile strength and flexural strength ofthe consolidated materials were measured using diametrical compression and three-point flexural strengthtests, respectively. Higher strengths were observed for higher relative densities, and the strength of thecomposite materials was comparable to that of consolidated aluminum powders. Yield strength of thereactive nanocomposite powders was determined from compaction load vs. die displacement curves usingthe Heckel equation. It was greater for the nanocomposite powders as compared to the powder blends or purealuminum. Organic, or low melting point metal binders were added to selected samples to improve strength.Respective pellets were pressed at temperatures above the melting point of the metal binder. The highestdensity (~2.9 g/cm3) and tensile strength (~17.5 MPa) was observed with indium as binder. All consolidatedsamples were found to be highly reactive, and the effect of partial reaction during consolidation remainedbelow the limit quantifiable by differential scanning calorimetry.

© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

There is a rapidly developing interest in exothermically reactingmaterials that can be used in structural components. Potentialapplications of these reactive structures and components includemunitions casings,fillers for reactive projectiles, liners andwaveshapersfor shaped charges, reactive fragments, etc. Until recently, the majorityof the efforts on development and characterization of reactivematerialsfocused on impact-initiated metal-polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)composites [1–8]. In such materials, metal powder filler is containedin a soft and ductile polymer binder. The most common metal filler isaluminum. The strength and stiffness of Al-PTFEmixtureswith differentaluminumparticle sizes andmorphologiesweremeasured andmodeledtheoretically in Ref. [1]. Performance of the Al-PTFE compositesprepared with different size aluminum particles was investigatedusing a gas gun to initiate the material by high velocity impact [2].The tensile strength as a function of sintering time and thermal programwas explored in Ref. [3]. In Refs. [4] and [5], related materials with anincreased density were studied. The density increase was achieved byadding tungsten powder and the consolidated Al-W-PTFE mixture wassubjected to dynamic compression tests to understand its composite

behavior under high strain and high strain rate conditions. Relatedworkwas reported in Ref. [6], where the dynamic compression resultsshowed a correlation between the size of tungsten particles andstrength of the composite material. Numerical deformation modelswere used to predict the effect of particle size on the strength of thecomposite [6]. Al-PTFE properties weremeasured as a function of strainrate using splitHopkinsonpressurebar andauniversal strength tester inRef. [7]. The effect of aluminum content was also investigated. Ref. [8]further explained how metal particle size affected the dynamicmechanical properties of the Al-PTFE-W composite by forming forcechains. Thedensity and strengthofmetal-PTFE composites are generallyrelatively low and thus their practical applications are limited.

General interest in reactive structures was further stimulated bythe development of various nanocomposite reactive materialsincluding intermetallic and thermite systems, and recent reportsdescribe related consolidated samples and components prepared bysol–gel synthesis followed by spark plasma sintering [9], using epoxyas a binder [10], using multilayer reactive nanofoils prepared bymagnetron sputtering [11], and other techniques, e.g., filled laminatestructures [12]. In many cases, consolidated structures are producedwith little or no binder. Preparation and characterization of one typeof such reactive materials are discussed in the present study. Thispaper explores the use of reactive nanocomposite powders preparedby arrested reactive milling (ARM) [13] and consolidated usinguniaxial die compaction into cylindrical pellets.

Powder Technology 208 (2011) 637–642

⁎ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (E.L. Dreizin).

0032-5910/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2011.01.002

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2. Materials and methods

2.1. Material preparation

The samples were consolidated from a set of reactive nanocom-posite powders synthesized by ARM. The nanocomposite powderswere Al-rich thermite compositions: 12Al·MoO3, 8Al·MoO3, and8Al·3CuO. These thermite systemswere chosen due to their reactivityand high aluminummetal content. Details of synthesis and propertiesare found in the literature [14,15]. All powders had particle sizes in therange of 1–100 μm. Reference samples were consolidated fromspherical aluminum powder by Alfa Aesar (3–4.5 μm nominal size,97.5% pure). Finally, additional reference samples were consolidatedusing unmilled powder blends of Al and commercial CuO and MoO3

mixed in the same proportions as in the nanocompositematerials. Thepowder blends contained the same materials that were used toprepare reactive nanocomposites, including Al powders by AtlanticEquipment Engineers, −325 mesh (b45 μm), 99.5% pure, CuOpowders by Sigma Aldrich (25 μm), 99+% pure, and MoO3 by AlfaAesar, 99.95% pure. The MoO3 powder contained flake-like particles;SEM images showed thickness of 1–3 μm. The lengths and widths ofthe flakes varied broadly reaching up to ~100 μm. Materials added insmall amounts as binders for selected consolidated samples includedpolyethylene glycol (PEG) and indium powder from AdvancedMachine and Materials −325 mesh, 99.99% pure.

2.2. Calculated enthalpies of reaction

Fig. 1 shows the calculated enthalpies of reaction and theoreticalmaximum densities (TMD) of the Al·MoO3 and Al·CuO thermitecompositions as a function of their composition. In addition to the

specific heat released assuming the aerobic reaction (e.g., Al+MOx+O2→Al2O3+MOx), shown are the ratios of the enthalpy of theanaerobic (i.e., thermite) reactions to the enthalpies of the respectiveaerobic reactions. The reaction enthalpies increase with increasingaluminum content, while the bulk densities decrease, in both casesapproaching characteristics of the pure aluminum. Vertical dashed linesindicate the compositions prepared in this study. The enthalpies ofaerobic reaction are in the 15–20 kJ/g range for the MoO3 nanocompo-sites, and in the 10–15 kJ/g range for the CuO nanocomposite. Theseenthalpies are greater than, but still of the order of magnitude of fulloxidation of monomolecular energetic materials such as RDX and HMX(8.8 kJ/g) [16].

2.3. Consolidation details

Pellets of pressed powders were prepared using a Carver auto-series 25 t press and two sets of pressing dies. Round cylindricalpellets with diameters of 0.5″ and thickness of approximately 0.125″were prepared using a 0.5 in. diameter steel-sleeved tungsten carbidedie. These pellets were used for tensile strength testing. In addition,several round cylindrical pellets were prepared using the same 0.5 in.diameter die but pressed using the Instron 5567 universal testingmachine to apply controlled pressure at compression rates lower thanachievable using the Carver press. The deformation and appliedforces were recorded while preparing these latter pellets tocharacterize the entire consolidation process and properties ofthe powders being consolidated. Rectangular pellets with dimen-sions of 1.25″×0.50″×0.25″ were prepared for flexural strengthtesting. The samples for the flexural strength test were made witha steel-sleeved tungsten carbide die machined according to theASTM standard specifications [17]. The ASTM standard also providesthe methodology for compaction for these rectangular pellets. Thepowders were compacted in two steps. The first step involved pressingwith the die elevated with spacers and the lower punch not fullyinserted. In the second step, the spacers were removed and the lowerpunch was fully inserted. This helped increasing the compaction of thepellet by overcoming some of the wall friction effects. As a result, thedensities of the pellets prepared using this two-step procedure werehigher than for the rest of the pellets consolidated in one step.

For all consolidation experiments, the walls of the dies werelubricated with Teflon spray. When using the Carver automatic press,the compression rate was kept constant using the built-in mediumsetting. The dwell time was set at 60 s. Compaction pressures usedwere in the range of 105–500 MPa.

A slower compression rate of 0.5 mm/min was achieved for thesamples consolidated using the Instron universal testing machine.

When additional binders were used, compaction conditions wereadjusted. Specifically, when indium powder was added for additionalbonding in the consolidated samples, the samples were pressed by theInstron 5567 inside a controlled environment and temperaturechamber. The chamber temperature was preset to 200 °C to meltindium. The PEG polymer was incorporated by first dissolving it in asolution of 100% ethanol. The powder was then added to the solutionandmixedwell. Themixing continued until all the ethanol evaporatedand left a PEG coating on all particles.

2.4. Mechanical testing

Twomechanical testswere used in this project to determineflexuralstrength and tensile strength of the prepared samples.

The standard testingmethod for green strength of compactedmetalpowders is given by ASTM B312-96 (2002). The test specified is thethree-point bend also known as the flexural strength test. Theconfiguration used for the test is shown in Fig. 2. A rectangularspecimen of uniform cross-section is supported at each end withthe distance l between the support points. A load, P, is applied at the

Fig. 1. Reaction enthalpy and material density as a function of stoichiometry forAl·MoO3 and Al·CuO thermites.

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Author's personal copy

center of the beam. The test specimen preparation and test itself areperformed according to the ASTM standard for testing the greenstrength of metal powder compacts.

Conventional tensile strength tests are difficult to apply for samplesprepared as consolidated powders, especially due to unwanted stressescontributed by the gripping devices. An alternative test widely used toquantify the tensile strength of brittle materials (typically prepared bypowder consolidation) is the diametrical compression (DC) test alsoknown as the Brazilian test [18]. In this test, also illustrated in Fig. 2, athin disc is transversely compressed (applied load P) resulting in auniform horizontal tensile force along the vertical (y) axis. Thistechnique provides a way of measuring the tensile strength of brittlematerials; it was initially developed to test the tensile strength ofconcrete and rocks. It is widely used in testing ceramics, rocks, metalcomposites, dentistry materials, and pharmaceutical compacts [18–20].An analytical solution for the stress distribution of this system wasobtained in 1895 by Hertz and can be found in Ref. [20].

The instrument used for the strength measurements was anInstron 5567 universal strength tester. The grips used includestandard compression platens and grips for three-point bend test.The cross-head extension rate used for the DC test was 0.2 mm/min.When performing the flexural strength test, a load rate of 89 N/minwas used as per the ASTM standard.

2.5. Characterization of the prepared pellets

The pellets were inspected using scanning electron microscopy(SEM). A LEO 1530 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope withbackscattered electron (BSE) detector was used. To characterize anychanges in reactivity of the nanocomposites due to consolidation,differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed using aNetzsch Instruments STA 409 PC/4/H Luxx Simultaneous ThermalAnalyzer. Finally, phase compositions of the prepared samples wereinvestigated using a Philips X'pert MRD X-ray diffractometer system.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Mechanical testing

Fig. 3 shows the packing fraction, defined as the measured densityover theoretical maximum density, as a function of the compactionpressure. Two main sets of data are shown here and in Fig. 4 below,where the filled symbols represent compaction using the Carverautomatic press, and the open symbols represent samples compactedusing the Instron (allowing for a slower consolidation rate). Each datapoint in Figs. 3 and 4 represents at least three individual measure-ments. The error bars show standard deviations. In some cases theexperimental scatter is so small that the error bars are invisible. Inaddition, star-shaped symbols represent the measurements forconsolidated powders of Al blended with commercial oxides in thesame proportions as in the prepared nanocomposite materials. Thesesamples were prepared to observe the effect of mechanical milling onmechanical properties of nanocomposite particles as compared to the

particles of the starting materials. The half filled symbols representthe samples consolidated according to the ASTMmethod. Thismethodresults in an improved consolidation for the 8Al·3CuO sample, whileeffectively no difference in the achieved density is observed for12Al·MoO3.

Generally, the packing density increases with the compactionpressure. Higher packing densities are achieved for all materials at thesame respective pressures when the samples were consolidated at aslower speed. It is also noted that materials with higher overallaluminum concentrations are consolidated to higher densities. Thereis a noticeable increase in the density for the nanocomposites whenthe compaction pressure increases from 200 MPa to 350 MPa, whichcould indicate the transition between the simple particle packing atlower pressures and induced particle deformations achieved at higherpressures. For pure aluminum, the increase in packing density as afunction of pressure appears to be following a nearly linear trend.

Fig. 4 shows the results obtained from the DC test for the tensilestrength of the compacts as a function of their density. For all materials,the strength increases with an increased density. The pellets preparedfrom nano-composite powders exhibit higher strength than the purealuminum pellets at the same density. Among all nanocompositesamples, the highest strength was measured for the sample with bulkcomposition 12Al·MoO3. Its strength is equivalent to that of the purealuminum sample consolidated to a higher density. Interestingly, thecompacts made using the Instron, although higher in density, exhibitdecreased strength.

Fig. 2. Setup of three-point flexural strength test (left) and DC test (right).

Fig. 3. Results of density as function of compaction pressure for several materials andtwo rates of compaction.

Fig. 4. Tensile strength as a function of density for several materials and two rates ofcompaction.

639D. Stamatis et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 637–642

Author's personal copy

Fig. 5 shows results of the flexural strength testing for therectangular pellets of pure aluminum and the 12Al·MoO3 and8Al·3CuO nanocomposite consolidated following ASTM B312-96(2002) and using the automatic Carver press. The results arepresented as a function of the sample density. As expected, themeasured flexural strengths are much higher than those measured bythe DC test. Similarly to the results for tensile strength shown in Fig. 4,the consolidated nanocomposite sample achieves the same flexuralstrength as aluminum but at a lower density.

High strength is an important property for a structural material andone approach used to increase the strength of shapes prepared bypowder consolidation involves addition of binders. As noted above, PEGand indiumwere used as binders for selected samples. Fig. 6 shows thecomparison of tensile strengthmeasurements for the samples preparedwith andwithout binders. The samples containing indiumwere pressedat both room temperature and 200 °C. Otherwise, all samples wereconsolidated using the same conditions. The hot pressed samples withindiumbinder showed thebest improvementoverall, includingboth thehighest achieved density and tensile strength.

Compaction curves measured using the Instron machine, wereprocessed for a set of samples toobtain the yield strength of thepowdersprocessed by ARM. The yield strength is important for modeling theinteraction of powder particles and shock waves, e.g., upon initiation ofan explosion or upon collision of a particle with an obstacle (as in thecase of reactive fragments or impact initiated energetic components).The yield strength of each material was determined using the Heckelequation [21]; the results are shown in Fig. 7. While similar data havebeen reported for multiple composite powders [22,23], this is the firstassessment of basic mechanical properties of reactive nanocompositepowders prepared by ARM. Also shown is the yield strength implied bythe compaction curves for a pure unmilled aluminum powder. Thisvalue coincides with that reported in the literature for pure aluminum[24]. For reference, equivalent yield strengths are also shown for themetal-oxidizer blends, which were not ball milled. The powders ofmilled materials exhibit consistently higher yield strengths than eitherpure Al or Al blended but not milled with oxide. The higher yieldstrength for reactive nanocomposites prepared by ARM can beattributed to both, the work hardening effect of milling and thedispersion of metal oxide inclusions within the aluminum matrix.Although it is understood that using the Heckel parametermay result ina systematic error in the identifiedyield strength ofmaterials, the values

and, more importantly, trends reported here are useful as a startingpoint. More accurate methods are described in Ref. [25] which exploresmicromanipulation techniques for analyzing single particles.

3.2. Pellet characterization

Pellets were embedded into epoxy, cross-sectioned, and inspectedusing an SEMwith a BSE detector. Fig. 8 shows two SEM images of the8Al·3CuO material prepared by ARM and consolidated at differentpressures to achieve different percentages of TMD. Within theparticles, the light colored areas represent the metal oxide inclusions.The darker gray areas represent the aluminum matrix. Substantialporosity (black areas, filled with epoxy in the cross-sectionedspecimen) and multiple particles barely touching one another arevisible in Fig. 8a, showing a cross-sectioned pellet with a relativelylow density (41.5% TMD). Also, it can be seen that the particles aregenerally equiaxial, so that there is no noticeable particle deformationas a result of consolidation. In comparison, Fig. 8b shows that thecross-sectioned pellet of a higher density (78.9% TMD) contains fewervoids. Particles are in intimate contact with one another, which isconsistent with the higher mechanical strength measured for denserpellets. While some particles are apparently bonded to each other, it isdifficult to clearly detect deformation of individual particles.

Fig. 5. Results of three point flexural strength test.

Fig. 6. Effect of binder addition and processing on strength and compactability ofpowder.

Fig. 7. Material yield strength for mechanically milled nanocomposite and unmilled(blended) powders with identical bulk compositions.

640 D. Stamatis et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 637–642

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Fig. 9 shows cross-sections for consolidated nanocomposite pelletsof 8Al·MoO3 prepared by ARM with different densities. Like in thecase of 8Al·3CuO, the low density pellet, Fig. 9a, shows significantporosity. In Fig. 9b the particles are more closely packed similar to thecase in Fig. 8b.

In order to assess any changes in the material reactivity due toconsolidation the pellets were analyzed using DSC. The samples werenot cross-sectioned or polished for theDSC analyses, so that thepossibleeffects of such sample processing were removed. Fig. 10 shows thebaseline-corrected DSC traces obtained for samples heated in an argonflow at 5 K/min. The traces are shown for an unconsolidated 8Al·MoO3

nanocomposite powder and for the respective sample consolidated to85.1% TMD (the same as shown in Fig. 9b.) TheDSC trace for the powderis similar to that reported previously in Ref. [14]. The DSC trace for thepellet is very similar to that of theunconsolidatedpowder. It exhibits thesame exothermic peaks as the powder, with the main differencesdetected in the temperature region magnified in the inset shown inFig. 10. In particular, thedifferences between the traces are noticeable inthe vicinity of 630–670 °C for both the strongest exothermic peak andfor the following Almelting endotherm. Themagnitude of the strongestexothermic peak for the pellet is slightly smaller than that for thepowder; while the magnitude of the endothermic Al melting peak forthe pellet is substantially smaller than that for the powder. Bothdifferences point to a reaction that could have occurred duringconsolidation or shortly thereafter, at low temperatures, and consumedsome of the metallic aluminum prior to the strongest thermallyactivated thermite reaction.

Integration of the DSC curves yields a reaction enthalpy of about1.92 kJ/g for both cases. For this approximate assessment, the entire areaunder the curve was integrated using the Netzsch Proteus software. A

straight horizontal baseline was used. Clearly, selection of a differentand, probably, more accurate baseline would result in a different valueof the integral; however, the baselines are likely similar for bothmeasurements. Therefore, for this analysis aimed only to compare theDSC signals for the pellet and powder, selection of a flat baseline wasacceptable. The difference between the integrated values was less than1% for the consolidated pellet and the powder. This integrated reactionenthalpy value represents about 75% of the total reaction enthalpy forthe thermite reaction for the 8Al·MoO3 nanocomposite, so that anypossible effect of partial reaction occurring during consolidation is notquantifiable from the integrated DSC traces.

Fig. 8. SEM images of cross-sectioned 8Al·3CuO prepared by ARM at A) 41.5% of TMDand B) 78.9% of TMD.

Fig. 9. SEM images of cross-sectioned 8Al·MoO3 pellets prepared by ARM at A) 41.2% ofTMD and B) 85.1% of TMD.

Fig. 10. DSC traces for 8Al·MoO3 pellet (85.1% of TMD) and 8Al·MoO3 powder heated at5 K/min in argon flow.

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Further, the effect of possible partial reactions caused by the sampleconsolidation on its phase composition was studied using x-raydiffraction (XRD). Fig. 11 shows the XRD patterns for nanocompositepowder and for the respective consolidated pellets (41.2 and 81.5%TMD). The powder sample shows presence of Al and MoO3 which arethe initial starting materials. No other phase is detected. The two pelletsamples also show the same starting phases and no additional phasesformed during consolidation. Note that poorly crystalline phases orphases present as nano-inclusions may be undetectable by XRDpatterns. One noticeable change between the XRD patterns for powderand consolidated samples is the reduced ratio of the integrated intensityof the MoO3 peaks over the integrated intensity of Al peaks. The MoO3

peak intensities decrease in comparison to the Al peaks as the pellet iscompacted to higher densities. This may indicate partial reduction ofMoO3 resulting in smallerMoO3 inclusions and/or smaller overall MoO3

concentration.However, consistent with the DSC analyses, no substantial presence

of any reaction products in the consolidated sampleswasdetected. Notefinally, that as briefly described elsewhere [26], all consolidated sampleswere successfully ignited using a CO2 laser beam. Upon ignition, allsamples described in this paper completely disintegrated withmultiplefragments ejected and burning in the surrounding gas, demonstratinghigh reactivity of the prepared materials. Details of the laser ignitionexperiments and their interpretation will be reported separately.

4. Conclusions

Reactive nanocomposite powders prepared by ARM with bulkcompositions 8Al·3CuO, 8Al·MoO3 and 12Al·MoO3 were successfullyconsolidated into reactive pellets with diameters varied from 0.25″ to0.5″. Rectangular pellets with dimensions of 1.25″×0.50″×0.250″werealso prepared. Densities close to or exceeding 90% TMD were achievedwhile maintaining high reactivity of the consolidated samples. Themechanical properties of the consolidated samples are similar to thoseof consolidated inert powders. An increase in the tensile strength wasachieved with addition of small amounts of binders. For 8Al·MoO3, thehighest density (~2.9 g/cm3) and strongest (~17.5 MPa tensilestrength) samples were obtained when indium was added as a binderand consolidation was performed at the temperature exceeding themelting point of indium.

Yield strength of the reactive nanocomposite powders wasdetermined from compaction load vs. displacement curves usingthe Heckel equation and was found to be greater by about 20–100%for the ARM prepared powders as compared to the starting materialsand pure aluminum. Comparisons between the phases present in theunconsolidated powders and respective pellets and between reac-tions occurring in the powders and pellets upon heating showeddifferences that were smaller than could be quantified from the DSC

and XRD analyses. This indicates that consolidation did not causesignificant reduction in the material reactivity.


This work was sponsored by RDECOM ARDEC, Picatinny.


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Fig. 11. XRD patterns for 8Al·MoO3 powder and pellets.

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