5400 Cat Judgement

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  • 8/3/2019 5400 Cat Judgement


    BEFOREHECENTRALDMINISTRATIVERIBUNALMADRAS ENCH(Under ec19of heAdmin ist ra t lver ibunalsct '1985)r \ ^o A NOq ' /oF2oo91 . S .PRABHU-I IAssistant ccou tsOfficer'O/oTheAccountant eneral(A&E)361-Anna a la i , eynampet ,hennai 00018And 15o thers Applicants

    V S

    Union f Ind iaRep.by Secretaryo GovernmentMinistry f Personne.l,ublicGrievances

    Pension(Departmentf Personnel Training)NorthBlock,NewDelhiAnd 66 others Respondents

    SYNOPSISConfermentf higher tatusand higher radepay o the party espondents ho

    areholdingowerpostsanddenyinghe righer radepay'statusand rank o theapplicants y erroneousmplementationf the MACP Modified ssuredCareerProgression cheme)scheme new concept f gradepay and pay bandwasintroduceclsecondand third respondentsmplementinghe M A C P schemehave efixedhe gradepay of the party espondentst Rs 5400 n Pay Band2'Theaction f the secondand hird espondentsn f ixing he party esponoentsnt h e g r a d e o f R s ' 5 4 O 0 a n d i n n o t c o n f e r r i n g t h e b e n e f i t s o f t h e s a i d s c h e m e ifavorof theapplicantss whollyarbitrary nd llegal.The resultant osit ions thattheapplicants ho havebeenpromoted n a regular asisas S' Os andsomeofthem hereafter s A. A. Os andcarrying utsupervisoryunctions recontinuedto remain n the grade pay of Rs, 4BOO, hile the party respondents hocontinuedn the lowerpost of senior Accountants ave been elevated o thegradepay of Rs.5400. n the abovecircumstanceshe applicants re fi l ing hisOriginal pplicationeekingor hevarious elief 'smentionedt rA '

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    DETAI !_SF A. PL tCAT|ON1) PARTTCULARSF THEORDER 3AtNSTWHICH HISAPPLICATIONSMADE:l ) Of f i ce rde rNo. , . . 82 ss- : : - 3s : : ,G l . I /MACPS/2009-10 /63i i )Da te f heorder . . 03 -08-2 : :=i i i )Au thor i tyywhompassed . .DAG :-n ) O/o heAG(A&E) ,

    Tan: '.a:l (Third espondents)


    Conferment f higher tatusand higher radepay o the party espondenls hoare holdingowerpostsanddenyinghe higher radepay,statusand rank o theapplicantsyerroneousmplementationf he MACPscheme2) JURISDICTION:he appticants umbly ubmit hat he subjectmatter n thisapplicai ions well within the jurisdiction rescribed nder SecS(q) rl f theAdministrativeribunals ct.1985.3) LIMITATION: The Applicantsurlhersubmit hat his applications fi ledwithin the limitationperiod stipulatedunder sec.21 of the AdministrativeTr ibuna lsc t ,1985.

    4) FACTS FTHECASE:l) The Applicantsre employedn the off ice f the third espondentnd

    holdinghepostof Asst.Accounts ff icerhereinaftereferredo asA.A.o)andfunctionings such n the saidoff ice. heApplicantsnteredheservice f thethird espondents clerks, hich s the lowest ntry evelpost. Afterhavingservedn hat apacity,orsome ime,hey ameo bepromotedsAccountantsand ater ssenior ccountants.

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    i i ) The next higherpost in the hierarchywas the pcst of Sectron )ffrcer(hereinaftereferred o a s S.O) o whichpromotrons ere made rom pr:rsonswho hadpassed he SectionOfficersGradeExaminationhereinaftereferredoas S .O.G.E) . romot ionso thesa idposto f S .Owasbased n pass ing .OG.Ebatch enority.

    i i i )The appl icantsad passed he S.O.G.E nd thereforeame o bepromoteds S.Osbased n theirbatch enloritys andwhen acanciesroseTheApplicantsubmithatcandidateshodidnotpass he S.O.G.E erenotentit ledorpromotiono hepost f S.Oand hehigher ost hat hey ould eachis thepostof Supervisorn promotionrom hecategory f Senior ccountant.TheApplicantsubmithat he nexthigher ost o thepostof S.O. s thepostofA.A.Owhich arries higher cale f payand ankand ormed artof GroupBGazettedtatus. heApplicantsespectfullyubmithat hecondrtionsf serviceof personsike heapplicantservingn he ndian udit& Accounts epartmentis prescribedy rulesmadeby thePresidentf India fter onsultationith hesecondespondentiz.,ComptrollerndAuditor eneral f ndia,n erms fart.148(5) f theConstitutionf India. n erms f thesaidArticle,he PresidentfIndia after consultation ith the second esDondentas made rulles ndregulations,he methodof recruitmento various osts n the departmentincludinghe posts of A.A.Os& S.O. (Accounts). l l the appointrnents/promotionsf heapplicantseremaden erms f heabove tatutoryul6s.

    (iv) TheApplicantsubmithat n theyear1999, scheme nown sAssured areer rogressioncheme as ntroducedy heCentral overnmentpursuanto the recommendationf theVthPayCommission.hesaidschemewasevolvedo dealwith heproblem f genuine tagnationndhardshipacedby the employeesue o lackof adequateromotionalvenues. hesr:hemecontemplatedwo financial pgradations,ne on completionf 12 yearsand

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    another n completion f 24 years f regular ervice rom he dateof entry.Suchfinancial pgradation as permissible nly if no regularpromotions urirrgheaboveprescribed eriodof 12 yearsand 24 yearshavebeen availed f by thepersonnel. hegrantof such inancial pgradations subjecto the ulf i l lmr:nt fthe normalpromotional orms.The financral pgradation as given n the nexthigher rade n accordance ith he hierarchv f oosts.

    (v ) The App l ican tsubmi t ha tas per the aboveA.C.p .scheme,hepersonnelwere entit led o the f i rst benefits f upgradation fter 12 years ofservicesubject o their not havinggot any promotion uring he said periodTheyare urther entit ledo the second inancial pgradationftercompletion f24 years of service subject to their not having got the Zndpromotion. Theupgradation as to the nexthigher rade n the hierarchy f posts.The rnanciaupgradations restrictednly o t wo stages eferredo above.

    (vi) The Applicantsubmit hatso far herehadnot been=ny problemIn the mplementationf the various rders eferredo above. n the year200g,the Govt.of india ntroduced modif iedA.c,p. schemeknown as Modif iedAssured areerProgressionchemeon the recommendationsf the Vl centralPaycommission itheffect rom 1.g,20o8 The saiient eaturesof the sr;hemewhichhasgiven ise o the ssues nvolvedn thisO.Aare as fol lows:

    (A) Grantof 3 f inancial pgradationsn completion f 10.20 and 30yearsof continuousegular ervice.

    (B) Theschemewas o be admissible henever person assoent.1Oyears ontinuouservicen the samegradepay.

    (C ) Financjal pgradation as o be donestrici lynhierarchy f gradepays n thepaybandas providedn theRu les 0OB

    accordance ith heu.u.5 Kevtsoo ay

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    ( i x1 The App l icanrs uomtr na l the imp lemen ia i ionf the V l PayCommiss ion 'secommendat ionesu l tedn heRevrsed avRu les f 2O0B u t anF \^ / a ^naan t d f n ' r : ' d ,a na r r rn r i na r r hand r , r. as introOuced. he saidrecommendationsf the PayCommission rovidedor he gradepay n thepostof SeniorAccountants s Rs.4200/-,vhich as accepted nd implementedytheGovt . f Ind ia nd hesa idpostwas nc ludedn PayBand .

    (vi i ) The Applicants ubmjt haton account f the mplementationf theVl Paycommissionecommendationsnd he revised ay rules, he app cantswho wereholdlng he postof A.A.Oafterhaving eenpromoted s suchas v/el las the applicants ho were holding he postof S.Os havingbeenpromoted ssuch and came to be integrated nd knownas A.A.OSand were fixed n thegradepayof Rs.4800n PayBand2.

    (vi i i) The Applicants ubmit hat while matters tood hus, he secondand h i rd espondents ,h r lemp lement ingheM.A.C.P .cheme ave e f ixedhegradepay of the party espondentst Rs,5400n Pay Band2. The actionof thesecondand third respondentsn f ixing he party espondentsn the gracle fRs.5400 nd in not conferringhe benefits f the said scheme n favourof theapplicants s wholly arbitraryand i l legal. The resultant osit ion s that theapplicants ho have been promoted on a regular asisas S.Os and some ofthem hereafter s A.A.Osand carrying ut supervisoryunctions re conlinuedto remain n the grade pay of Rs,4800,while the party respondents hocontinuedn the lowerpost of SeniorAccountantshave been elevatedo thegrade pay of Rs.5400,The Applicants ubmit that the applicantsholdingsupervisoryostsand are functional ,A.Os supervisinghe party espondents.The gradepay determineshe rank and stat usof the personnelncludirrgheperquisitesnd benefits. n he above ircumstanceshe applicants re i l irrghisOriginal pplicationeekingor the various el iefsmentionedn the relief olumn

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    ( i x )TheApp l ican tsubrn r i^a : : -= . . := -3 aggr revedy the act ionof theresponden tsavemade represe : :a : : -s : i re second nd th i rd esponden tssee i< in3or the issL :e f apprcpr .a : :- : : :s g ran t inghem the pay gradeofRs.54OOnd main ta inhe sta tus ' : ^ : : :p l i can ts as compared i th he par tyresponden ts . owever o ac t ion as : :en takenon the sa id epresen la t ionsandhence heapplicants rebefore h s Hcn'ble ribunal eekingustice'


    a ) T h e A p p l i c a n t s s u b m i t t h a t t h e p a r t y r e s p o n d e n t s w e r e a | l r e ( ) r uas Accountantsn thepre-revisedca|e f Rs,4500125-7000, hesaidpartyresponden tsa l | cametobepromotedasSen io rAccoun tan t s in thep re .n rv is c a | e o f R s . 5 5 O O - 1 7 5 - 9 O O O T h e s a i d r e s p o n d e n t s h a v e n o t p a s s e d t hexamina|onnd hereforevere neligibleorpromotions section

    ff icersandcont inuedsSenior ccountantsh i lemplement ingheA C P scheme' h ichwas nvogue rior o 20OB,heparty espondentshohadcompleted4 yeatsof service ereentit ledo second pgradationndwereaccordnglU pgadednthesca leo fRs '6500-200 .10500 'TheV |PayCommiss ion recommendedgpay fo rSen io rAccoun tan t sasRs .42OO' (Ser ia |no ,12 lS - l l o fRev i sedscepaystatement.)heupgradationranted o themunder heA C P Schementhepre-revisedcale f Rs.6500-20O-'105OOas o be ixed n he evisedcalesof pay n thegradepayof Rs4600l-inPayBand2 After omingnto orceofMACPScheme rovidingor third inancial pgradationn completionf 30years,heywouldbe entit ledo be fixed n the gradepayof Rs.4800/-n PayBand2. But contraryo the aboveprinciples,he respondentsand3 havetreatedhe erstwhile CP scheme caleof pay of the party espondentsfRs.65OO-200-10500s equivalento thescale f the ntegratedostof So andAAOand ixed hegrade ayof48001 ndconsequentlyhilemplementinghe

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    MACPscheme aveadvance : ^a- : : ' . -=.a r ' sca le f Rs.54OOf .he aboveactionof the off icial espondents : : - - -:3nsistentand contraryo both herevisedpay Rulesas well as the l ' , ' . : l : s::.teme nd hencedeserves o berectif ied.

    b) The Applicants ubmit na: as referredo already, dmittedlyheyare holding he posit ion f Asst.Acco-::s off icersn the regular ierarchy ndare supervisinghe work of theirsubordLnatesncludinghe party espondents.The party espondents ere holding he post of SeniorAccountants hicharetwo stages ower han the post heldby the applicants nd continuedo be so.The implementationf the revisedPay Rulesand the MACP schemeby theoff icial espondentss wholly l legal nd has resultedn serious nomalies ndprejudiceo the applications y the applicants eing ixed n the gradepay ofRs 4B00l while the party respondents ave been fixed in the grade pay ofRs.5400 ithal loerouisrtestc.

    c) Theapplicantsubmithatasper he Revised ay ules, 008,herules mplementinghe Vl PayCommissjon'secommendations,dmittedlVhegradepayof SeniorAccountantss Rs,4200, hile he gradepayof SectionOfficer ndAsst.Accounts ff icersntegrateds Rs.48O0l.There-revisedayscales f theabove ostof Senior ccountantasRs.5500-75-9000 hilehatof the SectionOfficers as6500-200-10500ndA.A.Os carriedhe scaleofRs7450-225-11500.hile iving ffecto theACPscheme,n the pre-n:visedpay scales he SeniorAccountantswereentit ledo Rs.6 00-200-0500onaccount f secondinancialpgradationnd hecorrespondingrade ay n herevisedaybandwould e onlyRs.4600.t ison account f heseriousnfirmityand error committed y the off icial espondents,he subordinates>f he

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    ^ ^ ^ t i ^ ^ ^ . ^ h ^ . . ^ h ^ - ^ F t r - - -d p p I U d | | t S / r d v Y u c g r l - r d - - - ,

    to be rectifed.- i - ^ , / n c h i c l l o n a l r n d d - ^ - - ^ ^

    d) The App l ican tsub- : : ^ : : - : ^ , ' even thav ing egardo the actthat he party espondents ho \ ' , /ere : r - j :he posit ion f SeniorAccountantsfunct iona l l yn fe r io rhan the app l a^ :s : - r ,c t be f ixed n a gradepay h igherthan the applicants.The principles : : : . ' /n in F R. 22 which provides orremovalof anomaliesby steppingup :-e pay of seniorswhen their uniorshappen o draw more pay on promotion,"i iJapply n greater orcesince n the

    present case the party respondents ' / ' ro are functionallynferiors o theapplicants avenot evenbeenqualif iedo b e promotedo the posit ion eldbythe applicants.The Applicants ubmit hat he revised ay rules o the MACPscheme n the manner mpugnedhas resulted n functionally uperiors ndholding upervisoryosit ion o b e f ixedat a gradepay which s lesser han hegradepay fixed or the party espondentsvhohave not been promotedo theposit ion eldby the applicants ndwho are performinghe dutiesand unctionswhich are supervised y the applicants. The above action cannot t,e bLItcharacterized s wholly arbitraryand irrational nd therefore iable to beinterfered ithby hisHon'ble ribunal.

    e) The Applicants ubmit hat the OfficeOrderNo.82which confersthe gradepay of Rs.5400 o the party espondents os 4 to 68 who are holdingthe post of SeniorAccountnantss thereforewholly l legaland liable o bequasneo .


    TheApplicantseclarehat here s noother tatutoryemedy vailablenderrelevanterviceules.

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    The app l ican ts e reby ce : a - . : -= : : - : . . i 'ad not p rev ious lyi led anyapp l ica t ion ,r i t pe t i t ion , r su i : eg= ' : - : : - . 'na t te rin respect { ,yh ich h isapp l ica t ionasbeenmadebe fo re ' . : - - - . : : La r ,vr anyo ther u thor i tyr anyo therbencho f the Tr jbuna l o r an , - . - : - " : : l i ca t ion ,wr i t s pend ingn any o ft h e m .


    For he reasons iven n paras4 & 5 above, he Applicants umbly raybefore hisHon'ble ribunalhat hisHonbieTribunalmay be pleasedo call orthe records elatedo the mpugned ff ice rderNo,82Dated3.8.2009 sstred ythe 3'd espondent nd o quash he sameand o direct he respondentso grantthe benefit f the MACPscheme n favourof the applicants y fixing heirgradeas Rs.5400with effect from the appropriate ate and to pass such otherorder/orderss this Hon'bleTribunalmay deem it and properand thus fenderjustice.


    Pendinginalizationf theabove pplication,t is prayedhat hisHon'bleTribunalmay be pleasedo stayall further roceedingsursuant o the 3'0respondentsroceedingsade n off ice o.82 ated3.8.2009o as to ernabletheapplicantso retainhehigher tatus/rankhan heparty espondents


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    11)Par t i cu la rs f the .P .O:N o .o f l P O :Dateof I P O

    Payab le t :12)L |STOF ENCLOSURES:


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    As g iven n he ndexo th rs r :g -a : p . i ca t ion .VERIF ICATION

    We,S. RABII .I IAssistant ccountsOfflcer,O/o The AccountantGeneral(A&E).361-Anna ala i , eynarnpet ,hennai 000 i8K. SANKARANARAYANANAssistant ccountsOfficer,O/o The AccountantGeneral(A&E),i6 l -Anna Sala i , eynampet ,hennai 00018A,MUNEERAI{MEDAssistant ccountsOfficcr,O/o TheAccountant cneral (A&E).i6 l -Anna Sala i , er .nampet,hennai 00018S, RANGARAJAN I I IAssistant ccountsOtfice ,O/o The AccountantGeneral(A&E),361-Anna ala i , eynanrpet ,hennai 00018V,S.JAYARA]VlANAssistant ccountsOffi cer,O/o The AccountantGeneral(A&E),361-Anna ala i , e lnarnpet , hennai 00018S,CIIANDR.,\MOU IAssistant ccoLrnts fflcer,O/o The AccoLrntanteneral(A&E),361-Anna ala i , evnantpet ,hennai 00018G. RAJANAssistant ccorrnts ffi cer,O/oTheAccountant eneral (A&E),361-Anna ala i , ' leynanrpet ,hennai 00018SARASWATIII NARYANANAssistant ccountsOfficer,O/o The AccoLrntant eneral(A&E),361-Anna ala i , e l ,nanpet , hennai 00018

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    I ( , , }AYASREEAss i s ta r ) tccoulsO; : . - : -O/o ThcAccount i l t t 3; t r i . - : . : . :J 6 l - A r r n al l a i .e r u a r : : ; r : . : - . _ . )T.L.SHARADAAssistant ccoLrnts fi cer.O'o Ti rcAccountrnt e ler . r . i :i6 l - , \nna Salai , eynarnpcr.: . : : : : , , . SS,I1ANICKA]VIAssistant ccountsOfflcer,O/o The AccoLrntanreneral(A&E3 6 1 - A n n a a l a i , e ; , n a r n p e t ,h e n : . : :, , , . SR. SHANTHI. I I IAssistant ccountsOfficer.O/oTheAccountant cneral (A&E.3 6 1 - A n n a a l a i , e v n a t n p e t ,h e n n l : , U l 8G.TH]T,AI(AVATIIYAssistant ccoLrnts ff icer,O/oThc Accountant cneral (A&E.361-Anna al l i , l 'e lnatnpct , henn: : , 01GEETHA KANNANAssistant ccountsOf lcer,O/oTheAccountanr eneral (A&E),361-Anna ala i , 'eynampet,hennai 00018S. RAJASEKARAssistant ccountsOfficer,O/o The AccountanrGeneral(A&E).361-Anna ala i , eynarnpet ,hennai 000I 8M.VAIRAMUTHUAssistant ccoLlnts ff icer,O/o The AccountantGeneral(A&E).361-Anna ala i , e lnarrper, hennai 00018


    I .1.

    Dohereby erifyhat hecontentsnparas o ..,.Except ara5 are rue o thebestof my knowledgend hat n para5 i s believedo be trueon egal dviceand hatwehave otsuppressednymaterialacts.Dated tChennain his he 12th ayof September 00g.

    L .

    S. PRABHUla J ax5.4eAN^(A) A l Ai''A'rvlo*eet A-unryS. Rftt'JAftRWJ-*^}

    bLu\:-I| .--*n,*'c' / ' t u