Carolina Ochoa Prof. Erin 1-29-15 Audio Essay Reflection I have never done an audio essay before, so this was a treat. The essay part is something I’m familiar with, even though I always struggle with it. My problem with writing comes from an overactive scatterbrain that comes up with millions of ideas and likes to switch gears in the midst of one idea. With that, I feel that my paper ends up with a lack of focus or just rambles. This is exactly what I felt with my first draft. After reading the weekend reading assignment about an audio essay, I saw that my paper was going in a completely different direction and would be far too long for the time constraint, so I abandoned ship. Originally, I wrote about a documentary I saw on my tablet and how it reminded me of my mom and her life. After four pages and no real conclusion looming around anytime soon, plus with a better understanding of the topic, I started a new draft about my first computer and how they have impacted me in the years since.

Audio Essay Reflection

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Carolina Ochoa

Prof. Erin


Audio Essay Reflection

I have never done an audio essay before, so this was a treat. The essay part is something Im familiar with, even though I always struggle with it. My problem with writing comes from an overactive scatterbrain that comes up with millions of ideas and likes to switch gears in the midst of one idea. With that, I feel that my paper ends up with a lack of focus or just rambles. This is exactly what I felt with my first draft. After reading the weekend reading assignment about an audio essay, I saw that my paper was going in a completely different direction and would be far too long for the time constraint, so I abandoned ship. Originally, I wrote about a documentary I saw on my tablet and how it reminded me of my mom and her life. After four pages and no real conclusion looming around anytime soon, plus with a better understanding of the topic, I started a new draft about my first computer and how they have impacted me in the years since.

But, just like with the first paper, I was struggling to find a story or a meaning behind it. As I was drafting my new draft, I just typed whatever came to mind and whatever I felt. My word vomit was okay, but still was similar to my first draft in that it lacked focus and direction. I was conflicted with showing and not telling, but my showing was causing my story to go off in on a tangent. I think a reason I was having difficulty focusing was because of the nature of the topic. To think about a story of how technology has shaped me. I thought that there was no one moment or one story I could tell; that is was more of a collective series of observations and events with technology that shaped me to be the person I am.

However, a story did come to mind, and as usual, it happened in the shower. Before that stroke of genius, I first went to the Writing Center to get a fresh pair of eyes to look over my piece and give some helpful feedback. The tutor helped me to sort out what I wanted to say, to give me an idea of what was unnecessary, and to see what was unclear about the paper. I read my piece aloud, which was a total of 7-8 minutes, and from there, we examined certain passages and lines. About an hour later, I was heading back to my dorm, exhausted and ready for sleep. The next day, I looked over my paper and began making corrections and editing the content. I was stumped on the issue of cutting out a large portion of my piece, and finding a more concrete one in its place. Luckily, as soon as I stepped in the shower and began contemplating the ways of life, I suddenly remember the two weeks during my junior year of high school when I didnt have Internet at my house. I remembered that after the first week my mom and I got into a pretty nasty fight that left me feeling horrible days after. After I finished showering, I went back to my room, changed into my pjs, and began typing away.

If the writing process wasnt had enough, recording my narrative was worst! I dont like the sound of my voice, so having to hear myself read a story Im not all too confident about was awkwardly painful for me. I wasnt able to go to the sound room, because I couldnt find it, and the room I found in the Center for Digital Scholarship was relatively quiet, but with murmurs in the background. Fortunately, the study room in my dorm is empty in the wee hours of the morning so I was able to finish my recording in there. I could not for the life of my figure out how to incorporate different sounds into my recording, and the ones available had no business being in my narrative, so I left the recording bare and simple. The whole process of writing and recording was pretty stressful, but as I look back, it was fun to test myself and reflect upon technology and how it has shaped me.