ASEAN BUSINESS LAW ONLINE The ASEAN Economic Community is bringing free movement of goods, services, labour, investment, and capital across the 10 states of the ASEAN region with a combined GDP of over $2.2 trillion and a population of 620 million. Viewed as a single economy, ASEAN is the world’s seventh largest, and Asia’s third largest. From 2007 to 2014 the region’s GDP doubled. Of the ten member States of ASEAN, four publish their legislation in English. Of the six jurisdictions which issue their legislation in their national languages, the doubtful quality of English translation of much of their legislation, if available at all either from Government or private sources, poses significant difficulties for international lawyers and legal researchers. Uncertainty and doubt over the meaning of the translated text is common. The aim of Aseanlex is to help to solve this problem for the international legal community. ASEAN Business Law Online provides a searchable database initially of the business laws of Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia, and later of Thailand, Lao PDR, and Vietnam, with the laws translated into English to a first class and reliable standard. BUSINESS LAWS OF MYANMAR BUSINESS LAWS OF CAMBODIA BUSINESS LAWS OF INDONESIA High quality translations into English of the business laws of ASEAN jurisdictions

ASEAN BUSINESS LAW ONLINE - Northern Illinois Universityniu.edu/burma/Aseanlex.pdf · ASEAN Business Law Online ... Myanmar, and Cambodia, and later of Thailand, Lao PDR, and Vietnam,

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The ASEAN Economic Community

is bringing free movement of goods,

services, labour, investment, and

capital across the 10 states of the

ASEAN region with a combined

GDP of over $2.2 trillion and a

population of 620 million. Viewed

as a single economy, ASEAN is the

world’s seventh largest, and Asia’s

third largest. From 2007 to 2014 the

region’s GDP doubled.

Of the ten member States of ASEAN,

four publish their legislation in

English. Of the six jurisdictions

which issue their legislation in their

national languages, the doubtful

quality of English translation of much

of their legislation, if available at all

either from Government or private

sources, poses significant difficulties

for international lawyers and legal

researchers. Uncertainty and doubt

over the meaning of the translated

text is common.

The aim of Aseanlex is to help

to solve this problem for the

international legal community.

ASEAN Business Law Online

provides a searchable database

initially of the business laws of

Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia,

and later of Thailand, Lao PDR, and

Vietnam, with the laws translated

into English to a first class and

reliable standard.




High quality translations into English of the business laws of ASEAN jurisdictions

Presented on a single, easily searchable online platform, with monthly updates including English translations of new legislation and updates to existing legislation, Aseanlex will be a valuable resource for researchers and for international lawyers undertaking transactions in the ASEAN region.


First class English translations of Indonesian, Myanmar, & Cambodian Legislation

• First class translations into English of laws relating to business in Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia (Thailand, Lao PDR, and Vietnam will follow later)

• A team of carefully selected experienced legal translators for each of the three languages, Bahasa Indonesia, Burmese, and Khmer.

• Aseanlex constantly monitors sources of law in Indonesia, Myanmar and Cambodia to procure the official texts of new and amending laws and regulations

• In the selection of legislation for translation, Aseanlex takes note of information from leading law firms in the ASEAN region

• The initial database available now of core business legislation for each jurisdiction is subsequently amplified by monthly updates of translations of further past legislation, amending legislation, and selected new legislation

• Legislation is selected for English translation on the basis of its importance to international companies doing business in the ASEAN region, and their legal advisors

Available in a regularly updated Online Database

• Access to the database of translated legislation plus monthly uploads of additional legislation and amendments, is by annual subscriptions for each jurisdiction

• Business laws of 3 ASEAN jurisdictions are now available on a single online platform

• Select only the jurisdiction you need – but discounts are available for more than one jurisdiction

• Practical online search functions: select laws and regulations by any of the following:

- Jurisdiction - Practice Area - Law title - Law number - Type of law or regulation - Year of law - Key word

• Add notes on a law text & save them

• Bookmark a law at any point

• Accessible via your pc, laptop, tablet or smart-phone


• Translations from Bahasa Indonesia into English are by a team of first-class, experienced legal translators

• The initial database of translated laws and regulations available now is updated every month with additional existing legislation, amendments to existing legislation, and selected new legislation

• Legislation for translation is selected for its relevance to international companies doing business in Indonesia and their legal advisors

• Aseanlex is an established legal information publisher which constantly monitors developments in Indonesian legislation

Sample of Translated Legislation Some titles of laws & regulations have been abbreviated for space reasons

Antitrust- Law No 5, 1999, Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices & Unfair Business

Competition- Supreme Court Regulation No 3, 2005, Procedure for Submission of a

Legal Challenge Objecting to a Ruling of the KPPU- Government Regulation No 57, 2010, Merger or Consolidation of

Business Entities- KPPU Regulation No 11, 2010, Consultation on Merger or Consolidation

of Business Entities- KPPU Regulation No 2, 2013, concerning the Third Amendment of

Regulation No 13, 2010

Arbitration- Law No 30, 1999, on Arbitration

Banking & Finance- Law No 23, 1999, concerning Bank Indonesia, including Elucidation- Law No 3, 2004, concerning Amendments to Law No 23, 1999- Law No 6, 2009 concerning Second Amendment to Law No 23, 1999- Law No 7, 2011, concerning Currency- Bank Indonesia Regulation No 17/3/PBI/2015 Mandatory Use of the

Rupiah in Indonesia, including Elucidation & FAQs- Law No 1, 2016 concerning Guarantee

Capital Markets- Law No 24, 2002, concerning Government Securities, including

Elucidation- OJK Regulation No 20, 2016 on Licensing of Securities Companies that

Conduct Business Activities as Underwriters & Brokers

Civil Code- Civil Code of Indonesia

Commerce & Industry- Minister of Trade Regulation No 11, 2006 on Guidelines & Procedures

for the Issuance of Registration Certificates for Agents/Distributors of Goods/Services

- Law No 3, 2014 concerning Industry- Government Regulation No 41, 2015 concerning Development of

Industrial Resources, including Elucidation- Minister of Trade Regulation No 48, M-DAG/PER/7/2015 General

Provision on Imports- Minister of Trade Regulation No 73, 2015 Obligation for Written Labels

on Goods in Bahasa Indonesia- Governor of Jakarta Regulation No 244, 2015 Guidelines for the

Management of Public Advertisements- Minister of Trade Regulation No 70, 2015 concerning Importer

Identification Number- Presidential Instruction No 7, 2015 concerning Actions for prevention

and Combating of Corruption- Ministry of Industry Regulation No 19, 2016 on Provisions for Granting

Recommendations for Importing Complimentary Goods , Goods for Test Market Purposes, & Goods for After Sales Service

- Ministry of Trade Regulation No 22, 2016 concerning General provisions on Distribution of Goods

Company- Law No 40, 2007, regarding Limited Liability Companies, including

Elucidation- Government Regulation No 47, 2012 on Social & Environmental

Responsibility of Limited Liability Companies- Government Regulation No 7, 2016 concerning Changes to Authorised

Capital of Limited Liability Companies

Environmental Protection- Law No 32, 2009 on the Protection & Management of the Environment

Financial Regulation & Compliance- Law No 8, 2010, Prevention & Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes- Law No 21, 2011 concerning the Indonesia Financial Services Authority- Bank Indonesia Regulation No 14, 2012 Implementation of Anti-Money

Laundering & Countering the Financing of Terrorism- Law No 9, 2013 concerning Prevention & Combating of Terrorism

Financing Crimes- OJK Regulation No 1, 2013 Consumer Protection in the Financial

Services Sector

Foreign Investment- Law No 25, 2007 on Investment- BKPM Regulation No 7, 2013 Implementation of One-Stop Service for

Investment- Ministry of Industry Regulation No 122, 2014 on Granting Licences in

Industry in the Context of One-Stop Services- Ministry of Tourism Regulation No 2, 2014 on one-Stop Service

Implementation in the Field of Tourism- Minister of Finance Regulation No 258, 2014 on One-Stop Services

Implementation in the Field of Finance- Minister of Communications Regulation No 40, 2014 on Delegation of

Authority for Implementation of One-Stop Services- Minister of Manpower Regulation No 25, 2014 on One-Stop Services

Delegation in the Field of Manpower- Minister of Health Regulation No 93, 2014 on One-Stop Services

Delegation in Field of Health to BKPM- BKPM Regulation No 14, 2015 on Guidelines & Procedures for Approvals

in Principle for Investment- BKPM Regulation No 15, 2015 on Guidelines & Procedures for

Investment Licensing & Non-Licensing Matters- BKPM Regulation No 16, 2015 on Guidelines & Procedures for Services

in Investment Facilities- BKPM Regulation No 17, 2015 on Guidelines & Procedures for Control of

Investment Implementation- Government Regulation No 96, 2015, concerning Facilities and

Easements in Special Economic Zones- Presidential Regulation No 44, 2016, on the List of Business Fields Closed

to Investment & Business Fields Conditionally Open for Investment (“Negative List”)

Legal System- Law No 10, 2004 on the Establishment of Laws & Regulations- Law No 24, 2009 on National Flag, Language, State Emblem & Anthem- Government Regulation No 21, 2015 concerning Procedures to Register

Fiducia Security Rights & Cost of Drafting Fiduciary Deeds

Infrastructure & Project Finance- Presidential Regulation No 78, 2010 on Infrastructure Guarantee in a

Private/Public Cooperation Project- Minister of Finance Regulation No 260, 2010 Implementation Directives

for Infrastructure Guarantees in Public/Private Partnership Projects – as amended by –

- Minister of Finance Regulation No 8, 2016- Minister of Finance Regulation No 223, 2012 on Provision of Viability

Gap Funding for Construction Costs in PPP Projects- Presidential Regulation No 75, 2014 on Accelerated Provision of Priority

Infrastructure- Bappenas Regulation No 4, 2015 on Procedures for Implementation of

PPP in Infrastructure- Minister of Finance Regulation No 189, 2015 on Procedures for Granting

& Implementation of Government Guarantee on Infrastructure Financing- Minister of Finance Regulation No 190, 2015 on Availability Payment in

PPP in Infrastructure Procurement- Presidential Regulation No 82, 2015 on Central Government Guarantee

for Infrastructure Financing through Direct Loans from International Financial Institutions

- Presidential Regulation No 3, 2016, on Acceleration of Implementation of Strategic National Projects

Insolvency & Restructuring- Law No 37, 2004 on Bankruptcy & Suspension of Obligation for Payment- Government Regulation No 10, 2005 on the Calculation of Creditors’

Voting Entitlements

Insurance- Law No 40, 2014 concerning Insurance, including Elucidation- OJK Regulation No 23, 2015 on Insurance Products & Insurance Products

Marketing- OJK Regulation No 28, 2015 on Dissolution, Liquidation & Bankruptcy of

Insurance Companies

Intellectual Property- Law No 30, 2000 on Trade Secrets- Government Regulation No 9, 2006, Application Procedure for

Registration of Integrated Circuit Designs, including Elucidation- Law No 28, 2014 on Copyright, including Elucidation- Ministry of Law & Ministry of Communications Joint Regulation No 14 &

No 26, 2015 on Implementation of Takedown of Content & Removal of Users’ Access

- Ministry of Law & Human Rights Regulation No 8, 2016 on Requirements & Procedures for Recordal of IP Licence Agreements

Labour & Employment- Law No 13, 2003 concerning Manpower, including Elucidation- Law No 24, 2011, on Social Security Systems- Ministry of Manpower Decree No 40, 2012 on Employment Positions that

May not be Occupied by Foreign Employees- Presidential Regulation No 72, 2014 on Utilisation of Foreign Employees

& Implementation of Education & Training for Counterparts- Ministry of Manpower Regulation No 28, 2014 on Procedures for the

Drafting & Ratification of Company Regulations & Drafting & Registration of Collective Labour Agreements

- Ministry of Manpower Regulation No 16, 2015 on Procedures for the Utilisation of Foreign Employees (including Employment Related Forms)

- Ministry of Manpower Regulation No 35, 2015 Amending Ministry of Manpower Regulation No 16, 2015

- Government Regulation No 78, 2015 on Wages

Maritime- Law No 32, 2014 on Maritime Affairs

Mining- Presidential Instruction No 3, 2013 on Acceleration of Mineral Added

Value Enhancement through Domestic Processing- Minister of Trade Regulation No 29, 2014 Stipulation of the Export

Benchmark Price for Processed Mining Products- Minister of Finance Regulation No 6, 2014 Export Duties on Minerals- Minister of Trade Regulation No 4, 2015 regarding Provision of a Letter

of Credit for Export of Certain Commodities- Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources Regulation No 43, 2015 on

Procedures for Evaluation of Issue of Minerals & Coal Mining Business Licences

- Director General of Minerals & Coal Regulation No 569, 2015 on Implementation of National Standards

- Minister of Trade Regulation No 19, 2015 on Stipulation of Benchmark Price for Processed Mining Products Subject to Export

- Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources Regulation No 5, 2016 concerning Procedures & Requirements for Granting Recommendations for Overseas Sale of Processed & Refined Minerals

- Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources No 9, 2016 concerning Procedures for the Supply & Determination of Coal Prices for Mine Mouth Power Plants

Oil & Gas- Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources Decree No 31, 2013 on Use of

Foreign Manpower & Development of National Employees in the Oil & Gas Business

- Presidential Regulation No 9, 2013 on Implementation of Management of Natural Gas & Upstream Oil Business

- Minister of Manpower Regulation No 4, 2014 on Working Hours & Resting Hours in Oil & Gas Business Activities

- Minister of Finance Regulation No 267, 2014 on Land & Building Tax Reduction Incentives for the Oil & Gas Sector

- Minister of Energy Regulation No 15, 2015 on Management of Oil & Gas Work Areas for which Cooperation Agreements Terminate

- Minister of Energy Regulation No 16, 2015 on Criteria for Using Income Tax Facilities for Investment in the Energy & Minerals Sector

- Minister of Energy Regulation No 23, 2015 on Oil & Gas Licences Delegation to BKMP

- Minister of Energy Regulation No 37, 2015 on Provisions & Procedures for Allocation, Utilisation & Pricing of Natural Gas

- Minister of Energy Regulation No 38, 2015 on Acceleration of Non-Conventional Oil & Gas Business

- Minister of Energy Decision No 4618, 2015 on Stipulation of Production Areas & Calculation of Oil & Gas Profit Sharing for 2016

Power- Minister of Energy Regulation No 3, 2015 on Power Purchase Procedure

& Prices- Presidential Regulation No 4, 2016 on Acceleration of Power

Infrastructure Development

Real Estate- Government Regulation No 103, 2015 on Ownership of Residential

Property by Foreign Citizens Domiciled in Indonesia- Minister of Agrarian Affairs Regulation No 13, 2016 on Procedures

for Granting, Relinquishing or Transferring Ownership of Residential Property for Foreign Citizens Domiciled in Indonesia

Taxation- Government Regulation No 41, 2013 on Taxable Goods Classified as

Luxury Motor Vehicles subject to Luxury Goods Sales Taxes- Government Regulation No 22, 2014 Amending Government Regulation

No 41, 2013- Head of BKPM Regulation No 8, 2015 on Procedures to Apply for Income

Tax Facilities for Capital Investment- Minister of Finance Regulation No 159, 2015 on Income Tax Reduction

Facility- Minister of Finance Regulation No 169, 2015 on Determination of Debt to

Equity Ratio for Companies to Calculate Income Tax Technology, Media & Telecoms- Minister of Commerce Regulation No 4, 2015 on Operational

Requirements & Licensing Procedures for Radio Frequency Spectrum- Minister of Industry Regulation No 68, 2015 concerning Provisions &

Procedures for Calculation of Local Content Level for Electronic & Telematic Products

Transport- Law No 22, 2009 concerning Road Traffic & Transportation, including

Elucidation- Government Regulation No 55, 2012 concerning Vehicles, including

Elucidation- Minister of Industry Regulation No 34, 2015 concerning Manufacturing of

Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles- Minister of Transport Regulation No PM 15, 2016 on Concessions &

Other Types of Partnership between Government & Private Companies in Railways

MONTHLY UPDATING SERVICEBusiness Laws of Indonesia Online is updated monthly with further legislation, including more current laws & regulations, new laws & regulations, and amending laws and regulations


• Translations from the Myanmar language into English are by a team of first-class, experienced legal translators

• The initial database of translated laws and regulations available now is updated every month with additional existing legislation, amendments to existing legislation, and selected new legislation

• Legislation for translation is selected for its relevance to international companies doing business in Myanmar and their legal advisors

• Aseanlex is an established legal information publisher which constantly monitors developments in Myanmar legislation

• A substantial number of important new laws are expected to be issued in 2016-17, some already in draft form, including the draft Companies Law, Investment Law, Copyright Law, Trade Marks Law, Patents Law, Industrial Designs Law, and Hotels & Tourism Law. Further important new laws are in the pipeline.


Sample of Translated Legislation Some titles of laws & regulations have been abbreviated for space reasons

Antitrust- Law No 9, 2015, on Competition

Arbitration- Law No 5, 2016, on Arbitration

Banking & Finance- Law No 12, 2012, on Foreign Exchange Management- Law No 64, 2015, Amending the Foreign Exchange Management Law- Central Bank of Myanmar Notification No 7, 2014, Foreign Exchange Management Regulations- Law No 2, 2016 on Public Debt Management

Capital Markets- Law no 20, 2013, the Securities Exchange Law- Securities Exchange Rules, 2015

Commerce & Industry- Law No 17, 2012, on Import and Export- Law No 23, 2013, on Anti-Corruption- Law No 32, 2014, Amending Law No 23, 2013 on Anti-Corruption- Law No 10, 2014, on Consumer Protection- Law No 28, 2014, on Standardisation- Ministry of Commerce Notification No 96, 2015, Permission to Trade for Foreign Joint Venture Companies- Law No 18, 2016, on Shops and Enterprises

Company- Law no 31, 2014, on Registration of Organisations- Draft of New Company Law 2016

Environmental Protection- Ministry of Environmental Conservation Law No 9, 2012, on

Environmental Conservation- Ministry of Environmental Conservation Notification No 50, 2014,

Environmental Conservation Rules

Financial Regulation & Compliance- Law No 11, 2014, on Money Laundering Eradication

Foreign Investment- Law No 21, 2012 on Foreign investment- Law No 67, 2015, Amending the Foreign Investment Law- Ministry of National Planning & Economic Development Notification No 11, 2013, Foreign investment Rules- Law No 1, 2014, on Special Economic Zones- Ministry of National Planning & Economic Development Notification No 1, 2015, Special Economic Zone Rules- Draft of Investment Law 2016

Labour & Employment- Law No 15, 2012 on Social Security- Notification No 41, 2014, Rules for Law No 15, 2012, on Social Security- Law No 5, 2012, Settlement of Labour Disputes - Law No 40, 2014, Amending the Settlement of Labour Disputes law- Law No 29, 2013, Employment & Skills Development- Law No 7, 2013, on Minimum Wages- Ministry of Labour, Employment & Social Security Notification No 64,

2013, the Minimum Wages Rules- Ministry of Immigration & Population Notification No 1, 2014, Permanent Residence of Foreigners- Law No 17, 2016, Payment of Wages Law

Legal System- Law No 29, 2014, Amending the Civil Procedure Law 1909

Insurance- Law No 6, 1996, on Insurance Business- Law No 69, 2015, Amending the Insurance Business Law- Insurance Business Rules, 1997

Intellectual Property- Law No 35, 2013 Amending the Myanmar Merchandise Marks Act, 1889- Draft of Copyright Law, 2016

Maritime- Law No 10, 2015, on Myanmar Coastal & Inland Water Transport Business

Mining- Law No 72, 2015, Amending the Myanmar Mines Law, 1994

Power- Law No 44, 2014, on Electricity

Real Estate- Law No 24, 2016, the Condominium Law

Taxation- Law No 11, 2016, the Special Goods Tax Law- Law No 22, 2016, the Union Tax Law

Technology, Media & Telecoms- Law No 5, 2004, on Electronic Transactions- Law no 31, 2013 on Telecommunications- Law No 6, 2014, Amending Law No 5, 2004, on Electronic Transactions- Law No 13, 2014, on Printing & Publishing- Law No 53, 2015, on TV and Radio Broadcasting

Transport- Law No 37, 2014, on International Interests in Mobile (Aircraft) Equipment- Law No 52, 2014, the National Aviation Law- Law No 3, 2014, on Multi-Modal Transport- Law No 10, 2015 on Coastal & Inland Water Transport Business- Law No 24, 2015, the Highways Law

MONTHLY UPDATING SERVICEBusiness Laws of Myanmar Online is updated monthly with further legislation, including more current laws & regulations, new laws & regulations, and amending laws and regulations


• Translation from Khmer into English is by the experienced legal translation team at HBS Law, a leading Cambodian law firm based in Phnom Penh

• The initial database of translated laws and regulations is updated every month with additional existing legislation, amendments to existing legislation, and selected new legislation

• Legislation for translation is selected for its relevance to international companies doing business in Cambodia, and their legal advisors

• In selection of legislation for translation, Aseanlex is guided by HBS Law in Phnom Penh

Sample of Translated Legislation Some titles of laws & regulations have been abbreviated for space reasons

Accounting- Royal Kram No 0702/011, Law on Corporate Accounts, their Audit, & the

Accounting Profession, 2002

Arbitration- Royal Kram No O506/010 Law on Commercial Arbitration of the

Kingdom of Cambodia, 2006- Sub-Decree No 124 on Organisation & Functioning of the National

Commercial Arbitration Centre, 2009- Sub-Decree No 182 on Amendment of Sub Decree No 124 on

Organisation & Functioning of the National Commercial Arbitration Centre, 2010

Banking & Finance- Royal Kram No 0196/27 Law on the Organisation & Conduct of the

National Bank of Cambodia, 1996- Royal Kram No 1206/036 Law on Amendment of the Law on the

Organisation & Conduct of the National Bank of Cambodia, 2006- Royal Kram No 0897/03 Law on Foreign Exchange, 1997- National Bank of Cambodia Prakas No 08-088, on Financial Leasing,

2008- National Bank of Cambodia Prakas No B7.011.241, on the Financial

Lease Business, 2011- National Bank of Cambodia Prakas No B7.011.242 on Licensing of

Financial Lease Companies, 2011

Commerce & Industry- Minister of Commerce Prakas No 1437, Issuance of the Certificate of

Origin, Commercial Invoice, & Export Licence for Exported Garments, 1999

- Minister of Commerce Prakas No 3413 Amending and Supplementing the Issue of Certificates of Origin , Commercial Invoices, & Export Licences for Exported Garments, 1999

- Prakas No 017 on Trading Activities of Commercial Companies, 2000- Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy Prakas No 112, on Signs for the

Industrial Standards of Cambodia, 2004- Ministry of Commerce Notification No 387 on Annual Declaration of

Commercial Situation, 2006- Royal Kram No 0606/018 Law on the Administration of Factories and

Handicrafts, 2006- Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy Prakas No 607 on Procedures &

Formalities for the Establishment of Factories and Handicrafts, 2009- Sub-Decree No 180 on the Management of Classification & Labelling of

Chemicals, 2009- Royal Kram No 0410/004 Anti-Corruption Law, 2010- Sub-Decree No 05 on the Organisation & Functioning of the Anti-

Corruption Unit, 2011- Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy Prakas No 242 Procedure for

the Implementation of the Regulation of the Operation of Factories & Handicrafts, 2011

- Royal Kram No 0811/017 Law Amending the Law on Anti-Corruption, 2011

- Royal Kram No 0112/004 Law on Public Procurement, 2012- Instructive Circular No 001 Implementation of the Law on Public

Procurement, 2012

Company- Ministry of Commerce Prakas No 017 Trading Activities of Commercial

Companies, 2000- Minister of Commerce Prakas No 222 on Registration of Name of

Enterprises, Companies, Associations, 2012- Ministry of Commerce Prakas No 142 on Formalities & Procedures for

Registration in the Commercial List of Amendments & Modifications Made by Companies, 2015

- Ministry of Commerce Prakas No 299 on Commercial Registration Online, 2015

- Ministry of Commerce Prakas No 300on Commercial Re-Registration Online

Customs & Excise- Minister of Finance Prakas No 734 on Special Customs Procedures for

Implementation in Special Economic Zones, 2008

Environmental Protection- Royal Kram No 1296/36 Law on Environmental Protection & Natural

Resources Management, 1997- Sub-Decree No 27 on Water Pollution Control, 1999- Sub-Decree No 36 on Solid Waste Management, 1999- Sub-Decree No 42 on Control of Air Pollution & Noise Disturbance, 2000

Financial Regulation & Compliance- National Bank of Cambodia Prakas No B.7.02-206 on Standardised

Procedure for Identification of Money Laundering at Banking & Financial Institutions, 2002

- Royal Kram No 0607/014 Law on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism, 2007

- National Bank of Cambodia Prakas No B7-08-089, on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism, 2008

- National Bank of Cambodia Prakas No 12-010 206, on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism relating to all Reporting Entities not Regulated by the National Bank of Cambodia, 2010

- Royal Government of Cambodia Sub-Decree No 56, on Establishment of National Coordination Committee on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism, 2012

- Royal Kram No 0613/1006, Amending the Law on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism, 2013

- Sub-Decree No 90, on the Freezing of Assets of Terrorists & Terrorist Organisations, 2014

Foreign Investment- Royal Kram No 03/NS/94 Law on Investment of the Kingdom of

Cambodia, 1994- Sub-Decree No 053 on Amendment of Sub-Decree No 88, 1997, on

Implementation of the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia, 1999

- Sub-Decree No 130 on Amendment of Sub-Decree No 053, 1999,-2001- Royal Kram No 0303/009 Law on Amendment to the Law on Investment

of the Kingdom of Cambodia, 2003- Sub-Decree No 148 on the Establishment & Management of the Special

Economic Zone, 2005- Sub-Decree No 28 on Amendment of Sub-Decree No 148, 2005, on the

Establishment & Management of the Special Economic Zone, 2006

Infrastructure- Sub-Decree No 11 on the Build-Operate-Transfer Contract, 1998

Insurance- Ministry of Economy & Finance Prakas No 608 on the Life

Insurance Business- Royal Kram No 0814/021 Law on Insurance, 2014

Intellectual Property- Royal Decree No 0202/006 Law of Trade Marks, Trade Names & Acts of

Unfair Competition, 2002- Royal Kram No 0103/005 Law on Patents, Utility Models & Industrial

Designs, 2003- Royal Kram No 0303/008 Law of Copyright & Related Rights, 2003


- Ministry of Culture & Fine Art Prakas No 60 on Immediate Cessation of Activities which Violate Copyright & Related Rights, 2003

- Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy Prakas No 707 on Procedure for Industrial Design Registration, 2006

- Sub-Decree No 64 on Implementation of the Law concerning Trade Marks, Trade Names & Acts of Unfair Competition, 2006

- Ministry of Commerce Prakas No 105 on Procedure for Registration & Protection of Marks of Goods which Include Geographical indications, 2009

- Royal Kram No 0114/006 Law on Geographical Indications, 2014- Ministry of Commerce Notification No 0252 on Receipt of Applications

for Collective Mark Registration, 2015- Royal Government of Cambodia Circular No 07 on Recognition of

Exclusive Right to Use of Trade Mark, 2015

Labour & Employment- Ministry of Interior Prakas No 555 on Management of the Issue of

Resident cards to Aliens, 1995- Sub-Decree No 30 Formalities of Application for Immigrant Aliens for

Authorisation to Enter, Exit & Reside in Cambodia, 1996- Royal Kram No 0397/01, the Labour Law, 1997- Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training Prakas No 317 on Procedure for

Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes, 2001- Royal Kram No 0902/018, Law on National Social Security Schemes for

Persons Defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law, 2002- Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training Prakas No 414 on Work Book

for Cambodian Employees, 2005- Royal Kram No 0707/020 Amendments to the Labour Law, 2007- Prakas No 021 on Registration of Enterprises & Employees in the

National Social Security Fund, 2008- Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training Notification No 230 on Provision

of Benefits for Workers in the Textile, Garment, & Footwear Sector, 2012- Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training Prakas No 196 on the Use of

Foreign Labour force, 2014- Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training Prakas No 197 on Employment

Book for Cambodian Employees, 2014

Legal System- Royal Kram No 1207/030 Civil Code of Cambodia,2007- Royal Kram No 0511.007 on Implementation of the Civil Code of

Cambodia, 2011

Mining- Royal Kram No 0701.09 Law on Mineral Resource Management

& Exploitation, 2001

Taxation- Royal Kram No 0303/010 Law on Amendment of the Law on

Taxation, 2003- Ministry of Economy & Finance Prakas No 1139 on Tax Registration of

Cambodian Registered Companies, 2014- Ministry of Economy & Finance General Dept of Taxation Notification

No 048 on Implementation of Regulation on Salary Tax Amended by the Law on Financial Control, 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance General Dept of Taxation Notification No 286, on Submission of Declaration & Payment of 2015 Patent Tax, 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance Circular No 002 on Implementation of Obligation to Withhold Tax on Salary & Frings Benefits, 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance General Department of Taxation Notification No. 891 on Interest Market Rate for Loans in 2014, 2015

- Ministry of Interior Joint Prakas No 3666 on Provision of Administrative Services of Ministry of Interior, 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance General Department of Taxation Instruction No. 2439 on Application for Tax Registration or Update of Enterprise’s Information Pursuant to the Self-Declaration Regime (Form 101), 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance Prakas No 1820 SHV.BrK on the Determination of Rules & Procedures for Implementation of Simple Books of Accounts for Small Taxpayers, 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance Prakas No 1821 on Rules & Procedures for Management of Patent Tax Collection, 2015

- Ministry of Economy & Finance Prakas No 1819 on the Classification of Taxpayers in the Self-Assessment Regime, 2015

- Ministry of Finance Prakas No 1818 on Extension of Suspension of Profit Tax for Enterprises in the Garment & Footwear Industries, 2015

Technology, Media & Telecoms- Royal Kram No 1215/017, Telecommunications Law, 2015

MONTHLY UPDATING SERVICEBusiness Laws of Cambodia Online is updated monthly with further legislation, including more current laws & regulations, new laws & regulations, and amending laws and regulations


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