Firstly, you will have missed out on one of the biggest benefits of sleep – feeling fresh in the morning! Secondly, sleep is vital for healthy physical, mental and emotional processing. When we go without sleep, or have insufficient sleep , our bodies struggle to perform to their full potential and, as a consequence, we can expect impairments to our next-day physical and mental performance. What happens to the body if you don't get enough sleep? Due to a close link between certain hormones and sleep, not sleeping has the potential to cause imbalances in hormone activity. Human Growth Hormone , for example, peaks during sleep meaning that insufficient sleep


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Firstly, you will have missed out on one of the biggest benefits of sleep – feeling fresh in the morning!

Secondly, sleep is vital for healthy

physical, mental and emotional processing. When

we go without sleep, or have insufficient sleep, our

bodies struggle to perform to their full potential and, as a consequence, we can expect impairments to our next-day physical and mental performance.

What happens to the body if you don't get

enough sleep?Due to a close link between certain hormones and sleep, not sleeping has the potential to cause

imbalances in hormone activity. Human Growth

Hormone, for example, peaks during sleep meaning

that insufficient sleep may affect growth and cell-repair throughout the body.

In addition to growth, your metabolism may be

affected as well. Studies in which healthy individuals have been sleep restricted have shown that there are alterations to hormones involved in the

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regulation of appetite and an accompanying

increase in seeking out food, as well as glucose


What happens in the brain when you don't sleep?

Overall, research has suggested that normal

functioning is likely to be hindered by loss of sleep.

Repercussions such as reduced energy levels with bursts of euphoria, unstable moods and excessive sleepiness during the day have all been observed in people who haven't slept.

Excessive sleepiness can be especially hindering

and even dangerous as it tends to be preceded by frequent lapses in focus before individuals fall into a short episodes of sleep, also known as 'microsleeps'. These episodes are a known contributing factor to traffic accidents with drowsy

drivers falling asleep at the wheel (Boyle et al.


Whilst we can recover from not sleeping very

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quickly, it can have negative long-term

consequences for our health. Chronic poor and

restricted sleep are known, for example, to be associated with the development of illness,

notablycardiovascular disease, diabetes,

hypertension and certain types of cancers.

Research on sleep deprivation

The most well known experiment on total

sleep deprivation involved a teenager called Randy

Gardner, who managed to maintain wakefulness for

11 days. During this period, he experienced problems with his working memory, speech and eventually hallucinations.

It is safe to say that keeping yourself awake long

after feeling the pressure to sleep is unwise. Sleeping is not something humans can whether or not to do – it is essential for facilitating normal functioning.

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Fastly growing people between 13 and well up until their twenties need more sleep, is what I have heard, and are generally night owls.. It is actually the society that needs to change their schedules one hour forward to make everything go smoother. I don’t know, I’m still up late, but if I fall to sleep in midnight I may need 7 hours, but well onto 4, I’ve had enough sleep 6 hours later. I think it would be interesting to hear about how the night owl people’s psyches motivates them to stay up late and how it correlates or writes over our biological clock, when we’ve had the heavy early sleep after a hard days work in darkness for so long ? or can it be a thing of plasticity, with artificial

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light and distraction? perhaps your trait is an alternative biological clock?

Emulate These Characteristics of a River:

Always Flow. Rivers are never stagnant, never stop, and never sit still. Rivers move forward, forgetting the challenges and negativity of their path and carrying on with the full belief that they will eventually reach their goal. Flow allows rivers to traverse time and space, becoming a self-cleaning, self-sustaining entity that is capable of supporting many others in many ways. Keep moving forward, shed those things that reduce your ability to flow, embrace both the journey and the destination.

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Cultivate Tributaries. Rivers are made up of many smaller component parts, each of which add a unique element to the river’s overall characteristics. Perhaps some of the river’s water is from a melted glacier, ensuring that the river is always cool and refreshing. Perhaps some tributaries house salmon runs, so the river provides a bounty of life and nutrition. Perhaps some tributaries contain precious metals like gold, adding another element of a more modern “sustenance.” Just like this river, you, too, should expose yourself to many inputs. Read more, talk more, listen more. Seek out challenges as tributaries. Engage ideas and people outside of your comfort zone and routine.

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Contribute To Something Greater. Very few rivers simply “end.” Some do just go underground (lost rivers), and there are the occasional terminations. But, by and large, rivers flow into a body of water much greater than themselves. Indeed, this seems to be one of their core purposes. This should be one of your core purposes, as well. Find those things that are larger than yourself, that you find worthy of contribution, then direct energy towards them. This could mean writing a check, volunteering, starting an organization (group, club, or company). Indeed, it will mean something different for each of you, but it’s important that you are making active contributions to

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something larger than yourself – whatever that may be.

Embrace Oxbows. An oxbow is a U-shaped bend in a river, that often results in redefining an area of land that the river flows around, occasionally leaving it surrounded by water on all sides. Oxbows in your own life should be embraced. Sometimes, a U-shaped change is necessary, and sometimes it means cutting of something that was once integrally connected to you. In nature, there are certain geographies that tend to encourage the formation of oxbows. You will find this to be true in your own geography as well – and that these type of U-shaped decisions clump together. This is to be expected, and embraced.

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Become a Conduit. Rivers are a conduit for many things – plants, animals, transportation, and even mythology. They help encourage the transfer of “things” from one place to another, but it is not their sole purpose. These “things” travel as the river travels, embarking where it makes sense and disembarking where it makes sense. Just like the river, you should strive to carry with you (physically and metaphorically) the things that make sense at the time. When they no longer make sense, jettison them. Rivers, like people, can get jammed up when faced with too large of a payload.

Expect Seasonal Rises and Falls. There are high times and low times for a river. There are times when things are moving so fast, it’s

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downright dangerous to try to cross it. There are times when its level is so low that it is impossible to float down it. But, most of the time is spent somewhere in-between these two extremes. People are the same way, with high times, low times, and the bulk of times spent moving steadily. By acknowledging and accepting these fluctuations, and making decisions according to the context that we find ourselves in, we can avoid many of the small problems that start here and often snowball into something unnecessarily bigger. When the high time is upon you, do your best to minimize inputs and keep the massive flow moving. When the low time hits, understand that it’s a phase that will pass, and

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do what you can to encourage flow in the meantime. Be aware of the status of others, and contribute what you can when appropriate

There are many advantages and disadvantages of owning a computer. The main advantage is that you can now communicate instantly with friends, family, and co-workers. You no longer need to send them a letter that will take 3 days to get there and then wait for a reply. You have all of the information that you could possibly need at your fingertips. The disadvantages to computers is that when electricity is out you can't seem to get any information. Businesses become paralyzed when their mainframes aren't

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functioning properly. You also don't have an excuse that you're waiting for a reply or research. For more info about computers you can visit www.indianchild.com.

A car will let you drive places that are too far to walk. And you can sell it on craigslist when you are done to amke all your money back. Sometimes they break down though and repairs are necessary. Walking sucks then. So don't get too used to them cause you'll be spoiled. 

I've had one before and it was nice. Friends would come by for rides and we had a lot of fun. Roadtrips are the best in a car. You get to see new lands and be the pilot of your own destiny. You can even tint the windows to better sleep inside and to

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make sure you are undercover on your trips. Keeps the groceries cooler too in the summer if you have those. They are convenient and reliable for the most part but create pollution. I think motor vehicles can make the long route possible but it may harm the environment.

All education should be free. 

In my state its illegal not to have an education. Some people have bean reported as child abusers because they didn't send their child to school. Some of those people just don't have the money to send their child to school. Please, education for EVERYONE should be free! For

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college, poor people don't have the money to survive. They need a job that pays them a fair amount of money. Most of those jobs require that person to go to college. A lot of those jobs require them to go to college for years. People don't have that kind of money. Sarah Lawrence College has people paying $53,166 per year spent their! That's CRAZY! I'm 12 years old andeven I know that this college is a huge rip of

The real question is how it will effect our economy. Yes, I agree education is a vital key in survival but to learn, you need to have someone teach you or the books. Morally, of course, everyone has a right to know the endless possibilities of our world but economically its next to impossible.

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Yes,all education should be free to everyone.This is because a more educated citizen is a better citizen because in the end they know how to take better care of themselves,their families and their communities and they will know how to be a better advocate to those in need in the long run.

5. Isolation.

How many people want to go on

vacation to a beautiful jungle mountain

paradise? 3,256,977.

How many people want to live in a

beautiful jungle mountain paradise? 3.

Unless I include people under 18 or

over 65, there are only 3 of us. You

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need to own your own business and/or

work wirelessly if you want to live in a

jungle paradise. You also need a car so

you can come down from the mountain

and mingle with city folk… unless you

are cool with the bus, which you can’t

be because you won’t have time for

your business if you are waiting on the

bus all day.

This works in reverse, too. You have to

have a car or a lot of time to come visit

me in my perfect little mountain town.

4. Spiders or Bugs.

You have to choose one. I highly

recommend spiders because they eat

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almost all the bugs. My housekeeper

cleaned all the spider webs in my

house one time and the following two

weeks wereBugdemic: Shock and

Terror. It was a bug invasion of

massive proportions. I felt like I was

camping in the Florida Everglades

without a tent. Ugh. The only negative

to chilling with spiders is that they leave

dead bug carcasses all over the place.

Not ideal, but soooooo much better

than bug invasion.

1. Birds.

The *#)@(*% birds wake up before the

sun at 4am. If the chirping doesn’t wake

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you up, the repetitive full-speed body

slams into the windows will. If you

somehow manage to sleep through that

(alcohol), then the incessant pecking at

the glass will most definitely arouse you

from your slumber and rocket you in to

a hate-filled rage that results in the

purchase of a pellet gun on Earth Day.


I think they should I think they should because in some cases studentsmay take a required course but the course actual does nothing for them in the future. So they should be able to decide so they

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can start to learn about what the career or future they decide that they want to doChildren will change with environment and emotions, they must develop in a natural way. Giving them a chance to blossom into something great. Don't get me wrong do not think a child should come into school an decide from one day to the next i will do this today as i believe children need some structure. I think they should have options

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You can't be offside if: You receive the ball directly from a goal kick, a throw-in or a corner You are in your own half of the pitch You are level with the second last or last two opponents You are level with or behind the ball You are not actively involved in play, as explained aboveFor any offside offence, the referee awards an indirect free-kick to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

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Like most things in football, the offside rule is pretty simple - but there are a few situations that can make the calmest of managers blow their top.The 'active' ruling for example. Players can be in an offside position but not be offside. It doesn't quite make sense at first, but let's stick to the basics first.A player is in an offside position if, when the ball is played by a team-mate, they are nearer to the opposition's goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent

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