AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?

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Page 1: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?


AUG. 2017

Sail Away

Page 2: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?



Pres ident : Stan Tenney s tantenney@yahoo .com

Vice Pres ident : Br i t tany Johnson madebybe ejay@gmail . com

Treasurer : Ar t Wolz ar thur .wolz@cox .net

Secretary : Ashley Smi th he llo@ashleymsmi th .com

Membership / Pas t Pres ident : She ila Nash s -nash-@cox .net

Student Scho larship : Jasmine La Fonta ine jasmine . founta in@mac .com

OV Art Show Ass i s tant Director : Elizabeth Dale Mauld in e lizda lesar t@aol . com

Media Chair & News let ter : Loren Hoffmann hoffmei s ter .des igns@gmail . com


COVER PHOTO // Neal Chaves / / Ta ll Ship : Simon Bolivar of the Venezue lan Navy

Page 3: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?



Pres ident : Stan Tenney s tantenney@yahoo .com

Vice Pres ident : Br i t tany Johnson madebybe ejay@gmail . com

Treasurer : Ar t Wolz ar thur .wolz@cox .net

Secretary : Ashley Smi th he llo@ashleymsmi th .com

Membership / Pas t Pres ident : She ila Nash s -nash-@cox .net

Student Scho larship : Jasmine La Fonta ine jasmine . founta in@mac .com

OV Art Show Ass i s tant Director : Elizabeth Dale Mauld in e lizda lesar t@aol . com

Media Chair & News let ter : Loren Hoffmann hoffmei s ter .des igns@gmail . com


COVER PHOTO // Neal Chaves / / Ta ll Ship : Simon Bolivar of the Venezue lan Navy




CBAA // Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion


- Stan Tenney

WANT YOUR ART on the COVER of next months Newsletter?!?

1 to 3 Images for the chance to be Spot lighted!

The Theme 4 next Month’s Letter is:

To CB A A m e d i a @ g m a i l . co m s u b j e c t :If chosen you will not only get the Cover & Spotlight but your work will also be in CBAA’s Calendar for 2017

ie : Anything From Insp ira t ion to Shapes or UR In terpretat ion !


Hello all CBAA members and fr iends

The CBAA Pool Party was a great success! From members to new faces, the rain sure didn’t keep people away. I hate that I missed it but was thinking about everyone. Thanks to Loren Hoffmann and her family for hosting us and for all the good t imes shared!

P.S . Loren informed me, there were 2 hats and a serving spoon left behind. If they’re yours, contact her .

Well , another month closer to the OV Arts Show. I hope everyone can make it to Tuesday’s (August 15th) meeting so we can go over important details of the show. Even if you don’t plan on showing anything or sett ing up this year, we would really

appreciate your help because trust me, We Need All the Help we can get .

So, ALL Hands On Deck!

Now, as some of you know, I ’ve been dealing with some medical issues that have kept me from my CBAA duties . I have to hand it to the board and a few rockstars for stepping up and gett ing things done. Sheila Nash is now the OV Arts Show Director and making sure we stay on task. I also will unfortunately, not have a tent this year at the OV show but will try and help out accordingly .

Thanks .

The Birds & The Bees

Page 4: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?




01 CBAA Officers

02 Let ter From The Pres ident

03 Contents

04 PhotoBomb

05 Member News

07 OV Ar t Show Promo

08 Spot light Ar t i s t

09 OV Members Tent Applicat ion

10 OV Ar t Show Applicat ion

CBAA / / Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion


Want your News or Event put in the News let ter? !?

As much as Loren loves get t ing personal messages f rom a ll socia l p la t forms , we ask that you

e i ther Email : hoffmei s ter .des igns@gmail . com w/ CBAA in the Subject line or CBAAmedia@gmail . com

Text ing / Facebook ing / Ins tagraming or any other format that i s Not Email Will Be Over Looked

All Newsletter info and submissions are due

on September 1stat Midnite!

If submitted after it wi ll come in the following issue

P .S . Loren i s look ing s t ill look ing for someone to gather a ll the news for the News let ter ’ s News sect ion

or she will be s tar t do ing bimonthly news let ter and someone can do a bimonthly blas t So i f in teres ted in get t ing info and he lp ing out wi th the news let ter , p lease contact her or Stan Tenney

Page 5: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?


CBAA // Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion



Page 6: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?


Member News

CBAA // Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion




Again , Yay to Stan Tenney for tak ing an unprecedented 7

awards home f rom the Pr imeplus Senior Ar t fes t ! We a l so

forgot to congratula te Worthy Benson (Pat ty ) for tak ing

home People ’ s Choice in the Oil category !

The uns toppable Tonya Hopson to ok home the Judges

Choice Award at the Ar t i s t s Gallery for the theme of

" Loca l Treasures” as she featured her p iece “The Wai t ress ” .

Myke Irv ing taught hi s firs t class , teaching o il pa in t ing to

12 s tudents in Moyock , NC!

Micha l Mi ta l rece ived an honorable ment ion award f rom

B lank Ar t Space in the ir Color : 2017 Exhibi t ion !

Ed and She ila will be apar t of the New Wor ld Ar t s Fes t iva l in

Manteo : Augus t 16-17th , 10am-5pm for more info v i s i t :

www.darear t s .org/newwor ldfes t iva lofther t s

Neon Mura l Tour , Norfo lk : Augus t 18th 6 :30pm-7 :30pm

Me et a t the Plo t , 775 Granby St .

Exper ience The Ar t of Burning Man at night a long wi th a

var iety of in teract ive programs , temporary ar t ins ta lla t ions ,

li ve per formances , and more . Saturday , Augus t 19th ,

7pm-10pm at the Hermi tage .


Virg inia Ar t s Jur ied Exhibi t ion , Char les H Tay lor Center

Hampton : Augus t 20th - October 8th

Next Me et ing : TUE . Aug . 15th & TUE . Sept 19th


6 :45PM at The Pret low Library OV

Page 7: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?


Member News

CBAA // Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion




Again , Yay to Stan Tenney for tak ing an unprecedented 7

awards home f rom the Pr imeplus Senior Ar t fes t ! We a l so

forgot to congratula te Worthy Benson (Pat ty ) for tak ing

home People ’ s Choice in the Oil category !

The uns toppable Tonya Hopson to ok home the Judges

Choice Award at the Ar t i s t s Gallery for the theme of

" Loca l Treasures” as she featured her p iece “The Wai t ress ” .

Myke Irv ing taught hi s firs t class , teaching o il pa in t ing to

12 s tudents in Moyock , NC!

Micha l Mi ta l rece ived an honorable ment ion award f rom

B lank Ar t Space in the ir Color : 2017 Exhibi t ion !

Ed and She ila will be apar t of the New Wor ld Ar t s Fes t iva l in

Manteo : Augus t 16-17th , 10am-5pm for more info v i s i t :

www.darear t s .org/newwor ldfes t iva lofther t s

Neon Mura l Tour , Norfo lk : Augus t 18th 6 :30pm-7 :30pm

Me et a t the Plo t , 775 Granby St .

Exper ience The Ar t of Burning Man at night a long wi th a

var iety of in teract ive programs , temporary ar t ins ta lla t ions ,

li ve per formances , and more . Saturday , Augus t 19th ,

7pm-10pm at the Hermi tage .


Virg inia Ar t s Jur ied Exhibi t ion , Char les H Tay lor Center

Hampton : Augus t 20th - October 8th

Next Me et ing : TUE . Aug . 15th & TUE . Sept 19th


6 :45PM at The Pret low Library OV

Member News

CBAA // Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion

Around Town


Currituck Arts Council Fall Exhibit is working hard to put on this show at Currituck High School : September 16th & 17th, which should pave the way for a very lucrative show for our crafters and vendors!

Neptune Festival Art Show, Virginia Beach : September 29th & October 1st

Oceanview Art Show, Oceanview : October 7th and 8th

Contact Sheila Nash or Brittany Johnson

Dismal Swamp Art Fest ival , Chesapeake : Oct 28th & 29th Slots st ill open 4 Artists vis i t www.dismalswampart .com 4 more info.


Seawall Art Show, Old Towne Portsmouth : August 26 - 27th There are at least 12 members in this show so, if you’re not one of the art ists then go out and show your support!

Landmark Show & Art Competit ion, Arts of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City : September 1st - October 1st

Mike Morgan recently did a painting to help bring exposure to the Sam Welty Tribute Mural which commemorates fallen mili tary heroes and is being auctioned off at Freedomfest on Sept . 9th!

Norfolk Zine Fest , September 9th from 1pm-6pm at Thank You Gallery (430 W. 24th St, Norfolk

Utopia's Got Talent! ! ! A Hampton Roads Variety Talent Show and Vendors September 9th, 4pm-8pm at Utopia Feni

Hermitage Handmade Festival , Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th

Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!? I f

you do email cbaa.media@gmail .com with your idea, the

month and who knows… I t might become the theme! ! !



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


4 the hospitality

& Traffic Tents


Page 8: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?

CBAA / / Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion PAGE 7 AUG

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PAGE 8 AUGCBAA / / Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion


Longtime commercial and contemporary landscape photographer Neal Chaves grew up in Danvers, Massachusetts and went on to attend Boston University School of Communication with a major in Photojournalism and a minor in Film. Even though he originally wanted to be a craftsman (following a tradit ion within his family) , his love for photography shined through. After he graduated from college Neal was an assistant to top-t ier photographer professionals including Damien Waring and William S. McIntosh.

I t was several near-death experiences in the U.S. Submarine Force and Robert S. DeRopp (author of The Master Game) that really inspired and pushed Neal to create and become an art ist .

Skilled in studio, location, equestrian and aerial photography. Neal also enjoys photo laboratory work and print-making. His favorite medium is high resolut ion imagery. He says “the only practical way for me to produce this today, is with large format photography.” He likes color but black and white silver/gelatin prints are his specialty . He has even licensed some of his commercial work and photojournalism for a number of

years before ever displaying his work. In fact, he only init ialed prints at first . I t wasn’t t ill he felt confident that he would sign his full name and he has said, " I have never made a "limited edit ion” ."

Neal has been apart of the CBAA for three years after Tony Bijeaux told him about the organization.

Currently he is an exhibit ing art ist represented by the Virginia Beach School of the Arts and Gallery. http://www.vbsag.com/ He is also a private and small group instruction for seriously motivated individuals .

Headshots for business, professional and social media use.https://headshotcrew.com/nealchaves



HAVE AN IDEA?! Thi s News let ter i s for usso anything you think would work or anythingyou think ne eds work? We are a ll EARS!

Email us and/or wr i te on a p iece of paper & p lace i t in our comment box when you s ign in to me et ing !


Random Fact : I live at home with my mother .

She feeds me too much and dresses me funny.

“ L i k e w h at i t do e s n o t l i k e . ”

- G e o r g e G u r d j i e f f

CBAA / / Chesapeake Bay Ar t Associa t ion PAGE 7 AUG

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MEMBER’S TENT FEE : $30 for 2ft x6ft or exhibi t space for 3D ar twork

Deadline : SEPTEMBER 17th . YOU MUST BE AN ACTIVE CBAA Member . (Some examples for par t icipat ing may be but not limi ted to : do not own a tent , do not have the means to set up a tent , are unable to man a tent both days , are a new ar t i s t that may want exper ience par t icipat ing in ar t shows or may not have enough inventory . )

Ar t i s t : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Email : _______________________________________ _____________ Te lephone : ____________________________________

Prefer contact by : _______ _ Email ________ Te lephone

Descr ip t ion of your ar t : __________________________________________________________________________________




All exhibi t ing Member ’ s Tent ar t i s t ’ s are required to vo lun te er to ass i s t in the tent a t leas t 1 shi ft ether Saturday , October 7th or Sunday , October 8th .

(Se e guide lines prov ided upon applicat ion rece ip t for shi ft hours . )

Negot ia t ing pr ice of ar t ONLY by ar t i s t when ass i s t ing on shi ftThacker Ar t i s t agre es to accept : _______ Cash : (ONLY by ar t i s t when ass i s t ing on shi ft ) _______ _ Check : Make check out to : ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ __

Charge : ONE te lephone ca ll to ar t i s t to process own charge payment . Otherwise , cus tomer will be g iven ar t i s t ’ s bus iness card and we will get contact informat ion of the cus tomer .

Ar t i s t s w ill be prov ided a copy of the guide lines and vo lun te er form v ia email upon rece ipt of applicat ion . Another email w ill be sent requir ing a s ignature that the exhibi t ing ar t i s t has rece ived a copy of the guide lines and will comply .

Please email applicat ion to Ellen Thacker a t the address prov ided be low.

Ques t ions or Concerns Contact : Ellen Thacker : e lc tar t@gmail . com

Page 11: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?
Page 12: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?
Page 13: AUG. 2017 Sail Away - Chesapeake Bay Art Association€¦ · Hermitage Handmade Festival, Hermitage Museum, Norfolk : September 10th Got a cover idea for the months of Oct/Nov/Dec?!?