assignment access nordiana nabila bt mohd rosidi.docx

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QuestionsYou are required to answer all questions and answers must be in accordance with the step by-step pictorial .1. How to create a Table . Step 1 you must open Microsoft access . Then you need to click the blank database . Next , you need to click the space which are to rename your file . After you rename your file you click the button create .

Lastly , you need to click button create then click the button table .

2. How to create a Query .

Step 1 , You need to click button Query Design . 3.

Step 2 , it will appear you a small table which are you need to choose either one . In this picture I choose Jabatan . Then you need to click button add then click close . Then it will appear you a small box .

Step 3 , you need to double click the word that I circle with the red pen . Then all the words will be highlight . You need to drag all them to the below table .

Step 4 , you need to click button Run .

Finally , youve done create a Query .

3 . How to create a Form

Step 1 , you need to click create then choose Form .

Step 2 , then it will appear you a bocx which are have ready a information . Then you need to click the picture that I circle with a pen .

Step 3 , you need to choose the categories is Record Navigation and the actions is Go to previous record . Then click next until it appear finish .

Step 4 , you need to click the catogories is Record Operations . Then the actions is delete record . Next , you click next then it will appear you two choosen which are delete record and trash can . So , you need to choose a trash can . Then click next until finish .

Step 5 you need to choose the catogories record navigation . Then the actions is Go to next record . Then click until it finish . So , you have done to create a form .

4 . How to create a Reports .

Firstly , you need to click button report .

Lastly , it will appear you a reports which have set a date , day and time at right above .

5 . How to create a Relationships .

Step 1 , How to create relationship is you need to click database tools then choose relationships .

Step 2 , after you click relationship it will appear many things . So you have to choose show table . Then it will appear the picture at the above that I show it . Then you need to click Jabatan then click add .

Step 3 , you need to edit relationship then choose nama jabatan and jabatan . Then you need to tick three box which have at the picture that I show . After you click okay , your data in the small box which are Namajabatan will have a relay with a jabatan .

Lastly , at namajabatan it will appear the result .