AUSTRALIA - MAV Technology Annual Conferenceconference.mav.technology/wp-content/uploads/2019/... · Building digital self-service and customer confidence: Abstract to come. Sally

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Riding the waveTransforming local government for the digital era

N AT I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E & AWA R D S F O R E X C E L L E N C E2 5 - 2 8 M A R C H 2 019 @ K A R D I N I A P A R K , G E E L O N G , V I C T O R I A




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Event Partners:






We gratefully acknowledge the 2019 MAV Technology Conference sponsors and exhibitors. We couldn't do it without you!


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Monday night:Welcome Reception & Event Launch @ The Pier Geelong

Monday, 25 March 2019 Welcome Reception brought to you by the City of Greater Geelong6.00pm Drinks & finger food

The Pier Geelong

6.45pm David Bartlett, Conference Co-Chair - Introduction 6.50pm Welcome to Country - Corrina Eccles, Wadawurrung woman with Norm Stanley on the didgeridoo7.00pm Cr Bruce Harwood, Mayor, City of Greater Geelong - Welcome to Clever and Creative Geelong7.05pm Cr Coral Ross, President, Municipal Association of Victoria - Supporting innovation in local government7.10pm David Bartlett & Lisa Bennetto - Event overview7.15pm Food and drinks service continues8.30pm CLOSE

This is the perfect time to be in Geelong. The weather is great, the company is better and the time is right for an inspiring conference to discuss the role of local government in a digital world.Our Monday evening Welcome Reception will include dignitaries from the Geelong region, the state of Victoria and guests from around the world, including our keynote speakers and exhibitors. The locally-sourced finger food and wines will be sensational, as will the networking opportunities. We hope you are able to join us to kick off this international event in style!

* Program is subject to change

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Plenary Program brought to you by Salesforce – President's Room, GMHBA Stadium

8.30am Registration & Trade Exhibition – Coffee Sponsor Thomas Duryea Logicalis

9.00am Welcome to Country Corrina Eccles, Wadawurrung woman with Norm Stanley on the didgeridoo

9.10amIntroductionJira Lulla Harvey, Conference Co-Chair and Founder and Director of Kalinya Communications David Bartlett, Conference Co-Chair and former Premier of Tasmania

9.30am(50 mins) Unleashed

Driving the digital transformation of government and the role of local government in helping communities to thrive in the digital era.Malcolm Turnbull, 29th Prime Minister of Australia

10.20am (20 mins) Transforming the MAV

Driving a culture shift and a technology shift at the MAV to better support local government interests, build the capacity of councils, protect the viability of councils and promote the role of local government.Kerry Thompson, CEO & Lisa Bennetto, MAV Technology Municipal Association of Victoria

10.40am Morning Tea & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Wideband

11.20am (20 mins) Cultural intelligence for the digital era

How indigenous cultures might help shape our collective future through social innovation, diversity, inclusion, entrepreneurship and self determination.Cara Peek, Founder and Director of Peek Consulting.

11.40pm (30 mins) Disrupting doctors

Challenging the establishment and using tech to deliver innovative, appropriate and quality health care to the right people in the right place at the right time.Dr Lance O'Sullivan, Co-Founder Navilluso Medical, TVNZ Maori of the Year 2013 and New Zealander of the Year 2014

12.10pm (20 mins)

Ground control – Developing Australia's first commercial spaceport Delivering innovative economic development outcomes in remote Northern Australia.Carley Scott, CEO at Equatorial Launch Australia (ELA)

12.30pm (20 mins) Transforming to a culture of innovation

How a customer-first and iterative approach enables organisations to achieve unprecedented levels of success with IoT, Cloud & Smart CIties.Stephanie Zieno, Public Sector Manager at Amazon Web Services Craig Lawton, ANZ Smart Cities & IoT Specialist - Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services

12.50pm Lunch & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Tesserent

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

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Lunch & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Tesserent

2.10pm (20 mins) Digitising of society and democratisation of IoT

Engaging communities with the Internet of Things, through data sharing and governance, open source and interoperability, crowd sourcing and digital access.

Catherine Caruana-McManus, Director Meshed IoT, Global Smart Cities Ambassador

2.30pm (20 mins)

Local government IT collaborations and exploring alternate delivery modelsThe challenges of implementing effective collaborative technology projects in local government.

Daniela Mazzone, Principal Lead, IT Capability and Partnerships & Colin Fairweather, CIO, City of Melbourne

2.50pm (20 mins) Smart Regional Cities

Building capability within council to apply innovative, technology-based solutions to some of Ballarat’s biggest urban challenges.

Justine Linley, CEO, City of Ballarat

3.10pm (20 mins) A singular digital presence of government

Abstract to come. Jithma Beneragama, Executive Director at Innovation Victoria, Department of Premier & Cabinet, Victorian Government

3.30pm Afternoon Tea & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Olikka

4.10pm (20 mins) Transforming to a Dynamic City of the Future!

Logan City Council's key initiatives: CityStudio Logan – social innovation projects to co-create for civic outcomes. INNOV8 Logan – preparing for the opening of Logan’s first innovation hub. Internal Collaborative Network.Dr Scott Bourke, Director – Innovation & City Transformation Paulette Oldfield, City Transformation Program Leader, Logan City Council

4.30pm (20 mins)

Building digital self-service and customer confidenceAbstract to come.

Sally Curtain, Executive Director, Customer & Technology @ VicRoads

4.50pm (40 mins) High performing teams and cultures

How to treat people like adults and give them the necessary autonomy? How do we outperform our competition? How do we get the most from this ever-changing workforce? What is the future of work as millennial and centennials enter the market?

Gus Balbontin, former Executive Director & CTO, Lonely Planet

5.30pm Day one plenary & Expo closes (Awards for Excellence Dinner @ The Pier Geelong commences at 6.30pm)* Program is subject to change

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Tuesday night:

Awards for Excellence DinnerBrought to you by Onel Consulting & Cohesity

The MAV Technology Awards for Excellence recognise outstanding achievements by local government information and communications technology (ICT); geographic information (GIS) and records management (RM) practitioners to encourage innovation in local government service delivery for the people of Victoria, Australia and the world.

WHEN WHAT WHERE6.30pm Pre-dinner drinks

The Pier GeelongCunningham Pier,

10 Western Foreshore Rd,


7.00pm Seating & background music7.10pm Entreé served7.30pm Welcome song - Casey Bennetto7.35pm Introduction & acknowledgements - David Bartlett7.40pm Sponsor address - 7.45pm Nominees and Award presentations Casey Bennetto & David Bartlett

with Tim Neal, Shannon Bourne, Vincenzo Ruberto & Nick Karasaviddis:

Strategy & Planning Achievement of the Year Collaboration or Partnership Achievement of the Year Smart City Achievement of the Year Customer Experience Achievement of the Year The Victorian Award for ExcellenceThe Australian Award for ExcellenceAbout the LOLA International Award for Excellence

8.15pm Dinner served8.45pm Live band and dancing9.15pm Dessert served

Live band and dancing11.30pm Close

Our Independent Judges for 2019



Lorraine TigheSmart Cities Practitioner, Design Thinker, Innovator

Adam BeckExecutive Director at Smart Cities Council ANZ

Susan SlyIT Leadership, Innovation, Digital, Business Transformation

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Victorian Award categoriesThere are four team award categories for 2019:

• Customer Experience Achievement of the Year Customer Experience has a number of variations and abbreviations. CX, UX, UI, customer centric, people at the centre – they all mean pretty much the same thing – Are we delivering something that people want and can use? A good digital customer experience requires a totally new approach to service delivery. It demands new business processes and cultural change within council. None of this is easy.

• Collaboration or Partnership Achievement of the Year Working together to achieve better, faster, simpler and more cost effective outcomes for our communities. Collaboration or partnerships between council business areas; between councils; or between councils and external service providers, other levels of government, research organisations or community groups are all eligible.

• Smart City Achievement of the Year Using information communication technologies and data to be more efficient, solve challenges, and provide new opportunities. Smart communities advocate for the integration of technology and data infrastructure, promote digital technologies to increase the capability of existing infrastructure and services, and champion citizen involvement and citizen-focused service delivery.

• Strategy and Planning Achievement of the Year Without well-defined goals and a high-level plan to achieve them, it can be easy to be deliver unneeded output, rather than desired outcomes. Strategy and planning shapes and guides what the project is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it. It also clarifies the actions needed to make progress, and includes clear measures to determine if it is successful.

Entries may be considered in multiple award categories.

Australian and International categoriesThe Victorian Achievement of the Year will be awarded to one of the four Victorian award category winners.Interstate local government associations are invited to nominate a single local government achievement to represent their state or territory in the Australian Achievement of the Year award.The winner of the Australian Achievement of the Year will be Australia’s nomination in the 2019 LOLA International Award for Excellence, competing with local government entries from New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom and Belgium. The winner will be announced in May 2019 at the LOLA Conference in Sweden.Interstate and International award nominations will be assessed according to how well they demonstrate outstanding innovation, effort and outcomes; advance the digital transformation of local government; support council business objectives; and influence or assist other councils to improve service delivery.

Entries close on 28 February 2019

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Plenary Program brought to you by Salesforce – Presidents Room, GMHBA Stadium

8.30am Registration & Trade Exhibition – Coffee Sponsor Thomas Duryea Logicalis

9.00am (30 mins)

How adventure can facilitate growth and transformation in your organisationWhen your business or team seems stuck, then adventure is the answer. Discover your team's true identity, overcome limiting beliefs and let fear be the catalyst for change. Brent Valle, Founder @ The Future Phase, Owner & Bells Surf Wax™, Program Co-Ordinator Shred For Life. Previously - Co-Founder NGage Technology Group.

9.30am (30 mins)

Raising the bar for Indigenous Technology Futures 1) "Mitimiti on the Grid” Bringing fibre and high speed telecommunications to an isolated Maori community. 2) "Incredible Skies" Drone R&D for medicines and emergency services where they're most needed. 3) “Te Reo AI” A machine learning and AI project to extract insights and value from New Zealand's indigenous language. Robyn Kamira (Te Rarawa), CEO at Incredible Skies, CEO at Paua Interface

10.00am (20 mins) Trailblazers

How global and Australian Trailblazers are disrupting industries, shaping the future, and transforming the world.

Mike de Hennin, Director, Public Sector and Healthcare APAC, Salesforce Brought to you by Salesforce

10.20am Morning Tea & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Wideband

10.50am (20 mins) 15 reasons you need to invest in data analytics

Warren will showcase 15 analytics projects worked on by the City of Casey’s Data Analytics Function. His aim is to help you understand the huge potential you have in local government to leverage your data to enable data-driven results. Warren Dean, Senior Data Analyst, City of Casey

11.10am (20 mins) Dancing in the dark – Government data governance

So who's accountable for data governance? (hint: it's not IT).

James Horton, Founder and CEO at Datanomics

11.30am (20 mins) Taking a user-centred approach in the NSW Government

Learn how the NSW Government is placing users at the centre when we design and deliver digital services. Katherine Sharah, Principal Policy Officer, Digital Transformation, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, NSW Government

11.50pm (20 mins) A Genie for local government?

The Deakin Genie smart digital personal assistant for students has won a swag of international awards. Deakin are now sharing Genie with like-minded organisations. Could this award winning assistant be leveraged to deliver council services to people in Victoria?Matthew Benson, Senior Analyst & Genie Partner Engagement Manager, Deakin University

12.10pm (20 mins)

Panel discussion – Delivering outcomes from Hacks & JamsWhat are the challenges of hacks and jams in local government and how can we achieve greater outcomes? Lorraine Tighe, Smart Cities & Innovation Consultant; Lisa Bennetto, MAV Technology; Cormach Evans, Strong Brother Strong Sister; Matt Swards, City of Ballarat; Glenn Pomeroy, City of Greater Bendigo; Jade Miller, Indigenous National Technology & Telecom Network

12.30pm Lunch & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Tesserent

Wednesday, 27 March 2019


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1.30pm (20 mins) Blockchain: What is your role in the next revolution?

Blockchain has the potential to automate, and disintermediate, the institutions and services that underpin our lives. It could change how we interact online, who controls our information, and shift the incentives that guide businesses and cooperative systems. Jason Potts, Director of Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT University

1.50pm (20 mins) Accelerating local government transformation

The former head of the Digital Marketplace for the Australian Government's Digital Transformation Agency explores why and how local government must transform. Catherine Thompson, Hypereal

2.10pm (20 mins)

LEAN out of your comfort zone: Why continuous improvement just isn’t enoughAs our customer needs evolve we must balance our limited resources between sustaining innovation and transformative innovation. But how do we deliver transformation from within, without spending millions? Chris O'Connor, Service Designer, Bayside City Council

2.30pm (40 mins) Panel discussion – Innovation & Procurement

What are the procurement barriers to innovation in local government and how can we solve them? Catherine Thompson, Hypereal; Alison Hawkins, MAV Procurement; Michael O'Keefe, Microsoft Australia; Stephanie Zieno, Amazon Web Services; Daniela Mazzone, City of Melbourne; Matthew Szymczak, City of Greater Geelong; Jaynaya Winmar, Indigenous National Technology & Telecom Network

3.10pm Afternoon Tea & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Olikka

3.40pm (30 mins) Smart People. Smart Places. Smart Partnerships.

Mobilising partnerships and embracing diversity to enable co-investment and co-creation in regional and metropolitan local government areas. Peter Auhl, Principal at EQi Consulting & CIO at Central Coast Council David Carroll, Product Manager Tech Platforms / CTO, City of Adelaide, with David Bartlett, Former Premier of Tasmania

4.10pm (20 mins)

Innovation through Intelligence: Towards a more resilient and adaptive Built EnvironmentShowcasing projects that explore the potential of ICT, intelligent data, computation and digital media to create more agile, user-centred and adaptive solutions for the Built Environment. Professor Tuba Kocaturk, Director, Mediated Intelligence in Design (MInD) Lab, Deakin University

4.30pm (20 mins) Smart Cities need Smart Councils

How local government can help to address complex urban and regional challenges, by harnessing digital technology, establishing partnerships and applying intelligent design. Adam Beck, Executive Director at Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand

4.50pm (30 mins) Soul Machines – Experience AI Like Never Before

Soul Machines is building a HumanOS for Artificial Intelligence so we can communicate, connect and relate to AI in ways that make it accessible, contextual and trusted. Ben Hanna, Director Business Development, Soul Machines with digital human "Lia"

5.20pm (10 mins)

Closing remarksJirra Lulla Harvey & David Bartlett, Conference Co-Chairs

5.30pm Plenary & Trade Exhibition closes (Networking Evening @ Little Creatures Brewery commences @ 6.00pm)


12.30pm Lunch & Trade Exhibition – Brought to you by Tesserent

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Wednesday night: Networking Evening @ Little Creatures BreweryBrought to you by 8x8

A true brewery village experience, with a bustling Canteen and the colourful Mystery Lane. A great opportunity to network in a casual setting and talk about what you've seen and heard at the conference. You can grab a fresh beer and a bite to eat, and watch the brewers racing around doing their thing. And we'll have Tripod on hand to provide some laughs and great music.

WHEN WHAT WHERE6.00pm Drinks and food service commences7.00pm Optional brewery tour

Little Creatures Brewery

221 Swanston St, Geelong

8.00pm Welcome & introductions - Michael Smyth, Chair, MAV Technology8.05pm Sponsor's address8.10pm Tripod8.40pm Networking10.00pm Close

TripodSince their earliest shows Tripod have made a habit of juggling comedy, music and narrative in endless exhilarating combinations.

They started out in the Melbourne pub scene, before becoming regulars of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and of national radio on Triple J. TV followed, including four seasons on Skithouse – the album of which, Middleborough Road, won them an ARIA – as well as a year as regulars on Sideshow on the ABC.

They have created numerous musicals including the magical Tripod Versus the Dragon and Perfect Tripod: Australian Songs with Eddie Perfect. Perfect Tripod also appeared on Network Ten’s Oxfam Gala, released a single with Gotye for Save Live Australian Music and sung with Missy Higgins on ABCTV’s Crackup.

Tripod continue to bring an insane level of craft in both comedy and music and combine them in a rich and satisfying way – an ability that has cemented them as a much loved cultural fixture in Australia.


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Thursday, 28 March 2019 Tour or Master ClassChoose from the Clever & Creative Geelong Tour or our facilitated Master Class:


Deakin Innovation Precinct – 2019!Hop on our coach and head out to Deakin’s Innovation Precinct at Waurn Ponds campus where we’ll visit 3 world-class facilities – the Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training (CADET), Carbon Nexus and the Institute for Intelligent Systems Research (IISRI).

• CADET: Home of 21st Century engineering, the focus of CADET is on digital manufacturing, rapid prototyping, 3D modelling and visualisation technologies. Its purpose-built, interactive laboratory and workshop learning spaces enable students to project the creativity, imagination and research required to solve modern engineering issues.

• Carbon Nexus: For more than a decade, Deakin University researchers have been developing new and improved fibres and carbon composites. This new facility significantly enhances the capacity to deliver real outcomes for industry to capture the enormous market potential of carbon fibre and related composites. Carbon Nexus is an integral part of the $103m Australian Future Fibres Research and Innovation Centre at Deakin.

• IISRI is dedicated to advancing the global knowledge base of intelligent systems research. We focus on five main areas – defence systems integration and robotics, haptics research, motion simulation, micro/nano system modelling and manipulation, and process modelling and analysis.

Departure: 9.00am from Deakin Waterfront Campus bus-stop, Brougham St. Return: 12.20pm. (Max 45 people)


Master Class by Deloitte Digital & Hewlett Packard Enterprise: How to map council business processes to enable application efficiency Deloitte Digital & HPE will discuss mapping council business processes on a page as the first step in optimising application efficiency across council. The framework and learnings could be implemented by any council interested in streamlining business processes and improving customer experience.- 2.5 hours brought to you by Deloitte Digital & HPEFacilitated by [TBC]


Master Class by Splunk: Smart Cities Abstract to come.- 2.5 hours brought to you by SplunkFacilitated by [TBC]

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Keynote Speaker Co-Chair

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull29th Prime Minister of Australia

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull established an investment banking firm in 1987 specialising in the media and technology. During that time, he worked with some of the leading media moguls including Rupert Murdoch, Kerry Packer, Conrad Black and Bob Maxwell.

He also established a number of new businesses of his own co-founding the first big Australian Internet company, OzEmail Ltd and listing it on the NASDAQ in 1996 before selling it to Worldcom three years later.

In 1997, Malcolm joined Goldman Sachs. A year later, he became a partner of the firm, heading their Australian business, retiring four years later to pursue a political career.

In 2004, he entered the House of Representatives serving as Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Minister for Communications. He was appointed Australian Prime Minister in 2015, a position he held until 2018.

During his Prime-ministership, Malcolm delivered strong economic growth, record jobs growth and at the same time reduced both corporate and personal income taxes. His Government, in terms of social policy, legalized same sex marriage and reformed federal schools funding to be fair, consistent and needs based across the nation and across school sectors. He successfully negotiated with President Trump to maintain a refugee resettlement deal he had agreed with President Obama and to ensure Australia was not hit with tari s or quotas on its steel and aluminium exports to the US.

When Trump pulled out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, Malcolm rallied the remaining eleven countries to commit to a continuing TPP-11. He also secured free trade agreements with Indonesia, Peru and Singapore.

During his political career Malcolm has been a strong environmental advocate, designing and delivering the National Plan for Water Security in 2007, supported the rollout of renewable energy and started the construction of the Snowy Hydro 2.0 pumped hydro scheme which will be the largest in the Southern Hemisphere.

He radically reformed the way the Australian federal Government deals with states and cities and as part of the Western Sydney City Deal he commenced construction of a new Airport for Sydney.


Jirra Lulla HarveyConference co-chair & Managing Director of Kalinya Communications

Jirra Lulla is the Founder and Director of Kalinya Communications. She established Kalinya because she believes everyone benefits from access to cultural knowledge, a sense of connectedness and stories of resilience.

Jirra means Kangaroo in the language of the Gunaikurnai people. Jirra was named after the Kangaroo because they are the only Australian species that has increased in numbers since colonisation, to her mother the Kangaroo is a symbol of strength. Lulla is her Grandmother’s name. Lulla Morgan, a Yorta Yorta woman from Cummergunja married Alfred Bamblett, a Wiradjuri man from the Narrandera Sandhills, and together they had 14 children and from them, over 500 descendants. Lulla raised her children and grandchildren to respect education, family and community. For 25 years Jirra’s Father, Lionel Bamblett, has been the head of a peak Aboriginal education body and so Jirra grew up playing under boardroom tables. Her Mother, Kate Harvey, is a passionate advocate for the rights of women, and would take Jirra out of primary school to attend one of the early Koorie women’s University courses that she wrote and taught with women from across the state.

Jirra was a National Scholar at the University of Melbourne where she studied Media and Communications and now guest lectures on representations of race and sexuality in Australian pop culture. In her early twenties she was awarded a Centenary Medal for creative contributions to Australian Society.

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Co-Chair Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Peter AuhlEQi Consulting & CIO Central Coast Council

Peter is the Chief Information Officer for Central Coast Council. He was the 2017 CEO Magazine National “CIO of the Year” and also forms part of the CIO50 2017 (#22) and CIO50 2018 (#6).

Over the past two years, Peter led the Ten Gigabit Adelaide project at the City of Adelaide from concept to implementation. The successful delivery of the project is of global significance and has had an immediate and palpable impact on the Adelaide economy.

In 2016, Peter was nominated and finished in the top 5 CIO’s in AsiaPAC from hundreds of applicants through the Talent Unleashed Awards and received personal feedback for his disruptive innovation from Steve Wozniak and Sir Richard Branson.

Peter is passionate about using telecommunications infrastructure, Enterprise Architecture and Human Centered Design to create agility in Government in a sustainable way. He is an evangeliser and thought-leader in new innovative approaches that deliver customer outcomes.

Gus BalbontinFormer Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer at Lonely Planet

Gus Balbontin led one of the most loved and recognisable brands in the world through significant business transformation.

He is involved in the start up scene as a founder, investor and advisor. He currently runs a small boutique Design and Innovation agency called Roshambo and is the Entrepreneur in Residence at Victoria University which keeps him close to large public corporate challenges as well as small business puzzles.

Gus has worked closely with some of the biggest companies in the world developing cutting edge technology and products including Google X, Nokia, Apple, Amazon and more.

Gus talks of business disruption and transformation, plus the successes and failures of a media industry that continuously goes through significant reinvention. The lessons he shares can be applied to every industry, business and individual facing the challenges of the 21st century.


David BartlettConference co-chair & Former Premier of Tasmania

David Bartlett has built an extensive career leading people through change in innovation, science and technology - having driven people and technology strategy in both the private and public sector at the highest levels. David was the 43rd Premier of Tasmania and the first Gen X Premier in Australian history implementing wide ranging policy reform in innovation, high speed telecommunications, education, water, agribusiness and renewable energy. He entered politics following an extensive career in IT and innovation in the private and public sector. He also held the positions of Minister for Innovation, Science & Technology and Minister for Education & Skills.

After stepping down as Premier at just 43 years old David started to consider the future of work and the new nature of work emerging across the planet.

Last year David was named as one of the nation’s 50 Most Influential People in Technology by The Australian newspaper. He is now Chairman of two high growth Australian companies each with revenues in the $3 - $6 Million range per annum: Asdeq Labs Pty. Ltd and TasmaNet Pty. Ltd. As Chairman he has taken both companies from startup to high growth global businesses requiring a new way of working with teams located across the planet. He is also a Director of significant arts, charitable and technology organisations nationally and internationally.

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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Adam BeckExecutive Director at Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand

Adam is the founding Executive Director of Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand, an organisation that is part of the world's largest network of smart cities practitioners and policy makers who's goal is to make cities more liveable, workable, and sustainable. They advocate for the adoption of technology, data-driven decision making and intelligent design as an accelerator to sustainability outcomes in cities.Adam was Director of Innovation at EcoDistricts, a start-up non profit based in Portland Oregon, who's mission is to build a marketplace for district and neighborhood-scale sustainable development. He launched the Centre for Urban Innovation in 2015 and prior to that spent three years with the Green Building Council of Australia developing the Green Star – Communities rating tool in collaboration with government and industry. Adam was a sociology lecturer at the University of Queensland for four years and held senior roles with global consulting firms Arup and GHD for over a decade. He sits on the Steering Committee for the US-based STAR Community Rating System, and is on the editorial board of cities publication, Foreground.

Jithma BeneragamaExecutive Director at Innovation Victoria, Department of Premier & Cabinet, Victorian Government

Jithma is responsible for transformation of the whole of Victorian Government digital experience. His key areas of responsibility are:

Digital Engagement - Driving digital transformation across Victorian Government services. Introducing a customer centric approach to how the Victorian Government develops and offers services via digital platforms. Introducing concepts such as responsive, design thinking and delivering practical tools such as journey mapping, personas to assist departments and agencies to improve their digital experience.

Collaboration - Responsible for roll-out of whole of government digital collaboration tool and framework to change the way we work.

Social Media - Exploring how we can better harness social media platforms to better understand customer needs and deliver better services.

Open Data - Responsible for Victorian government open data service (Data.Vic.gov.au), which provides free access to Victorian Government data. Development of open API to make access and usage of data easier. Engagement with the community and industry through hack days and structured programs to drive innovation with big data.

Victorian Government Digital Strategy - Providing government departments and agencies with practical tools advice and expertise to assets them to deliver on commitments.

Lisa BennettoExecutive Officer, MAV Technology, Municipal Association of Victoria, and Principal, Fruitful Communications

Lisa Bennetto is a senior consultant to the Municipal Association of Victoria, advising the MAV Board and Executive team on strategic planning and reporting, and driving the MAV’s digital agenda. She also heads MAV Technology, who deliver ICT and digital projects, major events, communication forums and collaborative procurement opportunities for Victoria’s 79 councils. An award-winning graphic designer and writer, Lisa provides communications advice to organisations including Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and Australia Post. She was previously the director of a visual communications company with clients including multi-national businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, community organisations and charities. Her photography has appeared in Rolling Stone magazine. Lisa believes that local government has a vital role to play in helping people adapt and thrive in the digital era. She is passionate and optimistic about what can be achieved by collaborating with the private sector, academia, and other levels of government to build capability in councils.


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Matthew BensonSenior Analyst & Genie Partner Engagement Manager, Deakin University

Matt Benson helps businesses sort out where they need to be and how to get there. He has worked with organisations across Australia and New Zealand in education, finance, health, and all levels of government.

Matt is passionate about using digital innovations to make a real improvement to people’s lives. Deakin is a global leader in innovation and is in the business of improving people’s lives, so it’s a perfect match.

Since joining Deakin, Matt has embarked on a new journey by sharing Genie - the wildly successful digital personal assistant - with like-minded organisations.

Dr Scott BourkeDirector – Innovation & City Transformation, Logan City Council

Dr Scott Bourke is responsible for achieving Logan City Council's strategic objectives and key organisational goals through building, supporting and leading the very high performing Innovation & City Transformation Team.

Prior to joining LCC, he held the position of Chief Innovation Officer for the Sunshine Coast Council where his responsibility extended to leading the development of the innovation roadmap/strategy and annual action plan, leading the development of a culture of innovation across Council and leading and supporting the development and implementation of various Council 'game changer' and corporate projects.

He was a co-founder and COO for an entrepreneurial lifestyle media start-up Beach City Media Group, held a senior executive position at Transport for NSW where he established and led the innovation function and strategy from a 'greenfields' state and spent 18+ years in management consulting, corporate finance, investment management and corporate law.

Scott's areas of professional interest include corporate innovation, entrepreneurship, innovation ecosystem strategy and development, smart cities strategy (in particular mobility), capability development, major / mega project governance, corporate and public governance, decision science and corporate finance.

Dr Bourke holds a Doctorate of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship and Innovation focus - Swinburne AGSE) and Masters of Applied Finance (Macquarie).

David CarrollProduct Manager Technology Platforms / CTO, City of Adelaide

David has nearly 30 years experience within local government across various disciplines including Finance, ICT Infrastructure, IT operations and business software applications delivering quality outcomes through leadership, project management, business process improvement and advanced communication.

Recognised for in-depth knowledge of business requirements, financial/accounting processes and being able to translate these needs into effective technology solutions for the customer.

More recently, David has been an integral champion of placing the customer at the centre of everything as part of his organisation’s Digital Transformation strategy.

David is also recognised as an innovative thinker and creator who obtains personal satisfaction from high level achievement and successful win/win outcomes. He is a strong leader with a track record of delivering multiple simultaneous projects on time and on budget.

David has successfully innovated and delivered organisational change through the effective corporate wide implementation and use of appropriate technology solutions.


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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Catherine Caruana-McManusDirector Meshed IoT, Global Smart Cities Ambassador

Smart Cities & IoT expert and public speaker with over 25 years experience in the IT, telecommunications and urban infrastructure sectors. Director of Meshed (IoT Integrators), Board Member and Co-Founder of IoT Alliance Australia (iot.org.au), Founder of Giant Ideas for Smart Cities (www.facebook.com/smartcitiesIoT). Advisory Board member for UoW SMART Infrastructure.

Sally CurtainExecutive Director Customer & Technology at VicRoads

Sally Curtain is a seasoned executive, board member, leader and strategist. She is expert in strategy development and implementation and has an exemplary reputation for delivery of major reforms.

As a director of Customer Focus and Innovation at the City of Casey, Sally looks after 6 amazing teams who deliver the customer service, culture, communications, asset management, project management, effectiveness, performance & digital transformation of the organisation. She brings a positive, continuous improvement mindset and practice that puts customers at the heart of what her teams do.

Sally has worn many hats in her career, as a result, she has built a unique depth of expertise in implementing innovations and major reforms whilst leading change through uncertainty. She is well read, well networked, curious by nature, has a thirst for knowledge and makes it her business to keep learning, exposing herself to new ways and avoiding the status quo.

Warren DeanSenior Data Analyst, City of Casey

Warren has a passion for using data to teach and empower end users by understanding complex data problems with simple visualisations to enable data-driven results.

Warren currently leads the analytics function at the City of Casey. He has also initiated the Local Government BI Meetup in Victoria which has had attendees from over 25 councils. He has spoken at multiple events and conferences including the Zurich & Melbourne Power BI User Groups.

Warren is a Certified Data Science Associate via Dell EMC and was project the lead of the team awarded the Victorian I-Award for AI or Machine Learning innovation of the year in 2018. Warren has also founded a side business called DataTale that specialises in Power BI training.


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Mike de HenninDirector, Public Sector and Healthcare APAC, Salesforce

bio to come.

Cormach EvansFounder & Director, Strong Brother Strong Sister

Cormach Evans is a Yorta Yorta man, the founder and director of Strong Brother Strong Sister.

The structure and programs within the space guide, mentor and empower Aboriginal young people to achieve excellence. The outcomes from these programs not only guide, mentor and empower Aboriginal young people, they also improve Aboriginal young people’s health and wellbeing. Since founded in 2017 Cormach has been shortlisted for the 2018 Victorian Protecting Children awards for the Ministers award for Innovation for Child Protection and won the Westfield locals hero's award for their work in the Aboriginal youth space.

Cormach is also the founder of Ngarrimili, Ngarrimili was established to provide Aboriginal people with the support to develop sustainable and impactful Aboriginal-led enterprises. Our mission is to support and nurture Aboriginal excellence. Ngarrimil's programs focus on commercial needs, wellbeing, and connection to culture, ensuring entrepreneurs obtain the necessary tools and techniques to stay mentally and physically sound when starting and operating an enterprise.

Colin FairweatherChief Information Officer, City of Melbourne

As the CIO for the City of Melbourne, Colin is responsible for the delivery of technology and information services and is a member of the organisation’s leadership team. Colin has many years’ experience in local government and has highly developed domain knowledge with particular expertise in people leadership and organisational dynamics.

Colin has a deep interest in cities, data and using ICT to address urban challenges and to deliver value to business. He established CityLab to address innovation challenges and to connect with city community and was instrumental in establishing one of the first local government open data platforms in Australia. He is currently leading the build of a digital services platform to enhance customer services to be simple, fast and available.

Colin speaks widely about how new technologies such as SaaS, AI and digital platforms combined with progressive leadership, capability uplift and collaboration can drive positive outcomes for local government.

Colin’s passion for knowledge extends to his private time, reading (and tweeting about) the latest books and reports on innovation and strategy. On weekends, Colin likes to spend time with family and friends exploring Melbourne’s cafés, markets and alternate music scene. 17

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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Ben HannaDirector of Business Development, Soul Machines

Ben is an expert in growing high tech companies.

Starting his career in high tech 18 years ago Ben has launched start ups & new innovative products in NZ, Australia and the USA. Recently Ben’s lead enterprise development teams at global companies such as Dell EMC and been responsible for delivering rapid enterprise growth for big data company Domo in the Australian and NZ markets.

Ben currently leads growth and business development for Soul Machines, a ground-breaking high tech company of AI researchers, neuroscientists, psychologists, artists and innovative thinkers who are re-imagining how we connect with machines.

Alison HawkinsManager, MAV Procurement

bio to come.

James HortonFounder and CEO at Datanomics

Founder and CEO of datanomics, a data strategy and advisory that co-creates and invests in ethically aligned data-sharing platforms.

James is a data tragic who has been obsessing over data for a very long time... from the dawn of data warehousing in the Federal Public Sector to riding the Big Data wave across the Asia Pacific and out the other side, only to find a bunch of questions that should have been asked long ago.

James is a civil society representative on PM&C's Open Government Forum, Board member of Internet Australia and a member of the Accountability Round Table.


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Robyn Kamira (Te Rarawa)CEO, Incredible Skies & CEO, Paua Interface.

IT consultant Robyn Kamira merged a computer science degree with Maori studies in the early 90s, and unexpectedly stepped onto a pathway that would lead to much more than “just” IT.

Initially, focusing on the impact of technologies on indigenous peoples, she was invited to several international conferences to present perspectives on 'intellectual and cultural property’ and the international challenges of protecting data and content.

Robyn has worked on several New Zealand Government, indigenous and community IT projects and has been a member of technology Government appointed Boards and Advisory Groups both in New Zealand and internationally.

Today, she believes that while the initial decision to merge IT and Maori was a road “not” yet travelled, the potential for the country and for Maori is critically important as we build our contributions to the global economy and attend to our collective futures.

At this year's MAV Technology conference, Robyn presents three connected indigenous projects. "Mitimiti on the Grid” (watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dEUXvGTWNY), a game-changer project that brought fibre and high speed telecommunications to an isolated Maori community. "Incredible Skies" - drone R&D for medicines and emergency services where they're most needed. “Te Reo AI” - a machine learning and AI project aiming to extract insights and value from New Zealand's indigenous language.

Professor Tuba KocaturkDirector, Mediated Intelligence in Design (MInD) Lab, Deakin University

Tuba Kocaturk is Professor of Integral Design at Deakin University, School of Architecture and Built Environment, in Australia. She is the founder-director of the MInD (Mediated Intelligence in Design) Lab; a transdisciplinary and practice-based research group which operates at the intersection of Built Environment, Information Technology and Design Innovation. She is currently collaborating with the City of Greater Geelong in the development of the city’s future agenda as UNESCO City of Design. She is the senior editor of International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC), which is committed to deepening the understanding of the foundations of digital systems for Architectural and Urban Design and the technologies enabling their development and application.

Craig LawtonANZ Smart Cities & IoT Specialist - Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

Craig was lead architect (Infrastructure Architecture, Solution Design and Solution Architecture) for the new Coles Financial Services business deploying a new analytics platform and cloud capability (Target State) for their mobile application (Architectural guidance).

He recently architected the SOA foundations technology for Coles IT from inception to delivery and also help to establish a private cloud (Virtualisation and Virtual Infrastructure) and supporting integration capability for Corrections Victoria.

Craig has worked in Telecommunications, Digital delivery, Financial Services (NAB, Coles FS), Government and Retail industries. He has a strong professional network in Melbourne having worked in several large enterprises, attended Start-up/IT events and by publishing a blog on Digital technology (http://www.coffeescroll.com). He volunteers as a Mentor for VIC ICT for Women (http://www.vicictforwomen.com.au/)

Craig is interested in architecting complex IT projects from beginning to completion, road mapping an Enterprise's path in the new digital world, and in turning around difficult projects. He specialises in Cloud (AWS certified), Enterprise Architect (TOGAF), Infrastructure Security (CISSP, PCI-DSS), Mobile Development, ERP, SAP, Program Management, Infrastructure Design, Software Development, worked in high-performing Architecture teams performing Architecture Review, Reference Architecture).


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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Justine LinleyCEO, City of Ballarat

Justine Linley has an impressive and extensive background in organisational leadership in state and local government, and the education sector.

Ms Linley is an expert in regional planning and economic development, and has a leadership style that will foster continued innovation in Ballarat and the wider region.

Prior to joining the City of Ballarat, Ms Linley was the CEO of Northern Grampians Shire Council.

Daniela MazzonePrincipal Lead, IT Capability and Partnerships, City of Melbourne

Daniela Mazzone is passionate about creating innovative combinations of technology, policy and governance to drive community outcomes and build future government services. Daniela’s ambition is to deliver better outcomes for people through digital technologies and to explore opportunities for the public and private sectors to work collaboratively together to use technology to strengthen the community as a whole.

Daniela has 15 years experience in the Technology and Legal sectors in Australia and the UK. She is a qualified solicitor with extensive experience in diverse large-scale business transformations in both private and public sectors.

In her current role Daniela is accountable for developing strategic industry partnerships and commercial relationships across all levels of government to ensure City of Melbourne has a leading role in Australia’s emerging interconnected digital government landscape.

Jade MillerFounder and CEO, Indigenous National Technology & Telecommunications Network (iNTTN)

Jade is a strong passionate Aboriginal man descending from the Yorta Yorta Nations in Shepparton Victoria. Jade’s scoping and research and cultural knowledge strengthen the strategic findings that concentrated on building, contributing to harnessing the aboriginal economy footprint to better support social, economic and environmental participation of aboriginal people at multi-levels of today’s society.

At age 28 become CEO of Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, position held over 5 years. He has lead the organisation and community through a critical point within their proud history. This was reflected in milestones which included leading the constitutional reform for the corporation. The success of establishing Victoria's first national park (including Joint Management with traditional owners) and developing and establishing new and improved legal entities for Aboriginal organisations to gain self-sustaining organisations. He is in leader within the Victorian Aboriginal community with roles on various boards both cooperate and community throughout metro and regional Victoria.

By founding iNTTN, Jade believes that iNTTN will assist economic viability by creating the foundations to developing economic independence for Indigenous peoples. INTTN prides itself on servicing Indigenous customers and businesses in a culturally appropriate and competent manner. INTTN believes culturally competent services can offer a level of customer satisfaction to Indigenous and non-Indigenous customers.


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Chris O'ConnorService Designer at Bayside City Council

Chris is a service designer in Bayside City Council’s customer experience team. After several years in transformation focused leadership positions, Chris is relishing his new career in a more hands-on role designing better public services.

Chris is a proud public servant and is happiest when given a really big problem to solve for the benefit of the community.

Paulette OldfieldCity Transformation Program Leader, Logan City Council

bio to come.

Michael O'KeefeBusiness Applications Group Lead, Microsoft Australia

Michael O’Keefe is the Business Applications Group Lead for Microsoft Australia. He leads the Australian go-to-market teams for Microsoft Dynamics 365, PowerApps, Flow and PowerBI – with a focus on demonstrating the value proposition of utilising the full Microsoft cloud platform of Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Office 365, combined with Microsoft Dynamics 365 to deliver organisational ambitions.

He has worked in technology & business consulting through his career within Australia & with international clients on digital transformation activities & providing thought leadership as a technology strategist. Michael evangelises the use of digital services to transform citizen engagement & service delivery, to solve the complex industry challenges – with a focus improving customer experience outcomes.


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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Dr Lance O'SullivanCo-Founder Navilluso Medical

Dr Lance O'Sullivan is an accomplished author, international speaker, role model and disruptive leader and innovator.

From a young boy labelled by society as a trouble maker, Lance developed into a passionate advocate for Maori health. He is a pioneer for equal health care in his community and a champion for creating a fairer New Zealand.

In 2012, Lance and his wife Tracy established Navilluso Medical, a healthcare company committed to developing innovative ways to ensure appropriate and quality health care reached the right people in the right place at the right time.

Lance also founded The MOKO Foundation, inspired by the opportunities that he himself had experienced in life.

He is the recipient of the Sir Peter Blake Emerging Leader Award and the Public Health Association Public Health Champion Award. He was also named TVNZ Maori of the Year in 2013 and New Zealander of the Year in 2014 for bringing health programmes to disadvantaged in rural areas.

Dr Lance O’Sullivan a father of seven children, is a true inspirational leader with a powerful story to share.

Cara PeekSocial Innovator l Entrepreneur l Culturally Intelligent Strategy l Diversity & Inclusion l Speaker l Board Leadership

Cara Peek is a freelance consultant and Community Relations Practitioner with over 14 years experience, having worked in the United States, Canada and Australia, including extensive experience in remote and regional areas. The last 9 years have been spent working throughout the Kimberley region in North Western Australia. With strong interpersonal and relationship building skills she specialises in stakeholder liaison and engagement, relationship management, corporate social responsibility and agreement implementation.

During most of her career Cara has worked in the Legal and Mining industries with a particular focus on community relations and Indigenous affairs. She has therefore been afforded the opportunity to broaden her capabilities and knowledge through a range of fields:

• Cultural Awareness • Marketing • Communications• Housing • Event Management • Project Management • Arts • Indigenous Affairs • Community Investment • Creative Design • Partnerships Development • Community Consultation • Risk Management • Community Engagement • Training & Development • Public & Media Relations.

Glenn PomeroyCoordinator Innovation & Transformation, City of Greater Bendigo

Glenn Pomeroy is the Coordinator of Innovation and Transformation at the City of Greater Bendigo. He is charged with thinking about how we meet a twenty-first century conundrum: “How do we live within the resources of one planet… and grow”.

Utilising his extensive public and private sector experience coupled with system thinking and service mentality, Glenn is passionate about positioning Bendigo for the future. With key skills in strategic thinking, collaboration, and relationship building, Glenn strives to bring an entrepreneurial mindset to local government. His current work is pushing the boundaries on citywide transformative investment, and the digital and circular economies.


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Professor Jason PottsDirector of Blockchain Innovation Hub, RMIT University

Jason Potts is Professor of Economics at RMIT University, Director of the Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT, and Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs in Melbourne.

His research work focuses on the economics of innovation and new technologies, economic evolution, institutional economics, and complexity economics.

He has written 5 books and published over 80 articles on topics including growth theory, creative industries, economics of cities, innovation commons, and recently on crypto-economics and blockchain.

He is editor of the Journal of Institutional Economics, Vice President of the International Joseph A Schumpeter Society, and a Board Member of Australian Digital Commerce Association.

Carley ScottCEO at Equatorial Launch Australia (ELA)

Carley is an award winning CEO with experience building complex businesses in diverse settings. Her passion for space, enterprise and economic development are enhanced by a focus on driving broader community benefit – resulting in sustainable enterprises that benefit both shareholders and the community.

The core team at Equatorial Launch Australia are trusted leaders in the space industry both within Australia and the United States. Their previous experience in enterprise, and, developing space launch facilities has been successfully demonstrated for decades.

Their project management and systems engineering experience is augmented by the involvement of key minds in academia, science and government and cutting edge commercial providers.

The experienced, energetic and focused team has already achieved more milestones than similar ventures attempted in Australia, with a 40 year lease secured and a range of customers formalising their interest in launching from the site.

The Gumatj Corporation Limited, Developing East Arnhem Limited and the Northern Territory Government have all been instrumental in supporting this project from the beginning, for seeing its benefits and backing our proposal to be the first commercial space centre in Australia. We look forward to continuing our relationship with these organisations as we move through the construction phase and ultimately to our first launch.

Katherine SharahPrincipal Policy Officer, Digital Transformation, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, NSW Government

Katherine Sharah is a Principal Policy Officer in the Digital Transformation team at the NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.

Katherine has led complex strategic programs in the digital transformation space and legislative reforms. Most recently, she developed the first whole-of-government Digital Design Standard for NSW. Katherine was also the Policy Lead for the buy.nsw program that delivered initial changes to transform the way government procures ICT. She previously worked in the Better Regulation Division on consumer-related legislative reforms.

Drawing on her Bachelor of Laws and Communications (Social Inquiry) from UTS, she is a creative problem solver who is passionate about designing and delivering accessible, user-centred services.


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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Susan SlyDirector, Lueur Pty Ltd. The iAwards 2013 National & Victorian CIO of the Year.

Susan Sly has extensive experience working with senior business executives and technology teams to align technology strategies and service delivery to organisational drivers and objectives. She is the Director of Lueur Pty Ltd and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, with a strong focus on strategy, governance and innovation.

Her experience includes over five years as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a government agency, during which she was recognised as the Victorian and National iAwards CIO of the Year in 2013. Her previous roles in the private, government & military sectors have encompassed IT service delivery, human resources, public relations and operational fieldwork. She is a strong strategic leader with proven commercial acumen who knows how to turn around and grow a business.

An advocate for diversity and its business benefits, Susan mentors emerging leaders across government and the ICT sector in addition to supporting IT industry diversity initiatives. She is a regular presenter at industry events, focussing particularly on governance, leadership and the management challenges of leveraging ICT capability.

Matthew SwardsSenior Lead - Digital Services, City of Ballarat

Bio to come.

Matthew SzymczakSenior Lead - Digital Services, City of Greater Geelong

Matthew launched his digital career back in the ‘90s managing web application development working across multiple locations Melbourne, Sydney, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the Philippines.

Now Acting Digital Services Manager at the City of Greater Geelong, Matthew brings over 20 years’ experience in leveraging new technologies and agile thinking to drive organisational transformation, performance, profitability and customer satisfaction.

He’s excited about leading the charge for Geelong to become a Smart City as Geelong transforms itself into a city of entrepreneurs and innovators.

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Catherine ThompsonHypereal

Cath builds products and functions for the digital age.

She’s drawn to change at velocity and to creating entities that are adaptive, resilient and resourceful.

She’s interested in everything. Most recently that’s meant free roam VR, government digital transformation, trust in the digital age, BizOps, open contracting, My Health Record, cost to serve, and busting corporate services bureaucracy with good design.

She writes on these topics too.

For Government, she built and operated the Federal Digital Marketplace. She revisited marketplace architectures in the course of designing NSW’s ICT procurement reform programme and the buy.nsw platform.

She’s also been a member of the federal e-Census, ICT Procurement Reform and Cyber Resilience taskforces.

Outside work, Cath is one of a handful of women who have raced in a world championship motorcycle Grand Prix and has at various times been a yoga teacher, ski instructor and competing bodybuilder.

Kerry ThompsonCEO, Municipal Association of Victoria

Kerry Thompson is the CEO of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV). She is the first female to be appointed in this role since the MAV was formed in 1879.

Kerry brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise from more than 20 years in executive leadership roles in the local and state government sectors.

Prior to joining the MAV, Kerry was acting Chief Executive of VicRoads. Kerry was the CEO at Wyndham City Council for five years and CEO at Maribyrnong City Council for seven years. Prior to this, she was also the Director of City Services and Assets at the City of Melbourne for four years.

Lorraine TigheSmart Cities and Innovation Consultant

As a human-centered technologist Lorraine Tighe is passionate about finding innovative solutions to improve our cities and communities. She moved into the Smart City space in 2012 to assist City of Melbourne’s CIO build Melbourne’s smart city foundations. This included co-founding and growing CityLab, an innovation space to prototype and test new ideas with the community; and leading a winning application for a $550,000 IBM Smarter Cities Challenge grant, engaging 20 public agencies in three weeks.

Lorraine is highly experienced and accomplished in transformational strategy, program management, stakeholder engagement, emerging tech and civic innovation.

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Speaker Profiles (alphabetical)

Brent ValleCurrently: Founder @ The Future Phase, Owner & Bells Surf Wax™, Program Co-Ordinator Shred For Life.

Previously: Co-Founder NGage Technology Group

Brent's story is uniquely different. Both his professional and personal stories inspire people around the globe to push through their boundaries in life and business. His story is not entirely made up of successes, his honesty and authenticity both endears and inspires audiences around the world. Struggling from humble beginnings to achieve all that he has today, is proof that determination can take you anywhere.

His business successes are long and meaningful most recently building from scratch a $27 million dollar tech company before selling 5 years later to follow his passion, helping others.

A devoted father, adventure seeker, with an unbridled passion for surfing, snowboarding and helping others through philanthropy.

Jaynaya WinmarNational Reconciliation Relationship Manager at Indigenous National Technology & Telecommunications Network (iNTTN)

Proud Noongar/Balladong woman from Quairading in regional Western Australia. With a strong background within the Education and Training industry, Jaynaya understands the industry sectors of skill in demand shortages. It is the passion to create a bridge for Indigenous Australians to not only be educated in this field but to have a culturally safe workplaces in which to develop these skills.

Currently strengthening the business bonds between Indigenous business and the wider business landscape. Through the State Governments Social Procurement Framework and the National Procurement Strategies. A keen sense of understanding has assisted with Jaynaya honing a focusing on the education of companies with Reconciliation Action Plans and key objectives that they struggle with turning into tangible outcomes.

Knowledge in education and recruitment. Reconciliation Action Plans. Social Procurement, Stakeholder engagement. Cultural Competence.

Providing guidance and support to small and large corporate organisations and sporting bodies on how to work within the Social and Aboriginal Procurement framework. Knowledgeable on the reconciliation framework and key state and federal IPP targets and implications strategies. This is reflected within Jaynaya ability to engage with Key Stakeholders and offer strategic guidance and assistance in an effective process.

Stephanie ZienoPublic Sector Manager, Amazon Web Services

Bio to come.

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The Trade ExhibitionHosted at the brand new stand at GMHBA Stadium, our all new Trade Exhibition will feature interactive displays, information resources, expertise and merchandise from exhibitors specialising in security, Internet of Things, Smart City initiatives, apps, UX, data sharing, telecommunications, wifi, and more.

1 Interactive 22

Salesforce (Principal)2 Data#3 23

3 OpenOffice 24

[TBA - Keynote sponsor]4 Flowingly 25

5 Open Windows 26 [TBA]

6 Redmans Solutions 27 8x8 (Networking Evening)

7 Kaon Security 28 Easyweb Digital

8 TechnologyOne 29 Learning With Technologies

9 Deloitte Digital & HPE (MasterClass) 30 Telstra

10 Bing Technologies 31 Allied Telesis


Onel Consulting & Cohesity (Awards)32 ATI Australia

12 33 Wave1

13 Tesserent (Lunch) 34 City of Greater Geelong (Welcome)

14 Cvent (Event Technology) 35 Sam for Compliance

15 Wideband (Morning Tea) 36 Nutanix

16 iComm 37 Civica

17 Deloitte Digital & HPE (MasterClass) 38 Splunk (MasterClass)


Microsoft39 Thomas Duryea Logicalis (Coffee)

19 40 Interleave

20 Grace (AV) 41 Allcom Networks

21 Olikka (Afternoon Tea) 42 [TBA]

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R E G I S T E R @ C O N F E R E N C E . M AV.T E C H N O L O G Y2 5 - 2 8 M A R C H 2 019 @ K A R D I N I A P A R K , G E E L O N G , V I C T O R I A



MONDAY 25 MARCH• Welcome reception

TUESDAY 26 MARCH• Plenary program• Trade Exhibition• Awards for Excellence Dinner

WEDNESDAY 27 MARCH• Plenary program• Trade Exhibition• Networking evening

THURSDAY 28 MARCH• Site tour & Master classes

Registration options: MAV Tech members

Other Govt / NFP

Corporate / Business

Full Conference Package:• Welcome reception

Finger food and drinks at The Pier Geelong• Conference program & Trade Exhibition (2 days)• Awards for Excellence

Formal Dinner at The Pier Geelong• Networking Evening

Casual dinner and drinks with entertainment from Tripod at Little Creatures Brewery

• Clever & Creative Geelong Tour Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training Institute for Intelligent Systems Research Innovation Carbon Nexus Carbon Fibre Research Centre OR Master Class By Deloitte Digital / Hewlett Packard Enterprise or SPLUNK

No single day tickets, but registrations are transferable by request

$990 $1,980 $3,960


Awards for Excellence Dinner only Formal dinner at The Pier Geelong with Awards for Excellence ceremony $150 $300 $600

Purchase tickets and view discounted accommodation options (subject to availability) at: www.conference.mav.technology (Prices include GST and are subject to change)