ART BAND CHOIR ENGLISH ETICA HEALTH LSS LEADERSHIP … · art band choir english etica health lss leadership math mun music performing arts pe sci english spanish study skills science

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TEACHER: Ms. Caroline Bleske [email protected]

K Block, K7

Welcome to 7th grade English. This class will focus on continued development in the essential skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The course integrates literary studies of a variety of genres, exploring classical and contemporary themes in a cross-section of global literature. In addition to literary and writing content, this course will include regular lessons on vocabulary, grammar, and study skills. Standards

1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process

2. Uses style and rhetoric in writing

3. Uses grammar and mechanical conventions in written compositions

5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

6. Uses skills and strategies to understand and interpret literary texts

7. Uses skills and strategies to understand and interpret informational texts

8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different audiences and purposes

9. Effectively uses time and follows procedures to maximize learning

Course Description

This year students will engage in the following literature units: Poetry, narrative, nonfiction and novel studies

In this class we will focus on the following units of writing:

Poetry, personal narrative, expository and literary essay. Journal writing will also be a part of the writing program.

Independent reading will play an important role in 7th grade English. The students are required to read four

novels each semester. They will need to read every night, at least 20 minutes, and keep a reading response log.

Vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be taught in conjunction with the writing and reading units.

Focused lessons will come directly from the needs of the students.

Group discussions as well as formal presentations are an important part of English class. Students can expect to do several presentations during the school year to focus on improving their spoken English skills.




TEACHER: Bryan Lipscombe [email protected] K-Block, K-1

Description: The overall focus of seventh grade mathematics is to help students continue to develop and strengthen their problem solving strategies and reasoning skills while preparing for 8

th Grade Algebra. By continuing to explore and build on mathematical

concepts and curriculum studied in 6th

Grade, students will become stronger in their understanding and application of arithmetic and number theory. This year, we will introduce working with negative numbers (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing) and will work with negative numbers when solving problems involving fractions and decimals. Students will also be introduced to the importance of using ratios, rates, proportions and percentages and how they relate to one another. In our units on Geometry and Measurement, students will activate their prior knowledge and experience exploring various figures and will continue to build on their understanding by calculating the volume and surface area of a variety of special solids. In addition, students will learn about the importance of the Pythagorean Theorem. Students will also continue to learn and explore a variety of ways to collect, analyze, and display data, and subsequently make future predictions based on theoretical and experimental probabilities. Lastly, students will learn to solve a variety of Algebraic equations involving more than one variable while continuing to develop and strengthen their ability to translate words and problems into a variety of algebraic expressions. Standards: Standard 1: Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process Standard 2: Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers Standard 3: Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation Standard 4: Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement Standard 5: Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry Standard 6: Understands and applies basic and advanced concepts of statistics and data analysis Standard 7: Understands and applies basic and advanced concepts of probability Standard 8: Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra Standard 12: Is responsible, maintains a good attitude and is committed to learning.

Materials: Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared to work by bringing:

1. A three ring binder with 8.5” by 11” lined paper 2. Several lead or mechanical pencils and an eraser 3. Ruler/Protractor/Compass 4. Small box of colored markers 5. An inexpensive calculator (2

nd Semester)

Course Textbook: * The main textbook students will be using is Middle School Mathematics, Course 2 (Holt, Rinehart, Winston). However, supplementary materials will be pooled from other sources to help promote and support learning. There will be enough textbooks for every student to keep one copy at home. We will use a class set during school hours. The website associated with the course textbook is go.hrw.com and students are encouraged to log on at home to receive additional support and guidance with their practice work. Online: The class website will be accessed through Schoology, an online Learning Management System where students will register in their section of 7

th Grade Mathematics. Here they can easily access assignments, course information, extra practice,

events, and important reminders. Students will also be encouraged to register for a variety of online math programs that will be used both in and out of class, most notably, Khan Academy, a program that includes a variety of activities and video tutorials that will help students in learning to master the 7

th Grade Math Standards.

Reinforcements Reinforcements will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30. Students must sign up one day in advance with a specific topic for each reinforcement session. A maximum of 12 students will be allowed to stay for reinforcements for any given session but additional tutorials during break and lunch will be provided when required, allowing for smaller groups and more one-on-one instruction.




TEACHER: Mrs. Adriana Avila [email protected]

J Block, J6

Welcome to English SCI grade 7! I’m very excited to be your English SCI teacher this school year. English SCI stands

for English Sheltered Content Instruction. This means, you will be part of a select group of students who will

receive more individualized instruction tailored to meet your specific needs as a second language learner. The main

purpose of this course is to help you refine your writing skills, enhance your reading comprehension, extend your

vocabulary, and become a better thinker, listener and speaker of the English language.

Below are the standards for English SCI grade 7 and some of the ways in which we will carry out those standards

this year.

English SCI Grade 7 Standards:

Standard 1: Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process

Standard 2: Uses style and rhetoric of writing

Standard 3: Uses grammar and mechanical conventions in written compositions

Standard 5: Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

Standard 6: Uses skills and strategies to understand and interpret literary texts

Standard 7: Uses skills and strategies to understand and interpret informational texts

Standard 8: Uses listening and speaking strategies for different audiences and purposes

Standard 9: Effectively uses time and follows procedures to maximize learning



The types of writing that will be taken through the writing process this year include narrative accounts,

autobiographical papers, responses to literature and expository compositions.

A special emphasis will be given to the study the six traits of writing (ideas, organization, voice, sentence

fluency, word choice and conventions).

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be taught in conjunction with the writing units. Focused mini-

lessons will stem directly from the needs of the students.

Journal writing will also be a part of the writing program.


The literature units that students will engage in this year include short stories, novels, poetry and works of

nonfiction. Texts will be assigned based on students’ readiness level.

Independent reading plays an important role in English SCI grade 7. The goal is to read at least three novels

each semester. The students will need to read independently every night, at least 20 minutes, and keep a

reading log with parent signatures.

Vocabulary development will also be a major focus of the reading program.


Group discussions as well as formal presentations are an important part of English class. Students can

expect to do many presentations during the school year to focus on improving their spoken English skills.

General information:

Class Website: Ms. Avila puts all materials from class along with supplementary materials on the English

SCI Grade 7 page of schoology.




PROFESOR: José Darío Arboleda A. [email protected] K Block, K-3


El curso de Español y Literatura de grado séptimo pretende que los estudiantes a través de la lectura, conocimiento de las diferentes formalidades del lenguaje, análisis y producción de diferentes tipologías textuales, entre las cuales se encuentran los textos literarios e informativos, continúen desarrollando sus competencias lingüísticas, para realizar comprensiones y producciones más elaboradas, en las cuales establezcan variadas relaciones entre diferentes tipos de textos y comprendan el lenguaje como una unidad de sentido. Para esto se desarrollarán cinco secuencias didácticas que integran los diferentes estándares del programa, y que a continuación se presentan de manera general: PRIMER SEMESTRE:

1. ¿Qué nos quiere decir Stevenson con El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde? A partir de una investigación sobre el autor y algunas características del siglo XIX, los estudiantes lograrán descubrir por qué esta obra está vigente en este momento tan diferente.

2. ¿Por qué ser tolerantes, solidarios y generosos? Esta es una pregunta importante que rastrearemos a través de la lectura de la novela: El curso en que me enamoré de ti. De Blanca Álvarez.

3. ¿Qué implica crecer? A través de la lectura del texto El jamón del sándwich de Graciela Bialet realizaremos algunas reflexiones sobre cómo la literatura nos muestra, a través de algunos de sus personajes juveniles, los conflictos y las transformaciones por las que hay que pasar en la adolescencia.


4. Diferencia entre el tiempo del relato y el tiempo de la historia. Con Los vecinos mueren en las novelas de Sergio

Aguirre se orientará un trabajo textual que permita reconocer algunas características del género misterio y de la complejidad de los relatos que cuentan una historia con una organización temporal diferente a la lineal. .

5. Yo también puedo leer y escribir como los grandes: se trata de hacer un acercamiento a la escritura a través de la lectura de algunos cuentos clásicos de diferentes autores, con el propósito de descubrir las características y estrategias que ellos usaron en sus producciones.

Durante el desarrollo de las secuencias anteriores se harán reflexiones sobre el uso de formalidades del lenguaje (ortografía, puntuación etc.) y al mismo tiempo se integrarán textos informativos, argumentativos y poéticos para que los estudiantes conozcan como la comprensión se forma a través de diferentes redes intertextuales.

Además de las lecturas anteriores, cada estudiante, de manera independiente (casa), leerá dos libros (uno por semestre) que compartirá con todo el grupo a través de una estrategia que implique el uso de algún recurso tecnológico.

La escritura será producto del análisis de los diferentes textos, ésta debe reflejar una estructura textual definida, una intencionalidad específica y un adecuado conocimiento de los aspectos gramaticales, semánticos y ortográficos aprendidos. Cada estudiante tendrá una carpeta para organizar su trabajo de clase, ésta estará dividida en tres partes (talleres - producciones escritas, exámenes y material fotocopiado) De la misma forma, a la clase hay que traer los materiales básicos de trabajo como son el cuaderno y la cartuchera. Los estudiantes deben acceder a schoology para mantenerse al día con la información sobre los trabajos y tareas propuestas. Éstas serán fundamentalmente compromisos de lectura, re-escritura de textos y preguntas de anticipación.



La regla fundamental de la clase es el RESPETO MUTUO. Esto implica el cumplimiento de las normas institucionales (No comer en clase, no usar aparatos electrónicos, llegar puntualmente a las actividades, cumplir con el código del vestuario), de igual manera, se espera que los estudiantes escuchen la palabra del otro, participen activamente en la clase, y realicen las tareas de manera apropiada y en el tiempo estipulado. Además de las anteriores, son importantes las siguientes reglas específicas de la clase:

Traer los materiales necesarios para trabajar.

Entregar los trabajos personalmente al profesor de la materia y en el momento requerido, para evitar confusiones.

Si un estudiante necesite para sus producciones tomar información de alguna fuente, por ejemplo otro texto, esta debe ir entre comillas y se deben anotar los datos de donde se tomó.

Los estudiantes que necesiten refuerzo, pueden inscribirse en el formato específico o si el profesor lo requiere igualmente lo citará mínimo con un día de anticipación.

Llegar puntualmente a clase, si por alguna razón no puede hacerlo, deberá traer una constancia firmada.

La evaluación será continua, por lo tanto su carácter será formativo y sumativo. Esta evaluación les permitirá conocer sus logros, sus dificultades y desarrollar habilidades que les facilite avanzar en su aprendizaje. Centralmente se evaluará con: las lecturas y la comprensión de los diferentes textos seleccionados para la clase, las actividades realizadas en la clase, la participación activa, las producciones escritas, las exposiciones y el registro de notas de las diferentes actividades.

ESTÁNDARES Estándar 1: Usa las habilidades generales y desarrolla estrategias del proceso de escritura. Estándar 2: Usa el estilo y la retórica en la escritura Estándar 3: Utiliza las convenciones gramaticales y ortográficas, en las composiciones escritas. Estándar 6: Usa estrategias y desarrolla habilidades generales para comprender e interpretar textos literarios. Estándar 7: Usa estrategias y desarrolla habilidades generales para comprender e interpretar una variedad de textos

informativos Estándar 8: Utiliza estrategias de escucha y habla para diferentes audiencias y propósitos Estándar 9: Demuestra una actitud positiva en la clase. Materiales:

1. Cuaderno grande de 100 hojas. (rayado o cuadriculado)

1. Carpeta plastificada y con gancho.

1. Block de papel (rayas, cuadros o blanco)

Bolígrafos (mínimo dos colores para diferenciar los contenidos consignados) Espero que este año les aporte significativamente a los procesos de lectura y escritura de su lengua materna y que en esta clase se establezca un buen diálogo entre la literatura, el lenguaje y la realidad cotidiana de cada uno de ustedes.


TEACHER: Emily Theriault [email protected]

K Block, K-10

Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies! During the course of this school year students will learn about two distinct, yet interconnected fields within the social sciences: sociology and history. During the first semester, students will learn about the influence of groups on the individual, macroeconomic theories of sociology and various contemporary challenges societies may encounter that result from an unequal distribution of power and resources. During the second semester, students will analyze various aspects of the Middle Ages under the lens of sociology with the intent that students understand the past and think critically about it.

Course Standards:

Standard 1: Develops competencies using chronological determination, sequential ordering, and the inter-relationships of historical events.

Standard 2: Develops research, evaluation, and analysis skills. Standard 3: Acquires knowledge of historical foundations. Standard 4: Acquires geographic perspectives on historical events. Standard 5: Determines the impact of religion on historical developments. Standard 6: Understands the theoretical development of sociology. Standard 7: Examines case studies in sociology. Standard 8: Determines practical applications for sociology and the implications

of these applications. Standard 9: Contributes positively to his/her personal learning environment. General Course Outline

Sociology Sociological Theory Social Norms Social Hierarchies and Organizations Prejudice and Discrimination

History- Middle Ages Fall of the Roman Empire and the formation of the Byzantine Empire Origins and development of Islam Rise and development of Christianity Political development in Europe The Crusades Some of the Big Questions We Will Examine This Year:

How are power and responsibility shared among people in societies? How can we work towards increasing equity in societies? How do societies change? Whose voices do we typically hear when studying history? Whose voices don’t we hear? Why?



TEACHER: Sara Javins [email protected] Science Building, S-14

Welcome to 7th Grade Science! During the course of this school year, students will learn about Life, Earth, and Physical Science, with an emphasis on inquiry and problem solving. During the first semester, we will explore Life and Earth Science, with a specific focus on cell biology and compared anatomy of living beings. We will also learn the properties and distribution of water. We will then examine the impact of humans on the planet and discuss global concerns regarding climate change. During the second semester, we will focus on Physical Science. We will explore the structure and property of matter. We will then learn about force and motion, and about the sources and properties of energy. We will be working all year to improve our scientific reasoning and critical thinking skills. Course Standards: Nature of Science

Standard: Understands the nature of scientific inquiry.

Life Science

Standard: Understands basic and advanced concepts of cell biology and compared anatomy of living beings. Earth Science Standard: Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle. Standard: Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment.

Physical Science

Standard: Understands the Structure and property of matter.

Standard: Understands forces and motion.

Standard: Understands the sources and properties of energy. Student Responsibility

Standard: Is responsible, maintains a good attitude and is committed to learning.

General Course Topics: Cell Structure and Energy Processes Water Distribution on Earth Capillarity and Surface Tension Climate Change and Environmental Awareness Volume, Mass and Density Mixtures and Solutions Measuring Concentration Forces and Motion Properties of Waves The Electromagnetic Spectrum Labs: Labs and activities will be incorporated as often as possible to give students a hands-on learning experience, as well as encourage students to ask questions and use their engineering skills to solve problems. Some of the labs this year include:

1. Examine Plant and Animal Cells



2. Fermentation 3. Water Cohesion and Surface Tension 4. Greenhouse Effect 5. Acid Rain 6. Density Tower: Will it Sink or Float? 7. Force and Motion 8. Properties of Waves


TEACHER: Ms. Adriana Avila [email protected] J Block, J-6

Course Description – 2015-2016 The Study skills program provides the opportunity for middle school students who are lagging behind on their daily activities to pursue and receive support in diverse study habits. Students will receive support in organizational skills like, making sure their materials are always handy and in working condition, note taking material is always complete and organized, and arrival to class is punctual. Students will also be assisted so that homework assignments are well done and on time, and note taking is pertinent and detailed. Those who attend study skills will be constantly encouraged to multitask, and to carry their tasks to completion. During their development in this area students will be motivated to start and remain on their activities independently so they will ultimately use these skills at home at their own will. All of the previous support cannot take place under any circumstance without the use of the students’ agenda. The use of the agenda for the purpose of recording in detail every task, assignment, homework, or project to be planned and executed is a must and the student must have it at all times. Agenda management for planning is probably the most important study skill the student has to learn and master because that is where it all begins. I will be attending your student´s classes to track their performance and assist them in their daily tasks to ensure that they are complying with their teachers’ assignments and goals. Class Structure (Subject to change based on individual class need) Bellwork: 5 min. of silent work. 5 min of review (10 min.) Introduction To New Material: 15 min. of instruction reviewing objectives from other classes. Will vary depending on class. Students will take notes and participate in instruction by asking and answering questions. Guided Practice: 15 min. of working on objectives covered during the introduction to new material. Teacher will walk around class and assist with questions. Project/Assistance/Organization: 30 min. to ensure success in other classes. Receiving assistance with study skills, projects, and graphic organizers. Organizing schedule and assignments. Receiving assistance from Ms. Avila on a specific skill that student is struggling to master. Exit Card: 5 min. quiz assessing the objective covered in the Power Up, Introduction to New Material, and Guided Practice. The quiz will be short. 5 min. to review objectives, provide closure, and pack up. (10 min. total)




TEACHER: Juliana Agudelo [email protected] Swall, AU-1 As a main goal, the student will acquire an appreciation towards music and a desire to participate in many kinds of musical activities. This will encourage personal growth, self-esteem and strengthen their sense of school community. Students will also acquire a basic level of music notation and/or tab reading which will enable them to basically understand a piece of music. The students who already know how to play an instrument will be able to continue playing, solo or in groups. Singing will also be part of the curriculum. The music teacher will be a guide to help them put together the songs they choose and lead them to other connections to expand their interests and repertoires. STANDARDS Standard 1 Participates in music class Standard 2 Sings alone and with others a varied repertoire of music Standard 3 Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music Standard 4 Reads and notates music Standard 5 Recognizes that music represents different cultural - historical expressions



PROFESOR: Edgar Fernando Velasco H. [email protected] S Block, S-6

Entendiendo la salud como el estado de bienestar físico, mental, social y la capacidad de adaptación de un individuo al medio en donde se encuentra, se debe considerar la salud como un recurso para la vida diaria, que permite a las personas llevar una vida individual, social y económicamente productiva. Cuando se aborda este tema, muchas personas consideran que “las cosas malas le pasan a otros”, pero cuando se encuentran involucrados en una situación extrema se preguntan ¿por qué a mí? La salud es un derecho universal y la educación o promoción de la misma es una necesidad. Este concepto aplicado a la adolescencia, el cual es el ciclo de vida con mayores cambios, permite educar y promocionar información dentro de un contexto positivo que permita a los adolescentes desarrollar comportamientos interrelacionados que promuevan la salud. La salud física y mental en esta etapa, depende en gran medida de cómo se asuman y encaucen los cambios biológicos, psicológicos, emocionales, sexuales y en el respeto mutuo a la integridad física y el desarrollo pleno de las capacidades personales. Durante el desarrollo del contenido del programa propuesto para el año lectivo, se tratarán temas que promuevan la promoción y prevención de la salud, a través de la educación y la responsabilidad tanto individual como colectiva. El enfoque que se tendrá debe partir desde el estudiante como promotor estratégico de su desarrollo y de la construcción participativa de la salud, teniendo en cuenta que muchos problemas relacionados con el tema durante la adolescencia obedecen a su personalidad, estilo de vida, desconocimiento, falta de información, entre otros. El contenido del programa está diseñado para educar a los estudiantes, de acuerdo con los siguientes estándares:

Entender la importancia de la nutrición y la actividad física con el fin de llevar una vida saludable

Crecimiento, desarrollo y salud sexual

Seguridad y prevención de lesiones

Prevención de sustancias psicoactivas: alcohol tabaco y otras drogas

Salud mental, social y emocional




PROFESORA: Marcela Castro [email protected] H Block, H-3


El Arte es el espacio alterno del conocimiento en el que el estudiante explora, reflexiona y se sensibiliza frente a sí mismo y a su entorno. De esta manera desarrolla su pensamiento creativo y se enriquece espiritualmente. A través de la práctica de los diferentes lenguajes artísticos, el estudiante aprende técnicas y conceptos para desarrollar su potencial creativo.

Descripción del Curso

La clase de arte es un espacio de experimentación que le permite al estudiante seguir definiendo sus intereses plásticos. Entenderá que el arte no es sinónimo de belleza, sino reflejo de las inquietudes del Hombre según el espacio-tiempo que le corresponde. Conocerá la importancia de la Línea y se verá jugando con el espacio pictórico teniendo en cuenta conceptos compositivos básicos. Investigará para comprender características de su propio trabajo haciendo de la Historia del Arte un tema con el cual se puede identificar. El Trabajo Final es libre en cuanto a técnica y tema porque es reflejo del interés particular de cada estudiante. Hay un porcentaje alto de estudiantes que ha escogido tomar Arte de nuevo y busca en este espacio aclarar conceptos de la plástica así como definir sus intereses personales en la misma. De esta manera me veo en la obligación de hacer unas propuestas que permiten ahondar en conceptos así como presentarlos por vez primera a algunos de los estudiantes.

Objetivo General

El estudiante logrará RE-conocer, a través de procesos de sensibilización, intelectualización y escritura, el pensamiento CREATIVO que constituye el arte. Estos procesos serán producto de ejercicios diversos donde los estudiantes se relacionan con diferentes materiales y herramientas. Expectativa Se espera que el estudiante gradualmente encuentre su manera particular de proponer ideas plásticas teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo intelectual de las mismas como complemento inseparable del proceso creativo. ESTÁNDARES para ser evaluados en el transcurso del año: 1. Conoce y maneja materiales y técnicas logrando expresarse artísticamente 2. Maneja habilidades y conceptos compositivos por medio del trabajo plástico 3. Se expresa de manera creativa por medio del arte 4. Comprende manifestaciones artísticas a través de la historia/cultura y tiene un sentido crítico/interpretativo de su trabajo y el trabajo de sus compañeros 5. Establece conexiones entre el arte y otras disciplinas 6. Tiene una actitud positiva y comprometida en clase


El estudiante recibirá la lista de materiales necesarios para llevar a cabo los ejercicios en clase. Para su propuesta individual, el estudiante es libre de escoger el material que utilizará así como responsable de conseguirlo. Esto se debe a que su proyecto puede diferir del de sus compañeros en cuanto a técnica y dimensiones. Tener sus propios materiales también les ayuda a responsabilizarse por ellos




PROFESOR: Luis Fernando Pulido [email protected] G Block, G-20 DESCRIPTION: Es una clase cuyo objetivo primordial es trabajar con diferentes manifestaciones del arte , apoyándose en las

habilidades de los estudiantes. Los ejes de esta asignatura son: El lenguaje no verbal (Corporal), Actuación y

manejo de elementos dentro de la escena, Danza y la importancia de los medios audiovisuales para el arte en este




PROFESORES: Piedad Douglas, Cristian Andrés Romero, Javier Díaz, Luis Carlos Montenegro y Reinaldo Reyes. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROGRAMA. El programa de P.E en MS pretende dar un espacio que le permita al alumno el aprendizaje; el juego y el deporte serán los medios que nos ayuden lograr este cometido. Esta área busca estimular y desarrollar las diferentes facetas de la vida de los seres humanos, fomentando una cultura hacia el desarrollo físico, motor y social, contribuyendo de esta manera a la formación integral de los estudiantes. Durante este tiempo los estudiantes realizan diferentes actividades lúdicas deportivas, donde desarrollan varios aspectos de su vida: fortalecen su personalidad, trabajan sobre valores (autoestima, respeto, tolerancia, trabajo en grupo, aceptación de la norma, aprender funciones y derechos en la convivencia diaria, etc.). Se trabajará sobre el sentido de pertenencia hacia el grupo y hacia el colegio, de igual manera se incentivará hacia la participación en las actividades extracurriculares que exigirán en su momento de una representación institucional a nivel local, nacional e internacional (en el caso de los estudiantes que sobresalen deportivamente y que hacen parte de los equipos que representan a la institución). Los métodos de enseñanza usados en P.E. son: 1. Global 2. Sintético 3. Analítico Los estilos de enseñanza utilizados son: Mando directo Asignación de tareas La metodología de trabajo tiene la siguiente estructura: en el año académico el grado cursa 5 unidades deportivas, dos en el primer semestre y tres en el segundo semestre; las unidades tendrá una duración de 5 semanas. Cada profesor estará encargado de enseñar un deporte de acuerdo a su especialidad, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de rotar y trabajar con todos los profesores durante el año; posibilitando que tengan mayores experiencias motrices al vivenciar diferentes actividades. El programa inicia con un plan de preparación física en cada semestre con el objetivo de acondicionar al estudiante durante dos semanas previas a la aplicación de los test físicos, los cuales al final del semestre son evaluados. Los standards que guiaran nuestro quehacer profesional y que se evaluaran en el día a día, se enmarcan en los siguientes aspectos: Standard 1: Utiliza formas de movimientos básicos y/o avanzados Standard 2: Desarrolla las capacidades físicas condicionales Standard 3: Conoce y aplica los principios teórico prácticos de la Educación Física, deporte y salud. Standard 4: Entiende los deberes y derechos personales y sociales inherentes a la actividad física y lúdica asociados a las normas de la clase. El cronograma de trabajo para este primer semestre será de la siguiente forma: Unidad 1: Preparación Física Inicial Agosto 19 - 28 Test Físicos: Septiembre 31 – 4

Todos los grupos


Vale la pena recordar que las 5 casas rotaran cada 5 semanas por los 5 profesores y de esta forma garantizaremos un cubrimiento total de los deportes básicos. Unidad 2: Septiembre 7 – Octubre 16

Piedad Douglas: Basketball Reinaldo Reyes: Actividades predeportivas Cristian Andrés Romero: Volleyball Javier Díaz: Softball Luis Carlos Montenegro: Fútbol

Unidad 3: Octubre 19 – Noviembre 20

Piedad Douglas: Basketball Reinaldo Reyes: Actividades predeportivas Cristian Andrés Romero: Volleyball Javier Díaz: Fútbol

Unidad 4: P. física final Noviembre 23 – Diciembre 2 Examen final: Test físicos Finales Diciembre 3 - 10


PROFESOR: John Fredy Calderon [email protected]

K Block, K8

El hombre de Vitruvio (Leonardo Da Vinci).


Hablar de valores en el mundo de hoy, debe llevarnos a dos reflexiones casi antagónicas, pero que en el fondo son ciertas: 1. nunca como hoy el hombre había encontrado tantas respuestas a su existencia y a su entorno, nunca la reflexión sobre el hombre había ocupado tanto protagonismo, ni el hombre había tenido tantos medios técnicos a su disposición para mejorar su vida, lo que debería llevarnos a concluir que vivimos en un mundo casi paradisíaco. Pero no es así, 2.el hombre ha perdido dominio sobre sí mismo. En el siglo de las grandes corrientes humanistas y existencialistas, el hombre se ha convertido en depredador de su propia raza. Es la época que más atropellos ha sufrido la existencia humana, y en la que la cultura humana ha estado tan en peligro de ser extinguida por sus semejantes. El curso de Filosofía y Ética tratará de incentivar en el alumno del Colegio Bolívar, una búsqueda por las respuestas fundamentales de la existencia humana, para que comprendan que su vida no se reduce a lo meramente material y que existe en cada uno de ellos un anhelo de felicidad que los llama al rescate de sus valores morales y espirituales. De allí que el programa Filosofía y Ética tenga como uno de sus objetivos principales, crear en los alumnos del Colegio Bolívar, conciencia de la necesidad de ser críticos y reflexivos frente a su propia existencia y el mundo que los rodea, llegando así a reconocer la necesidad de relacionarse con los otros seres humanos de forma pacífica, reconociendo en cada uno su dignidad como seres humanos y por tanto el respeto que se merecen.


1. Desarrolla la capacidad crítica 2. Desarrolla la reflexión sobre la moralidad. 3. Comprende la influencia de la filosofía en la historia. 4. Desarrolla la habilidad comunicativa. 5. Favorece la dinámica escolar para el aprendizaje. 6. comprende el sentido de ser ciudadano en un estado democrático

7. favorece la dinámica escolar para el aprendizaje




TEACHER: Mrs. Marcela Diaz [email protected] J Block, J-6

Course Description:

Welcome to 7th grade LSS. I’m very excited to be your LSS teacher this school year! I look forward to getting to know each and

every one of you and starting another year of learning and growing together. LSS stands for Learning Support Services; this

implies you will be part of a select group of students who will receive more specialized instruction tailored to meet your

specific learning needs. The main purpose of this course is to help you develop, strengthen, and improve skills for positive

academic performance and achievement by providing you with individualized instruction regarding study and organizational

skills, self-advocacy skills, cognitive and learning strategies, reading and writing strategies, among others.

Course Goals:

To assess students’ learning needs and to design an individualized study plan to address such needs

To introduce and develop skills needed for learning

To assist the students in becoming as independent and successful as they can

To monitor the students’ progress toward meeting the goals of each course and to assist the student in successfully

completing all courses of study

To maintain communication with the student, parents, teachers, counselor and other staff involved with the

education of the student

General Information:

Supplies List: Supplies you will need throughout the year include: a 1.5” binder, an expandable file folder, a planner

or another organizational method to keep track of assignments, and writing utensils.

Reinforcement: students are encouraged to stay in after school reinforcement on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:40

to 3:30 pm. It is important to keep in mind that they should sign up for these sessions in advance.




TEACHER: Luis Gabriel Blanco

[email protected]

Swall, AU-2

A. COURSE DESCRIPTION In this class each student will have the chance of getting better at his/her performance skills on each woodwind

and brass instrument of his choice to play in a band ensemble. This course follows up on the beginner’s band so it

is a pre requisite that the students that join this class already have the reading, the embouchure of the instrument

and he/she has to be able to play an octave on his/her instrument. We will work with the YAMAHA BAND METHOD


Since last year we are suggesting parents and students to get smart music.

Smart music is interactive music software that gives students instant feedback while they practice at home— and a

way to have fun while doing it. www.smartmusic.com




TEACHER: Juliana Agudelo [email protected] Swall, AU-1

A. COURSE DESCRIPTION In this class each student will have the chance of getting better at his/her singing skills and will be able to sing in a polyphonic ensemble. Students will also be able to sing solos and in smaller ensembles. Singing will be done in English and in Spanish, with the help of different instruments such as guitar or piano. B. STANDARDS AND BENCHMARKS: Standard 1: Participates in music class

Ms.1.1. Participates in class activities with enthusiasm. Ms.1.2. Is always ready to sing when he/she has to

Standard 2: Sings alone and with others a varied repertoire of music

Ms.2.1. Sings music written in one or two parts. Ms.2.2. Sings a varied repertoire of vocal literature with expression and technical accuracy at a moderate level of difficulty.



PROFESOR: Mr. Diego Mercado [email protected] G Block – G1 Course Description: In middle school this year we’ll be having the Model United Nations course as an elective for the first time. The purpose of this project is to provide an orientation to the activities of the United Nations, as well as providing an understanding of the modalities of international diplomacy. In MUN we simulate, we ‘pretend’ to do what the UN does and that is to resolve situations that unsettle the peace of the world. Once we receive the formal invitations for the various models we will attend, students will know exactly what commissions or agencies and what countries we are going to represent. From this point forward the students will research about their specific situation and work to become the best delegate possible. To succeed, students will be provided with contextual information, will receive a daily feedback, also a historic view of issues related to their specific commission and country. This course will include current events, pressing international issues, the basic of international law and some protocol and procedures of diplomacy. A side, MUN delegates will be able to grow in their research skills and abilities to craft arguments, practice public speaking, and expand their knowledge in Human Rights and big political issues. Responsibilities: Students will be responsible for attending all classes ready to get on task as soon as possible. Students must attend all MUN activities, and actively participate in classroom activities such as debates, discussion groups, and research, which should be viewed as training workshops. Students will be asked to complete several class assignments throughout the school year. Students will work in groups (depending on their commission, country assigned and/or issues to solve) and be held accountable for the quality of their work and their contribution to the class. If you run out of tasks to do, you are expected to find something related to the class to work on. Helping classmates is expected, not only if they are in a similar situation as yours, but any time possible so you can acknowledge as different perspectives as possible that will enrich debating skills. Grading: Grades will be based on a 4 point system, and students will receive a performance grade. The performance grade will be based on class assignments, committee presentations and projects, and most importantly, participation in and out of class. Class Materials:

- Agenda /Calendar

- Binder / notebook (with folder)

- Writing utensils

- Any materials necessary based on your country and commissions.




TEACHER: Diego Mercado

[email protected]

G Block, G-1

Class Overview: The purpose of this class is to provide students with the opportunity to develop and refine their

leadership skills. Students will learn how to run campaigns, promote, organize and execute middle school events,

fundraise for house events and special projects, and how to create community service learning projects. Most

importantly, students will learn how to serve the student body that they represent through communicating with

the student body, school counselor, faculty, and administration. Students will promote school spirit and pride, and

as they do so, they will develop their abilities in the following areas:

Goal setting, strategic planning and time management

Group dynamics (how to deal with peer pressure, working as a team, and character building)

Public speaking

Interpersonal skills (communication, conflict resolution, active listening, decision making, etc.)

Business skills (facilitating meetings, publicity techniques, money management, etc.) Responsibilities: Students will be responsible for attending all classes, attending all official student leadership meetings, attending all student leadership activities, and actively coordinating and/or participating in all house projects. Students will be asked to complete several class assignments throughout the school year. Students will work in committees and be held accountable for the quality of their work and their contribution to the school. Grading: Grades will be based on a point system, and students will receive a performance grade. The performance grade will be based on class assignments, committee presentations and projects, and most importantly, participation in and out of class. Class Materials:



Writing utensils

Any materials necessary based on your team and committee projects