AS 13 - 26

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  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    UNIT: 2

    Prepared by: Togadiya Jignesh

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Accounting Standard - 13

    Accounting For Investment

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Definition of Investment:

    An Investment means The assets held for earning income

    by way of dividend, interest and rental, for capital

    appreciation or for other benefits (Like. Diversification)

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Scope of AS - 13This Standard does not deal with the following aspects

    Operating and Financing lease

    Investment by retirement benefits plans.

    Investment by life insurance companies.

    Investment by mutual funds.

    Investment by bank and public financial institution.

    Investment by venture capital funds.

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    Some investment have no physical existence and are

    represented merely by certificate. (Shares and Debentures)

    Some investment exist in physical form, (Land, building

    etc. )

    Forms of Investment

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    Current Investment means an Investment Intended to be

    held for not more than one year from the date on which

    such investment is made.

    ex: (investment in shares of RIL only for six month.)

    Long term Investment means an Investment Intended to

    be held for more than one year from the date on which

    such investment is made.

    ex: (Purchase Shares of HDFC for 3 year.)

    Classification of Investments

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    Cost of Investment The cost of investment includes,

    Prime cost 10,00,000

    (Add:) Brokerage 1,00,000(Add:) advisor Fees 50,000

    (Add:) Duties or tax etc.. 50,00

    Cost of Investment 12,00,000

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Investment acquired by issued of securities At that time cost of investment is the fair market value of

    the securities issued.

    Fair Market value means the price at which Buyer and

    seller agree to transact.

    Ex: X Ltd. Buy a building of Rs. 14,50,000 for the

    purpose of investment. It issues 6,500 equity shares of

    company and price of share is 200 per share at BSE.

    Cost of Investment in Building = (6500 * 200) = 13,00,000

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Investment acquired in exchange for

    another asset Cost of Investment is determined with reference to the fair

    value of the investment given up or the Fair value of the

    investment acquired. (Which ever is Lower)


    Fair value of the investment acquired (Assets acquired) 16,00,000

    Fair value of the investment given up (Assets Given) 15, 50,000

    Cost of Investment 15,50,000

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    Carrying Amount of investment in the

    Balance Sheet

    Current investment are carried in the balance sheet at the

    lower of cost or Fair market Value. It is on individual

    basis or by category of investments such as shares and

    debentures but not on an overall basis.

    Long term Investment are Carried at Cost.

    Investment Cost Fair Value Lower of Cost

    or Fair Value

    Shares of X ltd. 5,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000

    Shares of Y Ltd. 10,00,000 12,00,000 10,00,000

    Total 15,00,000 16,00,000 14,00,000

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Reclassification of Investments

    In Case of Reclassification of Long term investment as

    current Investment, transfer are made at cost on that date.

    (Profit or Loss will be booked in P&L A/c.)

    In Case of Reclassification of current Investment as

    Long term investment , transfer are made at the lower of

    Cost or Fair value on that date(Profit or Loss will be

    booked in P&L A/c.)

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Disposal of Investment

    When an investment is Disposed off, the Difference

    between the carrying amount and net disposal of

    investment is charged to P&L A/c.


    Disposal of Investment: 16,00,000

    Carrying amount of investment: 18,00,000

    (Loss of 2,00,000 charged to P&L A/c)

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    Accounting Standard - 26

    Intangible Assets

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Definition of Intangible Assets

    Intangible assets is an identifiable non monetary assets,

    without physical Substance, held for use in the production

    or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for

    administrative purposes.

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    Useful life is either:

    (a) the period of time over which an asset is expected to beused by the enterprise; or

    (b) the number of production or similar units expected to beobtained from the asset by the enterprise.

    An active market is a market where all the followingconditions exist:

    (a) the items traded within the market are homogeneous;

    (b) willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at anytime; and

    (c) prices are available to the public.

    Amortization is the systematic allocation of the depreciableamount of an intangible asset over its useful life.

  • 7/31/2019 AS 13 - 26


    Categories of intangible assets

    a) Human resources: (Collective expertise, Innovation &leadership, Entrepreneur & mgt.skills etc)

    b) Intellectual property assets: (Goodwill, patent, copy right,

    trademark etc)

    c) Internal Assets: (computer Software, Research & development,System, technology, processes & tools etc)

    d) External Assets: (Customer loyalty, Brand Value, Licenses,

    import quota, franchises, market share etc...)

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    Scope of AS - 26

    It Excludes the following items:

    Wasting assets (Mines of Minerals, Oil wells etc)

    financial assets

    intangible assets arising in insurance enterprises from

    contracts with policyholders.

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    Conditions For recognition and

    measurement of intangible assets.

    it should satisfy the definition of intangible assets.

    The cost of the assets can be measured reliable.

    Assets is capable for generating future benefit.

    The enterprise make necessary judgement for future


    The intangible assets should be disclosed at cost.

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    Method of Valuation of intangible assets

    (A): in case of Separate Acquisition:

    The cost of an intangible assets comprises its (Purchase

    price + import duties + other taxes + Directly expenses on

    making the asset ready for its intended use)

    If an intangible assets is acquired in exchange for shares

    or other security.. The assets recorded at its cost or fair

    value of the securities issued (which ever is More)

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    Method of Valuation of intangible assets

    (B): in case of Acquisition as part of an Amalgamation:

    Active Market provide Most reliable measurement of

    intangible assets is fair value. The appropriate market priceis usually the current bid price.

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    Method of Valuation of intangible assets

    (C): in case intangible assets acquired by way of a

    Government Grant: (Import licenses, Fishing Licenses,

    radio or television station etc )

    If it is given at a concessional rate should be accounted for

    on the basis of their acquisition cost.

    If it is free of cost, it should be recorded at a nominal value.

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    Method of Valuation of intangible assets

    (D): in case intangible assets acquired in exchange of assets:

    Fair value of intangible assets and fair value of exchanged

    assets (Which ever is More)

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    Cost of Internally Generated intangible


    The following cost can be include in intangible assets

    internally generated.

    Cost of raw material and services.

    The salaries, wages and other employment related cost.

    Direct expenditures. (fees, taxes etc )

    Overhead that are necessary to generate the assets

    (Depreciation, rent, insurance premium etc)

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    Internally Generated Goodwill

    Net Assets = (Assets taken overLiabilities taken over)

    Goodwill = Amount PaidNet Assets

    Example: X co ltd acquired ABC co. ltd for purchase

    consideration of 10,00,000 payable by way of fully paidequity shares. The Assets of ABC co. ltd as under

    Particular Book Value Fair Value

    Land 1,50,000 2,00,000

    Building 1,00,000 1,50,000

    Plant 2,80,000 3,50,000

    Patents 1,50,000 2,00,000

    Other Cr. assets 3,75,000 4,00,000

    Other Cr. Liabilities 3,90,000 4,00,000