8/19/2019 Article_ the Health Revolution Known as Obamacare! _ OpEdNews http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/article-the-health-revolution-known-as-obamacare-opednews 1/4 (in the last day) Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17 -Alex Lantier George Will confirms Nixon's Vietnam treason -Bob Fitrakis Rise of ISIS: West, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are Responsible for Talibanization of Iraq -Gilbert Mercier First Examination of Malaysian MH-17 Cockpit Photo Shows Ukraine Government Shot that Plane Down -Eric Zuesse The West Is On The Wrong Path -Paul Craig Roberts Critical Moment to Stop The TPP & Other Rigged Trade Agreements -Kevin Zeese S it e C on te nt s D ir e ct or y S ec ti on s S up po r t Op Ed Ne ws Ad Rates S ig n- i n/ Su bm it  Free Newsletter  Go  Search  S ite We b  Sign in/Sign up Expat Health Insurance cignaglobal.com/Apply-Online Moving Abroad & Need Health Cover? Get An Expat Health Insurance Quote Dagang Emas Dlm Talian AXA 110 Grand Prize trip Health 2.0 Conferences Buat tapak web Percuma The Trax @ Chan Sow Lin Jobs in Malaysia Military Radio Supplier

Article_ the Health Revolution Known as Obamacare! _ OpEdNews

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8/19/2019 Article_ the Health Revolution Known as Obamacare! _ OpEdNews

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(in the last day)

Malaysian press charges Ukraine

government shot down MH 17 -Alex 


George Will confirms Nixon's Vietnam

treason -Bob Fitrakis

Rise of ISIS: West, Saudi Arabia and 

Qatar are Responsible for 

Talibanization of Iraq -Gilbert Mercier

First Examination of Malaysian MH-17 

Cockpit Photo Shows Ukraine

Government Shot that Plane Down -Eric 


The West Is On The Wrong Path -Paul 

Craig Roberts

Critical Moment to Stop The TPP &

Other Rigged Trade Agreements -Kevin


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Dagang Emas DlmTalian

AXA 110 GrandPrize tripHealth 2.0ConferencesBuat tapak webPercumaThe Trax @ ChanSow Lin

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8/19/2019 Article_ the Health Revolution Known as Obamacare! _ OpEdNews

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8/11/2014 Ar ticle: The Heal th Revolution Known as Obamacare! | OpEdNews

http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Health-Revolution-Know-by-Shir ley-Braverman-Affordable-Care-Act-Aca_Health-Care-Establishment_Obamacare-… 3/4

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6 people are discussing this page, with 6 comments

I look forward to reading your series of articles ... by Howard Schneider on Saturday, Jul 12,

2014 at 11:23:36 AM

Bullshit. What Obamacare did was institutionalize ... by PCM on Saturday, Jul 12, 2014 at

12:40:15 PM

Revolution for improvements you say? BS.America is... by Bill Johnson on Saturday, Jul 12,

2014 at 1:16:44 PM

You are delusional. The ACA is the biggest scam e... by Stranger In a Strange Land on

Saturday, Jul 12, 2014 at 9:59:38 PM

There are those who can't see the forest for the t... by John Rachel on Sunday, Jul 13, 2014 at

12:17:30 AM

Thank you for the kind words Howard. Have spent a... by Shirley Braverman on Sunday, Jul

13, 2014 at 10:59:22 AM


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8/11/2014 Ar ticle: The Heal th Revolution Known as Obamacare! | OpEdNews

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