DG25 Pit of Karaan By Dan Hass A wife and daughter kidnapped by “wildmen”. The party of militiamen who were sent to retrieve them is missing, too. The situation is beyond the local lord to manage. If heroes don’t emerge the situation could become disastrous. A D&D 5 th edition adventure for 1-8 6 th level characters. The first episode in the Reformers of Odill Arc.

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DG25 Pit of Karaan By Dan Hass

A wife and daughter kidnapped by “wildmen”. The party of militiamen who were sent to retrieve them is missing, too. The situation is beyond the local lord to manage. If heroes don’t emerge the situation could become disastrous. A D&D 5th edition adventure for 1-8 6th level characters.

The first episode in the Reformers of Odill Arc.

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1 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Contents Adventure Summary .............................................................................................................. 2

Preparing for the Adventure................................................................................................... 2

Running the Adventure .......................................................................................................... 2

Adventure Background .......................................................................................................... 3

Adventure Outline .................................................................................................................. 3

Starting the Adventure ........................................................................................................... 4

Encounter 1: Approaching the Sinkhole ................................................................................. 5

Encounter 2: Marther, the Werewolf ...................................................................................... 6

Encounter 3: The Climb Down ............................................................................................... 7

Encounter 4: Kanaan’s Favorite ............................................................................................ 8

Concluding the Adventure ..................................................................................................... 9

Appendix 1: DM Maps ..........................................................................................................10

Forest Map .......................................................................................................................10

Sinkhole ............................................................................................................................11

Cave .................................................................................................................................12

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2 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Adventure Summary DG25 Pit of Karaan is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for 1-8 6th level characters. It requires a Player’s Handbook, a Monster Manual, and a Dungeon Master's Guide.

While the encounters include scaling for 1-8 characters, parties of 1 or 2 PCs and 7 or 8 PCs are fringe circumstances that may play oddly. Specifically, parties of 1-2 are highly susceptible to a single bad die roll, and 7-8 can slow play dramatically. Ideally a party will be 3-6 PCs.

It is set in the Dimgaard Campaign Setting (the Dimgaard Campaign Guide is a free pdf available at here), but could be set in other campaigns where there room for a large sinkhole in a wilderness area.

Digital copies of the encounter maps are available here.

Preparing for the Adventure It is always a good idea for the DM to read through an adventure before running it. DG25 Pit of Karaan is no different.

Roleplaying There are differing approaches to roleplaying. Some players revel in the opportunity for in-character (“active”) roleplaying. Others prefer a summary (“descriptive”) approach. Neither is “correct”; it is only a matter of preference. It is best if the DM decides which she will use prior to play.

A battlemat or dungeon tiles may be helpful, but not necessary. Here are maps appropriate for virtual tabletops.

Running the Adventure DG25 Pit of Karaan is expected to fit in the Green in Odill story arc but not necessarily at the end. It serves as the first episode in the subsequent story arc (Reformers of Odill) Here is a map of Greenville.

Appendix 1 contains the maps for the encounters. The adventure is designed so that each encounter fits on a single page for ease of reference and printing.

In most cases the setting for an encounter is described in boxed text. The

DM may use this verbatim if the encounter unfolds as designed, however, if the PCs have done something unexpected, the boxed text may not accurately describe the set up. The DM should not feel constrained by the boxed text, and should feel free to describe the encounter as necessary for the particular circumstances of the adventure.

Modified/New Creatures The encounters are intended to be hard challenges (DMG p.81). Technically, each uses the XP budget for a medium encounter. For many parties – those who haven’t developed coordinated tactics, or who have used most of their resources – a “medium” encounter may actually meet the definition of a “hard” encounter.

The encounters contain modified and/or new creatures developed using the rules in the DMG (p.274-283). These creatures have traits that do not increase the calculated CR of the creatures, but do make them more difficult challenges. These traits are denoted with a 1.

The DM should gauge the optimization and general ability of the PCs to handle these increases in the challenge, and decide which to use or ignore to meet the definition of a hard encounter.

XP While the XP listed for encounters reflects the medium XP budget used, the encounters are expected to meet the definition of hard. Additionally, sixth level tends to be quite “wide”. Using the XP listed it will likely take PCs nine or ten episodes to reach 7th level. If this is a slower progression than the DM desires, she should increase the awarded XP by 50% to reflect the fact that the encounters are hard.

Also, generally, in 5th edition XP isn’t awarded for overcoming the challenge of traps, diseases, negotiations, or exploration. Inspiration (PHB p.125) is the reward for these activities. However, a DM may speed PC advancement by awarding XP for these activities, too.

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3 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Adventure Background The legendary werewolf, Marther met Ecthrois Vexx, a priest dedicated to the profane deity Karaan. They had been wandering, and preying upon whomever they encountered to feed their bloodlust and cannibalism. They happened upon the sinkhole near the village of Greenville. Ecthrois sees the sinkhole as a sign from Karaan. The two have stopped wandering to “farm” the residents of Greenville.

Karaan Karaan is the vile deity of cannibalism, savagery, wanton destruction, and lycanthropes. While many deities have orders that operate within the grace of the One True Faith (including evil deities like Mask and Hextor), Karaan is not one of them. Karaan’s clergy often see significant natural features as powerful omens from Karaan.

Most deities have a “cult” that operates outside the One True Faith, perceiving the deity as a true “god”. Usually, there is also an “order” which perceives the deity as an emissary – a prophet, or messiah, or archangel – within the One True Faith’s structure.

A handful of deities are so vile that there is no room for them within the One True Faith; Karaan is one of these.

Ecthrois has used his affinity with animals to convince various burrowing animals to excavate a lair for him in the sinkhole’s wall. Marther has assembled a following of wolves and set up his camp at the edge of the sinkhole.

They have been doing well since settling in the past few weeks. They have quietly waylaid some travelers unnoticed, but a couple days ago they took a farmer’s wife and daughter. They quickly feasted on the mother. The next day, a rescue party from Greenville’s militia fell prey to the cannibals when it tried to rescue the little girl. The daughter (Kirklin) and three surviving members of the militia are now captives awaiting their turn to be killed and eaten.

Earl Terrowin cannot send more members of his militia. The remaining

members would refuse, and possibly mutiny after the first party failed to return. He will have to appeal to a neighboring state for help, which may force him into a vassal position – giving up his independence.

Adventure Outline The PCs may have downtime after their previous adventure, and may be replenishing their resources.

The PCs are asked to help the village of Greenville in its current situation. Assuming they accept, they discern the location of the sinkhole. As they approach the sinkhole, they encounter a series of traps.

On the fringe of the sinkhole, Marther has made his camp with his canine followers. If the PCs overcome Marther, the PCs can explore and discover the cave entrance 40 ft. down the cliff-face. On the descent, they are attacked by apes Ecthrois has guarding the approach. If they are able to enter the cave, they face Ecthrois to rescue Kirklin and the militia members.

Rests 5th edition presumes that the PCs will have several encounters before a long rest. Even short rests should be regulated.

If PCs are allowed unlimited rests, likely they will find none of the presented encounters challenging.

Once the action starts in DG9 Pit of Karaan, there should be no opportunity for a long rest.

To be fair, an adventure needs to present a justification for precluding rests. The two most common mechanics are that the environment is too hostile to allow a rest, and that there is a time sensitive event that precludes a rest.

In this adventure, if the PCs take rests contrary to the DM’s desires, the little girl and militiamen are killed (a time sensitive event).

Managing PC Resources Managing PC resources via access to downtime and replenishment of consumables is another tool in modulating the difficulty of encounters.

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4 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Starting the Adventure The DM may have a particular path to beginning the adventure tailored to her party, otherwise Brother Rolf informs the PCs about Earl Terrowin’s difficult situation. When they have an audience with Earl Terrowin:

Earl Terrowin’s manor is understated, and small for a ruler. There is a great hall with adjoining chambers. There is a clutch of militia, and a couple of courtiers who are probably advisors of some sort. The great hall is softly lit by lamps.

The Earl sits on an oversized wooden chair with cushions. “My father was a merchant in Odill previous to Prince Rainaldus assuming the thrown. As soon as it was clear what type of ruler he was, my father built this manor and Greenville was established. For twenty-five years we have lived in a peaceful, and happy village. But a dire evil now hangs over our community. And I may be forced to compromise our independence to resolve it.”

The PCs may use the tracking options in the DMG p.244. Also, the sinkhole is a well-known location in Greenville, and it has a sinister reputation, so the PCs can ask around town using Investigation or other appropriate check to discern it as the location of the missing woman and child.

Roleplaying Earl Terrowin and Greenville (map) are important in the Reformers of Odill story arc. It is intended to be the first community converted to the cause and is offered here as foreshadowing and to allow the PCs to establish a relationship with Earl Terrowin.

This is also a good opportunity for the DM and players to indulge in active roleplaying (if they are inclined). Discovering the location and hints to the nature of the sinkhole can be as involved as the DM chooses.

Information Points

If Terrowin cannot resolve the situation, it will demonstrate that he cannot provide security for Greenville, and security is the first obligation of a ruler. He likely will have to become a vassal of a stronger state.

Terrowin’s militia is composed of a handful of guards (MM p.347).

The issue of a reward offer is left up to the DM.

The missing people have been gone for over twenty-four hours, and if there is going to be any hope of recovering them, it must be accomplished in the next few hours.

Earl Terrowin

Presuming the PCs proceed to the sinkhole, proceed with Encounter 1.

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5 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 1: Approaching the Sinkhole

Map. Forest (Appendix 1).

The woods are humid. There is a layer of moisture that covers every surface making things slippery and occasionally, care must be taken to avoid falling, but otherwise the terrain is not difficult. The canopy provides shadow throughout the forest providing lightly obscured terrain. Smells blend various floral scents with rotting organic matter. There is a constant chatter of small animals as they rustle through the undergrowth, and the calls of various birds as they flutter in the canopy.

Encounter background. The sinkhole has spawned an environment that has produced some dangerous areas. These “traps” are encountered as the PCs near the sinkhole.

Running the encounter. The DM can decide which of these traps the PCs’ encounter.

Managing Traps Traps are generally quick events that consume PCs’ resources or otherwise increase the difficulty of subsequent encounters.

The traditional approach to traps (and other “random encounters”) was to use a random method to decide the type and number of traps and random encounters to expose PCs to. Most DMs now decide which and how many based on the effectiveness of the PCs and the difficulty of the upcoming encounters yielding a more precise tool for modulating encounter difficulty.

However, if the DM is inclined towards using dice, the recommended method here is to roll 1d6-1 to determine the number of traps, and since each trap is numbered, roll 1d4 each time to determine which trap is encountered (some will be repeated).

1.Acidoras Natural trap Areas of the forest have become infested with acidoras (a dangerous, acid spraying flower). If any PC in the party has a passive Nature check of 16+, she recognizes the nature of the flowers and they are avoided. Otherwise, the flowers erupt in a cloud of acid. Every PC must succeed on DC14 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 3d6 acid damage and the protection offered by any metal armor worn is reduced by 2. A successful saving throw reduces the damage by half and the armor reduction to 1. The armor reduction remains until a creature proficient with smith’s tools spends a day repairing the armor.

2.Pit Trap Mechanical trap. The ground has eroded, and the plant growth has overgrown it. It isn’t necessarily the first creature that causes it to collapse. It is random when that will occur as succeeding PCs weaken the foliage covering. Randomly determine which PC will trigger the trap, and if that PC or any preceding it in the marching order has a Passive Perception of 20+ the trap is noticed and easily avoided. Otherwise, the PC falls 30 ft. taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage. If the PC succeeds in a DC16 Dexterity saving throw, he manages to slow his fall by clutching roots and vegetation and takes only half the damage from the fall.

3.Psionic Grey Oozes Creature trap Two psionic grey oozes (MM p.240 & 243) have been attracted by Marther’s psionic abilities. There are two per PC. They lay motionless on the wet ground making them impossible to distinguish from their surroundings. As the PCs pass by, two attack each PC with their psychic crush. The oozes do not pursue (or even move) if the PCs flee, but will continue to attack PC in range with their psychic crush.

4.Whip Vines Natural trap. Areas of the forest have become infested with whip vines. If any PC in the party has a Passive Nature check of 16+, she recognizes the nature of the vines and they are avoided. Otherwise, the whip vines respond to the presence of the PCs and attack. Each PC is attacked by a vine with a +5 attack bonus. On a hit, the PC takes 3d6 slashing damage. A damaged PC must succeed on a DC13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned (PHB p.292). A poisoned PC can reattempt the saving throw every 1d4+1 hours to remove the condition until it succeeds.

Concluding the encounter. These traps reset if the PCs retreat.

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By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 2: Marther, the Werewolf

Map. Sinkhole (Appendix 1)

A lone tent sets among a litter of dismembered human remains which have been gnawed at. A feral human male wearing only a loin cloth stands amid the litter with a pack of canines around him.

Encounter background. Marther prefers to make his camp separate from Ecthrois. First, Marther is partial to the wolves that follow him, and they cannot climb down to the cave. Second, the wolves and Ecthrois’ cats do not get along well. Finally, while the two are familiar and companions, each is actually not inclined towards human company; each prefers the companionship of animals. The separation keeps them from annoying each other.

Running the encounter. Marther cannot be surprised in a natural environment. And he is not inclined towards negotiations.


Scaling the encounter. Marther’s wolf companions vary with the number of PCs.

# Wolves XP

1-2 Marther 700

3 Marther, 3 Dire Wolf 1300

4 Marther, 4 Dire Wolf 1500

5 Marther, 5 Dire Wolf 1700

6 Marther, 7 Dire Wolf 2100

7 Marther, 9 Dire Wolf 2300

8 Marther, 10 Dire Wolf 2700

Dire Wolf. MM p.321 1Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +4 1Intimidating Growl. As a bonus action, every creature that isn’t a member of the wolf’s pack must succeed on a DC11 Charisma saving throw or be at disadvantage on attack rolls for one round.

Marther (Werewolf). MM p.211 1Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +3 1Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non-silvered weapons. 1Legendary Resistance (1/day). As a Lich (MM p.202) Nature’s Awareness. Marther cannot be surprised in a natural environment. 1Psionic Spear. As a bonus action, Marther focuses on a creature he can see within 60 ft., which must succeed on a DC14 Intelligence saving throw or be incapacitated and have their speed reduced to 0 for 1 round. Wolf Affinity. Marther can communicate with the dire wolves with him, and they obey his commands. 1Legendary Actions(3)

Command Adjustment. A dire wolf that can see or hear Marther uses its Reaction to move up to its speed. Command Cower. A dire wolf that can see or hear Marther uses its Reaction to immediately take the Dodge action. Inspire Wolves. For 1 round all wolves (and dire wolves) that can see or hear Marther add 1d4 to their attack rolls and saving throws. Lick Wounds. Marther can regain hit points as if he had finished a short rest (the total usage of this action is limited by his total hit dice). Sooth Wolf. A wolf or dire wolf that Marther can see within 60 ft. regains 3d4+5 hit points.

Concluding the encounter. If the PCs try to take a rest the DM objects to, they hear the screams of one of the guards coming from the cave accompanied by the terrified cries of Kirklin. The guard’s screams are cut short (when he is killed), but the girl’s wails continue.

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7 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 3: The Climb Down

Map. Sinkhole (Appendix 1)

The sinkhole is eighty feet deep. About forty feet down the cliff face is the entrance to a tunnel. The climb down looks like it would be difficult climb down without a rope.

Encounter background. Ecthrois is in nearly constant communication with the various small animals around the sinkhole, so he cannot be surprised. He has a set of apes ready to attack any PCs trying to climb down the cliff to enter the tunnel.

Running the encounter. The cliff face is vertical and there are some roots and vines to cling to. A creature without a climb speed must climb down the cliff.

Ecthrois has a group of apes guarding the tunnel entrance, and has warned them of the PCs approach. Ecthrois commands them to attack when the PCs are within 30 ft. of the tunnel entrance.

Initiative Matters The PHB states all identical creatures act on the same initiative, but having many opponents act with no PC able to respond dramatically increases the difficulty of an encounter. Breaking a large group up into groups of two solves this.

Scaling the encounter. There are 2 apes for each PC (200 XP per PC). Ape. MM p.317

1Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +4 1Skills Athletics +7, Acrobatics +6, Perception +3 1Snatch. As a bonus action, a creature the ape can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC16 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or the ape grabs a weapon or item of the ape’s choice that the target is holding. 1Action 1Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed on a DC13 Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated for a round.

Concluding the encounter. There is no place for the PCs to take a rest. If they try, Ecthrois and his cats begin loudly killing and eating the hostages.

Dangling on a Cliff Fighting Apes This is intended to be a very cinematic encounter. It also brings a lot of rules interpretations into play. The rules as written (RAW) state that climbing is an Athletics skill, but leaves a lot for the DM to determine. While a DM may choose differently, this is what is recommended.

PHB p.174 gives information on the difficulty of tasks. With those in mind: it is an easy (DC10) task to climb the cliff in no armor; medium (DC15) in light armor; hard (DC20) in medium armor; very hard (DC25) in heavy armor. If a rope is used, the climb is easy regardless of armor.

Note that when climbing, a creature without a climb speed moves at half speed (PHB p.182).

When climbing, a PC can use her action to “climb carefully” and then she does not need to make a Strength (Athletics) check (not part of the RAW).

(Not part of the RAW) If an ape grapples a PC and tries to pull her from the rope (so that the ape can drop the PC), a PC can use her reaction to try to hang onto the rope. To do so, the PC must win a contest using either the PC’s Strength (Athletics) opposed by the ape’s Strength (Athletics). If the ape gets frustrated because it cannot grapple a PC or pull her off the rope, the ape might try to destroy the rope. The ape’s attack is bludgeoning damage and cannot destroy rope, but (PHB p.153) he can burst it with a DC17 Strength check.

It is not just “okay” to vary from the RAW at times, it is expected as part of 5th edition. A DM should know the rules and vary only for a good reason, but variation allows a DM to make a campaign her own.

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8 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Encounter 4: Kanaan’s Favorite

Map. Cave (Appendix 1).

The stench of animal waste and rotting meat assault the nose. The light from a fire pit illuminates the area while casting numerous shadows. It also makes the chamber uncomfortably warm.

From the rear of the cave the sound of a child weeping drifts through the chamber.

Encounter background. Ecthrois Vexx lives a feral lifestyle. He has a group of beasts that he commands and has trained. Running the encounter. Ecthrois despises humanity and civilization. He is feral and enjoys torturing sentient creatures to death before eating them – and not always in that order. The only reason Kirklin and the two guards are still alive is because Ecthrois has been too lazy and satiated from killing the mother and three other guards to kill them yet.

Scaling the encounter. The composition of Ecthrois’ beasts varies with the number of PCs present.

# Ecthrois group XP

1 Ecthrois 450

2 Ecthrois, 4 Cat, Giant Vulture 690

3 Ecthrois, 7 Cat, 2 Giant Vulture


4-5 Ecthrois, 10 Cat, 3 Giant Vulture


6 Ecthrois, 14 Cat, 6 Giant Vulture


7 Ecthrois, 18 Cat, 7 Giant Vulture


8 Ecthrois, 20 Cat, 8 Giant Vulture


Cat. MM p.320 Skills Acrobatic +6, Perception +3, Stealth +4 1Climber. The cat has advantage on the on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks associated with the Climb onto a Bigger Creature action (DMG p.271), and can only be attacked by weapons weighing 1 lb. or less. 1Cover Eyes. When the cat has successfully used the Climb onto a Bigger Creature action (DMG p.271), it can use its action to cover the eyes of the creature with its paws. The cat and the creature have a Dexterity (Acrobatics) contest. If the cat wins, the creature is blind as long as the cat is on the creature, or until the creature wins a Dexterity (Acrobatics) contest or the cat takes an action.

1Cover Mouth. When the cat has successfully used the Climb onto a Bigger Creature action (DMG p.271), it can use its action to cover the mouth of the creature with its paws. The cat and the creature have a Dexterity (Acrobatics) contest. If the cat wins, the creature is unable to speak as long as the cat is on the creature, or until the creature wins a Dexterity (Acrobatics) contest or the cat takes an action.

Giant Vulture. MM p.329 1Hit Points 30 (4d10+8) 1Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4 1Flyby. Per owl (MM p.333)

Ecthrois Vexx (Priest). MM p.348 Armor Class 14 (hide + natural) 1Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 1Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +5 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, healing word 2nd level (3 slots): augury, spiritual weapon. Animal Master. Ecthrois can communicate with any animal. Any creature with a CR less than 2 will follow his directions. 1Kanaan’s Blessing. Ecthrois starts the day with immunity to piercing damage from weapons that aren’t silvered. Once per day he can change this from piercing damage to a bludgeoning or slashing damage as a free action. Ritual Caster. Per PHB p.58 1War Caster. Per PHB p.170

Reactions 1Redirect Attack. When a creature Ecthrois can see targets him with an attack, Ecthrois chooses a beast that he commands within 5 feet of him. Ecthrois and the beast change swap places, and the chosen beast becomes the new target.

Tactics If he has Kanaan’s blessing, Ecthrois will use ritual casting of augury to determine when change the protection type as well as what to change it to.

In combat, he will try to get to the point where he has spirit guardians up, and he can use his action to dodge, while using his bonus action for spiritual weapon or healing word.

Ecthrois will coordinate the animal’s attacks, but if he is eliminated, the remaining animals likely flee unless it looks like they can easily overcome the remaining PCs.

Concluding the encounter. Unless they were eaten, Kirklin and the two militia members are tied at the back of the cave. They are infinitely grateful for being rescued.

If Ecthrois wins he (and Marther) eat the PCs.

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9 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Concluding the Adventure Returning Kirkland and the guards, makes Earl Tarrowin extremely favorable to the PCs. This will be important in DG26 Greenville. The DM should record the trait Favor of Earl Tarrowin on the PCs character sheet.

If the PCs are lost, the Earl becomes a vassal of a neighboring community in order to gain the security his community needs. In this case, the DM should note this for DG26 Greenville.

Magic Items in Dimgaard One of the defining characteristics of the Dimgaard campaign is how magic items are treated. While relatively mundane magic items like common and uncommon potions, +1 weapons, low level spell scrolls, and pearl of power are crafted according to the DMG’s guidelines, every magic item of greater significance requires the sacrifice of a sentient creature with a relevant trait to complete the crafting. For example, Ecthrois might be a sacrifice to add +1d6 radiant damage to a melee weapon because he has sacred flame as a cantrip. A creature sacrificed in this way has its life force transferred into the item, and it cannot be returned to life as long as the magic item exists. Further, when the life force imbues the magic item, the item is magically infused with the story of the creature’s life. The item will take on the name of the sacrificed creature, and a synopsis of the creature’s life will either be magically inscribed, or will be emitted as a soft whisper when held near the ear. This explains why dragonborn and other exotic creatures are rare in Dimgaard.

Crafting is sometimes used as a method of execution for the most vile of criminals, but almost always after an agreement between a civil authority and the One True Faith that the criminal warrants such a drastic fate.

As the creatures appropriate to craft magic items have dwindled, the formulae for the processes have become rare, too.

So, if the DM is inclined and the PCs capture Marther and Ecthrois they may be able to find a crafter to convert them into magic items, and they may want to get sanction for such an action from the One True Faith and Earl Tarrowin to avoid getting a reputations as item crafters.

Treasure Treasure is deliberately not mentioned. The amount of treasure is a defining trait for a DM’s campaign (“High wealth”/”Low wealth”). If the DM wants a gritty realism campaign where the PCs are struggling in a dark world, she should keep wealth low. If she wants a campaign with PCs tossing gems around and building monuments, she should add generous treasure.

If the PCs were triumphant, they have defeated a legendary creature, and infiltrated a hostile lair, so a hoard would be justified. The DMG chapter 7 has the guidelines for determining treasure. Alternately, this site does an excellent job of quickly generating treasure.

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10 DG25 Pit of Karaan

By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch

Appendix 1: DM Maps

Forest Map

1. Undergrowth is difficult terrain, and is lightly obscured terrain through 10 ft. Past 10 ft. it is

heavily obscured terrain. 2. Tree is the same as undergrowth, but a creature in tree terrain can claim half cover against

any attack.

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1 square = 5 ft. Light foliage is lightly obscured terrain. Dense foliage is difficult terrain that is lightly obscured terrain through 10 feet, and then highly obscured.

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By Dan Hass with editing by Jeremy Esch
