As we know, disabilities can be d_________ into two t________, which are p__________ disability and m________ disability. deaf, dumb/mute, blind, lame,

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As we know, disabilities can be

d_________ into two t________, which

are p__________ disability and

m________ disability.

deaf, dumb/mute, blind, lame, near-

sighted, six fingers, color blindness,


ivided ypes


Physical disabilities

• The disabled people in the pictures are s__________ in their own f_________. We can imagine that all of them must have o_________ many difficulties in their life and they may have received good e__________. So if the people with d__________ are given o___________ to d___________ their potential , they can make a c___________ to society.

uccessful ields


ducationisabilities pportunitiesevelop


Para. 1-2

Para. 3

Para. 4-5 Para. 6

The story of Zhong Xiaowen

A special education college in the Beijing Union University

The magazine of Literature of Chinese Blind Children

Living with disability is frustrating and challenging

Structure of the text

1. Zhong Xiaowen doesn’t wish to be

treated as a little child.

2. Xiaowen’s story serves as an example

to show that physical disabilities can

limit a person’s life.

True or False



3. All the students in the Beijing Union

University are not disable.

4. The disabled people need both

recognition and inspiration and

encouragement. T


5. Literature of Chinese Blind Children

is a great help in encouraging blind

children to overcome difficulties and


6. Ye Zijie’s story is mentioned to show

how disabled people write articles for

newspapers and magazines.



7. In 2000 Ye Zijie was invited to

London and became the first

Chinese to study abroad.

8. It might be frustrating and

challenging to live with disability.



Picture 1

1. What’s Zhong Xiaowen’s problem?

2. What success has she achieved?

3. what does Zhong’s story teach


Picture talking

1. Make an introduction to Zhong Xiaowen.

16, a middle school , best, won an award

for young scientists.

After class, it is obvious that…

Born without, no feeling below the waist,

wheelchair, computer science, create many

programs, receive an award at science fair 她的故事表明身体的残疾不能限制一个人的生


Picture 21. what is the aim of launching a special education college ?2. What are the students like in this college?3. Is it good for normal students to study together with disabled ones?

Launched, gifted disabled students, help understand , play a valuable role, recognition more than sympathy & help

one-third, the rest…

Challenging and rewarding. Learn to assist , importance of cooperation to reach their goals in life.

Picture 31.What kind of magazine is Literature of Chinese Blind Children ? 2. How does it help blind children?

Xu Bailun , in 1985, for

blind people. Inspire …to

believe, overcome difficulties ,

live a meaningful and

productive life.

3.What do you know about Ye Zijie ?

Best-known readers. a teacher,

The first visually impaired Chinese to

study aboard.

Inspired and motivated by…

• Cloze test ( Para.6 )• Living with disabilities is ___________ and

_________. Everyday ___________ are more difficult than they are for others.It is also ___________ to find that other people do not feel _________ together with the disabled. We should listen to Xiaowen’s ________ . She has learnt to live with her body _____ it is and ________ her way of life. She thinks it is time for the ______ of society to ________ her and get ______ to the fact ______ she can’t walk , but she can do other great things.

frustratingchallenging activities


adviceas adjusted

restaccept usedthat

• After reading the whole passage , we can realise that disabled people need r__________ 、 e________________ and i_____________ more than s____________ and help.

ecognition ncouragementnspiration ympathy

not treat … as if … were a childgive… a chance to receive educationnot let physical disabilities limit a person’s lifeoffer chances to develop…live…and make…open doors and offer guidancehelp…understand they can play a valuable role …give recognition, inspiration and encouragement accept … and get used to the fact that…

How can we help and treat the disabled How can we help and treat the disabled people?people?

1. 获得…奖2. 四处走动3. 天生就…4. 腰部以下没有知觉5. 在省科学展览会上6. 身体上残疾7. 发挥潜能8. 对社会做出贡献9. 建一所特殊教育学院10. 达到生活目标11. 在社会上体现价值12. 克服困难13. 过有意义有作为的生活14. 弱视的15. 激励…去做…16. 调整生活方式17. 习惯…的事实

1. win/receive an award for…2. move around/get around/about3. be born …4. have no feeling below the waist5. at a province’s science fair6. physical disability7. develop one’s potential 8. make a contribution to society9. launch a special education college10.reach one’s goal in life11.play a valuable role in society 12.overcome difficulties13.live a meaningful & productive life14.be visually impaired15.inspire sb. to do…16.adjust one’s way of life17.get used to the fact that…

翻译并熟记下列句子:翻译并熟记下列句子: (( 抄中文抄中文 ))1. 我希望他们别把我当孩子看待。2. 坐在教室里,小雯看上去与别人一样。3. 她天生就不能用腿,腰部以下没有知觉。4. 她制作了许多程序,其中之一还在省科学展览中获奖。5. 我们不能让身体上的残疾限制一个人的生活。6. 如今,残疾人有更多的机会来发挥的潜力,过上丰富多

彩的生活,并为社会作出贡献。7. 他们不仅能学会怎样去帮助残疾人,而且还懂得与人合

作以达到他们的生活目标的重要性。8. 这本杂志激励许多残疾人克服困难,学会过有意义的丰

富多彩的生活。9. 有残疾的生活是伴随挫折、经受挑战的。10.我已经学会接受自己,而且已经适应了自己的生活方式。11.他们更需要认可,而不仅是同情和帮助。

• Word study:

• able ; enable ; disable ; ability ; disability

• 1.The microscope ________ small objects to be observed.

• 2.The ________ should be treated with respect.

• 3.The fire spread quickly across the hotel, but everyone was ______ to get out.

• 4.The teacher tells us how to improve reading ________.

• 5.He often feels upset at his ________ .





• gift n. gifted adj.• 1.His mother is a woman of many __________.• 2.The girl has a _____ for languages and she is

also a _______ pianist.• cooperate v cooperation n.• 1.It is important for us ____________ with

others.• 2.Unity and ____________ can guarantee us a

great success.• recognize vt recognition n• 1.At last social positions and civil rights of blacks

were__________.• 2.Everyone wants to receive _____________ from




to cooperatecooperation


• Courage : encourage ; dicourage ; encouragement

• 1.__________ by what our teacher said , we were determined to learn English well.

• 2.Never let one failure _________ you.

• 3.Many of us don’t have the ________ to do what hasn’t been done by others.

• 4.____________ plays an important part in educating children.





• Participate ; participation ; participant

• 1.Every student is encouraged _____________ in the discussion.

• 2.Regular ___________ in various competitions can make a person more self-confident.

• 3.Every _________ will receive a reward.

to participate

