Assignment Sample-2_Excluding References & Table of Contents 5400 Words

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  • 7/30/2019 Assignment Sample-2_Excluding References & Table of Contents 5400 Words





    Research Project


    A Case of Tesco Supermarket in East London

  • 7/30/2019 Assignment Sample-2_Excluding References & Table of Contents 5400 Words




    Motivation is one of the concepts that many organisations have been using to raise the

    performance of their employees. Although motivation seem to be applied in may

    organisation, whether motivation really enhances employee performance or not remain

    unclear. Some school of taught argue that, motivation cannot lead to employee performance,

    while others believe that through motivation employee performance could be enhanced. This

    study aimed at looking at motivation and employee performance. The study adopted the use

    of questionnaires as data collection tool. The findings showed that, although motivations

    seem to be used as a tool to motivate staff in Tesco the employees feel less motivated. Even if

    there are some reward systems, just few people are enjoying those benefits.

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    Table of Content

    Abstract .2

    Chapter One: Introduction .5

    1.1 Background to the Study ..........5

    1.2 Motivation of the Study ...6

    1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Research Project ...6

    1.4 The Significance of the Study .7

    Chapter Two: Literature Review ...8

    2.1 Introduction .8

    2.2 Overview of Motivation8

    2.3 Theories of Motivation ..10

    2.3 Types of Motivation12

    2.3 Does Motivation Really Enhance Employee Performance?.......................................13

    2.5 Summary 14

    Chapter Three: Research Methodology and Methodology and Design 15

    3.1 Introduction 15

    3.2 Research Methodology and Rationale 15

    3.3 Research Strategy and Design .16

    3.4 Source of Data .16

    3.5 Data Analysis ..17

    3.6 Ethical Issues 17

    3.7 Summary ..17

    Chapter Four: Analysis and Discussion of Results 19

    4.1 Introduction 19

    4.2 Background and Activities of Respondents 19

    4.3 Nature of Employee Motivation .19

    4.4 Motivation and Job Satisfaction .22

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    4.5 Motivation and Employee Performance 24

    4.6 Summary.26

    Chapter Five: Conclusion, Recommendation and Limitations27

    5.1 Conclusion ...27

    5.2 Recommendation..27

    5.3 Limitations ...28

    5.4 Areas of Future Research .29

    Reference 30

    Appendix 33

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    1.1 Background to the Study

    Pay is one of the most important ways in through which employees of every firm or

    organisation will feel satisfied about the work they do or the benefit they may feel to be

    deriving from their work place. Although some people argue that it is not only pay that makes

    workers feel motivated and for that matter work hard or help to enhance their performance,

    but there are other things that come into play. Although motivation theorists argue that pay is

    also a motivation factor, this study is aimed at investigating whether it can really enhance the

    performance of employees in an organisation. Tesco is one of the biggest high street

    supermarkets in the United Kingdom (UK) and has many staff with different skills and

    backgrounds. Although there are many ways through which staff of Tesco and made to feel

    motivated or rewarded to perform their duties. Is pay the most important tool to make

    employees feel satisfied and perform better needs to be investigated.

    The use of pay is another way through which many employees feel they will be well

    motivated and it could enhance their performance. Especially in situation whereby inflation is

    very high and the cost of living is also very high in many countries around the world. If what

    people call their take-home pay is good enough it will not only help to increase their

    satisfaction at work, but also help to increase their performance. However, the concept of

    good enough as it will be argued is also very relative, because what one person may consider

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    good enough may be not be good for other person. This study will therefore examine whether

    pay could enhance the performance of employees in an organisation like Tesco.

    1.2 Motivation of the Study

    The investigation has become very necessary, because of the following reasons; there have

    been many ways through which employees could be made to perform better if they are well

    paid. In some companies or supermarkets some employees are motivated through the use of

    incentives and other reward systems such as bonuses, holiday packages, sponsorship of

    employees children in schools, payment of employees hospital bills, etc. In some

    companies, the employees are motivated in many ways. For instance, opportunities like rapid

    promotion, ability to undertake further studies, good management styles and interpersonal

    skills, among others.

    In Tesco most employees seem to be enjoying their work, but whether it is pay that remains

    the most important factor to enhance performance of staff work needs to be investigated.

    Although some job seekers may have an idea of the pay package available when taking up

    some jobs, because of lack of employment, some of these job seekers especially new

    university graduates who may be seeking for employment for the first and may find it

    difficult to find one, may accept the employment more especially in supermarkets but may

    complain or leave after a short period on the job. Whether pay could be a tool to impact on

    the performance of employee needs to be investigated.

    1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Research Project

    Aim of the Research: This study is aimed at investigating the impact that pay will have on

    the performance of employees in an organisation like Tesco. In other words, it will examine

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    how the pay package staff get from Tesco could help make them perform better that they

    currently do at work.

    Objectives of the Research: A successful work will help to achieve the following research

    objectives by the end of the study;

    To ascertain the importance of motivation and how it enhance employee performance To find out the factors that really enhances the performance of employees more

    especially those who work in supermarkets.

    To examine the reward systems that could help increase the performance ofemployees to enable work hard so as to help the organisation meet its objectives.

    To find out what can be used to improve the performance of employees.To achieve the above research objectives the study will help organisations that rely solely on

    pay as the only strategy to motivate their staff to find other means of motivating them. It will

    also help to understand the reasons behind staff performance in an organisation.

    1.4 The Significance of the Study

    The study of this topic is based on two main reasons; to understand what motivation factors

    could help improve the performance of employees at the workplace. Whether there are other

    motivation factors besides pay that could have some significant importance on the

    performance of employees in a supermarket like Tesco and to find out whether pay is an

    effective tool to make organisation achieve its objectives through staff performance. Even

    though inflation is very high and price of commodities continue to raise, workers pay seem to

    be stagnant. This has brought about labour mobility and employees leaving their places of

    work to seek for better employment opportunities in other organisations. A study of this topic

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    becomes very significant, because it will help employers to understand better way of getting

    the best from their staff.



    2.1 Introduction

    In chapter one the study looked at the background of the study and the motivation behind this

    investigation. The aim and objectives of the study was also looked at in the previous chapter.

    In this chapter the literature review, will examine performance-related pay as a tool to

    promote employees performance at work. The study will also examine the concept of pay and

    how it will help influence employers decision about ways to improve the performance of their

    staff. How staff in an organisation view pay in terms of whether it motivates or demotivates


    2.2 Overview of Motivation

    The term motivation comes from the Latin word movere, which means to move (Gill, 2009).

    That is, motivation is something that moves individuals to take some form of action to

    achieve specific goals. In other words, individuals may be inspired (that is highly motivated)

    to achieve their personal ambitions or organizational objectives or goals, while some may be

    less inspired not to put much efforts in what they do. Such individuals are said to be either

    motivated or demotivated, depending on the nature of effort they put into their work.

    However Mitchell (1982) argued that, the way we are moved into action or are motivated has

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    some psychological, social or physical effects that arouse us towards certain direction and are

    always directed towards those goals.

    According to Arnold et al (1991) motivation should always have a direction, focused towards

    the efforts and there must be some degree of persistence. In other words, the individual must

    aim at heading towards a certain direction or achieving objectives. The person must put in

    some effort to achieve that; and there must be some persistence or perseverance to enable

    them achieves those things. This explains Arnold et al argument that every motivational

    process must follow some steps; that is the effect being put into it, the nature of persistence

    and finally the direction or goal being aimed at achieving. The concept of motivation has

    been applied in many organisations as means of getting the best out of their staff. In his

    explanation of the concept of motivation, Luthans (1992) noted that it is a combination of

    needs of the individuals, the driving forces as well as incentives that are associated with it.

    Luthans interpretation of the concept of motivation places emphasis on needs and incentives,

    rather than the satisfaction that employees may get from the work they do. This

    understanding of motivation, is in agreement with other critics such as Maslow who consider

    motivation on the basics of things that employee needs to feel motivated at work. Arguably

    motivation therefore makes individuals to do things which hitherto they may not intend to do

    so. It leads to service quality delivery (Donnelly, 1994).

    In a work or employment situation, employees are expected to perform their tasks in order to

    achieve the objectives set by their employer or what is expected of them to accomplish as

    employees. The willingness of employees to achieve the needed objectives (Beardwell and

    Claydon, 2007) is often considered as motivation strategy. It is however argued that, leaders

    and managers can motivate their employees through the use of pay increment, promotions,

    rewards and praises. Some employees also feel motivated due to the nature of interpersonal

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    relationships within the workplace or due to the fear of being reprimanded by their superiors

    at the workplace and are obliged to work but not because they are motivated. Some

    employees may also aim at seeking to develop themselves or take advantage of resources

    available to them at the workplace to enhance their career development or seek to achieve

    their career goals. It is however argued that motivation leads to achievement of organizational

    goals and objectives but not individuals goals.

    2.3 Theories of Motivation

    Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory: Developed by Maslow in 1943, this theory

    explains the different needs of individuals that are often met but are done in a hierarchical

    manner which were placed in levels. Pettinger (2007) argued that, the needs that have to be

    met as explained by Maslow are placed in a pyramidal form, starting from the most needed or

    basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid to the least essential needs, being placed at the top

    of the pyramid. According to Pettinger, the needs are placed into five categories or as

    explained in Maslows five (5) levels of basic needs (see figure 1, below).

    Source: Adapted in Pettinger (2007)

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    1. The psychological needs, which include basic necessities in life; some of which include:

    food, shelter, clothes, good and healthy living environment, and any other basic essentialities

    in life.

    2. The safety and security needs are those needs that help one to protect him or herself against

    attacks, ill-treatment, neglect or deprivation.

    3. Social needs are some of the satisfying needs that one may get when he or she is in a

    community, society or an organization. In other words, it is a form of social belonging or how

    individuals are accepted in the organization or community and how one is allowed to actively

    participate in the affairs of the organization.

    4. Esteem needs show how individuals are appreciated or welcomed in a particular area,

    society, organization or community or how one is regarded by others or the status that

    individuals attain within an organization.

    5. The self-actualisation needs are the self-fulfilling, personal development and growth, social

    development, etc that are expected to be achieved in a society. Self-actualization needs are

    fulfilled when individuals are given tasks that challenge their thinking and their way of

    undertaking their duties at work (see Beardwell and Claydon, 2007; 1994).

    The Herzbergs Two Factor Theory: Developed in the 1960s, Pettinger (2007) argued that,

    Herzberg grouped theoretical factors into two sets of motivational factors that affect

    individuals at the workplace; that is factors that make individuals to feel dissatisfied with the

    job they do or the environment in which they find themselves, while the other factors lead to

    extreme form of satisfaction with the job or the environment. Pettinger (2007:559) further

    argued that factors that lead to satisfaction he called motivators, while those giving rise to

    dissatisfaction he called hygiene factors. He identified the motivators as the nature of

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    responsibilities one have in the workplace, opportunities for personal development and

    advancement, recognition and achievement, etc. all those factors are those that are associated

    with the work that the individual does. The hygiene factors may depend on how the

    organization is managed. For instance bad managers, bad interpersonal skills, poor

    communication at work and very bad employees relations could be hygiene factors that will

    demotivate staff.

    Expectancy Theory of M otivation:The expectancy theory as explained by Pettinger (2007)

    places emphasis on efforts that individuals put into their work and the kind of rewards they

    normally expect as a result. Pettinger pointed out that, there is distinction between the effort

    that people put into their work and the results they get. In other words, rewarding individuals

    will not automatically lead to effective performance. Most individuals are rewarded but do

    not do any extra work, besides what they are supposed to do or what their job specifications

    are. They do their daily routine, regardless of what they may get as reward, incentives or pay

    package available. Furnham (1997) and Wright (2004) argued that the expectancy theory

    places emphasis on reward as a key motivating factor to employees performance. That is, if

    employees are well rewarded they will feel motivated to perform well and by so doing it

    helps the organization to achieve its objectives. This falls short of other theories, because if

    employees are performing their work effectively and efficiently, that is what they are

    supposed to be doing because they are paid to do that job. Furnham and Wrights argument of

    motivation seem not to go far enough to explain the argument being put forward by other

    critics of the expectancy theory.

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    2.3 Types of Motivation

    Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic.

    Intrinsic Motivation:Intrinsic motivation is a type of motivation strategy where the

    individuals feel motivated either in their workplace of within themselves based on how they

    feel at the workplace. As explained by Mullins (2005) and Parr (1999) these type of

    motivational system develops inside the individuals and they help him or her to achieve his or

    her potential or organizational objectives. For example, the love of work which makes

    individuals to work hard or put in extra effort to achieve what they want in life or at the

    workplace is referred to as intrinsic motivational factors.

    Extri nsic Motivation:According to Mullins (2005) payment of salary and other reward

    systems given to employees working in an organization may be considered as extrinsically

    motivating factors. For instance promotion of staff, holiday package, scholarship schemes are

    some of the rewards systems that extrinsically motivate staff and make them to feel satisfied

    to work hard for the organization (Gill, 2009). Such factors normally help the individuals to

    feel happy to work for the organization.

    2.4 Does Motivation Really Enhance Employee Performance?

    It has often been argued that, motivation is one of the most crucial forms of enhancing

    employees performance in every organization and therefore helps to enhance their

    performance. However, this notion has been challenged by many writers and researchers of

    the concept of motivation alone cannot make employees happy, because if employees are not

    happy in an organisation, no matter how they are motivated they will still leave. Marsden and

    Richardson (1992) argued that some people can perform poorly even though they are well

    motivated, while others also may perform better even though they may not be motivated

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    adequately. Their argument raises questions as to whether motivating employees better will

    make them feel encouraged and perform very well.

    Some writers like Collins also argued that, the way employees are motivated also plays an

    important part in attracting and retaining employees, who have the best skills and quality,

    which are the underpinning drive towards organizational performance and is ability to change

    (Collins 1991, cited in Storey and Sisson, 1998). It has been acceptable knowledge in many

    motivation discourses that, companies systems of rewarding its staff, more important and

    become very significant to the performance and improvement of the organization (Wiersma,

    1992). Every employee in any organization will expect their authorities to reward them

    irrespective of the nature of job they do. This is what Herzberg and others, over the several

    years of studies have tried to ascertain that out of employee motivating attributes that were

    used in their studies to ascertain what actually motivate employees, pay is ranked sixth out of

    attributes like, job security and satisfaction, happiness at work, opportunity for advancement,

    work appreciation and even the style of management.

    2.5 Summary

    In summary, the concept of pay has been observed to be one of the major reasons to improve

    staff performance at work, but other incentives can also contribute for the workers to do their

    best for the organisation to improve.

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    3.1 Introduction

    In the previous chapter concept of and theories of motivation were examined; ways of

    motivating employees and the concept of pay were critically looked at. This chapter looks at

    the research methodology and design. The chapter explains and justifies performance-related

    pay the chosen research methodology and methods and how it was selected against other

    methods. The chapter also looks at the relevance of the methods, the research respondents

    and how the data was gathered. It also looks at some of the ethical issues considered during

    the study. The final part looks at the validity and reliability as well as some of the limitations

    that affected the methodology used to gather the data.

    3.2 Research Methodology and Rationale

    The study adopted mainly quantitative research methodology. As explained by Blaikie

    (2003), Robson (2003) and others, the use of quantitative approach was to allow the research

    to explore the topic in a more open-ended way without any prejudice of what was supposed

    to be investigated. The research methodology was chosen taken into consideration the

    research questions, the objectives of the study and the respondents from whom the data were

    to be gathered.

    Since the study is an exploratory one, the use of the adopted methodology was considered the

    most appropriate, because it allowed the researcher to understand in very detailed the topic

    under investigation (Gray, 2004) and how some of the key concepts the study aimed at

    investigating could apply it in an organization like Tesco. The data were gathered using

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    mainly by distributing questionnaires to all respondents. The questionnaires gave the

    respondents the opportunity to freely express themselves while at the same time helped to

    achieve the research objectives. Robson (2003) and May (2001), have explained that the use

    of questionnaires avoided any researcher influence on the responses being provided by the


    3.3 Research Strategy and Design

    The use of only Tesco as the only organisation being used for the study justifies the case

    study approach being adopted. As it has been argued by May (2001), the exploratory study

    helped to develop understanding and analysis of the issue under investigation. The data

    collection tools were designed in a way that could make it possible for the research objectives

    to be achieved. One of the main factors that were taken into consideration when designing the

    questions was participants level of understanding of the English Language. Although they

    were all employees of the same organization, there was no assumption made when setting the

    questions. There were no jargons used in the questions. The questions were set using very

    short-short sentences with very clear and simple English so that the respondents could

    understand and provide the correct responses. After the questions had been set, they were

    given to some of my colleagues to proof-read for comments and suggestions before the

    questions were re-written finally for administration.

    3.4 Source of Data

    The data was collected from two different sources; the employees those who would be

    described as the junior staff membersmostly those working on the till, stacking food stuffs,

    those working in the warehouse, etc; while those in senior staff members, that will also be

    described as senior staff members. As already stated above, the types of data were mainly

    primary data sources, because the information was gathered through the use of only

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    interviews. There were few occasions that information from the supermarket website was

    added, but that was used to triangulate the primary data that was gathered. In all,

    questionnaires were distributed to all those working in the supermarket.

    3.5 Data Analysis

    Analysis of the data started immediately I started receiving the responses. Answers to the

    questions were put into tables, graphs and pie charts. The similar themes were put together

    before the actual analysis and discussion of the results. The various themes were then

    compared and analyzed according to the research objectives. The results were categorized to

    make the various relationships that exist between them clearer.

    3.6 Ethical Issues

    The importance of ethical issues was one of the main watchdogs during the study. All the

    participants were informed about the study and its objectives. The participants were briefed

    about the study and its benefits, how it could contribute towards the improvement of

    organizational performance. Consent of all participants were sought and enough time given

    for them to prepare and decide if they could take part in the study. This was done to avoid the

    deceitful notion about the researcher who they might consider to be undercover investigator

    (May 2001). Anything in terms of bad language that could damage rapport or ill treatment,

    during the course of the data collection was avoided (Robson, 2003). And all the respondents

    were guaranteed high degree of anonymity and confidentiality of any information that was

    obtained from them.

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    3.7 Summary

    The study adopted quantitative research methodology and the data was gathered using

    questionnaire. Although other methods were considered, it was deemed appropriate to use

    questionnaire for the study. The questions were piloted to check the accuracy before they

    were used for the study and with high degree of ethical considerations. Although there were

    some limitations that might have affected the results, the study will help organisations for

    future practice and policy formulation.

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    4.1 Introduction

    In the previous chapter, the method of data collection, the approach used to gather the data

    was explained. The research methodology was explained to illustrate how it was used to

    gather the data, taking into considerations the ethical issues in research. This chapter

    examines the nature of motivation as employed in Tesco to enhance the performance of the


    4.2 Background and Activities of Respondents

    All the participants involved in the study are all full-time employees of Tesco, although their

    activities vary, based on the job they do and their experience. In all twenty five workers

    participated in the study. Twenty junior staff answered the questionnaires and the remaining

    five were all senior members in the supermarket. Three are supervisors and the remaining

    two were managers. They never indicated their specific roles, whether they human resource

    managers or work in the financial department. Three supervisors look after the junior staff

    who works on the till and those stacking food stuffs on the shelves. All the respondents have

    worked in the supermarket for at least one or more years.

    4.3 Nature of Employee Motivation

    Employee motivation has been a concern to many managers, stakeholders and shareholder or

    many organisations these days. With the ever increasing economic hardships and many

    customers reducing their buying rate, which is forcing companies to collapse, motivating

    employees who are under performing will not only annoy shareholders but other stakeholder.

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    When asked whether the supermarket effectively motivates all employees, the responses

    provided have been indicated in the table below.

    A Table showing the nature of motivation of employees

    Effective motivation of employees Percentage of Response

    Strongly disagree 0

    Disagree 10

    No comment 5

    Agree 5

    Strongly agree 80

    Total 100

    Source: Author

    As it became obvious from the figure 1, below, the nature of motivation system in the

    supermarket is very effective. However 5% of the respondents did not give any comments

    and 10% also disagreed to the statement that the supermarket effectively motivates all the

    employees. The information provided shows that, there are many motivation systems being

    initiated by the supermarket. Nearly all the respondents 95% showed that, the reward systems

    that used in the supermarket are good. Although they indicated that, they are not satisfied the

    way the way they are being motivated. Over 85% strongly disagree or disagree that the

    employees are satisfied the way they are being motivated.

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    A graph showing eff ective motivation systems of employees

    Source: Author

    As to whether the employees are well remunerated to carry out their job, the response

    provided has been indicated in Table 2 below. It became clear that, 80% and 10% strongly

    disagree or disagree respectively with the statement that they are well remunerated to do their

    work. This contradicts the earlier respondents that the system of motivation is good, when it

    is obvious that they are not well remunerated.

    A table showing whether employees are well remunerated

    Adequate remuneration for employees Percentage of Response

    Strongly disagree 80

    Disagree 10

    No comment 0

    Agree 10

    Strongly agree 0

    Total 100

    Source: Author

    The results have been shown in Graph 2 below.

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    Source: Author

    The evidence showed that, majority of the respondents does not agree that remuneration for

    employees is good. This could affect the way employee work and could also reduce their

    satisfaction in the workplace.

    4.4 Motivation and Job Satisfaction

    Motivation and job satisfaction was another issue that was noted during the investigation as

    one of the important components of motivation systems. When asked whether the

    respondents get all that they need to make their work easier, the responses were very

    convincing that they get everything they need to make their work easier. Almost the whole

    respondents agreed to that statement. Fifty five (55%) percent and 45% agreed or strongly

    agreed that, they get all that is needed for their work.

    However, when the respondents were asked whether, they were satisfied with their work, the

    responses provided has been put in Table 3, and the Pie Chart below. When asked whether

    they were satisfied, 60% and 10% strongly disagree or disagree respectively. Just 10% and

    15% said they and strongly agree respectively to the statement.

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    A Table showing whether employees are satisfied at their work

    Employee satisfaction at work Percentage of Response

    Strongly disagree 60

    Disagree 10

    No comment 5

    Agree 10

    Strongly agree 15

    Total 100

    Source: Author

    As it would be observed from the pie chart below, majority either strongly disagrees or

    disagree that they are satisfied with the work they do.

    Source: Author

    It was made clear from the study that, employees personal and work related needs are not

    fulfilled by the organization. The findings showed that, 85% and 15% strongly disagreed and

    disagreed respectively that, the supermarket is meeting their needs. Although the study did

    not investigate the type of personal needs, but it was made clear that, because they are not

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    well motivated at work it presupposes that their needs are not met. This also shows why they

    maintained that they not well remunerated at in the work they do. Although out of the 100%

    responses, 10% agreed while 90% disagreed that they are well remunerated. The 10% might

    be from those who are either in management position or supervisors who are rewarded.

    4.5 Motivation and Employee Performance

    Motivation and employee performance is one of the areas that was considered during the

    investigation. When asked if the nature of employee performance is measured objectively,

    there were conflicting responses provided. Seventy percent (70%) strongly disagree or

    disagree that performance is measured objectively, while the remaining 30% either agree or

    strongly agree that employee performance was measured objectively. The responses provided

    have been shown in Table 4 and the pie chart below.

    A Table showing objectiveness of how employee performance is measured

    Objective measurement of employee


    Percentage of Response

    Strongly disagree 40

    Disagree 30

    No comment 0

    Agree 20

    Strongly agree 10

    Total 100

    Source: Author

    The pie chart makes the response provided in the table above very explicit. The figure clearly

    shows that majority of the respondents show some high degree of subjectivity in terms of

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    how performance is measured. That clearly shows that, it not clear and does not show what

    they measure for performance.

    Source: Author

    A Graph showing employee appraisal systems and work

    It was observed from the results that, the supermarket profit sharing is not used as mechanism

    to reward higher performance staff. All the respondents agreed (100%) that, the way

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    employees are rewarded is not based on higher performance. However, the overall nature of

    employee appraisal systems has a strong influence in individuals work pattern and behaviour,

    although the nature of motivation is relatively low.

    4.6 Summary

    The study concludes that, for employees to become encouraged to do their best, there is the

    need to motivated them very well. The motivation systems should be made known to the

    employees so that, they can work hard and achieve their potential. The study concludes that,

    employees of Tesco feel better and are encouraged to work if the reward system is better.

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    5.1 Conclusion

    The literature showed that, motivation is one of the key ingredients to make employees feel

    happy and become encouraged to work. Although in most of the management discourses,

    motivation and reward are well considered to be important way of enhancing employee

    performance, many organisation do not take those things seriously. It would be concluded

    from the study that, the nature of motivation system in Tesco supermarket is not very good as

    indicated in the study. Most of the employees personal and work related needs are not

    fulfilled by the organization. It would be concluded that the supermarket is not meeting the

    needs of the workers and this could demotivate them.

    It became obvious that, they are not well motivated or remunerated for the work they do. This

    was made obvious in the overwhelming response that, there is little remuneration for the

    workers and this could demotivate them and also weaken the performance. Although a small

    number indicated that, they were remunerated, this could be due to the small number of

    supervisors and managers who might said are remunerated, did so because the rewards they

    receive from the work they do. It would be concluded that, if employees are well rewarded

    and appraised, it will have significant impact on their performance.

    5.2 Recommendation

    The study has therefore proposed the following recommendations as some of the things that

    organisations can do to improve their staff performance and overall organisational

    improvement, performance and achievement of objectives.

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    o The way organisations motivate their staff must be made known to allemployees, to reduce the level of jealousy, anger and lack of cohesion among

    staff, but also make the workers know and understand what they need to do so

    that they do not complain when others are rewarded.

    o It became evident that employee satisfaction is dependent on the work they doand not the position they occupy. Therefore all employees who perform well

    must be rewarded so that they can perform well and become motivated to

    work to their best. Well motivated staff is more likely to become satisfied and

    work to achieve their potential and organisational objectives.

    o It would be recommended that, although pay can make employees happy andstay in the job, other factors can also play an important role in retaining

    employees. Holiday entitlements, healthcare schemes for employees family

    members, bonuses, pension schemes, just to mention a few, could be given to

    all staff who perform well to enable them feel motivated and work harder.

    5.3 Limitations

    In spite of the degree of success, there were some limitations that in one way of the other

    affected the results. The use of questionnaires alone to gather the data, although gave the

    opportunity for the respondents to freely express themselves and provided the needed

    information for the study, there were not opportunity to probe back some of the unclear

    responses. Therefore if interviews had been used to support the questionnaire data, it would

    have helped to increase the validity of the results. Some of the responses were not returned

    also affected the results, however it would help organisation to effectively the concept of

    motivation to enhance their employee performance.

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    5.4 Areas of Future Research

    This study has thrown light onto new areas that need to be investigated to improve the work

    of organisations, more especially private sector companies. The following has been suggested

    for future study;

    o What are the underlining reasons behind employees relentless strike actions?:In this study, the researcher will find out why workers embark on strike

    actions and what could be done to reduce these negative practices that affect

    the performance of organisation.

    o Understanding different ways to motivate employees: a comparative studybetween the bigger supermarkets and corner shops. In this study, an

    investigation would be carried out to ascertain whether corner shops or bigger

    supermarkets which one better motivate their staff.

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    AppendixQuestionnaire for Respondents

    I am undertaking a research survey to ascertain the nature of employee motivation in this

    supermarket. Please answer the following questions based on your understanding and

    agreement with the responses. Note that the responses you provide will be treated

    confidential and no third party will have access to the information. Thanks in advance for

    agreeing to answer the questions.

    Personal Information

    1. What is your gender? a. male b. female2. How long have you been working in this supermarket? a. less than a year b. one year

    c. about five years d. over ten years

    3. What is the nature of your job in this organisation? a. work on the till machine b.pack food stuffs on the shelves c. supervisor d. manager e. security

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    Please tick from a scale below which have been indicated 1-5 one showing strongly disagree

    and 5 strongly agree. Tick you response to show whether you agree or disagree base of your

    feelings about the statement.

    1=strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4= agree 5= strongly agree

    I. Motivation and Employee Performance

    Nature of Employee Motivation4. This supermarket effectively motivates all the

    employees.1 2 3 4 5

    5. There are many motivation systems in this supermarket 1 2 3 4 5

    6. The reward systems that are used in this

    supermarket is good

    1 2 3 4 5

    7. I can confidently say that the employees are satisfied the

    way they are motivated.1 2 3 4 5

    8. I am adequately remunerated to carry out my job 1 2 3 4 5

    Motivation and Job Satisfaction

    9. I get all I need to make my work easy. 1 2 3 4 5

    10. On the whole, I am satisfied with my job. 1 2 3 4 5

    11. Generally, I can confidently say that my personal

    and work related needs are fulfilled.

    1 2 3 4 5

    12. The supermarket cares about all employees well-being, progress and advancement

    1 2 3 4 5

    13. Conditions of my job allow me to be productive as

    work for this organization

    1 2 3 4 5

    Employee Performance

    14. Employees have faith in performance appraisal


    1 2 3 4 5

    15. Performance is measured objectively based on

    how employee works

    1 2 3 4 5

    16. Employees are provided performance based

    feedback and counseling.

    1 2 3 4 5

    17. In our organization, profit sharing is used as a

    mechanism to reward higher performance

    1 2 3 4 5

    18. Overall the nature employee appraisal systems has a

    strong influence on individuals work behavior

    1 2 3 4 5

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