Arnold Center News Arnold Center, Inc. Punxsutawny Phil saw his shadow! Six more weeks of winter. Customer Council Special Olympics 2 Healthy Cooking Just Ask Cheryl 3 Help Wanted WIOA Career Counseling 4 Faces and Places 5 Volunteer Opportunities 6 Community Resources 7 Crafting with Lisa Upcoming Events 8 Inside this issue: Winter 2016 Congressman John Moolenaar visited the Arnold Center on December 16, 2016 to say hello and to see all of the hard work that our employ- ees do. Mike O. quickly made friends with the congressman and Jen- nifer G. explained to him the work that she and her co-workers ac- complish for Nexteer Automotive. Kenny L. spent time telling the con- gressman about his position on the trucks. Visit from Congressman John Moolenaar John R. Moolenaar represents Michi- gan's Fourth Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Arnold Center, Inc. Arnold Center Newsarnoldcenter.org/Connection/Winter 2016.pdfArnold Center News Arnold Center, Inc. Punxsutawny Phil saw ... Cultural Diversity, ... Are individuals

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Page 1: Arnold Center, Inc. Arnold Center Newsarnoldcenter.org/Connection/Winter 2016.pdfArnold Center News Arnold Center, Inc. Punxsutawny Phil saw ... Cultural Diversity, ... Are individuals

Arnold Center


Arnold Center, Inc .

Punxsutawny Phil saw

his shadow! Six more

weeks of winter.

Customer Council

Special Olympics


Healthy Cooking

Just Ask Cheryl


Help Wanted

WIOA Career Counseling


Faces and Places 5

Volunteer Opportunities 6

Community Resources 7

Crafting with Lisa

Upcoming Events


Inside this issue:

Winter 2016

Congressman John Moolenaar visited the Arnold Center on December

16, 2016 to say hello and to see all of the hard work that our employ-

ees do. Mike O. quickly made friends with the congressman and Jen-

nifer G. explained to him the work that she and her co-workers ac-

complish for Nexteer Automotive. Kenny L. spent time telling the con-

gressman about his position on the trucks.

Visit from Congressman John Moolenaar

John R. Moolenaar represents Michi-

gan's Fourth Congressional District in

the U.S. House of Representatives.

Page 2: Arnold Center, Inc. Arnold Center Newsarnoldcenter.org/Connection/Winter 2016.pdfArnold Center News Arnold Center, Inc. Punxsutawny Phil saw ... Cultural Diversity, ... Are individuals

The Arnold Center Customer Service Council is a group of seven Arnold

Center Employees (participants) that meet on a monthly basis with the

Service Director and other members of management to discuss Accessibil-

ity, Community Inclusion, Human Rights, Safety, Customer Complaints,

Cultural Diversity, and Programming. The Council Members also attend

agency committee meetings, assist in the review of the Participant Handbook, develop Par-

ticipant Meeting agendas, and write articles for newsletters,. The Customer Service Council

will be developing a communication bulletin board in the cafeteria to post meeting minutes,

community events, and advocacy.

The Council had their first meeting on January 19, 2017 where a discussion took place on

moving to two lunch periods 11:30-12:00 and 12:00-12:30, to reduce the number of individuals

in the cafeteria at one time which would provide a more relaxing break time.

If you would like to learn more about the Customer Service Council, or have a suggestion for

improving services, please see Josh J.

A simple way to describe the object of the game is relate it to the game of soccer. In soccer

the only real object of the game is to get the ball into the goal of the opposing team more

often than they do, within an allotted time period. In bocce the only object is for one or

more of your teams balls to be closer than any of your opponents balls to the pallina (small

target ball, often white) at the end of every set. Rather than a time period you can play a

fixed number of ends and total the higher score to win or the first team to a predetermined

score; typical is 11 13 or 15.

Of course as in soccer there are other governing rules. It is with these rules that each of

the various styles varies and denote the difference between casual backyard fun and all

the other variations up to International competition level of play. The object is always the

same as described above.

If you are interested in learning more about the Special Olympics Bocce Ball Team in the

Midland area (Area 30) contact Head Coach Kathy Peariso at [email protected]

Customer Service Council By Josh J.

Special Olympics Bocce Ball ByTony P.


Area 30 bocce practice takes place Saturday mornings in April-

May from 9:30-11:30 am at Eastlawn Elementary School.

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Chicken and Stuffing Casserole for the Crock Pot

(2) Chicken Breast

(2) Cans of Cream of Chicken Soup

(1) Cup of Milk

(1-2) Cups your favorite frozen vegetables

Take two frozen chicken breast, put in the bottom of the crock with two cans of cream of

chicken soup (or cream of mushroom) and one can of milk. Add frozen carrots, peas, broccoli

(pick your favorites), season to taste with salt of pepper. Add two boxes of Stove Top stuff-

ing,, cover with lid, set crock pot to low and allow to cook for six to seven hours. Once done

shred chicken with two forks and serve.

Just Ask Cheryl—Do you ever wonder what is the rule on something at

work, but not really sure who to ask? By Cheryl K. and Jennifer Grace

Healthy Cooking on a Budget By Jennifer G.

Are individuals allowed to hold hands during lunch time?

Great Question! The answer really has two points to it. There is nothing wrong with hold-

ing hands with someone you are close to. Holding hands at work though is discouraged due

to it is not the time or place to demonstrate your affection for a close friend or loved one.

When we are at work we are all (participants and staff) asked to

demonstrate professional work place behavior. What is professional

work place behavior?? Professional workplace behavior is;

Staying work focused: not letting your private life affect work

and not spending time at work attending to personal matters.

Reliability: People can depend on you to show up on time and to

complete your work.

Honesty: You tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand.

Respect for Others: Treating all people well.

Being Positive: Having an upbeat attitude.


“Tell me and I forget, teach me

and I may remember, involve

me and I learn.”

― Benjamin Franklin

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The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) is required by federal

law (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014) to provide specific career counseling and information and refer-

ral services for those individuals who are employed in the State of Michigan at subminimum wages.

Under this law, you have the choice to remain with your current employer and/or to pursue employment in the commu-

nity in a position that would pay minimum wage or greater. The decision is entirely up to you. The career counseling and

information and referral services are designed to provide information whereby an informed choice may be made regard-

ing employment options.

What this means is that the Department of Labor wants to ensure that you have been presented and that you under-

stand all of your options for and from whom you receive employment training and assistance with obtaining employment.

Your Service Coordinator has asked you and/or your guardian to complete a release of information and a Career Counsel-

ing Form for the Arnold Center to turn into MRS. This form lets MRS know that you are here at the Arnold Center and

that you need to receive the presentation that will explain all of your options. After you receive Career Counseling it will

be your choice in deciding where and from whom you wan to receive employment services. If you or your guardian have

any questions regarding the WIOA Career Counseling process please see your Service Coordinator.

Midland Crews

CMH Janitorial



Skills Needed:

Good Attendance

Attention to Detail

Able to lift up to 25 pounds

Hemlock Semi Conductor






(Van leaves at 7:40 a.m.)

Skills Needed:

Good Attendance

Attention Detail

Visual Acuity

(comfortable working in a clean

room, wearing clean suit)

Gladwin Crews

AC Janitorial

Thursday and Friday


Skills Needed:

Good Attendance

Attention to Detail

Able to lift up to 25 pounds

Classifieds: Supported Employment Community Employment Services are designed to provide employment

options and supports. Arnold Center Staff assist with Individual Placement,

Supported Employment, Mobile Work Crews, and Self Employment.


WIOA Career Counseling

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Our Community—Faces and Places Community Living Services provides individuals the opportunity to participate in social, recreation, and

volunteer activities. These activities are based in the community and include other community members.


Amy congratulates Jim on the

publishing of his book.

Mike ensuring the job gets done

right at Disability Network

Katie providing great customer

service at Kroger’s.

Linda enjoying her leisure time at

the Community Center

Stephen collecting cardboard for recycling

Kathy checking out books at the Gladwin Library

Linda and Renee volunteering at

the Bridge.

Glan and Father Christmas at

the Arnold Center

Christmas Party

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Volunteer Opportunities Jeff Bourcier


It’s a great time to be a volunteer through the Arnold Center. We have expanded our volunteering program to give you the opportunity to learn new skills. Volunteering also gives you the chance to help people. We take pride in what we do for our community. Over the last few months we have added a few new volunteering options.

Messiah Lutheran Church

Every Thursday our volunteers goes out to Messiah Lutheran Church to help out. During the warmer months, these volunteers take care of weeding the gardens that are scattered throughout the property. They have done such a great job that the church has kept us busy inside for the winter. Individuals do things like sorting clothes and helping get the church ready for the weekend.

The Bridge

The Bridge is a grocery store that sells food at a discount to help people save money. It is run completely by volunteers including individuals from the Arnold Center. Individuals goes on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons. These individuals are learning all the jobs that are done at a grocery store. The tasks include stocking shelves, bagging groceries, and helping customers. These are the necessary skills that will help them get a job at places such as Kroger, Meijer, or Wal-Mart.

Recycle Center

Great things are happening at the Recycle Center of Midland. Individuals have been working hard at jobs such as ripping up books, cutting Box Tops for schools, and sorting batteries. This group goes every Monday morn-ing. This gives people a chance to try new jobs that also helps the environment.

Meals on Wheels

Every Tuesday, individuals from the Arnold Center assist senior citizens get a hot meal delivered to their door. This group volunteers at Meals on Wheels to deliver meals. This is a great experience for the people that par-ticipate. It gives them a chance to get out in the community and meet the people of Midland and make new friends.

Up and Coming Opportunities

Currently we are working with Habitat for Humanity on getting those that are interested in volunteering at their resale shop. Since Habitat for Humanity sells building products, this is a great chance for someone to learn the merchandise and become skilled in different departments such as plumbing or electrical. These are skills that can be carried on and used at stores such as Home Depot or Lowes.


We currently have openings on the recycle group, Meals on Wheels group, and Messiah Lutheran Church group. If you are interested in being a part of one of these groups contact your service coordinator.

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Community Resources

Did you hear the one about……. Submit your jokes for the next addition.


Community Living Support

The Arc of Midland provides community based services to individuals with intellectual and developmental dis-abilities. The program is designed to allow program participants to successfully live independently within their own apartment and/or home. The Arc of Midland is dedicated to providing the best possible supports with ef-fective communication, passion, knowledge of resources, professionalism and dedication. The Arc places an emphasis on a team approach to support the participants while promoting human rights, quality of life, choice, respect and dignity.

Some Services provided:

• Representative Payee for Social Security benefits • Assistance and attendance with coordinating Doctor/Dental/Specialist appointments and transportation. • Assistance and attendance with Therapy and Psychiatric appointments and transportation. • Providing access to community based activities • Assistance with obtaining and maintaining entitlements. • Coordinating with multiple resources for employment and volunteer opportunities • Coordinating team meetings with all agencies or individuals involved for individuals • Funds Management Skill building with budgets, spending and saving • House Cleaning-Skill Building with visual aids • Social integration • Healthy Lifestyle instruction and classes • Assistance with transportation • Meal Planning/Nutrition

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Crafting with Lisa E.

Ideas and articles for relieving stress and having fun


1. Hobbies encourage taking a break. Hobbies offer an opportunity to take a break—but a break with a pur-pose. If you're like me, you might like to feel productive while you're engaging in an activity and a hobby gives you that. You are doing something while still having fun. Hobbies are great ways to take a break from your busy life while still having a sense of purpose.

2. Hobbies promote eustress. Eustress is that positive kind of stress, the kind that makes you feel excited about what you're doing and about life. Hobbies, I've found, are one of the greatest ways to access that kind of stress. When you're doing something you love—something you don't have to do for any other reason other than the fact that you love it—you feel a rush of excitement and joy.

3. Hobbies offer a new challenge. Hobbies break up routine sand challenge you in new ways, ways that are different from work, ways that are positive. The great thing about picking up a new hobby is that it provides an excellent outlet for challenging yourself without the negative stress that comes from a work-related challenge. The new challenge can also open your mind to new ways of seeing the world.

4. Hobbies unite you with others. Even if you engage in a solo activity, like illustrating, you're exposing your-self to a new world of people, people who find the same thing enjoyable that you do. Though I don't talk much about illustrating in the "real world," online I find myself connecting with all kinds of people who are passionate about what I too feel excited about.

5. Hobbies provide an outlet for stress. Adding another activity to your to-do list might seem like a way to create more stress, but I've found that engaging in a new hobby actually provides a great outlet for releasing stress. By focusing on a non-work-related task, you're giving your mind something else to focus on. And when you really get in the flow, all of your worries and stresses seem to fade away.

6. Hobbies promote staying present. If you really love what you're doing, you tend to get in the flow or zone and really, truly focus on the moment. When I'm working on an illustration, hours can magically fly by because

I'm so intensely focused on what I'm doing. Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, I'm completely and undeniably in the present.

Finding a new hobby isn't always easy. You can't just force yourself to like something; it has to come naturally. If you don't already have something you're interested in (or might be interested in), try new things. Sign up for a class that sounds interesting or ask your friends what kinds of hobbies they enjoy doing. The key to finding a new hobby—and falling in love with it—is keeping an open mind and being willing to give new things a try. You never know what might become your next favorite past-time!

For more information on this article please visit: http://www.positivelypresent.com/

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Up Coming Events:

Valentine Dance February 16, 2017

The Great Hall, Valley Plaza (5121 Bay City Road, Midland)

Cost $5.00 (Must be 18 years and older)

Policy Review


Arnold Center staff will inform you with adequate information about any decision or choice you are making relating to the services we provide. This information will be given to you in an understandable manner before asking you to make a decision or choice. When applicable, and with your permission, staff will direct you to other agencies that may provide services needed that are not available at the Arnold Cen-ter. At any time you can meet with you Service Coordinator to dicuss your goals and objectives for attending our program. Also available is information on how to secure and retain public assistance you may be eligible for. Staff will be available to answer your questions and provide support as necessary.


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Schedule of Events

March 10th—Youth Leadership Visit

March 14—March Madness Starts

March 17—St. Patrick Day

March 20—Spring Begins!

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31


Get ready for March Madness by filling in your bracket…… We will be extra forms in the cafeteria.