arXiv: math.PR/0000000 Asymptotic Properties of the Joint Neighborhood Selection Method for Estimating Categorical Markov Networks Jian Guo * Elizaveta Levina ** George Michailidis and Ji Zhu 1 Department of Statistics University of Michigan 439 West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI8109-1107 e-mail: * [email protected]; ** [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract: The joint neighborhood selection method was proposed as a fast algorithm to estimate parameters of a Markov network for binary vari- ables and identify the underlying graphical model. This paper shows that this method leads to consistent parameter estimation and model selection under high-dimensional asymptotics. We also apply the algorithm to the voting records of US senators to illustrate the kinds of conclusions one can obtain from this procedure; our analysis confirms known political patterns and provides new insights into the associations between senators. We also show how to extend the joint neighborhood selection method to general categorical variables with more than two levels. Keywords and phrases: Graphical model, Ising model, Markov network, Lasso, Pseudo likelihood. 1. Introduction Undirected graphical models have proved useful in a number of application ar- eas, including bioinformatics (Airoldi, 2007), natural language processing (Jung et al., 1996), image analysis (Li, 2001), and many others, due to their ability to succinctly represent dependence relationships among a set of random variables. Such models represent the relationships between p variables X 1 , ··· ,X p through an undirected graph G =(V,E), whose node set V corresponds to the variables and the edge set E characterizes their pairwise relationships. Specifically, vari- ables X j and X j 0 are conditionally independent given all other variables if their associated nodes are not linked by an edge. Two important types of graphical models are the Gaussian model, where the p variables are assumed to follow a joint Gaussian distribution, and the Markov network, which captures relationships between categorical variables. In the former, the structure of the underlying graph can be recovered by estimat- ing the corresponding inverse covariance (precision) matrix, whose off-diagonal elements are proportional to the partial correlations between the variables. A 1

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arXiv: math.PR/0000000

Asymptotic Properties of the Joint

Neighborhood Selection Method for

Estimating Categorical Markov


Jian Guo* Elizaveta Levina** George Michailidis† and Ji Zhu‡

1Department of StatisticsUniversity of Michigan

439 West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave.Ann Arbor, MI8109-1107

e-mail:*[email protected]; **[email protected]; †[email protected]; ‡[email protected]

Abstract: The joint neighborhood selection method was proposed as afast algorithm to estimate parameters of a Markov network for binary vari-ables and identify the underlying graphical model. This paper shows thatthis method leads to consistent parameter estimation and model selectionunder high-dimensional asymptotics. We also apply the algorithm to thevoting records of US senators to illustrate the kinds of conclusions one canobtain from this procedure; our analysis confirms known political patternsand provides new insights into the associations between senators. We alsoshow how to extend the joint neighborhood selection method to generalcategorical variables with more than two levels.

Keywords and phrases: Graphical model, Ising model, Markov network,Lasso, Pseudo likelihood.

1. Introduction

Undirected graphical models have proved useful in a number of application ar-eas, including bioinformatics (Airoldi, 2007), natural language processing (Junget al., 1996), image analysis (Li, 2001), and many others, due to their ability tosuccinctly represent dependence relationships among a set of random variables.Such models represent the relationships between p variables X1, · · · , Xp throughan undirected graph G = (V,E), whose node set V corresponds to the variablesand the edge set E characterizes their pairwise relationships. Specifically, vari-ables Xj and Xj′ are conditionally independent given all other variables if theirassociated nodes are not linked by an edge.

Two important types of graphical models are the Gaussian model, wherethe p variables are assumed to follow a joint Gaussian distribution, and theMarkov network, which captures relationships between categorical variables. Inthe former, the structure of the underlying graph can be recovered by estimat-ing the corresponding inverse covariance (precision) matrix, whose off-diagonalelements are proportional to the partial correlations between the variables. A


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large body of literature has emerged over the past few years addressing this is-sue, especially for sparse networks. A number of methods focus on estimating asparse inverse covariance matrix and inferring the network from estimated zeros(Banerjee, El Ghaoui and d’Aspremont, 2008; Yuan and Lin, 2007; Rothmanet al., 2008; Friedman, Hastie and Tibshirani, 2008; Lam and Fan, 2009; Rocha,Zhao and Yu, 2008; Ravikumar et al., 2008; Peng et al., 2009). Another classof methods focuses on estimating the network directly without first estimatingthe precision matrix (Drton and Perlman, 2004; Meinshausen and Buhlmann,2006). There is also some recent literature on directed acyclic graphical models– see, for example, Shojaie and Michailidis (2010) and references therein.

For the Markov network, the estimation problem is significantly harder, sinceit is computationally infeasible for any realistic size network to directly eval-uate the likelihood, due to the intractable constant (the log-partition func-tion). Several methods in the literature overcome this difficulty by employingcomputationally tractable approximations. For example, d’Aspremont, Baner-jee and El Ghaoui (2008) proposed estimating the network structure using an`1-penalized surrogate likelihood, where the log-partition function is approxi-mated by a log-determinant relaxation. Kolar and Xing (2008) improved on thismethod by incorporating a cutting-plane algorithm to obtain a tighter outerbound on the marginal polytope. Alternatively, Ravikumar, Wainwright andLafferty (2010) proposed a neighborhood selection method that approximatesthe likelihood by a pseudo-likelihood function, in analogy to the Meinshausenand Buhlmann (2006) method for Gaussian graphical models, where p individual`1-penalized regressions were fitted, regressing each variable on all others, andthe network structure was recovered from the regression coefficients. Ravikumar,Wainwright and Lafferty (2010) separately fit p individual penalized logistic re-gressions, whose coefficients are used to recover the Markov network structure.They also showed that the neighborhood selection method satisfies both estima-tion consistency and model selection consistency. However, estimating pairwiseinteractions by fitting p separate logistic regression leads to lack of symme-try; the estimate of interaction between Xi and Xj may have a different valueand even a different sign from the interaction between Xj and Xi. An ad hocsymmetrizing procedure was employed by Ravikumar, Wainwright and Lafferty(2010) after fitting the separate regressions to correct this issue.

The algorithm proposed by Hofling and Tibshirani (2009) and independentlyby Wang, Chao and Hsu (2009), the joint neighborhood selection algorithm,provides a more direct solution to the symmetry issue by estimating all theregressions jointly. This algorithm simultaneously solves the p logistic regressionproblems and encourages sparsity in the interaction parameters, automaticallyensuring symmetry. The joint application of the `1 penalty allows for a moreflexible degree distribution in the estimated graph, as explained in Section 2.This is not explained anywhere. Do we want to talk about it?

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sets up all nec-essary notation and reviews the joint neighborhood selection method. Section 3establishes the theoretical properties of the joint neighborhood selection algo-rithm, establishing consistency of parameter estimation and model selection

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under high-dimensional asymptotics. Section 4 applies the method to votingrecords of US senators in the 109th Congress. An extension to Markov networkswith general categorical variables is discussed in Section 5.

2. The joint neighborhood selection method

We focus initially on a Markov network for binary variables and discuss theextension to general categorical variables in Section 5. Suppose we have p bi-nary random variables X1, . . . , Xp, with Xj ∈ {1, 0}, 1 ≤ j ≤ p, whose jointdistribution has the following probability mass function:

f(X1, . . . , Xp) =1


( p∑j=1

θj,jXj +∑



), (2.1)

where Θ = (θj,j′)p×p is a symmetric matrix specifying the network structure.Note that θj,j corresponds to the main effect for variable Xj , whereas θj,j′ ,

j 6= j′, corresponds to the interaction effect between variables Xj and Xj′ . Theθj,j′ ’s reflect the structure of the underlying network. Specifically, if θj,j′ = 0,then Xj and Xj′ are conditionally independent given other variables and hencetheir corresponding nodes are not connected. Ravikumar, Wainwright and Laf-ferty (2010) pointed out that one could consider only the pairwise interactioneffects, since higher order interactions can be approximately converted to pair-wise ones through the introduction of additional variables (Wainwright and Jor-dan, 2008). The partition function Z(Θ) =

∑Xj∈{0,1},1≤j≤p exp(

∑pj=1 θj,jXj +∑

1≤j<j′≤p θj,j′XjXj′) ensures that the probability mass function in (2.1) is aproper one, integrating to one.

The structure of the partition function with its 2p terms renders optimizing(2.1) infeasible, except in toy problems. A strategy to overcome this difficultyis to use the pseudo-likelihood function to approximate the joint likelihood as-sociated with (2.1). Letting xi,j be the i-th observation on variable Xj , thepseudo-likelihood function can be written as




i,j (1− φi,j)1−xi,j , (2.2)

where φi,j = P(xi,j = 1|xi,k, k 6= j; θj,k, 1 ≤ k ≤ p) = exp(θj,j+∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)/{1+

exp(θj,j +∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)}. This gives rise to a logistic regression problem where

the j-th variable is regressed on the remaining variables, and hence decomposesthe problem into p separate logistic regression problems, which are easy to solve.

The joint neighborhood selection method optimizes the following joint crite-

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(θj,j +

∑k 6=j


)− log

{1 + exp

(θj,j +

∑k 6=j


)}]− λ


|θj,j′ |

subject to θj,j′ = θj′,j , 1 ≤ j < j′ ≤ p. (2.3)

Notice that the penalty jointly imposes sparsity over all interaction effects, con-trolled by the tuning parameter λ. However, this method does not lead to solvingp separate logistic problems due to the symmetry constraint θj,j′ = θj′,j . On theother hand, it reduces the number of parameters to be estimated by half, i.e.,p(p+ 1)/2 for the joint method vs. p2 for the neighborhood selection method.

Hofling and Tibshirani (2009) and Wang, Chao and Hsu (2009) proposed anefficient iterative algorithm to solve this optimization problem. The algorithmconsists of two nested loops. In the outer loop, they follow the strategy in Fried-man, Hastie and Tibshirani (2010) to approximate the logistic log-likelihood in(2.3) by its Taylor series expansion. Specifically, denote the estimate of θj,j′ in

the t-th iteration by θ(t)j,j′ , and write


(θj,j +

∑k 6=j


)− log

{1 + exp

(θj,j +

∑k 6=j


)}≈ −1



(y(t)i,j − θj,j −

∑k 6=j


)2+ C

(t)i,j , (2.4)


p(t)i,j =

exp(θ(t)j,j +

∑k 6=j θ


1 + exp(θ(t)j,j +

∑k 6=j θ



y(t)i,j = θ

(t)j,j +

∑k 6=j

θ(t)j,kxi,k −

p(t)i,j − xi,jw



w(t)i,j = p

(t)i,j (1− p

(t)i,j ) ,

and C(t)i,j is some constant unrelated to Θ. Define next the following quantities:

θ = (θ1,2, . . . , θj,j′ , . . . , θp−1,p)T,

y∗j = (


(t)1,jy1,j , . . . ,





y∗∗j = y∗j − yj ,where yj =1




(t)i,j y

(t)i,j ,

x∗j = (


(t)1,jx1,j , . . . ,





x∗∗j = x∗j − xj ,where xj =1





(t)i,j . (2.5)

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Further, define an np× 1 column vector

X ∗∗j,j′ = (0nT, . . . ,0n

T, x∗∗j′T,︸ ︷︷ ︸ 0n

T, . . . ,0nT, x∗∗j

T,︸ ︷︷ ︸ 0nT, . . . ,0n


j-th block j′-th block(2.6)

where 0n is an n-dimensional column vector of zeros. X ∗∗j,j′ consists of p blocksof size n, where the j-th block and the j′-th block are x∗∗j′ and x∗∗j , respectively,

and all other blocks are zeros. Finally, let Y∗∗ = (y∗∗1T, . . . ,y∗∗p


(an np × 1column vector) and X ∗∗ = (X ∗∗1,2, . . . ,X

∗∗j,j′ , . . . ,X

∗∗p−1,p) (an np × p(p − 1)/2

matrix). Then, (2.3) can be rewritten as the following lasso problem:



2‖Y∗∗ −X ∗∗θ‖2 + λ‖θ‖1. (2.7)

In the inner loop of the algorithm, criterion (2.7) can be efficiently optimized

by a shooting-type algorithm (Friedman et al., 2007). Letting θ be the estimateobtained from (2.7), the main effects θj,j ’s in (2.4) are calculated as follows:

θj,j =yj −

∑k 6=j θj,kxk





. (2.8)

In summary, the algorithm consists of the following steps:

Step 1. Initialize Θ(0) by setting θ(0)j,j′ = 0 for all 1 ≤ j 6= j′ ≤ p and θ

(0)j,j =

log[pj/(1− pj)], where pj =∑ni=1 xi,j/(n−

∑ni=1 xi,j);

Step 2. Given the estimate in the t-th step, update Θ(t+1) by solving criteria(2.7) and (2.8);

Step 3. Repeat Step 2 until convergence.

3. Theoretical Properties

In this section, we present the asymptotic properties of the joint neighborhoodselection method; the proofs can be found in the Appendices. Since in the Isingmodel the structure of the underlying network only depends on the interactioneffects, we focus on the variant of the model with no main effects, which givesrise to the criterion





(∑j′ 6=j

θj,j′xi,j′)− log

{1 + exp

(∑j′ 6=j



|θj,j′ |,

(3.1)where θj,j′ = θj′,j , 1 ≤ j < j′ ≤ p, and θ = (θ1,2, . . . , θj,j′ , . . . , θp−1,p)

Tis a

vector with dimension p(p− 1)/2.Let θ0 be the true value of θ, and letQ0 be the population Fisher information

matrix of the model in criterion (3.1) at θ0 (refer to Appendix I for details).

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Further, let

X j,j′ = (0nT, . . . ,0n

T, xj′T,︸︷︷︸ 0n

T, . . . ,0nT, xj

T,︸︷︷︸ 0nT, . . . ,0n


j-th block j′-th block ,(3.2)

and let X = (X 1,2, . . . ,X j,j′ , . . . ,X p−1,p). Let X (i,j) be the [(j − 1)n + i]-

th row of X and X (i) = (X (i,1), . . . ,X (i,p))T

, and let U0 = E(X (i)TX (i)). Inaddition, let S = {(j, j′) : θ0j,j′ 6= 0, 1 ≤ j < j′ ≤ p} be the index set of all

nonzero components of θ0, whose cardinality is denoted by q, and let Sc be thecomplement of S. Finally, for any matrix W and subsets of row and columnindices U and V, let W U,V be the matrix consisting of rows U and columns Vin W , and let Λmin(·) and Λmax(·) denote the smallest and largest eigenvalue ofa matrix.

Our results rely on the following regularity conditions:

(A) Dependency: There exist positive constants τmin and τmax such that

Λmin(Q0S,S) ≥ τmin and Λmax(U0

S,S) ≤ τmax ; (3.3)

(B) Incoherence: There exists a constant τ ∈ (0, 1) such that


S,S)−1‖∞ ≤ 1− τ . (3.4)

Similar conditions have been assumed by Meinshausen and Buhlmann (2006),Ravikumar, Wainwright and Lafferty (2010) and Peng et al. (2009). The mostclosely related conditions for binary data are those of Ravikumar, Wainwrightand Lafferty (2010), but because they fit regressions separately, their conditionsare on the p × p matrices corresponding to the individual regressions, whereasours are on the p(p−1)/2×p(p−1)/2 matrices corresponding to all the param-eters combined. These conditions can be interpreted as a bound on the amountof dependence (A), and a bound on influence non-neighbors can have on a givennode (B). Under these conditions, we establish the following results:

Theorem 1. (Parameter estimation). Suppose conditions (A) and (B) hold and θis the maximizer of the criterion (3.1). If the tuning parameter λ = Cλ

√(log p)/n

for some constant Cλ > 16(2−τ)/τ and if n > (4/C)q3 log(p) for some constantC < τ2minτ

2/max{288(1− τ)2, 72}, then with probability tending to 1,

‖θ − θ0‖2 ≤M√q log p

n, (3.5)

for some constant M > (2Cλ/τmin)[1 + τ/(8− 4τ)].

Theorem 2. (Structure estimation). Under conditions of Theorem 1, if we fur-ther assume θ0min = min(j,j′)∈S |θ0j,j′ | ≥ 2M

√q log(p)/n, then with probability

tending to 1,θj,j′ 6= 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ S and θj,j′ = 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ Sc .

The proofs of Theorems 1 and 2 are given in Appendix I, which lays out themain idea of the proof broken into several propositions. Proofs of additionaltechnical lemmas are separated out into Appendix II.

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4. Application to the Senate Voting Record

The dataset was obtained from the website of the US Congress (http://www.senate.gov). It contains the voting records of the 100 senators of the 109thCongress (January 3, 2005 — January 3, 2007) on 645 bills, resolutions, mo-tions, debates and roll call votes that the Senate deliberated and voted on. Thevotes are recorded as one for “yes” and zero for “no”. Missing values (missedvotes) for each senator were imputed with the majority vote of that senator’sparty on that particular bill; the missing votes for the Independent Senator Jef-fords were imputed with the Democratic majority vote. The number of imputedvotes is fairly small, less than 5% of the total and less than 3% of the totalvotes for 90% of the senators, and we do not expect this imputation to have asignificant effect on the analysis. Finally, we excluded bills from the analysis ifthe ”yes/no” proportion fell outside the interval [0.3, 0.7], since the Senate voteson many procedural and other uncontroversial motions that do not reflect thereal political dynamics in the Senate. This resulted in a total of 387 observations(votes) on 100 variables (senators). We applied the joint neighborhood selectionmethod to estimate the network structure and results are shown in Figure 1.

A richer structure than that dictated by the presence of two political partiesemerges, with four distinct communities, two Republican and two Democratic.As expected, the two political parties are well separated, with many positive de-pendence links within their members (green solid lines) and negative links acrossparties (red dashed lines). The two communities on the left side of the plot canbe broadly described as representing the cores of the two parties, although thereis additional structure. For example, a number of the more liberal Democrats(Obama, Boxer, Kennedy, Bingaman, Stabenow, Kerry, Lautenberg, Sarbanes,Mikulski, Wyden, Leahy, Dorgan) have the strongest negative associations withthe more conservative Republicans (Roberts, Sessions, Hutchison, Coburn, Burr,Shelby, Allen, Cornyn), mostly from Southern states (see also related analysis ofearlier congresses in Clinton, Jackman and Rivers (2004) and de Leeuw (2006)).Further, a number of positive associations are detected between some of the morecentrist Democrats (Lieberman, Nelson, Baucus, Landrieu, Schumer, Clinton);a detailed inspection of the votes suggests that these are mostly due to theirpositions on issues of national security and the economy. Similarly, there is aseparate cluster of moderate Republicans (Grassley, Lugar, Alexander, Warner,Frist, Voinovich). A separate community of Republicans and Democrats emergeson the right side of the plot. An inspection of the votes suggests that they dif-fer from the core members of their respective parties because of their votingrecord on several issues, including national security, confirmation votes on nom-inations, and certain regulatory and budget measures. Also of interest is thestrong agreement between pairs of senators coming from the same state andparty (Schumer-Clinton, Murray-Cantwell, Stevens-Murkowski, Hatch-Bennett,Collins-Snowe). Further, moderate Republicans DeWine, Chafee and Specterand the pro-life Democrat Nelson are represented as isolated nodes, thus con-firming results of previous analysis by Clinton, Jackman and Rivers (2004) andde Leeuw (2006) (albeit based on data from the 105th Congress). We also note

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Sarbanes Schumer
















Fig 1. Voting dependencies between senators estimated by the joint neighborhood selectionmethod. Each red (blue) circle represents a Republican (Democratic) senator, the circle size isproportional to the degree of the node. Senator Jeffords (the purple circle) is an independentsenator. A solid green (dashed red) link represents a positive (negative) dependence between

two senators. The width of each link is proportional to its associated |θj,j′ |. For clarity, all

links with |θj,j′ | ≤ 0.1 have the same width.

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that the Senate voting record from the 109th Congress was analyzed by Baner-jee, El Ghaoui and d’Aspremont (2008); however, the dataset they used turnedout to have been contaminated with many votes from earlier Congresses start-ing from the 1990s, which led to a large number of missing votes for senatorselected later. Since their imputation method was to impute “no” for all missingvotes, the validity of their analysis is unclear and their results cannot be directlycompared to ours. Overall, our analysis confirms known political patterns andprovides new insights into the U.S. Senate’s voting.

5. Extension to General Markov Networks

The joint neighborhood selection method can be extended to model generalMarkov networks consisting of categorical variables. Let (xi,1, . . . , xi,p) be the i-th observation, where xi,j , 1 ≤ j ≤ p, takes values in the discrete set {1, 2, . . . , D}for some positive integer D. Denote by z

(1)i,j , . . . , z

(D−1)i,j the dummy variables as-

sociated with xi,j , i.e., z(d)i,j = I(xi,j = d), 1 ≤ d ≤ D− 1, where I(·) denotes the

indicator function. Notice that we omit z(D)i,j because it is redundant given the

constraint∑Dd=1 zi,j = 1.

The criterion of joint neighborhood selection can be modified as follows:

max{θ∗j :1≤j≤p}


j,j′ :1≤j<j′≤p}





(θ(d)j +

∑k 6=j


θ(d,d′)j,k z



− log{D−1∑d=1

exp(θ(d)j +

∑k 6=j


θ(d,d′)j,k z



− λ∑j<j′



(θ(d,d′)j,j′ )2

subject to θ(d,d′)j,j′ = θ

(d,d′)j′,j , 1 ≤ j < j′ ≤ p, 1 ≤ d, d′ ≤ D − 1.(5.1)

In (5.1), θ(d)j corresponds to the main effect of variable j in class d and θ


to the interaction effect between variable j in class d and variable j′ in class

d′. Further, θ∗j = {θ(d)j : 1 ≤ d ≤ D − 1} collects all main effects associated

with variable j and θ∗j,j′ = {θ(d,d′)

j,j′ : 1 ≤ d, d′ ≤ D − 1} collects all interactioneffects associated with variables j and j′. Here, we remove the edge betweennodes j and j′ only if all the elements in θ∗j,j′ are zero. To achieve this, weuse the group penalty proposed by Yuan and Lin (2007), where all elementsin θ∗j,j′ are regarded as a group and simultaneously estimated as zeros or non-zeros. Criterion (5.1) can be estimated by a modified LQA-shooting algorithm,in which the inner loop is replaced by a modified shooting algorithm for grouplasso (Friedman et al., 2007).

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This research is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0805798 (E. Levina),NIH grant 1RC1CA145444-0110 and MEDC grant GR-687 (G. Michailidis), andNSF grants DMS-0705532 and DMS-0748389 (J. Zhu).


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Appendix I: Main Propositions and Proofs of Theorems

The proof of our main result is divided into many steps; Appendix I presentsthe main idea of the proof by listing the important propositions and the proofsof Theorems 1 and 2, whereas Appendix II contains additional technical lemmasand proofs of the propositions. The proof bears some similarities to the proofof Ravikumar, Wainwright and Lafferty (2010) for the neighborhood selectionmethod, who in turn adapted the proof from Meinshausen and Buhlmann (2006)to binary data; however, there are also important differences, since all conditionsand results are for joint estimation, and many of our bounds need to be moreprecise than those given by Ravikumar, Wainwright and Lafferty (2010).

The main idea of the proof is as follows. First, we introduce a restrictedversion of criterion (3.1), where S is assumed known and all parameters in Sc

are set to zero:θ = arg max

θ[S]l(θ[S])− λ


|θj,j′ |. (5.2)

Further, we introduce sample versions of conditions (A) and (B) as follows(see below for detailed definitions of Qn and Un, the sample analogues of thepopulation quantities Q0 and U0):

(A′) Dependency (sample): There exist positive constants τmin and τmax

such that

Λmin(QnS,S) ≥ τmin and Λmax(Un

S,S) ≤ τmax. (5.3)

(B′) Incoherence (sample): There exists a constant τ ∈ (0, 1) such that


S,S)−1‖∞ ≤ 1− τ. (5.4)

The proof consists of the following steps. Proposition 1 and Proposition 2show that, under sample regularity conditions (A′) and (B′), the conclusionsof Theorems 1 and 2 hold for the solution of the restricted problem (5.2), re-spectively. Next, Proposition 3 and Proposition 4 prove that the populationregularity conditions (A) and (B) give rise to their sample counterparts (A′)and (B′) with probability tending to 1. Proposition 5 gives the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions for the full problem (3.1), and Proposition 6 showsthat, with probability tending to 1, the solution of the restricted problem (5.2)satisfies the KKT conditions of (3.1). Thus, the solution of the restricted prob-lem is also the solution of the original problem with probability tending to 1and both theorems hold.

We start by introducing additional notation. Denote the log-likelihood forthe i-th observation by

li(θ) =



(∑k 6=j


)− log

{1 + exp

(∑k 6=j


)}, (5.5)

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The first derivative of the log-likelihood is∇li(θ) = (∇1,2li(θ), . . . ,∇p−1,pli(θ))T,


∇j,j′ li(θ) = xi,j′{xi,j −

exp(∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)

1 + exp(∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)


{xi,j′ −

exp(∑k 6=j′ θj′,kxi,k)

1 + exp(∑k 6=j′ θj′,kxi,k)

}. (5.6)

The second derivative of li(θ) is given by

∇2li(θ) = −X (i)Tη(i)(θ)X (i) , (5.7)

where η(i)(θ) = diag(η(i)1 (θ), . . . , η

(i)p (θ)) is a p× p diagonal matrix, and

η(i)j (θ) =

exp(∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)

{1 + exp(∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)}2

. (5.8)

The first derivative of η(i)j (θ) is given by ∇η(i)j (θ) = ξ

(i)j (θ)(X (i,j))


, where

ξ(i)j (θ) =

exp(∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)[1− exp(

∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)]

[1 + exp(∑k 6=j θj,kxi,k)]3

. (5.9)

It is easy to check that |∇j,j′ li(θ)| ≤ 2, |η(i)j (θ)| ≤ 1 and |ξ(i)j (θ)| ≤ 1. For nobservations, the log-likelihood, its first derivative and its second derivative arel(θ) = 1/n

∑ni=1 li(θ),∇l(θ) = 1/n

∑ni=1∇li(θ), and∇2l(θ) = 1/n


respectively. Then, the population Fisher information matrix of (3.1) at θ0

can be represented as Q0 = E[X (i)Tη(i)(θ0)X (i)], and its sample counter-

part Qn = −∇2l(θ0) = 1/n∑ni=1 X

(i)Tη(i)(θ0)X (i). We also define Un =

1/n∑ni=1 X

(i)TX (i) as the sample counterpart of U0 = E(X TX ) defined inSection 3. Let W be any subset of the index set {1, 2, . . . , p(p− 1)/2}. For anyvector γ, we define γW as the vector consisting of the elements of γ associated

with W. Similarly, we define X (i)W as the columns of X (i) associated with W,

respectively. Finally, we write δ = θ − θ0, δ = θ − θ0 and δ = θ − θ0.

Proposition 1. Suppose the sample conditions (A′) and (B′) hold. If the tun-ing parameter λ = Cλ

√(log p)/n for some constant Cλ > 16(2 − τ)/τ and


(log p)/n = o(1), then with probability tending to 1, the optimizer of the

restricted criterion θ satisfies

‖θ − θ0‖2 ≤M√q log p


for some constant M > (2Cλ/τmin){1 + τ/(8− 4τ)}.Proposition 2. Under conditions of Proposition 1, if we further assume θ0min ≥2M√q(log p)/n, then with probability tending to 1, θj,j′ 6= 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ S

and θj,j′ = 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ Sc.

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Proposition 3. (Relationship between sample and population dependency) Sup-pose the regularity conditions (A) hold, then for any ε > 0,

(i) P{Λmin(QnS,S) ≤ τmin − ε} ≤ 2 exp{−(ε2/2)(n/q2) + 2 log q};

(ii) P{Λmax(UnS,S) ≥ τmax + ε} ≤ 2 exp{−(ε2/2)(n/q2) + 2 log q}.

Proposition 4. (Relationship between sample and population incoherence) Sup-pose the regularity conditions (A) and (B) hold, then for any ε > 0, there existsa constant C = min{τ2minτ2/288(1− τ)2, τ2minτ

2/72, τminτ/48}, such that


S,S)−1‖∞ ≥ 1− τ

2] ≤ 12 exp

(− C n

q3+ 4 log p

). (5.11)

Proposition 5. (KKT conditions) The sufficient and necessary condition for θto be a solution of problem (3.1) is

∇j,j′ l(θ) = λsgn(θj,j′), if θj,j′ 6= 0;

|∇j,j′ l(θ)| < λ, if θj,j′ = 0.(5.12)

Moreover, this solution is unique due to the strict convexity of problem (3.1).

Proposition 6. (The restricted solution satisfies KKT conditions) Under all con-ditions of Proposition 2, with probability tending to 1, we have,

(i) ∇j,j′ l(θ) = λsgn(θj,j′), for all (j, j′) ∈ S;

(ii) |∇j,j′ l(θ)| < λ, for all (j, j′) ∈ Sc.

Proof of Theorem 1. The condition n > (4/C)q3 log(p) implies q√

(log p)/n =o(1). In addition, since n > (4/C)q3 log(p), we have −(ε2/2)(n/q2) + 2 log q →−∞ and −Cn/q3 + 4 log(p)]→ −∞. Thus, by Propositions 3 and 4, the sampledependency and incoherence conditions (A′) and (B′) hold with probability 1.Therefore, Proposition 1 holds and, with probability tending to 1, the solutionof the restricted problem (5.2) satisfies parameter estimation consistency.

On the other hand, Proposition 6 shows that, with probability tending to 1,the solution of the restricted problem θ satisfies the KKT conditions in Propo-sition 5. Since the criterion (3.1) is strictly convex, we conclude θ is the unique

solution of (3.1), i.e., θ = θ. This proves Theorem 1.�

Proof of Theorem 2 is analogous to Proof of Theorem 1 and is omitted.

Appendix II: Proofs of Propositions

This appendix contains several additional technical lemmas and proofs of Propo-sitions 1-6.

Lemma 1. [Bound on ∇l(θ0)] With probability tending to 1, ‖∇l(θ0)‖∞ ≤C∇√

(log p)/n for some constant C∇ > 4.

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Proof of Lemma 1: Note that E[∇li(θ0)] = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n and |∇j,j′ li(θ0)| ≤ 2,1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j < j′ ≤ p. By applying the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality (Ho-effding, 1963), we get

P [|∇j,j′ l(θ0)| ≥ t] ≤ 2 exp(−nt2/8). (5.13)

Letting t = C∇√

(log p)/n for some constant C∇ > 0, we obtain

P[|∇j,j′ l(θ0)| ≥ C∇

√log p


]≤ 2 exp(−C2

∇ log p/8) . (5.14)

Then, by the union-sum inequality we have

P [‖∇l(θ0)‖∞ ≥ C∇

√log p

n] ≤ 2 exp(−C2

∇ log p /8 + 2 log p). (5.15)

Setting C∇ > 4 establishes the lemma. �

Lemma 2. [Bound on −δST[∇2l(θ0 + αδ[S])]S,SδS ]m If the sample dependency

condition (A′) holds and q√

(log p)/n = o(1), then for any α ∈ [0, 1], withprobability tending to 1,

− δST[∇2l(θ0 + αδ[S])]S,SδS ≥1

2τmin‖δS‖22 . (5.16)

Proof of Lemma 2: Applying the mean value theorem, we have ηj(θ0 +

αδ[S]) = ηj(θ0) + α∇ηj(θ0 + α∗δ[S])


δ[S], for some constant α∗ ∈ (0, α). Then,we have

−δST[∇2l(θ0 + αδ[S])]S,SδS




(X (i)S δS)


η(θ0 + αδ[S])(X (i)S δS)





ηj(θ0)(X (i,j)

S δS)2




∇ηj(θ0 + α∗δ[S])T

δ[S](X (i,j)S δS)2

≥ −δST[∇2l(θ0)]S,SδS

− 1




|ξ(i)j (θ0 + α∗δ[S])||X (i,j)S δS |(X (i,j)

S δS)2 . (5.17)

The first term is bounded from below by

− δST[∇2l(θ0)]S,SδS ≥ Λmin(QnS,S)‖δS‖22 ≥ τmin‖δS‖22 . (5.18)

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To bound the second term, notice that |X (i,j)S δS | ≤ ‖X (i,j)

S ‖∞‖δS‖1 ≤ ‖δS‖1and recall that |ξ(i)j | ≤ 1. Then the second term is bounded from above by





(X (i,j)S δS)2 ≤ τmax‖δS‖1‖δS‖22 ≤ (τmin/2)‖δS‖22 , (5.19)

since ‖δS‖1 ≤√q‖δS‖2 = Mq

√(log p)/n = o(1) and thus when n is large

enough, ‖δS‖1 ≤ τmin/(2τmax). Putting (5.18) and (5.19) together establishesthe lemma. �

Proof of Proposition 1: The proof relies on the convex function proof methodfrom Rothman et al. (2008). Define

G(δS) = −[l(θ0 + δ[S])− l(θ0)] + λ(‖θ0 + δ[S]‖1 − ‖θ0‖1). (5.20)

It can be seen from (5.2) that δS = θS − θ0S minimizes G(δS). Moreover,

G(0S) = 0, thus we must have G(δS) ≤ 0. If we take a ball A which contains0S , and show that G is strictly positive everywhere on the boundary ∂A, thenit implies that G has a local minimum inside A, since G is continuous andG(0S) = 0. Specifically, we define A = {δS : ‖δS‖2 ≤ Man}, with boundary∂A = {δS : ‖δS‖2 = Man}, for some constant M > (2/τmin)[1 + τ/(8− 4τ)]Cλand an =

√q(log p)/n. For any δS ∈ ∂A, the Taylor series expansion gives

G(δS) = I1 + I2 + I3, where

I1 = −[∇l(θ0)]ST

δS ,

I2 = −δST[∇2l(θ0 + αδ[S])]S,SδS , for some α ∈ [0, 1] ,

I3 = λ(‖θ0 + δ[S]‖1 − ‖θ0‖1) = λ(‖θ0S + δS‖1 − ‖θ0S‖1) . (5.21)

Since Cλ > 16(2− τ)/τ , we have [τ/(8− 4τ)]Cλ > 4. By Lemma 1,

|I1| ≤ ‖[∇l(θ0)]S‖∞‖δS‖1 ≤ ‖[∇l(θ0)]S‖∞√q‖δS‖2 ≤


8− 4τCλMq

log p


By Lemma 2, I2 ≥ (τmin/2)‖δS‖22 = (τmin/2)M2q(log p)/n. Finally, by thetriangular inequality |I3| ≤ λ‖δS‖1 ≤ λ

√q‖δS‖2 = CλMq(log p)/n. Then we


G(δS) ≥M2 q log p



2− τCλ

4(2− τ)M− CλM

)> 0. (5.22)

The last inequality uses the condition M > 2Cλ[1 + τ/(8 − 4τ)]/τmin. There-

fore, with probability tending to 1, we have ‖θ − θ0‖F = ‖θS − θ0S‖F ≤M√

(q log p)/n.�

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Proof of Proposition 2: Since θ is the solution of the restricted problem (5.2),

we have θj,j′ = 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ Sc. To show θj,j′ 6= 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ S, it issufficient to show

‖θS − θ0S‖∞ ≤θ0min

2, (5.23)

because then |θj,j′ | ≥ |θ0j,j′ | − |θj,j′ − θ0j,j′ | ≥ θ0min/2 for all (j, j′) ∈ S. Withprobability tending to 1, by Proposition 1 we have

‖θS − θ0S‖∞ ≤ ‖θS − θ0S‖2 ≤M

√q(log p)


The additional condition θ0min ≥ 2M√q(log p)/n implies (5.23). �

Lemma 3. For any ε > 0,

(i) P [‖QnSc,S−Q

0Sc,S‖∞ ≥ ε] ≤ 2 exp{−(ε2/2)(n/q2)+log(q)+log[p(p−1)/2−

q]} ,(ii) P [‖Qn

S,S −Q0S,S‖∞ ≥ ε] ≤ 2 exp{−(ε2/2)(n/q2) + 2 log(q)}.

Proof of Lemma 3: We first prove claim (i). Let v(i)(j,j′),(h,h′) be the [(j, j′), (h, h′)]-

th element of matrix X (i)TηX (i)−Q0. Note E(v(i)(j,j′),(h,h′)) = 0 and |v(i)(j,j′),(h,h′)| ≤

1, and let v(j,j′),(h,h′) = 1/n∑ni=1 v

(i)(j,j′),(h,h′). Then

P [∑


|v(j,j′),(h,h′)| ≥ ε] ≤∑


P [|v(j,j′),(h,h′)| ≥ ε/q]

≤ q max(h,h′)∈S

P [|v(j,j′),(h,h′)| ≥ ε/q]. (5.24)

Combining the union-sum inequality with (5.24), we have

P [‖QnSc,S −Q

0Sc,S‖∞ ≥ ε] ≤ q

(p(p− 1)

2− q)


P [|v(j,j′),(h,h′)| ≥ ε/q].

(5.25)Then, by the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality (Hoeffding, 1963), we have P [|v(j,j′),(h,h′)| ≥ε/q] ≤ 2 exp{−(ε2/2)(n/q2)}, and (i) follows. The proof of (ii) is similar. �

Proof of Proposition 3: Note that

Λmin(QnS,S) = min


S,Sy + yT(QnS,S −Q


≥ Λmin(Q0S,S)− ‖Qn

S,S −Q0S,S‖2 ≥ τmin − ‖Qn

S,S −Q0S,S‖∞ .

Now claim (i) follows from Lemma 3 (ii). The proof of claim (ii) is similar. �

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Lemma 4. Suppose conditions (A) and (B) hold. Then for any ε > 0,

P [‖(QnS,S)−1−(Q0

S,S)−1‖∞ ≥ ε] ≤ 4 exp{−(τminε2/8)(n/q3)+2 log(q)}. (5.26)

Proof of Lemma 4: Writing (QnS,S)−1−(Q0

S,S)−1 = (Q0S,S)−1(Q0



and applying norm inequalities, we have

‖(QnS,S)−1 − (Q0

S,S)−1‖∞ ≤ √q‖(Q0

S,S)−1(Q0S,S −Q


S,S)−1‖2≤ √


S,S −QnS,S‖∞‖(Q




S,S −QnS,S‖∞‖(Q

nS,S)−1‖2 . (5.27)

The last inequality holds because ‖(Q0S,S)−1‖2 = {Λmin(Q0

S,S)}−1. In addition,we have ‖(Qn

S,S)−1‖2 = {Λmin(QnS,S)}−1. Then by setting ε = τmin/2 in Propo-

sition 3 (i), we have




≥ 2


]= P[Λmin(Qn


≤ τmin

2] ≤ 2 exp(−τ




q2+ 2 log q). (5.28)

By replacing ε in Lemma 3 (ii) with τ2minε/(2√q), we have

P[‖Q0S,S −Q

nS,S‖∞ ≥



] ≤ 2 exp(−τ4minε




q3+ 2 log q) . (5.29)



S,S)−1‖∞ ≥ ε] ≤ P[‖Qn


≥ 2



S,S−QnS,S‖∞ ≥


2] ,

and the lemma follows. �

Proof of Proposition 4: we write QnSc,S(Qn

S,S)−1 = T 1+T 2+T 3+T 4, where

T 1 = Q0Sc,S [(Qn

S,S)−1 − (Q0S,S)−1] ,

T 2 = (QnSc,S −Q


S,S)−1 ,

T 3 = (QnSc,S −Q


S,S)−1 − (Q0S,S)−1] ,

T 4 = Q0Sc,S(Q0

S,S)−1 .

To bound T 1, we write T 1 = Q0Sc,S(Q0

S,S)−1(Q0S,S −Q


S,S)−1. Thus,

‖T 1‖∞ ≤ ‖Q0Sc,S(Q0

S,S)−1‖∞‖QnS,S −Q



S,S)−1‖2) .

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By condition (B), we have ‖Q0Sc,S(Q0

S,S)−1‖∞ ≤ 1 − τ . By setting ε = τmin/2in Proposition 3(i), and ε = τminτ/(12(1− τ)

√q) in Lemma 3(ii), we have

P[‖T 1‖∞ ≥τ


≤ P


S,S −QS,S‖∞ ≥τminτ

12(1− τ)√q

]+ P


S,S)−1‖2 ≥2


]≤ 2 exp

(− τ2minτ


288(1− τ)2n

q3+ 2 log q

)+ 2 exp





q2+ 2 log q


To bound T 2, we write

‖T 2‖∞ ≤ ‖QnSc,S −Q



S,S)−1‖2 ≤√q


Sc,S −Q0Sc,S‖∞ .

By setting ε = τminτ/(6√q) in Lemma 3 (i), we have

P[‖T 2‖∞ ≥τ

6] ≤ P(‖Qn

Sc,S −Q0Sc,S‖∞ ≥




≤ 2 exp{−τ2minτ




q3+ log q + log[p(p− 1)/2− q]}.(5.31)

To bound T 3, we set ε =√τ/6 in both Lemma 3 (i) and Lemma 4, so that

P[‖T 3‖∞ ≥τ

6] ≤ P[‖Qn

Sc,S −Q0Sc,S‖∞ ≥



+P[‖(QnS,S)−1 − (Q0

S,S)−1‖∞ ≥√τ


≤ 2 exp{− τ



q2+ log q + log[p(p− 1)/2− q]}

+4 exp{−τminτ



q3+ 2 log q}. (5.32)

Finally, ‖T 4‖∞ ≤ 1 − τ by condition (B). Since log q ≤ 2 log p and log[p(p −1)/2− q] ≤ 2 log p, we have


S,S)−1‖∞ ≥ 1− τ

2] ≤ P[‖T 1‖∞ ≥


6] + P[‖T 2‖∞ ≥


6] + P[‖T 3‖∞ ≥



≤ 12 exp(− C n

q3+ 4 log p

), (5.33)

where C = min{τ2minτ2/288(1− τ)2, τ2minτ

2/72, τminτ/48}. �

Lemma 5. [Bound on [∇2l(θ0 + αδ) − ∇2l(θ0)]δ] Suppose (A) holds. For anyα ∈ [0, 1],

‖[∇2l(θ0 + αδ)−∇2l(θ0)]δ‖∞ ≤ τmax‖δS‖22 . (5.34)

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Proof of Lemma 5: We have

|{[∇2l(θ0 + αδ)](j,j′),S − [∇2l(θ0)](j,j′),S}δS |

≤ 1




|X (i,j)j,j′


||[ηj(θ0 + αδS)− ηj(θ0)](X (i,j)S δS)|

≤ 1




|ξ(i)j (θ0 + α∗δS)|(X (i,j)S δS)2 ≤ 1




(X (i,j)S δS)2

≤ Λmax(Un)‖δS‖22 ≤ τmax‖δS‖22. (5.35)

Since ‖[∇2l(θ0+αδ)−∇2l(θ0)]δ‖∞ = maxj<j′ |{[∇2l(θ0+αδ)](j,j′),S−[∇l(θ0)](j,j′),S}δS |,the lemma follows. �

Proof of Proposition 6: By Proposition 2, with probability tending to 1θj,j′ 6= 0 for all (j, j′) ∈ S. Since θ is the maximizer of the restricted problem

(5.2), with probability tending to 1, ∇j,j′ l(θ) = λsgn(θj,j′) for all (j, j′) ∈ S,and claim (i) follows.

To show (ii), let u = ∇l(θ)/λ. By (i), ‖uS‖∞ = 1. In addition, by the meanvalue theorem we have

λu−∇l(θ0) = ∇2l(θ0)δ = −Qnδ + rn , (5.36)

where α ∈ (0, 1) and rn = [∇2l(θ0 + αδ) − ∇2l(θ0)]δ. Decomposing Qn and

using δSc = 0, we have

QnS,S δS = −λuS + [∇l(θ0)]S + rnS ; (5.37)

QnSc,S δS = −λuSc + [∇l(θ0)]Sc + rnSc . (5.38)

The sample dependency condition implies QnS,S is invertible. Thus we can plug

(5.37) into (5.38) to obtain


S,S)−1(−λuS + [∇l(θ0)]S + rnS) = −λuSc + [∇l(θ0)]Sc + rnSc . (5.39)

Extracting uSc , we have

‖uSc‖∞ ≤ ‖[∇l(θ0)]Sc‖∞λ




S,S)−1‖∞(‖uS‖∞ +



)≤ ‖∇l(θ0)‖∞



S,S)−1‖∞(‖u‖∞ +‖∇l(θ0)‖∞



≤ 1− τ + (2− τ)(‖∇l(θ0)‖∞


). (5.40)

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Guo et al./Asymptotics of Joint Neighborhood Selection 21

By setting C∇ = τ(8 − 4τ)Cλ in Lemma 1, ‖∇l(θ0)‖∞/λ ≤ τ/(8 − 4τ). By

Lemma 5, we have ‖rn‖∞/λ ≤ τmax‖δS‖22/λ ≤ (τmaxM2/Cλ)q

√log p/n ≤

τ/(8− 4τ), where the last inequality holds by the condition q√

(log p)/n = o(1)when n is sufficiently large. Thus

‖uSc‖∞ ≤ 1− τ

2< 1 , (5.41)

and we have ‖[∇l(θ)]Sc‖∞ = λ‖uSc‖∞ < λ. �