ASthought project: architect: Cortenuova Sports Centre / PBEB Architetti #20

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Cortenuova Sports Centre, PBEB Architetti, Cortenuova (BG), Italy, 2009

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  • ASthought

    project: architect:

    Cortenuova Sports Centre / PBEB Architetti


  • book editor:

    Mria Brdekov


    project: architect:

    Cortenuova Sports Centre / PBEB Architetti


  • AsThoughtarchitecture from concept to built form

    Our main goal is to describe the design process, the architectural solutions and the detailing choices of a built work in a chronological order. The dream that is also the ambition is to tune at the best the structure of this on-line manual and to spread around its template in order to amplify the power of collecting and publishing in a such huge way that in a few years we could arrive at the largest open source and most browsed utility for architectural students not only in Europe.

    series editors:Gennaro PostiglioneMaddalena Scarzellaresearch team in Interiors @ Politecnico di Milano////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    ASthought architecture from concept to built form


    follow https://twitter.com/ASthought1 http://vimeo.com/asthought http://www.issuu.com/asthought

    book editor:

    Mria Brdekov

    All rights reserved All Authors All drawings PBEB ArchitettiAll pictures Mria Brdeckov if not different mentionedthis volume has no commercial purposes but only educational goals

    Milan 2013

  • Content

    Work facts p. 5

    Project description p. 6

    Commission p. 12

    Draft proposals p. 16

    Competition p. 18

    Second phase p. 30

    Final proposal p. 36

    Construction drawings p. 42

    Building site p. 68

    Photo gallery exteriors p. 74

    Photo gallery interiors p. 96

    Materials p. 104

    Concrete p. 106

    Corten p. 110

    Selected essay p. 118

    Appendix p. 127

    office presentation p. 128

    book editor presentation p. 130

  • 4 ASthought

    image full size

    View on tribune and flood lighting towers

  • Work facts

    5Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Project: Cortenuova Sports Centre

    Architect: PBEB Architetti / Paolo Belloni, Elena Brazs

    Contributors: Architect Michael Todaro, Architect David Pagliarini (in the competition)

    Address: Cortenuova, BG, Italy

    Client: Comune di Cortenuova, Resp. Procedim. Arch. Roberto Zampoleri

    Competition: 2005

    Built: 2006-2009

    Football Field: 2010-2011

    Site Area: 3300 m

    Overall Cost: 1,900,000

    Structural Project: Ing. Gianangelo Bramati

    Project of Plumbing System: DIGIERRE3: Ing. Ferruccio Galmozzi

    Project of Electrical System: DIGIERRE3: Ing. Fabio Corbani

    References: www.pbeb.it


    Project description: Sports centre in Cortenuova (BG), Italy

    Main architectural ideas: Cortenuova sports centre is located in transit area between hills and plain but its also a territory

    where infrastructures and irrigation canals meet and mark the territory. The main idea was the

    linearity comming from ploughland of surrounding fields. Importance of vertical landmarks in flat

    landscape was taken also into consideration.

  • Project description

  • 7Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    La pianura bergamasca luogo di transito tra la collina e la pianura, luogo di transito di infrastrutture e

    canali irrigui che segnano il territorio. Il luogo geograficamente chiaro, il suo orientamento nord-sud

    da un lato la montagna e nella direzione opposta la pianura coltivata. I solchi della campagna entrano

    nella citt;

    Il programma funzionale prevedeva la realizzazione di nuovi spogliatoi e relativi spazi di servizio per il

    nuovo campo da calcio, biglietteria, infermeria, locali tecnici, uno spazio per associazioni sportive e

    giovanili; la realizzazione di nuove tribune coperte per il pubblico e uno spazio di magazzino per la ma-

    nutenzione del campo da calcio.

    Ogni corpo funzionale lavora alla scala territoriale presentandosi come infrastruttura allinterno del pae-


    La struttura dei servizi separa le aree interne alla struttura sportiva da quelle pubbliche a parco alter-

    nando i corpi funzionali delle associazioni sportive, degli spogliatoi, dei locali tecnici e dei servizi con tre

    zone di ingresso porticate in corrispondenza dei tre principali punti di accesso allarea sportiva.

    Il prospetto nord rivestito con un grigliato metallico in acciaio corten e restituisce uniformit fungendo

    da barriera inibitoria antivandalismo.

    Verso sud una zona porticata a sbalzo garantisce la presenza di un percorso pedonale protetto in senso

    longitudinale. E rivestito con intonaco colorato a fascie di tonalit verdi che richiamano i colori della

    vegetazione nelle parti chiuse e delle fascie di vetri di diverse tonalit in corrispondenza delle sale as-


    La realizzazione di nuove tribune coperte suddivisa in due settori e caratterizzata da una copertura in

    acciaio di 9 metri di sbalzo. Le sedute sono realizzate con tegoli prefabbricati ad L con alzata inclinata

    realizzati a progetto che appoggiano su setti trasversali di sottomurazione. Negli spazi sottostanti stato

    ricavato uno spazio destinato a deposito attrezzi. Un muro longitudinale disposto lungo la direzione

    nord/sud funge da spalla ad un terrapieno che si eleva rispetto al livello degli spogliatoi. Questo dislivello,

    sommato a quello di ribassamento del campo da calcio limita la necessit di strutture particolarmente

    elevate ed invasive, raccordando la differenza di livello tra il terreno da gioco e la quota dei campi agricoli

  • 8 ASthought

    circostanti. Le tribune sono raggiungibili mediante una rampa in lieve pendenza fino al livello superiore

    di accesso. Ci permette di separare nettamente i percorsi del pubblico dal livello del campo da gioco,

    una scarpata inerbita separa i due livelli favorendo la maggiore integrazione con il contesto ambientale.

    La realizzazione di un nuovo campo da calcio per il gioco a 11 in erba naturale completo di accessori e

    di relativo impianto di irrigazione completer lintero intervento.

    Lintero progetto stato pensato per integrarsi con il contesto territoriale, attraverso la valorizzazione

    delle caratteristiche morfologiche e dei colori del territorio. Il campo da gioco principale sar omologato

    per lo svolgimento delle partite della Lega nazionale dilettanti, inoltre, grazie allo studio di apposite tor-

    rifaro per lilluminazione del campo da gioco, sar omologato anche per lo svolgimento delle partite in


    Ladozione di sistemi integrati di risparmio energetico (pannelli solari, vasca di accumulo per irrigazione

    e integrazione del funzionamento della centrale termica con un pozzo irriguo) permettono di contenere

    le spese di gestione dellintera struttura.

    E in atto la pratica di definizione delle caratteristiche tecniche necessarie per la realizzazione di un

    campo senza barriere sul modello gi sperimentato in alcuni paesi europei che in Lombardia rappresen-

    terebbe un esempio di avanguardia in grado di trasformare un nuovo messaggio educativo sul valore

    del gioco del calcio.

  • 9Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Mario Giacomelli, Storie di terra, 1986 - inspiration for architects

    Next page: View of the southern facade with coloured glazing

  • 10 ASthought

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  • Commission

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    Elevation of old tribune PBEB Architetti

  • 14 ASthought

    Old changing-rooms PBEB Architetti

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    Elevation of the old changing-rooms PBEB Architetti

    View on the football pitch and tribune PBEB Architetti

  • Draft proposals

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  • Competition

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  • 20 ASthought

  • 21Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

  • Previous page: Photomontage showing the sports centre in relation to the landscape. The main idea was the reaction to linearity of

    the surrounding fields.

    3D view

    3D view: lookout tower

    3D view: public space

    22 ASthought

  • 3D view showing the changing-rooms

    3D view of the southern facade of changing-rooms from football pitch

    3D view showing the tribune

    23Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti


  • 24 ASthought

    Site plan. Initally, sport centre should include many activities. Unfortunately, only S2 part - football pitch with its facilities was constructed, because of lack of money.

  • 25Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Site plan. Initally, sport centre should include many activities. Unfortunately, only S2 part - football pitch with its facilities was constructed, because of lack of money.

  • 26 ASthought

    Photo of the model

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  • 28 ASthought

    Exploded axonometry showing functional division

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  • Second phase

  • images

    31Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti


  • 32 ASthought

    3d view of the service building

    3d view of the site

  • 33Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Changing-rooms - southern facade

    Design proposals of western wall

  • 34 ASthought

    General plan

  • 35Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

  • Final proposal

  • 37Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Site plan - final variant

  • 38 ASthought

    Elevations showing textures, patterns, colors, and materials

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  • 40 ASthought

    Varification of visibility

    Model of the tribune

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  • Construction drawings

  • 43Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti








    Cross section through the tribune

  • 44 ASthought

    General plan of the project

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  • 46 ASthought

    Plans and elevations of the service building

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  • 48 ASthought

    Detailed floor plan: changing-rooms

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  • 50 ASthought

    Longitudinal sections: changing-rooms

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  • 52 ASthought

    Cross sections of the athletes changing-rooms. These can be used as rooms for theoretical preparation and group discussion as well.

  • 53Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Cross sections of the athletes changing-rooms. These can be used as rooms for theoretical preparation and group discussion as well.

  • 54 ASthought

    Cross sections: turret

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    Staircase naturaly illuminated by light passing through colored

    glazing Francesca Perani

    Green window of the turret

  • 56 ASthought

    Detailed section: view on changing-rooms entrance

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    Ventilation grid above the entrance

  • 58 ASthought

    One of strip windows illuminating changing-rooms

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    Detailed section

  • 60 ASthought


  • 61Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Detailed sections: skylight

  • 62 ASthought

    Drawing of the tribune showing its relation to the service building and surrounding

    Next page: Photo of the corten tribune and entrance to equipment store under it in wintertime

  • 63Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Drawing of the tribune showing its relation to the service building and surrounding

  • 64 ASthought

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  • 66 ASthought

    Cross sections through the tribune

  • 67Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Visitors are protected against the weather by corten roof.

  • Building site

  • 69Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti


    Foundation PBEB Architetti

  • 70 ASthought


    Construction of the service building PBEB Architetti

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  • 72 ASthought

    Construction of the tribune PBEB Architetti

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  • Photo gallery exteriors

  • 75


    Different parts of the sports center are separated by corten gates. Next page: Service building in winter time. Color of corten is cor-

    responding with color of leaves.

  • 76 ASthought

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  • 78 ASthought

    Pedestrial path leading to thebuilding is illuminated by simple shaped corten lamps designed by architect.

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    Canopy on the south is protecting against rain and excesive insolation and creating londitudinal pedestrian path.

  • 80 ASthought

    Sportsmens entrance gate

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  • 82 ASthought

    Pedestrian path on the south leading to do gate divading sport zone from public zone.

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    Striped south facade

  • 84 ASthought

    South facade. Shades of green color was chosen by the color of grass. The final decision was made at an early stage of construc-

    tion. PBEB Architetti

  • 85Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Glazed part of south facade uses green shades as well. PBEB Architetti

  • 86 ASthought

    Panoramic view

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  • 88 ASthought

    Players bench under the snow

    Players bench - front view PBEB Architetti

  • 89Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Players benches look like part of terrain PBEB Architetti

  • 90 ASthought

    Elevation of the tribune with flood lighting towers - important vertical landmarks in flat landscape PBEB Architetti

  • 91Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Elevation of the tribune in wintertime. Corten grid on the back of the stands is at present boarded up.

  • 92 ASthought

    View on the tribune from public entrance

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    Clear lines of the tribune

    Next page: Composition play of elements - concrete wall, cantilever roof of the tribune and flood lighting towers

  • 94 ASthought

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  • Photo gallery interiors

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    Changing-rooms are wittily distinguished by different colors of one wall Francesca Perani

  • 98 ASthought

    Metal clothes-hooks


    Next page: Changing-rooms are illuminated by diffused light comming form skylights and strip windows.

  • The walls in the sanitary parts are painted black.

    100 ASthought

  • Wash-basin


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  • 102 ASthought

  • 103Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Left page: Associative room Francesca Perani

  • Materials

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  • Concrete

  • 107Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Concrete was used in interiors because it resists surface degradation.

  • 108 ASthought

    Steps of the tribune

    Western concrete wall is ended with a balcony providing views of the wide landscape.

  • 109Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Concrete western wall is a significant boundary of the Cortenuova Sports Centre.

  • Corten

  • 111Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    Trapezoidal sheet ot the tribune roof

  • 112 ASthought


    Corten gate from inside

    Detail of the gate

  • 113Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    images Corten gate from outside

    Detail of the gate

  • 114 ASthought

    North facade is clad with a corten mesh which confers homogenity to the facade and serves as a barrier against vandalism.

  • 115Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    North facade from the angle looks like really homogenous.

    Lighting of noth facade

  • 116 ASthought

    Technical drawing of flood lighting tower designed by PBEB Architetti

    Detail of bracing. Next page: Corten flood lighting tower

  • 117Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

  • Selected essay

  • 119Cortenuova Sports Centre - PBEB Architetti

    impianti 3/10, pages 28 - 33

  • 120 ASthought

    impianti 3/10, page 28

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    impianti 3/10, page 29

  • 122 ASthought

    impianti 3/10, page 30

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    impianti 3/10, page 31

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    impianti 3/10, page 32

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    impianti 3/10, page 33

  • Appendix

  • office presentation

  • Paolo Belloni & Elena Brazs Architetti

    - Italiano -

    Lo studio si occupa della progettazione integrata e direzione lavori di edifici civili, residenziali ed

    industriali pubblici e privati. Ha esperienza nella progettazione di spazi aperti ed edifici pubblici quali

    edifici per lo sport ed il tempo libero; sale convegni e congressi, architettura dinterni e arredamento;

    restauro e recupero di edifici di interesse storico; elementi di arredo e di disegno industriale; allestimenti

    di mostre e stand espositivi. Il metodo di progettazione e conduzione del lavoro finalizzato alla ricerca

    di unelevata qualit architettonica, costruttiva, e di corretto inserimento ambientale e paesaggistico per

    mezzo di costanti verifiche sul progetto.

    Ogni progetto risolto con lelaborazione di plastici e modelli informatizzati.

    Lo studio si avvale della collaborazione di professionisti interni ed esterni che consentono di affrontare

    al meglio le problematiche specifiche riguardanti gli aspetti tecnici e normativi

    - English -

    The office copes with both the integrated design and the construction supervision of civil, residential

    and industrial buildings, being private and public. It has designed open spaces, public buildings for

    sports and leisure and conference & congress spaces. It also deals with the restoration and preservation

    of historical buildings. It is not only designing the volumes and spaces, but also the interiors and furniture

    of the buildings, which can be either the offices designs or other designs. In addition, the office designs

    furnishings and industrial installations for exhibitions and exhibition stands. The method of the design

    and the conduct of the work are aimed to find a high quality architecture, construction and correct inser-

    tion of environment and landscape through the project.

    Each project is designed with a process of physical models and 3D models. Thus, the development

    of the project can be seen from the models.

    The office relies on the collaboration of internal and external professionals, who can designate the

    problems and find solutions to the problems, concerning the design and technical issues.


  • My name is Mria Brdekov and I come from a nice small town Liptovsk Mikul in northern Slovakia.

    I am a student of 1st year Masters degree at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and cur-

    rently I am an Erasmus student at Politecnico di Milano.

    In my free time I enjoy being in the nature, hiking in the mountains, skiing, reading books, travelling,

    growing flowers, working in garden and socializing with friends. I am little person but I can make lot of

    fun. My dream is to have a small house and big running dog.

    I enjoyed visiting Cortenuova sports centre in snowy weather. My great thank belongs to Mr. Belloni for

    his time and willingness to talk with me about this project and for providing me all materials about it.

    As this is my first book I want to thank to my skillful father who always helped me with making models

    and currently is working on my first design - fireplace. I thank to my mother who is supporting me dur-

    ing my studies. Even she doesnt understand architectural theory, she always loved curved buildings...

    book editor presentation

  • Work facts

    Project: Cortenuova Sports Centre

    Architect: PBEB Architetti / Paolo Belloni, Elena Brazs

    Contributors: Architect Michael Todaro, Architect David Pagliarini (in the competition)

    Address: Cortenuova, BG, Italy

    Client: Comune di Cortenuova, Resp. Procedim. Arch. Roberto Zampoleri

    Competition: 2005

    Built: 2006-2009

    Football Field: 2010-2011

    Site Area: 3300 m

    Overall Cost: 1,900,000

    Structural Project: Ing. Gianangelo Bramati

    Project of Plumbing System: DIGIERRE3: Ing. Ferruccio Galmozzi

    Project of Electrical System: DIGIERRE3: Ing. Fabio Corbani

    References: www.pbeb.it


    Project description: Sports centre in Cortenuova (BG), Italy

    Main architectural ideas: Cortenuova sports centre is located in transit area between hills and plain but its also a territory

    where infrastructures and irrigation canals meet and mark the territory. The main idea was the

    linearity comming from ploughland of surrounding fields. Importance of vertical landmarks in flat

    landscape was taken also into consideration.