Assignment MB0039

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  • 7/29/2019 Assignment MB0039


    1. Communication skills are utmost important in managing information

    and technology in any organization. List the characteristics of

    communication and discuss the seven barriers to effective communication.

    Answer: Communication in simple terms is a transfer of information between

    people, resulting in common understanding between them.

    List of the Characteristics of communication are as follows:

    It is unavoidable

    It is a two way exchange of information

    It is process

    It involves a sender and a receiver of information

    It could be verbal or non- verbal

    It is successful when the receiver interprets the meaning in the same way as

    that intended by the sender

    It is a dynamic process

    It enables understanding

    Communication fails when the message received is not identical to the message

    that is sent. There are many other barriers to communication, and understanding

    and analysis of which are needed before coming up with ways to eliminate orminimize them.

    The Seven barriers to effective communication are as follows:

    Environment barriers An environmental barrier is the same as physical

    noise, which could be in the form of distraction sounds, an overcrowded

    room, poor facilities and acoustics, all of which may hinder the ability to listen

    to and understand the message.

    Individual barriers A major barrier to interpersonal communication istendency to judge, evaluate, approve, or disapprove the views of another

    person. This happens particularly in situations where we have strong feeling

    about something. In such cases, we tend to block out the communication and

    form our own viewpoints.

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    Organisational barriers In organization that are too hierarchical, that is,

    where there are multiple layers messages may have to pass through many

    levels before they finally reach the receiver. Each level may add to, modify or

    completely change the message, so much so that it becomes distorted by the

    time it reaches the intended receiver. In other words, there is likely to be loss

    of meaning and the message may not reach the receiver in the same way asit was intended by the sender.

    Channel BarriersIn the earlier section, it was pointed out that

    communication can fail due to any of the different elements going wrong.

    Wrong choice of channel is one of the main barriers to communication. Using

    a wrong medium of advertising, or conveying a message orally when a writer

    would be more appropriate, are example. The written channel is moreappropriate when the communication is more formal or for keeping on

    record, while emotional message such as feeling about co-workers are better

    conveyed orally.

    Linguistic and cultural barriers When the sender of the message uses a

    language that the receiver does not understand, the communication will not

    succeed. Either the sender may be using a different of foreign language, or

    the language used may be too highly technical for the receiver to understand

    and Cultural differences refer to differences in values and perceptions, whichmay affect the interpretation of the message by the receiver.

    Semantic barriers The word semantics refer to the meaning of words

    and the way in which they are used. For Example, different words may have

    different meaning indifferent cultures. Failure to take this into consideration

    could lead to serious blunders.

    Non Verbal Barriers The refers to the non-verbal communication that

    goes with a particular message. Non- Verbal communication includes tones of

    voice, body language such as gestures and facial expressions etc.

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    Q 2. Non-verbal communication can have a greater impact than verbal

    communication and is ambiguous. List and explain the various types on

    non-verbal communication in brief.

    Answer: Meaning of Non Verbal Communication:The Types of interpersonal

    communication that are not expressed verbally are called non verbalcommunications.

    The List of types of non-verbal communication is given below:

    Body Movement (Kinesics): Body movement includes gestures, posture,

    head and hand movements or whole body movements. Body movements can

    be used to reinforce or emphasize what a person is saying and also offer

    information about the emotions and attitudes of person. However, it is also

    possible for body movements to conflicts with what is said. A skilled observer

    may be able to detect such discrepancies in behaviors and us them as a clue

    to what someone is really feeling.

    Eye Movements: The eye movements such as wide open pupils express

    feeling of surprise, excitement of even fear. The importance of eye contact

    with ones audience was pointed our earlier. Direct eye contact with ones

    audience was pointed out earlier. Direct eye contact is an indication of

    intensity and interest, while lack of it conveys feeling of nervousness and

    guile. As prolonged eye contact can intimidate people, it is not a good idea to

    stare at people. Different cultures perceive eye contact differently. In Asia,

    Latin America and Africa people avoid direct eye contact to show respect.Arabs use prolonged eye contact to Measure Trustworthiness.

    Posture: Posture, refers to carriage or attitude. Our posture can indicate our

    feelings. In formal setting such as job interviews or classroom settings, it is

    essential that you maintain as erect posture to convey that you are attentive,

    since slouching or a relaxed posture conveys a casual attitude. Similarly,

    crossing your arms and legs can convey that you are defensive and rigid.

    Uncrossing your arms and legs can indicate that you are willing to listen.

    Chronemics: Chronemics refers to the study of usage of time. This includes

    our attitudes towards punctuality and willingness to wait. It also deals with

    the manner in which we structure our time and interactions. Perception of

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    importance of time varies between individuals and cultures. For Example, in

    most western cultures punctuality is considered to be important. Arriving late

    for a business meeting is inexcusable. In other cultures, it is more relaxed

    and time is not given that much importance. We convey messages to others

    through the time we spend ona work related activity of by the importance

    that we give to time. Arriving early at work or for a job interview showsinterest, involvement and seriousness. Spending time with the employees

    and giving them suggestion of how to improve their performance shows

    interest and involvement in their career growth.

    Q 3. Written Messages must be as readable as possible. Discuss the two

    broad principles of writing. Explain the three stages of writing

    methodology in detail.

    Answer:Business affects everyone. If you dont end up in a business- oriented

    occupation, you will certainly have to engage in business as a client or customer.

    Skill in business writing is also a valuable asset for job-seekers. Business is almost

    every field need skilled writers.

    The two broad principles of writing are:

    Write to express, not to impress.

    Keep it short and sweet.

    The Three Methodology of Writing is as follows:

    Prewriting:Prewriting is a structured thinking process that helps you to

    explore and understand what you have to write. The techniques of prewriting

    help you to determine the approach to choose and plan to implement it.

    Usually, a prewriting plan enables you to explore a topic from different

    perspectives. It also helps you to discover new and original ideas for writing

    the topic. In the pre-writing stage, you analyses your audience to determine

    your audience requirement, anticipate the audience knowledge and design

    the strategy that can beadapted to communication. For example, what

    language you have to use to convey the message to the audience, whether it

    will be formal or conversational?

    Writing:After knowing the audience and developing strategies you can

    research the topic and gather essential data. Once you gather the required

    data, you can organize your content i.e. decide the flow, group similar facts,

    identify the important facts to be mentioned, etc. Later, you begin to

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    compose to write i.e. construct sentences and paragraphs. First you write a

    draft. While drafting, you write the information that you have researched in

    your own words. You build sentences and paragraphs even though they are

    not 100 percent perfect. You read what you have written and check whether

    what you have written is what you mean. You then get the document

    reviewed by others and ask for suggestions to improve the content.

    Reviewing: In this stage, you revise, proofread and evaluate the message.

    You check whether the sentences are complete and if your content is correct.

    You check for spelling,capitalization, punctuation, grammar and parallelism.

    You will check for clarity of the content written and ensure that no errors are

    present in the content.

    Q 4. There are various techniques of reading out of which SQ3R is most

    popular. How will you apply it while reading and research?

    Answer: Meaning of SQ3R: SQ3R is tried and tested study strategy. It not only

    helps us to understand and remember but can also help us to identify the

    information we need to write an assignment. SQ3R is an active reading exercise

    that is designed to help us get a fuller understanding of your reading materials.

    SQ3E is an acronym which stands for:

    Survey S

    Question Q

    Read R

    Recall R

    Review R

    Application and Explanation of SQ3R:

    Survey:Survey refers to a quick glance through the title page, preface and

    chapter heading of a text. By surveying, you will be able to gauge the main

    ideas of the text. The first step Survey of skim advices that one should resist

    the temptation to read the book and instead glance through a chapter in

    order to identify headings, sub- heading and other outstanding features in

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    the text. This is in order to identify idea and formulate question about the

    content of the chapter.

    Question: The Second step in the SQ3R in the step SQ3R technique of

    reading is question. A survey of the text will surely raise a few questions in

    your mind regarding the text. Formulate question about the content of the

    reading. For Example, convert heading and sub-heading into questions, and

    then look for answer in the content of the text. Other more general question

    may also be formulated:

    a. What is this chapter about?

    b. What question is this chapter trying to answer?

    c. How does this information help me?

    Reading: After surveying and questioning, you begin the actual reading. You

    need to develop a critical approach to reading anything for that matter. Read

    the text over and over again, each time with a different question and a

    different purpose in mind. I read in once and understand everything kind of

    attitude is nothing but a myth. Hence, while reading for the first time, you

    must just focus on the main points or ideas and supporting details. Make a

    note on the important points that you have read.

    Recall:The second R refers to the part known as Recite or Recall. Using key

    phrases, one is meant to identify major points and answer to questions from

    the Q step for each section. This may be done either in an oral or written

    format. It is important that an adherent to this method use his/her own words

    in order to evoke the active listening quality of this study method.

    Review: Reviewing is the process of checking whether we have followed the

    earlier stages promptly and efficiently. Have we surveyed the book, article of

    magazine properly? Have we read it critically and have we recalled the most

    significant details or information required for our study? These are question

    that must be asked in the final stage of reading. Review will sharpen your

    critical ability, enable you to form own opinions on the topic and express

    them to others.

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    Q 5. Advertisements are used by the organization to communicate with

    prospective customers. What is the meaning and objectives of corporate

    advertising? Discuss with examples.

    Answer: Meaning of Corporate Advertising: Corporate advertising can be

    defined as advertising that sells the organization to its various public. Corporate

    advertising is a promotional strategy that is designed to not only interest

    consumers in products and services offered by the company, but also to cultivate a

    positive reputation among consumers and others within the business world.

    Objectives of Corporate advertising with example:

    To Create Positive attitude towards the organization: Sometimes

    consumer may have negative perceptions towards an organization, based onthe belief that the organization is not a responsible corporate citizen. For

    example, public may believe that the organization is responsible for

    environment pollution or destruction of forest and other natural resources. In

    such a situation, corporate advertising aims to create a more positive attitude

    towards the organization, by correction these beliefs.

    To Project the personality, culture and values of an organization: As

    Indians Leading industrial groups, the Tatas and Birlas have been the oldest

    and the most frequent users corporate advertising, to communicate abouttheir entrepreneurial ability, culture and values. Even countries may use this

    form of advertising to achieve similar objectives. For Example, Dubai

    advertises to project an image of itself as a land of investment, sports and

    investment opportunities

    To make an organization better understood: Sometimes organization for

    in for this form of corporate advertising, in order to make themselves more

    visible and to make consumer aware that they have a presence in several

    areas. For example, The United Breweries (UB) Group ran a corporateadvertisement to highlight the fact UB was not in breweries, but also had

    interests in healthcare (hospitals) and education.

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    To safeguard corporate reputation:This form of corporate advertising is

    done when the company is going through crises. For Example, during the

    pesticide controversy, Coke released advertisements featuring Hindi film

    actor, Aamir Khan going to the Coke factory and laboratory, along with the

    Managing Director, declaring that Coke was safe to drink and free of

    pesticides. This helped to an extent to restore their damaged reputation.

    To Project the organization as socially responsible: This refers to

    corporate advertising for a social cause, highlighting the companys role in

    social development. The objective is to communicate the companys

    corporate social responsibility. For Example, the UB Group ran an

    advertisement with the message Drinking and driving dont mix, to educate

    public that drinking alcohol and driving is not safe.

    Q 6.In order to get a job you need to approach an organization with

    resume. How does a resume affect your employability? What are the

    components of resume?

    Answer:Meaning and purpose of Resume: A resume is a document that

    summaries your background, educational, qualifications, experience and interest. A

    resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials,

    and accomplishments and is used to apply for jobs. There are several basic types of

    resumes used to apply for job opening. Depending on your personal circumstances,

    choose a chronological, a functional, combination, or a targeted resume.

    The purpose of a resume is to provide a summary of your skills, abilities and

    accomplishments. It is quick advertisement of who you are. It is a Snapshot of you

    with the intent of capturing and emphasizing interest and secures you an interview.

    It is not an autobiography. Since your resume is a primary tool in your job search, it

    needs it be carefully written and critiqued. The rest of this website is designed to

    guide you through the process.

    Components of Resume:

    Basic data: This includes the name, address, and telephone number and

    email id. The information provides must allow a prospective employer to

    reach you easily. If you are still in college, it is better to provide both the

    home and college address. If you are already employed, list either a business

    phone number or a mobile number where you can be reached during work


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    Career objective: An objective must be very specific, stating clearly the

    position you are seeking and the area in which you want to work. The

    objective statement must consist of two parts. a. Your

    general goal, mentioning some skills that you feel will qualify you for the job

    b.One or more specific area in which you wish to work.

    For example, the objective for an entry level position is written as, An entry-

    level position in public relations, with an opportunity to use my skills in

    writing and researching. Special interests in publicity, radio and television


    Education: Employers are interested in knowing about your academic

    qualification after high school. Education qualification must be listed in

    reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent qualification first.

    The degree earned, name of the institution and data of receiving the degree

    must be mentioned.

    For Example, Master of Business Administration in Retail Operations, Sikkim

    Manipal University, August 2008.

    Experience: Like educational qualifications, work experience must be listed

    in reverse chronological order. If your experience is limited, you may also list

    part-time jobs, internship and voluntary work, under the title work

    experience. More than the job designations, employers are interested in

    knowing what you can do. Therefore, a brief description of each job and the

    duties performed by you must be included. Short phrases may be used,

    instead of complete sentences. Technical terminology may also be used

    describe the work done by you.

    For Example, Production Supervisor, Western University Media Productions,

    1996-97. Assisted in video tape productions, digital and online videotape

    editing using studio and portable cameras.

    Skills/Other knowledge:In this section, capabilities such as languages

    known, computer skills and special writing skills may be listed.

    Organisations and activities: Membership of student and professional

    associations, clubs and committees, offices held, as well as extra-curricular

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    activities such as sports, music and photography, must be listed in this

    section. This information gives prospective employers an idea of your

    aptitudes, attitudes and personality.

    References: References could be oriented from anyone who is familiar with

    either your academic or profession work, such as your professors or

    immediate supervisor. Prior permission must always be sought before listing

    anyone as reference. Generally, it is sufficient to include the statement

    References available on request in your resume and to furnish the names

    only if you are asked to. Employers ask for references only if they wish to do

    a background check n you. When listing references the name of the people,

    designation, Institution, and contact details must be provided.