JUNE 13th, 2019 Email: [email protected] Phone: 8325 4500 Website: antonio.catholic.edu.au ANTONIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL Volume 44 Issue 10 NEWSLETTER ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio students took part in a range of events in a positive and sportsman like matter. We came 5 th overall and were blessed with beautiful weather on the day. Many of our students received top four place results and wore their ribbons with pride. A special thank you to Michael Taylor who organised the day and made sure everything ran smoothly and the parents who came along to support and assist with transport on the day.

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio

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Page 1: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio

JUNE 13th, 2019

Email: [email protected] Phone: 8325 4500

Website: antonio.catholic.edu.au


Volume 44 Issue 10



On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic

Schools Athletics Carnival.

45 Antonio students took part in a range of events in a positive and

sportsman like matter.

We came 5th overall and were blessed with beautiful weather on the day.

Many of our students received top four place results and wore their

ribbons with pride.

A special thank you to Michael Taylor who organised the day and made

sure everything ran smoothly and the parents who came along to support

and assist with transport on the day.

Page 2: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio


Dear Parents and Carers,

This week the young athletes from our community gathered as a team to

represent our school at the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival. I am proud to say

that our students competed and supported each other with great spirit

and persistence as all good teams do and achieved a range of individual

and shared results which were significant. Our team included many

students who were competing in this carnival for the first time as well as

some who had been previously but were trying new events. They were

supported by parents, relatives and staff who provided an example of co-

operation and team spirit. Thank you to all of our volunteers and our

dedicated staff for ensuring this rewarding activity happened.

I would also like to acknowledge our parent volunteers who prepared and

served the PFC special lunch last Friday too. The children enjoyed this

special lunch change up and are looking forward to our community breakfast this Friday starting at 7.45am before our

Grandparents Day assembly at 9.15am.

Learning Happens Everywhere at Antonio

Last week I was privileged to see one of our wonderful R/1 learning communities

testing theories in the sandpit area. The students were posing wondering questions

to each other and then sharing their theories on what would happen when mixing

substances to recreate volcanoes. The children were full

of energy and excitement with a real purpose and spirit

of inquiry as they shared their thinking about how they

could work together to create a volcano and make it

erupt. This learning community then followed this

session outside up in the following days to reflect on

what they achieved, what was successful about this

learning session and what other things they could learn

about volcanoes. Learning at Antonio take place both

inside and outside with all sorts of provocations and tools to inspire and support us. Our

teachers are committed to reflecting with their children to explore and facilitate effective

teaching and learning practices.

Enrolments at Antonio for 2020, 2021

We are confirming enrolment placements for 2020 and 2021 with places in Reception and other Year levels steadily

filling. Please contact us ASAP if you wish to enrol a younger sibling or a current student at Antonio or encourage your

friends who schools to be in contact with us to book a tour and an enrolment interview. We enjoy sharing our passion

and care for working together with the children and families at Antonio and seeing them thrive as capable, developing


Page 3: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio

Enrolling at Cardijn College

As you may be aware, Cardijn College provides a wonderful secondary education with multiple learning pathways that

connect with many post-school options. Antonio has a wonderful relationship with Cardijn College where we

collaborate to provide a strong R-12 learning journey for all children. To give your child every opportunity to grow and

develop in this outstanding R-12 journey, I encourage you to enrol at Cardijn College at your earliest convenience prior

to Years 5 or 6. If you would like any further information, please see Di or Tracy in the front office or talk directly to

Cardijn College to connect in with a school tour or seek enrolment information using this link

http://www.cardijn.catholic.edu.au/enrolments/enrolment-information or calling 8392 9449

SeeSaw App and Absentee Information

I am keen to see the SeeSaw App that is widely in use, be improved further to ensure the major communications

through this app are focusing on teaching and learning and produce an electronic journal over the year of your child's

progress and achievement both individually and also in collaboration with their learning community. There is an

opportunity for children to have agency in this form of documentation and communication that I am looking forward to

exploring with staff to provide an enriched resource for conversation and engagement in your child’s learning journey.

While SeeSaw is a great tool for communication of teaching and learning, I understand it can be used for passing on

constructive, helpful information to staff. If you have any messages for staff that will support their work with your child,

the best time to send these are during the regular hours of 8.30am – 4.30pm. Staff will be happy to read and respond to

messages as appropriate during or close to these times on their regular work days.

Have a wonderful week ahead with your family and friends and thank you for your ongoing support.

Anthony Garton


PUPIL FREE DAYS: Thursday July 4th and Friday July 5th OSHC is available for care.

Antonio Catholic School Term Two Calendar

Week Eight Tuesday 18th June

Parish Sacrament session - Parish hall – 6-7.30pm

Mini Vinnies Hutt Street Excursion Thursday 20th June

Early Explorers in Green Doors Friday 21st June

Year R-2 Mass – 9.15am MHC Church

Mini Vinnies Winter Sleep out and Hot Chocolate Day

Week Nine Sunday 23rd June

Parish Corpus Christi Procession and celebration Thursday 27th June

Italian/Music/Art Assembly

Early Explorers in Green Doors

Week Ten Thursday 4th July

Whole School Closure– Staff Professional Development Friday 5th July OSHC will be available both

Whole School Closure (OSHC) – Staff Professional Development

Page 4: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio


Pentecost - a Feast for us all!

Pentecost feast day was celebrated in the church on Sunday 9th June. In Jesus time Pentecost was

a huge harvest celebration and many people were in the city of Jerusalem for this very special

celebration. The disciples were hiding out in fear of retribution. It only a few weeks prior that

their dear friend Jesus had been put to death on the cross. They were scared they might be

punished for having something to do with him.

The biblical Pentecost story (Acts 2:1-12) uses Wind and fire as metaphors. It does not say there WAS wind

and fire but that something strange and mysterious and powerful happened. The only way people could describe

what happened was to say it was LIKE wind and fire. The important thing was not the wind or the flames, but that

people felt for sure that God was with them in a very powerful way. Knowing that, gave the disciples (who

were hiding out in fear) the courage to run into the streets and tell everyone about Jesus. If we know God is with

us, do we also have the courage to act in even more loving and compassionate ways?

Acts 2:1-8,11b – Pentecost

On the day of the Jewish festival of Pentecost, many of Jesus’ friends, his mother Mary and some other women were

with the disciples, praying in a house in Jerusalem.

And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they

were sitting. Divided tongues of fire, appeared among them, and a small flame rested on each of them. All of them were

filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

Now there were people from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and

was confused, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they

asked, “All these who are speaking are from Galilee? But how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?

… in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of love.”

All were amazed and concerned, saying to one another, “What does this mean?”

Pentecost is really about Jesus’ friends realising anew that God is with them, they are not abandoned. They are

changed by this understanding and inspired to go out (take action) to spread the love of God.

We too can connect with the church feast of Pentecost and its Christian meaning associated with fire – the Holy

Spirit, the spirit of Pentecost, energy, ‘cleanser’/preparing the way for growth and our ‘passion’ for life. Fire might

have been seen as a symbol of God’s spirit because fire is active, powerful, brings change, cleanses and causes new


Maybe you could take a quiet moment and reflect on a time when you might feel God’s spirit of love. When

are you brave enough to help others? How can we help others feel that spirit of love?

Our Mini Vinnie’s reflecting the spirit of love as they visit the Hutt Street Centre next week.

Thank you to all those who are ordering Milo next Friday to swap for socks which will be part of `Packs of

Love’ put together at the Winter Sleep out to hand on to the Hutt St Centre.

Any donations of new adult sized socks, scarves and underwear are still very welcome for the team to put

together on the night.

Keep being the fire,

Yours prayerfully, Lillian Van Brussel

Page 5: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio

GRANDPARENTS AND SPECIAL PERSON CELEBRATION What a wonderful morning our community experienced this morning It was Grandparents and Special Person Day along with the Years 5 / 6 classes providing us with an insight into what we may experience in the future as an older person.

Page 6: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio

PARENTS, FRIENDS & COMMUNITY BBQ: Weekly BBQ lunch orders need to be placed on Wednesday for collection in the classroom / office box. No late orders can be accepted. Student Banking: Thursday Student Banking Day. Students can open a savings account with the Commonwealth Bank and send their money with their bank book every Thursday via the Office/Classroom container. We are unable to interrupt classes, therefore students need to either place their bank books into the classroom/office contained or leave them in the office on banking day

UPDATE ON ENTERTAINMENT BOOK FUNDRAISER We would like to thank the families and friends of Antonio who have purchased an Entertainment Book or registered for the Electronic version of the Entertainent Book. We would also like to thank you those of you who have considered purchasing one. If you still have an Entertainment Book at home and do not wish to make the purchase, can you please return it next week or make payment.

Woolworths Earn and Learn for School and Early Learning Centres. Many thanks to everyone who has

brought in Earn and Learn Stickers. Our traget was 10,000 and to date we have 7,400! Let’s hope we reach our target. The program finishes at the end of June.

With the weather changing and becoming colder.

It might be time to consider purchasing

your coffee supplies from the school.

All you need to do is

to complete an

order form with payment

return it the school office

and the coffee beans or pods

will be sent to the school office for collection

How nice to make up a mug of tasty coffee

and curl up with a good book or movie!!

Page 7: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio


PUPIL FREE DAY CARE FOR July 4th and 5th : Please make your bookings asap.

If you would like to use the Vacation Care program at Antonio for the next school holidays, please refer to the

program. It is also available on Seesaw app.

We are requiring full payment prior to the commencement of the holiday program for all excursions and


If no pre-payment has been made, your child may not be able to access care for that day.

All bookings need to be made by Monday July 1st 2019 please.




Learning Through Music provides fun

and educational instrumental music lessons which

are during school hours at the school, once a week.

Instruments offered: Piano / Keyboard, Drums

and Guitar, Instrument hire is also available.

To join in 2019 complete an enrolment form which

is available from the school office and return

to Learning Through Music via post or email.

Phone the office on 0401 398 120 or

[email protected] for more information.

Page 8: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio


Many thanks to Credit Union

SA for the continued

support for Antonio fund

raising efforts.

Eliza visits our school

several times a year. You

might see her around the JP


Promotion at this time is the

bonus with the Christmas


Check it out!

Page 9: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - The Web Console · 2019-06-14 · ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Tuesday Antonio competed in the section three, years 3-6 Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival. 45 Antonio