ARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O To The Registrar. High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad. Sub: Note pertaining to circulation of the Special Civil Application as there is urgency in the matter Dear Sir, It is submitted that by way of the present petition, the Petitioner seeks appropriate directions to Respondent No. 1 to waive the fixed minimum demand electricity charges for the month of May, 2020 and June, 2020. It is submitted that the Distribution Com,ranies are demanding fixed demand electricity charges for the month of May, 2020 despite lock-down in force and no business activities having been resumed. It is submitted that the fixec demand electricity charges is exorbitant and the Petitioner association comprising of MSME's is unable to bear the high cost of fixed demand electricitv charges. It is submitted that the Petitirner association has a man- power of more than 10,000 labourers and if the minimum fixed den,and charges are not waived, then the MSME's will be constrained to shut operations resulting i r loss of livelihood for more than 10,000 labourers. Further, the Petitioner association has made numerous representations to the concerned authorities to waive the fixed demand electricity che..ges, however, the same has not been replied to yet by the concerned authorities. It is submitted :hat due date for payment of the fixed minimum demand charges is 30.05.2020 and, hence it rs requested to circulate the matter before the Hon'ble court as there is urgency in the matter. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, Aryit R. Singhvi Advocate WWW.LIVELAW.IN

ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

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Page 1: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O



o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur,

Date: 25.O5.2O2O


The Registrar.

High Court of Gujarat,Sola,


Sub: Note pertaining to circulation of the Special Civil Application as there is urgency in thematter

Dear Sir,

It is submitted that by way of the present petition, the Petitioner seeks appropriate directions toRespondent No. 1 to waive the fixed minimum demand electricity charges for the month of May,2020 and June, 2020. It is submitted that the Distribution Com,ranies are demanding fixeddemand electricity charges for the month of May, 2020 despite lock-down in force and nobusiness activities having been resumed. It is submitted that the fixec demand electricity charges

is exorbitant and the Petitioner association comprising of MSME's is unable to bear the high cost

of fixed demand electricitv charges. It is submitted that the Petitirner association has a man-power of more than 10,000 labourers and if the minimum fixed den,and charges are not waived,then the MSME's will be constrained to shut operations resulting i r loss of livelihood for morethan 10,000 labourers. Further, the Petitioner association has made numerous representations tothe concerned authorities to waive the fixed demand electricity che..ges, however, the same has

not been replied to yet by the concerned authorities. It is submitted :hat due date for payment ofthe fixed minimum demand charges is 30.05.2020 and, hence it rs requested to circulate thematter before the Hon'ble court as there is urgency in the matter.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,f1JI\


Aryit R. Singhvi

Advocate (Code No. 9524)


Page 2: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O




Gujarat Re-RoJ.J.ing MiIIs AssociationPetitioner


State of Gujarat & Ors.Re s pondent s


TrT nAnnexures Particulars

Synopsis with list ofDates & Events.


tuemo of petitioir

ffi: lisr ofmembers of thePetitioner, s




2.7- t\



4. B'( Colly)

A copy of che ordeidated 24 . A3 .2, 2O issuedby the Minist y of Home

Affairs as well_ asguidel_ines issuedthereto


A copy of lhe orderdated 14.04.2 )20 issuedby the Ministry of Home

Affairs as wel_l_ as



tr ?( Col1y) 3:



Page 3: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


guidel-ines issuedthereto

6. D

(Col11.)A copy of _he dated01.05.2020 issued bythe Ministry of Home

Affairs along rvith theguidelines



1. E(CoI11')

A copy of -he orderdated 17. 05.2',_t2C issuedby the Ministly of Home

Affairs along withguidelines



B. F( Corly)

A copy oi theresolution dated27.03.2020 as well- as

resolution dated30.03.2020



9.( Col 11')

Copies of the sampleel-ectricity kril_ls duefor the montir of May,

2020 raised upon a fewmember indust-ries ofthe petitionerassociatiorr



10. H

(Col1y)Copies of thePetitioner, s

representations dated07. 0 5 .2020 as well as18.05.2020



11. A copy of therepresentation dated22 .05 .2020




Page 4: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


12. J A copy of the saidorder dated 28.03.2020by the Ministry ofPowe r


Ab'l ? K A copy of the said

order dated 03.0 4.2020\t, I

L4. L A copy of :he power

Purchase Agreementbetween one FriendComcast Ltd., being oneof the me.mber ofPetitioner association,and Respondent No. 3




15. M. A copy of the saidorder dated 2I.O5.2020



Page 5: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O





Gujarat Re-Rolling MiJ.ls As sociationPe'..itioner


State of Gujarat & Ors.Re llpondent s

SYNOPSIS WITH LIST OF DATES & EVENTSBy way of the present petition, the

ext rao rdi nary

th.: Hon'ble

Petitioner - nvokes the

j urisd_ction vested in

Court unde r Articl-e 226 of the

Constitution of India ani thereby

seeks annrnn-'i -*-^*y-yrvIJr_LctL-u directio::rs to

Respondent No. 1 to waive the fixed

minimum demand electricitl, z-h r rrra cvrru!Yvu

and June,for the month

2020 .

of t4ay, 2020

The Petitioner is a Non-

Proflt OrqanLzation

registered under Societles

Registration Act, 1BOO. It

is stated and submitted

that currently the


Page 6: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


Petrti,)ner -i s hrrzinn OVef

5tl steel Re-Ro11ing units..:!^ClD J- L5

ove r

active member all

Guj arat It


Petitioner, s

ob j ect j_ve i s la, rrramaf ae! I/r\Jttt\.,rL\-

rv -r n r^r I l-rY - V vv u lI / advancement and

p:ofessionalism within the

steel- industry in Gul arat

th;r t the






incc'rporated in

1953 vrith the

obj ective of promoting

growth, advancement and

professionalism rrithin the

Steel- re-rollj_ng industry

in Guj arat as well as

creating naximum

employment opportunities

in re-rolling -sector and

downst:eam indu:,tries inGuj arat and safe-guarding

the interests of rnenLbers



Page 7: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


24.03.2020 In vj_ew of the e:{ponential

spread of COVID-19 in the

countTy, the Ministry ofHome Affairs declared a

l-ock-down in t.he Country

for a period of 2L days

with effect

25.03.2020 and

of-i .r- ^J. L>



H ome


varl_ous guidelines alonq

wi th fl^^ order dated

24.03.2020. It is statedand submitted that the

business activiti.es of the

Petitioner came t.o a haltas a resul_t of the

aforesaid order

Mi n'i ql- rrz

Affairs vide

submitted tha tbusiness activiti es

dated I4.04.2020 increased

the period of lock-down

upto 03.05.2020 and issued

varl_ous guidel_ine:s . Tt i q


of the

14.0 4.2020


Page 8: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

-7 -

Petitioner cont

remain suspende,J

of the aforesaid





vi- ew




r rrcl L N T.I1 NAv vv r rr Yfa

Ministry of Home Affairs

v ide -i +^ r-trr.arv!uu! dated


increased the

for a period of. 2 weeks

wi th effect from

04 . 0 5 .2020 and also issued

guidelines alonc with the

said order. It is stated

and submltted that the

business activiti.es of the

Petl-tioner was fu rthe rsuspended durlng the saidperi od .

cont i nuou s

spread of

That vide

I1 .05.2020

Ministry of

l- o c k-down


f-n\/Tfr--l Ovv t Lt-/ LJ t

' further


orc'er dated

issuel by the

Home Affairs,

was further


L] .05.2Ct20


Page 9: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

21 .03.2020


Re sponden t


o rde r ing- ndustries

exempted from

r:rinimum demand

activities were suspended

due to l_ock-down, shal l be

No. 1 passed

:.nter al_ia

thar the.

whose business

pariing fixed

e Iectricity

ext ended

t.ri th

1B .0 s.2020



along with

rill 31

e ffect



we re


05 .2020



fre sh

i s sued


17 .0 5.2020 .

r-1^'l qA q

1 abour .

It is submitt_ed thatalthough restricl.ions were

rel-axed, t,he business

activities of the

Petitioner could not be

resumed owing to the'creval_ent migrarlt l_abour

and shor tage of


Page 10: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


charges and onl-y actual_

consumption charges were

payable by the said


30 03 2 i)20 | Resol_ution passed

No.Raqrrnnrlan{-vrrvvll u

r-l:ri f rzi na

dated 21 .03

effect thatfl^^ resoluti-on dated



21 .03.2020

ext ended

distribution comi)anies of




.2020 to the

the benefit of

s he.1 I

by ,:11

the State ro

industries whose

activities were

due to l-ock-down

That due to the

of the lock-down

the month of May,

all the


err qnonrlarlvrrgvv


even in

2020 and





mi rrr:J- i nngUJVII

I abour,



of the

cont-lnued to


Page 11: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

r^'---i ^

i n: r't i rra

s u spended

It is submitted

'that though the business



cont i nued

s u spended


Re spondent


rom: i n

i n:nf irrav+vv,

to 6 have

demandir:g fixed

minimum demand e,.ectricitv

charges for the month of

.l May, 2020 f rom the members

of the petitioner



It is stated and

that the member

in the

Association are

dfl,l are facing

unprecedented ecc,nomic and

financial crises, at the




all MSME's



none of

f L _Lb furthe r

and submitted thatIthe indurstries in


Page 12: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

- 11-

the Petitioner Ac:qr\/-,r 1f r Anvrq urvt_

have be en ab 1e r^

of far'l-'i rral -_ _* " _,_/ resume

operations and hence are

not in a positicn to pay

the fixed minimum demand

cl onfri ni f.7 r-h:rrraqsf E\- uJ- _LUr Ly (-ltdrges as

demanded by Re spondent No .

3 to 6

It is submitted that the

members of t.he petiti_oner

association are already at

the brink of closure and

any further economic

hardship will result nor

only in the closure of the

members of ?etitioner

association but will also

resul-t in the l_oss of

livelihood of large number

of l-aborers who are

dependent on the said

member industr:-es fortheir survival and


Page 13: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


I ive I ihood .

Hence, the present

petition warrant ing kind

interference crf this

Hon'b1e Court.


Page 14: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O





In the matter under Articles14, 19(1)(g) an"l 2L of rheConst itution of , ndia,.


In the matter under Articl_e226 of the Con stitut ion ofIndia;


In matter underAct, 2003 and


Assbciation. D. K. Goyal,years,

Ro a 1.,



F'.'l onl_ r'i ni t_ -!rs\J u.l rur u jregulationsthcrarrnrlar.vu.rvv!,


In the matter be _ween:

Gujarat Re-Ro1ling MillsThrough its president, MrS'ex: Male, aqed about 62

Having its address at:Ajanta Con.me. Center,B-4th Flocr, No.2 AshramAhmedabad-380014


L. St,ate of GujaratFot, Guiarat RERolling llillr As$ciation


Page 15: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

Notice to be served through theSecretary, Energy & petrochemicalsDepartment, Sachival_dyd,Gandhiragar

3. Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.Notice to be served through theDeputy Engineer,Having. its address at:Visnagar Road,

Mehsana 384 001

2. Gujarat Urja VikasNoti_ce to be servedDeputy Engineer,Having its addressSardar Patel VidrzrrtRace Course,Vadodara 390007

Madhya Gujarat vijNotice to be servedDeputy Engineer,Havl_ng rts addressSardar Patel_ VidyutRace Course,Vadodara 390007

Nigam Ltd.l- l-r rnrr al- llLrrr\Ju9r- LrIe


Compariy Ltd.throi:gh the

H n -a \7 ) n

A Dekshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.Notice to be served throuqh theDeputy Engi_neer,

Having it.s address at:Nana varachha Road, Nr. Kapodra CharRasta, Surat-39500G


For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association



Page 16: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

Paschim Gujarat VijNotice' to be servedDeputy Engineer,Ha."ri-ng its addressPaschim Gujarat VijO'f f . Nana Mava MainRaj kot-360004

Company Ltdthrouqh the

at:Seva Sadan"

Road, Laxmin agar I


The Hon'

Re spondent s

bl-e the ChiefJustice & other Hon'bl_eJudges of the Hiqh Court.of Gujarat At Ahmedabad.

The petitioner aDovenamed:

MOST RESPECTFULLY Q tlE'InlE"TIJ tTLI A - .vrruyr!lII Lll .1 _.

( 1 ) The Petitioner i

Re-Ro11ing mill

petition is t

President, who

l_aw abiding citi

entitl_ed to a1

rights enshrined

Constitution of India

under the

. Respondent

di s tribut ion



s an a'ssociation of

and the present

l-ed through its

s a nat,ional_ and

zen of India and is

I the fundamental

No. 3 to 6 are power

For, Gujarat Re.Rolfing Mills Association

<; u-{



Page 17: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


.. : \s+pq:' <: lu'-" #l<

. '^ .+17 /' '.'d-y e //.?

, i.,T fu.:; ih F-r'-. *..**---'--i



companies and Respondent No. 2 is

the ho-ding company c f Respondent

No. 3 to 6.

By tlY of the present petition, the

Petiti cner invokes the

extraordinary j urisdict.ion vested

in the Hon'bl_e Court ,:nder Article

226 of the Const.it.ut_.on of fndia

and t.hereby seeks appropriate

Cire,:t.icns to Respondent No. 1 Eo

waive .the fixed minimum demand

electri:ity charges f :r t.he month

,rf May, 2020 and June, 2020.

The brief facts giving rise to the

filirg of the present petition are

brie=1v as under:

is respectful ly stated and

iti.oner is asubm_tted that the per

Idon-Prof it Orqani zation registered

under Societies Regis;tration Act,

- B 60 . It is stated . nd submittedthat currently the Fetitioner is

(4\ It

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association


Page 18: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

having cver 50 steeL Re-RoIling

units as its active member al-l- over

Guj arat. It is submitted that the

Petitioner' s ma j-n obi ect'i ve i s to

promote growth, adv.rncement and

professional_ism within the steel_

-i nrlrtcl-rrz i n /-,'-i -*-+rrrLrL.rD ury -Lrr \rLrJo.rct L. Ff_:f thef , the

Petitioner is recognized as one of

the ' leading org anLzat.ions

rat.traqanl-i nn t'lr'-l --^r vr/Lvosrr urrl$ Gu j arat t s business

community and the Ir,dian Iron &

Steel- Industry.

(5 ) It is stat,ed and submi cted that. the


year. 1963

obj ect ive

advan cement.

wi thln fla^ Steel'i nrlrte.|- rrz 'i ^ r-,,+ ^-^ruu!J rrl \JuJctlcLL

r-ra:finnurEo. L_Lrrg maXJ-mUm

was incorp('rated in the

wi th tl,€ a im and

of promoLing growth,

and professionalism

re -roI 1 ing

as wel-] as


opportunities in re-roIl_inq secror

and dovrn s t. re am industries in

Guj arat and

interests of

safe-guarding the

membe r s Annexed

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association

(*o -lPresident


Page 19: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


hereto and marked as Annexure A is

a copy of the Iist of members of

the Petitioner, s assoc Lation.

It respectf ully s t.ated and

submitted :hat in r..iew of the

exponential spread of COVID-1 9 in

the counLty, the Mini.stry of Home

Affairs vide its ord.er dated

24.03.2020 decfared, a Icck-down in

the Countrl'for a peri,rd of 2L days

rvi th f ect f rom 25 . 03 .2020 and

issued various guid,,rlines along

with the order dat.ed 2 + . O3 .2020 . It

i s stated and submitLeci that the

business activities of the

Petitioner came to a halt as a

result of t,he aioresaid order. A

copy the orde r dat,:d 24 . 03 .2020

i s sued by the Mini s tr 7 o f Home

Affairs as well asj g:uidelines

issued thereto are a:lnexed hereco

and marked as Annexure B (Colly) .

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling iliills Association

q> (---/President


Page 20: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

(1) It is stated and submi:ted that the

lock:down peric,d was further

extended upto a period of

0 3 . 0 5 .2r)20 to prevent the rapid. outbrea< of COVID-1 9. It is

submitted that the Ministry of Home

Affairs vide _ts order dat.ed

14 . 0 4 .2r)20 increa sed the period of

l-ockldown upto 03.'OS.2O2O and

issued various guide:.ines. It is

submitted that tt,e business

activities of the petitioner

continued to renain suspended j_n

view of the aforesaid order. A copy

of +14^L II C order dateri I4.04.2020

issued by the Minis;rv of Home

Affaj-rs as well_ as quidelines

i s sued t.hereto are annexed. hereto

and mar<ed as Annexure C (Colly) .

(8) It. is respect.fully stated. and

submitted that owi:-rg to t,he

continuous and rapid spread of

COVID-19, the }linistry of . Home

Affairs vid.e its order dated

For, Gujarat Re-Rolling Mills Association



Page 21: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

01.05.2020 further i-ncreased the

lock-down for a pericd of 2 weeks

with effect from 04.0 5.2020 and

also issued guidelines along wit.h






It is stated and

t-}\^L II C

of the Petitioner was

further suspended during the said

period. A copy of the order dated

01 . 0 5 .2020 issued by t.he Minisrry

of Home Affai_rs al_cnq with the

guidelines is anne>:eci hereto and

marked as Annexure D (,3ol1y).

It is further stated ancl submitted

that vide order dated 17.0 S.2O2O

issued by the Ministry of Home

Affairs, Iock-down was further

extended tilt 31.0 S.2O2O with

effect from 18.05.202(;. It is

sub'mit.ted that fresh guidelines

were issued along with order dated

17 . 0 5 ,2020 . It is sr-ibmitted that

al-though restrictions were rel_axed,

the business activities of the



For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association

<) i**


Page 22: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

could not be resumed

the prevalent migrant.

labour crises and shortaoe ofuuY u

labour. A copy of tht: order dated

17.0 5.2020 issued by the Minisrry

of Home Affaj_rs along with

guidelines are annexed irereto and

marked as Annexure E (Col1y).

(10) It is pertinent t,o note that during

the months of Marcli, 2O2O and

ApriL, 2020, when the Iock_down was

in force and operatio r, Respondent

No. 1 vide its resc l_ution dated

21 .03.2020 inter af ia ordered. that,

the industries who se business

acti'rities were suspencied due t.o

lock-down7 shall .be 6)xempted f rom

paylng fixed min: mum demand

electricity charges and only actual_

cons-lmption charges were payable by

the said industries. Further, it isstated and submitted that a furtherresol-ution dated 3C.03.2020 was

passed by Respond::nt No. 1


owing to

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association



Page 23: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


r. l -=ri f rzi ^^+!r rrr.., resolution dated

21 .03.2020 to the effect that the

benefit of the resol_rrtion dated

21 .03.2020 shall_ be ex-tended by al_l

the'di-stribution comcanies of the

State to all the industries .whose

busitess activities *'*r." suspended

due to lock-down. A copy of the

resolution dated 2i.03,2t2A as well

as resofution dated 3r. O 3.2020 are

annexed hereto and marked as

Annei<ure F (Co11y)

It is respectfully stated and

submitted that as due to the

extens ion of the lock.-d.own even in

the month of May, 2O2O and

migratj-on of essentia-i. labour, the

busifless activities of t,he

Peti--ioner continueC to remain

suspended and inactive. It issubmitted that thougrh the business

actir.zities of the petitioner

association cont.inue,l to remain

suspended and inactive, Respondent

For, Guiarat Re'Rolling Mills Association

a=\'Y) t;;],0,-


Page 24: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

No. .3 tc 6 have starteC demanding

f ixed m-ni-mum demand electrie'i f rz

charges for the month of May, 2020

from the members of the petitioner

As sociation . It. is s Lrbmitt.ed that

the industries in the petitioner

associat-on are MSME's and none its

member irdustries have been able to


re sume F,roper

even after



financia- crises at

is furtrer stated

busine ts operations

rel-axati ons in the

IN effect from

It is st,ate,:l and subm-itted that the

member i-ndustries in t he petitioner

Asscciat on are all MSMETs and are

facing unprecedented economic and

+l^-+u lt ct L


ab 1e

n one



the moment.. It

and submitted

of the indust.ries in the

association have been

effectivel".' resume

operations and hence.are not in a

position to pay the fixed minimum

demand el_ectricity charges as

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association



Page 25: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

rti,A'tr)'.t-? i: :i\'*"t\,^jbj

'."ci.?*/,: i::'{"Y



demanded by Re sponden _ No . 3 t.o 6 .

It is submitted tha t the fixed

electricity charges as claimed by

Respondent No. 3 to 6 are

exorbitant and the members of the

Peti t ioner-as sociat.ion, compri s ing

of MSME industries, ;rre not in a

position to pay the said fixed

mini-mum demand electric.i tv cha rges.

Copies of the sample electricity

bills due for the m.>nth of May,

2020' raised upon a few member

industries of the petitioner

associaticn are annexed. hereto and

marked as Annexure G (Colly) .

It is stat.ed and subm i-tted that if

t.he fixed minimum demand

electricity n!. - -^^ ^urlo-rggD are not

suspended for atl-east the mont.hs of

May, 2020 as well as June , 2020,

the members of the petitioner

association will be ar a grave risk

of shutting their operat -ions. It issubmitted that the members of the

For, Gujarat Re'Rolling Mills Association

r----\' \a I'1r7\-'"*-- President


Page 26: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

Petitioner association are already

at the brink of cfosure and any

f urt.her economic h.r Fcjsh i n t,rrill_

:esult. not only in tl.e closure of

the members of petltioner

association but wil_l_ also result in--he loss of l_ivelihood of large

number of





on the

for their

who are

said member

survival_ and

(14) It is stated and subn.itted

the fixed mini--lum

that as

dema n d

electricity charges f.or the month

of May, 2020 were not waived, the

Pet.itioner vide its Iett.er dated

07.05.2020 and 19. C 5.2020 made

representat,ions to Respondent No. 1

as well- as officers )f Respondent

Itlo. I to waive the f ixed minimum

Cemand,el_ectricity charg.es for thea

nronths of May, 2O2O and June , 2020.

It is -submitted that desoite.such

representations there has been no

For, Gujarat Re.Rolfing Mills Association




Page 27: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


reply by Respondent llo or itsofficers till date. C:opies of the

Petitioner' s represent-at ions dated

117.05.2020 as weII as 1B.OS.2O2O

are annexed hereto and marked as

Annexure H (Colly).

It is st.ated and submitted t.hat. as

:he due date for the payment of the

electri:ity bill f or the mont.h of

Ivlay , 2020 (being May, 3 O , 2020) wasa

approacili.g, the pet j-!ioner issued

another representaticn dated

22.05.2)20 to Respondent. No. 1 ro

rvaive the f ixed mi nimum d.emand

electri,:ity charges f;r the months

of May, 2020 and June, 2020. A copy

of the said representation dateda

22 . 05 .2r)20 i s annexed lte reto and

rnarked as Annexure I. It. is

submitt.ed that the said

representation dated i.2.05.2020 has

not been replied t ill_ d.at.e by

Respondent No. 1.

For. G uj,r rat Re'Rcili n g |\,liils Associ atir, rr



Page 28: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

(15) It stated and submitted that

Minist.ry of power by its . order

dated 28.03.2020 :ras inter al_ia

directed the Centrai Efectricity

Regulatory Commission tc provide a


Di s coms to

gene rat i ng

transmi ssion

levy penal

of three months t,o

make payments to

companie: and the

ficensee,l and n.ot to

rates of late payment

surcharge. Furlher, State

Governments were afso reguested to

issue s imil-ar direct_j ons to State

El-ectricity Regulatory Commissions.

A copy of the said order dat,ed

28 . 03 .2020 by the Minrstr:y of power

annexe d hereto and marked as

Annexure ,t.

(17) It is stated and submitt.ed in

accordance with the order dat,ed

2B .03 .2020 , the Centra l_ Electricitv

Regulatory Commissicn vide its

order dated 03.0 4.2)21 in SUO MOTU

PETITIOIt NO.G/SM/20200 inter afia


For, Gujarat Re.Rolllg_frlills Association



Page 29: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


Regulation 1 6 of the 20L9 Tariff

Regulations rel_axes tne provisions

of Regulation 5 9 of 2OI9 Tariff

Regul-ations to provid<: that if anv

delayed payment by the distribution

ordered that the

exercise of its

Ccmmission in

POI^IerS Under

gene rat i ng


beyond 45

of the

compan ie s

^Am^-^.1 ^^u\_/rrrPc]-IIIe:D

lransmi s s ion




t,he dai t e


days from

presentat.ion of the bills falls

between 24 .03 .2020 ancl 3 0 . O 6 .2020 ,

the concerned distribution

compan i e s sha 1l- ma ke the payment

vrith LPS at the reduced rate of 12%

per annum that transt ates into I%

per mont.h. A copy of the said order

dated 03.0 4.2020 is annexed hereto

and marked as Annexure K.

is stated and subn itted that ifno waiver of fixed minimum demand

el-ectri,:ity charges is granted ro

Petitio;rer-member inclust.ri es _ t.he


For, Gujarat R+Rof,Jhg{ills Association





Page 30: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

(1e) II

hiqh r- sk of credit default and

subsequent cl_osure

is stated and submitted that as

t.he petitioner' s business

activities have come ro a sudden

halt owing to Force Mia j eurennn.l .i f.i ^-^u\, 1r\rr L.'\Jrru 7 the mininum f ixed

demand el_ectricity charges as

contemplated in the power purchase

Agreements shalf not be appficabl_e

in the present circumstances. A

copy ,rf t.he power purchase

Agreement between one Frienci

Comcast Ltd., being one of the

member of petitioner assoclat.l_on,

and Respondent No. :J is annexed

here ancl marked as Annexure L.

industries of

association wiIl

It is submitted thatis facirrg tremendous

an:. Petitioner

be exposed to the

lhe Petitioner

,.inancial- loss

srrspending itsas a resul_t of

operaticns and is not in a position

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association





Page 31: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

I n r1,-uu Pdy rne

ol or-j-ri ni J-.'u!+vruJ


restrictions in place.due to COVID-

19. .It is submitted that although

the Pet j-tioner is ent j tled to. carry

on free trade and busj_ness as per

Article 19 (1) (g) of the

Constitution of Ind.ia, however, due

to t.he restrictj_ons in place on

account of COVID-19, t_he petitioner

is .p,tt to immens;e f inancial

dif f ic rlties and operational l_oss.

mi-nimum demand fixed

charges owing to the

s ubmi tted that owi-ng to t.he(211 IT

restrictions imposed due t.o COVID-

I9, the business operations of the

Petitioner have been suspended and

the. Pet.itioner is f.rced with

serl_ous liquidity crises. Further,

t,he Petitioner's cont ra ctual_

obligations have been put to peril.

It is submitted that

of the Respondent in

fixed minimum demanc,

the inaction

waiving the

electricityFor, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association




Page 32: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O

Petitioners. It is submi_tted thatthe Peti:ioner is read.y and. wiltingto pay the cost of actual_

consumption of electrlcity charges.

It is fu:ther submitted that as the

due date for paying the electricity

charges for the Month of May, 2O2O

is 30th yay, 2020, th.ere is grave

urgency on the part of the


charges is arbitrary

of the fundamental

It is further stated

that in an identical

w. P. (c) 3120 of 2020

High Court of Delhj

dat,ed 2I .05 .2020 has

the Govt. of Delhi

and violative

r ights of the

and submitted

matter being

, the Hon' bl_e

vide order

n:] I arl r.\-cr_L reLr upOn

to try and

ti,,2 3 )

compl-ete consultation pr ocess withDERC and Discoms with reg,ard t,o ther-ssue of el_ectricit.y charges. A

copy of the said order dated

2I .05.2020 is annexerJ hereto and

marked as Annexure M.

For, Gujarat Re.Rolling Mills Association



Page 33: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


,z-\./ lu)\,/ /

the petitioners crave leave of the

Hon 'ble Court to add, amend, alt.er,

vary, rescind or modify any of the

groun ls,/ ave rment s macie above, in

the interest of justice.

(2s) The petitioners state and submit

that petitioners have no other

equally ef f icac j-ous, al-ternative

and speedy remedy, sa-/e and except

by wiry of the present pet.ltion and

the rel-1ef s granted by t,ris Hon'ble

Cour: will_ be complete in it.sn:f|r-aa

(2e1 The petitj_oners statr-: and submit,

that petitioners have not filed anv

cther petition in any other Court

of law incl_uding this Hon'bIe. Court

and Hon'ble t.he Supreme Court of. India, with respect to the subiect.

matter cf the petition.

Fa, Gujarat Re.Rolling lrtlills Association



Page 34: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O


(21 ) In the premises



hrrml-r'l rr



raa?1 ant- frrl I'vvyvvu!urr! ^ r-1--^fyro.yD Llld.L

(A) YOUR LORDSHI pS may be pleased to

issue a writ of mandamus or a writ

in the nature of mar.damus or any

other appro.criate writ I order or

direct.ion t,o Respondent No. 1 to

walve the flxed minimum demand

el-ectricity charges i or May, 2020

t.o June , 2020;

(R) Duri-.ng the Pendency and FinaI

Disposai of the present petition,\/n TTn r n nn^r uuK LORIJSHI PS may b'e pleased to

restrain ResporrCent No. 2 to 6

from takinq a:ry coerci_ve steps

against the pe:itior:er includino

disconnecting their el_ect.ricityq rrnn I rt" *Fr..- J ,


and levying

cha rge s

penalt j-es, if dfly, 1-=or the month

of tlay, 2020 and June , '2020;

dam;rnrli -^rrurrrY

ef ect ri ci trz

Fot 0ultnt Re.Rolling Mills Association

r(1-rs u-J



Page 35: ARPIT R. SINGI{VI - livelaw.inARPIT R. SINGI{VI B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) ADVOCATE, GUJARAT HIGH COURT o'sal.eteungato*s'X*rl\lilTf":il:tft i';;;it:r':garRoad,vastrapur, Date: 25.O5.2O2O






Pass any such other and./or further

orders t.hat may be thought just

and . proper, in t.he f acts and

circumstances of the present case;





for the

For, Gujarat Re'Rolling Mills Association
