arte / le freSnoy / crrav / cnc · lES FIlmS d’IcI - RIchaRd cOPaNS PRESENT ENIS lavant a FIlm by STaNd NEumaNN aIRy routier max BaiSSette de malglaive the stargazer international

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Page 1: arte / le freSnoy / crrav / cnc · lES FIlmS d’IcI - RIchaRd cOPaNS PRESENT ENIS lavant a FIlm by STaNd NEumaNN aIRy routier max BaiSSette de malglaive the stargazer international
Page 2: arte / le freSnoy / crrav / cnc · lES FIlmS d’IcI - RIchaRd cOPaNS PRESENT ENIS lavant a FIlm by STaNd NEumaNN aIRy routier max BaiSSette de malglaive the stargazer international

Summer of 1610. One of the first telescopes invented by Galileo finally arrives in Prague, capital of the German Empire. For ten nights, Johannes Kepler, astronomer of Rodolphe II, can at last explore the heavens with this new invention and see what no one has ever seen before. The terrace where Kepler installs his observatory becomes the seat of attraction. Night after night, the imperial court arrives as if going to a show to look through the telescope, watch the dissection of a human eye, plot against the emperor. In the midst of this agitation, Johannes Kepler, unclassifiable and tireless, traces his singular path between science and superstition, liberty and intolerance…...

ScRIPT Stan neumannORIGINal ScORE philippe millerdIREcTOR OF PhOTOGRaPhy matthieu poirot delpechEdITORS louiSe decelle, Stan neumannPROducEd by richard copanS - leS filmS d‘iciIN cOllabORaTION wITh arte / le freSnoy / crrav / cnc


a FIlm by STaN NEumaNNdENIS lavantaIRy routiermax BaiSSette de malglaive



international SaleS

Doc & film international13 rue Portefoin 75003 Paris france tel + 33 (0) 1 42 77 56 87fax + 33 (0) 1 42 77 36 56 [email protected]

Daniela elstner + 33 6 82 54 66 85 [email protected]

alice Damiani + 33 6 77 91 37 [email protected]

Hwa-seon cHoi + 33 6 59 21 70 [email protected]

france / 2011 / HD / 90’ / color / frencH / feature film